I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 169 Xinya Cloud Computing Service (please vote for recommendation)

On July 25, the results of the Seoul mayoral election were released. Park Dong-ho, the candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party, was elected as the new mayor of Seoul Special City with 46.8% of the vote, surpassing the Grand National Party candidate Lee Kwang by 0.2 percentage points. .

The current mayor of Seoul, Gao She, congratulated Park Donghao and invited him to dinner to discuss the handover of the city government.

It is obviously difficult for conservatives to accept this election defeat. In fact, Park Dong-ho won 21 of the 25 districts in Seoul City. However, he declared in the four wealthy districts of Gangnam District, Seocho District, Seongbuk District and Yongsan District. Lose.

This voting result also reflects the current political situation in Seoul City. Park Dong-ho has won the trust of ordinary citizens in Seoul City, while the chaebols and wealthy people in Seoul City have actively expressed their alienation from Park Dong-ho. They obviously do not like the long-term rental launched by Park Dong-ho. Apartment plans.

The Grand National Party has expressed doubts about the election results calculated by the statistical machine of this mayoral election, and is preparing to file a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of South Korea, requesting a re-count of 2 million votes in the mayoral election.

Song Yi also heard the news, and he did not believe that a recount could change the current election results. The Seoul Election Commission, the New Millennium Democratic Party, and the Grand National Party all believe that this possibility is slim.

He took the lead and called Park Donghao, "Uncle Park, congratulations on your election as mayor of Seoul. I believe you must be very busy these two days, so I won't go over and cause trouble for you and Aunt Jin. Wait until Tae Hee and I come back from the United States. , I’ll be a guest at your home then.”

Park Donghao laughed loudly after hearing this, "Song Yi, Song Yi, you are such a naughty little guy. Your Aunt Jin said you and Tae Hee are welcome to visit our home at any time."

Park Dong-ho's wife Kim Shu-jin used to be a well-known vocal actress. She is still very well-connected in the Korean abortion society. She also contributed a lot to this election.

When Kim Tae Hee appeared in the drama "Empress Myeongseong" at the Seoul National Art Troupe, Kim Shuzhen also went to the scene to support her. Park Dong Ho's daughter Park Da Hye also liked Kim Tae Hee very much.

Through this mayoral election, Park Donghao once again realized Song Yi's important role. Without the long-term rental apartment plan proposed by Song Yi and the AI ​​of Xinya Network that accurately predicted the problems in Li Guangxu's TV debate, he would not have been able to reverse the election after the TV debate and defeat the highly popular Li Guangxu with an extremely narrow advantage and be elected. As the new mayor of Seoul.

The documentary "Hi, I am Song Woo-seok" released on inschool helped Song Woo-seok become the Democratic presidential candidate in the new millennium, and AI's accurate predictions helped Park Dong-ho become the mayor of Seoul.

If Song Woo-seok wins the December presidential election, Song Yi's influence at the Blue House will not be weaker than that of a department chief.

What Park Donghao is worried about now is that Song Yi spared no effort to help him and Song Wooxi. What does Song Yi hope to get from them?

If you want to take it first, you must give it first. Park Donghao knows that Song Yi is a very top investor. Even though other members of the Hyundai family are not optimistic about Park Donghao, Song Yi is still willing to support Park Donghao. So what Song Yi hopes to get from him is probably not just a small profit.

Not long after Song Yi's call ended, secretary Jiang Xiuna entered the office, "Miss Taixi brought Song Miao to the company. They are waiting for you in Special Agent Jin's office."

Song Yi was a little surprised, "Come here, just take them to my office. Why do you let them wait for me in Xiyuan's office?"

"Ms. Taixi said that she was worried about disturbing your work, so she asked me to wait until you are done with your work before notifying you." Jiang Xiuna replied.

After Song Miao saw Song Yi, she stopped playing with the Rubik's Cube in her hand and acted aggrievedly towards Song Yi, "Uncle, you haven't played with me these days."

