I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 198 I take what others abandon

Song Yi and Zhou Mengxian stayed in Pingjing for three days and two nights. Under Huang Haixue's introduction, he also met with higher-level leaders of the DPRK. The two sides started a dialogue on opening a special tourist train from Inojin Station to Goseong Station. The North Korean leader expressed the hope that New Asia would participate in the operation of Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone. Asan and New Asia could jointly operate the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone.

After the conversation ended, Zhou Mengxian breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from anything else, at least the operating rights of Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone were preserved. Although the North Korean side was not satisfied with the Asan Group, given the good relationship between Zhou Zhengyong and his son and the North Korean side, they still gave the Asan Group the opportunity to improve its work.

Allowing more South Korean companies to enter North Korea-South Korea economic cooperation is a major trend in the future. It is no longer realistic for Asan Group to continue to monopolize North Korea-South Korea economic cooperation projects. North Korea's naming of Xinya to participate in the operation of Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone is a signal.

Compared with other Korean companies, letting Xinya join is the best result Zhou Mengxian can currently accept. If other South Korean companies are allowed to connect with North Korea, the two projects of Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone and Kaesong Industrial Park may change hands.

When Zhou Mengxian and Song Yi returned to Pingjing, Zheng Eunxuan and Song Zhuyi came to Gimpo Airport to greet them. Zhou Zhuyi obviously knew that Zhou Mengxian had a heavy responsibility during his trip to North Korea, so he first said hello to Zhou Mengxian, "Father, is this trip going well?"

Zhou Mengxian looked tired, "Thanks to Song Yi who did a lot of work, he helped Asan retain the operating rights of Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone. The North Korean side has shown sincerity, and now Song Yi needs to come forward to negotiate with the president and the military." communicate."

Song Yi was full of energy. He took Zhou Mengxian's words and said, "Uncle Mengxian said this too politely. Our family does not speak the same language. As a member of Ashan, I definitely hope that Ashan can develop better and better." .”

Before Zhou Zhuyi heard anything, Zheng Enxuan wanted to glare at Song Yi. This guy was getting more and more courageous, and he dared to say that he and she were a family in front of her husband.

Because Song Yi had previously given Zhou Zhiyi and Gu Guangmo a mansion on the Bund in Puhai City, Zheng Enxuan kindly reminded Song Yi that there was no need to give expensive gifts at the wedding.

As a result, Song Yi shamelessly said that Zhou Zhiyi was just like his daughter and Gu Guangmo was his future son-in-law. He would definitely buy them another gift. After all, when a Korean daughter gets married, her parents must prepare a thick gift. dowry.

Zheng Enxuan was very angry at Song Yi. This was something that her real husband needed to worry about, and there was no need for Song Yi, the fake husband, to prepare. However, the family relationship between Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan has always been good, so it would not be surprising if they were given another generous gift.

Song Yi and the others were stopped before they left the airport. A group of young people in black suits blocked Song Yi's way. Bodyguard Cha Taizhi said to Song Yi, "These people are not ordinary bodyguards, nor do they look like police. They are a bit like the people from the National Intelligence Service."

Song Yi knew that Cha Taizhi's identity was not simple, he was not a simple veteran, and it was not unusual to be able to recognize the identities of agents from the National Intelligence Service.

Of course he knew about the National Intelligence Service, which is South Korea's largest intelligence agency. It was formerly the Central Intelligence Agency and was later renamed the National Intelligence Service. It is directly responsible to the President of South Korea.

The target of the National Intelligence Service is the CIA, formerly known as KCIA in English. The CIA has long served as a consultant to the National Intelligence Service.

This department has also done many major things. For example, in 1980, the top leader of the National Intelligence Service, Zhong Peiyan, assassinated the then president Zheng Puxi and then committed suicide by drinking a bullet.

In addition to this, the National Intelligence Service, under the instruction of Zheng Puxi, arrested political dissident Zhong Xiaotong in Japan. At that time, the agents of the National Intelligence Service were preparing to eliminate Zhong Xiaotong. If the CIA had not received the information and rescued Zhong Xiaotong, Zhong Xiaotong would not have had the chance to participate in the presidential election in the 1990s.

Before the 1997 presidential election, South Korea’s Ambassador to the United States Na Seok-hyun and Samsung Group Chief Executive Jin Hak-soo discussed providing campaign funds to Lee Chang-hwi, the candidate of the opposition Grand National Party and other presidential candidates.

At that time, the National Intelligence Service conducted eavesdropping on senior political and business figures such as Na Suk-hyun and Chen Hak-soo, and produced thousands of wiretapping tapes and transcripts. In 1999, the eavesdropping scandal of the National Intelligence Service was exposed, and the National Intelligence Service was forced to withdraw from the field of domestic political intelligence in South Korea and devote itself to foreign intelligence work.

