I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 182 Is Jun Ji-hyun going to change her career to a girl-beater? (First update)

On October 8, the two giant pandas that Koreans have longed for finally arrived at Incheon Airport. After Korean netizens voted in inschool, the two pandas were named Ai Bao and Ya Bao.

After the two giant pandas underwent a complete physical examination and successfully moved into Samsung Everland in Yongin City. Kim Tae Hee also adopted Ya Bao and became Ya Bao's godmother. Yabao also didn’t expect that his godmother would become a superstar in Asia next year.

Thanks to the inspiration brought by Ai Bao and Ya Bao, Song Yi is preparing to put "Kung Fu Panda" on the screen in advance. At Kim Tae Hee's suggestion, Song Yi is preparing to co-produce "Kung Fu Panda" with DreamWorks and CJ Entertainment. Because CJ Entertainment is an important shareholder of DreamWorks, and with Chen Meijing as the thread, Song Yi doesn't have to worry about DreamWorks swallowing up the profits originally belonging to New Asia Pictures in the name of marketing costs.

On October 30, 2002, Jun Ji-hyun celebrated her 21st birthday. She posted photos of her vacation in Japan on her inschool homepage, including Song Hye Kyo who was active in Japan.

"Thank you Song Hye Kyo for taking the time out of your busy schedule to celebrate my birthday with me. I love you and express my heart!" In the photo, both Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo are wearing Japanese colorful yukata. They seem to have just participated in the fireworks festival, and their skin is like snow. , the figure is swaying.

Fans saw the photo of Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo for the first time. They left comments under the comments, "Both sisters are so beautiful. It's true that beautiful women like to make friends with beautiful women."

"Happy birthday to sister Zhixian, may all your wishes come true and stay young forever." 1L's fans are more talkative.

"Why would Sister Jihyun think of going to Japan to celebrate her birthday just to visit Sister Hyekyo who is active in Japan? The friendship between the two sisters is so touching!" replied a fan of 2L.

Quan Zhixian looked at Song Yi who was soaking in the indoor hot spring pool. If it wasn't to accommodate Song Yi, she wouldn't be too lazy to come to the resort to celebrate her birthday. In order to cover up the public, she and Song Hye Kyo had to post photos of their affectionate sisters on the inschool website.

But it makes sense that the sisters have a deep love. After all, yesterday she and Song Hye Kyo served Song Yi together. She now very much doubted that the reason why Song Yi could persist in doing anaerobic exercise every day was to enhance his physical strength and endurance so that he could cope with the lovers around him.

Jun Ji-hyun was browsing the news boredly on Yahoo Japan, when a news item about New Asia Pictures suddenly popped up, and she immediately clicked in to browse it out of curiosity.

"Blue Ocean Capital and New Asia Pictures jointly acquired Artisan Entertainment for US$340 million, and the Korean film giant officially entered Hollywood!"

Jun Ji-hyun quickly asked Song Yi for confirmation, "Oppa, has New Asia Pictures acquired a Hollywood film company?"

Song Yi looked at Quan Zhixian and motioned for her to join him in the hot spring bath for a while. Many hot springs in Japan do not change the water all year round, including some century-old ones. The high-end resort in Nagoya where Jun Ji-hyun and the others stayed would not make such a stupid mistake.

Jun Ji-hyun took off her bathrobe, put on a towel, and then slowly sat in the pool chatting side by side with Song Yi.

She still couldn't suppress her excitement, "Oppa, has New Asia Pictures really acquired a Hollywood film company?"

Yahoo Japan reports that New Asia Pictures' acquisition of Artisan Entertainment means the rise of the Korean film giant, which is second only to Sony's acquisition of Columbia Pictures. This means that there will be more Korean elements and Korean film actors appearing in Hollywood blockbusters in the coming years.

Song Yi was amused by Yahoo Japan after hearing Quan Ji-hyun's narration, "Sony spent 670 billion yen (approximately US$4.8 billion) to acquire Columbia Pictures in 1989."

"In this acquisition of Artisan Entertainment, Blue Ocean Capital Fund was the main force, and New Asia Pictures only made a partial investment. We at New Asia Pictures spent a total of 68 million US dollars to buy 20% of Artisan Entertainment's equity, just to acquire Artisan Entertainment's North American distribution channel. Can 68 million US dollars and 670 billion yen be the same thing?" Song Yi asked Jun Ji-hyun.

At this time, Song Yi's cell phone rang. Song Hye Kyo, who was resting in the bedroom, was awakened by the ringtone. She glanced at the name of the caller, "Chen Meijing", hesitated for a few seconds, and finally answered the call.

"Hello, President Chen." Song Hye Kyo said hello first.

Chen Meijing was stunned for a moment when she heard the female voice on the phone. She checked the phone number to confirm that she had dialed correctly. "Is this Miss Taixi? Isn't it convenient for President Song to answer the phone right now?" Chen Meijing's tone was very polite.

