I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 183 New Asia Voice and New Asia Live Broadcast

Song Yi's trip to Japan was very low-key. In addition to meeting Masayoshi Son, he also went to New Asia Networks (Japan) Co., Ltd. to encourage all employees.

The number of registered users of inschool Japan has exceeded 5 million, and it is expected to exceed 10 million before the year. Next year, the number of Japanese users of inschool will equal the number of Korean users of inschool. Song Yi is quite satisfied with the work of Tsuyoshi Dezawa.

Idezago said to Song Yi: "President, I have seen the commercial you shot for inschool. Although it is just a short commercial, it is very touching. Everyone hopes to encounter a sincere relationship through inschool. I want to do it for inschool Japan will produce a similar commercial and use popular Japanese idols as spokespersons. Do you think this plan is feasible?"

"President Dezawa, this is something you can make the decision yourself. There is no need to report to me for such a trivial matter. By the way, if you plan to shoot an inschool commercial, who will you choose as the male and female protagonist in the commercial? "Song Yi asked casually.

Idezawa Tsuyoshi would not think that since Song Yi was far away in South Korea, he could be the king without tigers or monkeys in the mountains. Although he is the president of New Asia Network (Japan) Co., Ltd., the vice president, executive director and financial director of New Asia Network (Japan) Co., Ltd. are Song Yi's confidants. He does not feel that his actions in the company One move can hide Song Yi.

“This time I plan to use Johnny’s Takuya Kimura and Miss Song Hye Kyo to shoot the commercial together,” said Tsuyoshi Dezawa.

"A Johnny's artist?" Song Yi pondered for a moment.

The status of Johnny \u0026 Associates in Japan is like that of SM Entertainment in South Korea. The founder, Johnny Kitagawa, has done many evil things, and there are hundreds of male Johnny's interns under unspoken rules. However, due to Kitagawa's overwhelming power, this evil deed was not exposed until after his death.

Mary Kitagawa, the other founder of Johnny's, is not a good person either. She knew clearly about Kitagawa's evil deeds but still turned a blind eye. Mary Kitagawa is also very fond of the scumbag Kondo Masahiko. Kondo Masahiko was able to unscrupulously hurt his ex-girlfriend Akina Nakamori because of Mary Kitagawa's favor.

Song Yi knew that inschool wanted to open up a business in Japan, so choosing a popular Japanese idol as an advertising spokesperson was a must, but he did not have a good impression of Johnny \u0026 Associates.

"Although the marriage of Kimura Takuya and Kudo Shizuka has given him a lot of negative fans, he is currently the only one who can offset Bae Yongjun's popularity in Japan. I have no objection to their partnership, but apart from this advertisement, Song Hye Kyo will not We have other collaborations with Johnny’s artists,” Song Yi emphasized.

Deze just heard Song Yi say this, and he immediately understood Song Yi's subtext. In addition to Kimura Takuya, New Asia Network (Japan) Co., Ltd. issued a banning order on Johnny's artists.

He knew that New Asia Brokerage had established New Asia Office in Japan. Perhaps in Song Yi's view, Johnny's Agency is a competitor of New Asia Agency (Japan), so he rejects Johnny's so much. After all, colleagues are enemies.

Currently, New Asia Agency only has one contracted artist, Yui Aragaki, who is only fourteen years old. New Asia Management (Japan) helped Aragaki Yui pay the liquidated damages and helped her terminate her contract with LesPro Entertainment.

"By the way, Xinya Network is currently producing a massively multiplayer online racing game called "Kart Racing". This game has entered the late production stage and is expected to be tested in South Korea around Christmas and before the Spring Festival. It’s almost officially open beta.”

"This game is cartoon-like, and its main focus is drifting for everyone, so we specially set up a drift button for this game. After your car has accumulated enough nitrogen, you can start a cool journey of one-button drift. .”

"Inschool Japan's achievements in promoting "Happy Farm" are obvious to all. The first overseas distribution country of "Kart Racer" is Japan, followed by mainland China. At present, inschool Japan's advertising business is still in its infancy, and the entire company is still We are unable to make ends meet, so it is very important to do a good job in the overseas distribution of "Kart Racing"."

"Perhaps in the next three to five years, inschool Japan will need to use the game business to support the social networking site business. Therefore, when recruiting in the second half of the year, we will focus on recruiting some game-related talents." Song Yi explained the focus of the work.

Tsuyoshi Dezawa has experienced the effect of "Happy Farm" on attracting traffic to inschool Japan. As the overseas publisher and distributor of "Kart Runner", New Asia Network (Japan) Co., Ltd. can share the profits of the game, which he desires even more.

Song Yi was originally going to ask Tsuyoshi Dezawa to let Yui Aragaki be the advertising spokesperson for the game "Kart Racing".

