I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 165 Long-term rental apartment in Seoul

The new headquarters has not yet been renovated, and Song Yi is still working in Xinya Building these days. When Song Yi drove into the underground parking lot, a black Mercedes-Benz G55AMG parked in front of his BMW.

Song Yi saw the Mercedes-Benz parked in the employee parking area. He was curious about the identity of the owner and couldn't help but look at the car window. After all, an employee who can afford to drive a Mercedes-Benz G-Class should at least be an executive in the company.

At this time, the car owner got out of the car and turned out to be a small and exquisite white-collar beauty. Standing in front of the tall Mercedes-Benz, she is petite and in sharp contrast.

She was wearing a short-sleeved black thin suit skirt with white suspenders underneath. The skirt was very high, revealing a pair of slender legs. The hair is tied into a simple ponytail, giving people a very smart look.

Wearing a string of emerald necklaces on her fair neck, and the Patek Philippe Calatrava series round watch on her left hand, all highlight her identity.

When Song Yi got out of the car, the beauty obviously noticed him, with a surprise smile on her face, "Good morning, President."

When she took off the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, Song Yi recognized the other party's identity, "Sister Shan Ji?"

Cui Shanji carried the Hermès briefcase and walked up to Song Yi. She gave Song Yi a friendly reminder, "President, you can't call me Sister Shanji in the company. You should call me Director Cui."

Song Yi suddenly realized, "Have you officially started working today? Your dress today is really eye-catching, and you feel several years younger all of a sudden."

Cui Shanji was flattered by Song Yi's praise and couldn't help but turn around in front of Song Yi, "Really? My daughter said the same thing. In order to reward me for coming to work, Zai Chan specially asked me to go to the 4S shop to choose a car. , I fell in love with this Mercedes-Benz G at first sight."

Song Yi usually sees Cui Shanji dressed in more life-like clothes, either dresses for formal public occasions or home clothes. This is also the first time he has seen Cui Shanji wearing professional attire.

He was secretly stunned when he heard that the current price of a Mercedes-Benz G55AMG is almost four to five billion won, and Chen Zaican is quite willing to spend the money.

"Director Cui, have you had breakfast? If not, I'll ask you to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, and just think that I'm here to help you." Song Yi asked.

"Breakfast only costs a few bucks. If you are really sincere in supporting me, at least it must be a Michelin restaurant, right?" Cui Shanji pouted and looked coquettishly at Song Yi.

Song Yi smiled, "The breakfast and lunch in our cafeteria taste great, especially the steamed dumplings at window 1. They have thin skin and lots of stuffing, and the special chili oil makes people never get tired of eating it. Some people still eat it. I purposely bought an extra portion to take home for dinner. Xiyuan is probably here by this time, so I’ll ask her to take you to meet your colleagues in the public relations department.”

New Asia Media Real Estate Group has established a public relations department. All employees in the department come from South Korea's three major newspapers and three major TV stations. Choi Sun-hee's father, Choi Won-suk, is the major shareholder of the "East Asia Ilbo". It is just right to use her to manage the public relations department.

At this time, a yellow Porsche 911 Turbo also drove into the parking lot. Chen Xinyu saw Song Yi and Cui Shanji in the car. After parking the car, she quickly came over to say hello to Song Yi, "Good morning, President."

Today, Chen Xinyu is obviously dressed more dignified, a white short-sleeved shirt, paired with a pair of blue nine-point jeans, the hem of the shirt is tucked into the jeans, a wide belt extends her waistline, and brown high-heeled sandals brighten it up The whole look.

Chen Xinyu didn't expect to meet Cui Shanji in Xinya Building, "Sister Shanji, I thought I was wrong just now. What happened to you when you came to the company today?"

Chen Xinyu knew that Chen Zaican and his wife had always had a good relationship with Song Yi, and Song Yi was also an important promoter of the listing of Xinhan Media. It is said that eldest brother Chen Zaiyong once instigated the relationship between Song Yi and Chen Zaican, but looking at the way Song Yi and Cui Shanji were chatting and laughing, it was obvious that they were not affected by the rumors of love.

