"Is Miaomiao still adapting after returning to China?" Song Yi and Liao Yu were talking on the phone.

"Fortunately, she just turned into a chatterbox and kept talking about her experience in the United States. If I didn't understand her character, I would have thought she was showing off. Because school is about to start, I drag her grandpa to help her with her summer homework every day. ." Liao Yu's lips were filled with smiles.

"Taixi has received the violet grape ornament you gave her. She likes it very much. However, she is reluctant to put it outside for fear of being stolen by thieves." Song Yi said.

Liao Yu spent tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to buy an emerald purple grape ornament at the Sotheby's auction in Hong Kong Island. The color of this ornament is the rare violet color in jade. The grape ornament symbolizes many children and good fortune. The beautiful meaning of making a fortune. She really put a lot of thought into giving this bunch of emerald and purple grape ornaments as Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee's wedding gift.

"Although we Chinese are very particular about keeping our wealth private, if this ornament is lost in your villa, then all the security team of your villa will be laid off." Liao Yu lived in Chengbeidong for a period of time this year and told Song Yi The tall mansion was impressive. The extremely thorough security system in the villa leaves no room for scoundrels to commit crimes.

"You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't prevent a thief for a thousand days. If the thieves join forces and form an alliance of thieves, then the theft of my villa can be shown on the screen." Song Yi didn't believe that any thief would dare to hit him. Idea, part of Song Yi's security team is affiliated with the Seoul Local Police Department and can legally hold guns. This is also a common practice of South Korea's top chaebols.

"Bah, bah, bah, don't talk nonsense. This kind of thing is good but not bad. I heard that Miaomiao also made a good friend in the United States this time?" Liao Yu likes to chat with Song Yi about daily life, which can relieve her. of longing.

Song Yi inexplicably thought of the fit Li Jingshu, "Yes, there is a child of the same age as her, Zheng Xiujing, and her sister happens to be a trainee of the SM Entertainment girl group. There is Seo Zhuxian in the front, and Zheng Xiujing in the back. It seems that we Miaomiao will have a good relationship in the future. Young star is such a good friend."

Before Zhou Shulan and Song Miao returned to China, Song Yi held a family buffet barbecue party in Chengbukdong. Liu Huiying took her daughter Xu Zhuxian, and Zheng Chaodong and his wife brought Zheng Xiuyan and Zheng Xiujing to attend. Sisters Song Miao, Xu Zhuxian and Jessica Jung were having fun playing together on the lawn.

This was the second time Zheng Xiuyan met Song Yi. Only then did she know that her parents had become good friends with Song Yi in the United States, and her sister Zheng Xiujing had become the childhood friend of Song Miao, the little princess of the Song family. Jessica couldn't help but envy her younger sister Jung Soo-jung's good luck. You must know that Song Yi is a big shot that even the management team leader Zhuo Yingjun has no connections with.

The fourteen-year-old Jessica Jung is slim and tall and has already caught up with her mother Li Jingshu. She is indeed a beauty. Kim Tae Hee met Jung Soo Yeon for the first time, and she sincerely envied Lee Jung Sook for giving birth to two beautiful daughters.

Liu Huiying was already wary when she saw Zheng Chaodong and his wife chatting and laughing with Song Yi. Xu Zhuxian's strongest support for entering the entertainment industry is her personal relationship with Song Yi. She is not worried that Jessica will take away her daughter Xu Zhuxian's resources, but Jessica may replace Xu Zhuxian's position in Song Yi's heart.

Seo Joo Hyun is just SM Entertainment's daughter now, but Jung Soo Jung may become Shinhan Media's daughter. If two people meet the same audition opportunity, is there any need to say whether Song Yi will choose Jung Soo Jung or Seo Joo Hyun?

It was this sense of crisis that made Liu Huiying, who had always been reserved, take the initiative a lot at the party. Xu Zhuxian was once worried that her mother would get drunk. Xu Zhuxian, who has always been self-disciplined, couldn't accept that her mother suddenly turned into an alcoholic and looked worried.

Of course Song Yi noticed Liu Huiying's behavior and finally persuaded her in time. After the party, Song Yi asked the driver to drive Liu Huiying and Xu Zhuxian home. Because she was worried that the young Xu Zhuxian could not take care of her mother, Song Yi returned to Liu Huiying's house together.

After returning home, Xu Zhuxian first turned on the water heater, prepared bath water for her mother, and then quickly made honey water for her mother to relieve hangover.

