I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 178 Le Xiyi who wants to rise to the top

The Jiangnan District Police Department sent two police officers, a patrol officer and a vigilante to handle Song Yi's honor dispute case.

The leader is the experienced veteran detective Li Rongjun, and the female police officer Lieutenant Park In-ah. The other two newcomers are purely here to help.

In South Korea, if you want to become a police officer, you can take the college entrance examination and apply for the Police University. After graduating from the university, you will be awarded the rank of guard police.

You can also take the social recruitment police civil service examination held annually by police agencies across Korea. After passing the exam, you can go to the Central Police Academy for training for 6 months and then join the police force.

After joining the police, you will be awarded the probationary status of a patrol officer. However, this is not a formal police officer. You need to practice as a probationary patrol officer for two years. The "masters" led by the police station will rate you. Only after passing the probationary period can you become a regular police officer. civil servant.

Of course, in addition to these two examination methods, you can also become a policeman through military service, which is commonly known as a voluntary policeman.

South Korean vigilantes are from active duty soldiers. After receiving four months of basic military training, they can join the police force through interviews in lieu of military service.

Because the working area of ​​vigilantes is in urban areas and their vacation time is longer than that of the military, vigilantes are a very popular job among Korean male artists serving in the military.

In 2017, BigBang member T.O.P was caught smoking D, and his qualifications as a vigilante were deprived. Therefore, after 2018, the vigilantes no longer accept celebrities to join the army.

Park In-ah was responsible for interrogating the "victim" Li Eun-joo, while Li Rongjun began to check the surveillance video of the theater.

Although infrared surveillance cannot achieve high-definition effects, from the time Li Enzhu sat next to Song Yi at the premiere until the police arrived, Song Yi never touched Li Enzhu from beginning to end, except for Song Yi who patted Li Enzhu with concern midway shoulders.

At that time, Li Enzhu seemed to be greatly frightened and said "Don't touch me" twice in a row, so the guests at the premiere misunderstood that Song Yi had done something indecent to Li Enzhu. Jin Xiyuan insisted on calling the police in order to defend Song Yi's reputation.

Li Rongjun's expression suddenly became much more relaxed. Now that the facts were clear, the testimonies of the guests present were enough to prove Song Yi's innocence.

The next work of the police station is very simple. It is confirmed that Song Yi's case of harassing Li Enzhu is a mistake. Li Enzhu and her agency only need to apologize to Song Yi. The experienced Li Rongjun believes that both Song Yi and Li Enzhu are unwilling to let this matter become a big deal, and the private mediation is for the good of you, me, and everyone.

However, Li Rongjun felt something was wrong. Such a major incident happened to the company's artists. There were only artist Li Meishu and two managers of the company at the scene of the case. The Contents Entertainment’s CEO Kim Sung-hoon hasn’t shown up yet. Is it a bit unusual?

The guests attending the premiere today have left the COEX mall one after another after recording their confessions. Lee Young-ae and Bong Joon-ho were the last to leave.

Except for the TV series "Spark" that was broadcast in Taiwan last year, Lee Young-ae has not had any film and television works broadcast in the past two years. Naturally, she wanted to use this opportunity to form a good relationship with the media tycoon Song Yi.

Cui Shanji and Kim Taehee, public relations directors of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, also rushed to COEX Mall after learning the news.

Of course, Cui Shanji did not believe that Song Yi would harass Li Enzhu. Naturally, Kim Xiyuan chose to call the police because the case was complicated and it was likely to be a case within a case. She will now use the public relations power of the New Asia Department to ensure that the subsequent development of the matter will not escape Song Yi's control.

When Kim Tae Hee learned that the theater surveillance had cleared Song Yi, Kim Tae Hee was a little puzzled, "Now that the matter has been clarified, and Li Eun Joo's accusation of harassment by Song Yi was proven to be a misunderstanding, why haven't the police released him yet?"

Li Yingai had some guesses, but she didn't dare to talk nonsense and just told the truth about what she saw in the movie theater.

"Thank you, Senior Lee Young-ae. We really need your generous words." Kim Tae-hee bent down and thanked him.

At this time, Jin Xiyuan had already walked out of the temporary summons room of COEX Mall. Kim Taehee walked up quickly and asked Jin Xiyuan anxiously, "Sister, what is going on? Hasn't it been confirmed that it was a misunderstanding?"

