I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 205 Kim Tae Hee’s personal clothing brand

"What's going on with Xiyuan? It's such an important moment for Tae Hee's graduation ceremony, but she doesn't know that she's so busy with work after coming back from the UK?" Jin Yuwen was a little dissatisfied.

Kim Hyung-soo quickly defended his eldest sister Kim Hee-won, "Dad, my sister is now the chairman of Manchester United. The signing work during the summer offseason is a critical period. Any signing starts with tens of millions of euros. At this time, the club leaves. It’s normal to be lonely.”

"Besides, the eldest sister has already called the second sister and explained it. The second sister is not angry. Why are you so angry? I am still waiting for Manchester United to bring Park Ji-sung from Eindhoven!" Kim Hyung-soo looked expectant.

Jin Yuwen was a little confused, "Didn't she do a good job at New Asia Media Real Estate? Why was she suddenly sent to the UK to be responsible for the operation of the Manchester United club? Could it be that this kid Xiyuan had some conflict with Song Yi? Bar?"

Jin’s mother had a guess in her mind, but she didn’t dare to tell Jin Yuwen the answer. She has always suspected that Jin Xiyuan has been acting as a concubine for Song Yi. The reason why Jin Xiyuan fled to the UK at such a sensitive moment may be that Jin Xiyuan is pregnant and wants to secretly give birth to a child in the UK.

Thinking of this, she felt anxious and angry. Now Jin Xiyuan still had a reason not to attend Kim Tae Hee's graduation ceremony. What about Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee’s wedding? Should you wait until you, Jin Xiyuan, give birth to a child before holding a wedding? When Kim Tae Hee attends the wedding with a full belly, the bride's family members will look very unsightly.

Although she doesn't understand football, Kim's mother still knows the importance of Manchester United due to Kim Hyung-soo's efforts to popularize it. As the top club in Europe, Manchester United's financial scale and personnel composition are no less than that of a multinational company in South Korea.

As the chairman of Manchester United, Kim Hee-won is actually more important than her previous executive director of New Asia Media Real Estate Group. According to Jin's mother's speculation, if Jin Xiyuan is really pregnant, then Manchester United Club will be Song Yi's personal property assigned to Jin Xiyuan.

And Kim Tae Hee obviously knew Song Yi's arrangement, so she helped cover up Kim Hee Won in front of her parents. Song Yi is undoubtedly very good, and she is willing to let Song Yi become the son-in-law of the Jin family, but she also cannot accept that both of her daughters are with Song Yi.

Just when Jin’s mother was having a headache over the turbulent relationship between Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi, Song Yi also walked in and interrupted Jin Yuwen’s conversation, “Uncle, aunt, the car is ready, let’s set off now, Taehee. You should be waiting for us at school now. Let’s go there early and take some commemorative photos with Tae Hee first.”

Jin Yuwen is still struggling with the issue of Kim Hee-won not returning to China to attend Kim Tae-hee’s graduation ceremony. “When Hee-won graduated from university, our family rushed from Ulsan to Seoul to attend her graduation ceremony. Now it is Tae-hee’s turn to graduate. It’s really shameful for a sister to be absent.”

Song Yi quickly took the responsibility on himself, "Uncle, I really can't blame Xiyuan for this, it's mainly me. There are many things going on at Manchester United now. This summer we will complete about eleven signings in total and make a major overhaul of the Manchester United lineup. , in addition to core players such as Ruud van Nistelrooy, Ferdinand, Roy Keane, and Gary Neville, all other positions need to be strengthened to prepare for the Champions League."

"These signing funds add up to about 100 million pounds. For such a major decision, either Hee-won makes the decision, or I make the decision. So one of Hee-won and I must be in charge of Manchester."

"I didn't want to miss such an important moment as Tae Hee's graduation ceremony, so I persuaded Hee Won to stay in the UK and I returned to China first. Tae Hee said that she might continue to apply for a master's degree at Seoul National University in the next few years. Xiyuan will definitely not miss Taixi's master's degree graduation ceremony." Song Yi explained quickly.

Jin Yuwen felt much better when he heard what Song Yi said, "Is Tae Hee planning to continue studying for a master's degree at Seoul National University? Why haven't I heard from her? But the actor is a young star after all, so it is a good thing that she is willing to continue studying. "

"Tae Hee's idea coincides with that of her uncle. Although she filmed the TV series "Dae Jang Geum" during her college years, she has no long-term plans to be an actress. Her professional performance in the fashion design department has always been among the best. She is going to Creating a personal clothing brand T.H.K is mainly to customize some ancient Korean clothes from the Joseon Dynasty and prepare a niche brand for the middle and high-end people."

"The T.H.K brand has hired senior Lee Young-hee as the brand's chief costume designer. The costumes in the TV series "Queen Seondeok" that Xinya is planning to shoot will all use T.H.K-designed Korean clothes." Song Yi said.

