I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 146 The wealth-making myth of the new Asian series

On the afternoon of the 31st, all the executives of the New Asia mainland companies gathered in Seoul. It is obvious that Song Yi will make big moves in June. Xinya Building also opened a newly renovated multimedia conference room for the first time. This conference room has a large display screen.

The three giants of New Asia Real Estate are all present, including Chairman Zhou Xiuxian, General Manager Mao Xiaoqing, and Financial Director Zhou Zhiyi, among whom Zhou Zhiyi is also the general manager of New Asia Real Estate Puhai Branch.

Two strong women from New Asia Advertising also arrived, Liao Yu from the Yanjing branch and Zheng Yiping from the Puhai branch.

Xinya Network also has one in the south and one in the north, Li Yu from the Yanjing branch and Guo Haibin from the Puhai branch. Even Zheng Jingang, the president of New Asia Optoelectronics, took time out to fly to Seoul this time.

In addition to the executives of mainland New Asia companies, executives of South Korean companies of New Asia were also present for the first time.

These include New Asia Music President Ji Zhonghua, New Asia Film President Kim Woo-taek, New Asia Construction President Zhou Mengkui, New Asia Capital President Li Yiji, and New Asia Agency President Kim Hee-won. Liu Yongjun, technical director of New Asia Network Co., Ltd., and Quan Zhouhao, inschool project leader, were also named by Song Yi to attend this meeting.

In addition to these corporate executives, Asan Group Chairman Zheng Eunxuan, Shinhan Media's Chen Jaechan and his wife, Caidie Museum Director Song Suying, Asan Group Director Lee Byung-kyu, and LG Electronics' Gu Guangmok were also invited to attend this meeting.

It was the first time that Zheng Enxuan and Song Suying met all the senior executives of the New Asia Department. Due to work reasons, they both had contact with the senior management teams of different subsidiaries of the New Asia Department. Zheng Enxuan went to Yanjing to inspect the real estate project Wangjing Center in the second half of last year, and in the first half of the year she went to Liangxi City to inspect the specific location of the semiconductor factory, so she is more familiar with the executives of mainland companies in New Asia.

Since Zheng Eunxuan had already been to Yangxi City, she naturally noticed that Gu Guangmo, who was the project leader of the semiconductor factory in Yangxi City, drove to Zhou Zhiyi every weekend for dates.

Song Yi also fulfilled his promise and bought a well-decorated duplex apartment in Shimao Riverside Garden as a gift to Zhou Zhiyi as her and Gu Guangmo's wedding room. Shimao Riverside Garden is the first river-view luxury house to open around the Huangpu River. Zhou Zhiyi fell in love with the apartment given by Song Yi at first sight. She is already preparing to become the first batch of owners to live in the community.

Zheng Enxuan originally wanted to buy a house for her daughter Zhou Zhiyi in Puhai City, but she still accepted Song Yi's kindness. Song Yi easily convinced Zheng Enxuan. Song Yi said that from Zheng Enxuan's point of view, he was also Zhou Zhiyi's cheap dad, and it was reasonable to buy a house for his daughter Zhou Zhiyi.

When Zheng Enxuan heard what Song Yi said, he couldn't help but want to give Song Yi a blank look. Her husband Zhou Mengxian has been released from the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office. Song Yi dared to tease her like this, which was really a bit audacious.

Zhou Mengxian is currently serving probation at his home in Seongbuk-dong. He lives a solitary life every day and rarely has contact with outsiders. Zhou Mengxian left the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office on the last day of April. Song Yi, Zheng Eunxuan and Li Bingkui picked Zhou Mengxian out together.

When Zhou Mengxian returned home, he discovered that both the Ashan Group and his family had changed drastically. Although Zhou Mengxian is still serving his sentence, he still has great ambitions in his heart and wants to continue to fulfill his father's last wish and continue to promote North Korea and South Korea economic cooperation projects.

As far as he knows so far, both the Kaesong Industrial Park project and the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone project are in a state of suspension. Perhaps North Korea is also observing who will win the South Korean presidential election in the second half of the year, and then consider whether to promote South Korea-North Korea economic cooperation.

However, Zhou Mengxian found that his efforts seemed to be in vain. The entire modern family had no intention to continue to promote economic cooperation between North and South Korea. Zhou Mengjiu, Zhou Mengzhun and Zhou Mengkui all advised him not to bother anymore and to consider other things after his probation was over.

After all, Zheng Enxuan has been doing a good job during his sentence. He can use this time to take a good rest and recuperate his body.

Zhou Mengxian understood what they meant at once. They did not want personnel changes in the Asan Group. The Hyundai family supported Zheng Enxuan to continue to be the chairman of the Asan Group, even though Zhou Mengxian had already left the prosecutor's office.

