I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 185 New Asia Media Real Estate goes public

On November 15, the joint press conference held by the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office and the Hwaseong County Police Department attracted the attention of major Korean media.

In addition to the three major wireless TV stations and the three major newspapers, Naver, Daum, Yahoo Korea and inschool all sent on-site reporters.

In this press conference, prosecutor Le Xiyi from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office became the absolute focus.

Perhaps because he paid more attention to this press conference, his personal image has undergone a huge change. In the past, Le Xiyi has always been keen on wearing dark-colored, elderly-style clothes. He actually wore a set of fresh clothes today, a light beige casual suit, paired with a sea and sky blue shirt. Her pockets were actually designed with embroidery. The overall image was refreshing and she looked much younger.

Song Yi was watching today's press conference attentively. Son Yejin, who was wearing a white sports vest and shorts, sat directly next to Song Yi while carrying washed grapes.

Sun Yizhen thoughtfully fed Song Yi a grape and looked at Le Xiyi on TV, "This prosecutor Le Xiyi seems to have very strong professional ability."

Song Yi pulled Sun Yizhen's big white legs and scratched the soles of Sun Yizhen's feet with his hands. Son Ye-jin couldn't help laughing and leaned back on the floor, almost naked because she was wearing shorts.

Sun Yezhen noticed Song Yi's eyes and felt a little shy, "Oppa, why are you looking at me like that?" Her voice became softer and quieter, "It's not like you didn't watch it last night."

The apartment where Song Yi and Son Ye-jin currently live is the most expensive luxury apartment in Seoul. It is the I-Park Apartment in Samseong-dong, Gangnam District.

There are a total of three buildings in Samseongdong I-Park Apartments, ranging in height from 30 to 46 floors. The apartment covers an area of ​​33,000 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​29,600 square meters. The area of ​​a single apartment ranges from 181 square meters to 343 square meters.

Although it is a newly opened property this year, the price per square meter is 12 million won (72,000 yuan). Among them, the only two penthouse duplex apartments with a size of 343 square meters are sold for more than 4 billion won.

Ipark Apartment is a real estate project of Hyundai Industrial Development Group. South Korea's wealthy class has emerged from the 1997 financial crisis.

In the past five years, the rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer. Wealth has concentrated in the hands of the top 1% of the income group, creating a large number of new millionaires.

In order to meet the housing needs of these emerging wealthy people, Modern Industrial Development Group spent a lot of money to build the Ipark apartment project. This kind of luxury apartment introduces the concept of hotel-style management and home-style service.

Song Yi originally planned to buy both of the two 343-square-meter penthouse duplexes, but in the end he only bought one for Zhou Mengkui's sake. When Son Ye-jin stood on the duplex balcony on the top floor, overlooking the bright night view of Samseong-dong, she had already determined that this house was her dream house.

Song Yi remembers that Ipark Apartment in Samseongdong has ranked first in unit price of luxury homes in Seoul for many years in a row, and many popular celebrities live here.

For example, Jun Ji-hyun later bought a 175-square-meter apartment here and later sold it for 6 billion won. Some members of Girls' Generation and EXO also chose to buy properties here.

Song Yi stopped teasing Sun Yizhen and pulled Sun Yizhen to sit in his arms, "Le Xiyi is not only very capable, but also very ambitious. He is like a ferocious hound, but you must always let him know who is the master. "

Son Ye-jin completed the transition from girl to woman in this luxurious apartment last night, but she has no regrets. Song Yi is a Huacong veteran who pays great attention to women's feelings and gave her a good first experience.

"Isn't it bad for men to be a little ambitious? Men want to conquer the world, and women want to conquer men. Owning you is equivalent to owning the whole world." Son Ye-jin said loving words.

"Everyone is a unique individual. You only belong to yourself and no one else. Most of the distress in relationships comes from giving too little and taking too much. When two people get along, you have to learn to provide emotional value to the other person."

"If you want to leave me in the future, find someone to marry. Yizhen, please remember, don't just pay attention to how much money he has, the most important thing is whether he is an emotionally stable man." Song Yi reminded Sun Yizhen.