Seeing that there were outsiders present, Jin Xiyuan winked at Kim Taexi and told her not to ask any more questions. Kim Hee-won expressed her gratitude to Bong Joon-ho and Lee Young-ae, and agreed to make time to get together next time. Li Yingai felt happy when she heard Jin Xiyuan's promise, thinking that delaying her departure until this point would indeed bring unexpected gains.

Jin Xiyuan didn’t want her sister Kim Tae Hee to get involved in the scandal involving Li Eun Joo’s unspoken rules, “Didn’t I tell you not to come over? Director Cui can just come over and deal with the follow-up matters. We Xinya are not the parties involved, and this cover is not ours. Revealed on his own initiative.”

Jin Taixi breathed a sigh of relief. From Jin Xiyuan's tone, it seemed that Song Yi and Xinya Media had no intention of getting involved in a certain case, so they stayed as witnesses.

"You put it lightly, one is my husband and the other is my sister. I heard that you were summoned by the Gangnam District Police Station for investigation. I was almost so scared that I called Uncle Park." Kim Tae Hee said. Song Yi took Kim Tae Hee to visit Song Woo Seok, Park Dong Ho and Ha Mi Ae, and became familiar with the big bosses of the New Millennium Democratic Party.

Kim Hee-won briefly talked about the case of Lee Eun-joo being abused and forced into sex by The Contents Entertainment CEO Kim Sung-hoon. Lee Eun-joo said that when she attended the Daejong Awards ceremony last year, Kim Sung-hoon forced her to stuff toys inside her body to humiliate her. Kim Sung Hoon seemed to be telling Lee Eun Joo that even though you are the Best New Actress at the Daejong Awards, you are still just a plaything in his eyes.

When Kim Tae Hee and Cui Sun Hee heard what Kim Hee Won said, they took a deep breath. Kim Tae Hee was filled with indignation, "Is this Kim Sung Hoon a pervert? This kind of scum should go to hell. If Li Eun Joo hadn't taken the initiative to expose him today, I'm afraid there would be more Many female artists suffered at his hands."

Just as Cui Shanji and the others sympathized with Li Eun-joo's tragic experience, Detective Li Rongjun and Lieutenant Park In-ah were extremely confused.

He looked at Park In-ah's testimony during Li Eun-joo's interrogation and couldn't believe his eyes, "Is what Li Eun-joo accused true?"

Park In-ah's mood was complicated. As a woman, she naturally sympathized with Lee Eun-joo's inhumane experience. "I just contacted the doctors at Asan Hospital and they took out key evidence from Lee Eun-joo's body. The evidence has been sealed, The Contents Entertainment Artist Lee Mi-sook also confirmed most of Lee Eun-joo's testimony, but Lee Mi-sook shifted most of the criminal responsibility to the company's representative director Kim Sung-hoon, saying that she was also forced."

"Senior, do you think you should call the director to report the case, and then apply for an arrest warrant to arrest Kim Sung-hoon." Park In-ah asked proactively.

Li Rongjun frowned. He was not sure whether the director had the courage to promote the investigation of Li Enzhu's case.

As a wealthy district in Seoul, Gangnam District has many wealthy businessmen and celebrities living in its jurisdiction. Their director has always emphasized that they should be cautious when encountering a case and not close the case hastily. Later, Li Rongjun understood that this was not because the director was meticulous in handling cases, but because he had a harmonious style of doing things. He didn't want to offend anyone, and he also wanted to gain more benefits from his tenure as director.

Just as he was hesitating whether to notify the director, he noticed a group of men in suits walking over. The leader was a middle-aged man, about forty years old, with a slicked back hair, a somewhat stout figure, and very sharp eyes.

Park In-ah took the initiative to stand up and block the group of people, "The Seoul Gangnam District Police Station is handling the case. Please do not interrupt our police handling the case."

The middle-aged man glanced at Park In-ah from top to bottom, and Park In-ah was heartbroken as she looked at her.

