I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 184 Visiting Son Ye-jin

In early November, Song Yi returned to Seoul. The backdoor listing of New Asia Media Real Estate has reached the most critical stage.

As early as September 23, the listed company Xinhan Media announced that the company was preparing to exchange all of the company's assets and liabilities with shares of equal value for all the equity interests of Xinya Media Real Estate.

The current net assets of Shinhan Media are approximately 100 billion won (approximately 600 million yuan). The remaining 4.4 trillion won difference between Shinhan Media and New Asia Real Estate Media will be purchased by the controlling shareholder of New Asia Media Real Estate Group by issuing shares. Its assets, the issuance price is 22,000 won, and the number of issuances is approximately 200 million shares.

At the same time, Shinhan Media is preparing to raise 1 trillion won (approximately 6 billion yuan) in additional funds from specific targets within 10 people.

The private placement funds raised this time are mainly used for media and real estate projects, including New Asia Advertising’s building advertising plan, HugeDream cinemas, Sohan Mall physical stores, The One apartment and the research and development of related information service technology.

On September 29, the South Korean Financial Commission held a special working meeting in Seoul to review the major asset restructuring matters of Shinhan Media and New Asia Media Real Estate, and the shares of Shinhan Media were suspended.

The main reason why the Korean Financial Commission has not approved the asset restructuring plan of New Asia Media Real Estate's backdoor listing is that it believes that the valuation of New Asia Media Real Estate Group is somewhat high.

The Financial Committee suggested that Song Yi adjust the valuation of New Asia Media Real Estate, preferably by adjusting the number of shares issued from 200 million shares to 100 million shares. Song Yi did not agree.

Now, the building advertising plan of New Asia Advertising Puhai Branch and the HugeDream cinema chain have entered a critical period. The Wangjing Center office building and commercial street project in Wangjing area of ​​Yanjing City is about to be completed and will be ready for use after the Spring Festival.

New Asia Media Real Estate’s real estate business will see investment reports immediately. The Wangjing Center and The One apartment projects will bring a steady stream of rental and sales income to the group. How could Song Yi adjust the valuation of New Asia Media Real Estate at this time? Let the National Pension Service of Korea take advantage.

For this backdoor listing plan, Song Yi compromised with Zhong Xiaotong and agreed to the Korean National Pension Service's participation in the loan listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate.

New Asia Media Real Estate has raised 1 trillion won in additional capital from 10 specific targets, including the National Pension Service of Korea. The National Pension Service of Korea is the purse strings of the Korean government.

Because this matter will also benefit the next ruling government, it is not easy for Song Yuxi to intervene. Maybe he also hopes to succeed.

However, since the Lee Eun-joo case was exposed, things have taken a turn for the better. Lotte Group is very enthusiastic about the listing of New Asia Media Real Estate. They are willing to participate in the listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate, even if it takes away the entire investment share of the National Pension Service of Korea. No problem.

Of course Song Yi is not willing to let Lotte Group become a shareholder of New Asia Media Real Estate, but there is no problem in using Lotte Group to finalize some officials in the government who are overreaching. He can also use Lotte Group, SK Group, and Hyundai Group to offset the pressure exerted by some big shots.

South Korea's presidential election will officially begin in late December, and everyone knows that Song Yi is the largest financial backer supporting Song Woo-seok's campaign.

If Song Yuxi loses the election, it will not affect the listing schedule of New Asia Media Real Estate.

If Song Woo-seok is successfully elected as the new president, then New Asia Media Real Estate will not be able to complete its listing before December. In order to avoid suspicion, Song Yi could only withdraw the backdoor listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate and choose another listing place, or wait until New Asia Media Real Estate meets the conditions for listing on the Korean Main Board before honestly applying for main board listing.

Now the Financial Commission of Korea and Song Yi are in a process of competing with each other. The Financial Commission is betting that Song Yi will not dare to postpone the backdoor listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate indefinitely, while Song Yi is betting that the Financial Commission of Korea will not dare to really disrupt the plan. Huang Xinya Media Real Estate went public, otherwise they would not be able to bear the wrath of the new president and Song Yi.

