I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 155 One billion dollars obtained! (6000 words long chapter)

Cui Shanji tumbled the pork belly slices neatly, and Chen Zaican cut the iced watermelon into slices and brought them to the table. Song Yi took out the cold canned beer in a familiar manner, and Chen Zaican's eyes narrowed, "Good guy, how many times have you been here before you are so familiar with our things? If you don't know, you might think you are here to be a thief."

The Korean team and Italy have already appeared on the TV, and the KBS commentator is introducing the lineups of both teams. The camera stayed on Park Ji-sung for two more seconds. The Koreans obviously regarded Park Ji-sung as their savior and hoped that he could replicate Portugal's magic touch against powerful rival Italy.

Korean Football Association Chairman Zhou Mongjun also appeared on the court and shook hands with players from both sides. Chen Zaican looked at the strong Italian team and asked Song Yi unconfidently, "Song Yi, do you think the Korean team can win?"

Song Yi looked at Zhou Mengzhun meaningfully, "This depends on Uncle Mengzhun. Like Maradona, he has the 'Hand of God'. Maybe he can bring us surprises."

Cui Shanji chuckled, "President Zhou doesn't play football, how can an off-field person affect the game on the field?"

South Korean coach Hiddink responded to all changes by remaining unchanged, and still used the lineup against Portugal. Italy's world-class central defender lineup was forced to reorganize, which also brought a glimmer of opportunity to the Korean team.

Nesta, who played injured in the group stage, can no longer play. Cannavaro also missed the knockout round due to accumulating two yellow cards.

In the knockout stages of the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, the Korean team met Italy, Spain and Germany one after another. As a result, these three teams won the World Cup championships in 2006, 2010 and 2014. I have to say that there is still a bit of mystery in this. .

As a last resort, Italian coach Trapatni asked Maldini to play as a central defender. Juventus central defender Iuliano, who had never played before, also made his debut. Del Piero, who helped Italy score the ultimate goal in the group stage, also Entering the starting lineup again, Inzaghi once again sat on the bench. Koko also took Maldini's previous position.

The referee of this game was Moreno from Ecuador. After the game, fans all over the world remembered this person's name.

Amid the cheers of tens of thousands of Korean fans at Daejeon Stadium, the game officially started. Chen Zaican picked up the beer and had sex with Song Yi first, "If I had known, I would have gone to watch the game with Taixian and the others."

Song Yi glanced at Cui Shanji unnaturally. Cui Shanji was also dressed very coolly today. She was wearing a black silk suspender nightgown. The color of the nightgown was in sharp contrast to her fair skin, and the whiteness of the neckline was a bit dazzling.

If Chen Zaican wasn't at home, he would be embarrassed to come to Cui Shanji to watch the game alone. But Cui Shanji probably can't stay at home alone. Maybe she will also go to Xinya Building to watch football with Song Yi?

Cui Shanji noticed Song Yi's eyes, she did not avoid it, and generously handed the roasted pork belly to Song Yi, "Song Yi, you guys just can't stand it. Before, you said you would stay in Seoul to spend time with me. Over the weekend, I now say that I regret not going to Daejeon to watch the game live.”

Chen Zaican was not embarrassed and took a sip of beer happily, "Didn't Song Yi come over here? The weekend has turned into a happy time for three people to have dinner together. Isn't it good?"

In the third minute of the game, the situation on the field has changed. Park Ji-sung was preparing to break through Koko in the frontcourt. Koko brought Park Ji-sung to the ground with a sliding tackle.

When Chen Zaican saw this scene, he couldn't help scolding his mother, and a smile appeared on Song Yi's lips. Moreno blew the whistle and gave the South Korean team a free kick in the frontcourt. He also gave Koko a yellow card. The next game became even more magical.

Song Zhongguo stood in the frontcourt and started to take the free kick. He kicked the ball into the penalty area, and South Korean player Seol Qi-hyun fell to the ground in the penalty area.