"Oppa, I don't want to leave-" Before Sun Yizhen could finish her words, Song Yi blocked her mouth, and the two of them had a sweet and passionate kiss.

"I am a pessimistic realist and never believe in eternity. I can give you anything you want, but there are some things I am destined to be unable to give. When you become more famous and richer , you may have changed your mind and become unwilling to share your feelings with others.”

"If it really comes to this point, then I have only one request. Let's get together and relax. After all, we have been dating before, so don't be so ugly. Don't worry, I will never treat you badly."

"When you win any of the three major awards, this apartment will be transferred to your name. I can't give it to you now because your income can't afford this apartment yet. I don't want you to be burdened with it. You have a bad reputation supported by others. Believe me, I care about your reputation more than you do." Song Yi said sincerely.

Son Ye-jin looked at the mysterious man in front of her, and he attracted her like a magnet. Even though he knew he had someone, he still fell into it like a moth to a flame.

She sighed inwardly, but it was a pity that this man was too rational. Even if she could feel Song Yi's obsession with her, he would still block her possibility of becoming a full-time employee without hesitation. Sure enough, the love brain is insulated from the chaebol. In Korean dramas, the chaebol young man falls in love with Cinderella from an ordinary family. Are they all liars?

The press conference is still going on. Le Xiyi has obviously made sufficient preparations for this press conference and answered many questions from reporters about the case.

Officer Ha Seung-gyun, the leader of the investigation team who was originally responsible for investigating the Hwaseong serial murder case, also appeared at the press conference. He has been involved in the investigation since the fourth case. Compared to the extremely active Le Xiyi, He Shengjun seemed unusually quiet.

At this time, the on-site reporter at the inschool signaled to reach out and ask questions, and Le Xiyi gestured for him to ask questions with a smile on his face.

However, the young male reporter did not follow the routine. He turned his attention to He Shengjun, "Officer He, I have read the interview report about you. You have said many times before, 'If you are caught by me, then there is no need. Go to court and I will deal with him myself'."

He raised a question that everyone was concerned about, "Officer He, since the execution of 23 criminals in 1997, no criminal has been executed in South Korea within five years. The death penalty seems to exist in name only."

"Do you think it is necessary to execute the death penalty on a murderer like Li Chunzai who is so vicious and inhumane?" The male reporter asked the question that everyone is most concerned about.

Lexi Yi realized that something was wrong, but before he could speak to stop him, He Shengjun expressed his opinion clearly, "Of course it is necessary. For a scum like Li Chunzai, it is God's business to forgive him, and our task is to send him away Go to God and let him confess before God!”

Ha Shengjun's words caused an uproar in the media at the scene. The current mainstream opinion in the judicial circle is to abolish the death penalty. South Korea's National Assembly is preparing to amend the law to set the maximum penalty for intentional homicide at life imprisonment. Life imprisonment is not equivalent to life imprisonment, and it is not possible to obtain a reduction in sentence and early release from prison.

The United Nations Human Rights Council is now preparing to list South Korea as a country that has abolished the death penalty. Zhong Xiaotong won the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting North-South dialogue on the peninsula and improving the human rights situation in South Korea.

If the Korean people, like Ha Seung-kyun, insist on the execution of Lee Chun-jae, then whose face is this a slap in the face?

South Korea has always advocated integrating into mainstream Western society and integrating its values ​​with those of European and American countries. The United Nations Human Rights Council has also been urging South Korea to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Aiming at the Abolition of the Death Penalty, a major international human rights instrument.

Le Xiyi couldn't help but blame the inschool reporter for being ignorant. Can such a question be asked during a live news broadcast? Aren't you causing trouble for your President Song?

Not only Le Xiyi noticed it, but Son Yezhen also noticed it. She looked at Song Yi worriedly, "Oppa, did you arrange this reporter's question?"