The National Intelligence Agency may have noticed Song Yi for a long time, but they could not find a suitable reason to contact Song Yi before. This time Song Yi and Zhou Mengxian went to attend the opening ceremony of Zhou Zhengyong Stadium together, which just gave them a suitable excuse.

After North Korea tested missiles in 1998, the United States, Japan and South Korea began to exchange intelligence on North Korea, gradually forming an intelligence and information center in Northeast Asia.

Zhou Mengxian and the others noticed the movement on Song Yi's side and looked at Song Yi with doubtful eyes. Song Yi signaled them to relax and let them go back first.

"President Song, we are from the North Korea Intelligence Division of the National Intelligence Service. This is my ID. We, Director Park, would like to ask you to go back to the Intelligence Service and ask you about your activities in the north for three days and two nights. You Don't worry, it's just a simple conversation and it won't delay your work." The lead agent kindly reminded me.

Song Yi didn't say he disagreed, "Please wait a moment. I'll say hello to President Meng Xian and the others first. It's not good to gather at the airport at this time and attract others to watch."

Song Yi walked up to Zhou Mengxian and the others. Zheng Enxuan had obviously guessed the identity of this group of people. She asked with a worried look, "Do you want me to call Shuliang first? At least let them know about this." .”

Song Jianhao and Zhou Zhuyi have already started talking about marriage. Zheng Eunxuan and Song Yuxi are related by in-laws. Although it was not convenient for Zheng Enxuan to contact President Song Woo-seok directly, it was no problem to call Quan Liangshu directly and explain the situation Song Yi was encountering.

"No, there is no need to mobilize forces like this. Uncle Song has just taken office and has not had time to make personnel adjustments in the intelligence system. They probably want to give me a blow before putting forward their demands. This kind of stick and carrot routine has long been It's just used up, and I don't want to do this. With Taizhi and the others following me, my personal safety will definitely be fine. You go back first!" Song Yi patted the back of Zheng Enxuan's hand and motioned for them to leave first.

The cars of these agents were Chevrolet Suburbans. They opened the car door and signaled to Song Yi, "President Song, please."

Song Yi glanced at Cha Taizhi, who stepped forward knowingly, "President, there's a call from the Blue House. The president wants to see you now."

Song Yi tidied up his clothes and Shi Shiran said: "Sorry, I just happened to be going to the Blue House to report to the President about the three days and two nights of activities in the north. If you, Dean Park, want to know the details, you might as well come to the Blue House. , let me report it together, so as not to run back and forth and waste everyone's time."

At this time, the driver also drove the BMW 740 bulletproof car in front of Song Yi. Che Taizhi opened the door, Song Yi got in, and then walked away.

The agents looked at each other and spat on the ground angrily. They knew that Song Yi had a close relationship with the new president Song Woo-suk, but in the end they still failed to complete the task assigned by Dean Park.

Dean Park told them that they must invite Song Yi to the National Intelligence Agency for questioning without offending Song Yi or alarming other people at the airport.

They used to ask people to question them, control them directly, and then put them in their car and take them away. After the questioning is over, they release the person.

Now Dean Pu wants to obtain information about North Korea from Song Yi, but he doesn't dare to offend Song Yi too much. Song Yi's security team are all skilled practitioners. If Song Yi is taken away forcibly, there may be conflicts and it will be impossible for them to complete the task assigned by Dean Park.

"Damn it, if I had known that I should have 'invited' Song Yi to the courtyard just now, there wouldn't have been so much trouble!" A young agent said fiercely.

"Please? How to invite? Don't you know the couple who just said goodbye to Song Yi at the airport? Their second daughter is now engaged to President Song's son. You took Song Yi away by force in front of them. You Do you want to lose this job that you finally got into?" The old man in the team gave me some advice.

Song Yi's BMW 740 bulletproof car is the same model as Li Chaoren. Song Yi rarely travels in this car, but this car has a special pass from the Cheong Wa Dae. If Song Yi goes to Qingwa Dae to report for work, he will basically take this car.

When this group of agents from the National Intelligence Service showed up, Song Yi had already asked Cha Tae-sik to contact Cheong Wa Dae Secretary General Shin Kyung-soo. After he learned of the emergency situation Song Yi was encountering, he immediately reported to Song Yuxi. After finishing his work, Song Yuxi directly invited Song Yi to come to the Blue House to discuss work.

Xin Qingzhu is the spokesperson of Song Woo-seok's campaign team and one of the first group of seniors to follow Song Woo-seok. When Song Woo-seok was the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries of South Korea, Shin Kyung-soo was Song Woo-seok’s secretary.

