I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 177 If you can be upright and upright

The premiere has come to an end, and now it’s officially time to watch the movie. It was also the first time for Song Yi to watch "Memories of Murder" in a cinema, which gave him a different viewing experience.

As the film unfolds, the audience slowly returns to the special era of turmoil, darkness and disorder in South Korea in the 1980s.

Air raid sirens are often sounded in the film, which is a sign of martial law imposed by the French government, and the film often shows the military and police beating unarmed ordinary people.

Li Enzhu, who was sitting next to Song Yi, seemed a little uncomfortable. Her face was a little pale. Although the air conditioner was on in the theater, Song Yi still noticed the cold sweat on her forehead.

"Miss Enzhu, are you feeling unwell? If you feel unwell, can you go back with your manager as soon as possible?" Song Yi asked with concern.

When Li Enzhu heard what Song Yi said, his face became even paler, "It's okay, President Song. Maybe he forgot to eat at noon and has a little hypoglycemia."

Li Meishu guessed why Li Enzhu was unwell. There was no sympathy on her face, but she pretended to blame herself, "It's my fault. In order to catch up with the premiere, I forgot to let Eunzhu eat something to relieve her stomach. I have dark chocolate in my bag, you Eat something first, and after the movie is over, my sister will take you to eat something delicious."

Li Meishu took out a piece of chocolate from her bag and handed it to Li Enzhu, indicating that Li Enzhu should eat it quickly. Li Eun-joo struggled to peel off the chocolate, then put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

Song Yi felt something was wrong. He felt that Li Enzhu was enduring great pain, but he did not understand the source of Li Enzhu's pain. He could only pay attention to Li Enzhu's movements at all times.

Li Meishu and Li Enzhu whispered a few words. Although Li Enzhu was reluctant, she still changed seats with Li Enzhu.

Li Meishu smiled at Song Yi, "Actually, Eunjoo is very interested in the costume drama "Dae Jang Geum" that will be filmed in the second half of the year. She wants to get a major role in this drama. Who knew that this girl is so unsatisfactory? I’m already sitting next to President Song, and I don’t dare to speak to you.”

Song Yi pondered for a moment, "Didn't Miss Enzhu focus on movies in the past two years? Why do you suddenly want to return to TV dramas?"

Li Meishu didn't expect that Song Yi actually knew Li Enzhu quite well, and she looked a little flustered. "Because there haven't been any good movie scripts in the past two years, we have almost run out of movies to film, so we want to return to TV dramas."

Lee Eun Joo was the Best New Actress at the 38th Daejong Awards. Lee Mi Sook and Jun Ji Hyun competed for the Best Actress crown at the Daejong Awards this year. Song Yi didn't believe that they would be reduced to nothing to film.

"Let's do this. Before the filming of "Dae Jang Geum" starts, I will send an audition invitation to your company. If there is a suitable role, it can be decided on the same day." Song Yi said.

Li Meishu felt happy when she heard what Song Yi said. This was an unexpected gain, but she did not forget her original task today.

Li Meishu said to Song Yi: "President Song, do you still need to audition? It's not you who has the final say on such small things. Why don't you wait until the movie is over, find a place, and Eun-joo and I will discuss "Big Brother" with you. "Janggeum" script, will things be decided today? Don't worry, Eun-joo and I have always been sisters, regardless of each other."

When Song Yi heard what Li Meishu said, he raised his head and glanced at Li Meishu. This was no longer a hint, but a naked temptation. Li Meishu should know that Song Yi is not interested in an old lady like her, so she took Li Enzhu to accompany her.

Song Yi looked at Li Meishu's flattering smile and felt a little uncomfortable, and her tone became cold, "Li Meishu, the reason why I filmed the drama "Dae Jang Geum" is to praise Tae Hee. I don't care whether this drama makes money, I I don’t care about the three melons and two dates in the TV series, but I care about the reputation of "Dae Jang Geum", and I will never allow a mouse dropping to ruin a pot of soup, do you understand what I mean?"

