I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 144: Shooting Rabbits in the Grass

Luo Hongxi's rhetoric was very skillful. She just said that Chen Xinyu planned to find an internship at an Internet company in Seoul City and did not want to work in a company owned by Samsung.

Chen Jianxi mistakenly thought that Chen Xinyu just wanted to find a job to kill time so as not to be too bored in the two months after graduation.

"There are many Internet companies in Seoul, why did you choose New Asia Network?" Chen Jianxi did not object to Chen Xinyu getting in touch with the company's specific business, but he didn't like Song Yi. He still remembers the first time he met Song Yi. He always felt that Song Yi's personality was a bit unruly.

"Dad, I think social networking sites may replace portals like Duam or Naver, and users will prefer to obtain information through social networking sites. The most successful social networking site in South Korea is inschool. When I learn the operating model of inschool, I You can go back to Samsung and copy a similar product to replace inschool's market position." Chen Xinyu is full of fighting spirit.

Chen Jianxi found it funny. If inschool could be replaced so easily, it would not be regarded as a major enemy by Naver, Yahoo Korea and Daum. The reason why inschool is not promoted well at Korea University is that Lee Guangwang and Yahoo Korea jointly put pressure on it.

Chen Jianxi considered that Chen Xinyu would go to New York to study in the second half of the year and would live overseas for at least three years. Chen Xinyu's personality is too simple, so she might as well go to Xinya Network to suffer a little. If Chen Xinyu goes to Xinya Network for an internship, her colleagues will not necessarily sell her face.

He heard that Song Yi had always promoted flat management at Xinya Network, unlike Korean companies that emphasized superiority and hierarchy in the workplace. Every employee of Xinya Network can report problems to Song Yi through inschool’s internal email. Song Yi will reply as soon as possible after seeing the email.

Chen Jianxi looked at Chen Zaiyong. He originally wanted to say hello to Song Yi through Chen Zaiyong and ask Song Yi to take care of Chen Xinyu in the company. At least to ensure Chen Xinyu's personal safety, and to prevent Chen Xinyu from being raped by young male colleagues in the company. Harassment. He already has a daughter who married low, and will never allow another daughter to marry a poor boy in pursuit of true love.

However, Chen Jianxi remembered that Chen Zaiyong seemed to have a bad relationship with Song Yi. If Chen Zaiyong greeted Song Yi, it might be counterproductive.

Chen Jianxi turned his head to Chen Fuzhen, "Fuzhen, in this case, take some time to go to Xinya Network with Xinyu. You talk to Song Yi and let him look after Xinyu in the company."

"I have three requests: First, let Xinyu participate in the specific work of Xinya Network, and not leave it to the administrative or human resources departments. Secondly, do not reveal Xinyu's identity to the employees of Xinya Network .Third, let Song Yi take care of Xin Yu's personal safety."

When Chen Fuzhen heard what Chen Jianxi said, he couldn't help but want to complain about his father. Song Yi is not your subordinate. The company under Song Yi's name doesn't expect Samsung to make a living, so why do you ask Song Yi for this and that?

Although she thought this in her heart, her face became more respectful, "I understand, do you think we should arrange a bodyguard around Xinyu?"

Chen Xinyu became anxious when she heard what Chen Fuzhen said, "Onie, I used to go to work, how could I have a bodyguard next to me when I was working? Well, if you are worried about my safety, then I won't If I drive, my family will arrange a driver for me to pick me up and drop me off every day. Is this okay?"

Luo Hongxi had other considerations, and she didn't want to restrict her younger daughter Chen Xinyu too much. In order to prevent Chen Fuzhen from being approached by boys from ordinary families, Chen Jianxi and Luo Hongxi arranged a private bodyguard for her, You Zaizhi.

Who knew that they had calculated so much that Chen Fuzhen would not develop a liking for You Zaizhi. Chen Fuzhen went on a hunger strike to protest, so that they would agree to Chen Fuzhen's marriage to You Zaizhi. It is precisely because of Chen Fuzhen's precedent that Chen Jianxi's personal bodyguards for Chen Xinyu are all female.

"Xinyu, you are going to work at Xinya Network this time. You are not asked to make friends with your colleagues in the company. Moreover, colleagues often cannot be friends because they are involved in conflicts of interest. As for dinner parties or KTV singing in the company You don’t need to participate in such group activities." Luo Hongxi told her daughter.

Chen Xinyu knew that this was her parents' bottom line, and she had no intention of bargaining with Chen Jianxi and the others. "I understand, thank you, mom." Chen Xinyu smiled with satisfaction.

On the morning of May 31, Chen Fuzhen drove Chen Xinyu to Xinya Building. After the Chen Fuzhen sisters drove into the underground parking lot, Song Yi's personal secretary Jiang Xiuna was waiting for their arrival in the parking lot.

"President Chen, Miss Xinyu, hello. The president is currently busy receiving guests from the mainland and has arranged for me to pick you up." Jiang Xiuna explained with a smile.

When Chen Fuzhen heard the word mainland, he already had the answer in his mind, but he didn't explain it. "Excuse me, Secretary Jiang."

