I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 179 Chen Fuzhen takes action

At around nine o'clock that night, Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan left the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office after completing the transcripts.

After receiving the news, reporters from the three major TV stations and the three major news agencies were already waiting at the entrance of the prosecutor's office, preparing to interview Song Yi and others.

"President Song, I heard that you and Li Enzhu were not happy at the premiere of "Memories of Murder". Can you tell me why you showed up at the prosecutor's office?" Song Yi heard the voice sounded familiar. He looked back and found that there was an on-site interview. The reporter turned out to be Li Xianzhen.

"There is no conflict between Miss Li Enzhu and I. This misunderstanding has been resolved. The reason why we appeared at the prosecutor's office is as witnesses to cooperate with the prosecutor in investigating another case. In order to protect the privacy of the parties concerned, the specific case details cannot be disclosed to the outside world. The specific details are The prosecutor's announcement in the next few days shall prevail." Song Yi rarely spoke. The reporters on the scene pointed their cameras at Song Yi, and the flash almost blinded Song Yi.

"Chairman Song, according to the latest news today, Kim Sung-kook, the chief of the Cheong Wa Dae Secretariat, has resigned because he was suspected of accepting banquets and valuable gifts from entrepreneurs. Now there are rumors that Kim Sung-kook helped New Asia Media acquire money from Kookmin Bank, Korea Hanhui Bank and Shinhan Bank have been approved for a total of US$200 million in special loans. Does Chairman Song have any response to this?" This question was also asked by an old acquaintance, reporter Lu Qiuyan of Chosun Ilbo.

"Really? Sorry, I didn't know that Director Jin had resigned. As for Director Jin helping New Asia Media apply for a special loan of US$200 million, where did Reporter Lu get the news?" Song Yi asked.

"It was a staff member within the bank who provided the information to our Chosun Ilbo. Did New Asia Media apply for this special loan of US$200 million?" Lu Qiuyan continued to question Song Yi aggressively.

Song Yi knew that Jin Chengguo's resignation was just a trigger. It was obvious that the people behind Jin Chengxun wanted Song Yi to know their energy. They hoped that Song Yi could calm down the matter and not involve them.

At this time, Jin Xiyuan stood up and said, "We at Xinya Media have indeed applied for loans from Kookmin Bank, Hanhui Bank and Shinhan Bank due to the needs of company operations, but we have never applied for a special loan of US$200 million. Except for these three In addition to banks, our New Asia Media Real Estate Group also has loan business at Woori Bank and Hana Bank.”

"These loans are legal and compliant in every aspect from application, approval to disbursement, and there are no problems. Using so-called special loans to attack the reputation of our New Asia Media Real Estate Group is a very despicable commercial attack method. We New Asia will not We rule out prosecution of bank insiders who provided so-called inside information to Chosun Ilbo." Kim Hee-won's attitude is very tough.

Cui Shanji stood in front of Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan at this time, "Dear friends from the media, in order to cooperate with the prosecutor's investigation, President Song and Executive Kim have not had dinner so far. If you have any questions, you can contact our public relations tomorrow Department, we will respond uniformly."

As soon as Cui Shanji finished speaking, Song Yi's special car Rolls-Royce Silver Angel Extended Edition had arrived. The driver ran down and opened the door for Song Yi and the others. Song Yi, Jin Xiyuan and Cui Shanji left in the car first.

A young male reporter from the JoongAng Ilbo at the scene looked at the Rolls-Royce Silver Angel and felt indignant, "So many people were waiting for him to be alone, so he just answered two questions and left. Is this the arrogance of chaebols?" ? He also said that he hasn’t had dinner yet, as if someone had already had dinner!”

The partition of Silver Angel has been raised. Song Yi and Cui Shanji are discussing how to deal with the media interviews in the past two days. The driver in the front row cannot hear the private conversation behind them.

"President, what's going on with the US$200 million special loan?" Cui Shanji asked Song Yi.

"This matter is more complicated. In order for Hyundai Asan to promote the two inter-Korean economic cooperation projects of Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, Zhong Xiaotong privately promised Uncle Meng Xian that he would issue a low interest rate of up to 2 billion U.S. dollars. loan."

"Later, the conservatives found evidence that Uncle Meng Xian provided political donations to North Korea. Naturally, the low-interest loan promised by Zhong Xiaotong came to nothing."