Jin Xiyuan's eyes were smiling, "Miaomiao is right, no matter how busy you are at work, you should spend more time with your family. Miaomiao is not familiar with the place in Seoul, and even with Taixi taking her, she can't have any fun. I’m happy. I’ve been in Seoul for so many days and I haven’t been to many places yet.”

Song Yi felt a little guilty and knelt down to chat with Song Miao, "Miaomiao is right to criticize. Uncle is already busy with his work. We will fly to the United States tomorrow and spend a few days in the United States. Didn't Taixi take you there a few days ago? Have you ever been to Tokyo Disneyland? We can go to Orlando Disneyland together, which is also the largest Disneyland in the world and has more activities suitable for Miaomiao to enjoy together."

Song Miao was doubtful, "Really? Uncle, you must fulfill your promise this time." She stretched out her cute little hand, "Hang yourself with a hook, and it won't change for a hundred years."

"Last time Miaomiao and I went to Samsung Everland together and met President Chen Fuzhen. She seemed to recognize Miaomiao and even bought Miaomiao an ice cream from the park. Miaomiao was embarrassed to accept it. After I She ate it only after agreeing."

"President Chen Fuzhen said that she really wanted to have a daughter as cute as Miaomiao, and later she took a photo with us. I don't know why, but I feel that President Chen Fuzhen has become more people-friendly after the divorce." Kim Tae-hee said.

"Is that Aunt Chen Fuzhen a friend of my uncle?" Song Miao asked suddenly, catching Song Yi off guard.

"Uh, we're friends, what's wrong?" Song Yi asked cautiously.

"Aunt Fuzhen asked me to say hello to you. Aunt Fuzhen also brought her baby to the park that day. The baby looked very small and slept in the stroller. But when he woke up and saw me, He kept smiling at me, and I quite liked him."

Although the air conditioning temperature in the office was very low, Song Yi still broke into a cold sweat. He never expected that Song Miao would meet her cousin Chen Yuanzhong by chance in Everland.

Song Yi believed that Chen Fuzhen must have checked a lot of information about him and knew about Song Miao's existence. It was probably not a coincidence that Chen Fuzhen met Song Miao by chance in Everland.

"Uncle, when will you marry Sister Taixi? After you get married, you can have a baby. I will help you take care of it then, okay?" Song Miao suggested happily.

Song Yi pinched Song Miao's soft little face, "You are still a child yourself, how can you help us take care of the baby?"

Kim Tae Hee used to be shy, but now she is more calm and asked naturally: "Does Miaomiao hope to have a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Song Miao twirled her fingers, a little embarrassed, "I like my sister better, but my mother said that she hopes that sister Taixi's first child will be a younger brother. When the younger brother grows up, he can help his uncle manage the company and let his uncle retire early."

When Jin Xiyuan heard what Song Miao said, she suddenly smiled. Last time Liao Yu came to Seoul for a meeting, Jin Xiyuan learned that Liao Yu was also Song Yi's woman. She and Liao Yu were even slept with Song Yi.

Since Liao Yu has expressed that he wants Kim Tae Hee to have a son, it means that Kim Tae Hee's status in front of Song Yi's family is already as stable as Mount Tai.

It doesn't matter whether Kim Tae Hee's first child is a son. Anyway, there is no family planning in South Korea. It doesn't matter if you have as many children as you want, as long as you can give birth to a son to inherit Xinya.

Jin Xiyuan has also been keeping an eye on the women who have had a relationship with Song Yi, and cannot let them give birth to sons. If the mother is more valuable than the son, Kim Tae Hee's position as the queen of the middle palace may not be secure.

Don't look at the fact that there are many DINK couples in the entertainment industry who keep saying they don't care about their children. As a result, when the husband wants to go back on his word in his forties or fifties, he can still find another woman to have a son and a half, but the wife has lost her fertility and can no longer have children of her own. In order to avoid being followed by the paparazzi, these celebrities will basically buy a house in Japan secretly, hire a nanny to raise their illegitimate children, and finally fade out of the entertainment industry to live in seclusion in Japan and enjoy family happiness.

Kim Tae Hee also met Chen Fuzhen's baby Chen Yuanzhong. For some reason, when she saw Chen Yuanzhong for the first time, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. She actually had a guess in her mind, but this guess was too bizarre and absurd, so she subconsciously ruled it out.

