I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 207 Song Yi was assassinated

Park Minzhen handed the packaged dog food to the customer and carefully warned, "This little golden retriever has just received the first injection. From now on, he will receive a vaccine every three weeks, for a total of three injections. After all three injections are full, he will Just get a rabies vaccine and then a booster shot every year.”

"Thank you, Aunt Park. Goodbye, Aunt Park." The customer was a little girl. She thanked her politely, put her little golden retriever into the cage, and left with the cage.

Dongdaemun Pet Street has reopened to the public after renovation. The business of the Xinyi Pet Store run by Park Minzhen has become better, attracting many students from Seoul to check in.

Dongdaemun Xinyi Pet Store has opened an official store in inschool, where you can see the status of each pet in the store. The inschool website will also display the address of Xinyi Pet Store. After inschool users click on the address, they will jump to the Xinya map, which will also prompt you with transportation routes to the store.

In addition, Park Minzhen's reputation has become more and more popular, and this Xinyi pet store has almost become an Internet celebrity pet store.

Many celebrity fans said that they have met many New Asia contracted artists in this store, including Kim Tae Hee, Moon Geun Young, Jun Ji Hyun, Son Ye Jin, Go Hyun Jung, Baek Ji Young, etc., so many fans also want to come and meet them by chance. .

Baek Ji Young is the most popular female singer this year. Her new song "Like Being Shot", which she collaborated with Bang Si Hyuk, swept across all major music charts as soon as it was released. Korean fans could feel Baek Ji-young's painful mood from the singing, and then they even criticized her scumbag ex-boyfriend Kim Si-won who betrayed Baek Ji-young. Kim Si-won's family was also found out by angry netizens, forcing them to have no choice but to move place.

South Korean police have issued a wanted order for Kim Si-won and requested the extradition of criminal suspect Kim Si-won from the United States. As soon as Kim Si-won returns to Seoul, he will face huge mental compensation from the Seoul Central District Court. This is an astronomical sum that he cannot afford even if he loses all his money.

Park Minzhen also heard about Bai Zhiying's story. As a woman, she was extremely sympathetic to Bai Zhiying's experience. When Bai Zhiying came to Xinyi Pet Store to choose a pet for the first time, she wore a mask and sunglasses and covered herself tightly, for fear that passers-by would recognize her and point at her.

She advised Bai Zhiying not to use other people's mistakes to punish herself, and not to be afraid of the eyes of outsiders. To put it another way, in just a few decades of life, you will always die. If you think about this, you won't look at the outside world with pointing eyes. Those verbal attacks that can't knock you down will only make you stronger.

Perhaps it was Park Min Jung's encouragement that inspired Baek Ji Young to create, and finally worked with Bang Si Hyuk to create the hit "Like Being Shot" on the streets. Baek Ji Young specifically mentioned Park Min Jung and expressed her gratitude to her when she participated in the SBS interview variety show "Night Heart".

"Night Heart" is an interview program launched by SBS TV station on February 28, 2003. The MCs of the program are Kim Ji Dong, Yoon Jong Shin and Sung Yuri. The program will invite popular singers or groups to participate in the program, and there will also be a singing session in the program. Sung Yuri currently holds two ace variety shows, "X-Man" and "Ye Xin Wan", and is considered the most popular female MC in South Korea.

When Park Minzhen thought of Baek Ji-young, she thought of Kim Tae-hee. If Kim Tae-hee hadn't brought Song Yi to the pet street to buy a Maltese dog, Black. The life of the couple would not have changed so much. They have a brand new hotel with a better location. The front room also got a pickup truck, and I met so many young friends.

The reason why she is willing to continue running the pet shop business is to deal with these young students. She can see the shadow of her son Jin Taeyong in them, which makes her old life less boring.

Park Minzhen saw that today's peak business period had passed and her husband could handle the rest of the time alone. She picked up the car keys and prepared to go out.

"Old man, I'm going to Seoul University. Today is a good day for Kim Tae Hee's graduation ceremony. She has invited me a long time ago. I will go and see her now." Park Minzhen said.

Lao Jin looked at the time and said, "The graduation ceremony should be over by now. Don't expect you to pass by then, but Taixi and the others have already gone home."