Moreover, he found that many of his cronies in the Ashan Group had been marginalized, and all the members of the board of directors were from Zheng Enxuan or Song Yi.

Not only that, Zhou Mengxian discovered that his wife Zheng Enxuan had also become the largest individual shareholder of Asan Group, and her control over Asan Group far exceeded his.

Zhou Mengxian originally only hoped that Zheng Enxuan could help him stabilize the Ashan Group while she was serving her sentence, and wait for him to come out to rebuild the country. Unexpectedly, Zheng Enxuan did a better job than he expected, so good that he could not find a suitable position in the entire Ashan Group.

Since Sanfen Hyundai, Asan Group's current company revenue, total assets and stock price have all reached record highs. He has no reason to let Zheng Enxuan return the position of chairman of Asan Group to him. Moreover, Zhou Mengxian suspected that Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan would join forces to control the Ashan Group's board of directors, and would not allow him to join the board of directors at all.

Zheng Enxuan also discussed this issue with Song Yi privately, "Song Yi, what should I do if Meng Xian asks me to give him the chairmanship of Ashan Group?"

Song Yi knew Zheng Enxuan's concerns. She was worried that Zhou Mengxian would unite with other members of the family to oust her from the position of president of Ashan Group.

Zheng Enxuan was a guest at Song Yi's house after dinner. Jin Xiyuan and Kim Taehee knew that Zheng Enxuan must have something urgent to discuss with Song Yi, so they naturally avoided the conversation between Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan.

Song Yi hugged Zheng Enxuan and sat on his legs. He put his hands around Zheng Enxuan's waist and talked face to face with Zheng Enxuan.

"Aunt Enxuan, are you willing to return to the family and continue to be a full-time housewife?" Song Yi asked deliberately.

"Aren't you asking knowingly?" Zheng Enxuan was angry.

"That's fine. As long as you want to continue to sit in this position, Uncle Meng Xian is not a threat."

"As a business leader, you must first be able to draw a pie, so that others will be willing to follow you. Second, you must be ruthless, not only to others, but also to your own people."

"I admire Uncle Meng Jiu very much for this. In order to gain control of Hyundai Motor Group, he did not hesitate to unite with foreign capital and take the initiative to break up with Hyundai Group, which was mired in debt."

"I know Uncle Meng Xian well. He is indecisive. He wants to get the Hyundai Group, but he is not willing to kill Uncle Meng Jiu. He and Uncle Meng Jiu have a snipe and clam fight, and in the end Uncle Meng Zhun gets the benefit. .”

"But he has another advantage. He pays more attention to friendship and is unwilling to break up with others. So now he clearly knows that he can no longer control the Asan Group, and he is not willing to fight a divorce lawsuit with you to compete for control of the Asan Group."

"You go home, comfort Uncle Mengxian, and tell me that I am going to meet Zhong Xiaotong during the World Cup. The matter about him providing secret funds to North Korea must be settled, and the economic cooperation between South Korea and North Korea will not be completely interrupted, but it will take some time." , let him wait patiently for a year or two, and this matter will turn around." Song Yi told Zheng Enxuan.

"How can I appease him? He now feels that he and I are no longer on the same page. I put aside the Asan Group's North Korea-South Korea economic cooperation project without authorization, and he is very annoyed. Now that I am back home, I still sleep in the master bedroom alone, and Zhu Yi and Ming Xuan saw that their father and I were having a cold war, so he was careful every day for fear of getting into trouble with his father."

"Sometimes when I see Meng Xian like this, I get quite angry. Sometimes I really want to hand Asan Group back to him and let him continue to promote economic cooperation with North Korea regardless of life and death. If Asan Group is ruined by him , Zhuyi and Mingxuan went to work in Xinya, you won't leave them alone, right?" Zheng Enxuan asked slyly.

Seeing that Zheng Enxuan was still in the mood to joke, Song Yi knew that she had a tight grip on Zhou Mengxian. She might just want to find a legitimate reason to see Song Yi.

"That's not necessarily true. If you are no longer the president of Asan Group, then you will be of no use to me. Why should I help Zhu Yi and the others arrange their work? What will you do to repay me?" Song Yi asked Zheng Enxuan deliberately. .

After Zheng Enxuan knew that the sisters Jin Xiyuan would not come in to ruin her good deeds, she suddenly became bolder. She leaned close to Song Yi's ear and breathed softly, "If this day really comes, I will have no money, and I will have nothing." If you can afford it, I have no choice but to give it to you."

Zheng Enxuan recalled the day she was a guest at Song Yi's house. She only remembered having a secret conversation with Song Yi in the study for an hour.