He took out his prosecutor's card and said, "I am prosecutor Nok Seok-yi of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. I have been ordered by Chief Prosecutor Lee of the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office to take over the investigation of the Li Eun-joo case. Now I hope that the Gangnam District Police Department will The parties involved in Lee Eun-joo's case, relevant witnesses, evidence and testimony involved in the case were all handed over to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office for processing." Le Xiyi's expression was very serious and his words were very strong, and there was no room for Lee Rongjun and Park In-ah to refuse.

Li Rongjun and Park In-ah's hearts sank. They thought that Kim Sung-hoon had found help so quickly and used the power of the prosecutor to force Lee Eun-joo to reconcile with The Contents Entertainment.

Li Rongjun had to come forward, "Senior, we have just found some clues in the investigation and are preparing to report the case to our director. Logically speaking, our police are obliged to inform Li Enzhu's family and representative Kim Sung-hoon of her agency."

Le Xiyi's brows were already furrowed. He took Li Enzhu's case as an opportunity for him to make a comeback. He had already planned to make Li Enzhu's unwritten rule case an ironclad case and would not allow others to interfere.

For Le Xiyi right now, his situation at the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office is actually quite embarrassing. Colleagues all know that he is very capable at work, but it is a pity that he is not reused by Prosecutor General Lee Sang-dae.

In 1999, 39-year-old Le Xiyi had just been transferred from the Suwon District Prosecutor's Office to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office and continued to serve as a prosecutor.

As a result, not long after taking office, Le Xiyi arrested the chief of intelligence of the National Police Agency on charges of bribery. In the end, Prosecutor General Lee Sang-dae commented that "this kid is definitely not a thing in the pool." As a result, he did not move his position in the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office for three years, and was ridiculed by his colleagues as "there is no hope of promotion."

Le Xiyi originally wanted to switch to the Busan Prosecutor's Office and start over, but his father Le Dianren persuaded him. Le Dian-in is a professor of economics at Yonsei University and is very prestigious in Korean academic circles. Le Xiyi is also from a famous family.

Le Dianren commented that Prosecutor General Lee Sang was smooth and bet on both progressives and conservatives. When the situation of the 2002 presidential election becomes clear, veteran Lee Sang-dae must make his position clear. Le Xiyi, who has been suppressed by then, may have a chance to let him wait patiently for two years.

Although Le Xiyi failed in the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, Korean prosecutors have always been strong. He had personally arrested the intelligence chief of the National Police Agency, so how could he care about the resistance of an old detective.

He looked at the two hibiscus flowers on Li Rongjun's shoulders, "You are just a little police superintendent, do you want to teach our prosecutor's office how to handle cases? If you want to teach me how to handle cases, first try to pass next year's judicial examination! We will just They are the judicial elite who know the most about the law!”

"I don't care about your case handling process. I have to take the person away today. You are free to inform Li Enzhu's family. If they want to see the client, ask them to come to the prosecutor's office to find me, Le Xiyi. If they don't know me, they can Ask my colleagues about my resume." Le Xiyi didn't have the patience to waste time with a minor character like Li Rongjun.

Park In-ah heard Le Xiyi's contempt and felt very aggrieved, "The prosecutor is great, the prosecutor's office can steal cases from our police station, do you look down on us front-line police officers?"

Of course, she knew in her heart that if she wanted not to hand over the evidence, she would have to come forward unless the Gangnam District Police Chief came forward, but this was simply impossible. Many police officers in South Korea always look down upon prosecutors, so how could they take the initiative to touch Le Xiyi's brow?

Li Rongjun sighed, knowing that he couldn't do anything, "I'll inform Li Enzhu's family first, Renya, and make preparations for the handover. I'll call the director first. We can't make decisions on such an important matter without authorization."

The purpose of Le Xiyi's trip was not only to take over the Li Enzhu case, but also to take the opportunity to get to know Song Yi. When Li Xiangda named him to be responsible for the Li Enzhu case, he specifically emphasized that Song Yi attached great importance to the Li Enzhu case. You can ask Song Yi for his opinion on how to handle the case. After all, it will be clear if you listen to both.

Le Xiyi actually looked down upon Lee Sang-dae's approach. As the prosecutor-general of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, Lee Sang-dae held a high position of authority, second only to the chief prosecutor of the Korean Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

He felt that Li Xiangda had no need to curry favor with the new rich man Song Yi, but he knew that Song Yi had close contacts with many bigwigs of the ruling party. As long as Song Yi was willing to support him, he would have a prosperous official career from now on.

