I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 145 The rebellious Kim Hyung-soo

When Chen Xinyu completed the entry procedures and saw Chen Fuzhen again, she found that Chen Fuzhen's face was rosy, his complexion had improved a lot, and he seemed to have put on makeup again.

She looked at Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen suspiciously, trying to get clues from their expressions. The experienced Song Yi looked calm, while Chen Fuzhen felt a little embarrassed and seemed to be deliberately avoiding the eyes of her younger sister Chen Xinyu.

Chen Fuzhen's toes were almost touching each other, and she was a little restless. She couldn't help complaining about this bad guy Song Yi, who even wanted to rob her own son's food rations. You must know that she is too thin and cannot breastfeed for a few months.

Song Yi took the initiative and prepared to see off the guests, "Xinyu, since you have completed the entry procedures, I won't keep you any longer. I will entertain some friends later."

"New Asia Network's working hours are from 9am to 6am from Monday to Thursday, and half day on Friday from 9am to 1pm."

"In principle, the company does not encourage overtime work, because overtime work requires double salary, unless it is a key project that I, Liu Yongjun, or Quan Zhouhao are focused on. Because the average salary level of Xinya Network is about 1.5 times that of Internet companies in Seoul, in order to be strict To control expenses, I am the final approver of overtime applications, and I have not approved it so far.”

"Today happens to be Friday, so you don't have to work in the afternoon. Jiang Xiuna just took you to meet colleagues in the same department of the company, so you don't need to familiarize yourself with the work in advance. Just come to work on time next Monday. Remember not to be late."

"Your work card can be used to swipe the elevator access control, or you can directly spend money in the cafe and staff restaurant downstairs. The company has recharged 200,000 won into your personal account. If the balance is used up, you can recharge at the restaurant cashier." Song Yi said.

When Chen Xinyu saw Song Yi's business-like attitude, she inexplicably got cold feet and didn't ask Song Yi if he had bullied her sister just now.

Chen Fuzhen had just given birth not long ago, and she still had to undergo a review in Seoul Hospital. It was impossible for Song Yi to have anything happen to Chen Fuzhen. And based on her understanding of Chen Fuzhen, Chen Fuzhen doesn't have a good face every time he sees Song Yi. If there is really anything between the two of them, then she can only say that their acting skills are no less than those of the Best Actor and Queen of the Grand Bell Award. .

When Chen Xinyu and Chen Fuzhen returned to the car together, she still couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked Chen Fuzhen why his face was so red.

Chen Fuzhen knew that she couldn't avoid this incident, and had already thought of her words in the elevator just now.

She said to Chen Xinyu Jiujiu, "Didn't I just talk to Song Yi about something? I don't know why, but my breasts are a little swollen for no reason. The clothes inside me are all wet, because the neckline is a bit low, Song Yi Yi accidentally saw it and reminded me to go to the bathroom in his office to clean up."

When Chen Xinyu heard what Chen Fuzhen said, she let out a surprised sound, and then she noticed that Chen Fuzhen had changed into his underwear. "Then what are you wearing?"

"Kim Tae Hee's. I didn't expect that Kim Tae Hee and I were actually wearing the same brand of underwear. She just bought it not long ago and has never worn it. Song Yi prepared a cloakroom for Kim Tae Hee in his office, just in time for her to wear it. I avoided this embarrassment," Chen Fuzhen said.

Chen Xinyu imagined what it was like when Chen Fuzhen was upstairs, and couldn't help but feel happy for her sister Chen Fuzhen. If Chen Fuzhen didn't have a suitable change of clothes, it would be embarrassing whether he bought underwear from home or in a nearby shopping mall.

Chen Fuzhen had just noticed in the cloakroom that there were actually two types of women's clothing, one more girlish, and these clothes belonged to Kim Tae Hee. The other one is the urban beauty style, with more sexy clothes. Chen Fuzhen actually borrowed the latter's underwear.

Which woman can Kim Tae Hee tolerate putting clothes in her exclusive cloakroom? The answer is self-evident, only Kim Tae Hee's sister Kim Hee Won is possible.

