I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 140 Is New Asia Media going to establish a TV station?

When Song Yi returned home, Kim Tae Hee was already asleep. Although he had already taken a bath at Quan Zhixian's house, he still soaked in the bathtub for a while to make sure that there was no feminine scent on his body before going back to the bedroom to sleep.

Kim Tae Hee felt her boyfriend get under the blanket and placed her thighs on her boyfriend skillfully. Song Yi was also exhausted today, and the two of them hugged each other and fell asleep.

When Kim Tae Hee woke up in the morning, she found that her boyfriend was no longer around. She went to find her boyfriend in her pajamas and found him preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Sister Jin Xiyuan has also woken up and is drinking hot milk in the kitchen. Song Yi didn't look like he had only slept for five or six hours, he looked very energetic.

"Aren't there only two classes in the morning? Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Song Yi was obviously in a good mood today.

"I don't want to sleep in alone." Kim Tae Hee coquettishly told her boyfriend.

Jin Xiyuan simply didn't look at it, "Taixi, can you act a little more coldly? Is it because Song Yi went on a business trip and you couldn't sleep well at night? If your fans know what you just said, their My heart will be broken.”

Kim Tae Hee said plausibly, "I am an actor, not an idol. The audience only needs to pay attention to my works, they don't need to pay attention to my private life."

Song Yi agreed, "You're right. Actors only need to perform their works well. Fans actually don't care whether actors are in love or married. Idols need to rely on fans to support themselves, but actors don't."

Jin Xiyuan drank the milk in the cup in one gulp and shook her head helplessly, "Forget it, just pamper Tae Hee. When she joins the company after graduation next year, I'll see if she can still be so childish."

After breakfast, Song Yi drove to send his girlfriend to school, and Jin Xiyuan drove to the company to work. Song Yi usually drives Kim Tae Hee to school whenever he has time. Only when Song Yi is busy or is not in Seoul, Kim Tae Hee will drive his BMW M3 to school.

When Jin Xiyuan drove to the entrance of the Xinya Building parking lot, she found that her Elantra was followed by a yellow Porsche 911 Turbo. The owner of the car was a fashionable and beautiful young beauty. Because she was wearing sunglasses, Jin Xiyuan could not recognize her. who.

Jin Xiyuan was a little confused. In the entire New Asia Media, only Jun Ji-hyun owned a silver Porsche 911 Turbo. Could it be that Jun Ji-hyun lent her car to someone else to drive it? But I haven’t heard of Jun Ji-hyun changing the tint film on her car?

Because it was the peak hour for work, everyone queued up to enter the underground garage. Although the traffic moved forward very slowly, the owner of the Porsche 911 behind him did not blow his horn to urge her. This gave Jin Xiyuan a good first impression of her.

Jin Xiyuan has seen many sports cars on the streets of Seoul. Most of the owners of these sports cars are the second or third generation of consortiums in Seoul.

If Jin Xiyuan drives her Elantra in front of their sports car, these young people will honk their horns desperately. In their eyes, if you don't give way to him, you are committing a heinous crime.

According to Jin Xiyuan's current salary income, she only needs one year's salary to buy the latest 911, but Jin Xiyuan doesn't think it is necessary. After all, the car is just a means of transportation.

However, these children of the consortium also know who they can't afford to offend. If Jin Xiyuan goes out to do errands in Song Yi's Rolls-Royce Silver Angel, the speakers of those sports cars will seem to have collectively failed.

Jin Xiyuan found her exclusive parking space and parked her car first. When she walked to the elevator, she found the yellow Porsche parked in the visitor parking space of New Asia Building.

"Isn't he an employee of the company?" Jin Xiyuan felt more and more interesting. She actually wanted to know the identity of the Porsche owner, but she was too embarrassed to wait for others to get off the car, so she decided to go upstairs first and then ask for the visitor's information.

The original plan of New Asia Building was that the 2nd to 4th floors were for New Asia Music, the 5th to 7th floors were for New Asia Films, and the 8th to 10th floors were for the parent company New Asia Media. Although New Asia Network Co., Ltd. is registered in New Asia Building , the actual office address is a 4-story office building in Ziyangdong.

After New Asia Music and New Asia Pictures moved in, they discovered that these two companies didn't need a three-story office building at all.

Later, New Asia Network Co., Ltd. moved from Ziyangdong and occupied the 4th to 5th floors alone. So the first floor of the New Asia Building is a cafe and staff restaurant, the 2nd to 3rd floors are New Asia Music, the 4th to 5th floors are New Asia Network, the 6th to 7th floors are New Asia Pictures, the 8th floor is New Asia Agency, and the 9th floor and the 10th floor is the parent company New Asia Media.