Song Yi shook his head. Now that New Asia Media Real Estate is about to go public, there is no need for him to cause trouble for Zhong Xiaotong at this time. This is the first time an inschool reporter has participated in reporting major news, but this male reporter’s approach is destined to not please those in power.

Not long after, Song Yi received a call from Li Xiangda, "Song Yi, did you instruct this inschool reporter to ask this question?"

Song Yi was silent for a while, "Uncle Li, you may not believe it if I say it was not my order, right?"

Li Xiangda understood what Song Yi meant and let out a long sigh, "Song Yi, don't think that because inschool has tens of millions of users, you can play with Western freedom of speech. If you do this, you will be doomed for the next time." The next government will restrict or even take back inschool’s news gathering rights.”

"Uncle Li, I don't like reporters in many cases. However, some reporters in South Korea are also the last conscience of South Korea. Some reporters have the professional ethics of 'without the truth, or rather die'. They have the courage to speak out and report, and they never hesitate to express their opinions. The pursuit of truth. Although I don't agree with his approach, I respect his work." Song Yi said.

When Li Xiangda heard what Song Yi said, he felt angry and funny, "Song Yi, don't be so idealistic, okay? According to you, not only will you not fire this reporter, but you will regard him as a hero?" "

Song Yi frowned, "Although I don't know the name of this reporter yet, since he has joined New Asia Network, he is an employee of our New Asia."

"If he violates the labor contract, the "Employee Code" or the law, of course we will choose to terminate his contract. Now he is just asking the public a question that everyone is concerned about, and some people are asking me to fire this reporter. I would like to know who can be the leader of Xinya for me?" Song Yi said in a strong tone.

Due to his relatively young age and the fact that Song Yi is the third generation of a modern family, some people who have been in high positions for a long time tend to ignore Song Yi's huge influence in South Korea's political and business circles, and will habitually assume the posture of educating younger generations.

Li Xiangda saw that Song Yi's attitude was very tough, and he would not hesitate to keep the reporter even if it delayed the listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate. "I understand. This matter is not trivial at all, but it is not a big deal at all. We are all old people who are about to retire. Shouldn't Li Chunzai's trouble be left to the next government to deal with?"

"By the way, the reporter who asked questions on behalf of inschool today is called Kim Min-sik. He used to be a reporter at MBC and was notoriously thorny. He was rejected by the president of MBC because of a certain report, and he left MBC in anger to join inschool. Are you willing? If you take in such a tough guy, you will be annoyed sometimes." Li Xiangda said with gloating.

Song Yi disagreed, "For journalists, isn't being strong-willed a compliment? This at least shows that he will not be bribed with money. If South Korea had more such strong-willed people with conscience, the country would have more hope, wouldn't it?"

Li Xiangda on the other end of the phone shook his head. He was just acting as a lobbyist for some people in the government. Now that Song Yi's attitude was known, there was no need to waste words.

Lee Sang-dae joked that some people in the government could not understand the situation. Song Woo-seok's current poll results are about the same as Lee Chang-hwi's. Song Yi was able to send Park Dong-ho to the throne of Seoul mayor. How do you know that Song Yi couldn't send Song Woo-seok to the Blue House?

Song Woo-seok and Park Dong-ho are both leaders with outstanding charisma, but they both have the weakness of not understanding economics.

Song Yi is known as Song Woo-seok's economic adviser and the top candidate for the next government's economic department. Song Woo-seok will definitely value Song Yi's suggestions, including the Korean Financial Commission in charge of the securities industry.

You are currently stuck on the listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate. Even though you have obviously offended Song Yi, you still hope to retain the leadership of this important department of the Korea Financial Commission. Isn’t it just a fantasy?

Zhong Xiaotong obviously also saw the press conference hosted by Le Xiyi. When he saw that He Shengjun advocated the execution of Li Chunzai, he knew that he was in trouble. If it is not handled well, the Li Chunjae case will add blemishes to his last month in office.

Zhong Xiaotong believes that he is the second most accomplished president among Korean presidents, second only to Zheng Puxi who created the miracle of the Han River.

