I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 143 Chen Zaiyong with ulterior motives

When Chen Xinyu saw that her sister Chen Fuzhen supported her in joining Xinya Network as an intern, half of her heart was relieved, as long as she could convince her eldest brother Chen Zaiyong. With her brothers and sisters supporting her, she has the confidence to stay and work at Xinya Network.

That night, Chen Xinyu found her eldest brother Chen Zaiyong and said that she wanted to join Xinya Network as an intern. Chen Zai-rong was stunned. He and Song Yi were currently in the same situation. How could his younger sister Chen Xinyu think of interning at Xinya Network?

Chen Xinyu said that she had been hired by New Asia Network. She heard that New Asia Network had a backdoor listing plan, and she wanted to enter New Asia Network to find out the specific situation.

"Even if New Asia Network wants to go public, you don't need to intern at New Asia Network. The company that New Asia Network is listed on is Shinhan Media. How about I say hello to Chen Zaican and you can intern at Shinhan Media for a while."

"Song Yi is a very scheming person. If I put you next to him, I probably won't know when he sold you. Chen Zaican is your cousin after all. Even though our two families haven't moved much together in two years, he sees that For my father’s sake, I don’t dare to embarrass you in the company.” Chen Zaiyong said.

"Do you want to intern at Shinhan Media? But I don't know much about the advertising industry. If I want to intern at an advertising company, why don't I go to Samsung's Cheil Project?"

"Brother, I am quite optimistic about the development prospects of inschool, a social networking site. Samsung has strong capabilities in hardware production, design and research and development, but the software industry is our weak point."

"If New Asia Network is going to go public through a backdoor listing, then New Asia Network, which has never raised financing, must introduce new shareholders from the outside. If there is an employee like me who is familiar with the situation, as long as I can catch Song Yi's mistakes, maybe our Samsung When the time comes, we can find a way to get Song Yi to hand over Xinya Network obediently. Then won’t inschool become our Samsung’s possession?” Chen Xinyu said.

Chen Zaiyong was a little surprised when he heard what Chen Xinyu said. These words were not something that his younger sister Chen Xinyu could say.

Of course he can see the bright future of inschool, but inschool now has Zhong Xiaotong and Song Yuxi protecting Song Yi from behind. Even if they are as strong as Samsung, they can't swallow inschool through illegal means.

Samsung Networks has also analyzed whether to create a similar product to inschool to seize inschool’s market share. As a result, they concluded that even if Samsung launched a new social networking product, it would not be able to beat even CYworld, the second largest company in the market, let alone inschool, which has a far leading market share.

CYworld is also a direct descendant of SK Telecom, and is also supported by the SK Group, the five major consortiums. The most important reason for inschool’s success is its founder Song Yi. It is said that every revision of inschool is inseparable from Song Yi's participation and design.

Chen Zaiyong is actually not worried about Song Yi attacking Chen Xinyu. No matter how fierce the fight between Song Yi and Chen Zaiyong is, there is a bottom line that cannot be broken in a fight.

If Song Yi dares to hurt Chen Xinyu and sets up a trap for Chen Xinyu to fall in love with a male employee of Xinya Network, and let Chen Xinyu be defrauded of money and sex, Song Yi will not be able to withstand Chen Jianxi's thunderous anger.

The question that Chen Zai-rong is considering now is that Chen Xinyu has such a simple personality and does not know some business war routines. Even if Chen Xinyu enters New Asia Network, can she access and obtain the core secrets of New Asia Network?

For example, in Xinya Network's backdoor listing plan, how many external shareholders are participating, the proportion of equity allocated to each shareholder, and whether there are shares held on behalf of others, Song Yi will definitely not be able to disclose this information to Chen Xinyu.

When Chen Xinyu joins Xinya Network, her position will not be too high. As a member of the modern family, Song Yi must be wary of Chen Xinyu. If Chen Xinyu couldn't get any key information, then why would he put Chen Xinyu next to Song Yi? When the time comes, the younger sister will also be let go, and the wolf hasn't been caught yet, wouldn't it mean that she has gained nothing?

