I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 199 Jin Xiyuan is pregnant

When Song Yi returned to Chengbeidong, he found that the guests visiting today were not just brother and sister Song Jianhao and Song Jingyan, but Zhou Mengxian's two daughters Zhou Zhiyi and Zhou Zhuyi, Zhou Mengzhun's son Zhou Jixuan, and Zhou Menghe's son Zhou Junxuan all came to join in the fun.

Bianzhou University has started school, and Song Mingzhe has returned to Yeji to attend classes. However, Yanjing primary and secondary schools have not resumed school yet, and Song Miao will still have to live in Seoul for a while. Fortunately, she often plays with Seo Joo Hyun and Jung Soo Jung recently, so she doesn't feel bored.

Song Yi saw Zhou Jixuan and said, "Every time I see you, you always ask me to borrow something, whether it's a yacht or a sports car. Uncle Meng Zhun is so rich, why don't you always catch me harvesting wool alone?"

After Zhou Mengzhun became the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Zhou Mengzhun told Zhou Jixuan to get together with Song Yi more often when he had nothing to do. With Song Yi's relationship, he naturally integrated into the circle of friends of Song Jianhao and his sister. This can also be regarded as a private gathering of the top second generations in Seoul.

Zhou Jixuan is smiling. He is easy to get along with. Unlike his father Zhou Mengzhun, he is an all-rounder and has a good relationship with the third generation of the modern family.

"Cousin Yi, no matter how rich my dad is, how can he be as rich as you? Besides, it's not like you don't understand my dad. You wish the university would let me go out part-time to earn tuition. Let him buy me a McLaren. Aren't you going to kill him?" Zhou Jixuan complained about the stingy Zhou Mengzhun.

"Kisuan, I've written down what you just said. I'll tell Uncle Six later and be careful if he stops your credit card." Zhou Zhiyi was joking with Zhou Jixuan while holding a glass of juice.

"Goodbye, Sister Zhiyi, you are going to be a bride soon, don't be the same as me. My modern credit card has already been reduced. If I stop it, how can I still fall in love at school in the future. My dad wants me to get married before I'm twenty-five, so he can't just want the horse to run away and the horse not to eat grass, right?" Zhou Jixuan exclaimed.

"Isn't it disgraceful to rely on your parents' money to pick up girls? Wouldn't it be more fulfilling to treat a girl to a movie and buy her a gift with the money you earn from your own labor?" Zhou Zhuyi said in support.

"Come on! Why should we embarrass ourselves? Hyundai Heavy Industries has 30,000 employees. Can you say that my ability can exceed these 30,000 people? If my surname is not Zhou, why should I inherit Hyundai Heavy Industries in the future? My main task now is The mission is to study hard, fall in love well, and not cause trouble for your parents." Zhou Jixuan saw it clearly.

Song Jianhao frowned slightly when he heard Zhou Jixuan's words, but his expression remained calm. These descendants of the chaebols all treat the large conglomerates supported by the state as private property, and they give and take privately. Hyundai Heavy Industries is not only involved in the shipbuilding industry, but also in the military industry, which can produce patrol boats and frigates.

Zhou Mongzhun took over Hyundai Heavy Industries because he worked at Hyundai Heavy Industries for nearly 20 years before becoming a member of parliament. He had experience in every important department and was familiar with Hyundai Heavy Industries' business processes. Even before Ju Ki-sun graduated from university, he said that he would inherit Hyundai Heavy Industries in the future. What qualifications did he have to say such a thing?

Song Jingyan agreed very much with Zhou Jixuan's words. If Song Yuxi had not met Song Yi, Song Yi would not have recommended her to work at IDG Capital. With the resources of New Asia and her father’s background, Song Jingyan is thriving in the mainland venture capital industry. She will be promoted to a partner of IDG Capital China this year.

Power can generate money, and money can communicate with power. Power and money themselves are twin brothers. Song Yi is a smart man, and he has long understood the operating rules of capital society. Therefore, mother Quan Liangshu was extremely satisfied every time she mentioned Song Yi, but she only regretted that Song Yi was not the son-in-law of the Song family.

Song Jingyan is also unwilling to find Song Yi as her husband. Song Yi is too shrewd. It was okay when her father was in power, and he must have cared for her very much, asking for her well-being, and being extremely considerate. If one day his father loses power, then Song Yi will draw a clear line with her, and she may be kicked out. She would rather find an outstanding and motivated husband from an ordinary family than the son of a chaebol introduced by her parents.

Song Yi walked around the first floor and found that Jin Xiyuan did not show up. He found Liao Yu, "Where's Xiyuan? Why didn't you see her?"