He led South Korea out of the 1997 Asian financial crisis. According to the Bank of Korea's prediction, South Korea's GDP growth rate will exceed 6% in 2002. Although it is not as good as China, it is several steps ahead of its neighbor Japan.

Moreover, the strategy of "building a country through culture" proposed by Zhong Xiaotong has also promoted the prosperity and development of South Korea's cultural and entertainment industry. The popularity of the Korean drama "Winter Sonata" overseas is proof of this.

In terms of foreign policy, he achieved reconciliation on the peninsula. He was also the first South Korean leader to visit Pyongjing, the capital of North Korea. The two sides also issued the "North-South Joint Declaration."

No matter which one of these is mentioned, it is a remarkable political achievement. Seeing that he was about to retire honorably as the president, Song Yi wanted to bring up the Li Chunzai case again.

Zhong Xiaotong really disliked Song Yi. Although he only met Song Yi once before the opening ceremony of the World Cup, that side gave him a very bad feeling. For Zhong Xiaotong, he felt that Song Yi was not very obedient, so it would be difficult for him to truly regard Song Yi as one of his own.

Zhong Xiaotong's two nephews, Zhong Heng and Jin Yingmin, have dealt with Song Yi, and they have different evaluations of Song Yi. Zhong Heng said that Song Yi is a typical chaebol descendant who used the power of the modern family to steal the actress Song Hye Kyo from his Au Entertainment.

Jin Yingmin praised Song Yi as a very good investor with outstanding investment vision and business vision. New Asia Pictures’ acquisition of Artisan Entertainment also proves this point.

After Song Yuxi won the intra-party election of the New Millennium Democratic Party, Zhong Xiaotong agreed that Song Yuxi would win over the various factions of the New Millennium Democratic Party. Only if Song Woo-seok is elected president and the progressives are re-elected can he ensure that he will not be liquidated after he steps down. He also hopes that with his old face, he can get a stable life for his three sons, lest he be in danger later in life.

Zhong Xiaotong also heard that New Asia Media was preparing to bid for South Korea's second private wireless TV station, and he felt a little headache for Song Yuxi.

Reporter Kim Min-sik from inschool is obviously a bit disloyal. If New Asia TV Station was full of people like Kim Min-sik. When negative news breaks out under the next government, he does not believe that New Asia TV will selectively not report negative news about Song Woo-seok.

The expression on Song Woo-seok's face will definitely be wonderful if he finds that New Asia Television, which successfully bid for the office during his term, has become the first domino to topple him.

Zhong Xiaotong now realizes that before Song Yuxi was elected president, Song Yi and Song Yuxi were close comrades-in-arms. No matter how hard he suppressed Song Yi, it was useless, because Song Yuxi would definitely protect him.

But once Song Yuxi is successfully elected, those around Song Yi who support Song Yi will start to divide the cake. These people will continue to fight for the positions of various ministers in the new government and the adjustment of economic policies.

The more power Song Yi has in economic affairs in the next government, the more likely he will be hostile to other factions around Song Yuxi.

After all, there is only so much cake. If the relationship between Song Yi and Song Yuxi can be alienated, and Song Yi can stay away from the Blue House and become a businessman away from politics, then the economic power of the next government will not be decided by them. After all, Song Yuxi has another Don’t understand economics!

Thinking of this, Zhong Xiaotong has already thought about how to deal with Song Yi. He now feels that there is no need to get stuck on the listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate, but to add fuel to the fire.

He asked his secretary to call the top leaders of the Korea Financial Commission and the Korea National Pension Service, and began to assign work to them. Although the subordinates had some doubts, they still obeyed.

On November 23, 2002, the Korean Financial Commission announced that the asset restructuring case of New Asia Media Real Estate Group's backdoor listing of New Korea Media had been approved. Shinhan Media stocks resume trading.

When things have reached this point, all obstacles to the listing of New Asia Media Real Estate have been eliminated, and they are just waiting for the new shares of New Korea Media to be listed.

The number of newly added shares of Shinhan Media this time is 200 million shares, which is the number of shares issued to purchase assets during major asset restructuring.