"By the way, I heard that President Song Yi of New Asia Media Real Estate Group was also involved in the Li Enzhu case. Where are President Song and others?" Le Xiyi asked with concern.

Li Rongjun didn't know Le Xiyi's purpose, "President Song was actually not involved in the case. Someone originally called the police and reported that President Song Yi harassed Li Enzhu in the cinema. Later, we confirmed through surveillance video that this was actually a misunderstanding. In fact, there were other criminals who harassed Li Enzhu. You will understand who he is after you read the evidence and confession we handed over."

Le Xiyi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Song Yi was not involved in the case, he would have peace of mind. This time he must use the Lee Eun Joo case to uncover the hidden rules of the entertainment industry and make himself famous. After the new president takes office, he will naturally have a promotion spot because of his great achievements.

Song Yi had actually made the notes long ago, and he was actually using his mobile phone to contact various bosses of the New Millennium Democratic Party. Kim Sung-hoon is just a little shrimp. The key to the problem is whether to dig out the financial backers behind Kim Sung-hoon and whether to interrogate the political and business leaders who accepted Lee Eun-joo's sex trade.

Song Yi learned from Li Xiangda that the prosecutor responsible for leading the team from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office this time was Le Xiyi. Li Xiangda commented that Le Xiyi was a good knife. If used well, it would be invincible, but one should be careful about getting cut by him.

Song Yi knew that Le Xiyi had not been successful in the past two years. If Park Donghao was not elected president and promoted him to prosecutor general, he would not have a chance to get ahead.

If Song Woo-seok and Park Dong-ho are idealists with great ambitions and firm will, then Le Seok-yi is a complete opportunist. This kind of person may become your temporary partner, but sooner or later he will betray you for profit. The reason why he hasn't betrayed you now is because he doesn't have enough chips for betrayal.

Song Yi has received many calls, and they are testing Song Yi's attitude towards the Li Enzhu case on the phone. They actually want to know whether Song Yi wants to get rid of Kim Sung Hoon, or if he really wants to completely rectify the bad habits in the entertainment industry.

Song Yi knew that his personal power could not shake South Korea's upper class. The best result of Li Enzhu's case was that the boss of Li Enzhu's agency, Kim Sung-hoon, and her agent were punished by law, and those who had accepted illegal sex trade High-ranking officials and dignitaries can still get away with it through various means.

Song Yi's goal is to push the Korean Congress to pass the "Lee Eun-joo Act" as soon as possible, and use legal provisions to reduce the hidden rules of the Korean entertainment industry and strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of artists.

He remembered the shocking words Li Eun-joo said in the movie theater, "If I can be an upright human being, why should I be a dog?"

Yes, why can these rich and powerful people treat women as playthings, regard the law as nothing, and allow the tragedy of Lee Eun-joo to be repeated in South Korea?

If the inside story of the Lee Eun-joo case is exposed, he believes that the angry people will definitely let the Korean government, prosecutors office and police deal with the public and bring the criminals in the Lee Eun-joo case to justice. However, this approach is bound to not please Zhong Xiaotong. . After all, Zhong Xiaotong has already thought about a smooth transition and does not want to cause trouble in the last year of his term.

Moreover, Zhong Xiaotong proposed the policy of establishing a cultural nation when he took office, and the Korean film and television industry ushered in vigorous development. When the Lee Eun-joo case broke out, people would also wonder whether it was the government's vigorous promotion of the development of the film and television industry that contributed to the unhealthy trend of hidden rules in the entertainment industry?

Song Yi thought about it. If he wanted to handle Li Enzhu's case successfully without letting New Asia Media make enemies in the entertainment industry, this would undoubtedly test the prosecutor's case handling skills. He decided to meet Le Xiyi, who was eager to do meritorious deeds, first, so as not to do bad things with good intentions.

When Song Yi walked out of the room, he happened to meet Le Xiyi and his party who were leading the team. Le Xiyi recognized Song Yi at a glance, and he trotted forward quickly, "Is this President Song Yi of New Asia Media Real Estate?"

Of course Song Yi recognized Le Xiyi. He looked at Le Xiyi's smooth forehead and wanted to laugh. "Yes, I am. Who are you?"

