I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 166 TV Debate

Park Donghao put on a suit and a white shirt, and his wife chose a blue tie for him. This is his habit. Every time he goes to court to argue, his wife will help him put on a blue tie, hoping that he will return victorious, and this time is no exception.

When he puts on rimless round glasses, Park Donghao's temperament is obviously different. He is actually six years younger than Song Woosuk and will only turn fifty next year. However, his hair was already gray, which made him look a little more elegant.

The driver waited patiently for him at the door of Park Donghao's house. Park Donghao hugged his wife, then turned and left. His wife said in Park Donghao's ear: "Come on, Donghao! Song Yi sent a lot of mutton last time. When you come back from the debate, we will cook hot pot to celebrate."

Hyundai Equus was driving on Seoul Road. Park Donghao closed his eyes in the car, guessing the questions Li Guangwang might ask, and went through the answers in his mind.

He sighed slightly, wondering whether the ten questions that Li Guangzhi might ask listed by Xinya Network were accurate. How could a cold machine guess human beings through statistical data and machine learning? What about future behavior?

About half an hour later, Park Dong-ho had arrived at the door of KBS TV station. A large number of supporters who came after hearing the news were waiting at the door. They looked at Park Dong-ho who walked out of the car expectantly.

Supporters held various signs in their hands, "Come on! Congressman Park Dong-ho!" "Congressman Park Dong-ho, we love you!" "I hope you will make Seoul greater!"

KBS's popular news anchor Lee Hyun-jin was responsible for receiving Park Dong-ho and his party. She took Park Dong-ho to the KBS studio. The TV debate between Park Dong-ho and Lee Guangwang attracted a lot of attention. The media commented that this debate is very likely to influence the Han Dynasty in late July. The direction of the city mayor election.

"Congressman Park, Congressman Lee Guangwang hasn't arrived yet. You can take a rest in our KBS dressing room. I see that you are a little tired. Do you need to get you a cup of coffee to refresh yourself?" Li Xianzhen took the initiative.

Park Donghao was a little surprised. As South Korea's national TV station, KBS has a somewhat aloof political attitude and never explicitly supports a certain candidate. Lee Hyunjin expressed his support for him in a subtle way.

Park Donghao felt that Li Xianzhen looked familiar, and Li Xianzhen directly talked about the origin of the two. "When New Asia Network launched the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok", someone threw red paint outside director Min Byung-cheon's house. I went to the scene as a KBS reporter to interview you. I got to know you through his documentary, and so did I. Ms. Kim Tae Hee’s senior sister and best friend.”

When Park Donghao heard what Li Xianzhen said, he suddenly realized that in this way, Li Xianzhen belonged to him. As a good friend of Kim Tae Hee, Lee Hyun Jin’s political stance naturally leans towards the progressive side.

"Does Hyunjin have his own house in Seoul?" Park Donghao chatted casually to relieve the tension before the TV debate.

"I am a native of Seoul and live with my parents. I have not bought my own house yet. After all, the housing prices this year are too high. I want to buy a two-bedroom apartment with my boyfriend before getting married. According to our two salaries , it will take about five to eight years to collect the down payment." Li Xianzhen said.

"Is your boyfriend also from KBS?" Park Donghao was a little surprised. The salary of KBS news anchors already belongs to the middle-to-high-income group in Seoul. It still takes 5 to 8 years to save money to buy a house. This shows how high the housing prices in Seoul have become.

Lee Hyunjin smiled sweetly, "No, he is the planning PD of the SBS variety show "X-Man". He is a behind-the-scenes staff member of the TV station. He is also my senior at Seoul National University. After graduation, he also sent me messages and contacted me through inschool. to me."

Park Donghao's heart moved, "If the Seoul City Government provides you with a long-term rental apartment, and the decoration conditions of the apartment are comparable to ordinary new communities, will you be willing to rent an apartment and get married?"

"For us, we can either buy a house to get married or rent a house to get married. The key is who we marry. If it is a long-term rental apartment provided by the government, the accommodation conditions are good, the rent can meet our expectations, and we do not need to move frequently. In fact, renting a house to get married It’s also a good choice.” Li Xianzhen said very pragmatically.

"There are not many outstanding and pragmatic young people like you anymore. Many girls in Seoul say they don't have a house and have no way to get married. Some families even need both parents, grandparents, and grandparents to use all their savings to help their children. Buy a house in Seoul." Park Donghao shook his head, he did not support this approach.

After a while, Li Guangguang also came to KBS. He waved frequently at KBS TV station and responded to the staff who greeted him. Today, Li Guangxu was obviously well prepared and seemed confident.

Park Donghao left the makeup mirror and headed to the studio. KBS obviously also attaches great importance to the TV debate between Park Donghao and Lee Guangwang, and freed up KBS's second largest studio for this live debate.

