I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 170 Marry one, get one free? (Wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentine's Day)

Before leaving for the United States, Kim Tae Hee once again confirmed with her sister Kim Hee Won, "Unnie, are you really not going to the United States with me? If Oppa Song Yi and I register in the United States, we won't have any relatives around."

Jin Xiyuan took Kim Tae Hee's hand and said with some reluctance, "There are so many things going on in the company. If I also go to the United States for vacation, all the business will be messed up. Don't worry, when you hold a wedding in Seoul next year, I will not be absent. .”

Jin Xiyuan knew in her heart that Song Yi also invited Kim's mother and Kim Hyung-soo to go to the United States this time, and Song Yi's mother Zhou Shulan would also join them in Los Angeles. The meeting between the mothers of both parties has shown how much Song Yi attaches importance to her, but Song Yi asked Jin Xiyuan not to tell Kim Tae Hee yet because he wanted to give his girlfriend a surprise.

In order to let everyone have a pleasant vacation, Song Yi's private yacht Xinya has docked in advance at the Cabrillo Pier on the west coast of Westport, Los Angeles. Catalina Island near the terminal is very suitable for a family vacation.

But the clever little Song Miao revealed the news in advance, raised his head and asked Song Yi, "Uncle, grandma will be waiting for us in Los Angeles, right?"

Kim Tae Hee became a little nervous for a moment, "Auntie, are you going to the United States too?"

Song Yili was happy, "It's not like you and my mother have never met before. My mother hasn't seen Miaomiao for several days and is a little uncomfortable. After my father was promoted to dean, he felt that his workload suddenly became busy again. Bianzhou The university appointed my dad as the assistant principal, probably for the joint education project with Yonsei University."

Kim Tae Hee asked her boyfriend, "By the way, I've been hearing that the two universities are planning to cooperate in running a school, but there has been no news. How are the preparations for this matter?"

"The Liaozhong Provincial Department of Education has approved it, and it has now been reported to the Ministry of Education for approval. My dad and Principal Jin have been going to Yanjing a lot during this time. What the higher-ups mean now is that Yonsei University and Byeonju University are in Byeonda History and Culture The college will first set up an international class, using bilingual teaching in Chinese and Korean. After the students in the international class complete the first and second-year undergraduate basic courses, they will be uniformly arranged to complete the next undergraduate education at Yonsei University," Song Yi said.

Kim Tae Hee was very envious, "It's great. They can experience the history, culture, humanities and customs of two different countries while at university, and appreciate the different natural scenery of the two places."

"Our Fashion Design Department at Seoul National University also has a place to study at Parsons School of Design in New York. If I were ranked according to my grades, I would have been able to get a place. But I feel that other students in this major need this more than me. There was no quota for advanced studies, so I gave up," Kim Tae-hee said.

Song Yi understood what Kim Tae Hee meant. South Korea itself is the most involuntarily involved country in East Asia. Ordinary families will even spend 60% of their entire family income on enrolling their children in cram schools, hoping that they can be admitted to the three prestigious schools of S.K.Y. To realize the leap of life class.

For Kim Tae Hee at the moment, she is already a well-known advertising actor with national reputation, and has also made achievements in the musical industry. In the second half of the year, she will star in Xinya Pictures' big-budget Korean drama "Dae Jang Geum".

For Kim Tae Hee, fashion design can only be regarded as a hobby. Sooner or later, she will become a top Korean actress comparable to Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo.

It can be said that Kim Tae Hee easily got the place for further studies that her classmates in the same major wanted. Maybe Kim Tae Hee will consider creating her own personal clothing brand after retiring from the acting industry, and she will need to go to a world-renowned fashion college for further studies, but at that time she will definitely not need the recommendation of Seoul National University.

The journey from Incheon Airport to Los Angeles was relatively long. It was also the first time for Song Miao to take such a long flight. She was a little curious at first and wanted to whisper to Kim Tae Hee, but in the end she couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep. .