"Zhong Xiaotong was afraid that Uncle Mengxian would testify against him in the prosecutor's office, so he instructed Kim Sung-guk to help New Asia Entertainment apply for a total of 200 million U.S. dollars in loans from three banks, the Kookmin Bank of Korea. Later, Chairman Jung Eun-sun and I used the 200 million U.S. dollars I gained control of the listed company Asan Group, and it was through this loan that I was able to acquire DPS Entertainment and Shin Cine Communication." Song Yi and Cui Shanji shared the inside story.

"Then have you ever sent expensive gifts to Jin Chengguo? This is very important. It will be very troublesome if the prosecutor finds out that you bribed Jin Chengguo." Cui Shanji asked with concern.

"No! There must be ordinary favors, but I have never given any expensive gifts. The most expensive thing is a set of tea sets. The price is only two hundred thousand won (1,200 yuan), which is not even enough to pay a bribe." Song Yi carefully said Reminisced about it.

In fact, Song Yi had previously agreed to sell a finely decorated apartment in Wangjing Center to Jin Chengguo at the cost price. However, Wangjing Center has not yet been completed, so the unconcluded transaction naturally does not count.

"The female reporter from Chosun Ilbo will not mention Kim Sung-guk's resignation for no reason. This may be a warning from some people about your behavior of uncovering the cover. It seems that the number of big shots who have received sexual services from Lee Eun-joo is higher than we thought. A lot more. Kim Sung-guk, Kim Sung-hun? Is there any relationship between these two people?" Cui Shanji thought.

Song Yi had never thought about the problem from this perspective, "According to what you said, Jin Chengguo actually knew Kim Chengxun. The reason why Jin Chengguo resigned was because Jin Chengxun was arrested by the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. Jin Chengguo was worried that Jin Chengxun would implicate him. That’s why I resigned? Then the reason why Lu Qiuyan took the initiative to mention the special loan of 200 million US dollars was actually defrauding me? If I refuse to respond directly, the Chosun Ilbo will focus on reporting that Kim Sung-guk helped me get the loan approved tomorrow. Already?"

Song Yi thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it became. After today's interrogation by the prosecutor, it was almost revealed that those important figures had been served by Li Enzhu. If Le Xiyi gets the list provided by Li Enzhu, he will definitely communicate with Li Xiangdae as soon as possible.

Li Xiangda, a veteran, will definitely come to Song Yi to discuss countermeasures. The two of them can decide to what extent the Li Enzhu case will be investigated.

Cui Shanji hesitated for a moment and advised Song Yi: "President, according to my estimate, there are at least twenty or thirty people that Li Enzhu has received from high-ranking officials and wealthy people in the past two years. If we want to bring all these people to justice, we must We want to cause a big earthquake in Korean politics and chaebol families. These two months are also a critical period for our Xinya Media Real Estate Group to go public through backdoor listing. If possible, we should try to make big things as small as possible, right?"

After Song Yi closed his eyes and thought about it, he said to Cui Shanji: "There is a very famous case of the Millet in the UK. Four crew members escaped to the lifeboat after the ship sank, including the captain, first mate, crew and 17-year-old servant. . Since there were no supplies on the lifeboat, the four people were about to starve to death, and the 17-year-old servant was dying."

"At this time, the captain proposed to eat the servant to relieve hunger. Finally, after a democratic vote, the vote was 2 to 1. In the end, the servant was eaten and survived on his blood and flesh. In the end, the captain, first mate and crew survived. ." Song Yi continued to tell.

"Huh? The British are indeed a group of uncivilized barbarians." When Cui Shanji heard this story for the first time, she couldn't help but shudder in her heart.

"People can sacrifice themselves to save others in times of crisis, but they cannot let others sacrifice to save you, because lives cannot be compared."

"The reason why you advised me to reduce big things to small things is because you think Li Enzhu is just a small person. Her reputation and the harm she suffered are actually irrelevant. They belong to a small person who can be sacrificed. But Sister Shan Ji, you don't understand , sacrificing others is addictive. Today I sacrificed Li Enzhu for the backdoor listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, and tomorrow I may sacrifice you again for a large sum of money. In this way, I will become like Chen Jianxi, Zhou Mengjiu, Cui Anyuan, Jin Gehao is a refined egoist. If Li Enzhu were your relative or best friend, would you still advise me to let go of the beasts in disguise who abused Li Enzhu?" Song Yi asked in return.