The referee Moreno determined that Xue Qixuan was dragged down by Panucci, so he decisively whistled a penalty kick.

Slow motion showed that Seol Qi-hyun was actually pushed out rather than pulled down, but Panucci did pull Seol Qi-hyun's jersey, and Seol Qi-hyun fell to the ground. Although there was a suspicion of diving, Moreno's penalty was justified.

"Well done! Come on! Ahn Jung-hwan!" Chen Zaican was very excited. He did not expect that the Korean team would have a chance to take the lead as soon as they came on the field.

The Korean team's penalty kick was taken by Ahn Jung-hwan. Ahn Jung-hwan is currently playing for the Italian club Perugia. He has played against Italian goalkeeper Buffon many times.

Ahn Jung-hwan hit the goal from the low corner on the left, but his shot path was already seen through by Buffon, who rejected the penalty kick like a god descending from the earth. Hiddink looked regretful off the court. If the Korean team can score a penalty kick, it will be a dream start.

Chen Zaican also looked regretful, "Oh!" Cui Shanji did not forget to comment on Buffon's appearance, "This Italian goalkeeper is so handsome."

Chen Zaican criticized Cui Shanhui with a serious look on his face, "In a key game related to national honor, you actually praised the South Korean team's opponents. You are shaking the morale of the military. In ancient times, you would be beheaded!"

But Cui Shanji was not used to Chen Zaican, "If we women are still needed to fight in the war, then there is nothing to regret if this country dies, right?"

Song Yi laughed beside him. He handed Cui Shanji a piece of watermelon and said, "Sister Shanji, you can just be a melon-eater. It's easy to get angry when watching football. Let's eat more watermelon to cool down the heat."

By 2022, as the fertility rate of Koreans had been declining, it became the developed country with the lowest fertility rate. In order to make up for the lack of military strength, the South Korean military has begun research on allowing Korean women to serve in the military.

When Cui Shanji heard what Song Yi said, she sat next to Song Yi and deliberately grilled Song Yi instead of Chen Zaican. Those who didn't know thought Cui Shanji was Song Yi's wife.

Chen Zaican felt a little sour when he saw Cui Shanji's behavior, but he was so concerned about face that he refused to give in to Cui Shanji. Song Yi looked at Cui Shanji's white thighs, but did not dare to get too close to Cui Shanji. If Chen Zaican was stimulated to the ground, coupled with the alcohol effect of beer, it would be a joke for the two men to fight in the room because of Cui Shanji. .

Italy, which had escaped the disaster, gradually regained the initiative on the court and launched fierce attacks on the Korean team. Chen Zaican's expression was solemn, and the beer in his hand had not been touched for a long time. In the 17th minute of the game, South Korean player Kim Tae-young kicked Zambrotta down from behind and was given a yellow card by Moreno.

Piero's subsequent free kick was deflected over the crossbar by Li Yunzai, and Italy once again got a corner kick on the left.

Totti kicked the ball into the penalty area, causing chaos in front of the South Korean team's goal. At this time, Vieri demonstrated his ability as a powerful center forward. He squeezed out Cui Zhenzhe, who was marking him one-on-one at the front point, and scored with a powerful header!

After scoring, Vieri made a shut-up gesture to the tens of thousands of Korean fans in the stands. This was also Vieri's fourth goal in this World Cup.

Chen Zaican was so angry that he slammed the table, "This Vieri is so ungentlemanly!" Song Yi looked at the 1-0 score, but felt happy in his heart.

Chen Zaican sat in front of the table, facing the TV in the living room, watching the game attentively. Song Yi and Cui Shanji sat in the back, and they could chat for a while from time to time.

"By the way, Zai Can said you also bought football. How much did you buy?" Cui Shanji actually has little interest in football. If it weren't for Song Yi, she would rather go back to the bedroom to watch dramas.

"Eighty million." Song Yi said.

"Eighty million dollars?" Cui Shanji asked subconsciously.

