I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 173 Registration and Wedding

Everyone played on the beach for a while, and Song Miao's little face turned red from the sun. Song Yi was worried about her having a heat stroke, so he pulled the two little ones away from the beach.

Song Miao was still a little reluctant to leave, looking back at the beach from time to time. "Uncle, if we leave the beach now, our castle will be occupied later."

"The paragliding we booked is about to begin. Don't you want to experience the feeling of flying in the sky?" Song Yi said.

Zheng Xiujing heard that she could go paragliding, so she quickly pulled her mother up the mountain. When Song Yi went to call Zheng Chaodong and Jin Hyungsoo to come together, Zheng Chaodong was a little embarrassed, "I'm a little afraid of heights, you can just go and play, I won't go over." I’ll go find a restaurant on the street later, make a reservation first, and let’s have a meal together in the evening.”

Song Yi didn't know if Zheng Chaodong was really afraid of heights, or if he just wanted to find a reason to invite them to dinner. Song Yi consulted Mama Jin and Zhou Shulan for their opinions, and it turned out that the two old people were going to try kayaking. Fortunately, with Li Honey accompanying them, they didn't have to worry about safety.

Finally, Song Yi, Kim Tae Hee, Kim Hyung Soo, Li Jingshu and the two little ones went to experience the paragliding project of Parasail Catalina Club.

When the coach learned that Song Yi had passed the tandem umbrella test while traveling in Hokkaido, Japan, he confidently handed over the flying responsibility to Song Yi.

Song Yi first took two small ones to glide, and Song Yi specifically chose the landing place in the sea. It's quite comfortable to soak in the sea in a weather of over 30 degrees.

Zheng Xiujing's motor cells are indeed very developed. When she was flying in the sky, her eyes were wide open, looking at the ground 100 meters away, and giggling in the air. When Song Yi threw her wearing a life jacket into the sea from a low altitude, she was not afraid and even scooped up water to have a water fight with Song Yi.

The experience was different when Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee were gliding together. The two of them were gliding over Catalina Island, overlooking the entire island.

Because her boyfriend was by her side, Kim Tae Hee felt extremely at ease. She felt the sea breeze in Southern California while looking around. The crowd on the beach also saw them. The enthusiastic tourists waved to them. Kim Tae Hee noticed it and quickly Wave back.

At this time, Kim Tae Hee spotted a pair of seabirds flying past them. The seabirds were very recognizable, with black heads, white necks, yellow beaks, gray wings, and eyes like a pair of rubies. "Oppa, what kind of bird is this?" Kim Tae Hee couldn't help but wave to the seabird, but the seabird haughtily did not respond.

Song Yi observed it but couldn't confirm, "This should be a crested grebe (piti), an ornamental bird in Southern California."

"Crowns are 'loyal lovebirds' and they consciously practice monogamy. Once they identify their partner, they will truly accompany them and never leave them for the rest of their lives." Song Yi continued to introduce.

Jin Taixi heard Song Yi's introduction, "It turns out that the love of seabirds is so touching. Even birds know that if you choose someone, you will live forever, and if you meet someone, you will live forever, let alone a human being?"

Song Yi felt guilty when she heard Kim Tae Hee's words. Kim Tae Hee devoted all her love to him, but he could only give back a fraction.

Kim Tae Hee seemed to feel Song Yi's guilty mood, and she felt a little better in her tangled heart, "Oppa, when we return to PV Island, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register?"

Song Yi hugged his girlfriend tightly, "Okay!"

Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee landed on an open grassland, and Kim Hyung Soo was already waiting for their arrival on the lawn.

Kim Tae Hee decided to take the two little ones back to the yacht to take a bath. She also wanted to change her clothes before going to enjoy dinner. Song Yi looked around, "Isn't Sister Jingshu here yet?"

"The coach took her for a short flight just now, but she seemed to be a little afraid of heights, so she landed early." Kim Hyung-soo said.