When Cui Shanji heard what Song Yi said, she knew that Song Yi also had his own bottom line, "I know, and I will try my best to protect Miss Li Enzhu."

When Song Yi and the others returned to Chengbeidong, Song Yi found that an uninvited guest came to his home. Kim Tae Hee is patiently drinking coffee with Chen Fuzhen in the tea room.

Song Yi felt a little surprised, "What brought President Chen here today? I remember that this seemed to be the first time President Chen came to my home as a guest, right?"

Chen Fuzhen looked at Song Yi who looked tired, and felt a little distressed in his heart. The reason why she came to Seongbuk-dong openly today was also because of the Lee Eun-joo case. After all, her ex-husband You Jae-sik is also a person involved in the Lee Eun-joo case.

Chen Fuzhen came here with Chen Jianxi's instructions. What Chen Jianxi meant was that Yoo Jae-sik and Chen Fuzhen had divorced. Chen Jianxi hoped that the Lee Eun-joo case would not be heard in public, and at least Yoo Jae-sik's name would not be exposed to the media. He was unwilling to let Samsung be linked to the Lee Eun-joo unspoken case, which would undoubtedly affect Samsung's corporate reputation.

You Jae-sik received sexual services from Lee Eun-joo when he was the vice president of Samsung Electro-Mechanics. If strictly considered, this should be regarded as official behavior. If reporters dug deeper, they would have reason to wonder whether other Samsung executives had received similar paid escort services.

"It's a good time to buy President Song's private residence. If it is sold this year, it will sell for at least 15 billion won. President Song's investment vision is still as outstanding as ever." Chen Fuzhen felt a little regretful. She would never be able to use a woman in her life. Lived in Song Yi's private residence in the name of the owner. She glanced at the well-behaved Kim Tae Hee and said, "She is really a lucky girl!"

"Real estate is just like stocks. As long as you don't plan to sell it, it doesn't matter whether it goes up or down. Xiyuan, Sister Shanji, please go to dinner first. President Chen will come to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. He must have something important to discuss with me. "Song Yi said.

Chen Fuzhen glanced at Cui Shanji and said, "Director Cui is not in a hurry to go home after get off work, but also accompanies Chairman Song home. The outside world said that Director Cui and Chairman Song get along like family members. I didn't believe it at first, but now I finally believe it." ”

Cui Shanji looked at Chen Fuzhen coldly. She knew that Chen Fuzhen was hinting at her ambiguous relationship with Song Yi, "President Chen, I don't care about our company's internal affairs. President Chen will come to visit our president in the evening. Could it be?" Which relative was involved in the Li Eun-joo case and came here specifically to intercede for him, right?"

Chen Fuzhen smiled instead, "I didn't expect that after Sister Shan Ji became the public relations director of Xinya, her verbal skills would also increase. President Song really knows how to train subordinates and know people well."

Song Yi didn't want to see Chen Fuzhen and Cui Shanji continue to quarrel, "Sister Shanji, you go to eat first. Ask the kitchen to bring me a bowl of rice noodles and bring it to the study later. President Chen, I haven't eaten yet tonight. , do you mind if I talk about business while eating?"

Chen Fuzhen felt a little unhappy when he saw Song Yi protecting Cui Shanji, and followed Song Yi to the study.

As soon as Chen Fuzhen entered the study, he sat on the single sofa angrily, with his legs crossed and his toes dangling like a swing, disturbing Song Yi's mind.

Song Yi gave Chen Fuzhen a glass of water. Chen Fuzhen was not happy. "I am so angry that I can't even drink water. Cui Shanji, no matter who she is, she dares to show off in front of me. Song Yi, I found you are the mistress of this house." It's a bit much." Chen Fu really meant it.

"What are you talking about? There is only Taixi as the hostess in this house. Didn't Taixi warmly entertain you today? Why bother with others?"

Song Yi put his hands on Chen Fuzhen's shoulders and helped loosen her bones, "If Sister Shan Ji really bullies you, I will definitely stand up for you."

Chen Fuzhen was very angry, "Who am I, Chen Fuzhen, that I can be bullied by other women in the Republic of Korea? If I hadn't been obsessed at the time, I wouldn't have been taken advantage of by a scoundrel like you."

Song Yi was unhappy, "Chen Fuzhen, what you said is too much. When a man loves a woman, who takes advantage of the other? You know, between the two of us, I have always given more and enjoyed more." Very few."