He then thought, "Kart Racing" is not in closed beta yet, so there is no need to say hello so early. It would be bad if Go Izawa misunderstood that he had a special relationship with Yui Aragaki.

For Xinya’s Internet business, gaming + social networking + e-commerce are the three most important sectors. Song Yi's goal is to make New Asia IT the largest online game company in Asia, the social networking site with the most users, and the largest e-commerce site in South Korea.

After inspecting New Asia Networks (Japan) Co., Ltd., Song Yi returned to a built-in house he bought in the port area, and Song Hye Kyo was a guest at his home. Song Hye Kyo reminded Song Yi that she could take the time to meet Yui Aragaki. After all, Song Yi had decided to poach her from LesPro Entertainment. If she didn't see her after coming to Japan, the little girl would inevitably think too much.

Song Yi was annoyed, "Who would think too much? I think you are the one who thinks too much here. The office arranged for her to study in Sunrise Middle School. Her current main task is to study hard in school and study the performance classes arranged by the school. Course. The firm doesn’t expect her to make money in the past two years, so she might as well take a longer-term view.”

Song Hye Kyo disagreed, "Oppa, can you not use Korean thinking to treat artists who debuted in Japan? In Japan, there are many artists who debuted at the age of 14 or 15. If Aragaki Yui is really a piece of jade, , then she needs to put more effort into polishing her, after all, she is now the only child of Xinya Office."

When Song Hye Kyo was in Japan, her commercial performances and endorsements were all handled by New Asia Firm, and Song Hye Kyo and Yui Aragaki were half colleagues. In addition, both Song Hye Kyo and Yui Aragaki started out as models. She was very fond of this sweet-looking, well-behaved and polite junior, so she couldn't help but want to support her.

"Okay, okay, I understand, my flight is at six o'clock in the evening." Song Yi raised his hand and looked at his watch, "There are still four hours before the plane takes off. You tell your agent and ask her to send Yui Take it over, I just want to talk to her about business." Song Yi felt helpless.

Fortunately, today is the weekend, and Yui Aragaki doesn't have to ask for leave from school. The agent was very efficient and brought Yui Aragaki over quickly.

Although it was a day off, Yui Aragaki still wore her usual school uniform. Her upper body is in a suit jacket + bow tie + blue shirt, and her lower body is in a short skirt + black stockings + leather shoes, adding a touch of liveliness to her composure.

Yui Aragaki happily bowed down to say hello to Song Yi, "Hello, President."

Song Yi looked at Yui Aragaki's clothes and realized that Yui Aragaki was just a middle school student now. After he came to Japan, he now realized that although Japanese female high school students are JK, the clothes they wear are not JK ​​uniforms.

Although the school uniforms worn by Japanese middle school students look more fitting than those in mainland China, they still do not show off their figure. This shows that Japanese film and television animation works are very harmful. Except for some Japanese junior high school girls who wear sailor uniforms, most female high school students do not wear sailor uniforms.

The tie on Yui Aragaki's suit looks a bit like bunny ears, making her, an innocent middle school student, look even more playful and cute.

Song Yi motioned Yui Aragaki to sit down. He didn't have anything important to explain, so he just wanted to care about the company's employees.

"Yui-chan, are you still adapting to the new student transfer?" Song Yi picked up the household items.

Aragaki Yui sat on her knees on the floor of the living room and replied respectfully, "Thank you, President, for your concern. The teachers and classmates in our middle school take good care of me. I think it is because of the greetings from the office and the school."

Hinode Junior High School and Hinode High School are relatively good middle schools and high schools in Tokyo, and they are also the places where Japanese idol artists are discovered. Hinode High School and Horikoshi High School are both private aristocratic schools in Japan that train artists.

Both schools have classes for academic studies and performing arts. Yui Aragaki naturally chose the latter, which is somewhat similar to Yanying and Zhongxi in the Mainland. Sunrise Middle School also offers a Chinese language course, and there are Chinese teachers in the school. Students from their school can also go to Puhai Normal University for training.

"I don't have anything important to do with you. After the Spring Festival, Xinya Network will release an online game "Kart Racing", which is a cartoon-like massively multiplayer online racing game. I have decided that you will be the one. As a Japanese spokesperson for this game, you can make some preparations in advance." Song Yi said.

"Thank you, President!" Yui Aragaki bent down to thank her, her head almost touching the floor. The little girl was a little silly now, "President, how should I prepare in advance? Should I memorize the game information of "Kart Run" in advance, or play the game?"

Song Yi was amused by Yui Aragaki, "Playing games? Do you think you need to play games well in order to endorse them?"

His heart moved, and he suddenly knew how to train Yui Aragaki so that she could develop a group of loyal fans before she debuted as an actress.