Chen Fuzhen noticed that the cloakroom opened a back door and could directly enter the L-shaped corridor outside Song Yi's office. This back door can directly enter Jin Xiyuan's office, Jiang Xiuna's secretary room, and you can also take Song Yi's exclusive elevator downstairs.

She didn't know that the layout of Song Yi's office was specially designed by Jin Xiyuan, but she knew one fact clearly.

If that woman drove into the underground parking lot of Xinya Building, went upstairs through Song Yi's exclusive elevator, entered Song Yi's office through the back door of the locker room, came to have a tryst with Song Yi, and then left through the elevator, it would be unbelievable. Without realizing it, he suddenly avoided all the employees of Xinya Building.

She couldn't help complaining about Song Yi, how experienced this guy was in having affairs, so he could carefully design such an office layout.

Chen Fuzhen found that Song Yi's office could be regarded as half a home. It not only had a lounge, a cloakroom, but also a bathroom and a shower room. I heard that Song Yi is also planning to install a massage bathtub in the shower room. Chen Fuzhen's office in the Shilla Hotel is not as comfortable as Song Yi's decoration, but men still enjoy it.

After she changed clothes in the cloakroom, Song Yi took her into the lounge and indulged in his fraternal desires on her, leaving not a drop of food for Chen Yuanzhong who was waiting for food at home. However, Song Yi was still quite measured and did not really get along with her, saying that there would be a long time to come, so there was no need to rush.

Jin Xiyuan was able to put close-fitting clothes in the cloakroom of Song Yi's office, which confirmed her guess. Although Jin Taexi was Song Yiming's official girlfriend, both Jin Xiyuan sisters followed Song Yi.

Chen Fuzhen turned around and glanced at his sister Chen Xinyu. If Chen Xinyu developed a crush on Song Yi during her internship at Xinya Network, wouldn't she be like Jin Xiyuan? The two sisters were committed to Song Yi at the same time. That would be too cheap for Song Yi. Guy, right?

Chen Xinyu noticed her sister's eyes, "Sister, do you have something to tell me?"

Chen Fuzhen felt funny in her heart. Although she thought Song Yi was a good man, she regarded Song Yi as a treasure, while Xinyu might only regard him as a piece of grass.

She has a rather arrogant personality and admires capable men. The reason why Song Yi was able to impress her was that Song Yi was able to find a new path under the encirclement of major consortiums and occupy a place in the Korean Internet industry and media industry. Song Yi's personal wealth far exceeds that of Chen Fuzhen.

"By the way, what is the salary offered by Xinya Network?" Chen Fuzhen asked curiously. For their group, one year's salary income is not enough to pay taxes.

"The monthly salary plus allowance during the internship is about 4.2 million won. If you become a regular employee, you will be eligible to get employee shares of Xinya Network. This is the big one. Xinya Network has been established for a year, and there are only other Employees of Internet companies have worked hard to get into Xinya Network, but no one has left the company voluntarily." Chen Xinyu sounded proud.

Chen Fuzhen's smile was like a crescent moon, and he quickly praised Chen Xinyu, "Well, you got into work very quickly, and you have already regarded yourself as a member of Xinya Network. Let's go have lunch first, and you can go shopping with me in the afternoon. I bought two sets of underwear and gave them back to Kim Tae Hee."

Chen Xinyu suddenly realized something, "Sister, Kim Tae Hee seems to be a little plumper than you. Wouldn't her underwear be a little too big for you?"

Chen Fuzhen was complained about her small breasts by her sister Chen Xinyu. She went a little crazy, "Chen Xinyu! Your breasts are amazing! Have you ever heard that big breasts mean no brains? I advise you not to inquire about social affairs!"

After the Chen Fuzhen sisters left the New Asia Building, Kim Hee-won also picked up her younger brother Kim Hyung-soo from Seoul Station.

Jin Hyung-soo put the suitcase into the trunk of the Elantra and couldn't help but complain to his eldest sister Jin Xiyuan, "Sister, it's not like you don't have money, why don't you buy a better car. You are a dedicated director, but you still insist on driving a Hyundai? Don’t you think it’s a bit unclassy?”

