I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 189 Shadow Ministers and Economic Advisers

Shortly after the results of the Korean general election came out, the Seoul City Government announced that it would invest 740 billion won in the reconstruction project along the Cheonggyecheon Stream. Asan Construction and New Asia Construction jointly won the bid for the reconstruction project along the Cheonggyecheon Stream.

Jin Nanyong was a little indignant, "Park Donghao has tailor-made bidding conditions for Asan Construction and Xinya Construction. Who else can win this project besides Song Yi?"

The bidding requirements set by the Seoul City Government this time are very detailed. They must require that all shops in the Dongdaemun Market Pet Street need to be relocated to their original locations, a certain number of long-term rental apartments need to be renovated and equipped along the Cheonggyecheon Stream, and how many landscape trees and green belts need to be planted along the Cheonggyecheon Stream. There are detailed requirements.

Putting aside everything else, the relocation of Pet Street shops and the renovation of several long-term rental apartments have stopped many developers.

Who would have thought that Song Yi would buy a large number of second-hand apartments along the Cheonggyecheon River last year and become the largest house owner along the Cheonggyecheon River. No matter who comes to take advantage of the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project, they can't get around Song Yi. So in the end, Asan Construction and Xinya Construction jointly won the bid for the reconstruction project along the Cheonggyecheon Stream.

Jin Nanyong had been staring at the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project for so long, but Song Yi finally got the better of him. How could he not be angry?

However, Jin Nanyong knew that his current status was not the same as that of Song Yi. Song Yi is now the third richest man in South Korea. He is just the representative director of a small advertising company and relies on his previous political connections to handle small projects.

He actually opened a leather construction company and got involved with Samsung Construction. It's a pity that former Seoul Mayor Gao She and Congressman Li Guangguang tried their best, but they were still unable to save the situation.

Gao She originally wanted to complete the bidding for the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project before the end of his term and use the last year of his term to make points.

As a result, Li Bingkui came to visit Gao She before he had completed the work of communicating with the municipal government.

Gao She knew that Li Bingkui was the chief secretary of Zhou Zhengyong, the founder of Hyundai Group. Hyundai Group has undertaken many large-scale projects in South Korea before, and Gao She and Li Bingkui have also had many dealings.

Gao She considered that Song Yi had a good relationship with Li Xiangda and Le Xiyi of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. If the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project is forcibly launched, the prosecutor's office may conduct a more stringent exit audit.

For safety reasons, the High-tech Development Corporation could only include the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project in Seoul City's 2003 fiscal budget.

When Park Dong-ho was elected mayor of Seoul, Kim Nam-yong originally thought that Park Dong-ho would start bidding for the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project.

At that time, Park Dong-ho's foundation in the Seoul City Government was not stable, and the New Asia Department could only compete fairly with other consortiums.

Unexpectedly, Song Yi had endured it for half a year. After Park Dong-ho straightened out the personnel relations in the city government, and with the help of Song Woo-seok's election as president, he suddenly started bidding for the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project.

After winning the bid, Song Yi became even more low-key. There were no reports on him on TV stations, newspapers or on the Internet. He seemed to have disappeared completely from the public eye...

"If Love Is God's Will" was released, and the box office exceeded one million moviegoers in just five days. The movie's profitability is not a problem.

Many viewers came out of the cinema crying. The sadomasochism between Song Joo Hee and Jun Ha was a tearjerker.

"Cine 21" commented that Kwak Jae-yong contributed the best love movie this year. The beginning of love is beautiful, the separation in the middle is sad, and the fateful ending sublimates the theme of this movie.

The first reaction of most viewers is that Son Ye-jin in the movie is so beautiful, even more beautiful than the variety show "X-Man", very photogenic, and everything beautiful shines. Moreover, Son Ye-jin’s body proportions are also good. No wonder the two male idols in the movie, Cho Seung-woo and Jo In-sung, fell in love with her at the same time.

Through this movie, Son Ye-jin has replaced Song Hye-kyo, who was popular in the first half of the year, and has become the most ideal date in the hearts of Korean men.

"My Naughty Girlfriend" made Jun Ji-hyun popular, "Winter Sonata" made Song Hye-kyo popular, and "If Love Has God's Will" made Son Ye-jin popular. Now "Dae Jang Geum" has the potential to be a hit drama. As long as Kim Tae Hee, who will appear later, can support this drama, New Asia Media Real Estate will be equivalent to having four leading actresses with guaranteed ratings.