Park Minzhen knew it well, "It doesn't matter. Taehee told me that after the graduation ceremony, she will also hold a THK brand clothing show in the school auditorium, with students from Seoul University as guest models. This event is not that fast. It’s over. You forgot, the last time Tae Hee came to the store, she even said she would give us two sets of THK Hanbok."

Lao Jin also remembered, "Okay, you go over first, I can just keep an eye on the store. By the way, if Taixi really gives us clothes, we must not accept them. She has already helped us too much. We are human beings." Be content.”

Park Minzhen smiled. Apart from being a little afraid of things, Lao Jin was also a very simple and kind-hearted person. This is also the reason why they have been able to depend on each other for so many years after losing their only son.

When the only son Kim Tae-yong was released from prison and unfortunately passed away due to various diseases, Park Min-jung and his wife experienced the pain of a white-haired person giving away a black-haired person. Because Park Minzhen had lost her fertility at that time, Park Minzhen proposed to divorce Lao Jin and let Lao Jin have a child after remarrying.

As a result, this proposal was directly rejected by Lao Jin. Lao Jin was also afraid that Park Minzhen would feel lonely, so he finally opened a pet shop in his hometown of Busan to pass the time. Later, Song Woo-seok served as the defense lawyer in the Busan incident. At Song Woo-seok's suggestion, Park Min-jung and his wife moved from Busan to Seoul, away from the sad place of Busan.

Park Minzhen walked to the parking lot outside Dongdaemun Market. Her car was a gray Ssangyong Musso. This two-seat pickup truck can carry people and deliver goods, so it is indeed the best choice for small shop owners like her.

She turned on the car radio, switched several channels, then switched to a music radio program, and then listened to the song in peace.

Gwanak Campus is the main campus of Seoul National University. It is located in Gwanak District, Seoul City, at the foot of Gwanak Mountain and on the south bank of the Han River. It is 16 kilometers away from the center of Seoul and covers an area of ​​6,450 acres. In Seoul, a city where land is at a premium, it is not easy to have such a large campus.

Park Minzhen drove very fast and soon arrived at the gate of Gwanak Campus. The guard at the school gate registers every incoming vehicle.

The car in front of her had just passed the railing when a Chevrolet Spark suddenly cut in front of Park Minzhen's pickup truck.

Park Minzhen was very angry. She opened the car window and looked forward to see who was so incompetent. As a result, she saw a young man with an impatient expression put out the Aixi cigarette in his mouth, and then threw the cigarette butt casually on the roadside.

She was annoyed, "This young man is really unqualified! How can someone like him have friends in Seoul?"

After the Chevrolet passed, it was Park Minzhen's turn to register as a visitor. Park Minzhen showed her driving license to the doorman and said, "Park Minzhen, I am a friend of classmate Kim Taehee, and I was invited to attend the THK brand clothing show held by her."

The guard looked at Park Minzhen's driver's license and showed no suspicion, so he gave Park Minzhen directions, "Go in and drive two intersections forward, then turn right. The fashion show will be held in the B1 auditorium hall. You should have time to go there now."

Park Minzhen took the driving license and thanked the guard. Her heart moved, "Where is the guy in front?"

The doorman smiled, "What a coincidence, he was also attending the THK brand fashion show. But I didn't tell him the location. Who asked him to throw the cigarette butt at the door." The doorman and Park Minzhen laughed knowingly. Seoul is so big, if there is no one to show the way, the Chevrolet spark owner will have to look for it like a headless fly.

Park Minzhen thanked her and drove straight to the B1 auditorium. She parked her pickup truck in the parking lot outside the auditorium and walked into the auditorium.

The venue for the fashion show is easy to find, just go wherever there are people. The models selected by Kim Tae Hee are all handsome men and women from Seoul. The tall models wear ancient Korean clothes on the catwalk, making people dream back to the Joseon Dynasty.

When Park Minzhen entered the hall, Cui Shanji, who was standing next to Song Yi, immediately saw Park Minzhen. She quickly came over and said, "Aunt Park, Tae Hee is arranging the order of the models in the backcourt. You sit down for a while and I will take you to Tae Hee later."