"Wait a moment, I'll go find the president right away. He just left his phone here with me." Song Hye Kyo said.

At this moment, Chen Meijing also realized that the woman opposite was not Kim Tae Hee. She snorted and couldn't help but stabbed, "Your president is really busy with everything."

Song Hye Kyo didn't dare to answer the call, and quickly ran to the next room to find Song Yi. She knelt down and handed the phone to Song Yi, "It's President Chen Meijing's call. I thought it was my phone ringing just now, so I accidentally answered it."

Song Yi glanced at Song Hye Kyo, she was indeed a restless woman. He picked up the phone and said, "Hello, President Chen, this is Song Yi."

"What, has this news spread to South Korea? Your friends in Hollywood informed you that Chairman Chen is really well informed. We New Asia Pictures are only the second shareholder, and Blue Ocean Capital Fund is the majority shareholder. We New Asia Will the film company fully acquire Artisan Entertainment in the future? You have to do this slowly, after all, you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.”

"Well, don't worry. New Asia Pictures and CJ Entertainment are in healthy competition in the Korean market. They must work together and help each other in the Hollywood market."

"What? "Memories of Murder" has surpassed "Come Home, Love" to become the Korean movie box office champion in 2002? I am currently on a business trip in Japan and have no time to care about this matter. Thank you, President Chen, for giving me The good news I brought, um, okay, no problem, I will visit you as soon as possible when I return to Seoul." Song Yi hung up the phone.

Song Hye Kyo looked happy, "Oppa, has "Memories of Murder" become the Korean box office champion this year? This is also the first annual box office champion won by New Asia Pictures, right?"

Jun Ji-hyun felt a little unhappy when she heard what Song Hye-kyo said. "My Naughty Girl" had a box office of 8 million last year, second only to "Friends".

"Memories of Murder" now has more than 5 million moviegoers, and it has won the annual box office championship. The most irritating thing is that Song Hye Kyo specifically emphasized that "Memories of Murder" is the first annual box office champion won by New Asia Pictures.

"There are no big-budget movies this year. The previous box office champion "Love, Come Home" only had 4 million moviegoers, less than half of "My Naughty Girlfriend." In another year or two, the annual box office champion will be at least It takes 10 million people to have hope," Song Yi said.

After Chen Meijing hung up the phone, she was a little confused and asked her male assistant, "Why is Song Yi going to Japan at this time? I haven't heard that inschool is doing any big things in Japan."

The assistant thought for a moment and said, "I heard that Song Hye Kyo has received a lot of business and endorsements in the Japanese market in the past few months, and has made a lot of money for New Asia. Is it possible that President Song went to the Japanese market to inspect the Japanese market, and then visited Song Hye Kyo by the way?" ?”

He took out his computer and clicked on Jun Ji-hyun's inschool homepage, "Today is Jun Ji-hyun's birthday. Song Hye Kyo didn't forget to celebrate her birthday with Jun Ji-hyun."

Upon hearing this, Chen Meijing felt that the assistant's analysis made sense. She carefully recalled the voice of the woman who answered the phone just now and confirmed that the person who answered the phone was not Jun Ji-hyun, so it could only be Song Hye Kyo.

It seems that Song Yi still loves Song Hye Kyo very much, and Song Hye Kyo actually dared to answer Song Yi's personal phone calls. Is Song Hye Kyo deliberately revealing her ambiguous relationship with Song Yi in front of Chen Meijing to star in a movie or TV series produced by CJ Entertainment? Sure enough, women who can succeed in the entertainment industry don't have a fuel-saving lamp.

Chen Meijing has always hoped to promote Korean films to the highly competitive Hollywood market. She has also been using the platform of DreamWorks to cultivate relevant talents for the Korean film industry. If New Asia Pictures had not become a shareholder of Artisan Entertainment, she would not have bothered to call Song Yi.

Moreover, the joint acquisition of Artisan Entertainment by Blue Ocean Capital Fund and New Asia Pictures has demonstrated Song Yi's energy. Blue Ocean Capital Fund is a private equity giant rooted in Los Angeles. Even CJ Group dare not underestimate this tens of billions of dollars in private equity giant.

Song Hye Kyo felt that answering the phone privately might have annoyed Song Yi, so she obediently took off her bathrobe, came behind Song Yi, and massaged Song Yi's shoulders and neck.

"Oppa, this is what I learned from the technician when I was in a SPA in Japan. This massage technique can relieve the fatigue of sedentary people and is very effective. I have learned it for several days just for you. Look at my Are you satisfied with the technique and strength?" Song Hye Kyo pressed her back against Song Yi's back and said softly.

Jun Ji-hyun looked at Song Hye-kyo's actions and felt a little depressed, "This charming girl is really good at acting coquettishly."