Jin Taixi looked at Song Miao who was sleeping soundly, and pulled up the blanket on her body, "Miaomiao looks very good when she sleeps."

Song Yi teased his girlfriend, "I want a caring little cotton-padded jacket like Miaomiao. It's okay. We will work hard in the second half of the year and we will have one next year. My mother wants to help me take care of the child."

Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi have been sleeping in the same bed for so long, and they have long known how cheeky their boyfriend is. The shyer you are, the more he likes to tease you. "I'm not afraid of going to the wedding next year with a full belly, but how do you know that the first born will definitely be a daughter?"

Song Yi continued to tease his girlfriend, "That's okay. I want to have a daughter anyway. If I can't give birth to my first child, I'll have another one. It's best to be like your family, one son and two daughters, both children. It's a good word. How wonderful. .”

Kim Tae Hee thought about it seriously, "No, I want to have a son first, and then a sister. My sister and I have always taken care of Hyung Soo, so I want to have a son myself to take care of and protect my sister."

"It's okay. If you give birth to a son, we will protect you together. If you give birth to a daughter, I will protect both of you."

"Actually, you can have as many children as you want. It mainly depends on you. Whether it's a boy or a girl, I will train him well. I don't have the traditional idea of ​​​​passing on boys rather than girls." Song Yi comforted his girlfriend.

Kim Tae Hee knew that Song Yi's words came from his sincerity and were not said casually. Apart from being a bit of a playboy, Song Yi is indeed a better man than his father.

Before Kim Hee-won joined Korean Air, Kim’s mother once proposed that Kim Hee-won return to work in Express Logistics, but Kim Yoo-moon decisively refused. Kim Yu-moon, like most Korean men, believes that his daughter who will be married off in the future is not qualified to inherit the family business.

Because Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee were taking an international flight with Korean Air this time, there was an episode when they got off the plane.

Before Song Yi walked out of the cabin door, a tall flight attendant said goodbye to Song Yi in fluent Chinese, "Thank you, President Song, for taking this Korean Air flight. I wish you a pleasant trip to the United States. "

Song Yi paused, glanced at the name tag on the right side of the stewardess, and responded in Chinese, "Do you know me?"

The flight attendant smiled and said, "I am Li Baona. I used to be colleagues on the same flight crew as Special Agent Kim Hee-won. We used to fly to Tokyo together, and we often made dinner dates together after the flight. We are good friends."

Song Yi felt a little strange. If Li Baona knew Jin Xiyuan, there was no reason why she shouldn't know her sister Kim Tae Hee. Then why didn't Lee Bo Na come over and say hello to Kim Tae Hee during the flight? Although the airline stipulates that flight crews should not disturb first-class guests, after all, there are many wealthy businessmen, powerful and famous people inside.

Li Baona took the initiative to extend her little hand and shook Song Yi's hand, "Actually, when Hee-won just left Korean Air and joined New Asia Entertainment, her colleagues on the crew used to laugh at her for her poor vision. The colleagues who used to laugh at her now have no time to hug her. Sorry. President Song, please say hello to Xiyuan for me."

Song Yi found a note hidden in Li Baona's hand and left quietly, "I understand, I will tell her."

After Song Yi landed, Kim Tae Hee asked her boyfriend with concern, "What, did you just meet an acquaintance?"

Song Yi looked at ease, "Oh, I just met Xiyuan's former colleague. She seemed to recognize me and asked about Xiyuan's current situation. Ask her if she has a boyfriend. If she is planning to get married, remember to send her a message. Invitation, she is ready to prepare gifts."

Kim Tae Hee had no doubts. Kim Hee Won used to fly internationally, so it was normal for her to meet a former colleague of her sister.

Song Yi and his party went through the security check first, and everyone's luggage was carefully checked, even Song Miao's small backpack. It seems that after last year's 9/11 incident, the security intensity of American airports has been upgraded again.