Li Meishu could hear Song Yi's displeasure, but she still didn't give up. She had seen too many sanctimonious men.

"We, Representative Kim, heard that President Song values ​​Eun-joo very much, and we also want to make friends with you, President Song. Eun-joo is very obedient and in good health. If you ask her to go east, she will not dare to go west. We only hope You can accept this gift, after all, there will be many opportunities for cooperation between New Asia Media and The Contents Entertainment in the future." Li Meishu advised Song Yi.

Song Yi looked at Li Enzhu next to her. She probably knew the content of the conversation between Song Yi and Li Meishu. She was restless. She put her hands on her thighs, and her legs came together for a while and then separated again.

Song Yi couldn't help but let out a "Ha", "What qualifications does Kim Sung-hun have to talk about cooperation with me? Senior Lee Mi-sook, if you keep talking nonsense like this, don't blame me for asking you to leave the theater. By then, everyone will lose face." It doesn’t look good.”

When Li Meishu heard what Song Yi said, she knew that nothing could be done today, so she immediately calmed down and calmed down.

She actually didn't understand. After all, Song Yi had always had a reputation for being lecherous. The female artists contracted by New Asia Agency range from Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo to Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri, and then to the later additions of Go Hyun-jung and Son Ye-jin. Song Yi has caused troubles all over the place and not one of them has been left behind. Song Yi had no reason not to eat Li Enzhu when it was brought to her mouth, unless there was some inside story that she didn't know.

Seeing that she could not complete the task assigned by Jin Chengxun, Li Meishu looked at Li Enzhu who was resigned and was very unhappy. She pinched Li Enzhu and said, "You useless guy, you must have too many wild men outside, so others are I don’t like you!”

When Li Enzhu heard what Li Meishu said, her face became even paler. She had no words to refute, and looked at the screen in front of her with dull eyes. But she couldn't close her ears and could only continue to endure Li Meishu's verbal violence.

Song Yi knew that Li Meishu's words were deliberately told to him, so that Song Yi could sympathize with Li Enzhu's experience. If Song Yi is willing to stand up for Li Enzhu, then half of Li Meishu's goal will be achieved. If Li Enzhu gets involved with Song Yi, she has plenty of means to make Li Enzhu obey.

Kim Hee-won really couldn't stand the noisy Lee Mi-sook, so she directly reprimanded her, "Lee Mi-sook, please stay quiet while watching the movie, and please respect the work of the director and actors. If you really can't enjoy this movie, please go out first." Come back after a while to breathe again?"

As expected, a good person is bullied, a good person is ridiculed, and Li Meishu was trained like a grandson by Jin Xiyuan and did not dare to refute, so she walked out of the movie theater in the name of going to the bathroom.

Song Yi glanced at Li Enzhu with disappointed eyes. Li Enzhu's personality was too weak. No wonder Li Meishu bullied her to death. Although Korean companies have a senior culture, if she doesn't have the courage to fight hard, how can outsiders interfere in the internal affairs of their company?

Perhaps because Lee Mi-sook was not around, Lee Eun-joo's nervousness was relieved, and she could finally calm down and watch the plot of the movie.

The movie "Memories of Murder" has also reached its later stage. The victim in the ninth case suffered the most tragic experience. The victim was a 14-year-old female middle school student named Kim.

When Kim was found, she was naked from the waist up, her hands and feet were tied behind her back, and she was strangled with her shirt and socks. Evidence such as ballpoint pens, spoons and forks were placed on the ground at the murder scene. These incriminating evidences were all taken out of the victim's body. The murderer's cruelty and twisted soul are outrageous.

The entire theater was solemn. Although Kim Hee-won had watched Bong Joon-ho's edited film in advance, she still felt extremely uncomfortable when she saw this movie scene on the screen again.

In the movie, senior police officer Su Taiyun is going crazy because he recognized the female student as the middle school student he met during his previous investigation at the school.