Although the outside world said that Chen Fuzhen had a lover outside, her son was not You Zaizhi's, but the illegitimate son of Chen Fuzhen and a big shot. In order to keep You Jae-sik silent, Chen Fuzhen was willing to pay 12 billion won in divorce settlement.

Kim Tae Hee had seen how Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi couldn't deal with each other. The two were basically incompetent at that time, and they had not been in contact for a few times. How could Chen Fuzhen give Song Yi a son?

"By the way, I have a senior fellow who majors in computer science at Seoul National University, and I want you to take time to meet him. In his words, as long as you listen to his idea, you will definitely be willing to hire him. You were not in the company that day, and Liu Yongjun was interviewed He failed the final interview." Kim Tae Hee said embarrassedly.

Song Yi became interested now, "Anyone who can say such things is either a genius or a madman."

He told Jiang Xiuna, "Go downstairs and ask for a copy from Xinya Network's HR. By the way, what is your senior brother's name?"

"Yang Jingxing, whose English name is Doug Young, was admitted to Seoul National University in 1995. Later he went to study at MIT and started a business in college. As a result, the company went bankrupt."

"He actually wanted to continue starting a business after returning to China, but no investors were willing to support him, so he came to New Asia Network for an interview. I don't know if he came for New Asia Capital Fund." Kim Tae Hee briefly introduced the situation of this senior brother. .

Song Yi somewhat understood why Liu Yongjun dismissed Yang Jingxing. Although the Internet company had a high degree of freedom in work, it also tolerated some maverick technical geniuses.

For example, there was a technical expert in the Xinya Network Search Korean Network project team. During the interview, he made a request to Song Yi, saying that if he couldn't get up in the morning, could he come back to work at the company after 11 o'clock?

Song Yi was slightly startled when he heard this request. This was the first time he heard such a request after having been in charge of interviews for so long.

After he investigated the resume of this expert, he discovered that this technical expert had been playing computer games in the dormitory during college. He never attended morning classes. However, he had perfect scores in all majors in his professional courses and had not graduated yet. I received interview invitations from Naver, HanGame, Daum, and Yahoo Korea.

Because this big shot saw that New Asia Network’s employees showed off various work meals in inschool every day and had a half-day break on Friday afternoons, he immediately took the initiative to come to New Asia Network for an interview because he didn’t want to be a social beast. In the end, Song Yi made the decision. This technical expert’s working hours are from 12 noon to 8 pm, and he is the only one in the company.

Liu Yongjun can tolerate a maverick employee, but cannot tolerate an employee who is always ready to change jobs. Perhaps Liu Yongjun thought that Yang Jingxing had no intention of working at New Asia Network for a long time and would have to start his own business sooner or later, so he simply eliminated him.

Jiang Xiuna got her resume. Song Yi looked at the mobile phone number on the resume and called directly, "Hello, is this Mr. Yang Jingxing?"

There was some confusion on the other end of the phone, "Yes, who are you?"

"I am Song Yi from Xinya Network. I heard from my girlfriend Taixi that you want to meet me. I happen to be free now. Do you have time to come to our company?" Song Yi said.

Yang Jingxing was already preparing to return to the United States because his classmates at MIT recommended him to work at Amazon. Unexpectedly, things turned around before he left.

"I have time. I will be at Xinya Building in about forty-five minutes." Yang Jingxing suppressed his inner joy and said calmly.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at the company. When you arrive, go directly to the top floor of Xinya Building."

After Song Yi hung up the phone, he looked at the time on his watch. It was now 10:30. Now it was up to him to see if Yang Jingxing could reach the New Asia Building within 45 minutes.

Jin Taixi paid attention to Song Yi's behavior, "Do you have anything else to be busy with later? How about I take Miaomiao back, she usually likes to play with Black."

"That's not true. Yang Jingxing said he would be at Xinya Building in forty-five minutes. If he is late, the interview will be cancelled. Xiuna, please inform Director Liu Yongjun and Team Leader Quan Zhou of Xinya Network to ask them to They will join me for the interview meeting in 45 minutes later," Song Yi explained.