The plot of "Dae Jang Geum" is almost coming to an end, and Kim Tae Hee is still busy filming. If Kim Tae Hee is not at home, Kim Hee Won will usually not miss such public occasions. She will help Song Yi entertain today's guests.

Liao Yu replied, "She is resting in the room upstairs. She seems to be a little unwell. I am going to ask the doctor to come and check her, but she refuses."

"Are you catching a cold? Then I'll go up and have a look first. You can help me keep an eye on them and tell them to drink less and don't go crazy in my house. If anyone is disobedient, I will ask their parents to take them back. ." Song Yi explained.

"Don't worry, they are all good children. The situation you mentioned will not happen. Come up quickly. I think Xiyuan seems to be waiting for you to come back." Liao Yu saw some clues.

Song Yi hurried upstairs and met Jin's mother at the stairs. Jin's mother spoke first, "Song Yi, you are back. Did you go upstairs to see Xiyuan? She just fell asleep."

Hearing what Jin's mother said, Song Yi felt a little embarrassed. His sister-in-law had just fallen asleep, so it seemed not good for him to go to Jin Xiyuan's bedroom alone.

Seeing Song Yi's expression, Jin's mother felt soft. Regardless of whether Song Yi chased her two daughters at the same time, at least Song Yi's concern for Jin Xiyuan was not fake.

"Then you go over first. She seems to have something urgent to do with you. At first, she thought you were taken away by people from the National Intelligence Service for questioning, and she was very anxious and angry. Later, she felt relieved when you called home to report that you were safe. Go to sleep." Jin's mother said.

"Okay, then I'll go check on Xiyuan first. If she falls asleep, I won't disturb her rest. I'll ask her what's wrong when she wakes up. Taixi should be back soon. Please tell my mother. , let the kitchen stew yam and pork ribs soup, Taixi likes this kind of high-nutrition, low-calorie food." Song Yi said.

Mother Jin glanced at Song Yi and hesitated to speak. She really wanted to ask Song Yi. If Tae Hee graduates and you and Tae Hee get married and hold a wedding, what will happen to my eldest daughter Jin Xiyuan? Their family is also a well-known wealthy businessman in Ulsan. How can they accept the two sisters working together as one husband?

The Filipino maid was standing at Jin Xiyuan's door, waiting for Jin Xiyuan to call her at any time. When she saw Song Yi and was about to say hello, Song Yi signaled her not to disturb Jin Xiyuan.

Song Yi opened the door and entered the room. Jin Xiyuan was indeed asleep and breathing very calmly. However, Jin Xiyuan's face was a little pale and she looked a little weak, completely different from the strong woman she was at work.

Perhaps it was telepathy, but Jin Xiyuan woke up after a while. When she saw Song Yi, a happy smile appeared on her face, "Oppa, are you back?"

Song Yi held Jin Xiyuan's hand, "I heard from Liao Yu that you don't seem to be feeling well? Are you too tired from work? Why don't you take some rest first?"

Jin Xiyuan shook her head, "Oppa, I'm not tired, I just have news and I don't know if I should tell you now. I used to look forward to this very much, but when it really came, I was a little scared and at a loss. I don’t know who to tell.”

Song Yi helped Jin Xiyuan up and placed the pillow behind Jin Xiyuan to lean on. "Are you stupid? We have known each other for so long. Is there anything we can't talk about? Has my aunt discovered our relationship? It doesn't matter. Even if the sky falls, I will be the one to bear it. Your mother's work is done by I will do it. In short, I have one principle, whether you or Tae Hee, I will never let go, I want both. Even if they beat me or scold me, I can accept it. After all, I gave them the best two My daughter was abducted."

"Nonsense, my mother is such a gentle and kind person, how could she beat you or scold you? The most she can blame is that she didn't teach me well and that I didn't live up to expectations." Jin Xiyuan said.

Song Yi felt a little sad when he heard that. He touched Jin Xiyuan's cheek and kissed her gently, "What nonsense are you talking about? Although Auntie often praises Taixi, she is really proud of you."

"She said that you are the most powerful agent in South Korea. When I was away from South Korea, you took care of all the affairs of the company and my family for me. So many things of Xinya Media Real Estate Group were put on your shoulders. You are able to handle everything in such an orderly manner that even Taixi admires you."

"Auntie said that Tae Hee is the first child in your family to be admitted to Seoul National University, but Xiyuan, you are the best child in the family." Song Yi said softly.

Jin Xiyuan burst into tears when she heard what Song Yi said, "Really? Mommy Ou has never said that in front of me. I always thought that in the eyes of my parents, I was the most naughty and disobedient one." That kid."