At that time, the student injured his waist due to sports, and he carefully put a band-aid on the student.

An angry Su Taiyun came to the suspect Park Heung-kyu's home. He held a gun against Park Heung-kyu, trying to force him to admit his crime. He has already identified Park Xingkyu as the murderer and doesn't care about the so-called evidence.

When the DNA test report overturned Su Taiyun's speculation, Su Taiyun's eyes were full of despair. He was about to shoot Park Heung-gyu, but was finally stopped by the rational Park Doo-man.

At this point in the movie, a sharp contrast is formed. The rational Su Tae-yoon has turned into the reckless Park Doo-man, and the reckless Park Doo-man has become mature. Everyone becomes what they originally hated.

The scene when the female middle school student was murdered kept replaying in Li Enzhu's mind. The victim's tragic situation reminded her of the tragic experience that she didn't want to recall. She covered her head in pain, put her head on her legs, and refused to get up for a long time.

Song Yi noticed Li Enzhu's strange behavior. He knew that a certain plot in the movie might have stimulated her. He patted Li Enzhu on the shoulder and said, "Miss Enzhu, has something happened to you?"

However, Li Enzhu tried his best to free Song Yi's left hand as if he was electrocuted, and tried his best to hide in the corner of the seat, "Don't touch me, don't touch me!" Li Enzhu muttered something in his mouth, as if he was crazy.

Li Enzhu's movement was a bit loud, and everyone in the theater noticed it. Song Yi was very embarrassed now. In fact, he had no physical contact with Li Enzhu, but Li Enzhu tried his best to hide away. People who didn't know thought that he took the opportunity of watching a movie to molest Li Enzhu in the dark.

Many male directors and actors who were invited to the premiere had meaningful smiles on their faces. They felt that Song Yi, as the boss of a media company, had many ways to tame new actresses like Li Eun-joo. Song Yi's performance today was too much. Too hasty.

Before Song Yi could figure out how to deal with the embarrassing situation in front of him, Jin Xiyuan had already stood up and said, "Call the police! Let the police come and deal with it! Miss Li Enzhu seems to have some mental problem, and the personal reputation of our president cannot be tarnished!"

At this time, the theater manager of MegaBox came over with an ugly look on his face, "President Jin, this is a private matter between President Song and Miss Li Eun-joo. There is no need to involve the police. How about I prepare an office for you and you can be alone?" Coordinate.”

If the police intervene and it is confirmed that Song Yi harassed movie actresses at the MegaBox Film Center, will their MegaBox reputation still be lost?

At this time, Jin Minshu also noticed that there was something wrong with Li Enzhu's mental condition. She stepped forward and supported Li Enzhu, "Miss Enzhu, do you still know me?"

When things have evolved to this point, everyone has no intention of continuing to watch the movie. Some guests are already preparing to leave. They don't want to get involved in Song Yi and Li Enzhu's personal affairs. Regardless of who is right or wrong, it would be wise to stay out of the situation as early as possible.

Unexpectedly, Jin Xiyuan had already ordered the security team to block the entrance and fire escape of the cinema. Jin Xiyuan stood up and said, "I have called the police. The police will be here soon. Before the police arrived, everyone who attended the premiere today was a witness." Witnesses, you can leave after the police finish recording your statement."

Jin Xiyuan wonders if Li Enzhu intends to ruin Song Yi's reputation. No matter which country it is, it is difficult for men in sexual harassment cases to prove their innocence.

If she asked the guests attending the premiere to leave early today, they would also include reporters from the three major TV stations and the three major newspapers. Even if Song Yi is finally confirmed to have done nothing to Li Enzhu, the rumors of Song Yi harassing Li Enzhu will spread throughout the Korean entertainment industry.

