I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 156 Go Hyun Jung and Son Ye Jin join in!

When Song Yi returned to Chengbeidong Villa, it was already midnight.

Song Yi looked at the sleeping Jin Taixi, feeling a little guilty in his heart. When he got into the summer quilt, Jin Taixi had already felt it. He opened his eyes and asked him charmingly, "OPPA, why did you come back so late today?"

Song Yi asked Jin Taixi, "Have you waited too long? Didn't I send you a message? Let you sleep first. If you can't sleep, ask Xiyuan to come and stay with you."

Kim Tae Hee shook her head childishly, "I don't want it. I'm used to OPPA sleeping with me in her arms. My sister is not honest when sleeping and likes to bully me."

Song Yi's face was full of tenderness, and he lightly pecked Taixi on the lips, "She dares! If Xiyuan bullies you, I will bully you back."

Kim Tae Hee shook her head, "No, sister is just joking with me. OPPA seems to be very happy tonight? Do you want me to get up and get some beer, and let's go to the yard to enjoy the breeze?"

Song Yi found that he usually ignored his girlfriend's feelings too much. The outstanding Kim Tae Hee had always carefully taken care of his feelings in life, but he repeatedly challenged his girlfriend's patience.

In his previous life, Song Yi was a prodigal in love and would never stop for a woman. When his girlfriend plans to get married and tries to use various methods to force him to get married, the relationship will be terminated and he will start looking for his next love partner. He is a complete non-marriage advocate.

In this life, Song Yi had many ties. He didn't want children, but he inexplicably had a child with Chen Fuzhen.

After Yuan Zhong was born, he did not feel that ecstatic, but he also included Chen Fuzhen mother and son in the list of beneficiaries of the Song Yi Family Trust Fund. If Song Yi dies unexpectedly one day, Chen Fuzhen's mother and son can also inherit their share of the inheritance from the family trust.

After tonight, excluding 30% of Penguin shares and 6% of NetEase shares, Song Yi's company shares plus personal assets are almost more than 2 billion US dollars. He is the richest young man born in 1975 in the world. Song Yi is now really I want to spend my life with Kim Tae Hee hand in hand, and they want to have a child to inherit Song Yi's career.

"When the World Cup is over, we will take Miaomiao to the United States for a trip. Then we will secretly register in Las Vegas. After "Dae Jang Geum" is released next year, I will organize a grand wedding of the century for you. Would you like to invite celebrities from China and South Korea to witness our happiness?" Song Yi asked his girlfriend while sitting next to Kim Tae Hee.

Kim Tae Hee was still a little sleepy at first, but after she heard Song Yi's words clearly, she immediately became energetic. She sat up and said, "OPPA, are you proposing to me?"

"I have never believed in things like love and destiny, because these are created by emotional people and have no meaning. But now I have decided to believe in them because I met you who really makes my heart beat. So beautiful, Confident and outstanding Miss Kim Tae Hee, will you marry me?" Song Yi looked at Kim Tae Hee with doting eyes.

Kim Tae Hee's eyes were filled with joy, and Kim Hee Won's face suddenly appeared in her mind. She complained coquettishly, "OPPA, how can a man propose to his girlfriend in bed at night, and OPPA hasn't prepared a ring yet! You don’t need cakes and flowers, but you definitely need rings.”

Song Yi pulled out a ring box like magic, which contained a pink diamond ring. This 3.29 carat pink diamond is set in a ring made of 18K rose gold and white gold. The three English letters T.H.S are engraved on the inside of the ring, which is actually Tae Hee Song, which is actually the abbreviation of Song Tae Hee. If we follow American marriage customs, Kim Tae Hee will take her husband's surname after marriage.

No woman can resist the charm of this pink diamond ring, and Kim Tae Hee is no exception. She quickly stretched out her finger and signaled Song Yi to help her put on the ring.

After she put on the ring, she carefully looked at the ring that belonged to her, "OPPA, with such a big pink diamond, this ring must be very expensive, right?"

Song Yi didn't care about the price, "I bought this pink diamond at Sotheby's auction in Hong Kong Island, and then asked Tiffany's jewelry designer to help design this wedding ring. The weight of the pink diamond is 3.29 carats. , symbolizing your birthday. The T.H.S on the inside of the ring is your personal logo."

Kim Tae Hee looked at her wedding ring carefully under the bedside lamp, and she felt very happy. Kim Tae Hee took the initiative to kiss Song Yi, "Thank you OPPA. I really like this gift, but it is too expensive. I usually can't bear to wear it when I go out."