As for the 4-story office building in Ziyangdong, it was also purchased by New Asia Capital Fund and serves as the Seoul headquarters of New Asia Capital.

Although New Asia Capital still belongs to the New Asia Group, its relationship with its parent company, New Asia Media, is no longer so close. Except for Li Yizhi, the president of New Asia Capital, who will come to New Asia Building for meetings, basically none of the employees of New Asia Capital have been to New Asia Building.

Jin Xiyuan came to the top floor. Song Yi's secretary Jiang Xiuna had already arrived early. She was busy cleaning the Chinese tea set on Song Yi's desk.

Jin Xiyuan entered the tea room with her coffee cup and said to Jiang Souna: "Souna, I found a super handsome yellow Porsche 911 Turbo when I was downstairs today. Although the owner of the car was wearing sunglasses, I could tell at a glance that she was a beautiful woman. , she looked familiar to me, but I didn’t recognize who she was.”

Obviously, this beautiful Porsche owner is Samsung’s little princess Chen Xinyu. Chen Xinyu submitted her resume last night. Xinya Network's HR work efficiency is not that high. They have not yet screened the resume. The reason why she drove here was to have an on-site inspection of the working environment of New Asia Network.

Jin Xiyuan and Chen Xinyu met each other. When Kim Tae Hee celebrated her birthday last year, Song Yi booked a reservation at the Mingles restaurant in Seoul to celebrate her girlfriend's birthday. Chen Xinyu was also dining in the restaurant at that time, and Jin Xiyuan had met the three-star little princess at that time.

Because Chen Xinyu is studying at Ewha Womans University, she rarely appears in public like her brothers and sisters. Jin Xiyuan and Chen Xinyu haven't seen each other for more than a year, so it's normal for them to not recognize each other for a while.

Jiang Xiuna finished cleaning the tea set and placed the newspapers and magazines she subscribed to on the desk. Song Yi hasn't arrived at the company yet, so she can take a break from her busy schedule and chat with Jin Xiyuan.

"Could she be an artist who came here to discuss cooperation? Didn't you say she is young, beautiful and elegant?" Jiang Xiuna said.

"Impossible, no artist has the temperament and nobility she has. She was born into a very wealthy family, just like President Zheng of Asan Group when he was young." Jin Xiyuan felt uncomfortable picture.

"Could it be a relative of our president? For example, the youngest daughter of Chairman Zhou Mong-koo of Hyundai Motor?" Jiang Souna continued to guess.

"Impossible! The ages don't match, and our president rarely interacts with President Mengjiu's family. Moreover, President Mengjiu has very strict requirements for his children and will never allow his children to buy foreign sports cars. President Mengjiu There is a famous saying, if you don't buy a Hyundai car yourself, how can you expect consumers to ride Hyundai with confidence?" Kim Hee-won still doesn't think it is right.

Assuming that this beautiful Porsche owner is a member of the Hyundai family, it is impossible for them not to know Song Yi's person, Jin Xiyuan. After the beautiful car owner recognized Jin Xiyuan, she would say hello to Jin Xiyuan immediately instead of sitting in the car waiting for Jin Xiyuan to go upstairs.

In fact, Chen Xinyu did recognize Jin Xiyuan, and she was afraid that Jin Xiyuan would tell Song Yi about it. If Song Yi knew that Chen Xinyu came to Xinya Network for an interview, she might not even be able to pass the re-examination.

Chen Xinyu thought very well. After she passed the interview, she would use Chen Fuzhen to persuade Song Yi to keep her working at Xinya Network.

Although Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi are on the same page, smart Chen Xinyu has noticed that Chen Fuzhen still cares about Song Yi. If Chen Xinyu talks about Song Yi's latest news in front of Chen Fuzhen, Chen Fuzhen will basically listen to her patiently.

Moreover, Chen Xinyu discovered that when New Asia Entertainment was first established, Chen Fuzhen attended the company's opening ceremony.

Although Chen Fuzhen poured a glass of red wine on Song Yi at the scene, Song Yi did not trouble Chen Fuzhen. She suspected that Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi still had a certain tacit understanding on certain things.

Chen Xinyu knew that her sister Chen Fuzhen was a person with high aspirations and always treated other men with no pretense, but she was different when it came to Song Yi. Otherwise, at the Korea Advertising Awards the year before last, Song Yi embraced Chen Fuzhen after winning the award, but Chen Fuzhen did not push Song Yi away. This is almost impossible to happen in Chen Xinyu's heart.