So when Song Yi flew back to Seoul from Tokyo, the officials of the Korean Financial Commission were shocked. They also knew that New Asia Media Real Estate was in the final stage of listing, and they were waiting for Song Yi to come over and bargain.

As soon as Song Yi landed, he was interviewed by a KBS reporter at Incheon Airport.

"President Song, now the box office of "Memories of Murder" has officially exceeded 6 million. Do you have anything to say about this?" the female reporter asked.

"Thank you for your support. Bong Joon-ho is a very good director and told us a very wonderful story. A good movie will never lack an audience." Song Yi stopped and bodyguards surrounded Song Yi, alert. Observing the passers-by.

"Director Bong Joon-ho said that you also participated in the screenwriting work of "Memories of Murder" and brought him a lot of inspiration. According to your reasoning, where do you think the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case may be? Why can he To avoid being hunted by the police for more than ten years?" the female reporter continued to ask.

"I'm not Sherlock Holmes, nor am I Dr. Li Changyu. I can't help the police solve the case. But I can provide an idea."

"I heard that the Hwaseong police later sampled the suspect's DNA. The rise of DNA technology was developed after the 1990s. The murderers of the previous Hwaseong serial murder cases concentrated in the 1980s, and the last crime was also in the 1990s. It’s been a year since criminal investigation technology couldn’t keep up, so it’s understandable that the case hasn’t been solved for a long time.”

"Now the police have collected the suspect's DNA, but they have been unable to find a target for comparison. There are only three situations."

"The first is that the murderer is dead. This is the best situation. After all, such a vicious suspect died before he could be tried. It can only be said that evil will be punished."

"The second scenario is that the criminal has fled abroad, so his personal information cannot be found. This probability is not high, because the murderer is obviously very confident in his IQ. He feels that the police cannot catch him. He must be hiding in the country for observation. Following the police’s actions, we may even inquire about the progress of the case.”

"Then there is one last situation. In fact, the murderer has been locked up. He is either in prison or in a mental hospital. This is darkness under the lights. The police may have ignored that the imprisoned prisoners or mental patients actually have ten conditions on their bodies. Murder case." Song Yi expressed his inference.

Of course Song Yi knew that Li Chunzai, the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case, was actually imprisoned in Busan Prison. He had a pair of flexible and soft hands, and the pottery he made by himself was often displayed.

The female reporter from KBS felt her eyes light up after hearing this, "Do you think the police should conduct a large-scale investigation of prisoners or mental patients in prisons across the country?"

Song Yi felt that his hint was obvious enough. If the Korean police still can't catch the culprit, they are really a bunch of losers.

Song Yi pondered for a moment, "This would be too intrusive. In fact, we can just focus on checking the prisoners who have a history of rape."

The KBS female reporter was very excited. She had already thought of the title of the interview report, "Memories of Murder Screenwriter Speculates the Murderer is Hidden in a Prison or a Mental Hospital."

If the South Korean police really catch the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case based on Song Yi's ideas, then this report will definitely cause a sensation in the country.

Le Xiyi from the Seoul Central Real Estate Prosecution Office watched the KBS reporter's live interview with Song Yi, and he was a little disdainful. He admitted that Song Yi was a great businessman, but when it came to solving crimes, they were the professionals.

However, after he listened to Song Yi's analysis, he had to admit that Song Yi's analysis was reasonable. He first approached Li Xiangdae and asked to collect the fingerprints of the rapist in the Seoul City Prison and conduct a test with the DNA collected by the Hwaseong police. Comparison.

After listening to Le Xiyi's report, Li Xiangda was a little dumbfounded, "According to what you said, you will also conduct a large-scale screening of rape criminals in prisons across the country. I can help you greet the prisons in Seoul, but what about the prisons in other cities? manage?"

Le Xiyi already had a clue in his mind, "Check Seoul first, then Busan and Gyeonggi Province. Maybe it won't take long to find out the clues. If our prosecutors really catch the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case, it will be a great achievement." pieces."

