I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 164 New Asia Group New Headquarters Building

By the time Song Yi and the others returned to Seoul, the South Korean team's celebration parade had long ended, and Song Zhongguo did not attend Zhong Xiaotong's Blue House dinner.

The Blue House petition to expel Song Jong-guk from the South Korean national team exceeded 100,000 people. The chairman of the Korean Football Association, Zhou Mong-joon, announced that Song Jong-guk voluntarily quit the South Korean national football team.

Song Yi and Kim Hee-won came to the Paju training base again. On behalf of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, they fulfilled their promise and awarded goal prizes of US$500,000 to Lee Eul-yong and Ahn Jung-hwan, who scored in the World Cup third place battle. Park Ji-sung, who assisted, also received a goal prize. To $250,000.

The Korean team players were a little unwilling. If Song Zhongguo hadn't gone out to have fun on the eve of the third place battle, they would have been in third place. In this way, all members of the Korean team can equally share the US$5 million grand prize established by Song Yi.

Song Yi seemed to guess what the Korean team was thinking and encouraged all the players: "In this World Cup, as the host, you have already made the Korean team famous. European teams are now talking about Korea and have Korean phobia. As long as you If we can win any knockout round, we at Xinya will not hesitate to give a big reward."

Song Yi made a big deal out of all the Korean players. In fact, since the Japan-Korea World Cup, the Korean team has never won a World Cup knockout match. Their best record is only the top 16, so Song Yi doesn't have to cash in the bonus at all.

After Ahn Jung-hwan received the $500,000 check, she felt much better. When Ahn Jung-hwan returned to Italy after the World Cup, his Mercedes-Benz parked in front of his residence was smashed by angry Italian fans, which made him dumbfounded.

Not only that, he originally thought that Perugia Club would renew his contract when the loan contract expired on June 30. Unexpectedly, Perugia Club President Gauci announced to the media that he would "fire" Ahn Jung-hwan for a show, and called on Serie A clubs and Serie B players not to use Korean players. Violators will be fined 3.8 million euros by the Italian Football Association.

Ahn Jung-hwan responded. The South Korean team is the biggest surprise of this World Cup. His goal against Italy is undisputed. Don't discuss the referee's penalty meaninglessly. We should respect Moreno. Ahn Jung-hwan's speech seemed to be insinuating that Italy could not afford to lose.

The tough-talking Ahn Jung-hwan is looking forward to the arrival of Song Yi and Kim Hee-won. He also wants to sign a contract with New Asia Agent and let New Asia Agent help him play in the European League. Even if he cannot join the five major European leagues, he can still play in the Eredivisie and Belgium. Or just play for the Portuguese Super League team.

The contract between Park Ji-sung and Kyoto Phoenix was originally supposed to end in December. Finally, with the intervention of Masayoshi Son, New Asia Management and Park Ji-sung ended the contract early after paying a liquidated damages to Kyoto Phoenix.

Eredivisie club Einhorn has officially announced the joining of Park Ji-sung, whose jersey number is No. 13.

Einhorn Club provided Park with a signing fee of US$1 million, an annual salary of US$600,000, and an annual appearance fee of US$300,000. The contract lasted for three years. This US$3.7 million is the player's after-tax salary, and the pre-tax contract salary is approximately US$6 million.

According to the agreement, New Asia Agency can get 4% of the contract commission, which is 240,000 US dollars. In addition, New Asia Agency can also get 20% of Park Ji-sung's commercial activity income, which is the bulk.

The Eredivisie starts in mid-August every year and ends in May of the following year. Park Ji-sung will go to the Netherlands at the end of July to start participating in the club's pre-season training, so he can develop a tacit understanding with his teammates.

Park Ji-sung of the original time and space only rushed to Europe to join Einhorn Club after his contract with JD Phoenix Club expired in late December 2002.

Because he missed half the season, Park Ji-sung is not familiar with his Einhorn club teammates. That season Einhorn and Ajax were still busy competing for the league championship, so it was naturally impossible to give Park Ji-sung too much playing time. Park basically sat on the bench watching his teammates play.

Although Einhorn Club won the league championship, this championship had little to do with Park Ji-sung. Now that Park Ji-sung can participate in Einhorn's pre-season training on time and has more time to practice coach Hiddink's tactics with his teammates, Song Yi believes that Park Ji-sung will definitely have more opportunities to play.

Of course, Kim Hee-won rejected Ahn Jung-hwan's request. New Asia's agent currently has no plans to sign players. If Ahn Jung-hwan wants to stay in Europe and play football like Park Ji-sung, he might as well seek help from Hiddink. If Hiddink hadn't chosen Park Ji-sung, Park Ji-sung wouldn't have landed in the European League so smoothly.

