I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 206 Kim Tae Hee announces her marriage?

As Kim Tae Hee's best friends, Lee Hyun Jin and Lee Ha Nei both attended today's graduation ceremony. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee also attended Li Xianzhen's graduation ceremony two years ago. The reason why Li Xianzhen was able to join KBS as a news anchor after completing her internship at SBS was also due to Song Yi's help.

She was wearing a white dress today with a ruby ​​brooch on her chest, looking dignified and generous.

Li Xianzhen pushed back his long hair and asked Song Yi with a smile, "I heard that you have something to do with me?"

Song Yi and Li Xianzhen talked about the program concept of "North-South Dialogue" and sincerely invited Li Xianzhen to host the program "North-South Dialogue".

Li Xianzhen did not refuse directly. Of course, she considered how popular the show was. Although North Korea and South Korea are neighboring countries, the northern neighbor has always been a mysterious country in the hearts of Koreans.

"If I have the opportunity, can I interview North Korean officials? Including leaders in Beijing?" Li Xianzhen asked a key question.

"Well, I can't guarantee it. After all, North Korean officials need their official permission to accept interviews from foreign reporters. As for the leader of Pingjing, you can't see him at any time. I can only say that I will try my best to help you get it." Song Yi promised.

"Okay, then I have no problem. Do you need me to quit my job at KBS now?" Li Xianzhen asked Song Yi.

"Uh, no. But don't you need to think about it again? Or discuss it with your husband." Song Yi said.

"It's okay, he has always supported my work. Whether I am a news anchor at KBS or a program host at ABS, it makes no difference." Li Xianzhen's husband is also a well-known second-generation entrepreneur in Seoul, and Song Yi has also heard of it Their group's name and products have also entered Sohan.com's sales catalog.

"KBS news anchors have a very high social status. Don't you think it's a pity to give up such a promising job?" Song Yi asked.

Li Xianzhen glanced at Song Yi with his beautiful eyes, and his eyes moved, "Do you want me to go to ABS to work, or do you want me to stay at KBS? How can a grown man be such a mother-in-law? My father once told me, 'I would rather be a chicken than a chicken. After a few years of experience in the program "North-South Dialogue", I might be able to run for Congress in the future."

"By the way, I have something to do later so I won't be participating in the THK fashion show. Please tell Tae Hee. When THK's clothing comes on the market, let Tae Hee leave a few sets for me as a souvenir." Li Xianzhen said.

By this time, the performance of the students of Seoul National University had ended and the formal degree awarding ceremony had begun. Seoul National University President Zhou Yuncan was delivering a passionate speech to the 2003 graduates.

Zhou Yuncan previously graduated from the Department of Economics at Seoul National University. After receiving a doctorate in economics from Princeton University, he returned to Seoul and served as professor of economics at Seoul National University and dean of the School of Social Sciences at Seoul National University. In May last year, he was nominated as the president of Seoul National University.

This man is very good at cultivating fame. In 1998, Zhong Xiaotong personally invited him to serve as the president of the Bank of Korea, but he refused.

Since then, every time the South Korean government's cabinet is reorganized, Zhou Yuncan has become the subject of discussion among the South Korean people as the head of South Korea's economic department or the chief economic candidate of Cheong Wa Dae.

Every time Zhou Yunchan received an invitation, he would decline it with the excuse of "I want to stay in school until retirement." This practice of staying in the thatched cottage without leaving the mountain has made his reputation grow day by day. After being nominated as the president of Seoul National University in 2002, he became even more famous. It gave public opinion that the Blue House did not invite him to work, which was a loss for all Koreans.

When Zhou Yuncan was the president of Seoul National University, Zhou Yuncan believed that the university should maintain self-discipline. University governance is a self-disciplined decision-making process based on mutual communication and consultation among multiple stakeholders to solve problems in the university governance process.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Seoul National University can accept financial allocations from the government, but the governance of Seoul National University is our internal affairs, so government departments are requested to refrain from expressing their opinions. For this reason, the relationship between Zhou Yuncan and then President Song Woo-suk was tense for a time.

However, Zhou Yuncan, who has a good balance between the ruling party and the opposition party, is also a talent. In 2006, Li Guangwang personally attracted Zhou Yuncan and asked him to run for mayor of Seoul. Not only that, during the 2007 presidential election, Zhou Yuncan participated in the presidential election as the presidential candidate of the ruling party, but ultimately lost to Li Guangxi.

