I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 172 New Asia Map

Catalina Island is about 22 nautical miles away from Los Angeles, about 35 kilometers long and 13 kilometers wide. It is the backyard of Californians and is also a vacation and honeymoon destination.

When the 140-foot-long New Asia yacht slowly sailed into the Avalon Marina on the island, it attracted the attention of tourists at the marina.

Song Miao and Zheng Xiujing stood on the deck of the yacht, looking at the pure white crescent-shaped beach on the pier. Song Miao couldn't help but suggest, "This beach is so beautiful. After we get off the boat later, let's go play in the sand on the beach?"

Jung Soo Jung replied: "Okay, okay, we can build a white castle with sand, and then sister Tae Hee can hold her wedding in the castle." For children who are naturally playful, they can never refuse to have fun on the beach. The temptation to play in the sand.

After these few days of contact, Zheng Chaodong and his wife have become familiar with Song Yi. Li Jingshu has a strong learning ability and has learned mahjong after simple teaching. Song Yi, Kim Tae Hee, Zhou Shulan and Li Jingshu had a great time playing on the yacht.

Zhou Shulan was very satisfied with Li Jingshu's new partner, and said to Li Jingshu: "Jingshu, every time I go abroad, it's so difficult to find someone to play mahjong. Taixi herself is a dabbler, and Song Yi thinks mahjong is too easy. She didn’t like to play with me, so I taught Tae Hee’s sister a few times, but she still couldn’t get started, so I gave up.”

Song Yi disagreed, "Xiyuan is so busy with work, how can she have time to play mahjong with you. She is embarrassed to refuse you, so she deliberately pretends that she can't learn. Mom, don't live like Empress Dowager Cixi. I think everyone around me has to play with you."

Zhou Shulan glared at her son, "Don't let a dog spit out ivory from its mouth, bah bah bah. Since you know that Xiyuan is busy, you don't know if she can only do the work in the company by letting her balance work and rest. Next time you Give her a long vacation and let her come to the mainland, and I will accompany her to visit the great rivers and mountains of our motherland."

Li Jingshu and others now know the identity of Song Yi, the richest post-75 generation in South Korea, a super boss in the media, real estate, Internet and financial industries. New Asia Capital Fund is also a shareholder of SM Entertainment, and to a certain extent, Song Yi is also Jessica's boss.

"Let's go, let's get off the boat and go around for a while. There are also paragliders on the island. Since we are here, we must experience it. We have already paid the berth fee for two days, so it is not a problem to play for two or three days. We will be on the island during the day Just go on a cruise and then return to the yacht to spend the night." Song Yi said.

The berth fee for a private yacht is generally closely related to the length of the yacht. Catalina Island is a popular tourist area, and the berth fee for a day of berthing is close to US$5,000. This is really like the sound of the engine, and a thousand taels of gold. However, the accommodation conditions on private yachts are more comfortable than those in star hotels on the island.

Kim Tae Hee stepped on the white beach with bare feet, and walked hand in hand with Song Yi on the beach, enjoying the tranquility of the holiday.

"South Korea is really a country with very harsh geographical conditions. We can't find beaches like this in the entire country. In terms of historical and cultural heritage, we can't compare with China, and in terms of tourism resources, we can't compare with Japan. Many times I’m thinking, what can we rely on to attract foreign tourists? We can’t rely on kimchi and miso soup, right?” Kim Tae-hee said.

"You can't say that. This is no longer the era when the smell of wine is not afraid of the deep alleys. Even if you have the best tourism resources, it will be in vain if you don't do a good job in supporting the hardware and publicity of the scenic spot."

"In my opinion, Huizhou City has the best tourism resources, including mountains, Huangshan Mountain and Qiyun Mountain, water, Taiping Lake, ancient buildings, Hongcun, Xidi and Huizhou Ancient City."

"Although their tourism revenue has grown rapidly in the past two years, I think it is still far from enough. The main reason is that the six counties below Huizhou are independent and unwilling to play a game of chess and jointly develop Huizhou's tourism business card."

"Song Xiaocheng, the director of Huizhou Tourism, visited me in Yanjing during the Spring Festival this year. He hoped that Xinya could invest in the development of the Huangling Scenic Area under Huizhou. I considered that it was not appropriate for Xinya to get involved in the cultural tourism industry too early, so I finally introduced him to him. Ashan Group.”