"Lee Young-hee senior? She is our Korean national treasure hanbok designer. Seven or eight years ago, I took Tae Hee to visit Lee Young-hee senior's home." Kim Yu-moon looked surprised.

Mother Jin silently listened to the conversation between Song Yi and Jin Yuwen. Song Yi was indeed different from traditional Korean men. He had never thought of leaving a woman at home as a full-time housewife. Kim Tae-hee founded the clothing brand T.H.K, and Kim Hee-won managed the Manchester United club. He always encouraged the women around him to have a career of their own.

She guessed in her heart that as Song Yi's career expanded, there were not so many trustworthy senior management talents around him, so Song Yi's women all turned into strong business women.

Jin Yuwen, Jin Hyungsoo and Jin's mother took a car, and Song Yi took his Rolls-Royce Silver Angel. He would go to the company to pick up Cui Shanji later. Kim Tae Hee will announce her donation to establish the T.H.K Scholarship at the graduation ceremony. Cui Shanhui, who is the head of the New Asia Welfare Foundation, will naturally also make an appearance.

When Song Yi's car arrived at the New Asia Group Building, Cui Shanji was already waiting for Song Yi in the parking lot. Cui Shanji was wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt today, paired with a navy blue skirt, and a bow tie at the collar of the shirt. Although she was wearing work clothes, she looked like a Korean Air stewardess.

When Cui Shanji saw Song Yi's car, she smiled and waved to the driver to stop. Then she opened the door and sat down next to Song Yi.

"Director Cui, today is Taixi's graduation ceremony. You are dressed so beautifully today, and you are a bit overshadowed." Song Yi teased.

Cui Shanji rolled her eyes at Song Yi, "I am going to speak on stage today. If I dress too casually, I will be laughed at by the proud people in the audience. My personal dress also represents the image of Xinya. Do you want to go to Seoul this year? Is the university recruiting people?”

"I feel sorry for you. In order to help the company recruit people, I resorted to a beauty trick." Song Yi praised Cui Shanji.

Cui Shanji patted Song Yi's hand down, "Just keep talking and don't touch me. If there are pleat marks on my skirt, Taixi can tell what's going on at a glance. What? There are many beauties in Europe. I heard that Inschool is also planning to sign Monica Bellucci as its advertising spokesperson, so why hasn’t it considered creating a beautiful encounter with this ‘Beautiful Legend of Sicily’?”

With the successful acquisition of Manchester United by the New Asia Sports Consortium, inschool’s European marketing plan with the help of football was officially launched. inschool chooses David Beckham and Monica Bellucci as its spokespersons in Europe. Such handsome men and women as David Beckham and Monica Bellucci will team up to shoot an advertisement for inschool.

The content of the advertisement is that David Beckham met Monica Bellucci in a swimsuit on the Spanish island of Mallorca. He fell in love with Bellucci at first sight and wanted her contact information. Bellucci rejected Beckham's approach and returned the Coke that Beckham handed her.

After Beckham finished drinking the Coke, he accurately kicked the Coke can into the trash can 60 meters away. Bellucci then recognized Beckham, took off his sunglasses, and gave Beckham her inschool account number.

Beckham logged into the inschool website, found Monica Bellucci's account, and saw many life photos shared by Bellucci on her homepage.

He wanted to comment, but found that Bellucci's inschool homepage was in Italian. He had an idea and changed Bellucci's homepage to English, then commented under the photo, and @Monica Bellucci. When Bellucci was about to reply, the advertisement for inschool appeared, "One Europe, one inschool."

The reason why Song Yi stayed in Europe for so long, besides accompanying Jin Xiyuan, was to launch inschool's advertising campaign in advance. Inschool has spent heavily on inschool advertising in countries with strong football cultures such as the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands. As for Central and Eastern European countries, inschool is the second wave of target groups in the European advertising campaign. inschool will also invest in building an inschool data center in Ireland to store the data information of inschool users.

Facebook was launched in February 2004, and inschool was preparing to form a user advantage before Facebook entered the European market. After inschool has secured the European market in advance, inschool will finally enter the North American market and compete head-on with Facebook.

Now inschool is the number one social networking site in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. When inschool opens up in the European market, the number of inschool users will exceed the 1 billion mark. Of course, the number of users in inschool does not count the school network in the mainland market. After all, the data on the school network and inschool cannot be shared and interoperable.

"European and American women develop relatively early, and their figures are very impressive when they are fifteen or sixteen years old. But they usually age quickly. Although Bellucci is still a beautiful woman in the camera, he is a bit impatient in the camera, and we in Asia Although women develop later, they take better care of themselves. Look at what you're wearing today. If you didn't tell the students at Seoul National University, who would know that you have a teenage daughter?" Song Yi did not forget to praise Cui Shanji.

"To be courteous for nothing, it's either adultery or theft. Is it because Xiyuan is pregnant, so she suppressed it in Europe?" Although Cui Shanji was relieved in her heart, she refused to let Song Yi go.

