I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 174 First time in Hollywood

Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee received their marriage certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau of PV Island. Most of the goals of their trip to the United States have been achieved.

In the following time, Kim Tae Hee took Song Miao to visit Disneyland in California, while Song Yi took a break to inspect the U.S. R\u0026D center of Xinya Optoelectronics in Santa Clara. Jim Keller reported to Song Yi about their period The results of research and development over time.

The chip processor used in the Xinya smartphone Galaxy S1 is based on the ARM processor architecture.

Song Yi told Jim Keller: "The S1 mobile phone must be based on self-developed processors from the beginning. It doesn't matter even if the processor performance is weaker in the early stage."

"ARM is preparing to release their latest generation ARM 11 processor in October this year. In order to further improve the operating performance of ARM11, the pipeline length of the ARM11 processor has been extended to 8 levels, and the processing unit units have been added to prefetch, decode, send, and convert/ Mac1, execution/Mac2, memory access/Mac3 and writing eight units, which makes it possible for the ARM11 processor to be used in smartphones."

"I asked chip experts at Liangxi Semiconductor Factory. They believe that ARM11 uses the most advanced 130nm wafer manufacturing process. The operating efficiency of ARM11 can reach a maximum of 500 to 700HZ. If the more advanced 90nm process is used, ARM11 The operating efficiency is expected to exceed 1GHZ, which is obviously a quite amazing speed for an embedded processor."

"My current performance requirements for the self-developed chip processor A1 of the S1 mobile phone are that its operating efficiency can exceed 400HZ, which means that it is enough to achieve 80% of the performance of the ARM11 processor. We must first solve the problem from scratch. Only by solving these problems can we surpass ARM in subsequent technology iterations," Song Yi said.

Song Yi remembers that Steve Jobs used a single-core ARM11 processor in the first-generation iPhone. In order to be compatible with mobile phone hardware, the main frequency of the ARM11 processor in the first-generation iPhone was only a mere 412MHZ, which is the same as the processor of the later iPhone 14. In comparison, it has simply completed a leapfrog from the Bronze Age to modern industry.

Even though Xinya Optoelectronics has set up four global R\u0026D centers in Puhai, Tokyo, Seoul and Santa Clara at the same time, Song Yi still handed over the research and development of the first-generation processor of the Galaxy S1 mobile phone to the technology headed by Jim Keller. In the hands of the R\u0026D team.

Song Yi has also been paying attention to the research and development progress of Apple's iPhone project. Although Steve Jobs is now preparing to build a large iPod, many people on Apple's board of directors are still not optimistic about the development prospects of the iPhone.

He couldn't help but feel lucky that Xinya Optoelectronics was still relatively small and the company was not listed yet, so he could speak out in the company. In the entire New Asia Department, as long as Song Yi is optimistic about the project, priority will be given to funding and resources. This is the case with Xinya Optoelectronics' Galaxy S1 smartphone. This is also the fastest way for Song Yi to shrink and Steve Jobs.

Song Yi remembered that Disney spent US$7.4 billion to acquire Pixar Pictures in May 2006, and Steve Jobs also became Disney's largest individual shareholder. After completing the acquisition, Jobs devoted all his energy to the research and development of the iPhone, and released the first-generation iPhone on January 9, 2007.

Disney Pictures has completed a total of three acquisitions since 2000. In 2006, it acquired Pixar Pictures for US$7.4 billion. At the end of 2009, it acquired Marvel Pictures for US$4.24 billion. In 2023, Disney spent US$71.3 billion to acquire 20th Century Fox. , directly turning the six major Hollywood studios into the top five.

When Disney Pictures acquired Pixar, Song Yi couldn't get a share of the pie. After all, Pixar Pictures now had a good momentum and no shortage of funds and technology. Even if Song Yi was willing to invest in Pixar Pictures, Steve Jobs was indifferent.

However, Song Yi can profit from Disney Pictures' acquisition of Marvel Pictures. For Marvel Studios, the reason why they have been able to rise and gradually recover the character rights they sold is that one of the most important movies is the superhero movie "Iron Man" starring Robert Downey Jr.

The great success of "Iron Man" allowed Marvel Studios to open the Marvel Universe. Otherwise, when the Marvel Universe hired Robert Downey Jr. to star in "The Avengers", it would not have been willing to pay a salary of US$50 million. .