The new headquarters building of New Asia Media Real Estate Group has been fully renovated, and all business departments and subsidiaries of New Asia Media Real Estate Group have moved to the new headquarters building to work together.

Song Yi held an internal celebration reception in the new building, and all the CEOs of the subsidiaries of New Asia Media Real Estate Group were present.

Among them are Zhou Mengkui, president of New Asia Construction, Zhou Xiuxian, chairman of New Asia Real Estate, Mao Daqing, general manager of New Asia Real Estate, and Zhou Zhiyi, general manager of New Asia Real Estate Puhai Branch. These are executives in the real estate business.

There are also Chen Zaican, president of New Korea Media, Liao Yu, general manager of New Asia Advertising Yanjing Branch, and Zheng Yiping of New Asia Advertising Puhai Branch. This is the senior management team of the advertising media business.

There are also New Asia Agency President Kim Hee-won, New Asia Music President Ji Jong-hwa, New Asia Pictures President Kim Woo-taek, and Barunson Entertainment President Kim Min-sook.

In addition to these executives, almost all the artists of New Asia Media Real Estate were present, including Jun Ji-hyun, Son Ye-jin, Lee Hyori, Kim Jong-kook, Sung Yu-ri, Moon Geun-young, Yoo Jae-seok, and even Song Hye-kyo flew back from Japan to attend the reception.

By the way, directors Kwak Jae-yong, Bong Joon-ho, Min Byung-cheon and "Dae Jang Geum" screenwriter Kim Young-hyun also attended the reception.

In fact, this time it was mainly an internal celebration reception of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, but Pacific Amore Group Chairman Xu Guoxun, Asan Group Chairman Zheng Eunxuan, Samsung Everland President Chen Fuzhen, Jeju Development Corporation President Kim Hak-jung, and Caidie Art Museum Director Song Suying was invited to the reception.

As the hostess tonight, Kim Tae Hee appeared elegantly in front of everyone in a red dress. Her beautiful eyes were flowing and her eyes were charming.

Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo gathered together. Jun Ji-hyun looked at Kim Tae-hee, who was snuggling next to Song Yi, and whispered, "Who are you protesting to by dressing so beautifully?"

Song Hye Kyo had long given up on competing with Kim Tae Hee. She nuzzled her lips in the direction of Son Ye Jin, "That is our president's new love. I heard that she lives on the top floor of the I-Park Apartment. This Son Ye Jin It’s not a fuel-efficient lamp that allows our president to hide his beauty in a golden house.”

Jun Ji-hyun suddenly no longer envied Kim Tae-hee, who was not in glory today. "Actually, our president's wife has a hard time. Even if we get rid of us, there will still be younger and more beautiful women trying to shake her status as the main palace."

Kim Tae Hee is chatting with Chen Fuzhen, Song Suying, and Cui Shanhui. As Song Yi's status increased, Kim Tae Hee also gradually completed her identity transformation from an actor to a wealthy lady.

She and Chen Zaican and his wife are both beneficiaries of the listing of New Asia Media Real Estate Group. She previously held 7.5% of New Korea Media's shares. When New Asia Media Real Estate was listed, she also became a listed shareholder of New Asia Media Group.

Song Suying looked at Yingying Yanyan walking through the reception, and she couldn't help but remind Kim Tae Hee. "Taixi, no matter how rich Song Yi is, you still have to have your own career. Didn't Song Yi buy you a piece of land in Longshan District? In fact, you can start planning to build an art museum now. Xinya Media Real Estate is listed on the market Well, Song Yi is not short of this little money."

Once New Asia Media Real Estate is listed, the company's total market value will exceed 5 trillion won. Song Yiming's listed shares exceed 40%, making him the largest shareholder of New Asia Media Real Estate. The market value of this share alone exceeds 2 trillion won (approximately 12 billion yuan). It is really a trivial matter for Song Yi to use some private money to support Kim Tae Hee's private art museum.