Koreans, like Chinese, also pay attention to keeping their wealth private. Kim Tae Hee would definitely not be able to show off her wealth by wearing this precious diamond ring worth millions of dollars. If it weren't for some celebrity gathering, she wouldn't be willing to wear pink diamonds to support the scene.

Kim Tae Hee has already considered that when her personal art museum is completed, she will wear this pink diamond in public. She had to let everyone know how much Song Yi favored her.

She reluctantly took off the ring and put it in the safe in the bedroom along with the ring box. "OPPA, when we go to Las Vegas to register, I will wear the ring and go with you to get the certificate."

"If possible, I would like to invite Lee Hyun-jin and Lee Ha-ni to go to the United States together, so that my two best friends can witness my little happiness. If there is a wedding next year, Hyun-jin and Ha-ni will be my bridesmaids." Kim Tae Xi asked her boyfriend for his opinion.

"Okay, Ha Ni is easier to handle, because she was also on summer vacation at that time. But Hyun Jin is now a popular news anchor in KBS, so it is not so easy to free up time." Song Yi said.

Kim Tae Hee is now eager for the World Cup to end soon so that she and her boyfriend Song Yi can go to the United States to get married. She and Song Yi are now inseparable, and after registration, she will give everything to Song Yi.

Song Yi is also planning to purchase some properties in Los Angeles and New York as personal financial investment. Before the subprime mortgage crisis, there was still plenty of room for appreciation in real estate in affluent areas of the United States.

On June 16, the JoongAng Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo all reported the 1/8 finals between South Korea and Italy on their front pages.

The contents of the reports are similar, "The tenacious South Korean team defeated Italy 2-1 and advanced to the quarterfinals of the World Cup" "South Korea has become the light of Asia, the first Asian team to advance to the quarterfinals of the World Cup" "Ahn Jung-hwan completed redemption, header Beat Italy to help South Korea advance to the quarterfinals."

Almost all mainstream newspapers in South Korea are praising the tenacity and fighting spirit of Koreans, but no media has questioned the referees' decisions.

While the Koreans were cheering for joy, the whole world except South Korea was stunned by this bizarre game.

The Associated Press, Reuters and AFP revealed that FIFA informed the referee Moreno to end his World Cup trip after the game and immediately accepted an investigation by FIFA. However, South Korea's three major TV stations and three major newspapers pretended not to have seen this news and deliberately drowned it in the sea of ​​news.

When the whole world thought that the South Korean team advanced to the quarterfinals in an extremely despicable way, only one country believed that this was a reflection of South Korea's strength, and that was South Korea itself.

Someone went to interview Spanish coach Camacho and asked him what he thought of the quarter-final opponent South Korea. Camacho said very tactfully, "Compared with the South Korean team, he would rather meet the star-studded Italian team. "Maldini, Vieri and Montella bid farewell to this World Cup in an extremely tragic way. This is also their last World Cup as members of the Italian national team.

When the Koreans saw Camacho's interview, they felt as if they had been beaten to death. They all threatened to teach the Spanish team a painful lesson, teach the arrogant Spaniards a lesson, and let them know the "great" sportsmanship of the Republic of Korea.

The quarter-finals between the South Korean team and the Spanish team are scheduled for 13:30 on the afternoon of June 22, Seoul time.

Song Yi also asked Kim Hyung-soo what he thought of the 1/8 finals between South Korea and Italy. Of course, the young Kim Hyung-soo noticed referee Moreno's biased enforcement. He had not yet learned the shamelessness of other adult Koreans, so his answer was neutral. Some, "As the host, luck is on our Korean team's side."

The top eight of the World Cup are all announced, namely Germany, England, Senegal, Spain, the United States, Brazil, Turkey and South Korea.

In the quarter-finals, Germany plays the United States, England plays Brazil, Spain plays South Korea, and Senegal plays Turkey.

Just as all Koreans were looking forward to the quarter-finals between South Korea and Spain, a media website called Dispatch (D Agency) suddenly broke the news about two divorce cases in the Samsung family.

The eldest princess of Samsung Group, Chen Fuzhen, and You Jae-sik have agreed to divorce. The custody and custody rights of their only son belong to Chen Fuzhen. You Jae-sik gave up custody and visitation rights and received a settlement of 12 billion won (approximately 72 million yuan).