Song Yi was a little speechless. Since both husband and wife were afraid of heights, why bother to experience paragliding? How come Zheng Xiujing was not afraid of heights at all? Song Yi even doubted whether Zheng Xiujing was the biological daughter of Zheng Chaodong and Li Jingshu.

Zheng Chaodong went to book a restaurant, and Song Yi couldn't leave someone else's wife behind. "Okay, I understand, Hengzhu, you go pick up Auntie and Ha Ni, and I'll take the golf cart back to the mountain. We'll meet at the restaurant street later." Song Yi ordered Jin Hengzhu.

When Song Yi returned to the paragliding camp, Song Yi noticed Li Jingshu alone, "Where is your coach?"

Li Jingshu felt a little aggrieved, "The coach thought I was a bit stupid, so he flew away with other tourists."

Song Yi was amused by Li Jingshu's statement, "What does it mean to fly away with other tourists? Sister Jingshu, will you follow me down the mountain, or do you want to give it a last try? After all, it's not easy to come here, and it will be better if you don't fly." A little disappointed."

Li Jingshu was a little embarrassed and whispered: "It's not that I'm afraid of heights, it's just that I'm not used to being hugged by a strange man. I wanted to wait for a female paragliding instructor, but I didn't wait for a long time."

Song Yi suddenly realized this time, "If I had known this, if you say it again, I will help you communicate with the club. Where can I find a female coach for you in a while?"

Li Jingshu glanced at Song Yi and plucked up the courage to say, "Song Yi, can you take me on a flight? I think you flew very well just now with Taixi and Xiujing."

Song Yi glanced at Li Jingshu. He didn't know whether Li Jingshu was telling the truth or a lie. Women are born to be masters of lying. They can deceive people without even blinking.

But since someone else has made a request, it would be a bit unkind to refuse at this time. Song Yi fastened the safety buckle, and the two began to run. Song Yi aimed at the opportunity and jumped into the open space with Li Jingshu. The paraglider took advantage of the wind and floated far away.

Li Jingshu looked at the tourists on Avalon Beach and felt the sea breeze whistling in her ears, "This is the feeling of freedom!"

Song Yi noticed the girly side of Li Jingshu and couldn't help teasing her, "Your fate is in my control at this moment. If I tell you to go east, you have to go east. If I tell you to go west, you have to go Go west. What kind of freedom is this?"

"Life is precious, but love is more valuable. If you want freedom, you can throw away both. I'm here, I saw it, I conquered it!" Li Jingshu released her nature in the sky.

Song Yi found it very funny. He didn't expect that he would actually take the female Caesar on a paragliding trip. The two little ones seemed to recognize Song Yi and Li Jingshu in the sky, and they stood on the deck and waved to Li Jingshu in unison.

Li Jingshu noticed this time that she was almost completely held in Song Yi's arms. The petite Li Jingshu nestled in Song Yi's arms like a bird, but fortunately, Song Yi's hands were very disciplined and he did not take advantage of the opportunity.

Women are like this. When men behave themselves, they become bolder. She couldn't help teasing Song Yi, "Why did you peek at my breasts on the beach just now? I think Taixi's pinch on you was not gentle."

Song Yi disagreed, "Who said I was peeping? I watched it openly. As a tourist, when I see the beautiful scenery, I can't help but stop and look at it." Among the women Song Yi has come into contact with, Li Jingshu's size is just right. , second only to Chen Xinyu.

Li Jingshu felt a little embarrassed when she saw Song Yi being so calm. She knew that men could not help but observe her protruding figure. "This is not a scenic spot, where are the tourists?" Perhaps because she was flying at high altitude, her husband and daughter were not around. Li Jingshu found that her chat with Song Yi was a bit flirty.

"Really?" Song Yi's hand quietly moved up a little. People on the ground couldn't see Song Yi's movements clearly. Only Li Jingshu could feel Song Yi's irregularity. Li Jingshu felt as if Song Yi's lips were close to her ears, which made her feel itchy, "Sister Jingshu, is your scenic spot paid or free? Besides Brother Chaodong, has anyone else visited it?"