After Kim Tae Hee walked out of the security check channel, she noticed that Kim's mother and Kim Hyung Soo had been waiting for her outside.

Perhaps because she was in a foreign country, Kim Tae Hee couldn't hold back her feelings all of a sudden. She rushed over and hugged Kim's mother, "Mom, why didn't you inform me that you came to Los Angeles?"

Mother Jin patted her daughter on the shoulder warmly, "Okay, okay, you are so grown up yet you still act like a child. We set out from Busan and came here specially to join you. What I want to tell you is, In the end, Song Yi and Xiyuan refused to give in and said they would give you a surprise."

However, Kim Tae Hee still held Kim's mother's hand and refused to let go, "No matter how old I am, I am still a child in front of my mother."

Jin Hyung-soo was still waiting for his sister to come and greet him. Unexpectedly, Kim Tae-hee said with a disgusted expression: "Didn't you go to Seoul to watch the World Cup last time? Why did you come with us again this time? You eat with us every day." I'm just a drunkard. I'm a tall young man who doesn't know how to find a part-time job to experience the hard work. Are you embarrassed?"

Jin Hyung-soo didn't expect Kim Tae-hee to say that, and he felt like he was hit hard by 10,000 points in his heart. "Sister, I am here to witness your happy moment. Do you have the heart to hurt your biological brother like this?"

Of course Kim Tae Hee knew Song Yi's intention of inviting Kim's mother and Kim Hyung Soo over. She was just embarrassed that her family would take advantage of Song Yi. If you include round-trip air tickets and hotel accommodation, it would cost tens of thousands of dollars at least. She just used a joking tone to ease the embarrassment.

Song Miao was very sensible and said hello to Kim’s mother and Kim Hyung-soo obediently, “Hello grandma, hello uncle.”

This was the first time that Jin Hyung-soo was called uncle by a child, and he touched his head a little embarrassedly. After all, he was still just a student.

Song Yi's bodyguard Che Taizhi came over at this time and said to Song Yi: "President, the motorcade has arrived. The old lady has prepared the dinner in the manor, and Miss Li Honey is helping."

After Kim Tae Hee heard this, she asked Song Yi, "Is Li Honey here too?"

Song Yi said: "Although it is only a small wedding that is not open to the public, I think you may still need a bridesmaid, so I invited her in advance. After all, Xianzhen is busy with work, and she cannot come to the United States."

Only then did Kim Tae Hee realize how much trouble a considerate boyfriend had to solve for her. Only then did she remember another keyword in the bodyguard, "manor," and asked, "Have you bought a house in Los Angeles?"

"I bought a manor in Rancho Palos Verde. The manor is located on a cliff, and the Trump International Golf Club is next door. Hyung-soo, when we are free in the past two days, go to the course next door to play a few rounds. This is the only top golf course in Los Angeles located on the winding coastal cliffs." Song Yi turned to Jin Hyung-soo and said.

Palos Ford Manor (PV Island for short) is a small seaside town located in the southwest corner of Los Angeles County on the Pacific coast of Southern California. It is also a famous wealthy area in Los Angeles. The city's total population is more than 40,000, of which Asians account for 28%.

Among them, Shin Zhe, the representative director of Shin Cine Comunications, moved to PV Island to settle down after selling the company.

Song Yi personally prefers sea-view mansions located on cliffs, and the best sea-view mansions in Los Angeles are located in Malibu and PV Island. The sea-view villa Song Yi bought in Malibu has been registered under Chen Fuzhen's name.

He has no plans to continue buying a house in Malibu. If Kim Tae Hee takes her children to the United States for vacation in the future, and suddenly finds out that her neighbor is Chen Fuzhen, it will be very embarrassing. So for the sake of safety, Song Yi purchased a private manor on PV Island.