Park Minzhen walked through the crowd and walked to the front row of the auditorium. Cui Shanji motioned to the people next to her to move their seats, and Park Minzhen sat next to Song Yi.

Song Yi saw Park Minzhen, greeted her cordially, and then introduced her to the THK fashion show. Park Minzhen was a little embarrassed to sit in the front row, "How about I sit in the back? I have very good eyesight and can see clearly even if I sit in the back."

Cui Shanji quickly grabbed Park Minzhen and said, "Aunt Park, you are a good friend of our president and Tae Hee. How can we let you sit in the back? If you sit in the back, she won't be able to see you when Tae Hee appears. .”

Park Minzhen suddenly became interested, "Will Tae Hee also do a catwalk today? The palace dress Tae Hee wore in "Dae Jang Geum" was dignified and grand. She will definitely look good in ancient costumes."

After Park Minzhen sat down, Zhou Yuncan, who was sitting on Song Yi's left hand side, asked about Park Minzhen's identity. Park Minzhen's clothes looked very ordinary. When he saw Song Yi treating him with great courtesy, he thought he was a relative of some big shot.

When Zhou Yuncan learned that Park Minzhen was the pet shop owner of Dongdaemun Market, he had no intention of making friends. Instead, he complained in his heart about Song Yi's ignorance. Wouldn't letting Park Minzhen sit in the front row lower his status?

Jin Yuwen, who is sitting behind Song Yi, has heard Park Minzhen's name for a long time. He knew Park Minzhen from the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woosuk". The reason why Song Yi was able to make friends with Song Woo-seok was because Park Min-zhen was the matchmaker. What's more, Park Min-zhen also participated in Song Woo-seok's presidential inauguration last time as a representative of the Love Song Association.

Jin Yuwen introduced Park Minzhen's identity to Kim's mother. When Kim's mother learned that Park Minzhen was a good friend of Kim Taehee, she quickly pulled Park Minzhen to chat enthusiastically. Park Minzhen kept praising Mama Kim for raising an excellent and filial daughter, and Mama Kim had a smile on her face.

At this time, the music of the show had been changed to "Hope", the theme song of "Dae Jang Geum". The teachers and students watching the fashion show knew that the next person to appear was Kim Tae Hee. They eagerly stared at the direction in which the models would appear.

At this time, Jin Shiyuan also entered the B1 auditorium hall. He didn't know where he got a bachelor's uniform from Seoul University. When he entered the hall, he looked around for Song Yi.

He knew that he was actually a pawn being used by the US military in South Korea, but he had no choice. He forced an underage woman to provide him with sexual services in Los Angeles. Later, after the woman called the police, he lost his place in the United States.

In addition, after he lost all his money in a Korean casino, he still owed a huge amount of debt to the casino. Jin Siyuan, who was desperate, wanted to turn himself in and go to jail to escape the limelight.

As a result, the U.S. intelligence agency found him before he could surrender, and he was eventually taken to the U.S. military base in Saipan from Los Angeles by the intelligence agency. Finally, he passed the US military stationed in South Korea and entered South Korea directly without going through South Korean security inspections.

When he agreed to assassinate Song Yi, he discovered that the assassination plan was actually very thorough. The US intelligence agency prepared a Chevrolet spark, fake ID card, fake passport and fake driving license for him.

When Jin Shiyuan drove into Seoul University, there were also accomplices picking him up. They prepared Seoul University's bachelor's uniform and a Type 64 automatic pistol for Kim Si-won. This is the first semi-automatic pistol independently produced by North Korea. Obviously, some people hope to involve North Korea in this assassination case.

His contact person reminded Jin Shiyuan: "Remember, although you have undergone professional shooting training in the base these days. However, Song Yi also has professional bodyguards from the special forces around him, so you only have one chance to take action. You have to seek A chance to kill with one blow.”

"There is no death penalty in South Korea, so after you finish shooting, throw away the pistol and choose to surrender. The Korean National Congress Intelligence Service and the Seoul police will dispatch as soon as possible. Don't seek resistance. Our people will buy you enough time. "

"You are a Korean American and a family member of the US military stationed in South Korea. Even if you commit murder, the United States can extradite you back to the country for processing. You can refer to the Itaewon murder incident in 1997, and you will know that we are not I lied to you."

