I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 190 Father and son have different intentions

Liao Yu lay in Song Yi's arms, "Miaomiao is still young now, so don't take her words to heart."

Song Yi sighed, "I'm actually fine. It's because the old man can't get over his difficulties. Even if I achieve great success in my career, I can't compare to his other son."

Liao Yu sighed, she knew what Song Yi said was true. Liao Yu is the manager of the Song Yi Family Trust Fund. She can use the investment immigration policy to bring her daughter Song Miao to become a citizen of Hong Kong Island, China.

In this way, after Song Miao graduates from high school, she can use her status as an overseas Chinese student to apply for first-class domestic colleges and universities such as Yanjing and Shuimu, without having to crowd the single-plank bridge with thousands of troops.

Zhou Shulan was of course willing to let her only granddaughter Song Miao not have to work so hard in school, but Song Mingzhe clearly opposed it. In his words, immigrating to China's Hong Kong Island is actually preparing to immigrate to Europe and the United States. He didn't want his granddaughter to become a fake foreign devil.

Liao Yu really treated her father-in-law and mother-in-law as her biological parents. She also knew how much Song Mingzhe cared about her granddaughter Song Miao. Of course, she couldn't bear to let her father-in-law Song Mingzhe down, so she didn't mention it again.

Song Mingzhe may be worried that Song Yi and Liao Yu will go behind his back to let Song Miao immigrate in the future, so he uses Hua Mulan's story to educate Song Miao not to become a foreign national.

"Don't think so. The old man also knows that you have done a lot of work. The successful opening of the Asan Group's tourist line from Offshore City to Wonsan Port is also indispensable for your strategizing. Chinese and Korean tourists can go directly to Wonsan by taking a cruise ship Hong Kong, and then enter Mount Kumgang to visit." Liao Yu said.

Previously, there were two ways for Korean tourists to enter Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area. One was to take an Asan Group cruise ship from Sokcho Port in Gangwon Province, South Korea, to Wonsan Port, and then take a tour bus from Wonsan to Mount Kumgang International. Tourist Area.

The second way is to fly from Andong City or Bienju City in China, which is adjacent to North Korea, to Pyongjing City, the capital of North Korea, then fly from Pingjing City to Wonsan Airport, and then take a tour bus from Wonsan to Mount Kumgang. .

Now tourists from China and South Korea have an additional option. They can start from offshore city, pass through Zabiruno Port in Russia, and take an Asan Group cruise ship directly to Wonsan Port.

This new tourist route is of great significance because the tourist route from Sokcho Port to Wonsan Port has been suspended. Korean tourists fly from Seoul to Yeji City, and they inevitably spend a few days in Bianzhou. The tourism revenue of Yeji and offshore cities has increased significantly in the second half of 2002.

After all, the comfort level of taking a cruise ship to sea is much higher than that of flying, and taking pictures is not allowed in North Korea. There is no such restriction on the cruise ship, so more tourists prefer to take the cruise ship to travel to Mount Kumgang.

Of course, opening tourist routes is only the first step. After Song Woo-seok moves into the Blue House in February next year, Asan Group and New Asia Group will open a shipping route from Offshore City-Zarubino Port-Wonsan Port-Sokcho Port-Busan Port. China, South Korea, Russia and North Korea will all profit from this shipping route. Specialties and goods from the Northeast can be continuously sent to Busan Port, and then radiated to the entire territory of Japan and South Korea through Busan Port.

Song Yi knew that he could not change his father Song Mingzhe's views. After all, every generation has their mission. "This year we will go to Seoul to celebrate the Spring Festival together. You have to convince the old man. Don't let the whole family go there by then. As a result, the old man stays alone in Ye Ji to celebrate the New Year. Everyone's face will look bad."

Liao Yu knew it well, "As long as you get Miaomiao's work done and get Miaomiao to agree to go to Seoul for the New Year, the old man will definitely come over. If you take Miaomiao to South Korea during the summer vacation, the old man will be full of opinions."

"I don't understand. He went to South Korea as a visiting scholar when he was young. It's not like he doesn't understand Seoul, so why is he so resistant to celebrating the New Year in South Korea?" Song Yi was a little helpless.