Marvel Studios sold the rights to "Iron Man" to Universal Pictures in the 1990s. Universal Pictures later sold Iron Man to 20th Century Fox. 20th Century Fox sold Iron Man to 20th Century Fox in 1999. New Line Cinema, yes, the same New Line Cinema that produced the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

In fact, New Line has been preparing to adapt "Iron Man" to the big screen every two years. They have even decided on a director and a starring role, and are preparing to use Nick Cassavetes to direct and Tom Cruise to play the handsome Tony Star. gram.

However, New Line Cinema eventually sold the Iron Man rights back to Marvel Studios in 2005. The main reason why New Line Cinema gave up filming "Iron Man" was because New Line Cinema founder Bob Chayer said: "How can you still fly wearing such heavy steel equipment?" In the end, they will "Iron Man" The copyright of "Man" has been returned to Marvel Studios.

In fact, for Marvel Studios in 2008, Kevin Feige's plan to film "Iron Man" was also a last-ditch effort.

"Iron Man" director Jon Favreau If "Iron Man" fails again, Marvel Studios has made plans to sell all superhero rights.

Now New Line Cinema obviously does not pay attention to "Iron Man". "Iron Man" is only a mid-level hero in the entire Marvel universe and is far less popular than "Spider-Man". Otherwise, New Line Cinema would not have handed over the copyright to "Iron Man" Let people.

It is impossible for Marvel Studios to hand over the dominance of "Iron Man" to other film companies. If New Asia Pictures wants to intervene in the filming of "Iron Man", then Kevin Feige will most likely choose other heroes to start the Marvel Super British universe, such as Captain America or Thor, which are almost as popular as "Iron Man".

So from this perspective, New Asia Pictures can buy the copyright of "Iron Man" from New Line Cinema, and then return it to Marvel Studios, in exchange for 10% of Marvel Studios' cash + Iron Man copyright To 20% of the equity is a wiser choice.

Song Yi has no great ambition to enter the Hollywood film market. Even if he spends tens of billions of dollars in Hollywood, there is no way to compete with the six major studios such as Disney, Warner, and Universal in the domestic market of the United States.

He also has no idea of ​​co-producing a movie with a Hollywood giant. Co-producing a movie with the Big Six would be a waste of money. They will eat up your investment money under various names during film production and film promotion.

However, Song Yi is not without a way to fight against the Big Six. He can hoard a large amount of IP. He knows which movies will be popular and which movies will be popular. The gap in investment vision can help New Asia Pictures acquire Hollywood's hot IP, such as " The Twilight Saga, The Hunger Games and A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Song Yi now just wants to buy the copyright of Iron Man, and then further buy part of Marvel's equity. In this way, when Disney acquires Marvel Studios in the future, New Asia Pictures, as a shareholder of Marvel, will either accept Disney stock or Disney's cash.

After New Asia Pictures built its own theater chain in South Korea, the six major Hollywood studios could not ignore New Asia Pictures' presence in the Korean market. "My Naughty Girl" has little market in the United States, but Bong Joon-ho's drama "Memories of Murder" may make a difference at the North American box office.

If New Asia Pictures wanted to contact the top management of New Line Pictures, it still needed a middleman. Song Yi thought of Shen Zhe, who retired in the United States.

Of course, in addition to Shen Zhe, Song Yi can also rely on Chen Meijing of CJ Entertainment. Chen Meijing previously served as the U.S. representative of Samsung Entertainment and had good relationships with major Hollywood film studios.

However, New Asia Media Real Estate Group has now made it clear that it wants to replace CJ Entertainment as the leader in the Korean entertainment industry. It remains to be seen whether Chen Meijing is willing to help. Even if Chen Meijing really agrees to help Song Yi introduce the top management of New Line Cinema, Song Yi still owes Chen Meijing a favor, and the last thing Song Yi wants to owe now is a favor.

When Shen Zhe learned that Song Yi asked him to meet in Los Angeles, he was quite surprised. The two finally made an appointment to meet at the Coral Tree Cafe near Beverly Hills.

After retirement, Shen Zhe dressed more casually, wearing a patterned T-shirt, beach shorts, sunglasses and all-white AJ1s. Song Yi almost didn't recognize him.

"Representative Shen is indeed getting younger as he gets older. Looking at what you are wearing today, I almost thought there was a young man in his early twenties sitting opposite me, full of energy. It seems that you are enjoying your retirement life." Song Yi said.

"Thanks to you, if Chairman Song hadn't acquired Shin Cine Communications, I wouldn't have lived a comfortable retirement life early." Shen Zhe said sincerely.