Jin Shiyuan smiled bitterly. The US intelligence agency was indeed very thoughtful. In such a short period of time, it actually arranged for him to marry a female officer of the US Army in South Korea, turning him into a family member of the US Army in South Korea.

"If the Korean police ask you why you want to assassinate Song Yi, tell the truth. You said that Song Yi has been contacting the Los Angeles police and asking the Los Angeles police to cooperate with the Korean police to arrest you."

"Not only that, Song Yi also tried you in absentia through the Korean court, leaving you facing high compensation. Your property in South Korea has been executed."

"You and Bai Zhiying originally broke up amicably, but Bai Zhiying refused to renew your contract, so you had no choice but to publish your private video with Bai Zhiying on the website. Now New Asia Music has signed Bai Zhiying and is working for her again. Making an album makes you feel like you can't survive in Korea. And according to our reliable information, this guy Song Yi also secretly cheated on Bai Zhiying many times in the hotel where Bai Zhiying stayed. So you shot Song Yi for a personal grudge, remember. Are you here?" Jin Siyuan felt that the contact person in front of him seemed to be from the intelligence service. Perhaps South Korea's powerful departments were also involved in planning this murder.

Jin Siyuan knew that he had no choice now. If he backed down now, then he would face the end of secretly disappearing. Since there is no record of his entry into South Korea, his sudden disappearance in South Korea will naturally not arouse the suspicion of the police.

"I remember." Jin Shiyuan did have a deep hatred for Song Yi.

The reason why Jin Shiyuan hated Song Yi was also because of Bai Zhiying. In Jin Siyuan's view, Baek Jiying, a woman, has no sense of gratitude at all.

Without his support, how could Bai Zhiying become a famous singer? As a result, this stinky woman started to despise him when she became famous, and was ready to leave him and go solo to other entertainment agencies.

Jin Shiyuan regards Bai Zhiying as private property and forbidden love. If Bai Zhiying leaves him, his career in South Korea will instantly fall to the bottom. Desperate, Kim Si-won had the idea that he could not get Baek Ji-young, but also wanted to destroy Baek Ji-young, so he sold Baek Ji-young and his private videos on the website for profit.

After he got the money, he fled to the United States and lived a drunken life in Los Angeles every day. He was very eager to see Bai Zhiying in panic all day long, which gave him a sense of revenge.

As a result, Song Yi intervened and signed Bai Zhiying. With New Asia Media Real Estate Group as the backing, Korean entertainment media did not dare to spread Baek Ji-young's gossip wantonly, so the candid camera scandal passed quickly.

Not only that, Song Yi also spent a lot of money to invite many well-known musicians such as Bang Si Hyuk, JYP, Yu Young Jin, Yoon Jong Shin, etc. to produce a new album for Baek Ji Young.

For a time, Baek Ji-young's reputation in South Korea was instantly reversed, and he became a street rat, with everyone shouting that he should be beaten. Jin Shiyuan would not reflect on his mistakes, but would blame Song Yi for the current predicament. So after some people's instigation, he wanted to teach Song Yi a profound lesson.

Why did you, Song Yi, create such a big career at such a young age? Why was it that I was hiding in the United States and you were hugging me in Korea, sleeping with all kinds of beauties including Jun Ji Hyun, Song Hye Kyo, Son Ye Jin, and Ko Hyun Jung. When he learned that Song Yi had dated Bai Zhiying many times in the hotel, his jealousy reached the extreme. Of course he knew that Bai Zhiying was a stunner in bed.

Kim Tae Hee finally appeared. She was wearing a red queen's uniform, a gold crown on her head, and a solemn expression, giving people a sense of awe-inspiring and inviolable sanctity. Her current look is closer to the Queen of Joseon than Go Hyun Jung's image in "Dae Jang Geum".

Her appearance also caused a stir in the afternoon fashion show. Students at Seoul National University stood up one after another, wanting to see Kim Tae Hee's style.