Shinsegae Group Vice Chairman Zhou Yongjin and his wife Ko Hyun-jung are also preparing to divorce. Zhou Rong-jin requires Gao Hyun-jung to give up custody and visitation rights for their son and daughter, and is prepared to pay Ko Hyun-jung 1.5 billion won in breakup fees.

After Dispatch exposed the two divorce cases, the Samsung family was outraged. Samsung Chairman Chen Jianxi and Shinsegae Group Chairman Chen Mingxi said they would sue D Agency. This website violated the privacy rights of the Samsung family.

This was also the first appearance of D agency in front of the Korean public, which left a deep impression on Korean netizens.

However, D agency did not give in. Instead, it published a second report on its website. The article was titled "The Domineering Samsung Family."

"As the most popular female star of Korean dramas in the 1990s, Ko Hyun-jung married Joo Yong-jin. If she had not died, her status in the Korean drama circle would not be weaker than that of Song Hye-kyo. Song Hye-kyo filmed "Winter Sonata" and received a salary of 50 million won for a single episode. , the drama "Winter Sonata" alone can earn a salary of 1 billion won."

"Vice Chairman Zhou Yongzhen's personal net worth is 800 billion won, but he was only willing to give Ko Hyun Jung a mere 1.5 billion won when they divorced. If Ko Hyun Jung had not chosen to quit the entertainment industry and continued her brilliant entertainment career, judging from her popularity and development at the time In terms of trends, she is definitely living a better life than she is now."

"As a mother, it is extremely painful to give up the custody rights of my children, and now my children's visitation rights are also being deprived. Could it be that members of the Samsung family are so overbearing, no matter who is right or wrong, they will automatically give up their children's visitation rights. ?Is this the fine tradition of the Samsung family?"

Although two divorce cases of the Samsung family were exposed, regarding the divorce case of Chen Fuzhen, D agency used Spring and Autumn writing style to go over it in one stroke, focusing on the divorce case of Gao Xianzhen and Zhou Rongzhen.

D agency used words to describe Gao Xianzhen's unhappy married life. Her mother-in-law Chen Mingxi looked down on her daughter-in-law who was a celebrity and bullied her in every possible way.

The reason why Gao Xianzhen and Zhou Rongzhen have reached the stage of divorce is because a representative of an entertainment company introduced a young actress to Zhou Rongzhen, and the two have plans to have a further relationship.

The breakup fee of 1.5 billion won, Ko Hyun Jung was forced to give up custody and visitation rights, and an actress tried to intervene in the marriage life of Zhou Yongjin and Ko Hyun Jung. These rumors have begun to affect the reputation of Shinsegae Department Store. The Korean Women's Group Association spoke out for Ko Hyun Jung. , believed that it was inappropriate for Zhou Rongzhen’s family to deprive Gao Xianzhen of her right to visit her children, which greatly violated Gao Xianzhen’s women’s rights.

If the court rules that Ko Hyun-jung will automatically lose the right to visit her children, the Korean Women's Association will support Ko Hyun-jung.

When things have developed to this point, it is no longer up to Zhou Rongzhen and Chen Mingxi to decide. Chen Mingxi and Zhou Rongzhen were originally planning to sue D Company until it closed down.

As a result, after they inquired, they learned that the shareholders behind Company D were from Wall Street. After extensive penetration, the largest shareholder was BlueSea Capital. Even if they went to court, Zhou Rongzhen might not be able to get any benefits.

However, Chen Zaiyong inexplicably thought of Song Yi who met Gao Xianzhen at Chen Zaican's house. Could the shareholder behind D agency be Song Yi?

However, Blue Ocean Capital Fund is obviously much stronger than New Asia Capital Fund. The scale of funds managed by Blue Ocean Capital Fund is almost tens of billions of dollars. If Blue Ocean Capital were placed in South Korea, it would be the largest risk fund.

If Blue Ocean Capital Fund invests heavily in Samsung Electronics, it could even challenge the Chen Jianxi family's control of Samsung Electronics. Song Yi could not be so powerful.

Because Korean female consumers began to boycott Shinsegae Department Store and Shinsegae Duty Free Shop, Zhou Rongzhen had to apologize to the public:

"Gao Xianzhen and I have indeed reached the point where we have to divorce, but there are no young actresses rumored on the Internet to intervene in our marriage. Even if we remarry, I will never consider actresses in the entertainment industry again. I have not forced Gao Xianzhen to give up the child. The custody and visitation rights. Although we no longer live together as husband and wife, the two of us will take care of and raise the children together as relatives in the future." Zhou Rongzhen stated at the press conference.