"After all, Asan Group has developed Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area and has considerable experience in the development and operation of large-scale scenic spots. Now that the development project of Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area has stalled, Asan Group just sent the staff of Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area to Huangling As for the scenic spot, Ashan Group is in contact with the local county government of the Huangling Scenic Spot and the Huizhou Tourism Bureau." Song Yi introduced.

Kim Tae-hee deeply agrees, "Indeed, when you choose to travel, some details and experiences during the trip will directly affect your perception of this scenic spot, city, and even this country."

"Whether businesses in scenic spots will treat local and foreign tourists differently, whether hotel accommodation will temporarily increase prices, whether taxi drivers will take detours, and whether the hygiene of catering businesses is up to standard will directly affect your travel experience."

“When we choose tourist attractions now, we rely more on recommendations from locals or word-of-mouth recommendations from friends. The rest is basically introductions from search engines such as Google and Naver. If there is a website that can specifically introduce a scenic spot, it can provide more information about the scenic spot. , restaurants or hotels can be rated, and it can even go further to provide navigation and help tourists plan routes to facilitate self-driving tourists." Kim Tae-hee said.

Song Yi heard what Kim Tae Hee said, isn't this the combination of Baidu Maps + Dianping?

Among Internet companies, Google has been making maps very early. In 2004, they acquired Keyhole, a digital mapping company, and launched a series of Google Maps software in June 2005. Google Maps has gradually expanded from the original United States, Canada and the United Kingdom to cover the entire world.

Baidu started making maps later, and began to get involved in the map surveying industry in September 2005. Dianping was established earlier, in 2003. However, Dianping got up early and rushed to the late gathering. As a local life service website, it was eventually merged by Meituan.

As a person who has experienced the mobile Internet era, Song Yi certainly knows how important digital maps are. Baidu Maps and Amap are strategic entrances to local life, but the navigation business is only a small part.

As a newly emerging Internet giant in South Korea, it is the right time for Xinya to start the map business. South Korea has a small land area, so the cost of map surveying is not too high. Moreover, the inschool website and Xinya Map are naturally compatible.

Just imagine, if an inschool user eats at a great restaurant in Busan, and she wants to recommend it to inschool, when she posts updates on inschool, the name and address of the restaurant are already displayed on inschool.

When other inschool users click on it, they will jump to the Xinya map, which can even help you plan a route and tell you how to get to this restaurant.

Moreover, Sohan.com wants to build its own logistics system, so maps are also a strong support for Sohan.com’s logistics business. So from this perspective, Xinya Map should be launched sooner rather than later. If there is a company engaged in digital surveying and mapping in South Korea, New Asia Network can acquire it first and then develop it on its own.

After Jin Taixi heard Song Yi's idea, he tilted his head and looked at Song Yi, "How did you grow your brain? Are you thinking about the company's business all day long? You can't rest after you finally go out to play. For a moment?" Kim Tae Hee felt a little sorry for her boyfriend.

Song Yi smiled, "It just so happens that you gave me the inspiration. So, you play with Miaomiao in the sand for a while, and I'll call Uncle Bingkui now."

When Song Yi was busy doing business, Kim Tae Hee never disturbed him. She walked up to the two little ones, knelt down and asked them, "Miaomiao, Xiujing, is this pile of land you two a castle?"

Li Bingkui was surprised when he received a call from Song Yi, "Aren't you on vacation in the United States? Why did you have time to call me today? Is there something urgent that I need to deal with?"

Li Bingkui's status in the New Asia Department is quite special. He used to be Zhou Zhengyong's secretary general, and is now a director of Asan Group and a member of the New Asia Financial Committee. Anyone with a discerning eye has long seen that the New Asia Financial Committee is the highest power system of the New Asia system. Five people, Song Yi, Li Yizhi, Li Bingkui, Zheng Enxuan and Liao Yu, determine the capital flow of the New Asia Department.

Liao Yu helped Song Yi manage personal assets in the mainland and Hong Kong Island, while Li Bingkui helped Song Yi manage Korean and overseas assets. At present, in the entire New Asia Department, only Li Bingkui roughly knows how much money Song Yi has to his name.

"Uncle Bingkui, I decided to launch a map service on Xinya Network. The initial goal of Xinya Map is to cover the entire South Korea, and the secondary goal is to cover the entire territory of Japan. Xinya Map will provide map positioning and map navigation services for inschool Japanese and Korean users. , inschool’s map business should guide businesses in Japan and South Korea.”