On the way to the manor, Song Yi introduced the situation of PV Island to Kim Tae Hee. "Standing on our balcony, you can enjoy the magnificent sea view. If you are lucky, you can see whales coming and going at sunset."

"Opposite PV Island is Catalina Island. The New Asia has been parked at the Cabrillo Pier near the manor. When we choose good weather, our family will go out to sea for a few days. On our return, we will go to Catalina Miaomiao will definitely like to play on the island, and she might be able to meet many new friends by then," Song Yi said.

After listening to Song Yi's introduction, Kim Tae Hee felt numb inside. She had known that Song Yi was very rich before. The villa in Seongbukdong alone cost tens of billions of won, but compared with the seaside manor on PV Island, it was too much. It's just child's play.

This manor on PV Island covers an area of ​​3 acres (approximately 12,141 square meters), of which the main area of ​​the villa is 17,000 feet, and the entire villa is modernly decorated.

The villa is located halfway up the mountainside of PV Island. The 3-story villa has endless floor-to-ceiling windows that allow you to enjoy the 270-degree view of the beach. A free-form infinity swimming pool and a sun terrace with unobstructed views hang over the edge of the cliff. Many precious trees and palms are also planted in the manor.

In addition to the swimming pool, the estate is also equipped with a basketball court, tennis court and gym. Not only that, a stable was even built in the manor, and several quarter horses were kept in it. Song Yi could ride a horse for a walk nearby when he had nothing to do.

After Song Yi's motorcade arrived at the manor villa, Song Miao immediately noticed the horses in the manor. This was also the first time she saw a horse outside the zoo. She was surprised and said to Song Yi: "Uncle, look, there is a big horse there."

Song Yi said with a smile in his eyes, "Yes, these are the horses raised by me, uncle. After you have a good rest tomorrow, I will let the horse trainer hold the horses and take you for a ride nearby, okay?"

When Song Miao heard what Song Yi said, she began to question, "Uncle, this is your first time coming to Los Angeles. How could you raise these horses? Wouldn't you be like your mother and let me finish my summer homework first? That’s why you agreed to let me ride a horse, right?”

It was also the first time for Kim's mother to see a super mansion covering such a large area. For the first time, she was clearly aware of the identity gap between her daughters Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi.

In fact, Kim Tae Hee and her family are among the richest families in Korea, but even if Kim Yu Moon struggles for the rest of his life, it is impossible for him to buy a super mansion worth tens of millions of dollars on the south coast of California.

Moreover, Jin Yuwen's Express Logistics has also become the most important logistics partner of New Asia Network. Whether the scale of Express Logistics' business can reach another two levels depends on the vigorous development of Sohan.com.

Jin Yuwen confessed the truth after drinking at home, "Others praise me for raising two good daughters. For me, Taehee was admitted to Seoul National University, which is the happiest thing for me. Now Taehee has found Song Yi who is so capable." Son-in-law. I didn’t expect that I, Jin Yuwen, would still benefit from my son-in-law.”

Obviously, both Kim Hyung-soo and Kim Yu-moon are very satisfied with Song Yi, their prospective uncle. Jin Yuwen has also heard about the scandals between Song Yi, Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, but he believes that men are big things and don't stick to trivial matters. As long as they control their temperament, it doesn't matter if they are a little romantic.

As for Kim's mother, she is not actually worried about Jeon Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo. She is actually more worried about her eldest daughter Kim Hee-won.

Now that Kim Tae Hee's life-long matter has finally been resolved, Song Yi has made his attitude clear by being willing to register with Kim Tae Hee in the United States. From the beginning to the end, he dated Kim Tae Hee with the purpose of marrying her, and now the result is a matter of course.

Now that Tae Hee is settled, Kim's mother naturally starts to worry about her eldest daughter Kim Hee Won's marriage. The eldest daughter Jin Xiyuan is also twenty-five years old this year, but she currently doesn’t even have a boyfriend and is focused on work.