Song Yi, as the chairman of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, is rich and powerful, and Li Enzhu is a small artist of The Contents Entertainment Company. Even if it is finally confirmed that Li Enzhu was falsely accused and Song Yi sent Li Enzhu to prison, the Korean people will still feel that Song Yi used money to interfere with the judiciary and the chaebol did whatever he wanted.

"President Jin is so majestic. I have been watching a movie just now, and I have no time to pay attention to the personal affairs of your president and Miss Li Eun-joo. I have an important meeting later, and you plan to detain me until the police arrive. Really?" Chen Meijing was helped up and asked angrily.

Jin Xiyuan looked at Chen Meijing with an embarrassed look on her face. She did not dare to detain the vice president of CJ Group and the president of CJ Entertainment in the movie theater.

Song Yi sighed. He understood what Jin Xiyuan was doing. If he wanted to stop the rumors, asking the police to intervene immediately was the best way to deal with it.

He looked at the layout of the theater and said to the theater manager: "Infrared cameras are installed in every corner of this VIP theater. Everyone can see every move in the theater. The surveillance can clear my name. I Just now I saw Miss Li Enzhu looking in pain, with her upper body lying on her lap. I was worried that something might happen to her, so I patted her shoulder. Other than that, I didn’t have any physical contact with her. I believe that Miss Li Enzhu had a reason for the incident, and she would definitely not Saying 'Don't touch me' for no reason, does it remind you of bad memories from the past?"

After Song Yi said these words, everyone in the theater breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, the theater has surveillance cameras. If the surveillance cameras are brought out, wouldn't it be clear?"

Chen Meijing took a deep look at Song Yi. She believed that Song Yi was not such a licentious person. He was still thinking about teasing female artists from other companies at the premiere of his own company's movie. But was it really true that Li Enzhu sat next to Song Yi? A coincidence?

Li Enzhu had woken up now. She knew that she had just made an mistake. When Song Yi patted her on the shoulder, she remembered the first time she was forced by a senior executive of a large consortium, so she subconsciously said "Don't touch it." Me, don’t touch me”.

When Lee Eun-joo had just signed a contract with The Contents Entertainment, she had gained a little fame. A corporate executive took a fancy to her and asked the president, Kim Sung-hoon, for a job.

Kim Sung-hoon deceived Lee Eun-joo to the designated place, and the young Lee Eun-joo was forced for the first time. Afterwards, the executive paid Kim Sung-hoon a favor, while Lee Eun-joo, who was violated, was thrown into the toilet without anyone caring about her.

When she plucked up the courage to terminate the contract with the company, Kim Sung-hoon took out the contract and explained the consequences of breach of contract one by one. Lee Eun-joo, who comes from an ordinary family, was simply unable to pay the 1 billion won liquidated damages and had no choice but to compromise. For this kind of thing, one thing leads to another. Li Eun-joo was used like a gift by Kim Sung-hoon to make deals with powerful people from all walks of life.

If she now declares that it was just a misunderstanding and that she accidentally entered the plot of the movie "Memories of Murder", then all the guests attending today's premiere can leave smoothly.

But now that Lee Mi-sook is not around, The Contents Entertainment's manager is also under the supervision of people from New Asia Media.

The police from Jiangnan District will arrive soon, and Li Enzhu can see that both Jin Xiyuan and Xinya Media care about Song Yi's personal reputation. Is it possible that the Gangnam police, while investigating Song Yi's personal honor case, also investigated the many shady secrets of The Contents Entertainment company? At least the charge of Lee Mi-sook forcing Li Eun-joo to provide services for Song Yi has not been eliminated.

Li Enzhu felt that she could no longer hold on and her legs were no longer stable. She asked Jin Xiyuan for help, "President Jin, I have no intention of framing President Song, but I have something unspeakable now. Can you come over and wait a minute?" I hope you can allow the police to keep the case confidential."

Jin Xiyuan glanced at Li Enzhu and made sure that she was not aggressive now. Then she came to Li Enzhu's side. When she heard Li Enzhu's words, her expression changed drastically. She first glanced at the bottom of Li Enzhu's skirt, and then glanced at Li Enzhu's manager, her eyes filled with anger.