"What position at New Asia Network are you applying for?" Chen Zaiyong asked Chen Xinyu.

"Management trainee for New Asia Network's retail business. I heard HR said that after the management trainee passes the assessment, he or she will be trained as a mid-to-senior management talent for New Asia Network."

"I heard from Director Park that New Asia Network's retail business will be the focus of their company's work in the next year. This is a new project different from inschool."

"Team leader Liu Yongjun, who was previously in charge of inschool, was transferred by Song Yi to personally take charge of Xinya Network's retail business. I feel that as long as I can participate in Xinya Network's new projects and figure out the focus of Xinya Network's work in the next year, then I will Your efforts are not in vain. Brother, what do you think?" Chen Xinyu explained.

When Chen Zaiyong heard what Chen Xinyu said, his thoughts suddenly opened up. He felt that Chen Xinyu was right. If Chen Xinyu could participate in New Asia Network's new projects, he would know the key R\u0026D projects of New Asia Network in the next year. Then Samsung Network can follow suit, and even accumulate manpower to launch similar products of New Asia Network first to seize the market.

"Okay, I understand. I will communicate with my father. In principle, I agree with you to go to Xinya Network for internship. If there is any news at Xinya Network, please inform me in time." Chen Zaiyong said.

Chen Zaiyong felt that it was a pity. If Chen Zaican had successfully caught Song Yi and Cui Shanji last time, then New Asia Network's backdoor listing plan was destined to go bankrupt. You must know that it is not that easy for Song Yi to find a high-quality shell like Xinhan Media.

Moreover, Chen Zaiyong felt that the relationship between Song Yi and Cui Shanji was not as simple as Chen Zaican thought. Maybe Song Yi found out that someone was following his and Cui Shanji's movements, and deliberately set up a trap for Chen Zaican to take the bait. After this incident, Chen Zaican completely believed that Song Yi and Cui Shanji were innocent.

Chen Zaiyong still remembers the photos captured by the paparazzi. When Cui Shanji opened the door to Song Yi, she was wearing a lace pajamas. The style was very sexy. Cui Shanji's breasts and a pair of smooth and delicate white legs were clearly exposed.

Cui Shanji knew that Song Yi was coming to the door, but she never thought about changing into decent clothes before opening the door for Song Yi. This shows that Song Yi is already a very close person to Cui Shanji in her heart.

Chen Zairong suddenly felt something in his heart. He seemed to have overlooked a key issue. What if Chen Zaican had known for a long time that his wife was having an affair with Song Yi, but Chen Zaican had actually turned a blind eye?

He carefully recalled the situation that day. Chen Zaican heard him say that Song Yi and Cui Shanji were dating at his house. Although Chen Zaican's expression was very anxious, his expression was not as angry as expected.

Then will Chen Zaican and Song Yi set up a special trap to fish out the mastermind behind Song Yi? When Chen Zaiyong showed the photos secretly taken by the paparazzi in front of Chen Zaican, it was obvious who was behind the scenes. Is Song Yi already so cunning and cunning?

Thinking of this, Chen Zaiyong felt that it was even more necessary for him to place Chen Xinyu next to Song Yi. Chen Zaiyong found that with the resources he could mobilize currently, there was no way to suppress Song Yi. Unless Chen Jae-yong can be promoted to vice president of Samsung Electronics, he can use all the resources of the entire Samsung Group.

Although they are biological brothers and sisters, Chen Zaiyong is always wary of Chen Fuzhen and Chen Xinyu. Unlike his father Chen Jianxi, Chen Zaiyong has no other brothers. As long as his qualifications and abilities are sufficient, he will be the next generation successor of Samsung Group.

He does not envy Chen Xinyu for holding nearly 200 million US dollars in stocks at a young age, because Chen Xinyu is not involved in the specific operations of Samsung Group. Chen Xinyu has no qualifications in the Samsung Group. No matter how rich she is, she will not be able to inherit Samsung.

On the other hand, Chen Fuzhen has run the Shilla Hotel like an iron barrel, and Chen Zaiyong has no way to place an informant to follow Chen Fuzhen. The more capable Chen Fuzhen showed, the greater the threat Chen Zai-yong felt, and the more he regarded Chen Fuzhen as a thorn in his side.