Song Yi was shocked. How did Cui Shanji guess it? "How is that possible? 80 million won! Where can I get the 80 million dollars to buy the Korean team to win?" But Song Yi told the truth. He personally spent 80 million won to buy the Korean team to win.

Chen Zaican was shocked when he heard what Song Yi said. Eighty million Korean won, which is equivalent to 480,000 yuan in RMB. He didn't expect Song Yi to buy so much. No wonder Song Yi said he was a little nervous and wanted to find someone to go with him. Watching football.

He felt instantly relieved. If the Korean team lost, he would lose up to 2 million won, but Song Yi would lose 80 million won. Song Yi lost three Hyundais at once.

Cui Shanji didn't quite believe it. Sisters Liao Yu and Kim Tae Hee spent a lot of money when shopping in the mall. Together, the three of them bought more than 80 million won. They heard that the money was the shopping fund awarded to them by Song Yi. How could Song Yi only spend 80 million won to buy football?

However, she did not believe that Song Yi could spend 80 million US dollars to bet on the victory of the South Korean team. After all, this number was too astonishing. Cui Shanji held Song Yi's left hand with both hands and patted the back of Song Yi's hand, "Don't worry, the game is not over yet, you still have a chance."

Song Yi pulled his hand out unnaturally. Although Chen Zaican was watching the ball with his back to Song Yi and Cui Shanji, Cui Shanji's behavior was too bold. But Song Yi was also a little itchy in his heart. Could it be that Chen Zaican really acquiesced to Cui Shanji's show of kindness to him?

The Korean team missed a penalty kick and was scored by Italy. The morale on the field could not be lower. However, the conservative Italian team did not pursue the victory. Instead, they launched a defensive counterattack that they are good at and actively handed over the ball to the Korean team. The Korean team's ball possession rate was as high as 60%.

Italy's shrinking formation gave the South Korean team a chance. In the 22nd minute of the game, Totti and Kim Nam-il were competing for a header in the center circle. Their elbow touched Kim Nam-il's face. Moreno gave Totti a yellow card and did not listen to his excuse. .

In the 37th minute, the defensive counterattack that the Italians are good at worked again. Totti received Tomasi's header and cleverly passed into the penalty area. Tomasi had already chased the ball, but his shot from the ground was blocked by Li Yunzai who struck in time. Blocking the door ruined the attack.

Song Yi breathed a sigh of relief. If Tomasi scored this time and Italy led 2-0, then Song Yi's $80 million bet would be destined to be in vain. If the South Korean team falls behind the Italian team, which is good at defense, 0-2, it will be doomed to miss the quarterfinals.

The Koreans became more and more aggressive. In the 42nd minute of the game, Song Zhongguo took a corner kick. Yoo Sang-cheol and Keke were entangled in the penalty area. Yoo Sang-cheol hit Keke's face with his left elbow, and Keke's left eyebrow bone bleeds. The referee turned a blind eye to this action.

If the previous penalty standards were followed, Yoo Sang-cheol would have at least started with a yellow card. Moreno's penalty also made the Italian players very dissatisfied. Trapatni signaled Materazzi on the sidelines to start warming up.

Song Yi looked at Materazzi and remembered the 2006 World Cup final, when Zidane overturned Materazzi with his head and missed his second World Cup championship. Later, this famous scene was made into a statue, and the statue was bought by Materazzi himself.

At the end of the midfield game, the South Korean team was still trailing 0-1, and Chen Zaican went to the bathroom for convenience. Only Song Yi and Cui Shanji were left in the living room.

Cui Shanji said to Song Yi: "I heard from Xiyuan that you can read palms. How about you read my palms for me?"

Song Yi couldn't refuse, so he held Cui Shanji's finger and said, "There are three lines in the palm, a career line, a love line, and a life line. What do you want to see?"

Cui Shanji looked at Song Yi affectionately with her big watery eyes, "I'm not in business. If there's anything interesting about my career line, just help me see if my love line is going well."