Just like when she tested her sister Chen Fuzhen a few days ago and suggested that she wanted to intern at Xinya Network, Chen Fuzhen only said that she was nonsense and her father would not agree. The smart Chen Xinyu has already heard the subtext. Although Chen Jianxi will not agree, Song Yi will not stop her from going to Xinya Network Co., Ltd. for an internship.

Song Yi returned to the company from Seoul National University. When he drove into the underground parking lot of Xinya Building, he also saw the dazzling Porsche 911 Turbo.

He took the special elevator back to the top floor. When he passed Jiang Xiuna's office, he couldn't help but be curious, "Whose is that yellow Porsche 911 downstairs?"

Jiang Xiuna covered her mouth and smiled, "Boss, I was still guessing that you bought this car specially for Tae Hee."

Song Yi was speechless, "It's not like Taixi doesn't have a car now, and her personality doesn't like driving a sports car. She thinks it's too ostentatious. Besides, why did I buy Taixi a car for no reason? I didn't do anything wrong. "

Jiang Souna smiled and said nothing. She pointed to the entertainment section of today's "Chosun Ilbo", "The new movie queen of the Daejong Award showed her love to her boss in public. Maybe the boss has already moved on to another woman?" 》

Song Yi was not angry, "These newspapers are chasing rumors all day long. I think they didn't take Xiyuan's warning to Chosun TV yesterday at all. One day I will sue them and bankrupt them."

Having experienced the Internet self-media era, he is very familiar with the current entertainment media routines. They first pick an eye-catching title, and then write some specious content. It seems that they say everything. In fact, the entire report has no substantive content, and it is just a headline.

If Song Yi really went to court with these media, they would be happy to see the outcome. Anyway, they didn't really slander Song Yi or Quan Zhixian's personal reputation. Even if they lost the lawsuit, they wouldn't be able to pay much money.

In the South Korean news world, the status of the three major TV stations and the three major newspapers is very strong. The Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo deliberately attacked Song Woo-seok, the presidential candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party, in current affairs news. Song Woo-seok has no way to fight back immediately.

As Song Woo-seok said, without the social networking site inschool, after he was scolded by Chosun Ilbo, he would not have been able to find a place to talk back.

Song Yi remembers that during Song Woo-seok's administration, South Korea established its second private TV station, OBS (Gyeongin Broadcasting), and South Korea's first private TV station was SBS (Seoul Broadcasting).

OBS is also the fourth commercial broadcasting station to enter Seoul, the capital of South Korea, after KBS, MBC and SBS.

The viewing area of ​​OBS is mainly in the surrounding areas of Seoul City, Incheon Metropolitan City and Gyeonggi Province. OBS is headquartered in Bucheon City, Gyeonggi Province, and Bucheon City is also a satellite city of Seoul City. OBS was founded in August 2006 and launched in December 2007.

Song Woo-seok has fully realized the importance of public opinion propaganda through the intra-party election in April. If inschool did not broadcast the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok" on time, Song Woo-seok may not be able to defeat Han Jinli and win the new millennium Democratic Party. Primary election.

In fact, Song Yuxi and Song Yi have talked about this issue. Song Yuxi personally supports New Asia Media's entry into the news publishing industry.

Song Yuxi suggested that Song Yi should take it step by step. He could first start a newspaper, and then use the newspaper as the basis to create a private TV station.

Song Yi knows that paper media like newspapers and magazines will eventually decline, and Internet media like inshcool will be the mainstream of news in the future.

However, no matter how developed the Internet media is, it cannot replace the status of TV stations. Even if Netflix later invests US$2.5 billion to produce TV shows and movies in South Korea, it will not be able to shake the status of the three major TV stations, KBS, MBC and SBS.

As for the influence of the wireless TV station OBS, which was born with a golden key, it is not as influential as the later established cable TV stations JTBC and TVN. JTBC played an irreplaceable key role in reporting on Zheng Jinhui’s “best friend’s involvement in politics”.

As a subsidiary of the JoongAng Ilbo, JTBC showed no mercy in reporting on Samsung head Chen Jae-yong. In JTBC news, it was revealed that Chen Jae-yong paid tens of billions of won in bribes to President Chung Kim-hye.

Song Yi has actually considered controlling SBS TV station. After all, the market value of SBS TV station is now less than one trillion won. But even if New Asia Media spends one trillion won in real money, Song Yi may not be able to win SBS.

