I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 208 The End of Li Guangxi

"Is this guy Jin Siyuan a pig? Can you make him run away from Song Yi face to face? Even if you can't kill Song Yi, you can kill Kim Tae Hee!" The thin-faced middle-aged man was a little annoyed.

"Kim Si-won did shoot Kim Tae-hee, but an old woman blocked the shot. I could only kill Kim Si-won first, and then leave Seoul University urgently to avoid leaving evidence. Secretary Kim, I can't do it in Seoul." I’ve been staying for a long time. Please contact Congressman Li and ask the Americans to arrange for me to go abroad to avoid the limelight.”

The killer was still frightened. If he hadn't been prepared, he would have been entangled by those guys from the National Intelligence Service today.

"Wait a moment, I'll report to the congressman. I'll drive you to the Pyeongtaek base in person later, just in case." Secretary Jin thought about it and agreed to the killer's request.

Secretary Jin went to ask Congressman Lee for instructions. Congressman Lee looked very calm, "Since the assassination failed, there is no need for him to live. You will drive him to Pyeongtaek Base in my special car later and let the Yankees deal with it." Him. Without the special pass in my car, you have no way to break through the Seoul police encirclement."

Secretary Jin had some concerns, "If I use your special car, will Song Yi turn his suspicious eyes on you?"

Councilor Li looked grim, "Do you think Song Yi won't doubt me now? The Americans want to kill Song Yi, but they are unwilling to take action personally for fear of causing diplomatic disputes."

"You were counting on me and I was counting on you. In the end, I chose the loser Kim Si-won, which led to failure. I'm going to call the Americans now and ask them to finish the work. Get ready to go." Representative Li felt that today's affairs were a bit tricky.

Since Kim Sung-guk became the director of national intelligence, he has no way to extend his hands into South Korea's intelligence agencies. And Jin Chengguo's reaction speed was much faster than he imagined. He was forced to have no choice but to ask his secretary to drive the killer away, even if there was a risk of exposure.

Song Yi was accompanying the extremely sad Kim Tae Hee outside the ICU ward of Seoul National University Medical School. Kim Tae Hee is still blaming herself, "Actually, I really shouldn't have invited Aunt Park to my graduation ceremony and fashion show. Although I wanted to share my joy with her, I brought her such bad luck. "

Mother Jin was explaining to her daughter, "Taehee, don't use other people's mistakes to punish yourself. No one wants to see this situation. Ms. Park's family will come over later, and we have to comfort Ms. Park's family." Woolen cloth."

Recalling the dangerous situation in the auditorium that afternoon, she was also frightened. She is really grateful to Park Min Jung for standing up for Kim Tae Hee.

She believes that when danger comes, she will not hesitate to block the gun for her daughter Kim Tae Hee. But Park Min Jung was just Kim Tae Hee's friend, but she stood up for Kim Tae Hee and saved Kim Tae Hee's life. No, no, no, to be precise, I saved two lives. Kim Tae Hee is still pregnant with a baby.

After hearing what happened to Park Minzhen in the hospital, Mrs. Jin sighed in her heart. This is also a miserable mother who lost her son in middle age and makes a living by running a pet shop in Seoul.

Park Minzhen likes every pet sold in the store and becomes friends with every pet owner, including Kim Tae Hee.

When Park Minzhen's Xinyi Pet Store was facing relocation, it was Song Yi who came forward to help Park Minzhen save the store and move it back to its original location. Not only that, the New Asia Welfare Group also undertook the decoration work of the new store.

Maybe it was Kim Tae Hee's daily kindness that made Park Min Jung subconsciously block a shot for Kim Tae Hee. This is why good people are rewarded.

At this time, Jin's mother's cell phone rang, and the ringtone was particularly harsh in the silent hospital corridor. Mother Jin looked at Jin Xiyuan on the caller ID and quickly walked to the side to answer the phone. Two bodyguards followed automatically.

"Mom Ou, has Song Yi been attacked?" Jin Xiyuan's tone was particularly anxious.

"Where did you hear the news?" Jin's mother asked.

"College students in Seoul have sent photos of the shooting scene in the auditorium to inschool. The foreign media has already made a fuss. Some people say that Song Yi was shot and his life or death is unknown. He is receiving treatment." Jin Xiyuan was worried, and her mother-in-law Zhou Shulan was still beside her. , she was afraid that Zhou Shulan would be worried, so she didn't dare to tell Zhou Shulan the truth.

Mother Jin sighed and quickly reassured Jin Xiyuan, "Song Yi and Taixi are both fine. One of Taixi's friends was attacked. You don't have to worry."

After Jin Xiyuan heard what Kim's mother said about the scene of the shooting, she felt extremely scared. If Park Minzhen hadn't stood in front of Tae Hee, she would have been separated from her biological sister Tae Hee forever.

"Then I will book a flight back to China tomorrow. Tae Hee will definitely need my company now." Jin Xiyuan knew her sister Kim Tae Hee's personality very well. It would be okay if Park Min Jung could be rescued, but if not, Tae Hee would probably feel guilty and self-blame for the rest of her life.

"Why are you coming back at this time? Your sister is with me, Hengzhu, and Song Yi. It will be fine when she calms down. If you want to come back, you can say hello to Song Yi first. Don't delay your business." Jin's mother said.

Jin Xiyuan's tone suddenly became louder, "Mom Ou, Song Yi and Taixi were almost shot. They are my most important family members."

Jin's mother felt a little uncomfortable. Tae Hee is your sister and Song Yi is your brother-in-law. How do you mean they are your most important family members?