Song Yi knew Song Hye Kyo's thoughts and did not forget to impress her, "In Japanese SPA, technique is actually secondary, the most important thing is obedience. Kneeling service is also the essence of Japanese SPA. You can ask the guests if they want to do it, but absolutely You can’t make decisions for your guests. It’s a big taboo to overstep your authority. People must recognize their own position. If you don’t recognize yourself clearly, you will become arrogant and ignorant of the world. Are you right, Hye Kyo?”

Song Hye Kyo's heart trembled when she heard what Song Yi said. She was indeed afraid of playing tricks in front of Song Yi, but in order to show her face in front of Chen Meijing, she still took a gamble.

Chen Meijing is the president of CJ Entertainment and the most powerful woman in the Korean entertainment industry. If Chen Meijing treats Song Yi politely in some public place for her sake, then she will completely secure her position as the queen of Korean dramas.

"You are right, I will remember your teachings." Song Hye Kyo said respectfully.

When Song Yi saw Song Hye Kyo's submissive look, she couldn't bear it, and she wanted to give some carrots to the big stick.

"Hye Kyo, I still trust you. Aren't you a VIP member of Sister Suying's Jiangnan District Beauty Club?"

"South Korea is too small, and reporters are everywhere. Even if you go to play golf or take a bath in a hot spring, there will always be people staring at you. I think this high-end resort in Nagoya is good, and I plan to choose a piece of land in Japan to build a similar high-end resort." The resort is used to entertain my political and business friends.”

"In this case, when you are in Japan, help me investigate first to see if there is any suitable land. You can also invest some money to become a small shareholder. In this way, even if you are no longer an actor in the future, you can still have an industry to support yourself in retirement." Song Yi said.

Song Hye Kyo's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard what Song Yi said, and she thanked her excitedly, "Thank you Oppa, I will do my best to build this high-end resort into the most high-end private club in Japan."

Of course she knew the meaning of becoming a shareholder of this high-end resort, which meant that Song Yi officially brought her into her business circle. She was also able to gain access to top connections in Japan, South Korea, China and the United States through this resort.

When Quan Zhixian heard what Song Yi said, she felt envious and jealous, but she knew herself well and knew that she couldn't do such a delicate job of welcoming and sending people off, and Song Hye Kyo was indeed more suitable than her.

Of course, Song Yi couldn't ignore today's birthday boy, "I recently prepared a book, which is a large-scale Hollywood animated film called "Kung Fu Panda"."

"There are five kung fu masters in this movie, called the Furious Five. Among them is a snake-shaped master named Qiao Xiaolong. This virtual animated image is based on you, and the dubbing work of the movie is also left to you."

"Qiao Xiaolong's flexible body can capture the power of the whip. As long as her soft body wraps around the opponent, she can injure the opponent without using any force. This is the use of force in Chinese martial arts."

"Of course, in order to highlight the charm of this character, I will ask the animation design team to make the design of Qiao Xiaolong more feminine and soft, highlighting your good figure. If this movie does well, you will have the opportunity to star in a big Hollywood movie in the future. It’s time to make a movie,” Song Yi said.

When Quan Zhixian heard what Song Yi said, she suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny. She hugged Song Yi and kissed Song Yi hard, "Thank you Oppa, I know you are the best to me. This is what I received." The best birthday gift ever!”

Song Yi shook his head. The salary of Hollywood voice actors is not high. The daily salary ranges from US$3,000 to US$5,000. Jun Ji-hyun's salary for voicing Qiao Xiaolong can't even buy a Porsche 911 Turbo. How could she think this is the best birthday gift she has ever received?

When Song Hye Kyo heard what Song Yi said, she felt a little bitter. Song Yi is really a water-duling master, an absolute water-duling master. He gave Song Hye Kyo shares in a high-end resort, and then asked Jun Ji Hyun to star in the Hollywood animated film "Kung Fu Panda".

Although Song Hye Kyo has not read the script, she feels that the movie "Kung Fu Panda" will definitely be a hit.

Kung Fu and Panda are two of the most eye-catching business cards of Chinese culture. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li all opened the Hollywood market through Kung Fu movies. Maybe Jun Ji-hyun can also establish a "girl-beating" image through the role of Qiao Xiaolong, which will win her a place in Hollywood.

Song Yi encouraged Jun Ji-hyun, "This is a rare opportunity, so you must seize it. If "Kung Fu Panda" is successful, I will make a series in the future. This time I will have the opportunity to work with Jackie Chan."

"The literary film "If Love Is Divine" is destined to be a hit but not a box office success. Next year, our New Asia Pictures will make a big-budget movie with a box office of tens of millions of people, called "The League of Thieves." If you can't change your career to become an action movie heroine, it depends on your luck!" Song Yi continued to surprise Jun Ji Hyun.

The first update will be sent first, and there will be another update in the evening.

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