Jiang Xiuna led Chen Fuzhen and the others to Song Yi's special elevator, and then directly to the top floor of Xinya Building. Jiang Xiuna brought Chen Fuzhen and the others to her office, "President Chen, Miss Xinyu, please take a rest here for a while. I will make you a cup of coffee first. Our president's coffee is quite good."

When Jiang Xiuna left the office, Chen Xinyu couldn't help but comment on Jiang Xiuna, "Even if Song Yi is looking for a secretary, he must at least be eye-catching. Song Yi, this secretary, feels more beautiful than Secretary Jin next to my father."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Aren't you afraid that others will hear you making a joke?" Chen Fuzhen was unwilling to comment on Chen Jianxi with Chen Xinyu.

Putting aside everything else, she could at least be sure that Song Yi had not slept with Jiang Xiuna. Moreover, Jiang Souna's work ability is also very good. She previously served as the leader of the planning team at Shinhan Media, and later returned to Song Yi as Song Yi's personal secretary.

Secretaries and drivers are the leaders’ confidants and their own people. She believed that Song Yi could not keep a vase woman by his side just to satisfy his selfish desires.

"Sister, this is not like your personality. Since you became a mother, I found that you are much gentler." Chen Xinyu noticed that Chen Fuzhen's personality has changed a lot.

Within a few minutes, Song Yi hurried to the office. He had not seen Chen Fuzhen for several months and missed her very much.

When Song Yi saw Chen Fuzhen, he almost subconsciously called out Fuzhen. When he saw Chen Xinyu, he immediately changed his tune and said, "Fuzhen—President, Miss Xinyu, I have been busy just now. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

Chen Fuzhen understood Song Yi's words, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. The relationship between her and Song Yi almost broke down in front of her sister Chen Xinyu.

"It's okay, Xinyu and I have just arrived. As Secretary Jiang said, the coffee beans in President Song's private collection are indeed of good quality." Chen Fuzhen raised the coffee cup and thanked Song Yi.

Today, Chen Fuzhen is wearing a white suit skirt, black stockings, and high heels of the same color. She is still in the same workplace style as always.

Chen Xinyu wore something more youthful and beautiful, wearing a beige T-shirt and a small floral skirt. The length of the skirt was just right, making her legs look extra slender.

Song Yi sat down, "I heard that President Chen has agreed to Miss Xinyu's internship in Xinya? I originally thought that Miss Xinyu would spend at least half a month to convince President Chen, but it was done in a few days. President Chen really likes Miss Xinyu very much."

Chen Fuzhen heard what Song Yi said and knew that Song Yi was deliberately teasing her. She glared at Song Yi behind Chen Xinyu's back and signaled Song Yi to go through Xinyu's entry procedures quickly so that she and Song Yi could be alone for a while.

Song Yi understood immediately, called Jiang Xiuna, and asked Jiang Xiuna to take Chen Xinyu to go through the entry procedures.

Chen Xinyu said to Chen Fuzhen: "Sister, wait for me here for a while. After I complete the entry procedures, I will go back with you." Chen Fuzhen smiled and agreed.

As soon as Chen Xinyu left the office, Song Yi immediately took Chen Fuzhen's hand and walked into his office.

Chen Fuzhen did not forget to tease Song Yi, "President Song, I am a married woman now, what are you talking about when you are arguing with me?"

Song Yi was very domineering and hugged Chen Fuzhen, "Really? Then you came here today just to see me?"

Chen Fuzhen rolled his eyes at Song Yi and said, "Don't be so slutty. If my father hadn't asked me to send Xinyu here specially, I wouldn't have wanted to come to your territory and be bullied by you. I'm not as heartless as someone. We, mother and son, are in the United States. I've been here for months, but someone never shows up, and I don't know if he has forgotten us."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Yuan Zhong is now the eldest son of our Song family. Who dares to forget you." Song Yi kissed Chen Fuzhen on the lips.

Chen Fuzhen was a little disgusted, "Don't move around. If Xinyu sees it, I won't be able to explain it for a long time. I want to maintain the image of a sister in front of her. If she knows that I have a lover outside, my image will be completely ruined."

"Does Xinyu like Yuan Zhong?" Song Yi had no further thoughts and just wanted to chat with Chen Fuzhen for a while.

"I like it very much. Xinyu said that Yuan Zhong is very good-looking and has inherited all my advantages. She even changed Yuan Zhong's diapers." Chen Fuzhen smiled when he talked about his son.

"By the way, is it your suggestion that Chen Xinyu comes to Xinya Network for internship? If Xinyu comes to Xinya Network for internship, you can come to Xinya Building to meet me openly." Song Yi asked Chen Fuzhen.

Chen Fuzhen snorted, "I obviously took your special elevator to go upstairs, how could I be so aboveboard? Are you afraid that I will meet your little lovers in your company?"

Song Yi was very thick-skinned, "I'm a person who never eats grass, so how can I have a lover in the company?"