In Cui Shanji's view, Chen Xinyu is the only one in Chen Jianxi's family who has not learned Chen Jianxi's cunning and ruthlessness, and she is now willing to deal with her. The two later became colleagues in the New Asia Department, and her attitude towards Chen Xinyu became a little more cordial.

"I have now joined New Asia Media Real Estate Group as the director of the public relations department. From now on, we will be colleagues in the same company. Just now, your president asked me to invite me to your canteen to eat Xiao Long Bao. It would be better to meet by chance. How about we meet each other by chance? Let’s go together?”

Chen Xinyu actually didn't want to go to have breakfast with Song Yi. Song Yi was a completely different person at work than usual. He pays great attention to details when doing things, and will point out the mistakes of employees in person. Employees are very afraid of receiving work emails from Song Yi. She also didn't know how Song Yi could devote so much energy to replying to every employee's email every day. Some employees would even receive emails from Song Yi late at night.

Song Yi, Cui Shanji, and Chen Xinyu took the elevator to the cafeteria on the first floor. Many employees were already in the cafeteria. Song Yi motioned to Chen Xinyu and the others to find a seat to wait for him while he went to the No. 1 window to queue up to buy Xiao Long Bao.

Cui Shanji saw Song Yi waiting at the end of the queue, and the company employees were already used to it.

"Xinyu, Song Yi," she lowered her voice in fear of being heard by her colleagues next to her, "President Song, does he queue up to buy breakfast every time?"

"Xinya's corporate culture does not allow queue jumping, and the emphasis is on first come, first served. So if you want to eat hot steamed buns, you have to come to work early."

"I think this is the company's conspiracy. If you stay in the company after work and work overtime, you can have a free and sumptuous dinner in the cafeteria. If you work overtime beyond nine o'clock, you can also apply for the company's 10,000 won. Taxi subsidy. So many of our New Asia Network employees don’t go home after nine o’clock.” Chen Xinyu introduced Cui Shanji to her feelings since going to work.

"But doesn't the president have a dedicated elevator? Isn't this a reflection of privilege? The president pursues equality while enjoying privileges. Isn't it self-contradictory?" Cui Shanji asked Chen Xinyu.

Chen Xinyu really hasn't thought about this problem. In order to avoid squeezing into the elevator with other colleagues, she usually commutes through Song Yi's dedicated elevator. The people she met the most in the elevator were Kim Hee-won and Kang Soo-na, and they would chat briefly when they met. Because she usually took Song Yi's private elevator to and from get off work, she never realized that this was actually a privilege.

When Song Yi came over with three drawers of steamed buns, Chen Xinyu had already skillfully prepared the sauce plate. Cui Shanji has just returned to the workplace and has not yet learned to please her boss and express her doubts directly.

Song Yi smiled, "Everyone is equal in itself is a scam. The annual tuition of Yongsan International High School in Seoul exceeds 20 million won, and the learning content is consistent with the courses of famous schools in the United States. Without the recommendation of the school director, ordinary families will not even have to interview for admission. There will be no chance."

"I will not force myself to squeeze into the same elevator with my subordinates in order to deliberately pursue equality for everyone. The reason why I insist on queuing in the restaurant is just to make the employees feel more comfortable."

"This is like me allocating 1 million won with you. If I tell you at the beginning that I can get 800,000 won and you can only get 200,000 won, you will definitely feel uncomfortable and wonder why the allocation is so uneven. fair."

"But if I take away all 1 million won from the beginning, and then give you 200,000 won in the name of a reward, then your mood will change instantly, and you may want to be grateful to me. This may be the reason for a capitalist like me. You're hypocritical." Song Yi couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Chen Xinyu was stunned for a long time when she heard what Song Yi said. It was the first time she heard a super rich man analyze her unbearable heart like this.

"Restricting privileges is a problem all over the world. The president's ability to think about not competing with the people for profit is already more than many wealthy people." Chen Xinyu couldn't help but comfort Song Yi.

After breakfast, Song Yi, Cui Shanji and Chen Xinyu walked into Song Yi's special elevator. Chen Xinyu got off the elevator early at Xinya Network, and Cui Shanji and Song Yi went directly to the top floor together.