Of course Kim Tae Hee knew that Song Suying had good intentions, "I hope to build this art museum into a landmark building in Yongshan District. So I plan to cooperate with Zaha Hadid Architects, which has won the bid for New Asia before. Design plan for Wangjing Center Office Building of Real Estate.”

The reason why Chen Fuzhen was invited to this party is because Samsung Everland is also one of Shinhan Media's 10 private fundraising targets. Samsung Everland will also become one of the shareholders of New Asia Media Real Estate Group in the future.

Shinhan Media’s 10 private placement fund-raising targets include 5 Korean companies and 5 overseas capitals. The five companies are Asan Group, Hyundai Group, LG Group, Korea National Pension Service and Samsung Everland, while Lotte Group has been declared out.

The five overseas capitals are Blue Ocean Capital Fund, IDG Capital, SoftBank, NetEase and The Li Ka-Shing Unity Discretionary Trust. The last one is Li Chaoren’s family trust. Sequoia China originally wanted to participate in this private placement of New Korea Media, but was eventually replaced by the Li Chaoren Family Trust.

Song Yi is covetous of the high-quality land that Li Chaoren has hoarded in the mainland. If New Asia Media Real Estate Group wants to continue to develop real estate in the mainland, Hutchison Whampoa is also an alternative partner. Fortunately, Song Yi had already dealt with Li Zekai when he bought Penguin shares. The Li family is also optimistic about the development prospects of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, so they participated in New Korea Media's private capital raising plan.

Chen Fuzhen didn’t know why Song Yi agreed to Samsung Everland’s participation in Shinhan Media’s private capital raising plan. Did he need to borrow the Samsung family to offset the pressure from Lotte Group and SK Group?

Because according to the original fixed-increase fundraising plan, the shares of the National Pension Service of Korea and Samsung Everland should be reserved for Lotte Group and SK Group.

Chen Fuzhen walked up to Song Yi holding a wine glass and clinked the glasses with Song Yi gently, "Congratulations, New Asia Media Real Estate Group has successfully been listed. This is also the first listed company of the New Asia Group. It has made a good start. I believe that in the future There will be more and more new Asian companies entering the stock market."

According to Chen Fuzhen, many corporate businesses of New Asia Media Real Estate Group can actually be separated and listed separately, such as the advertising business of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, New Asia Pictures, etc.

"Thank you, I hope I can lend you some good words." Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen clinked glasses.

"Why did you choose Samsung Everland? Is it because of me?" Chen Fuzhen lowered his voice.

Song Yi smiled, and Chen Fuzhen really couldn't restrain his curiosity, "I would rather choose Samsung Everland than Lotte Group. I believe you can control Everland, just like you did at the Shilla Hotel. Blue Ocean Capital Fund has increased its holdings of Samsung Everland shares in the Korean stock market, and they will seek a board of directors seat. Blue Ocean Capital is my ally, and naturally it is also your ally. They trust your management level."

On November 28, Song Yi celebrated his 26th birthday. Liao Yu stayed in Seoul to celebrate Song Yi's birthday.

On the same day, Shinhan Media completed its listing on the new stock market, with 200 million new shares.

On December 8, New Asia Media Real Estate Group held a reorganization, name change and listing ceremony on the Korean Stock Exchange. New Asia Media Real Estate Group officially landed on KOSPI.

After the listing of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, New Asia Media's stock price has risen for 7 consecutive trading days, with the share price per share being 36,000 won. The total share capital of New Asia Media Real Estate Group is 210 million shares, with a total market value of 7.56 trillion won. It has overtaken Asan Group and become one of the top 30 companies in South Korea's stock market by market capitalization.

Song Yi has no time to care about the growth of his personal paper wealth. According to the currently disclosed shareholding data, the total value of Song Yi's stocks in Xinya Media Real Estate Group exceeds 3 trillion won.

He is already among the top three richest people in South Korea, with only Samsung's Chen Jianxi and LG's Koo Bon Sung ahead of Song Yi. The suspense left to the Korean people now is when Song Yi will replace Chen Jianxi and officially become the richest man in Korea.

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