Chen Zaiyong thought that Chen Fuzhen could take the lead and persuade her father Chen Jianxi to agree to Chen Xinyu's internship at Xinya Network.

If Chen Xinyu does something wrong in Xinya Network, then Chen Fuzhen, who made the original suggestion, will also be held accountable by his father. Chen Zaiyong easily deposed Chen Fuzhen and Chen Xinyu, two competitors who inherited Samsung, and also allowed Chen Xinyu to succeed. The angry father Chen Jianxi took action to abolish Song Yi and the Xinya Department, wouldn't he kill two birds with one stone?

"Xinyu, it's useless for me to agree alone. In this case, you can find Fuzhen again and do her work. Father still loves her very much, so let her beg for you first, and then I will persuade father. This way With a two-pronged approach, the probability of father agreeing will be higher." Chen Zaiyong said with sincerity.

Chen Xinyu didn't know what was going on in Chen Zairong's heart, so she suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you, brother, I'll go find the elder sister right now."

That evening, Chen Jae-yong, Chen Fuzhen and Chen Xinyu all returned to Itaewon for dinner. Luo Hong was surprised to see the three brothers and sisters coming back for dinner together, "Did you three make an appointment? Or do you have something to report to your father today?"

Chen Xinyu is the youngest, so she naturally acts coquettishly towards her mother Luo Hongxi, "Aren't I going to graduate soon? After I graduate, I will start working, and I will be as busy as my brothers and sisters. Then I won't be able to go home for dinner a few times a month." .”

Chen Xinyu joins the work? Luo Hongxi felt something was wrong. She felt that Chen Xinyu was going to become the hostess of a large consortium like her in the future. She usually supported her husband and raised her children, helping her husband maintain relationships among the major consortiums. How could she go out to work?

"What's going on?" Luo Hongxi asked Chen Zaiyong with a straight face.

Chen Zaiyong didn't expect that Chen Xinyu would say it first. He couldn't hide it, so he said that Chen Xinyu secretly went to Xinya Network for an interview and was hired. She wanted to work at Xinya Network. Chen Xinyu was worried that her father Chen Jianxi would not agree, so she wanted them to help.

"What a nonsense! Xinyu is going to study in New York in the second half of the year! What other classes will she take? Are you asking her to give up her study abroad plan and stay in Seoul?" Luo Hongxi was very angry.

Chen Fuzhen was very angry when she saw her mother. She explained that her younger sister Chen Xinyu would not stay and work at Xinya Network for a long time. Chen Xinyu will only go to New Asia Network for an internship for a few months. Chen Xinyu can leave New Asia Network at any time, and it will not delay Chen Xinyu's study in the United States. Even if you miss the second half of the fall semester, you can still catch up with the spring semester next year.

Luo Hongxi found it strange that the three brothers and sisters Chen Zai-yong actually reached an agreement for the first time. Chen Fuzhen and Chen Zai-yong had always been at odds with each other. They both agreed that Chen Xinyu should go to Xinya Network for an internship. There must be something wrong with this.

"Xinya Network? Is it the Internet company founded by Song Yi of the Modern Family?" Luo Hongxi asked.

"Yes, Mom. So have you heard of New Asia Network?" Chen Xinyu was very excited.

The reason why Luo Hongxi noticed Song Yi was actually because of his younger brother Luo Xixuan. JoongAng Daily m\u0026amp;b, Shinhan Media and Yanqing Media jointly launched the fashion magazine "CECI Sisters" in the mainland.

Luo Xixuan came into contact with Song Yi, and he commented that Song Yi is not only the best of the younger generation of modern families, but also the best post-70s entrepreneur in South Korea.

To some extent, Song Yi is actually better than Chen Jae-yong. Although Song Yi came from a modern family, he did not inherit Zhou Zhengyong's inheritance. He founded a large enterprise with assets of nearly one trillion won almost from scratch. Song Yi has shown amazing talents in the four major fields of media, real estate, Internet and investment.