Jin Shiyuan had no intention of watching the catwalk on the stage. He walked quickly from the aisle at the side of the hall and walked quickly to the front row of seats. He knew that a big shot like Song Yi must be sitting in the center of the front row.

The students at Seoul National University thought that Kim Si-won wanted to get closer to the show, so they made way for him.

Zhou Yuncan saw Jin Shiyuan squeezing forward in a hurry, and felt a little unhappy. Which college was this student from? He was so rude. There's no room for you in the first row, so what's the point of squeezing to the front?

Standing in the corner of the stage, Park Tae-sik felt something was not right. He walked quickly towards Jin Siyuan, preparing to take the student away.

Jin Shiyuan noticed Park Tae-sik's movements and felt a little anxious. At this time, Kim Tae Hee noticed Park Min Jung in the audience and smiled. After finishing the show, she came to the edge of the stage, squatted on the edge of the stage, and waited for Park Min Jung to give her a hug.

Because Park Min Jung stood up, she blocked Park Tae Sik's view. Park Tae-sik was a little anxious and jumped on the stage, ready to control Kim Si-won.

Zhou Yuncan stood up and prepared to stop Jin Shiyuan, but Jin Shiyuan knocked Zhou Yuncan away. Jin Siyuan took out a pistol from under his academic uniform and prepared to shoot.

Cha Tae-sik had realized something was wrong and shouted: "Lie down!"

Kim Tae Hee and Park Min Jung, who were on the edge of the stage, also noticed the black muzzle of Kim Si Won's gun. Kim Tae Hee was frightened and didn't know what to do.

After Song Yi heard Park Tae-sik's "lying down", he immediately used Zhou Yuncan's cover to jump over the seats in the back row and threw the seats in the second row to the ground.

Jin's mother finally understood that someone was trying to assassinate Song Yi. She stood up anxiously and said to Taixi: "Taixi, run!"

Jin Shiyuan suddenly lost Song Yi's figure and was very angry. When he heard the word Tae Hee, he pointed his gun at Kim Tae Hee on the stage. Because Kim Tae Hee was wearing a bulky queen costume, although she subconsciously wanted to escape, she tripped over the stage.

Park Minzhen noticed Jin Siyuan's movements. After discovering that Tae Hee was in danger, she didn't know where the courage came from. She rushed directly in front of Jin Siyuan and tried to snatch the pistol from Jin Siyuan's hand.

Jin Shiyuan opened fire, two gunshots rang out, and Park Minzhen fell in a pool of blood. Because of the sound of gunshots, the students at Seoul University were in chaos and dispersed, preparing to rush out the door and run away.

Park Tae-sik flew and kicked Kim Si-won's pistol away, making him lose the ability to attack. Song Yi was very annoyed, "Taizhi, remember to stay alive——"

Before Song Yi finished speaking, a figure appeared behind the door where the stage models appeared. Wearing a mask, he raised his hand and shot Jin Shiyuan directly to death. He couldn't find Song Yi's hiding figure, and felt a pity. If there was a bomb, Song Yi could be sent to the sky. However, the mass shooting in Seoul is already very bad. If a grenade appeared in the Seoul Auditorium, he probably would not be able to escape the relationship.

Park Tae-sik took out his Colt 45 pistol. The killer's movements were too fast, and he had no time to fight back. They obviously wanted to kill people and silence them, so when Jin Shiyuan's assassination failed, they immediately killed Jin Shiyuan and chose to run away.

At this time, Song Yi's bodyguard team all came in, and then searched the B1 auditorium one by one to confirm the safety of the B1 auditorium.

By this time, Kim Tae Hee had already recovered. She sadly held Park Min Jung in a pool of blood and looked at Song Yi hopefully.

Park Tae-sik took a look at Park Min-zhen's injuries and shook his head. It was obvious that Kim Si-won had hit Park Min-zhen's vital part, and even if he was sent to the hospital for rescue, there would be no way to save her.

Park Min Jung tried to wipe Kim Tae Hee's tears. She was obviously holding on for her last breath. Kim Tae Hee burst into tears. If Park Min Jung hadn't tried to save her, she wouldn't have been attacked by the murderer.