Song Yi made nonsense seriously, "Sister Shan Ji, you see your love line is very long, which means that you and Brother Zai Can can be together for a lifetime. There is a bifurcation line in the middle, which means that someone has intervened in the relationship and there have been some twists and turns. But the two of them later got back on track and lived their lives satisfactorily."

Cui Shanji put her hand on Song Yi's thigh. Due to the line of sight, if Chen Zaican came out of the bathroom, he could only see Song Yi and Cui Shanji chatting together, but he could not see Cui Shanji's hand movements.

"Did anyone interfere in the relationship? Song Yi, do you think it was Chen Zaican who cheated on me, or I had someone outside? I originally wanted to be a good wife and mother, but a certain guy ran away after flirting with me in the entrance hall last time. , is it too irresponsible? Fortunately, I have been thinking about him, but he broke off the relationship with me like it was nothing." Cui Shanji's little hands are not honest.

Song Yi hurriedly explained, "Didn't Brother Can go home to catch an adulterer last time? In order to reduce misunderstandings, I tried to avoid being alone with you. After all, it is hard to avoid suspicion."

Cui Shanji smiled half-heartedly, "Then why do you dare to come to the door again today? Are you still thinking of me? Why don't you stay the night today, and I'll go find you in the evening."

Song Yi became even more unnatural, "Brother Zaican is still at home."

Cui Shanji looked at Song Yi's fair face and couldn't help but take the initiative to kiss her. "It's okay. He and I sleep in separate rooms these days. I don't care about the little goblin he raises in his company. Even if he sees me leaving your room, Even if he comes out, he will pretend not to know."

Song Yi felt that he was about to be eaten by Cui Shanji. At the halftime break, the players from both sides appeared again. Song Yi quickly sat aside and said, "The game has started, let's watch the game!"

Cui Shanji snorted, put the watermelon into her mouth, and took a bite, as if she thought the watermelon was Song Yi to take revenge.

Chen Zaican returned to the living room and asked Song Yi, "The score has not changed, right?"

Song Yi had already sat down, keeping a distance from Cui Shanji, "It's still 0-1. The Korean team doesn't have a good chance at the moment."

The atmosphere in the second half became even weirder. In the 49th minute of the game, Del Piero and Kim Tae-young were entangled in the penalty area. Del Piero pulled his jersey, and Kim Tae-young elbowed Del Piero. However, referee Moreno only ruled that Del Piero had fouled.

The Korean team got free kick opportunities continuously, but the Korean team was too weak to seize the offensive opportunities. The Italian team was not much better. Zanetti and Tomasi received consecutive yellow cards. Zanetti even received a yellow card just after complaining to the referee. In the eyes of referee Moreno, Zanetti's disrespect for the referee was much worse than the Korean's big move.

In the 61st minute, Trapatni replaced Del Piero with Gattuso, preparing to defend the 1-0 score. Hiddink replaced Kim Tae-young with veteran Huang Shanhong, preparing to attack with all his strength. The Italian team has to defend and the Koreans have to attack. This is also Huang Shanhong's 100th national team game.

The Koreans' moves are getting bigger and bigger, and the tough guy Gattuso, who just came on the field, is also doubting his life due to the Koreans' fighting.

Because of too much fighting action, the Korean injured Jin Nanyi and was carried off the field on a stretcher. Hiddink replaced Kim Nam-il with Lee Cheon-soo.

There was not much physical contact in the fight between Kim Nan-il and Zambrotta, but the cautious Korean immediately retaliated. Huang Shanhong, who had just come on the court, fiercely tackled Zambrotta from behind who was about to start.

Zambrotta fell to the ground in pain and could not play again. In the 72nd minute, Trapatni had no choice but to replace Zambrotta with Di Livio. Huang Shanhong's action was enough to get him a red card, but it was a pity that the referee Moreno couldn't see it as if he was blind.