Compared to these four, Moon Geun-young and Sung Yuri, who first joined New Asia, are a bit tepid. Moon Geun-young has only played a few supporting roles in the past two years, while Sung Yuri has also hosted "X-Man".

SBS executives are very satisfied with Sung Yuri's performance in "X-man" and have decided that Yoo Jae Suk and Sung Yuri will host the 2002 SBS Drama Awards together.

In fact, Song Yi did not disappear, but returned to Yanjing to live for a while. Song Miao was very surprised to see Song Yi after school every day, "Uncle, have you lost your job? Why don't you go to work in the company like your mother?"

"Uncle, I have been too tired during this period. Just like my mobile phone needs to be turned off and recharged, I also need to rest." Song Yi lay on the sofa and covered his face with the "Fifteen Years of Wanli" in his hand.

Song Miao put the book away, then touched Song Yi's forehead, "The temperature is normal, and it seems that he doesn't have a fever. Uncle, then you have a good rest, I will go back to the room to do my homework."

Mother Zhou Shulan was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Although there was a cooking aunt at home, Song Yi was still used to cooking at home. In her words, Xiao Yi liked her cooking skills.

The Northeastern specialty she prepared tonight is stewed in an iron pot, with goose and gizzards stewed in it. There are cornmeal pancakes stuck to the side of the pot, which is especially suitable for eating in winter. In order to enjoy this bite, Song Yi also changed the kitchen of Lijing Garden Villa into a firewood stove. The food cooked on the natural gas stove always feels like it lacks the smoke and smoke of the human world.

When she had finished cleaning up, she found Song Yi still lying on the sofa in the living room, "Where is Miaomiao?"

Song Yi didn't open his eyes, "I went back to my room to do my homework. What's wrong?"

Zhou Shulan was dissatisfied, "Miaomiao has gone back to the house to do her homework, and you don't know how to teach her. Xiaoyu is so busy at work and sometimes comes back late, so how can she have time to tutor Miaomiao with her homework? You are here every day At home, I don’t leave the front door or take a step forward. I just lie down all day long and go home together for a trip?”

Song Yi was a little helpless. Even though he was now worth tens of billions and owned several companies, he still couldn't escape his mother's nagging. He sat up helplessly.

"Miaomiao's grades are so good. She often takes double hundred exams. What can be taught? I have the contact information of Principal Wen of their school. I will contact her every semester to ask about Miaomiao's study and life situation at school. I still I care about Miaomiao very much." Song Yi explained.

"Miaomiao is your only biological niece. Her father is gone, and you, as a brother-in-law, have to fulfill your father's duties. Isn't it right to care about her? Xiaoyi, how long will you stay at home this time? Dad called me, a little worried about you." Zhou Shulan said.

Parents are like this. If you are away from home for a long time, they will often miss you very much and worry that you will not be able to eat or sleep well when you are alone. If you hang out in front of them every day, they will think you are not doing your job properly.

Song Yi knew that his father Song Mingzhe had also been paying attention to the Korean election. As his father, Song Mingzhe did not want Song Yi to get involved in the Korean political election. However, the Confucian business culture of East Asia determines that it is impossible for businessmen not to deal with the government. No matter who is in power, the shadow of Wall Street conglomerates can be seen behind every policy introduced by the government.

"The main reason why I came home this time is for peace of mind. These days, for the sake of their future, others have to go to Chengbeidong to give gifts. I will go back to Seoul after this storm has passed," Song Yi said.

From the intra-party election of the presidential candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party in April, to the Seoul mayoral election in July, and then to the presidential election in December.

Only those who have joined Song Woo-seok's campaign team and know Song Yi know how much Song Yi paid for Song Woo-seok's successful election as South Korea's president.

If Song Woo-seok proposed the electronic politics theory, then Song Woo-seok is the implementer of the electronic politics theory. It is precisely because the social networking site inschool exerted a huge influence in the Korean election that Song Yi is now becoming more and more low-key in the media.

The reason why these powerful figures in South Korea spare no effort to curry favor with Song Yi is because they hope to find a good position in the next government.