Song Yi said to Cui Shanji: "Director Cui, if you still dress like this in summer, then I suggest that you still take this elevator to and from work. If you commute to and from work with other male colleagues, I'm afraid that some colleagues will not be able to help but extend their ugly hands. .”

When Cui Shanji saw what Song Yi said, she couldn't help but joke with Song Yi, "If someone really stretches their hand, I will be the first to doubt you."

"There is an old saying in China that a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Of course you have the freedom to dress, but there is no need to challenge the weakness of human nature. If everyone is crowded together in a sealed elevator, the camera may not be able to capture it. No one touches the sensitive parts of your body intentionally or unintentionally, so there is no need to take this risk." Song Yi explained.

Song Yi and Cui Shanji walked through the L-shaped corridor together and entered Song Yi's office through Jiang Xiuna's office. Jiang Xiuna was helping Song Yi clean the tea sets on the coffee table. When she saw Song Yi and Cui Shanji coming in together, she quickly greeted them both, "President, Director Cui, good morning."

Song Yi invited Cui Shanji to sit down and poured her a cup of coffee. The two stood chatting side by side in front of the large, unobstructed floor-to-ceiling windows.

"I have been thinking about the direction of the real estate industry in Seoul during this period. I actually want the real estate industry in Seoul to learn from the Singapore model, but other large consortiums in South Korea have always wanted to adopt the Hong Kong Island model. Sister Sunhee, have you been there? Singapore?" Song Yi asked proactively.

"Yes, but the Singapore model requires an efficient authoritarian government. Even if Park Dong-ho is really elected as the mayor of Seoul, it will be difficult for you to promote Singapore's real estate model." Cui Shanji said sincerely.

As representatives of developed cities in Asia, the real estate industries in Hong Kong Island and Singapore are both very developed. Hong Kong Island's real estate tycoons have hoarded a large amount of land before the handover of Hong Kong Island. They have been creating the illusion that real estate is in short supply, pushing up the unit price of real estate on Hong Kong Island step by step, allowing a few members of an ordinary family to live in a house of more than ten square meters or more. In a small house of more than 20 square meters.

Unlike Hong Kong Island, the Singapore government, as the largest real estate developer, supplies a large number of HDB flats in urban areas.

In Singapore, as long as you are ready to get married when you reach adulthood, you can apply for a two-bedroom HDB flat from the Singapore Housing and Development Board. The price of HDB flats is not expensive and can be afforded by the salary level of ordinary residents in Singapore.

The Housing and Development Board stipulates that only Singapore citizens can apply for HDB flats, and HDB flats can only be resold after five years of purchase. A complete family can only own one HDB flat, and there are many restrictions on single people purchasing HDB flats.

Of course, for the 20% of wealthy people in Singapore, they can still purchase high-end commercial housing or even private villas, and there are no price restrictions in this regard.

“If Seoul implements Singapore’s HDB policy, the Seoul City Government will need to purchase a large amount of land and build large-scale HDB flats. Although these newly built HDB flats have solved the housing problems of some citizens in a short period of time, they will not be available in the next few decades. But it is very likely to become a new slum in the city.”

"My idea goes further. Now Koreans like the full rental model. In fact, the Seoul City Government can establish a state-backed real estate leasing company."

“This real estate rental company can hold multiple properties through acquisition or self-construction. Small one-bedroom apartments can be rented out to singles in Seoul City, and two- or three-bedroom apartments can be rented out to married families or couples. Families with children.”

"After the real estate leasing company gets the tenants' deposits, they can pool the deposits to renovate or build more small apartments. Only when such small apartments are supplied on a large scale can the skyrocketing housing prices in Seoul City be truly suppressed. .”

"Regulating housing prices can only be done by increasing the supply of land. The purchase restriction itself is putting the cart before the horse. Instead, it gives the market the illusion that it is reluctant to sell and that you will make money if you buy it."

"With the government taking care of the situation, there is no need to worry about the real estate leasing company being exposed. The rent adjustment range of the real estate leasing company must be publicly notarized. After they have rented the house for three or five years, they can also apply to the real estate leasing company to buy it out. If you rent an apartment yourself, the rent paid before can also be deducted from the total purchase price.”