When "My Naughty Girlfriend" was first released, Shen Zhe originally felt it was a pity. If he insists on selling Shin Cine Comunications until "My Naughty Girl" is released, Song Yi's acquisition price will at least double, and he will lose at least 20 to 30 billion won.

However, if "My Naughty Girl" is released and has good box office momentum, it is unknown whether he will continue to sell the company.

Although he is in Los Angeles, Shen Zhe has been paying attention to the actions of New Asia Pictures. New Asia Pictures is doing 2+2 this year, two movies + two TV series.

"Winter Sonata" was not only the highest-rated Korean drama in the first half of the year, it also achieved impressive results when broadcast on Japan's NHK TV station, creating a profit of 100 million yen for NHK TV station, breaking NHK's record for introducing overseas dramas.

The movie "Memories of Murder" directed by Bong Joon-ho will be released on August 25, and the new film "If Love Has God's Will" directed by Kwak Jae-yong will be released at the end of the year. He is curious whether "Memories of Murder" and "If Love Has God's Will" will be released. Not as big a success as "My Naughty Girl"?

"I heard that the HugeDream theater chain under New Asia Pictures has opened?" Shen Zhe asked Song Yi.

Song Yi was a little surprised. Although Shen Zhe was far away in Los Angeles, he was always well-informed. It seemed that he had been paying attention to the trends in the Korean film market.

"HugeDream cinemas in Ulsan, Busan and Gwangju have already opened in July, and HugeDream cinemas in Seoul, Incheon and Goyang will open this month. It is estimated that by the end of the year, there will be almost 25 to 30 HugeDream cinemas open across the country." Song Yi and Shen Zhe talked about the construction progress of the HugeDream cinema chain.

"I have dealt with the current president of New Asia Pictures, Kim Woo-taek, before. He is indeed a very capable filmmaker. President Song is even more powerful with the help of a general like him." Shen Zhe sincerely praised him.

Song Yi didn't have time to be polite to Shen Zhe and went straight to the point, "Representative Shen, I heard that you often attend gatherings held by senior executives of major film companies in Los Angeles. I would like to visit Bob Xiaye of New Line Cinema. You Can you help me make a recommendation?"

Bob Shaye is the CEO of New Line Cinema and can be considered a Hollywood film giant. Although Shin Cheol is the former boss of a Korean film company, he and Bob Shaye could only barely communicate.

"I wonder if it would be convenient for Chairman Song to tell me if you have any specific matters to discuss with Bob Xiaye. This way I can better come to your door as a lobbyist." Shen Zhe asked.

"New Asia Pictures is more interested in superhero movies and plans to make a superhero movie to test the waters. There are two superhero rights that I am currently interested in, one is "Black Widow" in the hands of Artisan Entertainment, and the other is "Iron Man" in the hands of New Line Cinema. I haven't decided which one to shoot yet, so you can help me first ask Bob Shaye if he is willing to transfer the copyright of "Iron Man"?" Song Yi said with a smile.

Shen Zhe obviously does a lot of homework and is familiar with the basic information of major Hollywood blockbusters. "Then why didn't New Asia Pictures buy Artisan Entertainment? Artisan Entertainment reached an agreement with Marvel in 2000, agreeing to develop 15 characters including Captain America, Black Panther, Black Widow, Deadpool, Iron Fist, and Ant-Man. Adapted into a movie or TV series, if you buy Artisan Entertainment, wouldn’t it be equivalent to acquiring the copyright of these 15 anime characters?”

Song Yi was reminded by Shen Zhe and suddenly realized that Shen Zhe was right. He doesn't actually have to keep an eye on New Line Cinema's Iron Man rights.

In fact, the New Line version of the "Iron Man" script first featured a guest appearance by Nick Fury, director of SHIELD. The summary of the story is that Tony Stark decided to abandon the weapons production department of Stark Industries. Tony's father Howard objected, and his competitor Justin Hammer took advantage of the situation and launched the same armor as Iron Man, but ultimately lost to Tony.

I believe everyone can see that this script is actually a blended version of the Marvel version of "Iron Man 1" and "Iron Man 2", and Kevin Feige also participated in writing the script.

The script is actually very mature, but due to the high cost of filming, New Line was worried about investment losses, so it kept delaying it until 2006 when Steel's film and television adaptation rights expired, and the copyright returned to Marvel.

New Line only has one Iron Man, while Artisan Entertainment has many popular character IPs such as "Captain America", "Black Panther", "Black Widow", "Deadpool" and "Ant-Man".