Song Woo-seok is an honest man and never accepts gifts. He has been a member of Congress for so many years and does not own any real estate except for the house in his hometown in the countryside. They can't see Song Yuxi, so of course they hope to start with the people around Song Yuxi.

Xia Meiai said that Song Yi is the shadow minister of the new government. Although he has no actual duties, he can influence Song Yuxi's decision-making.

After all, Asan Construction and Xinya Construction have now won the big project of Cheonggyecheon Renovation Project. They feel that the reason why Song Yi supports Song Yuxi is because he hopes to receive more projects and make more money while Song Yuxi is in office.

These people think that Song Yi is on the same side as them, and there is broad room for cooperation. And if the New Asia faction wants to spread its economic territory from Seoul City to the whole country, it cannot do without the help of these local powerful people.

Le Xiyi was also one of these people. Unlike other visitors, Song Yi called Le Xiyi back.

Le Xiyi then learned that Song Yi's father was a professor at Bienju University. Song Yi had also taken Le Dianren's economics course when he was studying at Yonsei University.

Le Xiyi instantly felt that his relationship with Song Yi had become much closer. Song Yi said that he would visit Le Dianren after returning to Seoul. Song Yi said he hoped Le Dianren could exert greater influence in the new government's economic policies.

Song Woo-seok plans to hire a group of economists from Seoul National University, Yonsei University and Korea University as well as well-known Korean entrepreneurs to serve as the Korean President's economic advisory team.

Le Dianren is the representative of economists, while Samsung Group Chairman Chen Jianxi, LG Group Chairman Koo Bonmoo, Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Zhou Mongjiu, and New Asia Media Real Estate Group Chairman Song Yi are entrepreneur representatives. The 27-year-old Song Yi is the youngest economic adviser to the president. Except for a few doubts, most people agree with Song Yuxi's arrangement.

Zhou Mengzhun is the future Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Naturally, he cannot be elected as an economic adviser as an entrepreneur representative. Apart from Zhou Mengjiu, the Modern Family has no more suitable candidate. After all, Zhou Mengxian's probation has not ended yet.

Liao Yu also came back from get off work at this time. After taking off her down jacket, she went to the kitchen to help. Zhou Shulan felt sorry for her and asked her to call Song Yi and Song Miao to eat.

Liao Yu returned to the living room, joked with Song Yi, and bowed, "Master, Madam asked me to inform you that dinner is ready."

Song Yi was not angry, "Where did you learn such a mess to act in a TV series? He died early in the morning, don't be like the old and the young, the mental braids are not cut off."

Liao Yu was happy, "We women have long hair. We don't have to cut off our braids to become independent women in the new era. You haven't been here in Yanjing for a long time. You haven't seen the airs of some rich people. Smoking cigars and drinking red wine don't count." What."

"The boss walked in wearing a coat, shook his shoulders, and shook off the coat. The attendant behind him caught the coat exactly. The boss didn't even look back. Do you think he's awesome or not?" Liao Yu talked about this interesting incident.

Song Yi asked the boss's name and immediately understood, "As a boss in the real estate industry, he feels that he has suddenly become a master, so it's normal for him to be a bit more arrogant."

"That's not all. I heard that their company has also set up a song and dance troupe and has raised a group of young and beautiful girls. All of them have good figures, good temperaments, and are good at singing and dancing. If you go to visit their company, Maybe you've seen it." Liao Yu clicked his tongue in surprise.

Liao Yu used to think that Song Yi spending 20 million euros to buy a private yacht was a luxury, but compared to the behavior of mainland rich people, Song Yi can definitely be regarded as a model of low-key rich people.

"I heard that the ratings for episode 6 of 'Dae Jang Geum', where Tae Hee first appeared, have already exceeded 40%. Looking at it this way, there will definitely be no problem with the ratings exceeding 50% when the drama is finished. 'Winter Sonata' has secured the first half of the year ratings championship. , "Dae Jang Geum" has locked up the ratings championship in the second half of the year, you are not giving other companies a way to survive." Liao Yu was happy for Kim Tae Hee.

"You are wrong about this. It is already 2003. Strictly speaking, "Dae Jang Geum" should be the ratings champion in 2003. By the way, during this period, remember to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and pay attention to ventilation. Prepare some disinfectant at work and at home. Now is the season when colds are common, and children have weak resistance, so be careful about getting infected." Song Yi reminded Liao Yu.