"Hello, President Song, I am Le Xiyi from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. Prosecutor General Li asked me to come over to investigate the Li Eun-joo case. Officer Li Rongjun from the Gangnam District Police Station just reviewed the case with me. Our colleagues from the Prosecutor's Office have already Arrested Kim Sung-hoon, CEO of The Contents Entertainment.”

"President Song, as a witness in the Li Eun-joo case, you may need to go to the District Prosecutor's Office with Ms. Kim Hee-won." Le Xiyi looked at Song Yi in embarrassment. He knew that South Korean chaebols were actually very taboo about going to the prosecutor's office.

songs You all go to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office together.”

Seeing that Song Yi was very cooperative, Le Xiyi breathed a sigh of relief. Logically speaking, Song Yi could go to the prosecutor's office today or not. After all, he is only a witness involved in the case, not a criminal. He can just go to the prosecutor's office to make up a transcript tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"President Song, don't worry, we will definitely make notes for you and Ms. Jin Xiyuan first. After you finish the notes, you can leave our prosecutor's office as soon as possible." Le Xiyi quickly assured.

Song Yi knew that the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office could not embarrass him and Jin Xiyuan. After all, because of Zhou Mengxian's political donation case, he should not be too familiar with the District Prosecutor's Office.

"By the way, I suggest not to notify Li Eun-joo's family members, nor to disclose the case details to them. After obtaining conclusive evidence of Kim Sung-hoon's crimes, the prosecutor's office will announce the progress of the case."

"In addition, I suggest that the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office contact the Jeonju Prosecutor's Office and ask the Gunsan Prosecutor's Office to protect Li Enzhu's family to prevent anyone from greeting Li Enzhu's family and let Li Enzhu take the initiative to withdraw the case." Song Yi reminded.

"President Song, do you mean that Li Enzhu's family will actively ask Li Enzhu to drop the case because of threats or benefits?" Le Xiyi asked.

"I hope I'm just overthinking, but I'm worried that the last arrow that stabbed Li Enzhu may come from someone close to her. At this time, I just hope that she can be as strong as I imagined." Song Yi lamented.

Le Xiyi did not expect that Song Yi would sympathize with a young actor in the entertainment industry, but he still followed Song Yi's advice. Although Song Yi is not his boss, his words are more effective than his boss's now.

Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan reunited. Song Yi motioned to Kim Tae Hee to go back to the Chengbeidong villa and wait for him. He and Jin Xiyuan would be back soon. Cui Shanji and the legal team of New Asia Media Real Estate Group will go to the prosecutor's office to follow the real-time progress of Li Eunzhu's case.

After Kim Tae Hee left, Song Yi saw Li Enzhu again. Li Enzhu's face was still white, but his expression was not so heavy.

Song Yi hesitated for a moment and said to Miss Li Enzhu: "Miss Li Enzhu, when this case is over, you can go live abroad."

"Although you can't continue to be an actor, it's good to live the rest of your life as an ordinary person. This may be the so-called 'a blessing in disguise'?" Song Yi couldn't help but explain Li Enzhu.

A rare smile appeared on Li Enzhu's face, "Thank you, President Song, I will consider your suggestion."

As witnesses in the Li Eun-joo case, Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan took a nanny car from New Asia Media to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. There were also two colleagues of Le Xiyi in the car.

Jin Xiyuan in the car couldn't help but ask Song Yi, "Song Yi, do you think Jin Chengxun's punishment is delayed justice?"

Song Yi thought about it for a moment, "It's like I ordered a bowl of noodles in the morning, but ended up not eating it for various reasons. Finally, at night, I was hungry and still ate the bowl of noodles. This is of course delayed justice."

"But if I'm starving to death, and you finally come to my grave and bring a bowl of noodles to me in memory of me. You tell me it's a very hearty bowl of beef noodles, with a lot of beef in it, and it tastes great. , then I probably can't help but curse my mother down there, go to hell!" Song Yi laughed at himself.

Le Xiyi has already appeared. After the Lee Eun Joo case is over, the Korean entertainment line will be accelerated appropriately. Girls' Generation will probably debut before the National Day, so some content can be briefly mentioned. This book has officially entered its mid-term.

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