After drinking two cups of honey, Liu Huiying's complexion became much better and she woke up. She was a little embarrassed and said, "Song Yi is making a joke."

Song Yi was hesitant, "Sister Huiying, what's on your mind today? I rarely saw you drinking before, but today it scared Zhuxian."

Liu Huiying smiled apologetically at her daughter, "Don't worry, mom will never do it again. You go take a shower first, and mom will talk to Uncle Song Yi about something."

Xu Zhuxian glanced at her mother worriedly, then obediently went to her bedroom to get her pajamas and take a bath.

Liu Huiying was very pleased with her daughter's understanding, "Recalling the first time Joohyun and I met you and Hyunjin at Boxin Pavilion, it feels like yesterday. A lot of things have happened in the past two years, and Hyunjin has become a well-known figure on KBS News anchor, I also watched you create the New Asia Media Empire with your own hands."

"Actually, we, mother and daughter, have been taking care of you for the past two years. You have also brought a lot of business to my piano school. In fact, we can't help you with anything." Liu Huiying said.

Song Yi somewhat understood what Liu Huiying meant, and he said sincerely, "Hey, it's vulgar to say this between friends. We always help each other. You forgot how many times Taixi and I came to your house for dinner. ? Tae Hee and I are now able to get married, and it is indispensable for you and Sister Sun Hee’s advice. And I really like Seo Joo Hyun. He is excellent and self-disciplined, which is a very valuable quality. This is something I want to do but can’t do. thing."

Liu Huiying thought she understood, "I know you have always treated Zhuxian as your daughter. I originally wanted you to be Zhuxian's godfather, but then I thought that you are not married yet, and entertainment industry news has no bottom line. If it is spread around, it may If things change, the godfather will probably become the godfather."

Song Yi thought of Liu Qianqian in China and felt deeply convinced. A lot of news in the entertainment industry is based on rumors and rumors. The version circulated by the public must be what everyone likes to hear. Everyone only pays attention to whether the tidbits are exciting enough, but the truth is irrelevant.

Liu Huiying was dressed cooler today, a gray short-sleeved T-shirt, white hot pants, a pair of open-toed sandals on her feet, bright-colored nail polish on her toenails, and her long brown hair tied into a bun, which made her look extra special young.

She noticed that Song Yi's eyes were resting on her white and smooth legs. She couldn't help but cross her legs and sway on her toes, which made Song Yi feel drunk.

It was impossible for Song Yi to do anything to Liu Huiying in front of Xu Zhuxian. At this time, Xu Zhuxian was still very innocent and admired Song Yi's brother. He could not destroy his own image.

"Sister Huiying, since you have sobered up, I will go back first. Xinya Pictures will hold the premiere of "Memories of Murder" at the COEX Mall in Samseongdong on the 25th. I have prepared an invitation letter for you. If you If you have time, go and show your support. Ahn Sung-ki, Song Kang-ho, Choi Min-sik, Seol Kyung-gu, and Lee Jung-jae will all be there. Joo-hyun will still go into the film industry in the future, so it’s not a bad thing to get to know more Chungmuro ​​actors."

The movie rating of "Memories of Murder" is for ages 15 and above. Even Jessica Jung can't watch it, let alone Seo Joo Hyun.

Liu Huiying heard Song Yi's words and knew that Song Yi had not changed her plan for Xu Zhuxian, and she felt at ease. She stood up and walked Song Yi to the door. Song Yi was about to leave when he felt the hot body squeeze into his arms.

Song Yi felt Liu Huiying's initiative, and it took a long time for the two to separate. Song Yi looked down at Liu Huiying's red face, and couldn't help but kiss Liu Huiying, "Sister Huiying, if you do this again, I will sue you for indecent assault."

Liu Huiying smacked her lips and thought about it for a moment, "Shan Ji is right, your kissing skills are really great."

Song Yi had a dark look on his face, "Are you married women so open to chatting? Do you even need to communicate about this?"

Cui Shanji, as the public relations director of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, has recently been responsible for the apartment renovation plan of Kowloon Village. In order to improve the living environment of Kowloon Village residents, New Asia Welfare Foundation donated a music and art center to Kowloon Village Apartments.

As the principal of With Piano Piano Training Center, Liu Huiying donated a piano to the Kowloon Village Music and Art Center. She was also on the local news in Seoul because of this kind act.