"Maybe the meaning is different. Our Chinese people have always had a hometown complex. No matter you wander around the world, you still pay attention to returning to your roots. Going back to your hometown to celebrate the New Year is humane and lively." Liao Yu understood Song Mingzhe's thoughts.

"The Fallen Leaves Return to Their Roots refers to a hundred years from now. Now the old man is an old man with ambitions for thousands of miles. It is the age to use his remaining energy. He often goes to Seoul for business trips for the joint education of Yonsei University and Byeonju University, and he comes quietly every time. , left quietly, preferring to stay in a hotel arranged by Yonsei University rather than staying in Seongbuk-dong. People who don’t know may think that we, father and son, are having a conflict." Song Yi shook his head.

As Song Yi's woman, Liao Yu usually pays more attention to her daughter Song Miao and her work, so she does not try to dominate Song Yi. Song Yi's return to China this time was the longest period of time the two of them had spent together.

"Actually, I know the reason. The old man was actually planning to go to Seongbuk-dong. After all, he was quite satisfied with Tae Hee as his daughter-in-law. But just as he was about to leave, he saw the scandal between you and the company's actress in the newspaper. He was very angry. , I didn’t go to Chengbei Cave." Liao Yu smiled happily.

Song Yi felt a little guilty and touched her nose. Liao Yu held down Song Yi's finger and said, "Don't touch your nose. I'm not Taixi. I don't have the right to be jealous. If you spread a scandal, I will feel uncomfortable." Reply, then I will have to die in pain? You don’t have to tell me, but I don’t want you to lie to me."

"What did the old man tell you?" Song Yi took Liao Yu's hand and placed it on Liao Yu's belly. Liao Yu obviously exercised a lot and actually had a beautiful vest line on her belly.

Liao Yu held down Song Yi's mischievous hand, "Don't touch my belly. I'm ticklish. It's not like you don't know that my belly is a sensitive part of me."

"Dad didn't tell me and complained to mom. Dad said he was a party member and had never committed a style problem. He only loved mom as a woman in his life. Xiaoyi never fell in love when he was in college. How could he have some money? So he became a playboy? Whose genes did he inherit?" Liao Yu repeated Song Mingzhe's original words.

Song Yi was a little ashamed. He was reborn, and his personality was naturally different from his original one. After all, in his previous life, he was a playboy who wandered around the flowers.

"I'm not at home, so I need you to spend more time taking care of your parents and Miaomiao. It's really hard on you." Among the women around him, Liao Yu and Jin Xiyuan were the most tolerant of him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Miaomiao is my daughter and my heart and soul. Taking care of her is my responsibility as a mother. My parents treat me as their own daughter. I must take good care of them and let them enjoy their old age." Liao Yu is full of tenderness.

In early January, Bianzhou University and Zhongguancun No. 3 Primary School were on holiday, and Song Yi and his family flew to Seoul to celebrate the Spring Festival. For safety reasons, Song Yi chartered a Korean Air passenger plane that Ye Ji flew to Seoul.

After Song Mingzhe boarded the plane, he discovered that they were the only passengers on the entire Airbus A330. He was a little dissatisfied with Song Yi's extravagance and waste. "The twelfth lunar month is a busy time for airlines. You chartered a special flight and had to delay other passengers." What about passengers? Your pomp is comparable to that of the President of the United States. Do you want to buy an Air Force One?"

Liao Yu quickly came forward to explain, "Dad, there is now an infectious pneumonia in South China, which can cause patients to have difficulty breathing. Xiao Yi said that this type of atypical pneumonia is very contagious, and if the condition is severe, there may even be Life is in danger. Xiaoyi also chose to charter a flight back to Seoul for safety reasons and to avoid contact with suspected cases during the trip."

When Song Mingzhe heard what Liao Yu said, his expression suddenly became serious, "Where did you get the news? Our Bianzhou University also has students from South China. If this happens, the school needs to remind students to pay attention to safety. "

Song Yi said: "Dongjiang City, Guangdong Province has reported the cases to the Department of Health, and some patients have also been sent to the Yangcheng Military Region General Hospital for treatment."

"I suggest that the school should not issue a notice to students to avoid causing panic. You can contact the Student Affairs Office and ask them to count the number and contact information of students in Guangdong Province, and ask the counselors to inform students to do the following."