First of all, Tai Wing Real Estate and Construction, the major shareholder of SBS, will not give up control of SBS. Even if New Asia Media acquires SBS's circulating shares from the market, SBS's stock price will rise dramatically, and major shareholders such as Korea National Pension and Daehan Investment Trust will not agree to New Asia Media's hostile takeover.

Even if New Asia Media succeeds in replacing Tai Young Real Estate and Construction as the largest shareholder of SBS, the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission may come forward to veto New Asia Media's control of SBS. The reason is likely to "endanger Korean communications security."

So from this perspective, it is actually less difficult for New Asia Media to re-establish a new TV station than to control SBS.

Which of the five major conglomerates, Samsung, Hyundai, SK, LG and Lotte, cannot afford this 1 trillion won? Why didn't they think of controlling SBS? Don’t they know the importance of manipulating public opinion and propaganda?

It is Samsung who knows that SBS is a tough nut to crack, and SBS TV station has always focused on TV dramas and variety shows, while its news business is actually far inferior to KBS and MBC.

And as a private TV station, SBS pays special attention to advertising business. It is certainly impossible for SBS to offend advertising investors such as Samsung, Lotte, and LG.

SBS TV stations rarely report negative news about these large consortiums, such as the negative news about LG Credit Card Company issuing credit cards to people with no income on the streets of Seoul. The news departments of KBS and MBC followed up in a timely manner, but SBS pretended not to know. This thing is the same. SBS's show-stopping show also received fierce criticism from Korean netizens.

Thinking of this, Song Yi called Jin Xiyuan, "I will give you a task. You should conduct a survey during the World Cup. It is best to invite economics professors from Seoul National University and Yonsei University to participate in the discussion."

"The theme of this survey report is 'Which option is more beneficial to the future development of New Asia Media, establishing a TV station or acquiring an existing TV station?'" Song Yi said.

Jin Xiyuan knew that Song Yi was making big moves during the World Cup. Song Yi's office had been remodeled and multiple TV screens were installed on the walls of the office to ensure that Song Yi could follow the latest results of every game during the World Cup in real time.

She knew that Song Yi used funds in his overseas account for World Cup betting, but she did not know the specific scale of the funds.

Although there are hundreds of millions of dollars in New Asia Media's company account, the money has specific uses, and it is impossible for Song Yi to misappropriate company funds to buy football.

New Asia Real Estate's Wangjing Center office building project in Yanjing, New Asia Construction's The One apartment project, and the Liangxi semiconductor factory project jointly owned by Asan Electronics and LG Electronics all require New Asia Capital and New Asia Media to work together to inject blood into these major projects.

In addition to these major projects, New Asia Pictures also needs to develop the HugeDream cinema chain in South Korea. This project also requires a lot of funds to be reserved. Where will New Asia Media get the money to start a TV station now?

However, Jin Xiyuan has one advantage as a subordinate: she is obedient, willing to learn and do what she is told.

"President, are we, New Asia Media, going to establish a TV station?" Jin Xiyuan couldn't help but ask.

"We have this consideration, but it won't be possible for a while. Even if we start preparations now, it will be very smooth to officially launch before New Year's Day in 2004." Song Yi said.

Jin Xiyuan did not ask Song Yi about the source of funds for organizing the TV station. This was not an issue she should consider, unless Jin Xiyuan was the first president of the TV station owned by New Asia Media, but this was impossible to happen in South Korea where seniority is a priority.

If Song Yi is really childish enough to let Kim Hee-won, who is under 30, serve as the president of the new TV station, even if New Asia Media offers a salary twice as high as that of KBS and MBC, it will not be able to poach KBS and MBC TV stations’ news, TV, and Core employees in various departments of advertising and variety shows.

They can't just jump to New Asia's TV station for a high salary, only to have the TV station be on the verge of bankruptcy even after working for two years, right?

You must know that as state-owned TV stations, KBS and MBC are entitled to financial allocations from South Korea. Even if their advertising business is not strong, at least they can still maintain income despite droughts and floods. If private TV stations fail to operate properly, TV station employees will really lose their jobs.

If New Asia Media wants to establish a TV station, it still has a lot to do, such as considering what news programs to broadcast, what TV series or variety shows to broadcast, etc.

"By the way, you can contact MBC's comedy host Yoo Jae Suk in the name of your company. The variety show "Living Together" hosted by him on MBC has been suspended two days ago."

"You ask him if he is willing to merge his personal agency into New Asia Agency. If he agrees, then our New Asia Media can create a separate indoor variety show for him. I have already thought of a name for this variety show. Well, it’s called "X-man"." Song Yi said.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you all tomorrow

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