Kim Tae-hee's graduation ceremony was held at the Gwanak Campus of Seoul National University, where she usually studies, which is located in the suburbs of Seoul City.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Seoul National University specially chose a purple and pink extra-large lawn to hold the graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony. On the same day, the president of Seoul National University will deliver the graduation speech here.

This lawn is the most magnificent place at Seoul National University and is called the "Dream Lawn" by Seoul National University alumni. A giant stage was set up around the lawn, and behind the stage there was a six-meter-high LED display that played photos of the 2003 graduates in a loop, filling the whole atmosphere.

Before the graduation ceremony, Seoul National University arranged a series of performances, including plays written and directed by Seoul National University students, orchestra performances and dance performances. Because the performers were all students, the atmosphere was very lively, just like It’s the same as attending SM Entertainment’s family concert.

The process of the graduation ceremony is divided into celebration ceremony, comments and sharing, certification and awarding. During the certificate issuance session, Seoul National University invited some famous alumni and special guests, who will also give a wonderful speech to the graduates. The graduation ceremony will end with applause and cheers from the audience.

When Song Yi arrived at the graduation ceremony, the performances by Seoul National University students had not yet begun. These graduates had already begun taking photos with their relatives and friends in their bachelor's uniforms.

As the top beauty student at Seoul National University, Kim Tae Hee is already particularly popular at Seoul National University. "Dae Jang Geum", which she starred in this year, is the most popular TV series this year. At the finale in July, the ratings of the entire episode of "Dae Jang Geum" were always higher than 47.8%. At the end of the TV series, the ratings officially exceeded 50%. .

Kim Tae Hee usually doesn't have much time to stay at school. Apart from attending classes, it is difficult for her classmates to see Kim Tae Hee. In addition, Kim Tae Hee does not live on campus, so she spends even less time with her classmates.

Now that they are facing graduation, Kim Tae Hee's classmates suddenly became more courageous, and they all offered to take photos with Kim Tae Hee. Kim Tae Hee, who is very popular, did not refuse the students' requests for photos, and basically accepted all who came.

However, she has never agreed to take a photo alone with a male classmate. Usually when faced with such a request, she would politely refuse, or bring other students together.

Kim Tae Hee, who was busy taking a group photo, suddenly saw Song Yi. With sharp eyes, she quickly took the photo and then ran over to Song Yi.

Song Yi was scared to death, and rushed forward to support Jin Tae Hee, saying to her, "Tae Hee, slow down, slow down, you are pregnant now, you can't run."

Kim Tae Hee smiled and said, "It's okay, I wore flat shoes today." Kim Tae Hee showed off her white shoes to Song Yi.

She noticed that Cui Shanji was rinsing her mouth with Sanduo water, "Sister Shanji, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?"

When Cui Shanji heard Kim Taexi's question, she scolded Song Yi ten thousand times in her heart, and then said, "No, when I came here just now, I found someone smoking. I can't smell the smell of cigarettes, so I rinsed my mouth to avoid waiting. My son felt nauseous during his speech."

Song Yi was very calm and continued to ask Kim Tae Hee, "I heard that T.H.K will arrange a fashion show after the graduation ceremony, and let the students of Seoul National University wear T.H.K's Hanbok to walk the show. The venue, models and reporters have all been arranged. ?"

"Didn't Sister Hyunjin and Ha Ni come to my graduation ceremony? Later, Sister Hyunjin will make a brief report on T.H.K's catwalk show. KBS will be reporting on the news of Seoul National University's graduation ceremony. Then we can report it T.H.K's fashion show was cut into KBS's news report as a behind-the-scenes clip, which was a way of boosting the reputation of her alma mater." Kim Tae Hee was very proud.

"You donated so much money to Seoul National University this time. It's right for Seoul National University to let you gain some fame. If T.H.K's fashion show is included in the news, then your donation to establish the T.H.K scholarship should not be reported in the past few days, otherwise If you go too far, it will easily arouse everyone's resentment." Song Yi reminded.

"I understand. By the way, husband, you will come on stage as a well-known entrepreneur representative to present me with a bachelor's degree certificate later. Will the principal invite you to speak on stage as a guest representative?" Kim Tae Hee asked.

"It's possible, but not necessarily. Seoul National University has so many outstanding alumni, and Seoul National University and Yonsei University have always been rival universities. Your president may not be willing to invite me, an outstanding alumnus of Yonsei University, to speak on the stage. By the way, where is Jin Hyun? I happen to have something to do with her." Song Yi asked Jin Taexi.

Asia Broadcasting is preparing to launch a flagship news program such as "North-South Dialogue". Because it will cover North Korea-South Korea relations, this candidate must be chosen carefully. Because if the host's views are inconsistent with the mainstream public opinion in South Korea, he will easily be attacked by the ruling party or the opposition party.

From this perspective, Lee Hyun-jin, a KBS news reporter and the daughter of South Korea’s Prosecutor General Lee Sang-dae, is a very suitable candidate.

Thank you all for your monthly votes. See you tomorrow. I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy National Day and a happy holiday in advance.

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