But Chen Fuzhen looked arrogant, "Really? Then why don't you call Kim Hee-won, Song Hye-kyo and Jun Ji-hyun over and let them know who the big and small kings are?"

Song Yi's mind was racing. He was wondering whether Chen Fu had obtained substantial evidence or was trying to trick her out of how many women he had. It’s not surprising that Chen Fuzhen guessed Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, but why did she mention Kim Xi-won?

Jin Xiyuan is Kim Tae Hee's sister, the executive director of New Asia Media, and the president of New Asia Agency. It is normal for her to accompany Song Yi to attend New Asia Media's business activities. Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan stayed in hotels and booked executive suites directly.

"Are you thinking why I mentioned Jin Xiyuan? In fact, I didn't notice her at first. But last time when Brother Chan came home to catch someone raping, you and Jin Xiyuan appeared together at Brother Chan's house, and I realized that you The relationship with Jin Xiyuan is no longer an ordinary superior-subordinate relationship."

"If you had never slept with Kim Hee-won, it would be impossible for you to trust her so much based on her status as your girlfriend's sister. Let me put this here, even if you break up with Kim Tae-hee one day, you will still stay Kim Hee-won is doing things around her.”

"President Song, you have the beautiful sisters Kim Hee-won and Kim Tae-hee at the same time, and you sleep with two of the most beautiful celebrities in Korea at the same time. You are really blessed. I worked so hard to give birth to your child abroad, But you are hugging me all over the country, don't you think too little of me, Chen Fuzhen?" Chen Fuzhen complained half-truthfully.

Song Yi did not respond to Chen Fuzhen's speculation, "Of course I want to go there, but you are giving birth in the United States. If I show up in the hospital, it will be easily noticed by interested people. I am not afraid of You Zaizhi making trouble, even if he knows that Yuan Zhong is not It doesn't matter if it's his own. If your father really hates you, then I'll be in trouble."

Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi took the time to talk about business. She and Song Yi talked about Chen Jianxi's three requests. Song Yi thought about it for a few seconds and immediately agreed.

"That's no problem. Our New Asia Network doesn't support idle people. Since Xinyu has received New Asia Network's salary, she has to take on her work tasks."

"I recently plan to develop a racing game, and the name has been registered. It's called "Kart Racing". Xinyu is more interested in racing, and it just allows her to participate in the design and development of this online game. Maybe she will also It can bring new ideas to this online game." Song Yi had already thought about what Chen Xinyu should do.

Inschool and the shopping website Sohan.com are the two most important core projects of New Asia Network. This information must be kept strictly confidential from Chen Xinyu.

In the 2000s, "Kart Racer" and "Penguin Speed", which Penguin later imitated, were both popular for a period of time. Now that "Legend of Blood" has occupied most of the mainland online game market, "Kart Racing" is very suitable as the second online game of New Asia Network.

Song Yi planned to use the online game "Kart Racing" to divert most of Chen Xinyu's attention, so that Chen Xinyu would not notice projects such as Souhan.com. In order to show Song Yi's importance to Chen Xinyu, Song Yi will also personally participate in the design and development of the online game "Kart Racing".

Chen Fuzhen heard what Song Yi said, "You are still more clever. While using Xinyu to help you release smoke bombs and interfere with the judgment of the elder brother and the others, you also use Xinyu to help you make money. You capitalists really want to Earn the last piece of steel in someone else's pocket."

Song Yi smiled and said, "President Chen, we are all the same kind of people, so don't make mistakes at the same time. By the way, remember to talk to You Zaizhi about divorce in the past two days. He won't talk like a lion now?" "

Chen Fuzhen didn't expect such a surprise. She guessed it immediately, "What's going on? Did you get evidence of his cheating?"

"Yes, when you were the vice president of Samsung Electro-Mechanics, You Jae-sik accepted paid escorts arranged by an entertainment company boss, including two female stars in the entertainment industry, one was Lee Eun-joo and the other was Jang Ja-yeon. Lee Eun-joo was the winner of last year's Blue Dragon Award Best new actress."

"Hee-won originally wanted to sign Lee Eun-joo, but Lee Eun-joo's agency used her private videos as a threat to ask Lee Eun-joo to renew her contract with their company. Lee Eun-joo really wanted to get out of her misery, so she secretly sent those videos to us. Only then did I discover Lee Eun-joo Among the people sleeping with him, there is a bastard named You Zaizhi. This is a surprise." Song Yi was very proud.

Chen Fuzhen actually wanted to cut the knot quickly, and You Zaizhi also wanted a divorce. He and Chen Fuzhen had no feelings and just wanted to live happily with the breakup fee given by Chen Fuzhen.

Now that Chen Fuzhen has substantial evidence of You Zaizhi's cheating and domestic violence, she goes to court to file for divorce, and You Zaizhi will not get any property.

On the contrary, if he and Chen Fuzhen agreed to divorce, he would be able to make billions more. Chen Fuzhen did not want to go to court to sue unless it was a last resort. If the divorce case of the Samsung Princess drags on for too long, both Chen Jianxi and Luo Hongxi will feel disgraced.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow.

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