It is not surprising that he lost the election. After Li Guang was elected president, he nominated Zhou Yuncan as prime minister in 2009. As a result, Zhou Yuncan was later questioned by the Korean public because he watched pirated copies of Avatar at home, and finally resigned in 2010.

Song Yi, who is familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms, knows Zhou Yuncan's routine very well. This kind of raising hopes is actually waiting for a price. Zhou Yuncan has long been determined to enter the political arena, and will never get out of the job without a good position. In fact, Zhou Yuncan is not an economic genius. During Li Guang's tenure, housing prices in Seoul soared and prices skyrocketed. Even during the international financial crisis in 2009, his performance was mediocre. This kind of person is a typical person with great ambition and talent.

However, this also shows that Song Woo-seok did an incompetent job in cultivating successors. He could not find a suitable talent in the ruling party to participate in the next presidential election, so Li Guang won an overwhelming victory.

Now Park Donghao has successfully blocked Li Guangguang and was successfully elected as the mayor of Seoul. Park Dong-ho has successfully promoted the Cheonggyecheon renovation project and the long-term rental apartment project in Seoul. Seoul citizens do have a good impression of this tough-minded new mayor.

However, it is still unknown whether Park Dong-ho can win the presidential election against Chung Jin-hye, the candidate fully promoted by the Grand National Party in 2007. After all, Zheng Jinhui has won unanimous support from major financial groups, conservatives, the military and the United States.

Song Yi put this matter in the back of his mind. After all, he still had several years to take his time to plan.

Zhou Yuncan on the rostrum was talking eloquently: "First of all, as the president of Seoul National University, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to all the graduates who received graduation honors today. I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the university graduates who put on their bachelor's hats, and those who received their master's and doctoral degrees. The graduate students express their sincere congratulations. We are also very grateful to our parents, family members and the faculty and staff of Seoul National University who have worked hard to get us to this point."

Jin Yuwen and Jin’s mother were listening to Zhou Yuncan’s speech attentively, and they were deeply touched by Zhou Yuncan’s words.

Korean students are so busy that they must enroll in various cram schools in elementary school, junior high school and high school. This is a big expense for Kim Yoo-moon, who comes from a well-off family. Parents of ordinary families in Seoul will even spend 2/3 of their salary on various tutoring expenses for their children, just to let their children get into Seoul University and Famous universities like Yonsei University and Korea University.

"In the past few years, everyone has left wonderful memories and unforgettable experiences on this beautiful campus. Successfully getting credits, participating in internships in large companies, and falling in love are all things you will learn in college. Fun times.”

When Jin Taixi heard the content of Zhou Yuncan's speech, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at Song Yi, who was sitting in the family seat, with sweet eyes. Although she would also be secretly sad for Song Yi's passion, Song Yi still brought her far more happiness than pain.

"You are confident about your future today and feel that your future is bright. Then one day in the future, when you encounter setbacks, you will also feel sad and uneasy because you did not achieve the goals you set ten years ago. Then I hope you can recall your high-spirited selves at the graduation ceremony, put aside the sad memories of the past, and then start again with ease. Once again, I sincerely congratulate everyone on your graduation!" Everyone at the graduation ceremony was very generous and gave Zhou Yuncan warm applause.

Zhou Yuncan does have a lot of skills. He quoted from other sources and interspersed hot news in South Korea into his speech. He encouraged graduates of Seoul University to take on greater responsibilities. The more challenges they encounter in their future work, the more decisive they must be. Strength, because you are the best young people in Korea. As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

After Zhou Yuncan finished his speech, they entered the degree awarding ceremony. Kim Tae Hee, who was wearing a bachelor's uniform, was awarded a bachelor's degree. Her smile today was particularly warm.

As a representative of well-known entrepreneurs, Song Yi came to award Kim Tae Hee a bachelor's degree certificate. Under the camera, Kim Tae Hee held her degree certificate, tilted her head and took a photo with Song Yi, with a particularly warm smile on her face.

Kim Tae Hee's male classmates were a little sour, "Even if Tae Hee graduates, she will not forget to sprinkle a pinch of salt on our wounds."

The female classmate next to her couldn't stand it and immediately retorted, "Taixi started dating when she was a sophomore, and she didn't hide it. Besides, it seems that if Taixi was single, you would have a chance? Taixi?" Xi always smiles politely to her classmates, but she only shows such a sweet smile in front of Song Yi."