Li Xiangda shook his head, "The idea was given by Song Yi. Even if someone is really caught, the people will only admire Song Yi's exhaustive strategy. What does it have to do with our prosecutors? Why do we need to do such a thankless job?" matter?"

Le Xiyi was persistent, "President Song can't go to the prison to check the prisoner's fingerprints. Don't we still have to do the specific things? Can we wait for the murderer to fall into the trap without doing anything?"

Le Xiyi's calculations were very loud. He had already left a good impression on Song Yi through the Li Enzhu case last time.

If he followed Song Yi's thinking and caught the real culprit of the Huacheng serial murder case, then he would be qualified to be Song Yi's guest.

Le Xiyi had a very upright attitude and treated Song Yi directly as his immediate boss. How could he not do his best for the tasks assigned by his boss?

Li Xiangda knew that Le Xiyi was eager to make contributions and would not give up any opportunity to climb up. He is approaching retirement now, and he doesn't want to block his subordinates' path to wealth. "Since you don't mind the trouble, I'll say hello to you. I can help you in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi Province, but you have to think about local prisons yourself." There’s a way.”

Le Xiyi was grateful, "Thank you, Chief Prosecutor. Don't worry, I will definitely make some achievements and live up to your cultivation."

He was originally going to be transferred to the Busan District Prosecutor's Office, so he naturally had many connections in Busan. Since Lee Sang-dae is willing to help, he plans to focus the first batch of investigation targets on prisoners in prisons in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and Busan.

"If Love Is God's Will" has entered the final stage of filming. Song Yi and Jiang Xiuna went to visit the crew together.

Director Kwak Jae-yong really loves Yonsei University, and "If Love Is God's Will" was also shot at Yonsei University.

Today I will shoot the conversation between Son Ye Jin and Jo In Sung in front of the Yonsei University teaching building. Son Ye-jin's manager Jin Minshu saw Song Yi coming and quickly stepped forward to say hello, "President, why are you free to visit the class today?"

Song Yi prepared a support vehicle for Son Ye Jin today, with hot coffee and other desserts prepared in the vehicle.

At this time, Son Ye-jin also saw the support sign next to the support car. The sign had her photo. This photo was one of the few stills from "If Love Has a Will". She couldn't help but smile happily.

Guo Zaiyong shook his head helplessly and clapped his hands, "Everyone, take a rest first. Ye Jin's fans have prepared hot coffee and desserts for everyone. Please enjoy them." The crew had been waiting for this moment and thanked Son Ye Jin, While waiting in line in front of the food truck.

Guo Zairong walked up to Song Yi and said, "President, I am also a contracted director of Xinya Agency. Can't you express your support for me? There is no need to treat me differently, right?"

At this time, Son Ye-jin, who was wearing two ponytails and Yonsei University uniform, couldn't help but purse her lips and laugh secretly.

At this time, secretary Jiang Xiuna came out to help Song Yi, "Director Guo, you really can't blame the chairman. The chairman has been busy with the listing of New Asia Media Real Estate recently, and the Financial Committee keeps an eye on the company's revenue statements all day long. ."

"The president also wants to promote the movie "If Love Is a Will" by sending support vehicles. It is best to let Ms. Son Ye-jin accept more advertising endorsements to make the revenue report look better. By the way, President Kim, I would also like to trouble you to take a photo of Miss Son Ye Jin and the support vehicle later so that it can be sent to inschool for promotion." Jiang Souna reminded with a smile.

"No problem, after they finish eating, I will help Ye Jin take pictures." Jin Minshu said, of course she would not offend Jiang Souna, the celebrity next to the president.

Since New Asia Management acquired Barunson Entertainment, she has been wary of Song Yi getting close to Son Ye Jin. Unexpectedly, after Song Yi took Sun Yizhen under his command, he never met Sun Yizhen alone. Jin Minshu almost thought that Song Yi had changed her gender.

People are like this. When Son Yejin learned that Song Yi would not hesitate to offend Zhou Rongzhen and acquire Barunson Entertainment in order to get her, she was actually secretly happy. The two top chaebols in South Korea were jealous of her and resorted to various means. She was so impressive.