If New Asia Pictures acquires Artisan Entertainment, it will not only be able to expand its film library, but with these popular IPs in hand, Song Yi will not have to worry about Kevin Feige not bowing down.

However, acquiring Artisan Entertainment will cost at least US$340 million. If New Asia Pictures acquires Artisan Entertainment, it will burden the company with heavy debts.

Capital matters must be solved by capital. Song Yi remembers that Lionsgate Pictures, a B-level film company, acquired Artisan Entertainment in October 2003 in order to expand its own film library and obtain the distribution channels of Artisan Entertainment. The purchase price was not announced to the public. .

According to estimates by industry insiders, Lionsgate spent almost US$330 million to buy Artisan Entertainment and inherited the film and television adaptation rights of 15 characters including Captain America, Black Panther, and Black Widow from Artisan Entertainment.

After acquiring the copyright, Lionsgate later filmed "The Punisher" in 2004, which received a mediocre response. They were actually preparing to put "Black Widow" and "Iron Fist" on the big screen. Who knew that Charlize Theron also starred in the film? The genre movie "Warrior" failed to make any money, so Lionsgate naturally gave up on this plan.

Song Yi personally prefers "Black Widow" starring "widow sister" Scarlett Johansson. A small vest sticks to her body lightly, which is like walking hormones. If Song Yi really buys Artisan Entertainment and invites Scarlett Johansson to play the role of Black Widow, it would be good to have an in-depth exchange of feelings with the "widow sister". Scarlett Johansson is not yet 18 years old now. , it is the age of youth and beauty

However, Song Yi does not intend to use the name of New Asia Pictures to acquire Artisan Entertainment, but plans to use the name of Blue Ocean Capital Fund to acquire it.

After Blue Ocean Capital Fund acquires Artisan Entertainment, Blue Ocean Capital Fund will come forward to promote the merger of Marvel Studios and Artisan Entertainment into a new Marvel Studios.

Blue Ocean Capital Fund will also support Kevin Feige's Marvel Universe filmmaking plans. Since the release of "Iron Man", the 30 movies in the Marvel Universe have generated almost US$30 billion in global box office.

When Disney Pictures was preparing to acquire Marvel Pictures, Blue Ocean Capital Fund sold Marvel's equity to Disney Pictures. Although the investment cycle will be longer, the return on investment will be greater.

In addition to Artisan Entertainment, which Lionsgate is eyeing, Song Yi is also interested in Lionsgate's future low-cost thriller series "Saw". The first eight films in this low-cost series have a global box office of more than 10 Billion dollars, it can be said to be a cash cow for Lionsgate Pictures.

The results of the talks between Song Yi and Bob Shaye went quite smoothly. New Line Cinema now also wants to get rid of the hot potato of "Iron Man", so it quickly sold the film and television adaptation rights of "Iron Man" for US$3.5 million. Sold to New Asia Pictures.

This price seems very cheap, but in fact, Sony Pictures bought Spider-Man from Marvel for US$7 million in 1999, and Tobey Maguire produced the "Spider-Man" trilogy, making huge profits around the world. $2.5 billion in box office.

Iron Man ranks in the middle of the Marvel Universe in terms of popularity, far behind Spider-Man, Wolverine and the Incredible Hulk. New Line Cinema has no plans to shoot "Iron Man" now. If they delay filming "Iron Man", they will still return to Marvel Studios after the film and television adaptation rights expire in 2006.

While he was still able to negotiate the price, he sold "Iron Man" to New Asia Pictures for a package price of US$3.5 million. Bob Shaye thought he had made a good deal.

Song Yi is also much more active in Los Angeles these days, frequently meeting with various actors and directors, including Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Jon Favreau, and Peyton Lee. Germany and so on.

He publicly stated in an interview with the "Los Angeles Times": "I have had enough of those old-fashioned superhero movies. New Asia Pictures is preparing to make a more interesting "Iron Man". The Tony Stark in my heart He doesn’t have to be perfect, he can be a little bad, he can be a playboy, but he still has a sense of justice.”

"New Asia Pictures is preparing to acquire more Marvel characters. We plan to use Iron Man as the core and then spin off a huge Marvel universe." Song Yi said.

"Who is richer, me or Tony Stark?" Song Yi almost laughed out loud after hearing the reporter's question.

"Tony Stark is the third richest guy in comics, after Batman and the King of Wakanda. I'm not as rich as him, but I think I'm more handsome than him." Song Yi answered confidently.

The second update is over, and I will try to update more at the end of the month.

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