Chen Fuzhen saw that Song Yi's chat topic was becoming more and more biased, so he quickly got down to business, "By the way, I heard that Lee Eun-joo, Lee Mi-sook, and Kim Sung-hun of The Contents Entertainment were all invited by Le Xi-yi to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office for investigation. Are you ready? Use the Lee Eun-joo case to consolidate the factional forces of the New Millennium Democratic Party?"

Song Yi smiled, "I'm not even a member of the New Millennium Democratic Party. What qualifications do I have to integrate the factional forces of the New Millennium Democratic Party? But if the Li Eun-joo case can be used to move several key positions, prepare for the presidential election in December. , but it’s worth trying.”

Chen Fuzhen said: "According to the information I know, those who have received services from Lee Eun-joo include one Blue House official, one ruling party congressman, and two Grand National Party congressmen. The vice president of SK Telecom, a subsidiary of SK Group, and Kim Gak-ho and his son of Lotte Group. Compared to them, You Zaizhi is really just a little shrimp. If you really expose all these people, Xinya will be in trouble in the future."

"Don't look at the Park Dong-ho you support being elected as the mayor of Seoul. What will happen even if Song Woo-suk is re-elected as president in December? If the Grand National Party loses this presidential election, they will go to Daegu to invite Zheng Jinhui to come out and let Zheng Jinhui start participating in the next election. One-term presidential campaign.”

"You must know that President Zheng Puxi has helped the five major financial groups a lot. If Zheng Jinhui runs for office, Samsung, Hyundai, Lotte, SK and LG will all support her to win the Blue House. You and Zheng Jinhui have no romantic relationship. Five years from now, SK He Lotte has plenty of ways to put on small shoes for you." Chen Fuzhen reminded Song Yi.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the study, and Song Yi said, "Come in."

Kim Tae Hee walked in carefully carrying a bowl of beef noodles. She smiled apologetically at Chen Fuzhen, and then placed the beef noodles on Song Yi's desk. "Oppa, the rice noodles have just been cooked, please be careful about scalding them. I'll go out first, so I won't delay your discussion."

Song Yi blamed Jin Taexi, "Why don't you just ask the aunt to bring it over? Why bring it over yourself? What if you burn your hands?"

"Auntie is busy doing hygiene, and I have nothing to do. I can do it with just a little effort. I'm not a child. How can I get burned by rice noodles?" Jin Taixi poured a glass of water for Song Yi, then closed the door and left the study.

Chen Fuzhen looked at the warm interaction between Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee, and suddenly felt like she was being fed a mouthful of dog food. She drank some water and felt sulky in her heart.

Song Yi picked up the chopsticks and asked Chen Fuzhen politely, "Sister Fuzhen, have you had dinner? If not, why don't you eat first and leave half the bowl to me."

When Chen Fuzhen heard what Song Yi said, he had a look of disgust on his face, but the corners of his mouth turned up secretly, "How can I leave the food I have eaten to you? That bowl is not full of my saliva. Isn't it disgusting?"

Song Yi joked, "What's the point? It's not like I haven't eaten Sister Fuzhen's saliva before."

Chen Fuzhen's face turned red. She was afraid that Song Yi would go too far. "Did you understand what I just said?"

Song Yi immersed himself in the meal, and then took a sip of water with satisfaction, "I really haven't eaten for a day. It may not be polite. Don't be surprised."

Chen Fuzhen looked at Song Yi devouring the food and advised, "Eat slowly, and no one will compete with you. If you eat like this in our house, my father will kick you out."

Song Yi said: "Although I admire Chairman Jianxi's business methods, I really can't think of any reason for me to eat at the same table with him. And don't look at the fact that Samsung is now the first family in South Korea, pushing it back three generations. , I am just from an ordinary family, there is no need to pretend to be a nobleman or pay attention to aristocratic etiquette."

Chen Fuzhen heard Song Yi's contempt for the Samsung family and was instantly unhappy. "Balzac said that it takes three generations to cultivate a nobleman. If you are not a member of a modern family, do you think that South Korea's political dignitaries will care about a sudden outburst?" Household?"

When Song Yi heard what Chen Fuzhen said, she knew that she was really proud of being from a Samsung family. He took the initiative to apologize, "You are right to criticize, Sister Fuzhen, please cultivate Yuan Zhong's aristocratic temperament."