"Now I am considering whether to acquire a digital map surveying company or re-register a mapping company." Song Yi said.

Li Bingkui knew that Song Yi would not change his decision. As a subordinate, he only needed to give the most reasonable suggestions.

"I think it would be better to acquire a digital mapping company. If we start from scratch, we will need approval from the National Geographic Information Institute of Korea. If we acquire it, we can bypass some regulations and it will be easier for us to get started."

"Samsung has also recently contacted a digital map surveying company in Seoul. Their map website is T Map. I have used this company's products and found them pretty good. If New Asia plans to enter the map industry, T Map is a suitable acquisition. Target." Li Bingkui gave suggestions.

"Samsung?" Song Yi smiled. He found that no matter what business he did in South Korea, it was difficult to avoid the behemoth Samsung.

In fact, South Korea’s map business was later divided up by four companies. In the mobile Internet era, the four giants of South Korean maps are Daum Maps, Naver Maps, Kakao Maps and T Map. T Map has a huge installed base of Samsung mobile phones. Industry takes its place.

If New Asia produces its own smartphones in the future, then inschool and New Asia Maps will definitely become built-in applications on the phone.

"I understand, Uncle Bingkui. In this case, you first contact the operating company of T Map. Samsung does not pay attention to the digital map business now. The reason why it is willing to acquire T Map is to supplement the group's business."

"In my mind, Xinya Map will become the core business of Xinya Network in the future, so the acquisition of T Map is imperative. You should first investigate the commercial value of T Map, and an appropriate premium acquisition is not impossible." Song Yi explained Li Bingkui.

"Okay, then I'll start contacting them. After they make an offer, I'll report to you. It's up to you to decide whether to acquire them or not," Li Bingkui said.

"No, no, no, it's easy to delay things. If Samsung temporarily increases its quotation, you won't be able to contact me, but it will delay the business. Let's do this. I'll give you a psychological floor price, as long as the purchase price of T Map does not exceed I can accept US$15 million. As for the final transaction price, it depends on your negotiating ability, Uncle Bingkui." Song Yi said.

Li Bingkui felt a little pressure when he heard what Song Yi said. Song Yi basically said that he would leave all the acquisition of T Map to Li Bingkui. This is also the first large-scale project that Li Bingkui is solely responsible for in the New Asia Department.

He knew that the CEOs of various subsidiaries of the New Asia Department were not convinced by his selection into the New Asia Financial Committee. They only recognized Song Yi as their boss. Whether he could establish authority in front of them would depend on the acquisition of T Map.

Li Bingkui discovered that Song Yi was young and had learned a lot about controlling people. "Okay, since you let me make the decision, I will definitely do things beautifully. When you return to Seoul, T Map will become a new product of Xinya Network." Li Bingkui issued a military order to Song Yi.

Song Yi and Li Bingkui finished talking about business, hung up the phone and walked towards his girlfriend. He found that Kim Tae Hee is really suitable for raising children because she is really super patient with children.

"Miaomiao, if I hold a wedding in this castle, where should my wedding room be?" Jin Taixi asked Song Miao.

Song Miao pointed to the largest room in the castle, "The largest room in the castle is your and your uncle's wedding room. We can build you a big bed to prevent you from accidentally rolling to the floor while sleeping. "

Song Yi burst out laughing after hearing this. Kim Tae Hee is celebrating the Spring Festival in Yeji this year. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee live in the same room. Kim Tae Hee didn't touch the lamp when she got up at night and accidentally fell down. As a result, she made too much noise when she fell, which woke up the Song family.

Unexpectedly, Song Miao was childish the next day and asked Tae Hee if it was too crowded to sleep in the same bed with her brother-in-law Song Yi. Song Yi squeezed her out of the bed in the middle of the night, making Kim Tae Hee blush.

Jin Taixi raised her head, saw her boyfriend, and said angrily: "Look, it seems that I fell down at your house. Miaomiao will remember it for decades. She reminds me all the time that I should take a nap." Big bed.”

Song Yi chatted with Zheng Xiujing, who was playing in the sand, "Xiujing, have you seen your sister's training? Do you want to become a K-POP singer like your sister?"

"No! I want to be a gymnast like my mother and represent the Korean team in the Olympics." Unlike her sister Jessica, Jung has very developed motor skills and can easily pick up almost all sports.