Jin Xiyuan seems to be very resistant to Jin's mother introducing other young talents to her. In her words, "Mom, you talk about how outstanding these boys are every day, but their annual income is not even half of mine."

"Tell those boys that I own a 4 billion won top-end apartment in Seocho-dong, drive a 300 million won Maserati, and my annual salary plus dividends is no less than 1 billion won. Ask them where they got it from. Do you have the confidence to go on a blind date with me?" Jin Xiyuan asked unceremoniously.

Jin's mother felt her daughter's resistance. When she and her husband Jin Yuwen mentioned this matter, Jin Yuwen also advised her not to worry, "Xiyuan is right. With her current conditions, even if she marries There's nothing wrong with being the president of a listed company or the prince of a chaebol family. She's only twenty-five this year, so she still has time to choose."

"Song Yi is not from the modern family. He has a wide range of interpersonal relationships. Let him help introduce him. In his circle, he is either the son of the minister's family or the heir of the chaebol family." Jin Yuwen said.

When Jin's mother heard what Jin Yuwen said, she really wanted to give her husband a break. If Song Yi was really willing to introduce someone to Xiyuan, how could Xiyuan be single until now?

She actually regrets now that she agreed to Kim Hee-won's resignation from Korean Air and went to work in New Asia. Nowadays, the outside world says that Jin Xiyuan is the most capable assistant in Song Yi's company, and is also the famous "Iron Lady" of Xinya Media Real Estate Group. Although she looks sweet, she is very efficient in work, shows no mercy in negotiations, and adheres to principles without mercy. Willing to give in.

Jin's mother was worried that Jin Xiyuan would have too many opportunities and time to interact with Song Yi due to work, and the two would eventually fall in love.

She had noticed very early that Jin Xiyuan's conversations with her were always inseparable from the company's business and the name Song Yi. Jin Xiyuan's first car, Hyundai Elantra, was also given by Song Yi.

Mother Jin also learned that after Song Yi bought a villa in Chengbeidong, Jin Xiyuan moved to the villa and lived with Song Yi and the others. Later, after Kim Hee-won bought a house in Seocho-dong, Kim Hee-won moved out. And was it really Kim Hee-won who bought the house in Seocho District?

As someone who has been there, Jin’s mother has noticed that Jin Xiyuan has changed from a girl to a woman. Jin Xiyuan, who is often nourished by emotions, has become more and more radiant. Of course Kim’s mother knew what happened to Kim Hee-won, so why did Kim Hee-won hide the fact that she was dating her boyfriend?

Now there are two possibilities. The first is that it may not be convenient for Jin Xiyuan's boyfriend's identity to be announced to the public. Jin Xiyuan was worried that her family would not be able to accept it for a while, so she deliberately concealed it. The second possibility is that Kim Hee-won is willing to be the underground lover of a big shot. This big shot still has a family. This speculation undoubtedly makes Kim's mother even more heartbroken.

Kim’s mother came to the United States this time to find out about Kim Hee-won’s mysterious boyfriend through Kim Tae-hee. She had actually guessed Song Yi, but as soon as the idea surfaced, she was immediately ruled out.

The two sisters, Kim Hee-won and Kim Tae-hee, have such a good relationship. It is impossible for Kim Hee-won to interfere in the relationship between her younger sisters, Kim Tae-hee and Song Yi, and become a third party. Unless Kim Tae Hee knows and agrees that her sister Kim Hee Won and Song Yi are together, is it really possible for two sisters with complete university education to date Song Yi together? Mother Jin was worried. She really felt that she was close to the truth, but she didn't dare to expose this truth.

This is not a shopping mall promotion, you can marry one and get one free. If Jin Yuwen knew that Song Yi bought a small amount and lost a large amount, he would be embarrassed to praise Song Yi as a good son-in-law.

Please give me your recommendation vote. I hope everyone can vote if you have the votes. See you all tomorrow.

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