Jin Taixi couldn't bear it, "What if there's a traffic jam on the way Yang Jingxing came here and we're late?"

Jin Xiyuan frowned, "If he can't even meet the most basic punctuality during the interview, how can you ensure that he can comply with the company's work tasks after working?"

"These 45 minutes were not proposed by us, but by Yang Jingxing himself. If the time is not planned well, then if the company gives him sole responsibility for a project, how can I trust the capital budget and manpower he reported to me? What about the arrangements?" Song Yi said.

Kim Tae Hee's face turned red all of a sudden, feeling that she was still looking at the problem too superficially. But she also understood what Song Yi meant. He seemed to value Yang Jingxing very much. Otherwise, why would he ask him to be responsible for a project alone?

Now Xinya Network Co., Ltd. has four projects, namely inschool, Sohan.com, "Happy Farm" and "Kart Racing".

Now "Happy Farm" has been launched in Japan and South Korea at the same time, and it has become popular in these two countries. For office workers in Japan and South Korea, "Happy Farm" is a simple and easy game to play, and it can also make inschool friends from time to time. The first thing you do when you log in to inschool every day is to see who went to your farm to steal vegetables and was bitten by the dog you fed.

If your friends feed the puppies on your farm, the puppies will not bite these food-stealing friends, but will wag their tails to send them away.

Tsuyoshi Dezawa, CEO of Xinya Network Co., Ltd., the Japanese game operator of "Happy Farm", said that players of "Happy Farm" will receive physical rewards prepared by the company in the next year, including a unique super grand prize. Please respect Please look forward to.

Because the upgrade route of Happy Farm is Happy Farm-Happy Ranch-Happy Restaurant. The higher the level ranking, the later game permissions will be opened. Currently, only Tsuyoshi Dezawa and Song Yi know that this super grand prize is actually a sponsorship of 2 million yen for the top-ranked gamer to open a Happy Farm joint restaurant.

If Song Yi is willing to let Yang Jingxing take charge of New Asia Network's new projects, then Yang Jingxing will instantly become a core executive second only to Liu Yongjun and Quan Zhouhao.

Yang Jingxing arrived at the New Asia Building around 11 o'clock. He stayed outside the building for ten minutes and then entered the building elevator at 11:12. When he stepped out of the elevator, he found a long-haired beauty waiting for him.

"Mr. Yang Jingxing, right? Our president is waiting for you in the office." Jiang Xiuna led the way.

After Yang Jingxing entered the office, he discovered that the three giants of New Asia Network, Song Yi, Liu Yongjun and Quan Zhouhao, were all there. Yang Jingxing took a deep breath. Whether he could stay in South Korea and get a high-paying and generous job depended on this.

Song Yi motioned Yang Jingxing to sit down. Different from the traditional interview, Song Yi and the four of them sat together on the U-shaped sofa in the office, just like a simple tea party.

"Yang Jingxing, before the interview, I want to ask you a question. If our Xinya hires you, will you still have plans to start a business in the next five years?" Song Yi came up and hit the point.

Yang Jingxing answered honestly without thinking, "If there is really a good opportunity, a suitable entrepreneurial project, and a entrepreneurial fund willing to invest in me, I will."

Song Yi smiled and said, "This question has nothing to do with today's interview results. Liu Yongjun said you want to provide cloud storage services for inschool users? How did you come up with this idea."

"I am actually a heavy user of inschool. I browse inschool for more than an hour every day. With the popularity of the game "Happy Farm", the number of registered users of inschool Korea has exceeded 20 million. According to my estimate, next year The number of registered users of inschool will exceed 30 million at the beginning of the year. Except for minors who cannot register for inschool accounts, inschool has covered the main population of South Korea."

"The number of photos uploaded by inschool users to inschool every day now exceeds 5 million, and in the future the number of photos uploaded in a day may exceed hundreds of millions. These massive amounts of data require the use of Xinya's huge computing power."

"With the development of mobile phone technology, professional cameras like Nikon and Canon will gradually be replaced by powerful smartphones."