She felt like she was on a bumpy sailing ship and could faint at any time. She screamed desperately for help at sea.

Song Yi was an experienced captain, and he took her through many winds and waves. In the end, the two of them were exhausted, and then they arrived at the shore to rest together.

She remembered that Zhou Mengxian called her and asked her when she would go back. She had not disembarked yet. In order to prevent her husband from worrying about her safety, she tried her best to sit still and not let anyone hear that she was still in danger and said that the matter would be over soon. And the captain Song Yi deliberately took her surfing on the sea, which shocked her. In retaliation, Song Yi's thighs were pinched purple afterwards.

Zheng Enxuan looked at the more than ten executives of the New Asia Department, and she suddenly understood why Song Yi asked her to attend the internal meeting of the New Asia Department company. This time Song Yi plans to show her and Song Suying's family background so that they can cooperate more deeply with the New Asia Department.

Song Suying attended this time as the director of Caidian Art Museum, which means that Song Suying represented her personal support and that of former President Song Shanggong. It is impossible for SK Group to continue investing resources in the New Asia series, and Song Suying has begun to leave a way out for her.

Zheng Enxuan looked at Song Suying beside her. She and Song Suying had known each other for almost twenty years. This was the first time that she saw Song Suying being so interested in a man. During the listing of Shinhan Media, Song Suying was the second biggest winner besides Chen Jaechan and his wife.

She and Chen Fuzhen are both diamond members of Song Suying Beauty Club, and the three of them often gather together. Later, Shinhan Media went public, and Cui Shanji became a new member of their ladies group. Zheng Eunxuan had long heard that Cui Shanji and Chen Fuzhen were at odds, but after Cui Shanji joined, he discovered that she and Chen Fuzhen could at least maintain a semblance of peace. I wonder if it was because of Song Suying's mediation.

As a result, the four married women discovered that the center of their conversation was Song Yi, and everyone had a deep connection with Song Yi. Zheng Enxuan had always speculated whether Song Yi would have an affair with Song Suying, but Song Yi never refused to answer her speculation directly.

Song Suying is also thinking about the same problem. She has seen Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen's ridiculous love history, and she also knows that Song Yi has always been a bold and daring person. During the year that Zhou Mengxian served in prison, Zheng Enxuan did not appear to be haggard, but was nourished and became more beautiful. She vaguely guessed that Zheng Enxuan developed Song Yi into a guest in order to obtain Song Yi's financial support.

Now that Zhou Mengxian has been released from prison, Zheng Enxuan still spares no effort to come to Xinya Building to support Song Yi. It seems that Zheng Enxuan is still reluctant to break off the relationship with Song Yi.

Song Suying looked at Zheng Eun's back and then took a look at the younger Cui Shanji. Logically speaking, Cui Shanji does not need to attend this meeting. Although Cui Shanhui holds a small stake in Shinhan Media, she is not involved in the company's management.

Even if Xinya Media is going to go public through Xinhan Media, Cui Shanji still needs to do it herself. She only needs to follow Song Yi and Chen Zaican. So her attendance at the meeting is also due to Song Yi's instruction?

Song Suying thought of Chen Fuzhen and Zheng Eunxuan, and glanced at Cui Shanji again. She had a ridiculous guess in her mind. Could it be that Cui Shanji was also Song Yi's underground lover, so she could attend the meeting? Otherwise, why would Chen Fuzhen, a proud woman like her, suddenly change her attitude towards Cui Shanji?

Song Yi didn't know that Zheng Enxuan and Song Suying had already begun to think wildly. He knocked on the table and announced that the meeting had officially entered the process. Jin Xiyuan was in charge of presiding over the entire meeting.

As Zheng Enxuan expected, Song Yi showed everyone his family background for the first time, and the executives of the New Asia Department introduced to all the participants the specific projects they were responsible for.

Liu Yongjun and Quan Zhouhao listened very carefully. Compared with New Asia Network in the Mainland, New Asia Network Co., Ltd. is like a younger brother.

The online game "Legend of Hot Blood" has already generated RMB 300 million in revenue for New Asia Network. In just a few months, inschool's mainland version of Xiaonei.com has registered more than 1 million people. By the end of this year, the number of registered people is expected to exceed 10 million. The target number of registered people on Xiaonei.com is 500 million, and it aims to have more than 3,500 daily active users. Thousands of people.

As the person in charge of operating inschool, Quan Zhouhao planned to talk to Guo Haibin after the meeting to see if he could learn from Xiaonei.com’s mainland promotion plan. However, "Legend of Hot Blood" has been continuously injecting blood into the school network, and its promotion efforts in major universities in the mainland cannot be compared to inschool.