Jin Xiyuan slapped the back of Jin Hyung-soo's head unceremoniously, "If you feel bad, are you able to take a taxi back? I came to the station to pick you up on a hot day, but you have no sense of gratitude at all, and you dare to babble in front of me. Wai, are you impatient with life?"

Only then did Kim Hyung-soo remember the fear of being dominated by his eldest sister when he was a child. The eldest sister was the king of children in the neighborhood and was not the same as the gentle second sister Kim Tae-hee.

"Where's my brother-in-law? Is he still busy at the company? He came home to pay New Year's greetings during the Spring Festival this year, and he didn't even have time to stay at home for one night. My mother was a little dissatisfied." Jin Hyung-soo made a small report.

Jin Xiyuan quite likes Jin Hyung-soo calling Song Yi brother-in-law, which makes it sound like she and Song Yi are a couple.

"Don't play games every day at home, and take the initiative to say good things to the three of us. Without Song Yi, you wouldn't have the chance to watch the Korean team play live, and also attend the opening ceremony of the World Cup." Jin Xiyuan reminded Kim Hyung-soo.

"Yes, yes, you are right, I have always done this." Kim Hyung-soo was like Kim Hee-won's lackey at this time.

"By the way, after watching the World Cup, I can rest assured to review my homework at home and prepare for this year's college academic ability test. Your second sister is a top student at Seoul National University. You can't get into a second-rate university and lose the face of your sisters." Jin Xiyuan is here Kim Hyung-soo can't help but act like a sister in front of her.

Kim Hyung-soo asked Kim Hee-won cautiously: "I heard that my brother-in-law has established a New Asia Scholarship at Yonsei University. If my test scores are not much different from the admission score of Yonsei University, can I ask my brother-in-law to say hello to the president of Yonsei University?"

Jin Xiyuan directly refused on behalf of Song Yi, "What are you thinking! Our country hates people taking backdoor entrance exams in college. If this matter is exposed by the media, the three of us will have to hold a press conference to apologize to the people!"

"Which university can you get into, and which university you attend. I know Song Yi well. He is actually most disgusted with others using their privileges to monopolize educational resources. In his words, the college academic ability test is the last resort for students from ordinary families. One way out is that if all high-quality educational resources are monopolized by chaebols, our country will have no hope in the future." Kim Hee-won said seriously.

Jin Xiyuan knew that Song Yi was planning to launch the shopping website Sohan.com, and there were two major logistics centers around Ulsan, Daegu and Busan.

Kim Hee-won's father, Kim Yoo-moon, has already set up company branches in Daegu, Busan and Pohang, and Tongyun Logistics will undertake the logistics business in Daegu and Busan. However, for the sake of confidentiality, Kim Hyung-soo did not know that his father Kim Yu-moon had become his brother-in-law Song Yi's business partner.

According to Jin Yuwen, if the shopping website Sohan.com is launched, the annual revenue scale of Tongyun Logistics will rise to two levels, and Tongyun Logistics will become one of the largest logistics companies in the Yeongnam region of South Korea.

The Yeongnam region of South Korea includes South Gyeongsang Province, North Gyeongsang Province, and the three cities of Busan, Daegu, and Ulsan. This area is also the stronghold of Korean conservatives. Many conservative presidents of South Korea were born in this area. For example, Zheng Puxi, who created the miracle of the Han River, and his daughter Zheng Jinhui are from Daegu City.

The Yeongnam area is located to the south of Taebaek Mountain Range, one of the five famous mountains in South Korea. It covers an area of ​​approximately 33,000 square kilometers and has a population of 13 million. It was historically the birthplace of the Silla Dynasty. The Yeongnam region occupies almost one-third of South Korea's land area and one-quarter of its population. It has Busan, South Korea's second largest city, and the heavy industrial cities of Ulsan and Pohang. Pohang City has the world-class steel company Pohang Steel.

The Hunan region in South Korea includes South Jeolla Province, North Jeolla Province and Gwangju City. The Hunan region of South Korea was historically the birthplace of the Baekje Dynasty. The Silla Dynasty later annexed the Baekje Dynasty, and the Baekje people became second-class citizens.