The reason why Li Jingshu stayed in the mountain camp was to bet that Song Yi would come back to find him. Song Yi is willing to pave the way for Zheng Xiujing, and as a mother, Li Jingshu wants to express her gratitude to Song Yi alone. When she mustered up the courage to invite Song Yi to take her paragliding with her, she was actually ready for physical contact with Song Yi.

She felt her body was weak now, and her whole body was limp and powerless. Song Yi was indeed a veteran of flowers. "You know how to bully me. Chaodong is still waiting for us down there. You can't mess around in front of so many people." Li Jingshu said with a coquettish tone.

Song Yi knows that there is a long way to go, so there is no need to rush. If Xinya Agent really signs Zheng Xiujing, he and Li Jingshu will have plenty of opportunities to contact each other, so there is no need to rush into the beauty now.

He adjusted the direction, turned off the powered paraglider, and when the paraglider was two or three meters away from the sea, he jumped into the sea with Li Jingshu.

Li Jingshu choked and then got out of the sea. Her whole body was soaked. She turned around to find Song Yi and glared at him. This guy definitely did it on purpose.

Song Yi and Li Jingshu returned to the beach, and the staff of the Parasail Catalina Club were responsible for recovering the paraglider. Zheng Xiujing was worried about her mother and trotted to Li Jingshu's side, "Mom, are you okay?"

Li Jingshu felt a little embarrassed when she thought that her daughter Zheng Xiujing saw her being held in Song Yi's arms in the air, "It's okay. Uncle Song is very professional and has done his best to protect his mother."

Jin Taixi was not angry when she saw her boyfriend taking other women to paragliding. She knew that this was most likely not Song Yi's suggestion. "Oppa, Brother Chaodong has booked an Italian restaurant on the island. I heard the food is pretty good. You two should go back to the yacht to take a shower and change your clothes. We'll go to the restaurant first and wait for you to come together."

Song Miao and Zheng Xiujing refused to set off early. One said he wanted to wait for his uncle Song Yi, and the other wanted to wait for his mother Li Jingshu. Helpless Kim Tae Hee had no choice but to stay and set off together.

The restaurant Zheng Chaodong booked is called Castellana. He is not sure whether the food is good, but the wine is definitely good. There are wines by Henri Jayer. Any wine with his name on the label is a rare wine. Mouton Chateau red wine also has more than a dozen vintages, and the Italian wine is even more complete.

Zheng Chaodong noticed that his wife Li Jingshu's face was red, and touched Li Jingshu's forehead with some worry, "Is it because the sun is too hot and it's a bit heatstroke?"

Li Jingshu glanced at Song Yi and quickly denied, "It's okay. I just experienced paragliding. I guess I was blown by the wind. Just take a rest."

Zheng Xiujing was about to speak, "Dad, dad, mom just-" Unexpectedly, before she could finish her words, Li Jingshu gave her a croissant, "I can't stop you from eating, so you are making a lot of noise in the restaurant." , very rude."

Zheng Xiujing was very good at observing words and expressions, so she quickly stopped talking. Zheng Chaodong opened two bottles of Jayer proudly. Although he knew it was a necessary interpersonal expense, Li Jingshu still felt a little bit painful.

"President Song", Zheng Chaodong was stopped by Song Yi as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Brother Chaodong, don't be so polite. If you continue to call me President Song, then I won't be able to drink this glass of wine. Song Miao and Xiujing have fun, and we can be considered friends now. If you and Jing If Sister Shu calls me President Song, that is a slap in my face, brother, and you will not need to contact me after you return to Seoul." Song Yi said.

It was Li Jingshu who came up and answered immediately, "Song Yi, Taixi, it's nice to meet you. I wish you happiness in the future, grow old together, and have a happy marriage for a hundred years."

Kim Tae Hee was very happy when she heard Li Jingshu's blessing. She clinked glasses with Li Jingshu and said, "Thank you, Sister Jingshu."