But when Song Yi finally worked hard to win over Barunson Entertainment, but turned a deaf ear to Son Ye-jin, Son Ye-jin was inevitably a little disappointed. She didn't know if Song Yi was playing hard-to-get, but she was indeed attracted to Song Yi.

When Jun Ji-hyun posted a photo with Song Hye-kyo on her birthday, Kim Min-sook reminded Son Ye-jin that Song Yi happened to be on a business trip in Japan, and Song Yi was most likely to be with Song Hye-kyo and Jun Ji-hyun.

Son Ye-jin actually admires Song Yi for how he allowed two of Korea's top actresses to coexist peacefully. If she and Jun Ji-hyun changed places, she would not want Song Hye-kyo to take away her happiness on her birthday.

She knew that Jun Ji-hyun's birthday gift last year was a Porsche 911 Turbo sports car. She actually wanted to know what Jun Ji-hyun's birthday gift was this year.

Because Jun Ji-hyun posted in school the next day, "I received the best birthday gift ever yesterday. My dream has come true. Thank you!"

Compared with Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, Son Ye-jin’s popularity and income are quite different. Of course she envied them both being able to buy luxury cars and live in luxury homes. She had always hoped to own a top-notch mansion with "gallery-like interior decoration."

Agent Jin Minshu kept reminding her to stay away from Song Yi because Song Yi was a playboy. However, after Li Eun-joo issued a withdrawal statement at inschool to clarify the rumors of unspoken rules for Song Yi, Son Ye-jin became less resistant to Song Yi.

Sun Yizhen brought the coffee to Song Yi and handed it to Song Yi, "President, please drink coffee."

Song Yi took the coffee, "My favorite matcha latte? Thank you Ye Jin." Son Ye Jin, wearing a university uniform, is indeed a pure goddess.

Son Yejin took the time to chat with Song Yi for a while, "President, I heard that you speculated that the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case is in prison or a mental hospital?"

Song Yi took a sip of coffee and joked with Son Yejin, "Your crew is so busy? Do you still have time to pay attention to my gossip while filming?"

When Son Yejin saw that no one was interrupting their conversation, she mustered up the courage to say, "It's news about the president, so I pay special attention to it."

Song Yi was slightly stunned. Son Ye Jin really knows how to seduce people. This sentence looks like a confession line in a Korean drama. Song Yi admitted that he was seduced.

"Thank you Yizhen. If there's no one around, you can call me Song Yi, Oppa. We're not that many years apart in age." Song Yi asked calmly.

Son Ye Jin was secretly happy that in the entire company, only Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo secretly called Song Yi Oppa. She was the third artist to enjoy this special treatment. Kim Tae Hee is the boss lady of Xinya, not an artist.

"Oppa, Director Guo said that "If Love Is Divine" is a better romance film than "My Naughty Girlfriend". Do you think I can get a Best Actress nomination like Jun Ji-hyun?" Son Ye-jin said with hope. Looking at Song Yi.

Zhao Yincheng, who was resting next to him, couldn't help but look at Son Yejin and Song Yi who were talking alone. For the first time, he saw the expression of admiration and joy on Son Yejin's face. Son Yejin looked like a star-chasing little girl in front of Song Yi. , he felt a little bitter in his heart.

Cao Chengyou noticed, walked over and patted Zhao Yincheng on the shoulder, "Yincheng, everyone likes beautiful actresses, but some women are destined to be beyond our reach. Even if you become a Chungmuro ​​actor, it won't work. So, give up early. Bar."

Zhao Yincheng did not deny it, "Although I had speculated for a long time, when the rumors were confirmed, I still felt very uncomfortable. Brother Chengyou, let's drink together after work is over later."

Playing with Cao Chengyou and Son Ye-jin, it was Cao Chengyou who put the most pressure on Zhao Incheng, but Zhao Incheng also learned a lot of acting skills from Cao Chengyou. His performance can only be considered excellent, while Cao Chengyou's performance is genius level.