"Seoul is a small area, and the entire Seoul metropolitan area is crowded with 20 million Koreans. It is unrealistic and very expensive to build new communities on a large scale and increase the supply of small apartments. But it allows everyone to live in stable long-term rental apartments. It is more feasible for residents to pay rent to the property leasing company every month," Song Yi said.

After listening to Song Yi's introduction, Cui Shanji said to him: "Your operation model goes further than Singapore's HDB policy. If Seoul people accumulate enough savings, they can also buy long-term rental apartments. If the rental and sale are the same, Residents who rent a house have the same rights as those who buy a house, and will not be restricted in terms of children's schooling and social welfare. Therefore, for young people who have just entered society, living in a long-term rental apartment provided by the government is actually a good idea. s Choice."

"Before, some media said that Song Woo-seok and Park Dong-ho were not good at economic affairs and needed to consult a think tank behind them. I didn't believe it. Now I know that you are their economic brains."

"In fact, if Seoul City learns from Hong Kong Island's real estate policy and New Asia Construction hoards land in advance and then develops it slowly, you can earn more profits. Why go to the trouble of promoting long-term rental apartments, which is so thankless?" Cui Shanji was a little puzzled. .

"The One Apartment developed by New Asia Construction in Yongdudong was not originally intended for ordinary Seoul citizens. Our sales target was the richest group of people in South Korea. After The One Apartment in Seoul formed a word-of-mouth effect, we New The One apartments will be developed in cities such as Busan, Incheon, and Jeju Island.”

"Xinya Construction disdains making money from ordinary people and focuses on high-end real estate. Believe me, for rich people, they don't care whether the total price of the house is 2 billion won or 2.5 billion won." Song Yi said his thoughts.

Unlike the Mainland, South Korea's 50 million population cannot sustain the high housing prices in Seoul for two consecutive decades. The Mainland's population of more than one billion will eventually inevitably lead to a downward trend in real estate.

Moreover, Song Yi also had his own selfish motives in promoting the long-term rental apartment plan in Seoul City. He bought a number of second-hand houses around Cheonggyecheon Stream. These properties will give him a considerable say in the state-owned real estate leasing company established in the future.

In order to position The One Apartment as a high-end apartment, Song Yi must first create a high-end surrounding environment for The One Apartment. If The One apartment is surrounded by future long-term rental apartments, then The One apartment will naturally not be sold at a sky-high price.

No matter which city you are in, if your community is next door to a demolition resettlement housing community or a relocation housing community, then the housing prices in the commercial housing community where you are located will not be much higher.

"If the real estate policy you promote can be implemented, then the young people in Seoul will really have a place to live and settle down in this fiercely competitive big city. I didn't expect that you would actually have tens of millions of buildings to protect the world. The ambition to make all poor men happy." Cui Shanji admired Song Yi's attitude of doing something and not doing anything.

Song Yi's goal is to build Xinya into an innovation-driven high-tech company. Of course, he is not willing to compete with ordinary people for the last copper. Just like the later Internet companies in the Mainland, they all concentrated on the vegetable shopping business, preparing to take away the jobs of vegetable market vendors, staring at the last three melons and two dates in the pockets of ordinary people. It is really a bit unstructured.

After drinking coffee, Cui Shanji visited his office under the leadership of Song Yi. When Cui Shanji saw the two-meter-wide bed in the lounge, she couldn't help but glance at Song Yi.

Song Yi immediately understood Cui Shanji's eyes and closed the lounge door. Cui Shanji turned her back to the door and said pitifully: "President, today is my first official day at work, are you going to molest me in the office? What if the colleagues in the public relations department find out that the director will not do anything on his first day?" Isn’t it good to be on duty?”

Song Yi's eyes were a little hot, "When I was in the parking lot, I was thinking about the current scene. As the director of the public relations department, before you officially take office, it is reasonable for you to report to me your work plan for the second half of the year, isn't it? ?"

Cui Shanji is very good at provoking Song Yi's emotions, "Jaechan agreed that I would work in your company and asked you to take care of me in the company. Is this how you take care of his wife?"

I have something to do tonight, so I will update first. I have a question: do you think China Entertainment is more interesting than Korean Entertainment?

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