Later, Song Woo-seok joined the presidential campaign, and Shin Kyung-soo served as Song Woo-seok's spokesperson. After Song Woo-seok took over the Blue House, Shin Kyung-soo became the chief secretary of the Blue House, overseeing Blue House affairs.

As Song Yuxi's secretary and confidant, Xin Qingzhu certainly knew Song Yi's influence in front of Song Yuxi. If Park Zhenhuan of the National Intelligence Service comes forward and invites Song Yi to the National Intelligence Service for questioning, Song Yi might even give Park Zhenhuan some face.

Now Park Zhenhuan still wants to put on airs and sends out several agents, just to take Song Yi away for questioning. Isn't Park Zhenhuan slapping Song Yuxi in the face?

Since Song Woo-seok took office, he has not carried out drastic personnel reforms. Ha Mi-ae was nominated by Song Woo-seok as the new Minister of Justice of South Korea, Zhou Mong-joon was appointed as the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea, Zhou Dong-young was appointed as the chairman of the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission, Le Xi-yi was nominated as the prosecutor-general of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, and Lee Sang-dae was appointed Nominated as Attorney General of South Korea.

It is not surprising that Le Xiyi became the prosecutor general of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, but it is unexpected that Lee Sang-dae, who has an ambiguous position, can go one step further and become the new prosecutor general of South Korea. However, Korean public opinion generally believes that Song Woo-seok made this arrangement to allow the prosecutorial system to better cooperate with the work of Ha Mi-ae, who has a tough style. After all, Lee Sang-dae is an old man and relatively smooth, so his reputation is average.

When Song Yi saw Xin Qingzhu, he greeted him politely, "Chief Xin, long time no see." Xin Qingzhu didn't dare to tell him, "President Song, long time no see. The president is waiting for you in the office."

When Song Yi arrived at Song Yuxi's presidential office, Song Yuxi was sitting at his desk reviewing documents. Xin Qingzhu reminded, "Commander, Song Yi has arrived."

Song Yuxi raised his head and said to Song Yi, "You, you, you made such a big noise as soon as you came back. Park Zhenhuan has already filed a complaint in front of me, saying that you are not cooperating with the National Intelligence Service's investigation."

Park Zhenhuan is the director of national intelligence appointed by Zhong Xiaotong. Regarding the newly-appointed president, Park Zhenhuan is a bit obsessive. Although Song Yuxi criticized Song Yi on the surface, he supported Song Yi's actions in his heart. Park Zhenhuan took Song Yi away directly at the airport, somewhat challenging Song Yuxi. Although Song Woo-seok aspires to become a people-friendly president, the authority of the president cannot be challenged.

Song Yi called out, "Uncle Song, as soon as I return to Seoul this time, I will report to you the results of this visit to the DPRK as soon as possible. I don't even have time to go back home. My mother has prepared dinner at home and is waiting. I'm going back to eat. I can't eat or sleep well in the north this time, and I've lost two or three pounds. Who knew that Dean Park was so eager to do his best and wanted to intercept me at the airport and send me to the Intelligence Agency? Be a guest.”

Song Yuxi said with a smile, "Okay, you don't need to pretend to be pitiful in front of me. Everyone is here for work, and you don't need to accuse Park Jinhuan in front of me. Okay, don't you mean that something went wrong during your visit to North Korea?" Let’s talk about the results. We will make a record of today’s meeting and hand it over to the National Intelligence Agency for archiving. You don’t have to go to the Intelligence Agency to report it again.”

Song Yi said: "Uncle Song, I also met several key figures in my trip to the north this time. Leader Pingjing also hopes to meet you at the appropriate time at the dividing line between South Korea and South Korea." Song Yi conveyed the message from North Korea, Song Yuxi was very excited. It seems that North Korea also approves of Song Woo-seok's "peace and prosperity policy."

"They hope to build the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone into a model project for inter-Korean economic cooperation to attract more foreign tourists. After all, former President Zhong Xiaotong's blood transfusion-style economic aid is not sustainable and has caused a lot of controversy in South Korea."

"The North Korean side is willing to exchange geographical information from Goseong County to Inojin Station with the South Korean military, and the North Korean side is also willing to promote the opening of the railway from Inojin Station to Goseong County. If this tourist line is opened to traffic, it is expected to have twice a week, and can operate By adding 8,000 to 10,000 tourists to Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area, 100,000 Korean tourists can be added to Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area throughout the year." Song Yi introduced the situation of Mount Kumgang Tourism Line to Song Yuxi.

Song Yuxi nodded, "This work is not easy to promote. There are also many controversial voices in South Korea. Many citizens say that we spend real money to aid the north, but our brothers in the north use these financial aid to develop missile technology. to threaten our security."