Song Yi touched Zheng Xiujing's head and said, "Do you want to become a national representative? It is indeed a great ambition."

At this time, Li Jingshu also came over and joined the chat team, "What are you talking about? Are you chatting so happily?"

Song Yi discovered that Li Jingshu had put on a swimsuit. Perhaps it was because she had lived in the United States for a long time. Li Jingshu's dressing style was not conservative. The black two-piece swimsuit fully showed off her proud bust.

"I asked Xiujing if she wanted to be a K-POP singer, and she said she wanted to be a gymnast like her mother," Song Yi said.

Li Jingshu was not surprised to hear her daughter say this, but she knew how boring gymnast training was, and she didn't think Song Yi just asked casually. She knew that New Asia Management had already signed sisters Xu Minshan and Xu Minzhen. Maybe New Asia Management also wanted to sign Jung Soo-jing?

"When we were on the streets of Seoul the year before last, both Jessica and Krystal were noticed by SM talent scouts, but Krystal was too young. They suggested that Krystal join SM Entertainment's modeling department and let her take on commercials as a child star in commercials. Rain will release an album this year. "First Drop", he also invited Krystal to appear in his MV." Li Jingshu is very proud.

When Song Yi heard Rain's name, his body stiffened and he glanced at Kim Tae Hee. When he discovered that Kim Tae Hee had no reaction, he felt that his worries were unfounded. Kim Tae Hee has never had the chance to meet Rain in this life, and it is impossible to say the fate between the two.

"Krystal's image is very recognizable, with a cool and high-class temperament, and her thick hair makes her face smaller. Similar to Song Hye Kyo, she is an attractive oriental beauty who gets better and better the more she looks at her. Her face shape is long and oval-shaped. Her facial contours are smooth and her mandible is firm and clear, making her very suitable for becoming an actor." Kim Tae Hee praised Jung Soo Jung's appearance.

Zheng Xiujing felt a little embarrassed when she heard Kim Taehee's kind words. She quickly ran behind her mother Li Jingshu, holding her mother's hand and refusing to let go.

Li Jingshu was happy, "Krystal usually has a fearless character, and it's rare to see her with such a shy side. We actually don't want Krystal to get involved in the entertainment industry too early. As parents, we still want to give the two sisters as much as possible." Happy childhood. Jessica is busy training and did not come back to the United States with us this time."

"Sister Jingshu is really a good mother. No matter how young Krystal is, she will respect the wishes of her children, but youth means infinite possibilities. In fact, we might as well let Krystal try more and let her do it herself when she grows up. Decide on your future career direction," Kim Tae-hee said.

Li Jingshu smiled. She knew that although Kim Tae Hee was Song Yi's fiancée, she did not interfere with Xinya's company business. Whether she could sign Zheng Xiujing would require Song Yi's nod. She looked at Song Yi expectantly.

Song Yi is also thinking about this issue. If New Asia Agency signs Jung Soo-jing, wouldn’t SM Entertainment lose a second-generation group f(x)? So if SM Entertainment signs Song Qian then, it can’t let Song Qian make her solo debut, right? Song Yi has never seen any mainland artist make a solo debut in the fiercely competitive Korean entertainment industry.

He remembers that Jung Soo Jung officially became a trainee of SM Entertainment in 2006. She debuted with the group f(x) in 2009. Song Qian is also the only Chinese captain of SM Entertainment.

Thinking that it is still a few years away from 2006, SM Entertainment should have become a subsidiary of New Asia Media Real Estate Group by then. So it is okay if New Asia Agency signs Jung Soo-jing in advance now. The worst thing is that they will sign another contract with SM Entertainment by then. A brokerage contract would be fine.

"Krystal is still young, so there is no need to sign a management contract so early. I can say hello to New Korea Media and let Krystal shoot a few commercials first. She can also come to New Asia to take acting courses on weekends. We will hire some regularly. Acting teachers from universities, well-known actors or directors can teach. Whether Krystal can be an actor in the future depends on whether she has the talent." Song Yi suggested.

When Li Jingshu heard what Song Yi said, she knew that Song Yi had good intentions. She quickly took Zheng Xiujing and bowed to Song Yi to thank her, and she could see the beautiful spring scenery at a glance. Kim Tae Hee noticed it and couldn't help pinching Song Yi. Li Jingshu noticed the couple's little movements and snickered in her heart.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow

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