This restaurant is quite authentic. The oysters, fish, sea urchin are salty and refreshing, the three-color cherry tomatoes are very refreshing with the restaurant's burrta sauce, the Bottoni crab cakes are delicious, and the black pork and Parma ham are also very delicious. Song Miao and Zheng Xiujing love the ice cream cones in their restaurant.

In fact, ice cream can also be made on the New Asia, but Song Miao thinks the ice cream in the restaurant tastes better.

When Kim Tae Hee asked her why, Song Miao said: "Eating ice cream on a yacht does not feel like summer. We are sitting in this restaurant, and the French glass doors of the restaurant are all open, and we can see the tourists walking on the road. I can see the blue sea in the distance, and I feel more relaxed instantly, and even the ice cream in my hand becomes delicious."

Song Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard Song Miao's words. He touched Song Miao's cute little head and said, "You can write a travel note about what you saw today and give it to your teacher as a summer assignment. The point is don’t forget to compare how you feel when you eat ice cream, this will definitely be a high-scoring essay.”

"I don't want to. Why do I need to write an essay? Since I'm traveling, I should have fun. Why should my happiness be compromised?" Song Miao objected.

After Li Heni learned that Song Yi was taking Kim Tae Hee to go paragliding today, she asked Song Yi: "You are so busy at work, where do you find the time to take the tandem paragliding certificate test?"

Li Jingshu also looked at Song Yi. She actually wanted to ask just now.

"I went skiing in Hokkaido with Taixi before. There is also paragliding in Hokkaido. Taixi didn't want to be taken by the coach to play with her. In order not to let her regret, I took the time to take the exam and passed the A-level certification in almost a year. After you get the paraglider certificate, B-level certificate and C-level certificate, you can start taking the tandem paragliding certificate test," Song Yi said.

Li Heni didn't expect that Song Yi would go to the exam specifically for Tae Hee. When she saw a satisfied smile on Kim Tae Hee's lips, "Really, I came all the way from Seoul and still have you show off your affection, it's really too much!"

At this time, Zheng Xiujing still didn't forget to make up for it, "So Sister Ha Ni doesn't have a boyfriend yet? Why don't you fall in love? Is it because there are too many boys pursuing you, so you can't choose one?"

Jung Soo Jung's words made everyone laugh, but only Lee Honey couldn't laugh or cry.

After dinner, Song Yi, Jin Hyung-soo and Zheng Chaodong went to see the casino on Catalina Island. Li Jingshu took the two little ones back to the beach to play, and Li Honey and Kim Tae-hee walked on the road next to the beach. Li Honey walked for a while, stopped, and looked at the brightly lit Xinya in trance.

"Taixi, before I came to the United States, I have always been worried that you will not be happy after marriage. After all, once you enter a wealthy family, Gao Xianzhen is a precedent. Zhou Rongzhen was able to go against his mother's wishes and marry Gao Xianzhen. When they entered the house, didn't the two of them have feelings at first? They definitely did. But after their feelings faded, Zhou Rongzhen still drove Gao Xianzhen out without mercy," said Li Honey.

"Marriage is a huge gamble in life. If you win, everyone will be happy. If you lose, you will be completely ruined. I am willing to believe in Song Yi because he is not willing to let me lose." Kim Tae Hee replied.

"Look at how worthless you are. Whoever takes the initiative in a relationship is more likely to get hurt. Well, since you have already decided, I won't advise you and just happily be your bridesmaid. I believe that too. , President Song, who is willing to spend a year for you to get the double umbrella certificate, will definitely not be willing to let the best student in the world, Kim Tae Hee, be wronged. I only hope that you will not regret your choice in the future, and I sincerely wish you all the best Happy forever." Li Honey said sincerely.

Song Yi didn't know what happened that night, but Kim Tae Hee was in a happy mood for the next few days.

After returning to PV Island from Catalina Island, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee immediately went to the PV Island Civil Affairs Bureau and filled out the marriage application form on the spot.