"We are compatriots connected by blood. I believe that contact and dialogue are definitely better than confrontation and suspicion. At any time, it is necessary to increase communication and exchanges between the north and the south. This time you go to the north and feel their true attitude. Very important. I will arrange for another government delegation, including representatives from the military, intelligence agencies, railway systems, and entrepreneurs, to go north again to implement this matter and preferably reach an agreement. It is rare now During the window period, I’m worried that things will change if it’s too late.”

"It's a pity that you are too young and your qualifications are still a bit lacking. Otherwise, it would be just right to send you over to host the talks." Song Yuxi felt a little pity.

"Uncle Song, you are joking. I can only give you advice on how to take on such an important job. In fact, I have a suitable candidate to recommend to you, but I don't know if you are willing to use him." Song Yi said.

"Oh? Who?" Song Yuxi suddenly became interested. Song Yuxi discovered that Song Yi had a very deep understanding of South Korea's political scene. It was quite remarkable that the recommended candidates were all qualified for his new position.

"Jin Chengguo." Song Yi mentioned an unexpected candidate for Song Yuxi.

"Who?" Song Yuxi confirmed first.

"Jin Chengguo was the chief secretary of the Blue House during the Zhong Xiaotong administration. When Zhong Xiaotong visited Pingjing, Jin Chengguo also went. He is also very familiar with affairs in the north."

"Kim Sung-guk worked for the Intelligence Service for a period of time before, and later served as the Chief of the Blue House Secretary's Office. He is also very skilled in inter-Korean economic cooperation, has experience in diplomacy and intelligence work, and has met with many officials in the north. If not Talking about his background, he is indeed a suitable candidate for negotiation." Song Yi said.

Song Yi knew Jin Chengguo because Jin Chengguo once took Song Yi to apply for a special loan of US$200 million from the three major banks in South Korea. Song Yi used Zhou Mengxian's possibility of confessing Zhong Xiaotong to the prosecutor's office as a threat to blackmail Zhong Xiaotong, forcing Zhong Xiaotong to instruct Jin Chengguo to help New Asia Media handle a US$200 million special loan. At that time, Jin Chengguo saw how audacious Song Yi was, actually seizing on Zhong Xiaotong's weakness to blackmail the current president.

"Since Jin Chengguo served as Zhong Xiaotong's secretary-general, he can be regarded as Zhong Xiaotong's confidant. Is he willing to come out and work for me?" Song Yuxi was a little doubtful.

"Uncle Song, Zhong Xiaotong's three sons used the influence of the former president to ask for bribes, so they naturally approached Jin Chengguo. However, Jin Chengguo did not give Zhong Xiaotong's three sons face. His original words were, 'I am your father's Subordinates, I'm not your subordinates, don't act like a prince in front of me, North Korea has no emperor for a long time."

"So after Zhong Xiaotong left office, he brought his former secretary with him. Jin Chengguo and Zhong Xiaotong's family were at odds with each other. Jin Chengguo was equivalent to drawing a clear line with Zhong Xiaotong in advance. As the saying goes, I will take when others abandon me. After all, Jin Chengguo is indeed a rare person. Talent." Song Yi said.

"I heard that Jin Chengguo doesn't like to see you because of the 200 million US dollar loan from Xinya Media. He has always thought that you are an unscrupulous businessman who is only interested in profit. If you recommend him to work with me, I am not afraid of him saying it in front of me. Your bad words?" Song Woo-seok asked jokingly.

"Uncle Song, if you want to accomplish something, you must unite the majority of forces. There cannot be only one voice around Uncle Song. Jin Chengguo has a prejudice against me, but it does not prevent him from doing things for you, Uncle Song. As long as it can help Zhujin stand up It doesn't matter who takes the lead or who is responsible for the opening of the Gaocheng Station railway. Jin Chengguo and I have one thing in common, we are both right about the problem and not the person." Song Yi said.

Song Yuxi thought about it. Jin Chengguo was Zhong Xiaotong's chief secretary. His surrender would also help him straighten out the personnel relations at the Blue House more quickly and help him control the power of the Blue House more quickly. After all, each South Korean president's term is only five years. He still wants to work hard to make some achievements. Time waits for no one now.

"Okay, I understand. Later I will ask Qingzhu to notify Jin Chengguo to come over for an interview. If there is no problem, Jin Chengguo will lead the government delegation this time." Song Yuxi agreed.

"Okay, go back for dinner quickly. Your Aunt Quan has brought Jianhao and Jingyan to your home for a visit. Jingyan seems to want to take a trip to the sea on your yacht. Remember not to agree, otherwise the reporters will be embarrassed. It will cause trouble again after the photo is taken." Song Yuxi warned.

Thank you all for your monthly votes. The monthly votes should exceed 200 tomorrow. I will try my best to find time to add another chapter tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

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