Li Enzhu's manager guessed something. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He didn't expect that Li Enzhu was going to fight to the death today. He wanted to inform the president Jin Chengxun, but his mobile phone was put away by the on-site security personnel.

Jin Xiyuan walked to Song Yi and lowered her head to explain Li Enzhu's current situation. Song Yi was shocked. He had seen people playing tricks in the entertainment industry, but he had never seen people who tortured their female artists like this.

Song Yi made a decision immediately, "The Jiangnan District Police cannot handle this case. You should contact the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office now and ask the Prosecutor's Office to intervene. The Prosecutor's Office can now summon Jin Chengxun. I will call Li Sangdae now, otherwise this old man Youtiao is definitely not willing to take on such a difficult case."

In order to stabilize people's hearts, Song Yi said to Chen Meijing: "President Chen, if you have anything to do here, go back first. Later, the Jiangnan District Police Department may go to CJ Entertainment to make up a transcript. I will trouble you then."

Chen Meijing knew that things were not that simple. Li Enzhu seemed to have said something important to Song Yi, which might involve Korean dignitaries, so Song Yi sent her away immediately, hoping that she would not get involved. Chen Meijing planned to leave first, and then ask someone to inquire about it. It seemed that the young actor Li Enzhu also had a big secret.

After Chen Meijing left, Li Meishu also returned to the theater. She poked her head inside and asked, "Is the movie over?"

After Jin Xiyuan saw Li Meishu, she was extremely happy. This is the way to heaven if you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in. "Senior Lee Mi-sook, you came just in time. Your company artist Lee Eun-joo falsely accused our president of harassing her and is waiting for you to seek justice." Jin Xiyuan pulled Lee Mi-sook into the movie theater.

She hated Lee Mi-sook more than the evil-doing Kim Sung-hoon. She didn't understand why Lee Mi-sook, the victim of the unspoken rules, became the perpetrator. Just because you have been caught in the rain before, do you want to knock over all the umbrellas of those who come after you?

Li Meishu didn't know why, so she quickly defended, "President Jin, is there any misunderstanding? Our family Eun-joo admires Chairman Song the most. She was originally planning to discuss "The Big Brother" with Chairman Song after the movie is over. "Janggeum" script, it's too late for her to fall in love with Chairman Song, so how could she frame Chairman Song for harassing her."

Before Li Meishu finished speaking, she suddenly saw two agents from The Contents Entertainment winking at her. She realized something was wrong and was about to find a chance to leave the theater when Jin Xiyuan held her hand firmly.

"Really? I also hope this is just a misunderstanding, but Miss Li Eun-joo told me that it is not a misunderstanding. Senior Lee Mi-sook, please tell me, do you know about the agent stuffing toys into Li Eun-joo's body?" Jin Xiyuan was shocked when she opened her mouth. .

When Li Meishu heard this, she secretly thought that it was not good. She did not expect that Li Enzhu, who had always been cowardly, dared to reveal the truth to outsiders.

She was still pretending to be stupid, "President Jin, you are joking. There are no toys. Did you hear wrong?"

Kim Hee-won planned to break down Lee Mi-sook's psychological defense before the police arrived. If there was Lee Mi-sook as a key witness, it would be much easier for the police to collect evidence of Kim Sung-hoon's abuse and forced Lee Eun-joo into sex trafficking.

"Lee Mi-sook, I have called the police. The police will be here soon. The evidence in Li Eun-joo's body cannot be faked. I assure you that Kim Sung-hoon is completely finished. No big shot will come forward to get him. It depends on whether you want to be buried with him. .”

"Your crime is neither light nor serious. If you are successful in exposing the crime and put all the charges of forcing Li Eun-joo on Kim Sung-hun, you will get a second sentence with a suspended sentence at most. If you are lucky, you can continue to do it. Actors make money. If you continue to be so stubborn, I will prevent your child from going to any university in the future. I, Song Yi, always keep my word!" Song Yi has no interest in threatening little people like Li Meishu.