Staff from the Civil Affairs Bureau will verify Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee’s names, place of residence, date of birth, country of birth, marital status and information about their parents.

After the information from both parties was confirmed, the staff handed over the marriage license and certificate to Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee.

Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee need to hold a wedding ceremony. There are two types of wedding ceremonies. One is to have the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau serve as witnesses to complete the wedding ceremony; the second is to choose a church full of atmosphere. Under the guidance of the priest, Under the witness, the wedding ceremony was completed. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee finally chose to hold a small wedding in the glass church.

Zheng Chaodong's family stayed as witnesses of the wedding. Both Zheng Xiujing and Song Miao were assigned tasks as flower girls at the wedding that day. Although Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee's fathers were not present, the presence of Zhou Shulan and Jin's mother still gave the wedding a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

The priest asked Kim Tae Hee, "Miss Kim Tae Hee, would you like Mr. Song Yi to be your husband and enter into a marriage contract with him. Regardless of illness, health or otherwise, you will love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and always be loyal to him." Until the end of life?"

Kim Tae Hee, who was wearing a white wedding dress, looked at Song Yi affectionately. Her eyes were very firm, "I do."

The priest continued to ask Song Yi, and Song Yi said without hesitation, "I do."

A pleased smile appeared on the priest's face, "Please exchange tokens with the bride and groom." Song Yi helped Kim Tae Hee put on her 3.29 carat pink diamond ring, and Kim Tae Hee also helped Song Yi put on a blue diamond ring.

It was the first time for both Li Hani and Li Jingshu to see Kim Tae Hee's super pink diamond. The dazzling light on the diamond ring made them unable to open their eyes.

Li Jingshu thought to herself, "It is indeed a wedding of a super rich man. Even if the wedding ceremony is simple, the rich man cannot be stingy."

The priest obviously understood that today's newlyweds were either rich or noble, so he smiled more and continued to patiently preside over the wedding process.

Although some tourists came to the glass church and saw the wedding of Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee, the security personnel around the wedding very kindly reminded them not to take pictures and gave the tourists a valuable souvenir gift. Although the tourists thought that Song Yi and the others occupied the church and were not allowed to take photos as a souvenir, they still forgave Song Yi for the sake of the gifts.

After the wedding, Song Yi took Kim Tae Hee back to the manor in a carriage. Kim Tae Hee, who was sitting on the carriage, looked like a medieval princess. She was holding flowers in her hands and had an uncontrollable smile on her face. When visitors offered their blessings to Kim Tae Hee, she happily responded by waving flowers in her hands.

Mother Jin felt very happy when she saw her second daughter getting married successfully. Kim Hyung-soo could understand his mother's mood and stood by to comfort her.

Seeing that Song Yi's life-long event had finally come to fruition, Zhou Shulan finally felt more at ease. Today is the wedding day of Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi. As the mother-in-law, she has to make up a gift for Kim Tae Hee as a change fee.

A dinner was held in Song Yi's private manor to entertain guests attending today's wedding. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee came forward together to toast Zhou Shulan, Jin's mother, Zheng Chaodong and his wife, and Li Honey. Although their brother-in-law, Jin Hyung-soo, was underage, they also drank a glass of red wine with them. There was no need to worry about these details on the big day.

After the dinner was over, Song Yi returned to the wedding room. The bedroom had obviously been carefully decorated by her mother Zhou Shulan.

There is a happy word on the door of the bedroom, all the quilts in the bedroom have been replaced by happy quilts, and there is a circle of colorful balloons on the wall.

Song Yi looked at Kim Tae Hee sitting on the wedding bed and said apologetically: "My mother is from the Northeast and loves to be lively. If you are not satisfied with the room decoration, please forgive me. I will definitely provide you with a grand wedding next year."

Kim Tae Hee shook her head, "I think this is good. My mother-in-law told me about the patterns on the quilt. There are dragons and phoenixes showing auspiciousness, mandarin ducks playing in the water, unicorns giving birth to children, etc. It looks very festive. My mother-in-law just gave me I bought an jade bracelet, saying it was left to her by her mother-in-law, as payment for my change of confession. I don’t want it, but my mother-in-law must give it to me, saying it’s an heirloom of your Song family.”