Director Kwak Jae-yong said that it would take 50 years for South Korea to produce a Cho Seung-woo, but it is a pity that Cho Seung-woo focused his main energy on musicals. Cao Chengyou is famous for choosing scripts. If the script is not good, he will not consider it no matter how high the salary is. He is a pure actor.

Song Yi didn't know that Zhao Yincheng actually had a crush on Son Yejin on the set. Even if he knew, he wouldn't worry about it.

He knew that Son Ye-jin was very tactful in her words. She actually wanted to ask Song Yi. She contributed a performance level that was not inferior to that of Jun Ji-hyun in "If Love Is Divine Will". Can the company help her win a Baeksang Arts Award, Blue Dragon Award or Daejong Award? Best Actress crown?

"The Grand Bell Awards are definitely gone. If the Best Actress of two consecutive years is won by an artist from New Asia, next year Korean netizens will say that there is something shady about the Grand Bell Awards. I wonder if there is not enough time for the Baeksang Arts Awards?" Song Song Yi replied.

Song Yi is preparing to win Kim Tae Hee the Best Actress Award in the TV category at the 2003 Baeksang Arts Awards. If Kim Tae Hee and Son Ye Jin swept the Best Female Acting Awards in the TV series and movie categories, Korean netizens would be dissatisfied again.

The 2003 Korean Blue Dragon Awards were held in December. "If Love Has a Will" is a very excellent movie, and the audience also recognized Son Ye-jin's outstanding acting skills. But movie audiences are also forgetful. If there were a big hit new movie in 2003, it would be a matter of doubt whether Son Ye-jin would win the Blue Dragon Award, but a Best Actress nomination would definitely be fine.

When Sun Yezhen heard Song Yi's promise, the corners of her mouth turned up, and her smile was particularly sweet and charming. "Thank you, Oppa. I heard that Yonsei University is your alma mater. Do you think I look good in the Yonsei University uniform?" Son Ye-jin turned in a circle, showing her beautiful figure to the fullest.

Jiang Xiuna noticed Son Yejin's behavior and couldn't help but curl her lips. She is a little troubled now. After Jin Xiyuan learned that Song Yi was going to visit the crew of "If Love Is Divine Will", she told her to pay attention to Son Yezhen and not let Son Yezhen have too much personal contact with Song Yi. Then should she ask Jin Xiyuan after returning to the company? What about the report?

She is Song Yi's secretary, but Jin Xiyuan is also Jiang Xiuna's direct boss. In addition to this, Jiang Xiuna also knew that Jin Xiyuan was also one of the proprietresses of Xinya. She had heard Jin Xiyuan's charming voice. Of course she didn't dare to offend the boss, but she didn't dare to offend the boss's wife either. She was now in a dilemma.

Song Yi felt that Sun Yezhen was really good at it. He told the truth, "She is very beautiful, even prettier than my female classmates in college. If Yezhen had been my classmate, I wouldn't have only been in the library for four years of college." Son Ye-jin looks as beautiful as Kim Tae-hee in Yonsei University uniform.

Son Ye-jin felt even happier, "Oppa, let me tell the crew to keep this school uniform as a souvenir. When you have time, can I wear it alone for Oppa to see?"

Just as Song Yi was about to nod, Jiang Xiuna came over. She handed her phone to Song Yi, "President, Prosecutor Le Xiyi is here to see you."

Son Yejin was originally angry that Jiang Xiuna ruined her good deeds. She was just about to confirm the time and place of a private date with Song Yi, but Jiang Xiuna directly interrupted her next plan. But when she heard the words prosecutor, her heart tightened and she silently stepped aside.

Song Yi glanced at Son Yejin apologetically, made a phone call gesture with his finger, and then answered the phone.

"Lejian, what's the matter?" Song Yi asked after taking the phone.

Le Xiyi's tone obviously couldn't suppress his excitement, "President Song, according to the ideas you provided, I have found the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case. He is currently serving his sentence in Busan Prison! Because the main credit is yours , so I specially called you to report."