During this period, Cui Shanhui and Liu Huiying kept in touch and gradually became familiar with each other. Liu Huiying also applied for an annual card at Song Suying's beauty club. Liu Huiying also gradually integrated into the circle of Cui Shanhui, Zheng Eunxuan, and Song Suying.

The smart Liu Huiying saw that Cui Shanji had been talking about Song Yi, and she quickly tried out the relationship between Cui Shanji and Song Yi.

Liu Huiying was very proud, "What can't we married women talk about? Don't you treat Zhuxian like a daughter? Then I will let you enjoy the treatment of Zhuxian's father today. Don't worry, I will participate in "Memories of Murder" on time. 's premiere."

On the afternoon of August 25, the COEX mall in Samseong-dong was crowded with stars. They were all invited by New Asia Pictures to attend the premiere of the movie "Memories of Murder".

The movie actors present today include Ahn Sung-ki, Choi Min-sik, Seol Kyung-gu, Lee Jung-jae, Lee Young-ae, Lee Eun-joo, etc.

All artists from New Asia Media made an appearance. Except for Song Hye Kyo who is still active in the Japanese market, Jun Ji Hyun, Son Ye Jin, Ko Hyun Jung, Moon Geun Young, Lee Hyori, Sung Yuri, Kim Jong Kook and Yoo Jae Suk were all present.

Ever since she won the Best Actress title at the Daejong Awards, Jun Ji-hyun has been studying hard at Dongguk University. She rarely appeared in public and murdered countless films of reporters on the scene.

In addition to Jun Ji-hyun, reporters also gave Sung Yu-ri a lot of shots. Although Sung Yuri has not had any film and television masterpieces in the past two years, her performance in the SBS variety show "X-Man" is remarkable. The guests who participated in the show also praised her ravely. Today, she and Yoo Jae Suk co-starred at the premiere. Live host.

Song Yi didn't have time to entertain the actors present today. This was Kim Woo-taek's job. He had more important guests to entertain. Chen Meijing from CJ Entertainment came here specially to attend the premiere of "Memories of Murder" today. It is said that Chen Meijing is Bong Joon-ho. A fan of the director.

"Director Bong Joon-ho talked to me two years ago about adapting the Hwaseong Serial Murder Cases into a movie. Unexpectedly, he finally chose New Asia Pictures for cooperation. I heard that Chairman Song also participated in the script of "Memories of Murder" "Writing work?" Chen Meijing was sitting in a wheelchair, still full of energy.

"Compared to director Bong Joon-ho, my work is not worth mentioning. In fact, through this movie, we want to find the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case and comfort the victims and their families." Song Yi said.

Chen Meijing suddenly became interested, "Really? Do you have any clues?"

Song Yi said: "I can only say that there is an idea, whether it can achieve the effect of watching the movie broadcast. If the suspect sees this movie, I hope he can be forced to reveal his flaws."

"And I remember that the victim of the 10th Hwaseong serial murder case was killed in 1991. If the murderer cannot be caught until April 2006, the 15-year statute of limitations for appeals will have ended. I also hope that this can be done. The movie promotes judicial reform in South Korea and can change the statute of limitations for such vicious cases to a lifetime one." Song Yi said.

Song Yi remembered that the South Korean Congress revised the Criminal Procedure Law twice. The first time it changed the prosecution period for homicide cases from the past 15 years to 25 years. In 2015, the South Korean Congress changed the prosecution period for homicide cases from the past 25 years. Prosecution will be permanent until the case is solved. The statute of limitations is no longer a talisman for criminals.

Chen Meiqing gave Song Yi a meaningful look. For the five major chaebol families, Song Yi was already a key force that could not be ignored.

Even though Zhou Mengjiu and Zhou Mengzhun, the second generation members of the Hyundai family, were generally not optimistic about Park Donghao, Song Yi was able to support Park Donghao to make a comeback and successfully be elected mayor of Seoul. If Song Woo-seok is elected president in December, the five major financial groups must get through Song Yi if they want to maintain good relations with the next government.

Chen Meijing has no doubt that Song Yi can push Congress to amend the law and extend the prosecution period of murder cases. Compared with the last meeting in the CJ building, Song Yi is obviously more confident now and firmly controls the initiative of the conversation.