"These mobile phone users will store a large number of movies, TV animations, games, music, novels and pictures on their mobile phones. Whether they are PC users or mobile phone users, some Internet users will feel that the storage space of the hardware they purchased is not enough, and they hope to have a mobile phone at any time. Additional storage space for uploading and downloading anywhere, this is the meaning of cloud storage." Yang Jingxing talked enthusiastically.

Of course Song Yi knows about cloud storage. The most common Internet application is various network disk services, the most famous of which is Baidu Network Disk.

He had an in-depth chat with Yang Jingxing. In fact, cloud computing not only includes cloud storage business, but also includes various cloud computing and database businesses.

In order to provide developers of New Asia Network with an easy-to-use, cheap and reliable virtual server, New Asia Network is also preparing to launch an elastic cloud computing project. Song Yi has already named this project, called SHINA Elastic Compute Cloud project, or SHINA Elastic Compute Cloud project for short. Xinya EC2 project, this elastic cloud computing project has been lacking a suitable project leader.

After Yang Jingxing listened to Song Yi's story, his attitude immediately changed. He originally thought that South Korea did not have talents who understood cloud computing. Unexpectedly, although Song Yi did not understand technology, he saw the future development direction of cloud services further than he did. .

Song Yi told Yang Jingxing: "Compared to the United States and China, the development of South Korea's Internet industry is actually relatively slow, except for the unique online game market."

"I tell you the truth, the new mayor of Seoul, Park Dong-ho, is indeed a good friend of mine. He has also been advocating paperless office. In order to improve the efficiency of government workers, our Xinya Network will launch the first paperless office in the next two to three years. For a public cloud service, the Seoul City Government is our first procurement target for public cloud services."

"The emergence of Xinya Cloud will completely change the Internet world in the future, allowing people to obtain and use computing resources at a lower cost and faster way, and provide infrastructure services such as computing, storage and databases to Internet users around the world. If To use a metaphor, cloud services are like highways in the Internet industry, allowing Internet users to travel smoothly."

"We will provide developers with the most powerful development tools and platforms in the future, allowing them to build and deploy applications more efficiently. When smartphones are launched, you will find that it no longer takes a week or two to develop a mobile game application. It's a fantasy." Song Yi introduced.

Only then did Yang Jingxing know that New Asia Network had already started developing their shopping website Sohan.com, and as a large shopping website, the amount of user data involved was astronomical.

In order to reduce operating costs, it is imperative for New Asia Network Co., Ltd. to enable New Asia Cloud services as soon as possible. Now New Asia Network has not only rented servers from SK Telecom, but has begun to deploy its own servers. New Asia Network Co., Ltd. has begun preparations to build its own data center in the Gangwon Province area near Seorak Mountain.

The result of this interview went smoothly. Now New Asia Cloud is only in its initial stage. There is no need to set up a separate project team for the time being. New Asia Cloud is temporarily established under the Sohan.com project team. Yang Jingxing reports to Liu Yongjun and Song Yi at the same time.

After Yang Jingxing and Quan Zhouhao left the office, Liu Yongjun deliberately stayed to explain to Song Yi, "President, I didn't know that Yang Jingxing actually knew Miss Taixi. In fact, I was hesitant to hire him at the time. But the cloud storage service is in the early stage. The investment is relatively large, and the benefits may not be seen for several years. I originally planned to recruit a large number of cloud computing-related talents in two years."

Song Yi patted Liu Yongjun on the shoulder, "Yongjun, you are always too preoccupied, and I don't blame you for eliminating Yang Jingxing. His ideas are too advanced, and for Internet companies, being too advanced often leads to This means that the user base cannot be formed, which will eventually lead to the company’s bankruptcy.”

"The reason why I am willing to hire Yang Jingxing is that I hope to use him to launch Xinya's public cloud services as soon as possible. With the procurement precedent of the Seoul City Government, I believe that more and more municipal governments and large enterprises will purchase our cloud services." Service. You have to know what it means to be a technology leader in an industry, and that is monopoly. Only monopoly determines bargaining power." Song Yi patted Liu Yongjun on the shoulder.

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