Song Yi discovered that Le Xiyi is really a wonderful person, "Le Jian is serious. I am not a government official, how can you report to me. But as an enthusiastic citizen who cares about the serial murders in Huacheng, you are willing to I am very grateful to inform me as soon as possible. But is it really confirmed? Don't announce it to the public and find out that it is an own mistake. That will make everyone laugh. Prosecutor Li can't make mistakes before he retires."

"President Song, I'm very sure. This suspect's name is Li Chunzai. His DNA is compared with the DNA on the evidence of the Hwaseong murder case in the fifth case in 1987, the seventh case in 1988, and the ninth case in 1990." The results are consistent.”

"Li Chunzai actually continued to commit crimes in the Hwaseong serial murder case. In 1994, after he had a conflict with his wife, he targeted his sister-in-law. He gave her sleeping pills, then raped her, killed her with a blunt instrument, and then dumped her body .He was sentenced to life imprisonment and has been serving his sentence in Busan Prison ever since.”

"When the DNA test results came out, the prison guards in Busan couldn't believe it. Li Chunzai was a first-class model prisoner in Busan Prison. He performed well and behaved well during his sentence. He also became obsessed with pottery in prison, and the pottery he made was exhibited to the outside world. Yes. He does have a pair of soft and flexible hands." Le Xiyi sighed with emotion.

After listening to Le Xiyi's introduction, Song Yi was sure that the prosecutors had not arrested the wrong person this time. "Lejian, I am really pleased that you were able to bring Li Chunzai to justice this time."

"I suggest that the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office and Hwaseong Police Department hold a joint press conference to announce the truth of the case to the public and comfort the families of the victims."

"I heard that many people involved in the Hwaseong serial murder case suffered great pain. One victim's husband died of depression after drinking all day long after the death of his wife, and another victim's mother kept talking about the place where her daughter's body was found. In tears, four suspects who were wronged by the police committed suicide one after another, and four front-line police officers who investigated the Hwaseong serial murder case died due to excessive stress."

"As the producer of "Memories of Murder", we at New Asia Pictures really want to help the families of these unfortunate people. We plan to donate 11% of our box office revenue to help these victims. This can be regarded as our sincerity." Song Yi said.

Le Xiyi was very moved after hearing this. He caught the real culprit of the Hwaseong serial murder case, and Song Yi donated 11% of the box office revenue. This was a divine assist.

"President Song, I will definitely notify you of your charity and ensure that each victim's family can receive this donation." Le Xiyi originally wanted to donate some money, but remembered that he can't even buy a house now. After getting up, I still squeezed together with my parents, so I gave up.

After Song Yi hung up the phone, Jiang Xiuna asked Song Yi, "President, is this good news? I can see that you are really happy."

Song Yi didn't want to hide it from Jiang Xiuna, "Le Xiyi called to tell him that he had found the murderer of the Hwaseong serial murder case. In two days, the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office and the Hwaseong County Police Department will hold a joint press conference. , and announce the details of the case to the public.”

Jiang Xiuna also watched "Memories of Murder", and she was deeply impressed by the vicious murderer in the movie. "Really? This is really great! Is the real murderer found in prison or a mental hospital?"

"Yes, this person was actually included in the list of suspects. His blood type is type O, but the police identified it as type B, so he escaped capture."

"After analysis by criminal investigation experts, since the consistent DNA evidence is strong and the possibility of contamination of the evidence at the scene cannot be ruled out, the murderer has been identified. Moreover, in the Hwaseong serial murder case, the bus driver and conductor in Suwon City witnessed the murderer , the murderer asked the driver to borrow a fire to light a cigarette. Ms. Jin, the only survivor in these 10 cases, is still alive, and he cannot escape the punishment of the law." Song Yi is sure.

Now that Le Xiyi has made progress, Song Yi has no intention of staying on the crew. He said hello to Guo Zaiyong, Son Yejin, and Jin Minshu, and left first. Son Ye-jin quietly made a gesture to contact her by phone, and Song Yi smiled and nodded in response.

"Memories of Murder" is indeed a very good movie.

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