"After graduating from college, my mother asked me to work in my father's company. I didn't work for long, but I found the work repetitive and boring, so I applied for a job as a flight attendant at Korean Air. Later, I didn't work as a flight attendant for long, and I resigned and stayed at home."

"When you said you wanted to open an entertainment agency, I was just worried about Taixi entering the entertainment industry alone, so I agreed to work in New Asia Entertainment."

"Oppa, I didn't know that New Asia Entertainment could develop so fast. In just two years, New Asia Media Real Estate Group has become a large enterprise with a market value of 6 trillion won. I know that many people are questioning whether I am relying on nepotism. Because of my connections, if I wasn’t Kim Tae Hee’s sister, I wouldn’t be able to hold the position of executive director.”

"In order not to embarrass Taixi and you, I studied hard to understand knowledge that I had never been exposed to before. The reason why I worked so hard was to keep up with the company's development and your footsteps."

"Before every morning meeting, I would prepare a lot of information the day before and stay up late to finish it. I was afraid that my subordinates would treat me as a layman when reporting on their work. I am not as smart as Oppa and Tae Hee, so I need to work harder. , when God gives you a fair opportunity to take the exam, then I, with mediocre qualifications, must work harder. This is the meaning of hard work making up for one's weaknesses."

"I'm actually very grateful to Oppa for giving me a platform and space to display my talents. He also gave me enough trust to let me go and do what I can to achieve what I am now."

"Our family is a Catholic family. I actually don't regret quitting the church at all, because I really loved Oppa at that time. I wanted to give myself to Oppa before getting married, and I wanted to seize the opportunity to become Oppa's woman. . I think quitting the church should be the most disappointing thing for my parents. Who knew that Ou Mom would actually say that I am the child she is most proud of." Jin Xiyuan finished speaking her heart in one breath.

Song Yi silently hugged Jin Xiyuan. Many times, he ignored Jin Xiyuan's pressure and feelings. Kim Hee-won is the kind of perfect woman who is a housewife at home, a lady when going out, and a slut in bed.

"Did your mother say something to you? Is that why you feel so uncomfortable?" Song Yi asked cautiously.

"No, my mother just noticed that I was uncomfortable, so she wanted me to take a rest so that I wouldn't have to work so hard," Jin Xiyuan said.

"By the way, you said you had something to tell me, what was it? Don't worry, no matter what happens, I can take care of it for you." Song Yi promised.

Jin Xiyuan's face turned red, she was a little shy, and she said something vaguely, but Song Yi didn't hear it clearly, "What? Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly."

Jin Xiyuan was a little annoyed. She looked at Song Yi angrily, "Oppa, I'm pregnant, and you are going to be a father!"

Song Yi was shocked by the great news, "What? Are you pregnant? Have you gone to the hospital for a checkup?"

Jin Xiyuan saw Song Yi's cautious look, "I haven't gone to the hospital for a check-up yet, but my aunt hasn't been here for more than a month. My days are very accurate. I bought a pregnancy test stick and secretly took two tests. Reply, it must be accurate."

Song Yi stood up and walked around the bedroom, "It's a good thing to be pregnant. Then I'll stop what you're doing first and then take good care of the baby."

Jin Xiyuan felt very sweet when she saw Song Yi's surprised face. In fact, she had been taking birth control measures. After all, her sister Tae Hee is Song Yi's legal wife. Even if she is pregnant, she still wants to be ranked behind Kim Tae Hee. Of course, Jin Xiyuan did not know that Chen Fuzhen had given birth to a son, Chen Yuanzhong, for Song Yi.

With a smile on her lips, she said, "Oppa, it's still early in the month and your belly isn't even showing, so there's no need to be so nervous. There are so many things going on in the company right now. Isn't Xinya preparing to apply for a TVB license? How could we do this at such a critical time?" Miss me?"

"We are always busy with work, how can work be as important as children? Don't worry, Xinya can still operate without you, and the sun will still rise from the east." Song Yi kindly dissuaded her.

"Ouba, send me to England. Don't you want to buy Manchester United? I'll go there in advance to help you investigate. Maybe I can find some football geniuses for you in Europe." Jin Xiyuan took the initiative to share Song Yi's worries.

Song Yili was delighted, "How many football games have you watched in total? You think you have become a super scout all of a sudden. It's not impossible for you to go to the UK, but I'm not worried about leaving you alone in the UK." It would be great if my mother or your mother could accompany you to England."

"Auntie has to take care of Miaomiao, otherwise Sister Yu won't be able to concentrate on her work. New Asia Advertising also has a heavy workload this year, and next year will be the Olympic year."

"Hengzhu will go to college this year. My mother has time to go to England to take care of me, but do you dare to tell her?" Jin Xiyuan looked at Song Yi with a half-smile.