Zhou Mengkui is more concerned about the development of New Asia Real Estate, whose investment intensity is obviously greater than that of New Asia Construction. New Asia Real Estate's Wangjing Center office building and commercial pedestrian street have a total investment of 4 billion yuan, while New Asia Construction's The One apartment has a total investment scale of about 200 billion won, equivalent to 1.2 billion yuan.

As a media person, Chen Zaican pays more attention to the revenue of New Asia Advertising. New Korea Media is the main shareholder of New Asia Advertising, but it is still not as intuitive as the data presented by Liao Yu and Zheng Yiping.

New Asia Advertising Yanjing Branch is the designated advertiser of the Chinese track and field team and the designated advertiser of the "Sports News" column of CCTV Sports Channel. It has successively reached advertising cooperation with Anta, Xtep, Guireniao and other sports brands.

Xinya Advertising Puhai Branch also achieved outstanding results. After Zheng Yiping settled in Puhai City, she focused on building elevator advertising and store TV advertising.

The money-making model of Xinya Advertising Puhai Branch is very simple. Their company will install LCD TVs at the elevator entrance and then charge advertising fees.

This advertising model does not yet exist in the mainland. Zheng Yiping and Xinya Advertising Puhai Branch can be said to be the originators. There are already advertisers in Puhai City that have followed up on this business model. The name of this company is Focus Media.

However, Focus Media's capital scale is not as large as that of New Asia Advertising Puhai Branch. New Asia Advertising Puhai Branch has become the number one in the building advertising market in Puhai City, monopolizing nearly 60% of the advertising market.

Zheng Yiping said she plans to copy Puhai City's business model and expand building advertising and store advertising to 70 large and medium-sized cities in the mainland. In addition to cooperating with other advertising companies, Xinya Advertising Puhai Branch also needs to prepare funds to acquire other advertising companies to consolidate its existing market share.

Jin Youze of New Asia Pictures focused on the company's film and television projects this year, including two movies and two TV series. New Asia Films is already preparing to build its own cinema chain. In July, the first cinema of the HugeDream cinema chain will be put into operation in Ulsan. New Asia Pictures will subsequently invest more funds to build cinemas in major cities in South Korea.

Ji Zhonghua of New Asia Music reported to Song Yi the sales situation of Kim Jong Kook's new album "Renaissance". New Asia Music is also preparing Lee Hyori, who is making her solo debut, for her first solo album.

Song Yi patiently listened to various executives introduce the projects they were responsible for. Song Yi was obviously familiar with each project and asked questions from time to time. Although the air conditioning in the conference room was turned on, nervous sweat still appeared on the foreheads of some executives.

After all the New Asia Department executives finished their reports, Song Yi knocked on the table and expressed his thoughts.

"Overall, I am quite satisfied with everyone's performance. I brought everyone together in the name of inviting everyone to watch the World Cup, mainly to let everyone get to know each other. So that you don't have to go to nightclubs in the three cities of Seoul, Yanjing and Puhai I ran into him, and I fought hard for a certain top dog. When I finally called the police, I found out that we were all colleagues, and I can't afford to lose such a big person." Song Yi first made a joke with everyone.

Wu Jingang smiled. He was a scientific research talent, and it was his first time to have close contact with the big boss Song Yi, so he was not quite used to Song Yi's way of talking.

"Enterprises pay attention to a synergistic effect. I have been thinking about how to integrate the various subsidiaries of the New Asia Department to improve the company's work efficiency and make better use of funds to help the company develop."

"If we now list out the various companies in the New Asia Group, they are mainly divided into four major areas, including media, Internet, real estate and finance. These industries are the golden industries in the next twenty years. As long as everyone works together and does their best As a matter of course, I can guarantee that your future personal assets will all start at US$100 million." Song Yi was particularly confident when he drew the cake.

When Song Suying and Zheng Eunxuan heard this, they turned their attention to Chen Zaican and his wife. According to the latest stock price of Shinhan Media, the value of the stocks held by the couple was just over 100 million US dollars.

Is Song Yi planning to let the core executives of the New Asia Department copy Chen Zaican's wealth-making myth?

Two years ago, Shinhan Media was on the verge of bankruptcy. Two years later, Shinhan Media was listed on the market. As the actual controllers of Shinhan Media, Chen Zaichan and his wife have assets in their names of more than 100 million US dollars, making them veritable billionaires.

Although Zheng Enxuan didn't know how much money Song Yi had, she had already gotten some clues through the many subsidiaries of the New Asia Department.

Song Yi's personal assets should be around US$1 billion, and he can almost enter the top five of Korea's Forbes list. Only the older generation of rich people such as Chen Jianxi, Zhou Mengjiu, Xu Guoxun, and Koo Benzheng can be ranked ahead of Song Yi.

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