"I heard that you bought the rights to "Iron Man" from New Line Cinema. Do you really plan to make a superhero movie in Hollywood? No one praises you for your good work. This is what you should do. But if you make If it is not as good as the psychological expectations of comic book fans, New Asia Pictures’ future films will not need to expect to enter Hollywood. As the world’s largest film market, Hollywood will not give foreign film companies a second chance to try and make mistakes.” Chen Meijing advised.

Chen Meijing has been committed to promoting Korean culture to the world, otherwise he would not have spent US$300 million to buy 10% of DreamWorks' equity in the 1990s. Although CJ Entertainment and New Asia Media are competing in South Korea, this does not prevent her from supporting New Asia Pictures to enter Hollywood.

Blue Ocean Capital Fund's acquisition of Artisan Entertainment has gone smoothly. New Asia Pictures will take over Artisan Entertainment's North American distribution channels. New Asia Films will invest US$33 million in exchange for 10% of Artisan Entertainment's equity.

After Blue Ocean Capital funds complete the acquisition, they will support Marvel Comics in establishing a separate Marvel Studios. Marvel Studios can use its existing superhero rights as collateral to complete a $200 million loan from Blue Ocean Capital Fund for the production of the "Iron Man" movie and daily operations of the company.

Blue Ocean Capital Foundation supports Kevin Feige to become the CEO of Marvel Studios, who will then promote the merger of Marvel Studios and Artisan Entertainment. After the merger is completed, New Asia Pictures will also become a shareholder of the new Marvel Pictures.

Song Yi's goal is for New Asia Pictures to hold 5% to 10% of the shares of Marvel Pictures. Marvel Pictures will only need to retain a seat on the board of directors of New Asia Pictures. Shen Zhe will work for New Asia Pictures North America. The person in charge of the office can serve as a director of Marvel Studios. After Disney launches its acquisition of Marvel Studios, Blue Ocean Capital Fund can make profits by selling Marvel shares.

Because the acquisition of Artisan Entertainment has not yet been completed, Song Yi cannot reveal the details to Chen Meijing now, but he can still understand Chen Meijing's concern as a senior in the film industry.

"The copyright of "Iron Man" is just a bait. It is still unknown whether the movie will be made. But please rest assured, Chairman Chen, I never fight a battle that I am not sure about." Song Yi gave up.

Chen Meijing snorted, remembering Song Yi's deal with Li Zhen and Ok Zhuxuan in exchange for Kim Jong Kook in the first half of the year. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a win-win deal. The TV series starring Lee Jin and Ok Joo-hyun received good ratings, and CJ Entertainment signed two good actors.

But Kim Jong Kook's first solo album "Renaissance" sold over a million, and she still felt that Song Yi got a bargain. If she hadn't remembered Song Yi and Chen Zaixian's previous friendship, she would not have easily restored Kim Jong Kook's freedom and asked him to switch to New Asia Music.

When Song Yi and Chen Meijing appeared at the MegaBox Movie Center, the directors and actors who came to watch the movie couldn't sit still, and they all came forward to say hello to Chen Meijing.

Chen Meijing said to Bong Joon-ho, "I heard from Chairman Song that you made a good movie. Today I am here to support you as an audience. If it doesn't go well, don't blame me for criticizing you in the newspaper."

Bong Joon-ho is full of respect for Chen Meijing. She is also a noble person in Bong Joon-ho's film career. Chen Meijing has always spared no effort to support young Korean directors. Whether it is Bong Joon-ho or Park Chan-wook, she has provided a lot of help.

"President Chen, don't worry, this "Memories of Murder" is definitely a good movie." Before Feng Junhao finished speaking, he did not forget to praise Song Yi, "Even if you don't believe me, you must believe Song Yi As long as it’s a movie produced by Chairman Song, there hasn’t been a bad movie.”

Song Yi couldn't help but laugh when he heard Bong Joon-ho say this. He has only produced the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend" in total, so Bong Joon-ho's statement is not wrong.

When people nearby heard what Bong Joon-ho said, they all agreed. Although Song Yi has not launched many film and television projects, as long as Song Yi participates in the works, they are both well-received and well-received.

The movies "My Naughty Girl" and "Memories of Murder", the TV series "Blue Life and Death" and "Winter Sonata", the variety show "X-Man", and the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok". From this point of view, Song Yi is simply an all-rounder in the entertainment industry.

The suspense left for everyone now is whether New Asia Pictures can replicate the success of "My Naughty Girlfriend" and "Winter Sonata" when it launches "If Love Is Divine Will" and "Dae Jang Geum" in the second half of the year.