Zhou Yuncan applauded and congratulated Kim Tae Hee, and then continued: "Kim Tae Hee is the outstanding undergraduate graduate representative of the class of 2003. She has been focusing on her studies during school and successfully graduated with all A's."

"Not only that, she also actively participated in social practice work and became a very good actor. She participated in the musical "Empress Myeongseong" and filmed the historical TV series "Dae Jang Geum". "Dae Jang Geum" is this year's It’s amazing that it’s the TV series’ ratings champion.”

"Before graduation, Kim Tae Hee approached the school and said that she was going to donate all her salary from commercials and acting roles during college to establish a THK scholarship to help junior students at Seoul University. The amount of this scholarship is as high as 28 100 million won, let our kind-hearted classmate Kim Tae-hee give her a warm round of applause to thank her for her kind deeds!" Zhou Yuncan took the lead in applauding.

Li Xianzhen sat next to Song Yi. This was the first time she knew about this. She said to Song Yi: "2.8 billion won, this is a lot of money. You can buy a luxury apartment in Seoul. How about you guys?" I’m really willing to give it up, but why is the scholarship amount 2.8 billion won?”

Li Ha Ni, who was sitting next to Li Xianzhen, quickly expressed her knowledge, "I know. In fact, Tae Hee's after-tax income from advertising and actor remuneration over the years is only about 2.6 billion won. But because Song Yi's birthday is on the 28th, Tae Hee wanted to Let’s set the scholarship amount at 2.8 billion won.”

Li Xianzhen snorted when he heard Li Ha Ni, "I feel the sour smell of love. It's better to set the bonus to 2.9 billion won. Tae Hee's birthday is on the 29th."

Kim Tae-hee began to deliver a speech as the outstanding graduate representative of the 2003 undergraduate class.

"Dear teachers, dear students, good morning, everyone, I am Kim Tae Hee from the Fashion Design Department of Seoul National University. I feel extremely honored to be selected as the outstanding graduate of the year by the school."

"Actually, I am very ashamed. The time I spent studying in school was actually not as good as that of my classmates. Because of the filming of commercials, musicals and TV series, I missed a lot of courses. Without the careful guidance of professors and classmates , there is no way for me to successfully graduate with all A grades. Here, I bow to express my gratitude to the teachers and classmates who have helped me." Kim Tae Hee bent down to express his thanks, and the graduates and professors of the Department of Fashion Design applauded It became even more enthusiastic, and some emotional professors had tears in their eyes. Kim Tae Hee is indeed the face of the Fashion Design Department.

"Actually, I came into contact with acting by accident. In the second semester of my freshman year, Jiang Xiuna, a senior member of our ski club, worked at Shinhan Media. Because of her recommendation, I was able to star in a commercial for Samduosui and became an advertising actor. "

"But I was very lucky. I won everyone's love through this advertisement, and later signed a contract with a brokerage company and became an actor. It was also because of this Sanduoshui advertisement that I was able to meet my husband, Mr. Song Yi."

Before Kim Tae Hee finished speaking, the Seoul college students in the audience seemed to explode. For the first time, they knew that their goddess Kim Tae Hee had already obtained a marriage certificate with Song Yi.

Sitting in the back row, Li Honey was secretly proud. When Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi held their wedding at the California Glass Church, she was the bridesmaid and witness.

The girls at Seoul University were even more crazy. They thought of the scene where Song Yi presented Kim Tae Hee with a degree certificate at the graduation ceremony just now. They felt like they had watched a super sweet Korean drama on the day of the graduation ceremony.

"When I entered Seoul National University, my friends all had very lofty ideals, such as my senior sister Lee Hyun-jin, who wanted to be an excellent news reporter. She is now a news anchor at KBS. I believe there are many People watched her news show.”

"Compared with them, I feel that I am too ordinary, because after entering college, I don't know what my dream is. For me who just entered the college campus, I don't have a specific dream."

"Although I don't have a specific dream, I still want to work hard to complete my studies. Because for those of us who have studied actively since childhood, it has become our instinct to get credits at Seoul National University." Kim Tae-hee's words made the graduates in the audience understand. My heart smiles.