The discrimination between the Lingnan region and the Hunan region has lasted for thousands of years, which is also a regional dispute in Korean politics. Song Yuxi, a representative of the Hunan faction, and Zheng Jinhui, a representative of the Lingnan faction, are destined to be incompatible.

Jin Xiyuan has also considered this issue. Song Yi has now become the financial backer of the Hunan School. The documentary "Hello, I am Song Yuxi" is only a small test in the inschool.

After the World Cup, Seoul City will hold a mayoral election to elect a new mayor of Seoul for a five-year term. The New Millennium Democratic Party has decided to send Rep. Park Dong-ho, Song Woo-seok's assistant, to participate in the Seoul mayoral election.

If Park Dong-ho is elected mayor of Seoul, New Asia Construction will immediately start preparing for the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project. New Asia Construction will also cooperate with Park Dong-ho to develop more small apartments in Seoul City, thereby fulfilling Song Woo-seok's campaign promise of "letting young people live in their own houses."

Jin Xiyuan suspected that the reason why Song Yi chose Tongyun Logistics as Sohan.com's logistics partner in the Lingnan area was because Jin Yuwen was one of his own and was more trustworthy. Song Yi must have also considered using Jin Yuwen to influence the people around him and win votes for Song Yuxi in the Lingnan area.

After all, Song Woo-seok and Park Dong-ho had a good reputation among locals when they worked as human rights lawyers in Busan City. The documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok" also reflects this.

"By the way, your brother-in-law said that no matter which university you go to, try to choose a logistics-related major. After you graduate from university, you can go home and inherit your father's logistics company." Jin Xiyuan said.

"I don't want it! It's too tacky for a son to inherit his father's career. I also want to visit New Asia Media to see if I can become an actor like my second sister!" Kim Hyung-soo immediately refused.

"Really? Then I'll tell Dad that you want to work alone and don't want to inherit the family business. Let him make a will and leave all the inheritance to me and Taixi. Then Song Yi may be able to take advantage of everything." Jin Xiyuan has a lot of things. Way to fix the rebellious Kim Hyung-soo.

Kim Hyung-soo did not understand Kim Hee-won's hint. Logically speaking, if Kim Yoo-moon divides the family property equally between the two sisters, Kim Hee-won, Song Yi and Kim Tae-hee can only inherit one-half of the express logistics at most. Jin Xiyuan said that Song Yi was taking advantage of everything, which meant that she was actually Song Yi's woman. Unfortunately, Jin Hyungsoo couldn't hear the eldest sister's hint.

Jin Xiyuan hopes that the cooperation plan between Sohan.com and Tongyun Logistics will be a great success, making Sohan.com and Tongyun Logistics an indispensable business partner for each other.

If Jin Yuwen achieves a breakthrough in his personal career through the cooperation project of Sohan.com, the company's assets and personal wealth will be doubled.

Then if Jin Yuwen or Kim Hyung-soo accidentally realizes that she is actually Song Yi's woman, and this matter has the acquiescence of Song Yi's real girlfriend Kim Tae-hee, Jin Yuwen or Kim Hyung-soo will be tolerant to Song Yi for the sake of Qian. a little.

The two of them would not yell at Song Yi as soon as they came up. After all, Kim Hee-won also knows that Kim Hyung-soo will definitely return home to inherit the family business of express logistics in the future.

When Kim Hyung-soo came to Seoul this time, Song Yi did not arrange for him to stay in a hotel, but directly let Kim Hyung-soo stay in the Seongbuk-dong villa. In order to avoid suspicion, Jin Xiyuan moved back to the luxury apartment Song Yi bought for her.

Kim Hee-won has planned to use the month of the World Cup to make Kim Hyung-soo subtly accept her three-person relationship with Song Yi and Kim Tae-hee. If Kim Hyung-soo wants to visit the crew of New Asia Media, he has to see if his younger brother Kim Hyung-soo succeeds.

I recommend a Harry Potter fan "Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning". The link is at the back. If you are interested, you may want to take a look.

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