Lee Guangwang was elected to the National Assembly in 1992, and Park Dong-ho was elected to the National Assembly in 1997. Regardless of age or seniority, Li Guangguang is a senior. Park Donghao walked up to Li Guangguang and greeted him, "Hello, Congressman Li."

"Hello, Representative Park. You're really early enough, but there are some things where it's useless to rush." ​​Li Guangguang said to Park Donghao.

"God rewards hard work, and hard work makes up for clumsiness. It's better for a stupid bird like me to fly first." Compared to the aggressive Li Guangguang, Park Donghao's attitude is much gentler.

Li Guangguang's campaign slogan is "Economic Mayor." He made it clear that he will run Seoul as a large enterprise. "I will revitalize Seoul's economy and build Seoul into a world-class international metropolis."

After Li Guangguang and Park Donghao took their seats, they officially entered the TV debate, which lasted one hour. Lee Guangwang and Park Donghao rank first or second in the current Seoul mayoral election polls.

"Member Park Dong-ho, you said that after taking office, you plan to promote the Cheonggyecheon Stream reconstruction plan, and the residents and businesses around the Cheonggyecheon Stream will be rebuilt and relocated. Will the cost of relocation be paid by the Seoul City public finance budget?" Li Guangguang took the lead in launching an attack.

"Yes, 20 million Seoul citizens can no longer stand the smelly ditch of Cheonggyecheon. During the World Cup, Cheonggyecheon also became a scar on Seoul City. The vast majority of Seoul citizens support the management of Cheonggyecheon." Park Donghao said.

"It's not that Cheonggyecheon cannot be managed, why should we promise to rebuild it on the same site? We can actually build several new communities on the land around Seoul City, centrally resettle the residents near Cheonggyecheon, and re-sell the land around Cheonggyecheon. The income from the land sales will be It’s enough to pay for the renovation of Cheonggyecheon, so why waste the public budget?” Li Guang asked.

"I remember that Rep. Lee Kwang's residence is located in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam District. If you were moved to Kowloon Village opposite Gangnam District in order to build a World Cup stadium, would you be willing?" Park Donghao asked.

"The World Cup is over. It makes no sense for you to make such an assumption." Of course Li Guangguang knows what Park Donghao means. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. You yourself are not willing to move to the suburbs. Why should you let the residents around Qinggyechuan move? Woolen cloth?

At this time, Park Minzhen, the owner of the Xinyi Pet Shop in Dongdaemun Market, was watching today's TV debate. When she heard Li Guangguang's words, she couldn't help but curse. She had worked hard for twenty years to buy a shop in Dongdaemun Market. Li Guangguang wanted to It ruined her livelihood.

"How could it be meaningless? Does Mr. Li Guang know those people living in Kowloon Village?"

“In the 1980s, in order to bid for the Olympic Games, the French government determined the addresses of the Olympic venues, broke into the homes of hundreds of residents, told them that their houses had been expropriated, and gave them an optional demolition payment, which limited them to They moved within 7 days. These ordinary residents were immediately driven to the streets and became wanderers with no fixed abode. Finally, these two thousand people went to settle in Jiulong Village, and Jiulong Village became the largest slum in South Korea. If the original Land reconstruction cannot protect the interests of residents around Cheonggyecheon Stream. Do you want the tragedy of Kowloon Village to happen again?" Park Donghao's words were resounding.

Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee were also watching today's TV debate at home. Kim Tae Hee also learned about what happened in Kowloon Village for the first time. She could not have imagined that there would be such a tragedy in the highly developed city of Seoul.

"Is what Representative Park Dong-ho said true?" Kim Tae-hee asked.

"Indeed, for the residents of Kowloon Village, it was the period of the military government's rule. It can be said that the sky and the earth are not working. The reason why they can live in Kowloon Village is because of the There is a metal scrap factory next to it, and no one except them values ​​this land," Song Yi said.

Li Guangguang felt that he had made a mistake, and he did not intend to dwell on this issue. "The media reported that the reason why Representative Park Donghao promoted the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project was because he planned to hand over the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project to New Asia Construction, which bought tens of thousands of dollars in Yongdudong. Flat land will be used to build high-end residential areas. Is this a thing?" Li Guangxu made another big news.

Park Donghao smiled. Li Guangguang's question was indeed similar to the prediction of Xinya Network's AI. It seemed that this artificial intelligence had something.

"Congressman Li said this, I really wonder if you have worked at Hyundai Construction for more than 20 years. You used to be the president of Hyundai Construction. Were all the projects assigned to you by the government? Didn't they go through the bidding process? ? Do you think that only New Asia Construction will bid for the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project?"

"I heard that Congressman Lee Guangwang has visited Hyundai Motor Chairman Zhou Mong-koo and Samsung Electronics' Chen Kunxi. Does knowing who they know means that they will work for them?" Park Donghao asked.

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