"Thanks to my husband, he made a good plan for my career. I took on more commercials and honed my acting skills by starring in musicals such as "Empress Myeongseong", and finally I got the role of "Dae Chang" "Today" is an opportunity for this TV series."

"Compared to most of my classmates, my college career was indeed smooth sailing. I got to where I am today by accident."

"Through my experience, I understand one thing. In fact, it is not terrible to have no dreams. Because the so-called dreams in student days are beautiful visions based on the happiness of others."

"In our educational philosophy, teachers and parents have taught us from an early age that we need to have lofty goals and ideals. Then I can't help but ask, will people with lofty ideals definitely be happy? This is really worth pondering. "

"Don't deliberately set a lofty ideal goal for yourself. You might as well break this goal down into small goals. Just like the game "Kart Racing", you can only participate in the monthly competition if you pass the weekly competition. Quarterly and annual competitions.”

"If you break down the ambitious goals in life, you will feel that these goals are within reach and no longer so far away. You will not feel regretful and uneasy because you have not achieved the goals you set ten years later."

"Compared to you who have just stepped out of campus, I am undoubtedly a lucky person. And the reason why I have been able to achieve these trivial achievements is also due to the platform of Seoul University and New Asia."

"It is precisely because senior Kang Soo Na helped me that I became the character in "Dae Jang Geum". And this love can be conveyed, and I am willing to convey this kindness to my fellow students at Seoul University. Everyone. This is my original intention of setting up the THK Scholarship. Thank you everyone!"

At this time, the troubled student took the initiative to ask Kim Tae Hee, "Classmate Kim Tae Hee, you just said that you and Mr. Song Yi have received their certificates, so when will you hold the wedding?"

Kim Tae Hee smiled shyly, but still responded sweetly, "We will hold a wedding in the second half of the year. Teachers and classmates from Seoul University will also be invited to my wedding."

When Kim Tae Hee saw that there were other students who wanted to ask her about her marriage, she quickly handed the microphone to Cui Shan Hee, who was next to appear.

Cui Shanhui took the stage to speak as the representative of the New Asia Welfare Foundation. The New Asia Welfare Foundation will handle the donation of Seoul Daiwa THK Scholarship throughout the process. Kim Tae Hee actually handed over 2.8 billion won to the New Asia Welfare Foundation, which was responsible for the operation and withdrawal of the THK scholarship.

The graduates of Seoul National University were obviously deeply impressed by the beautiful Choi Sun Hui. After thanking Kim Tae Hee for her kindness, Cui Shan Hui did not forget to advertise to New Asia and call on graduates of Seoul University to work in New Asia.

Li Xianzhen chuckled, "Sister Shan Ji is really advertising for New Asia? Graduates from Seoul University are hot commodities in the recruitment market. What you are doing is a bit unethical."

Song Yi said lazily: "The graduates attending the graduation ceremony have already found their favorite jobs, and many of them have offers from several large consortiums at the same time. Cui Shanji did this just to express our sincerity at Xinya , maybe it will work or not.”

When Kim Tae Hee steps down, the graduation ceremony will soon come to an end. Song Yi, Kim Yoo Moon, Kim Hyung Soo, Mama Kim, Lee Hyun Jin and Lee Honey all took photos with Kim Tae Hee. Kim Tae Hee held her degree certificate and welcomed everyone who came.

Kim Tae Hee uploaded photos of herself wearing a bachelor's uniform, as well as photos with Song Yi and others on her personal inschool homepage, with the caption, "I finally graduated from Seoul National University, and I am sharing such a memorable moment with my family. Happy, Dafa!" In the last photo of the album, Kim Tae Hee holds her degree certificate and makes a "yeah" gesture happily.

After she finished posting this update, she posted about the venue preparations for the Seoul Fashion Show, "THK Fashion Show is being prepared, so stay tuned!"

At this time, a young man who had just returned to Seoul was browsing Kim Tae Hee's inschool homepage in front of the computer. He looked at Song Yi in the photo album with hatred.

A white officer standing nearby said to him: "Jin Siyuan, the South Korean police have issued a wanted order for you. Without the help of our US military in South Korea, there is no way you can return to Seoul."

"Now Song Yi is attending Kim Tae Hee's graduation ceremony at Seoul University. This is also your best chance to make a move. If you still can't make a move today, then we will hand you over to the Seoul police." The white officer said.

Thank you for your monthly votes. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Are you on your way home?

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