When An Zhenhuan heard what Jin Xiyuan said, he just wanted to scold her. If Hiddink was willing to help, then why did he ask Jin Xiyuan?

Zhou Mengzhun accompanied Song Yi for a walk on the football field, "You came back from Europe so soon for the Seoul mayor election? In fact, you can support Song Woo-suk's candidacy for president. There is no need to support Park Dong-ho's candidacy for Seoul mayor. For consortiums like us, , we are very opposed to the emergence of another strong president like Zheng Puxi."

Song Yi felt that Zhou Mengzhun was overthinking, "Since the president of South Korea cannot be re-elected, how can there be another Zheng Puxi? And for the current South Korea, if there can be another Zheng Puxi, it will actually be a blessing for South Korea."

Zhou Mengzhun stopped when he heard what Song Yi said, and the entourage behind him also stopped, leaving enough space for the two of them to talk.

"Did you tell the truth just now? Song Yi, you have to understand that if it is a weak president, no matter who is elected president, they will need to rely on us."

"When Zheng Puxi came to power, he put Samsung Chairman Chen Byung-cheol under house arrest in the name of illegally amassing money. Chen Byung-cheol paid a huge deposit before he regained his freedom. You must know that the word "official" has two meanings. Today you can be a guest of the Blue House, and tomorrow you will be Can become a prisoner of the District Prosecutor's Office."

"Do you know that our family members intentionally or unintentionally neglect the fifth brother (Zhou Mengxian)? It is because he is too close to the government and he does not hesitate to invest heavily to promote economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea for the sake of the old man's ideals."

"The Chinese country next door to us has a five-year plan and a ten-year plan because their policies have continuity. But our country is different. Neither the progressives nor the conservatives can stay in power for a long time."

"So the economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea is doomed to fail. North Korea has been watching our movements and announced the suspension of economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea at the slightest sign of trouble. To survive in such a crack, the Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone have How can it be developed?"

"The people at the bottom of South Korea will never be satisfied. Even if South Korea develops as developed as the United States and Japan, they will still be dissatisfied."

"They drive a Hyundai and want to change to a BMW. They live in an apartment but still want to move to a villa. As long as their life is not as good as the people around them, they will blame everyone, blame the government, blame the company, blame the parents, blame the wife, The only one I don’t blame is myself.”

"In addition, the U.S. government keeps stirring things up for its own interests. Do you think that when Zheng Puxi was assassinated, as the murderer said, 'I do everything for the country and have no personal gain'? For the United States, In other words, South Korea’s military dictatorship is also not conducive to American capital’s ability to seize chestnuts from the fire in the South Korean market.” Zhou Mengzhun and Song Yi said sincerely.

"Uncle Meng Zhun, I understand what you mean. Uncle Meng Xian and I are different. I am a pragmatic businessman, while Uncle Meng Xian is a pessimistic idealist."

"Uncle Meng Xian hopes that the north and south of the peninsula will be unified in the future. What he expects is very beautiful, but in reality he is unable to achieve it. He is a bit like a martyr in the church."

"Except for both sides of the peninsula, none of the surrounding powers hopes that the peninsula can be unified. Because a unified peninsula is not in their interests. I only hope that the peninsula can be peaceful. Only a peninsula far away from the flames of war can preserve the wealth we have accumulated. You must know that the mainland The wealthy and noble families that have lasted for hundreds of years will also be destroyed by the war." Song Yi spoke his true words.

Zhou Mengzhun knew that Song Yuxi would continue Zhong Xiaotong’s sunshine policy in foreign policy and continue to promote national reconciliation between the North and the South and economic cooperation between North and South Korea. Economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea cannot bypass the Asan Group. Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi must be key figures in economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea.

At Zhou Zhengyong's funeral, Jin Dongshen of the North Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee had already met Song Yi. Zhou Mengzhun believed that Beifang had already collected Song Yi's information and created a file. The Zhou Zhengyong Gymnasium in the center of Pingjing will be completed next year. Zhou Mengxian, the former chairman of Hyundai Group, and Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi, the presidents of Asan Group, are all on the invitation list.

Zhou Meng must be a lobbyist for Zhou Mengjiu, trying to get Song Yi to give up supporting Park Donghao. Without Song Yi providing campaign funds behind the scenes, it would be difficult for Park Donghao to win the election.

Zhou Mengjiu and Zhou Mengzhun also saw what Song Yi meant. In fact, Song Yi was more optimistic about Park Donghao than Song Yuxi.

Perhaps Park Dong-ho does not have rich governing experience yet, but if Park Dong-ho is successfully elected as the mayor of Seoul, he will be elected as the mayor of Seoul. As long as Park Dong-ho can fulfill his campaign promises, solve their housing problems for Seoul citizens and manage Cheonggyecheon well. So these five years of experience as mayor of Seoul are enough for him to aspire to the Blue House.