"First, go out less and try not to go to crowded public places. Second, if possible, you can prepare some medical masks and disinfectants at home for personal protection. Third, if you experience physical discomfort, such as cold and fever symptoms, be sure to Seek medical treatment in time and report to the school in time." Song Yi said.

Although Song Mingzhe didn't like Song Yi's style of doing things, he did not doubt Song Yi's extremely keen insight into certain things.

"According to your statement, this pneumonia is extremely contagious and may even spread from person to person. Guangdong Province is a province with a large number of migrant workers. If these migrant workers return to their hometowns, then hidden cases may inadvertently transmit the virus. To family and friends. Why didn't you tell me about such an important situation?" Song Mingzhe asked sternly.

Song Yi looked helpless, "Dad, this can only be said to be an inference. After all, there have been no deaths from this disease, and only some medical staff have been infected. Now the media in Guangdong Province have not reported it. If Bianzhou University We have officially issued a notice asking students returning to Guangdong to take personal protection measures. If it causes panic in society, both Principal Jin and you will be held responsible, and whether you can retire safely is a question."

As a witness to SARS and COVID-19, Song Yi could only ask Xinya employees to do personal protection work, but Song Mingzhe's ideas obviously differed from Song Yi's.

"I am fifty-seven this year and I am about to retire. Even if I am misunderstood and lose my job, it is no big deal. Do you still count on my pension to live on? As a school leader and teacher of Bianzhou University, I Of course, I have the obligation to be responsible for the personal safety of the students. There is nothing trivial about student work, don’t you even understand this?" Song Mingzhe asked.

"The students are already on vacation. They are all adults. You have no obligation to take responsibility for them, and President Jin will not agree to your doing so." Bienzhou University is a double first-class university. The president and secretary are both deputy ministerial level. Jin Principals do have access to ministry leaders.

Song Mingzhe glanced at Song Yi blankly, his eyes full of disappointment. He felt that the son in front of him was particularly strange. If the eldest son Song Bo was still alive, he would definitely support his choice, right?

"Xiao Yi, the reason why your grandfather named me Mingzhe is so that I can understand the principles of life, not so that I can be as wise and protective as you. Lin Zexu said, 'If you live and die for the benefit of the country, how can you avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings?' I taught you when you were a child, and now you actually let me ignore the safety of my students. You let me down so much." Song Mingzhe's tone was a little cold.

"Let's do this, Xiaoyu, after the plane lands, you buy me a flight back to Yeji. I'll go back to Yeji and discuss countermeasures with Principal Jin." Song Mingzhe no longer wants to go to Seoul for the Spring Festival.

Liao Yu glanced at Song Yi. Song Mingzhe noticed Liao Yu's eyes, "What? Buy me a plane ticket and get your boss's consent? President Song, are you going to detain me in Seoul and not let me go?" Should I go back to China?"

Perhaps Song Mingzhe's voice was a bit loud, and the flight attendant on the plane noticed the argument. At this time, a sweet-looking flight attendant came over and said, "Hello? Do you need any help?"

Song Yi then noticed that this flight attendant was also an old acquaintance, Li Baona from Dahang Airlines. She had left a phone number for Song Yi, but Song Yi never contacted her.

Song Yi booked a private jet, a Gulfstream G550, from Gulfstream. Even though it was a private jet, it still had to be managed by an airline.

Song Yi has decided to entrust Korean Air to manage his Gulfstream G550. For this reason, New Asia Media Real Estate Group will pay Korean Air an annual custody fee of millions of dollars.

It was precisely because of the good cooperative relationship between New Asia and Korean Air that Song Yi was able to book charter flights with Korean Air in the busy month of January.

The flight attendants in the same group as Li Baona saw Li Baona greeting Song Yi. In addition, Li Baona was a former colleague of Jin Xiyuan, the executive director of Xinya Media Real Estate Group. In order to maintain a good relationship with Song Yi, Dahang Airlines specially transferred Li Baona The flight attendants included in this charter service.

Liao Yu has a good memory. She remembers that Li Baona was the flight attendant who flew them back to Seoul from Los Angeles. "No, thank you. They are discussing work, maybe the sound is a bit loud, I will remind them. If there is anything needed, I will talk to you Just to say hello.”