"Yui-chan, have you ever played games? Whether it's PS One or Xbox 1?" Song Yi asked.

Yui Aragaki was a little embarrassed. She raised her cute little face and asked cautiously, "Does Super Mario count?"

"Well, according to my plan, Xinya Network will launch an instant messaging software for game communication next year. Gamers can sing, tell jokes or chat on the voice communication tool to achieve online communication. This software is Xinya voice."

The idea of ​​Xinya Voice actually comes from the earliest live broadcast software YY Live.

In 2008, YY Voice appeared in the Mainland. Gamers performed singing performances in YY Voice. It promoted the transformation of YY Live into a UGC live video content platform.

In 2009, YY live broadcast users had developed a group of entertainment users that could compete with game users. YY Live has also launched an electronic signing system in real time to manage YY Live users.

In 2010, YY Live tried to commercialize the platform's live broadcast. Users could recharge and reward gifts. The revenue that year reached 36 million yuan.

Compared with the two rising stars of live streaming websites Douyu and Huya, YY Live is the originator of live streaming in mainland China. Later, the listed company YY Live was sold to Baidu for US$3.6 billion.

If possible, Song Yi hopes to train Yui Aragaki into a well-known game anchor. After Yui Aragaki has accumulated enough fans in New Asia Voice, Yui Aragaki will make her debut as an actor.

"Yui-chan, "Kart Racer" will start internal testing in Korea around Christmas. After the game is officially tested, you will be the first Japanese user to come into contact with this game."

"I hope you spend some time and effort to play this game well. You don't have to be outstanding, but the game's competitive level can at least exceed that of ordinary players."

"Just imagine, Ms. Yui Aragaki, the advertising spokesperson of "Kart Runner" is also a loyal fan and high-end player of this game. How much traffic can it bring to this game?"

"In addition to this benefit, you can also accumulate loyal fans through New Asia Voice. You can even build a support group in New Asia Voice, a communication software."

"When you have nothing to do, you can also chat with the players of "Kart Racing" in Xinya Voice, or you can sing songs and interact. Don't worry, these are business activities arranged by the company for you. Xinya Affairs We will pay you on time according to your workload." The more Song Yi thought about it, the more feasible the idea became.

Yui Aragaki can't understand Song Yi's business idea, and she is still a little confused now. But she has one advantage. When she encounters something she doesn't understand, she just chooses to be obedient and do it.

But she has some doubts. She is determined to become an excellent movie actor like Nagasawa Masami. Isn't it a bit unprofessional for her to become a well-known game anchor first? Is this considered playing games under orders? Would her parents be shocked if they knew she was paid to play games in Tokyo?

"Xinya Voice is a voice chat software. Its initial function is to facilitate communication among game players, right?" Yui Aragaki asked.

"I heard that the president's company is also the largest online game company in mainland China. Is the reason why the president launched Xinya Voice to facilitate the interaction of "Legend of Hot Blood" game players? After all, the game guild does not type on the computer screen. It’s quite troublesome.” Yui Aragaki guessed.

Song Yi originally wanted to say that players of "Legend of Legend" are used to surfing the Internet together in the same Internet cafe, just like "League of Legends". New Asia Voice has actually leveraged Penguin’s social media market share in the mainland from the side.

"Actually, New Asia Voice is just the beginning. My goal is to launch New Asia Live before 2004. By then, you can live broadcast your game playing scenes in New Asia Live, and you can also show your face and interact with game fans."

"In fact, when you become the head game anchor of Xinya Live, you will find that your income will not be lower than that of ordinary Japanese actors, or even much higher. At that time, I just hope that you will not forget that you want to be a The original intention of being a top movie actor." Song Yi reminded kindly, after all, everyone knows that live broadcasts can make money quickly.

"Thank you, Chairman. I will keep your teachings in mind. When "If Love Is Divine Will" came to Japan to shoot, although I had very few scenes and lines, I still learned from director Kwak Jae-yong, seniors Cho Seung-woo, Jo In-seong, and Son Ye-jin. Learned a lot.”

"Becoming an excellent game anchor is a task assigned to me by the president, and I will definitely try my best to complete it. But becoming an excellent movie actor like Jun Ji-hyun is my lifelong dream!" Yui Aragaki looked determined. .

"Is it a dream?" Song Yi was very pleased. Young people indeed have unlimited possibilities.

Now he has money, power, status and fame, he is married to the girl of his dreams, Kim Tae Hee, and he has his first child, Chen Yuan Zhong. It stands to reason that he has no regrets in this life. He seems to have everything now, but he seems to have gradually lost the dream he had when he came to Korea to work hard.

The second update is here. Thank you all for your monthly votes. See you tomorrow.

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