Barunson Entertainment representative director Jin Minshu gritted her teeth after reading Zhou Yongzhen's speech. She thought that Zhou Yongzhen might leave her, but she didn't expect that Zhou Yongzhen would sell her out.

Since Zhou Rongzhen said at the press conference that he would never marry another actress in the entertainment industry, he would certainly not be able to stand up for Son Ye-jin in front of Song Yi. Without the blessing of Zhou Rongzhen, a business tycoon, Barunson Entertainment would naturally be unable to resist the acquisition of New Asia Media Real Estate Group.

Jin Minshu vaguely felt that the media website D Agency was inseparable from Song Yi. Without Song Yi's help behind the scenes, D Agency would not have been able to obtain the detailed information on the divorce case between Chen Fuzhen and Zhou Rongzhen. Otherwise, how would D agency know that Chen Fuzhen provided 12 billion won in settlement money to Yu Jae-sik, while Joo Yong-jin was only willing to pay 1.5 billion won in breakup fee?

On June 21, Ko Hyun-jung, who has been out of acting for a long time, and Kim Hee-won, the president of New Asia Agency, appeared at a media conference together. New Asia Agency announced the signing of Ko Hyun-jung. Ko Hyun-jung will star in New Asia Pictures' big-budget TV series "Queen of Good Deok" next year. The signing fee for Go Hyun Jung's contract is 1.5 billion won.

After the entertainment reporters heard about the signing fee of 1.5 billion won, they almost laughed out loud. Zhou Yongzhen of the Samsung family was only willing to give Gao Hyunjung 1.5 billion as the breakup fee. As a result, Song Yi directly gave Gao Hyunjung 1.5 billion as the signing fee. This is not Is it a direct slap in Samsung’s face? I guess Chen Mingxi and Zhou Rongzhen, mother and son, were so angry that they gritted their teeth when they saw the news at home?

On the morning of June 22, Barunson CEO Kim Min-sook, New Asia Agency President Kim Hee-won, and actress Son Ye-jin attended the media conference.

Son Ye-jin wore a silver suspender skirt, pearl earrings, and long black hair, which fully demonstrated her youthful vitality and good figure. Son Ye-jin's outfit at the press conference attracted the attention of reporters at the scene.

Kim Min-sook told reporters: "After discussions between President Kim Hee-won and I, Barunson Entertainment has officially become a subsidiary of New Asia Agency, and Ms. Son Ye-jin has also officially become a contracted artist of New Asia. I hope everyone will pay more attention to Son Ye-jin's new works in the future."

Kim Hee-won glanced at Son Ye-jin secretly. Song Yi tried her best and signed Son Ye-jin. Now Xinya has gathered four post-80s beauty stars: Kim Tae-hee, Jun Ji-hyun, Song Hye-kyo and Son Ye-jin. If you include Sung Yuri, South Korea's Yan The most outstanding post-80s actresses are basically concentrated under Xinya, and Xinya is indeed a cloud of beauties.

Compared to Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, she is actually more wary of Son Ye-jin. Son Ye-jin is a very smart woman. Although she met Zhou Yongjin through Kim Min-sook, she will not pounce on Zhou Yongjin like other actresses.

Since her debut, Son Ye-jin has not had a boyfriend under the protection of Kim Min-sook. Of course she knew how destructive such a blank page beauty star could be to a super rich man like Song Yi.

If she hadn't known that Song Yi had proposed to Kim Tae Hee and that Song Yi had given Kim Tae Hee a pink diamond ring worth millions of dollars, she would not have agreed so quickly to New Asia Agency's acquisition of Barunson Entertainment.

She only hoped that Son Ye-jin was a smart woman and would not have any delusions and try to challenge Kim Tae-hee's position as the empress of the palace. Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi can achieve positive results, and Kim Hee Won is the most happy to see them succeed.

When Kim Hee-won saw the pink diamond ring collected by Kim Tae-hee, she did feel a bitter emotion in her heart. As Kim Tae Hee's sister, she is destined to be a woman who cannot be exposed around Song Yi. She and Song Yi cannot hold a wedding, and even if they have a child, they can only go abroad to give birth secretly.