In the 73rd minute, Vieri received a long pass from Zanetti. There was no Korean player around to defend him, and he faced goalkeeper Li Yunzai with a single goal. Unfortunately, the ball missed the target. The Italians have used up all their luck.

Until the 80th minute, only Song Jongguo of the South Korean team received the first yellow card of the second half. With only ten minutes to go before the end of the game, Hiddink used Cha Duli and replaced Hong Myungbo for a desperate fight.

Song Yi stared at the screen intently. He and Chen Zaican were no longer in the mood to eat barbecue. Although Song Yi knew the result of the game in advance, he didn't know that the game would be so anxious. In the 88th minute, Panucci made a mistake in making a clearance, Seol Qi-hyun smiled and accepted the gift, 1:1, and South Korea equalized the score at the last minute.

Song Yi was no longer interested in watching the overtime. Whether the South Korean team won or lost in the end, it had nothing to do with him. World Cup betting scores only count 90 minutes of regular time and injury time, not overtime and penalty shootouts.

When Moreno blew the whistle to end the regular game, Song Yi breathed a long sigh of relief. His US$1.08 billion had been safely pocketed.

Chen Zaican was very upset. If the Korean team had performed better in regular time, the 2 million won he invested would not have been lost. But when he looked at Song Yi who was sweating profusely, he felt a little happy in his heart. The South Korean team and the Italian team tied 1-1, and Song Yi would only lose more. How did he know that Song Yi actually spent 80 million US dollars to buy the Korean team's 1-1 draw with Italy in regular time?

"If we lose money, we lose money. We still watch the overtime game with peace of mind to see if the South Korean team can qualify. Unfortunately, the bookmaker's results only look at the regular time. If we had known better, we would have bought the South Korean team's tie. Oh! "Chen Zaican was very upset.

Of course Song Yi was making a fortune in silence at the moment. There was no way he could tell Chen Zaican that he had actually won the score. He pretended to be frustrated and clinked glasses with Chen Zaican, and the two of them continued to watch the game.

Cui Shanji helped Song Yi wipe the sweat from her forehead. She boldly approached Song Yi and whispered into Song Yi's ear, "It's okay. It doesn't matter if you buy the wrong ball. You can afford to lose anyway. How about I tonight?" Come and guard the goal for you. If you want to score as many goals as you want, just score as many goals as you want."

Song Yi gave Cui Shanji a dumbfounded look. He originally thought that Cui Shanji would be more restrained when Chen Zaican was present, but who knew that Cui Shanji would become even more seductive.

In overtime, Li Tianxiu fouled Gattuso and received a yellow card. This was the Korean's second yellow card since the second half.

In the 104th minute, Totti dribbled the ball into the penalty area. Totti and Song Zhongguo met in the penalty area. Totti fell to the ground. As a result, the referee Moreno did not award a penalty kick. Instead, he called Totti for diving and gave Totti a penalty kick. Yellow card, two yellow cards accumulated into a red card, Totti was sent off, 10-man Italy faced the 11-man South Korean team, the Italians started to have bad luck.

Chen Zaican was affected by the tense game, "Fortunately, fortunately the referee is wise!" Listening to Chen Zaican's words, Song Yi felt like he heard a black joke.

In the 111th minute, Vieri passed the ball to Tomasi in front. The South Korean team's offside tactics failed. Tomasi got a rare single opportunity and sent the ball into the net. However, the Korean team players all signaled that Tomasi was offside.

The linesman raised the flag to indicate that Tomasi was offside, and the Italian team's exquisite goal was disallowed. Chen Zaican murmured to himself, "If you survive a catastrophe, you will be lucky! Team Korea, please work hard!"

Cui Shanji was not interested in watching the football match. She took Song Yi's hand again and helped Song Yi read his palm. She looked at Song Yi's love line and couldn't help laughing in her heart. Song Yi was indeed a Flowery radish. She saw that Jin Xiyuan accepted the shopping bonus given to her by Song Yi with peace of mind, and she had already vaguely guessed the relationship between Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi.