When Li Meishu heard Song Yi's words, her face suddenly turned pale. She was a little unsteady, "President Song, I just followed the instructions of our representative Jin. If I don't listen to him, he will make a video of my cheating on me." Send it to my husband and children, ruining my reputation, and I don’t want to abuse Eun-joo. After all, Eun-joo is very polite and prepares a gift for me every time I celebrate my birthday.”

Song Yi was no longer willing to listen to Li Meishu crying and pretending to be compassionate in front of him. He called to Jin Youze and Bong Junhao, "Youze, Junhao. Please gather the guests in the theater and write down the notes later, so as not to Delaying everyone’s business.”

Before Song Yi finished speaking, An Shengji, Cui Minzhi and Xue Jingqiu had already secretly slandered, "For your personal affairs, you left everyone here to take notes. Isn't it a waste of everyone's time?"

Song Yi saw everyone's inner dissatisfaction and stood in front of the stage and said: "I'm sorry for delaying everyone's business because of my personal affairs. If this matter cannot be investigated to the bottom of the matter, it will also affect the personal reputations of myself and Miss Li Enzhu." "

"I will greet the police and ask them to take notes for everyone nearby in the shopping mall. All you have to do is tell the truth about what you saw. The guests attending the premiere today will receive separate preparations from our New Asia Media Real Estate Group A generous gift, it will be delivered to your home in two days."

"Of course, I, Song Yi, owe you a favor today, and I hope New Asia Media will repay you at the right time in the future," Song Yi said.

Ahn Sung-ki, Cui Min-sik, Seol Kyung-gu, Lee Jung-jae, and Lee Young-ae felt much more comfortable when they heard what Song Yi said. Song Yi's words mean that New Asia Media will provide on-site filmmakers with opportunities to star in New Asia Pictures movies in the future.

Jin Xiyuan breathed a sigh of relief. She only knew how to keep all the guests in the theater, but she didn't know how to appease these restless guests. Fortunately, Song Yi made timely remedies.

After all, Ahn Sung-ki, Seol Kyung-gu, Choi Min-sik, Lee Jung-jae and Lee Young-ae are all well-known Korean film actors, and they are all famous characters in the Korean film industry.

The police were very efficient. At this time, a female police officer came to the movie theater. She asked first, "Who called the police just now?"

Jin Xiyuan raised her hand, "It's me. Ms. Li Eun-joo, an artist from The Contents Entertainment, falsely accused our President Song Yi of harassing her, so I called the police."

The policewoman did not recognize Jin Xiyuan, but she must know Song Yi, South Korea's youngest billionaire, a core member of the modern family, and the new mayor of Seoul City Park Donghao was also his guest.

Now she dare not blame Jin Xiyuan for making a fuss out of a molehill. After all, nothing small happens to big people, and nothing big happens to little people.

Song Yi looked at Li Enzhu at this time, "Miss Li Enzhu, I hope you can truthfully explain your experience to the police. Don't worry, since I intervened, I will definitely be responsible to the end. I know this may be difficult and I need to tear it apart again. Your wound is related to whether the culprit can be caught, do you understand?"

The policewoman was a little dumbfounded. She suddenly realized that today's harassment case was not that simple. According to past practice, she should take the "victim" Li Enzhu to the side for questioning alone.

Li Enzhu stood up and left the theater, "Thank you, Chairman Song. In fact, it was the movie "Memories of Murder" that gave me the courage to face the facts. I suddenly understood a truth. If I can be an upright human being, then why should I continue to be a dog? "

Some book friends reported that the plot has been a bit dull recently because SNSD, Tara, and f(x) have not appeared yet. Do you think it’s necessary to speed up the novel’s timeline? Lee Eun Joo is really more miserable than Jang Ja Yeon

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