From Zhong Wanyou to Zhong Xiaotong, and then to Song Woo-suk, who may win the election in December, South Korea has had three progressive presidents in a row. If Park Dong-ho, whom Song Yi favors, is added to the mix, the South Korean government will have four consecutive progressive presidents. This is absolutely unacceptable to South Korea’s conservative party.

If Song Woo-seok succeeds in winning the presidential election this time, the Korean conservative party will invite Zheng Puxi's daughter Zheng Jinhui to come out to participate in the next presidential election. Since Zheng Puxi has helped the five major groups of Samsung, Hyundai, Lotte, LG and SK, then the five major groups will definitely join forces to send Zheng Jinhui to the Blue House.

The Hyundai family supported Song Woo-seok this time, and they also had their own considerations. Zhou Mengjiu, Zhou Mengzhun, Zhou Mengxian and Song Yi all got what they wanted.

Hyundai Motor and Yanjing Automobile are cooperating to build a factory. A pro-China president Song Woo-suk can help Yanjing Hyundai expand sales in the mainland. Zhou Mengzhun became the chairman of Hyundai Group as he wished, and Zhou Mengxian was assigned to Asan Group, and he can continue to promote economic cooperation between North and South Korea through Asan Group. As the liaison representative between the Modern Family and Song Yuxi, Song Yi has sufficient say in both Song Yuxi and the Modern Family.

On July 11, Daewoo Group’s creditors announced the sale of the Seoul Plaza Building to New Asia Media Real Estate Group for 120.4 billion won (approximately 720 million yuan). Seoul Plaza Tower was also officially renamed as New Asia Group Tower.

Seoul Plaza Building is the original Daewoo Group headquarters building, formerly known as Daewoo Tower. After the bankruptcy of Daewoo Group, the Korea Development Bank, the creditor of Daewoo Group, paid off the debt of this building and later renamed it Seoul Plaza Building.

The Seoul Plaza Building has a total of 22 floors, including 17 floors above ground and 5 floors underground, with an area of ​​24,854 square meters. New Asia Media Real Estate Group used cash and loans to buy this building as the company's new headquarters.

In the second half of the year, New Asia Construction, New Asia Capital Fund, New Asia Media, New Asia Pictures, New Asia Music, and New Asia Agency will move to this building to work together.

As for the New Asia Building in Seocho-dong, it will serve as the office building of New Asia Network Co., Ltd. With the advancement of Sohan.com and "Kart Racing" projects, New Asia Network Co., Ltd. is recruiting people almost every day. New Asia Network Co., Ltd.'s original workplace office area is no longer enough.

Chen Zaican was very surprised when he heard that Song Yi had bought the Seoul Plaza Building. He originally thought that Song Yi might become his boss in the future, but who knew that Song Yi would suddenly become his landlord. Shinhan Media is located on the 15th floor of the Seoul Plaza Building.

Song Yi handed over the renovation work of the New Asia Group Building to Jin Xiyuan. Like the New Asia Building, Song Yi's president's office will be set up on the top floor of the New Asia Group Building. Song Yi will run between the New Asia Group Building and the New Asia Building.

The reason why he did not pay attention to the renovation work of the New Asia Group Building was because he and Kim Tae Hee made a special trip back to Yanjing to bring his niece Song Miao to Seoul.

After not seeing each other for half a year, Song Yi felt that Song Miao seemed to have grown a lot taller. After Song Miao moved into Song Yi's Chengbeidong villa, she immediately became familiar with Song Yi's dog Black, and she took Black to play on the lawn and courtyard every day.

Song Miao also followed the Chinese men's football match. She also went to watch the Yanjing Guoan football match and is also a small football fan.

"Uncle, I heard in the newspaper that you are planning to acquire an A-level football club, and are also planning to introduce high-level foreign players from South America to help improve the level of Chinese men's football. Is this true?" Song Miao rarely met Song who got off work early. Yi, chatting with him in the courtyard.

Song Yi laughed dumbly, "Who did you listen to? Just read the news in the newspaper and don't take it seriously."

The actual situation is that New Asia Network Puhai Branch contacted Puhai Shenhua Club and intends to become a sponsor of Shenhua. In addition, there have been rumors in the industry that Song Yi is planning to buy a football club, so the rumors become more and more mysterious, and it turns out that Song Yi wants to become the new owner of Shenhua Club.

After Song Yi returned to Seoul, he went out early and came back late every day, just for Park Donghao's mayoral campaign. Considering that Lee Guangwang's poll rate was higher than Park Dongho's, Park Dongho had to agree to the proposal to have a live debate with Li Guangwang on KBS TV.

I’ll adjust the plot, see you tomorrow, and thank you all for your monthly votes.

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