"I know, you have reminded me several times, like an old man. The company is equipped with hand sanitizer and has also distributed masks to everyone. Everyone has developed the habit of washing hands before entering the workplace. Those who don't know may think that Our company is striving to become an advanced health unit in the district," Liao Yu joked.

Song Yi has informed New Asia's mainland companies to suspend the development of the South China market. After the SARS outbreak, Guangdong Province and Yanjing had the most cases, and many primary and secondary schools in Yanjing were closed. Song Yi also made a lot of preparations for the safety of Liao Yu and Song Miao.

When Song Miao goes on winter vacation, Song Yi plans to bring his parents, Liao Yu, and Song Miao to Seoul for the Spring Festival. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee have received their certificates this year. It is only natural for the family to spend the Spring Festival together. Song Mingzhe has not been to Song Yicheng's villa in North Cave yet.

"Xiao Yi, didn't you give Ning Hao half a million last time to support him in filming the movie "Incense"? If you want to participate in film festival awards, you have to apply for a film and television production company. I established a new company under Xinya Advertising Asia Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd.”

"If you plan to introduce "Dae Jang Geum" and "If Love Is God's Will" to the mainland, you can leave the promotion work to New Asia Film and Television Culture Media, and we will connect with the TV stations and China Film Group. It can also be regarded as diversified development. Company business." Liao Yu talked about business.

"Okay, this is something you can decide. I was planning to set up a subsidiary of New Asia Pictures in the mainland. Since you have already established a film and television culture media company, there is no need for me to start a new one."

"Although Ning Hao is young, he has great ideas. Otherwise, I would not have invited him to be the assistant director of "Thieves". When he comes back from Korea, he can try commercial movies and release them in theaters."

"Since New Asia plans to run a theater chain in the Mainland, supporting outstanding young directors is the only way to go. Even if we lose a little money in the early stage, we must let them grow up. Don't focus on the three melons and two dates in front of you, but still focus on the future. "

"New Asia Film and Television Culture Media wants to set up an artist management department, so it might as well sign Ning Hao first. As for the salary issue for Ning Hao's "League of Thieves", it will be discussed between the company and New Asia Films. You are discussing business, and I will not participate in it. . If there is a suitable script, shoot two TV series to test the waters first. If there is anything unclear, you can ask me again." Song Yi encouraged.

At dinner time, Song Miao, who was full of oil and her face was shiny, asked Liao Yu, "Mom, I scored 100 points on the math test the day before yesterday. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Song Yi disagreed, "Miaomiao, you are already an older friend in elementary school. Look, there are a few children in your class who sleep with their parents. They all sleep in separate beds. If you are good to me, If your friends know that you still sleep with your mother at such an old age, they may laugh at you and say that you won’t grow up.”

Song Miao snorted and said confidently, "But I am a child. I don't sleep with my mother every day. I just want my mother to tell me a few bedtime stories."

Song Yi glanced at Liao Yu for help. Liao Yu's face turned red and he stepped on Song Yi under the table. Zhou Shulan glanced at Song Yi and Liao Yu suspiciously. Since Song Yi returned home, Liao Yu's energy has improved a lot.

"Miaomiao, Mom has had a hard day at work. How about letting her sleep with you when she has a rest? If you want to hear a story, grandma can tell it to you. This is the story of Hua Mulan joining the army on behalf of her father. Do you want to hear it? ?"

"Hua Mulan, I know, I know. Chirp after chirp, Mulan is weaving at home. She doesn't hear the sound of the machine, but only hears the woman sighing." Song Miao stretched her little hand very high. Perhaps due to genetic reasons, Song Miao admires heroes very much. After all, her father Song Bo died in the line of duty.

Song Yi gave Song Miao a piece of fish meat and said, "Miaomiao is great. Who taught you these?" The fish has no spines and is just right for children.

"My grandpa told me that Hua Mulan is the heroine of our Chinese nation. In order to defend her country and her family, she fought bravely on the battlefield. So I promised grandpa that I will never join a foreign nationality." Song Miao was very proud, and Song Miao was very proud. Yi's face froze instantly.

I'm a little busy this weekend, so the update is a little late. Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, and I hope you can leave more comments. I will reply when I have time.

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