Chen Fuzhen became even more angry when he heard what Song Yi said, "What's more, Yuan Zhong was born half a year ago, and you, the father, never thought of looking at him. You spend every day having fun with the company's female artists. Alright?"

Song Yi was breaking out in a cold sweat at this moment, "I also want to see Yuan Zhong, but I can't find a suitable opportunity. In this way, after the matter of You Zaizhi is settled this time, I will find a way to meet Yuan Zhong, okay?" "

"Waiting for Yu Jae-sik's matter to be settled? Isn't Yu Jae-sik currently living and drinking in Southeast Asia? If he knew that Kim Sung-hoon was arrested by the prosecutor, he would definitely not go back to South Korea to stand trial. Moreover, my father said that he did not want Samsung to be involved in Lee Eun-joo's case." Chen Fuzhen was a little confused.

"Some underground casinos in Southeast Asia are setting up a trap to defraud You Zaizhi of your money. After he loses all his money, he will think about returning to South Korea and extort money from you. I have people watching him all the time. As long as he returns to the country , you have to accept the prosecutor’s investigation.”

"What I mean is that you can take advantage of the opportunity of Yu Jae-sik's investigation by the prosecutor to pin everything on You Jae-sik personally. Since he accepted sexual services when he was the vice president of Samsung Electro-Mechanics, he must be involved in corruption, embezzlement of public funds and For crimes such as dereliction of duty, you will be imprisoned for a few years, so that when he is released from prison again. You and he have been divorced for several years, even if he talks nonsense again, no one will want him." Song Yi gave Chen Fuzhen an idea .

"You mean to let Samsung and You Zaizhi sever their relationship?" Chen Fuzhen understood.

"You and You Zaizhi are divorced now, and he no longer works at Samsung. He has no relationship with Samsung in the first place."

"When things have developed to this point, a few typical cases must be arrested in the Lee Eun-joo case. You Jae-sik is the best target. It would be good to let him come out to share the firepower of public opinion. If I want to bite Jin Gehao and his son, and those congressmen, I doubt that they will let go. Jin Chengxun will commit suicide in prison tomorrow," Song Yi said.

Chen Fuzhen thought that Song Yi really wanted to break the truth in the Korean entertainment industry. Seeing that Song Yi controlled the Li Enzhu case within a specific scope, he knew that Song Yi's handling of things was mature enough, and he was not the kind of black-and-white fool.

Song Yi said: "Sister Fuzhen, let me tell you my attitude towards the Li Enzhu case."

"First, Kim Sung-hoon and Lee Eun-joo's managers, as well as the vice president of SK Telecom who forced Lee Eun-joo into sex trafficking for the first time, must be severely punished. As for other big figures who have participated in sex trafficking, they must report to Lee Eun-joo. Apologize and provide financial and emotional compensation. This is also Lee Eun-joo’s personal meaning.”

"As for my demands, I hope that the congressmen involved in the case can push for legislation in Congress and pass a Lee Eun-joo bill to clean up the unspoken rules of the Korean entertainment industry and protect the legitimate rights and interests of artists from being infringed."

"The Lotte Group must provide assistance for New Asia Media Real Estate Group's backdoor listing plan. If New Asia Media Real Estate Group can complete the listing plan before November, then I guarantee that the names of Jin Gehao and his son will definitely not appear in the hotel where Li Eun-joo has received It's on the guest list," Song Yi said.

Chen Fuzhen glanced at Song Yi. There was nothing wrong with Song Yi's solution. It not only dealt with the culprit, but also promoted Congressional legislation to reduce the recurrence of tragedies like Li Enzhu from a legal perspective. Finally, he blackmailed Lotte Group and let Lotte The group protected the listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate Group.

"I understand, and I will help convey your opinion. In my opinion, it is very likely that they will agree." Chen Fuzhen said.

Why are the big guys involved in the Li Enzhu case now worried that Song Yi will cling to the Li Enzhu case? The most important reason is that Song Yi owns inschool, a propaganda powerhouse. They can influence the three major TV stations and the three major newspapers, but they cannot control the public opinion of inschool. . Song Yi has proven his great power to guide public opinion in the Democratic Party's presidential candidate election in the new millennium.

Thanks to everyone for your monthly votes, Li Enzhu taking the compensation and living in seclusion abroad as an ordinary person may be the best result that Song Yi can currently strive for. The more I know about South Korea, the more I feel that it is a country where ordinary people feel suffocated in life.

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