Kim Yu-moon, Kim's mother, and Kim Hyung-soo all gathered around. Kim's mother saw Park Min-jung's actions and was very grateful to her daughter's savior.

Zhou Yuncan got up from the ground in embarrassment. He broke into a cold sweat when he thought about being knocked to the ground by a gunman. He felt that he had really saved his life.

"Send the injured to the hospital quickly, and Seoul National University Medical College can perform surgery on Ms. Park." Zhou Yuncan reminded.

Park Minzhen knows her situation. She is an old man in her sixties. Death does not scare her. She can reunite with her son Taeyong in another world. She just has an unfulfilled wish, so she is holding on. .

Song Yi walked up to Park Minzhen and held Park Minzhen's hand, "Aunt Park, don't worry, I will definitely make Quan Zhanfa receive the punishment he deserves."

Zhou Yuncan felt bitter in his heart when he heard what Song Yi said. Song Yi, if you say this, you are breaking up with Quan Zhanfa. Now he regrets coming to THK's clothing brand show. Not only did he almost die, but he also heard Song Yi say Piles of secrets.

At this time, the medical staff also came. They gave Park Minzhen a simple bandage and then carried her to a stretcher. Kim Tae Hee was worried and stayed with Park Min Jung.

Song Yi said to Kim Tae Hee: "You go to the hospital first, I will take care of the funeral affairs here, and I will come back later."

Park Minzhen's face became worse and worse, and her face was like gold paper. She looked at Kim Tae Hee who was crying like rain, "Tae Hee, aunt is old, and I can still make money for one life. It's just that aunt can't come to join you." My wedding to Song Yi is really a bit regretful."

Not long after, the South Korean National Intelligence Service and the Seoul police came to the B1 auditorium. The National Intelligence Service was personally led by Director Kim Sung-guk. A shooting of such a heinous nature occurred in Seoul, and the assassination target was Song Yuxi's confidant Song Yi. Kim Sung Guo rushed over immediately after hearing the news.

At this time, the identity of the murderer was quickly confirmed. Agents from the National Intelligence Service reported the situation to Song Yi and Jin Chengguo, "The criminal Jin Shiyuan is 30 years old this year. The weapon he is holding is a North Korean Type 64 semi-automatic pistol. The weapon on his body The documents are all forged, and there is a Chevrolet spark outside the auditorium that he drove. There is also a suicide note from Kim Si-won in the cab."

Song Yi said "ha", "You don't need to show me the suicide note. I can guess the content without reading it. It's nothing more than a personal grudge against me, Song Yi, that's why he shot in revenge. Look, in order to assassinate I also deliberately used a Type 64 pistol to throw dirty water on the North Korean side. There is an expert behind this Jin Shiyuan."

Jin Chengguo could feel Song Yi's anger. In a country like South Korea that banned guns, there were murderers preparing to shoot him, and almost hurt Song Yi's most beloved woman. Of course, he had enough reasons to be angry.

"Don't worry, Chairman Song, we will investigate thoroughly and give you an explanation. The president is also very concerned about this case. He will also go to the hospital to visit the injured Ms. Park Minzhen later." Jin Chengguo knew that Park Minzhen was also Song Woo-suk's friend for many years.

Park Tae-sik looked guilty at this time, "It's my fault. If I had noticed something was wrong with Kim Si-won, Ms. Park Min-jung would not have been attacked."

Song Yi looked annoyed, "Now that everyone is dead, what's the use of talking about this? I was also planning to leave Jin Shiyuan alive to interrogate his mastermind, but he was silenced in front of me again!"

"Is this guy Kim Si-won crazy? Even if he is extradited back to South Korea, he will only serve three or four years in prison. Is he so crazy to assassinate me?"

"South Korea is such a big place. It's possible to hide the truth from the enemy and send Jin Shiyuan to Seoul without anyone knowing. There are only a few groups of people. If I, Song Yi, die today, then I really can't do anything to you, but okay I won't agree if a few scapegoats are thrown in to deal with me at this time!" Song Yi's words were sonorous and powerful, and Jin Chengguo could hear the killing intent in Song Yi's voice.

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and reunion!

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