Li Baona understood what Liao Yu meant. We are talking about some important things now. If it is not necessary, don't come and disturb us.

Li Baona bowed, "Then you go first. I am Li Baona, the flight attendant on this flight. If you need any help, please let me know."

At this time, Song Miao, who was sitting in another row in the aisle, also noticed the movement here, "Grandpa, uncle, are you quarreling? The teacher taught us not to make loud noises in public."

Song Mingzhe's expression froze, and he quickly changed to a smiling face, "Grandpa is not arguing, we are discussing problems and looking for answers to them. Just like mother is tutoring you in your homework. Miaomiao, the plane will fly for a while, please take a rest first Bar."

Liao Yu gave Song Yi a troubled look and signaled that Song Mingzhe was very determined. What should we do now?

Song Yi advised Song Mingzhe, "Dad, you finally came to Seoul, do you want to go back home with me first? Dayu controlled floods and never came in after three visits to Seoul. You have been to Seoul several times and you don't go to me." A visit to my home. If Tae Hee and the others had known about it, they would have thought you had a problem with her abducting me to South Korea to get married!"

"Taixi has returned to Ulsan to take her parents and younger brother to Seoul. This time is also a big gathering of our two families. Taixi and I have already obtained the certificates and are already the daughter-in-law of the matchmaker of our Song family. , you haven’t met your in-laws yet, isn’t that rude?”

"If you return to China temporarily and leave without saying goodbye, you are openly slapping Taixi's parents in the face and not giving face to the in-laws. Then I can only say that you are now the assistant principal and will soon be the vice principal. You are at the department level. Cadres are quite busy at work, and meeting their in-laws is just a trivial matter compared to work, so it’s okay not to see them." Song Yi acted rogue.

Liao Yu almost laughed out loud. She had learned from Song Yi's eloquent skills, "What nonsense are you talking about! My father is a well-known professor of history. He has lectured in "Hundred Schools Forum" and has always paid attention to etiquette. , how can you break your promise to Taixi’s parents, right? Dad? "

Song Mingzhe was not angry, "You are less of a harmonious person, come to squeeze on me, an old man. Song Yi, don't you have a family office on Hong Kong Island? You ask your employees to collect the cases in Pengcheng and Yangcheng. I will do it at any time." So I can prepare to report back to the ministry."

Song Yi and Liao Yu were relieved. As long as Song Mingzhe was willing to stay in Seoul, there was no need to go back and risk his life. As for Song Mingzhe's suggestion to report back to the ministry, they didn't take it to heart.

"This work is already in progress. I have also funded the Hong Kong Island Hospital through the Song Yi Family Trust Fund to carry out targeted research work on relevant cases to track the source of the virus. If the hospital achieves substantial research results, you can It's too late to report to the ministry." Song Yi said.

Song Mingzhe and Song Yi, father and son, have completely different styles of doing things. Song Mingzhe likes to do things himself, while Song Yi likes to do behind-the-scenes work.

Liao Yu quickly put in good words for Song Yi, "Dad, in fact, you have also seen that Xiao Yi does not do any work. Now in the entire New Asia Department, there are tens of thousands of employees waiting for the company to pay their wages every month. Xiao Yi Any decision Yi makes must be done with caution, after all, his every move may affect tens of thousands of families in China and South Korea. He is really not a wise man, but he is mature and prudent."

Song Mingzhe's face softened, "Don't say nice things for him. I'm not a city leader here to inspect, so I don't need to mention Xinya's contribution to solving employment problems. Is he mature and prudent? He's just used to hiding behind the scenes. If you can't bring him some success, He doesn't want to do it if he wants to get benefits. This is a typical egoist."

Song Yi knew that Song Mingzhe's criticism was correct, and this was also the biggest difference between him and Song Mingzhe. Song Yi does things without profit, and he never does anything that is thankless. The reason why he supported Song Woo-seok to become the president of South Korea was so that Song Woo-seok could protect the growing New Asia Department from being carved up by other consortiums that were eyeing him.

If Song Yi successfully obtains TV station and bank licenses during Song Woo-seok's term, he can then launch smartphones and develop smartphones into a pillar industry in South Korea. Then the new Asia series is another Samsung in South Korea, becoming the top chaebol in South Korea that no one can shake.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow!

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