Song Yi suddenly became a little downcast, "I know your mother won't scold me, but if she doesn't scold me, it will be more uncomfortable than if she scolds me."

Jin Xiyuan comforted Song Yi, "Take your time. After all, the month is still young and there is still time to deal with it. By the way, has the name of New Asia TV Station been decided?"

"Yes, the name of New Asia TV Station is ABS (Asia Broadcasting), KBS is Korean Broadcasting, and SBS is Seoul Broadcasting. Then we might as well go one step further and have an Asian Broadcasting." Song Yi said enthusiastically.

"Asia Broadcasting, this is a good name. Our company is New Asia, and the name Asia Broadcasting just fits the name of our company." Jin Xiyuan agreed very much.

"At present, ABS has decided on two columns. One is the news program "North-South Dialogue", which focuses on the issue of peace on the peninsula. However, there is still a lack of a suitable news program host. I want to give Korean audiences a refreshing feeling so that they can Learn more about this mysterious neighbor in the north." Song Yi said.

"In addition to the flagship news program "North-South Dialogue," I also plan to open an international theater at ABS to welcome high-quality American dramas, Japanese dramas, British dramas, Thai dramas, and Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas. As the only private TV station in South Korea, we must Form differentiated competition with KBS, MBC and SBS." Song Yi talked about his initial thoughts.

"Is the first director of ABS still Congressman Zhou Dongyong? Wasn't he just appointed by the president as the chairman of the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission?" Kim Hee-won asked.

Zhou Dongyong is an MBC news anchor and is very familiar with the operation of television stations. The Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission is the regulatory agency of Korean television stations.

"If Zhou Dongyong is appointed as the chairman of the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission, and then moves to ABS as the station director, will the outside world say that the president has opened the door for New Asia to apply for a TV station license?"

"And with Zhou Dongyong, a politician, serving as the director of ABS, it will be difficult for ABS to maintain objectivity and independence. The New Millennium Democratic Party will inevitably turn ABS into the mouthpiece of the ruling party. If the opposition party comes to power, ABS will inevitably suffer We will take revenge from the next government." Kim Hee-won said with concern.

"Do you think I haven't considered this issue? The problem is that Zhou Dongyong is now eyeing the position of ABS director. The reason why Song Woo-suk defeated Lee Chang-hui so hard is because the conservatives control massive news media resources. So Song Woo-suk and the others They are eager to own a TV station that belongs to them so that they can better speak for the ruling party."

"If we hadn't taken this into consideration, our Xinya application for a wireless TV station license would not have been so smooth. It would have to wait until 2004 for ABS to officially start broadcasting. By then, Zhou Dongyong would jump ship to ABS from the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission as the first The director will not be so abrupt."

"Zhou Dongyong wants to be the station director, then let him be. In the entire New Asia Department, except for me who is also the station director of ABS, no one has more prestige and qualifications than Zhou Dongyong. If I come forward to deny Zhou Dongyong's When choosing the director, Song Woo-seok might think that I am not very obedient and wants to beat me up, but the gain outweighs the gain."

"I know Zhou Dongyong well. He is a person who attaches great importance to personal enjoyment. His philosophy is 'wear the best suit, drink the best red wine, and sleep with the most beautiful woman.'"

"Do you still remember that there was a thorny reporter in school who asked in front of Le Xiyi whether Li Chunzai should be executed?" Song Yi asked Jin Xiyuan.

"I remember that at the time I thought you had instructed him to raise this issue, but later I found out that it was him who made the decision on his own," Jin Xiyuan said.

"Right? Coincidentally, Lee Sang Dae thinks so too. When he was a news reporter at MBC, he was a famous thorn in the side and had conflicts with the president of MBC."

"Although he is rebellious, he has the advantage of a reporter, that is, a strong sense of justice. After he joins ABS and sees Zhou Dongyong's actions, he will not think that because Zhou Dongyong is a Taiwanese If you are the director, I will let him go. Because he has the professional ethics of 'without the truth, or rather die'. After the negative news about Zhou Dongyong is exposed, I will follow the trend and remove him from the post of director."

"The candidate recommended by the New Millennium Democratic Party for the station has resigned due to a scandal. Are they still embarrassed to compete with me for the candidate to succeed him? In the end, I just choose a station director who is close to Song Woo-seok. After all, the current New Millennium Democratic Party and Song Woo-seok But there are two concepts: Song Yuxi is Song Yuxi, and the ruling party is the ruling party." Song Yi said meaningfully.

Thank you all for your monthly votes. I will go out to do some errands in the evening and try to come back as early as possible to see if I can write another chapter.

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