When Song Yi returned to his seat after entertaining everyone, he noticed that sitting to the left of his seat were two female artists from The Contents Entertainment, Lee Eun-joo and Lee Mi-sook. Li Meishu greeted Song Yi across Li Enzhu, with an eager smile on her face.

Song Yi remembered that the seats on his left were Son Ye-jin and Kim Min-sook. He planned to chat with Son Ye-jin about the movie "If Love Has a Will", but why were they suddenly changed?

Song Yi glanced at Jin Xiyuan on the right, glanced to the left, and asked what was going on.

Jin Xiyuan said: "Senior Lee Mi-sook came to President Kim and said that she had something very important to ask of you, President. After President Kim heard this, he agreed to give up his seat to them. I guess President Kim thought you were attracted to Li Eun-joo. , I was afraid of spoiling your good deeds, so I agreed to change seats."

Song Yi was a little annoyed and retorted in a low voice, "Nonsense, who said I have a crush on Li Enzhu? Sooner or later, my reputation will be completely destroyed by you."

Jin Xiyuan glanced at Song Yi suspiciously, "Didn't you say you wanted to sign Lee Eun-joo before? Maybe Lee Mi-sook and Lee Eun-joo had wanted to leave The Contents Entertainment for a long time, so they found an opportunity to sit next to you. Didn't you see that their managers Sitting in the back row of the theater?”

Song Yi glanced at Li Enzhu. Li Enzhu noticed Song Yi's eyes and did not dare to look at Song Yi. He quickly looked at Liu Zaishi and Cheng Yuli on the stage.

New Asia's agency did want to sign Lee Eun-joo before, but the representative director of her agency, Kim Sung-hoon, was not an economical person and used private videos to threaten Lee Eun-joo into submission. The Contents Entertainment is a subsidiary of SK Group. Although Kim Sung Hoon wants to please Song Yi, he is not afraid of New Asia Media.

In order to get rid of Kim Sung-hoon's control, Li Eun-joo sent the video to Song Yi, which included a video of her serving You Jae-sik. Chen Fuzhen relied on this video to finally force You Zaizhi to agree to divorce and give up the custody and visitation rights of the children, without daring to speak loudly.

But after Song Yi got the video, he did not rescue Li Enzhu from the sea of ​​suffering. The reason why she came to attend the premiere of "Memories of Murder" today was also coerced by Kim Sung-hoon and Lee Mi-sook, who wanted to act as a middleman and send her to Song Yi's bed as a gift.

Song Yi didn't know what Lee Mi-sook was planning, but Kim Hee-won had already told him, "Representative Kim Sung-hoon of The Contents Entertainment likes to use his artists to entertain powerful people. There are many chaebols who like this. You'd better stay away from them." Click, stop talking."

"You should especially pay attention to Lee Mi-sook. She is now a well-known madam in the entertainment industry and likes to pimp people. Behind her husband's back, she found a waiter who was seventeen years younger. Kim Sung-hoon relied on this to control Lee Mi-sook. , let Li Meishu help him do evil." Jin Xiyuan's words were full of disgust.

Of course Song Yi knows about The Contents Entertainment. If Kim Kwang Soo is the dominant player in the music industry, then Kim Sung Hoon is the cancer of Korean entertainment agencies.

In addition to Lee Eun Joo and Jang Ja Yeon, The Contents Entertainment's contracted artists include Choi Jin Jin, Jung Da Bin and U-Nee. These artists later committed suicide, and their managers happened to be Kim Sung Hoon.

When SK Chairman Choi Anyuan was serving his sentence in prison some time ago, Song Yi was able to find a way to deal with Kim Sung-hoon. Although Kim Sung-hoon was a very useful dog, at that time, SK Group was still headed by Song So-young. Even if Kim Sung-hoon was begging SK Group, Song So-young could pretend not to know.

However, Kim Sung-hoon is like Epstein in the Korean entertainment industry. Song Yi doesn’t know how many Korean dignitaries he has hooked up with through the female artists of The Contents Entertainment. Perhaps Yu Jae-sik is just an insignificant person on Kim Sung-hoon’s list. Hello. The question now is, does Song Yi really want to expose the shady secrets of the Korean entertainment industry for Lee Eun-joo?

Thank you for your monthly votes. Song Yi is a person who weighs the pros and cons, but he is definitely a good person!

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