Of course Kim Tae Hee knew how Kim Hee Won felt, and she was sensible and tried her best to appease Kim Hee Won's emotions, "Sister, after I get the certificate with OPPA, you can have a small wedding with OPPA, and I will be your bridesmaid. Since fate has let us Having met and fallen in love with the same man, I certainly hope that we sisters can never be separated."

Compared to other women rising to power, Kim Hee-won certainly hopes that Kim Tae-hee can marry Song Yi. If Kim Tae Hee is Song Yi's royal wife, then Kim Tae Hee can provide more security for Kim Hee Won and Song Yi's children.

If Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi get their licenses in the United States, then Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi will really get along well. Jin Xiyuan is now considering whether to fulfill Song Yi's wish. She and her sister Jin Taexi went to serve Song Yi. Last time she and Liao Yu served Song Yi together, which really opened up a new world for her.

At this time, a reporter had already asked Kim Hee-won: "Yesterday, Ko Hyun-jung announced her comeback. New Asia Pictures has prepared a large-scale TV series "Queen of Seondeok" for Ko Hyun-jung. What is Miss Son Ye-jin's first work after joining New Asia?"

Kim Hee-won cheered up and answered the reporter's question, "Ms. Son Ye-jin had previously participated in the audition of New Asia Pictures' love movie "If Love Is Divine Will" and stood out among 1,000 candidates. Our president is very optimistic about Miss Son Ye-jin's ability and thinks that she She can grow up to be a top movie actress like Jun Ji Hyun, so I reached a cooperation with Barunson Entertainment."

""If Love Is God's Will" is our most important movie in the second half of the year at New Asia Pictures. The director is Kwak Jae-yong and the two leading actors are Cho Seung-woo and Jo In-sung. When it is released in the second half of the year, I hope everyone can support Son Ye-jin to join New Asia. My first movie after that, thank you all." Kim Hee-won replied with a cheerful face.

On the afternoon of June 22, Song Yi was watching the quarter-final match between South Korea and Spain in the office. Jiang Xiuna led Gao Xianzhen into Song Yi’s office.

Gao Xianzhen saw Song Yi watching the game and felt that the visit was a bit abrupt. She couldn't help but retreat, "President, since you are watching the game, I'll come over later."

Song Yi didn't care, he would only place a small bet for entertainment now. Song Yi took away 1.08 billion US dollars in bonuses from major gaming companies. Gaming companies must have noticed the direction of these funds.

If Song Yi continues to spend a lot of money to buy Spain's 0-0 draw with South Korea, then the bookmaker will either adjust the odds, or the score in the regular time of today's game will not be 0-0, and he is not willing to take this risk. So Song Yi was in a particularly relaxed mood while watching the game today. Song Yi personally bet millions of dollars for fun, hoping to earn back the money for Kim Tae Hee's wedding ring.

"It's okay. I haven't scored a goal in this game for a long time. It's quite boring. You came here just in time. What's the matter?" Song Yi said.

Gao Xianzhen obviously put on makeup today. She was wearing a white short-sleeved top, a black leather skirt on the lower body, black stockings under the skirt, and finally a pair of red high heels, black curly hair, and long eyelashes , dark red lips and black nails give people a charming feeling.

"I heard that the president wants to pay the signing fee of 1.5 billion won in advance. Without this money, my life will be a problem now. Rongzhen has relented and promised me that I can visit the children at any time. I will come to visit You are here to express my gratitude." Gao Xianzhen.

Song Yi looked at Gao Xianzhen who had regained her beauty and confidence, and couldn't help but joke with her, "You come here empty-handed, don't you think you're here to express your gratitude?"

Gao Xianzhen glared at Song Yi with an angry look. She saw that Song Yi's office door had been closed thoughtfully by Jiang Xiuna. She walked to Song Yi and squatted down, "President, how do you want me to thank you?"

Jiang Xiuna didn't know when Gao Xianzhen left Song Yi's office, but she was sensible and never asked about Song Yi's happy time alone with the company's female stars. As a secretary, she still understands the most basic working principles of not asking questions or looking at things that should not be done.

When she later knocked on the door and entered Song Yi's office, Jiang Xiuna clearly felt that Song Yi was in a much happier mood. She heard Song Yi sigh, "It turns out that Gao Xianzhen and Zhou Rongzhen have not officially divorced yet. She is really a A smart and sensible woman knows what equal exchange is."

Son Ye-jin finally joins the cast, spreading flowers! See you all tomorrow!

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