She knew that Kim Tae Hee was a Catholic and that Kim Hee Won had withdrawn from the Catholic Church. So the relationship between Song Yi and Kim Hee Won was definitely not an ordinary brother-in-law and sister-in-law relationship. She was actually thinking, did Kim Tae Hee know about the ambiguity between her sister and her boyfriend?

To be fair, although the referee's whistle in this game was a bit biased, South Korean goalkeeper Lee Yun-jae's performance was really brave. In the 113th minute, Li Yun-jae faced Gattuso's shot and struck again to block the ball.

In the 117th minute, the South Korean team finally had a chance. Lee Chun-soo passed the ball back to Lee Young-pyo, who hoisted the ball into the penalty area. Ahn Jung-hwan beat Maldini with a header! According to the rules of the game, this was another goal-defining goal in the World Cup. The game came to an end. The South Korean team defeated Italy 2-1 and advanced to the quarterfinals of the World Cup in a very disgraceful way.

"Beautiful! Ahn Jung-hwan! Killer!" Chen Zaican raised his hands in celebration in front of the TV. He turned around and high-fived Cui Shanhui and Song Yi one by one to celebrate the South Korean team's victory.

Song Yi remembers that the match between South Korea and Spain also ended 0-0 until overtime. The Spanish team also scored two goals, which were disallowed by the referee. Finally, Blatter went to South Korea, found Zhou Mengzhun, and temporarily changed the semi-final referees of the German and Korean teams. The German team defeated the Korean team 1-0 to advance to the final.

Among Western European countries, Koreans have good relations with Germans, and Germany is visa-free for Koreans. During the Miracle on the Han River, South Korean President Chung Bo-seo sent a large number of Korean workers to work in Germany, earning South Korea a large amount of foreign exchange.

Koreans working in Germany often work at the lowest level, such as young women as nurses, young men as coal miners, etc. When Zheng Puxi and his wife visited Germany, they told these workers that they had made necessary sacrifices for the country and that South Korea would not forget their struggles in a foreign country.

Therefore, the Koreans still lacked confidence when facing the Germans. Coupled with Beckenbauer's strength, Zhou Mengzhun really did not dare to make any more mistakes. The Korean people's personality of bullying the weak and fearing the strong is vividly displayed

Song Yi is no longer interested in watching the remaining matches of the World Cup, but Chen Zaican is still immersed in the victory of the game. This is the first time for an Asian team to advance to the quarterfinals of the World Cup, just like Senegal represents Africa and has advanced to the quarterfinals of the World Cup for the first time. Very strong symbolic meaning.

At the end of the game, Chen Zaican took Song Yi to drink to celebrate. He no longer cared about the 2 million won he lost. As a result, the three of them had a drink, and Chen Zaican was the first to get drunk.

Song Yi and Cui Shanji struggled to drag Chen Zaican into the bedroom. Song Yi looked at Cui Shanji and said, "Then I'll go back first. My driver is still waiting for me outside."

Cui Shanji glanced at Song Yi resentfully, but did not try to persuade her to stay, and silently sent Song Yi to the entrance. Song Yi changed her shoes and turned around to say goodbye to Cui Shanji.

However, Cui Shanji pushed Song Yi down onto the shoe cabinet. There was a clang in the entrance hall, which caused a huge echo in the silent villa.

Song Yi was startled, and when he was about to get up and leave, Cui Shanji refused to let him go, and immediately blocked Song Yi's mouth, and the two of them had a long kiss. Cui Shanji's eyes were filled with emotion and her face was red. She jumped on Song Yi and put her arms around Song Yi's neck. "If you don't serve me well today, I will call the police and accuse you of molesting me!"

I checked again and found that the World Cup betting scores are only counted in regular time, so Song Yi bought the 1 to 1 score. The previous article has also been modified and is hereby corrected. Thank you for your monthly votes. See you all tomorrow!

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