"For people like Song Yi, you can either win him over in advance like Song Yuxi and make him yours. Or kill him in advance and don't let him grow up. I don't know why, but I think Song Yi may threaten him in the future. Samsung status." Luo Xixuan said.

Luo Hongxi originally thought that Na Seok-hyun's statement was nonsense. In Luo Hongxi's view, no family or individual in South Korea can shake Samsung's status as South Korea's largest conglomerate.

Chen Jianxi previously commented that Zhou Zhengyong was old and faint, which caused the split of Hyundai Group. Hyundai Group, split into three, has no ability to challenge Samsung Group.

If Zhou Zhengyong did not favor his younger son, he would directly hand over Hyundai Group to his second son Zhou Mengjiu, allowing Zhou Mengxian and Zhou Mengzhun to assist Zhou Mengjiu with peace of mind. Samsung Group may not be able to replace Hyundai Group as South Korea's largest conglomerate.

Hyundai Motor Group, Hyundai Group and Asan Group are developing independently, and they all seem to be prosperous. However, whenever one of these three companies has operational problems, the other two will sit on the sidelines and not lend a helping hand.

If any subsidiary of Samsung Group encounters a shortage of funds, other subsidiaries will do their best to help. This is the difference between the Samsung family and the Hyundai family.

Luo Hongxi remembered that Song Yi was not married yet and heard that he had a celebrity girlfriend and the two were living together. Song Yi spent tens of billions of won to buy a single-family villa in Seongbuk-dong and became a neighbor of Asan Group Chairman Zheng Eunxuan.

It is obviously not easy to kill Song Yi now, so is it possible to turn Song Yi into one of our own? Luo Hongxi glanced at Chen Fuzhen. Chen Fuzhen agreed that Chen Xinyu should go to Xinya Network for an internship. Could it be that she wanted to place her sister Chen Xinyu next to Song Yi and wanted them to have a blind date?

It has to be said that Luo Hongxi's guess is very close to the truth. Luo Hongxi had seen Song Yi on TV. The young man had outstanding looks and could be described as a talented person. It's just that Song Yi's private life doesn't seem to have a very good reputation. It's said that he has had scandals with several female celebrities.

Luo Hongxi didn't mind a successful man playing with women outside. Chen Jianxi invites young women to his home for dates all year round. Afterward, he will give each woman an envelope containing 5 million won. In comparison, it doesn't matter if Song Yi plays with a few female stars, as long as Song Yi can cut off relations with these Yingying Yanyan after marriage.

The reason why Chen Jianxi sent Chen Xinyu to study in New York was so that Chen Xinyu could get close to the children of American capital giants and become friends with them. If Chen Xinyu is attracted by the heir of an old money family on the east coast of the United States, Samsung's position in South Korea will become even more solid.

However, Luo Hongxi did not want his daughter to marry a white man. Luo Hongxi and Chen Jianxi visited the United States together. Even though she is the wife of the richest man in South Korea, she can still feel the contempt for her from the white Anglo-Saxon Americans.

Although Song Yi is Chinese, he is a member of a modern family and a frequent visitor to South Korea's rich list. If Chen Xinyu and Song Yi get married, it will not be an insult to the Samsung family. As parents, how many would like their daughters to marry far away?

Luo Hongxi naturally ignored Song Yi's girlfriend Jin Taixi. In Luo Hongxi's eyes, Jin Taixi and Chen Xinyu were not comparable at all.

If she were Song Yi, choosing between Kim Tae Hee and Chen Xinyu, she would definitely choose the latter without hesitation. You know, if Song Yi could marry Chen Xinyu, he would save at least twenty years of hard work.

After Chen Jianxi returned home, Luo Hongxi took the initiative to mention that Chen Xinyu was going to intern at New Asia Network. Chen Zai-rong could not help but feel a little upset because his mother Luo Hongxi would stand up for Chen Xinyu. If Chen Xinyu caused any negative news on Xinya Network, he would not be able to shift the responsibility to Chen Fuzhen.

Transition plot, adjust it, more updates tomorrow. Mainly thinking about the World Cup plot, does anyone know the odds of the World Cup in Japan and South Korea? Thank you all for your monthly votes.

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