Kim Tae Hee stretched out her bright wrist. The emerald green bracelet and white wrist reflected each other under the light. The capillaries on Kim Tae Hee's wrist could be seen clearly.

Song Yi held his girlfriend's hand, "The biggest heirloom of our Song family is me. My mother gave me to you, which is the greatest sincerity. But this bracelet is something my mother kept at the bottom of the box. It is from an old pit. It can It’s worth some money. Since she gave it to you, just keep it. It’s also good to leave it to your daughter in the future.”

Today the priest has officiated the wedding of Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee. After the priest files it with the Civil Affairs Bureau of PV Island, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to collect their marriage certificates.

However, this marriage certificate cannot be directly obtained for use in South Korea, and it needs to go through two processes. First, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee need to take their marriage certificate to PV Island to have it notarized. The marriage certificate notarized by the city government also needs to be authenticated by the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs.

After certification by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it will be double-authenticated by the Korean Embassy in the United States. After completing the above steps, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee's marriage certificate can be used as material to exchange for a Korean marriage certificate with the same legal effect at the Korean marriage registration department.

Because Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi will hold another formal wedding next year, they are not in a hurry to change their certificates. Their marriage registration in the United States itself has legal effect. From today on, Kim Tae Hee is Song Yi's legal wife.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Song Yi asked Jin Taexi.

Kim Tae Hee looked at her phone and asked, "Isn't today August 15th the Liberation Day?" South Korea got rid of Japanese colonial rule on August 15, 1945, so they designated August 15th as the Liberation Day. The President of South Korea celebrates August 15th every year. A Liberation Day message will be issued on the 15th of the month.

"In addition to the Liberation Day, today is also the seventh day of the seventh lunar month in the Chinese lunar calendar, which is the Chinese Valentine's Day. In our myths and legends, the Chinese Valentine's Day is the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet once a year. It is also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day. In the future, we can call the Chinese Valentine's Day the Chinese Valentine's Day. As our wedding anniversary." Song Yi suggested.

Kim Tae Hee naturally had no objection. When she noticed the heat in Song Yi's eyes, she was still a little shy. "Don't look at me like that, it feels like you are going to eat me."

Song Yi was actually looking forward to this day. He had been looking forward to it for a long time. "You are the little lamb I raised to make you fat. I will make you fat and white first, and then I will eat you up one bite at a time."

Kim Tae Hee was actually ready to give all of herself to Song Yi. She was going to take off her wedding dress and turn off the lights and rest early. "Oppa, how about we turn off the lights and rest early?"

Song Yi refused to let go of Jin Taixi, "Why turn off the lights? There is no one else in this room. Today is our bridal night, and no one will disturb us unintentionally. Let's not turn off the lights in a hurry. I I want to see how white Tae Hee looks under the wedding dress."

Jin Taixi rolled her eyes at Song Yi, "Oppa, you just got married, are you going to show your true colors and act so immoral? What if you don't turn off the light and Miaomiao comes over later and ruins your good deeds?" ?”

Song Yi knew that Song Miao was sleeping with her grandma Zhou Shulan tonight. Zhou Shulan couldn't let Song Miao run around. The old man still wanted to hold his grandson as soon as possible. How could he ruin Song Yi's good deeds?

Kim Tae Hee closed her eyes tightly, put her hands on her chest, and asked Song Yi, "Oppa, will you be good to me all your life?"

Song Yi looked at Kim Tae Hee, whose chest was rising and falling, and no longer smiled playfully, "I will, I will be good to Tae Hee all my life."

When Jin Taixi heard what Song Yi said, she suddenly calmed down and put her hand next to her. She was inexperienced and still needed Song Yi's guidance.

Thank you everyone for your monthly votes. I will try to code another chapter tonight.

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