Jin Xiyuan looked at her swollen belly. She was now more than five months pregnant and her belly was already showing. If she returned to China, she would not be able to hide it from Jin's mother.

She mustered up her courage and said, "Mom Ou, I'm pregnant, and the child is Song Yi's. Just today, my child's father and aunt are in danger. Shouldn't I go back and see them?"

When Jin's mother heard what Jin Xiyuan said, her head suddenly buzzed. Although she has been speculating about the relationship between her eldest daughter Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi, this is the first time that Jin Xiyuan has admitted her close relationship with Song Yi in front of her mother.

She was a little unsteady on her feet and felt like the world was spinning. She tried her best to hold on to the wall and lowered her voice, "How can you be so nonsense? Then was it because of Song Yi that you insisted on withdrawing from the church?"

Jin Xiyuan sounded a little guilty, "Yes. Ou Ma, I really love Song Yi so much. I can't live without him."

Jin's mother was very angry, "He is Tae Hee's man, and they have already received the certificate!"

She then thought of something, "Does Taixi also know about your pregnancy?"

Jin Xiyuan sounded even more guilty, "Yes. I told Tae Hee after I got pregnant."

Jin's mother became even more angry, "Okay, okay, you two sisters teamed up to hide it from me. You didn't even know to tell me about such a big thing. Jin Xiyuan, if you go back to China now, let me see how you explain to your father that you got pregnant out of wedlock." this matter?"

Only then did Jin Xiyuan tell the truth to Jin’s mother, including her fake marriage and then divorce. If the child was born, his surname would still be Song.

Mother Jin looked at Song Yi who was hugging Kim Tae Hee. She felt a little unworthy for her eldest daughter Jin Xiyuan. She also felt particularly sorry for Jin Xiyuan who was wandering alone in the UK. "Xiyuan, is it really worth it for such a man?"

Jin Xiyuan heard that her mother was complaining for her, and she quickly explained to Jin's mother, "Mom Ou, Song Yi has always been very good to me. I am the actual controller of this New Asia Sports Consortium. Song Yi is still in London and Manchester. He bought me many luxury homes. Now I am much richer than Tae Hee, and I have become a true billionaire. The assets under my name have exceeded 100 million pounds, not 100 million US dollars."

Jin's mother was even more frightened when she remembered what happened when the gunman wanted to shoot Song Yi. If Song Yi was assassinated at that time, wouldn't her two daughters be widowed?

She knew that she couldn't persuade her stubborn eldest daughter, so she sighed, "If you want to come back, just come back. Don't tell your dad about this yet. I will slowly do the work for him, and you can just say that we have a flash marriage in the UK." ”

"Thank you, Mom, I love you." Jin Xiyuan was very happy. The relationship between her and Song Yi has been recognized by her mother-in-law and mother. In time, she believes that the Song and Jin families will accept the relationship between her and Song Yi.

After Kim's mother hung up the phone, she returned to Kim Tae Hee's side. At this time, bodyguard Cha Taizhi walked next to Song Yi and said, "Ms. Park Minzhen's lover took it over."

Lao Jin walked quickly to the ICU ward. He looked at the red light above the ward with a blank expression. He turned to Song Yi and asked, "Is Minzhen being rescued now?"

Song Yi nodded, "The situation is not bad, she was shot twice in the chest."

Lao Jin understood what Song Yi meant, and Park Minzhen's current situation was very bad.

"I heard that the murderer has been killed?" Lao Jin continued to ask.

"The murderer's name is Kim Si-won. He was silenced by his accomplices who were hiding in the dark. His accomplices had climbed out of the big wall in Seoul and ran away after climbing over Mount Gwanak. There was a vehicle to pick him up at the other end of Mount Gwanak. , the National Intelligence Service and the Seoul police are currently conducting arrests." Song Yi introduced the current situation.

Lao Jin took out a pack of Aixi from his pocket, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then took out a lighter. He held the lighter tremblingly, trying to light a cigarette to relieve his nervousness, but failed to light it several times in a row.

The nurse outside the ward saw Lao Jin's behavior and was about to remind her that smoking was not allowed in the hospital. Song Yi glared at her, and she quickly stepped aside, not daring to interfere.

Song Yi took out his Dupont lighter and respectfully helped Lao Jin light his cigarette. Park Minzhen is Kim Taehee and his savior. He cannot treat Park Minzhen's only living relative too favorably.

Park Taizhi and Song Yi reviewed the situation at that time. If Park Minzhen hadn't stood up and distracted Jin Shiyuan's attention, Song Yi would not have been able to hide under the table in the second row in time.

The most optimistic scenario at the time was that Kim Si-won shot Song Yi, and then Park Tae-sik shot Kim Si-won dead. If Jin Shiyuan hits Song Yi's vital part, the person being rescued in the ICU may become Song Yi.

At this time, the red light above the ICU ward went out, and the red light did not turn into green. At this time, the door of the ward opened, and the surgeon responsible for the rescue came out. He walked up to Song Yi and said apologetically: "President Song, I am very sorry. The patient Ms. Park Minzhen's injury is too serious. We have already Tried my best.”

When Lao Jin heard what the doctor said, his body seemed to have lost all energy and he suddenly collapsed to the ground. He sat on the ground and pounded the floor in the corridor with his hands, "Old woman, we agreed to leave together, how could you bear to leave me alone in this world. Now that Tai Yong and you are gone, I will live alone. What’s the point of being in this world?”

The doctors and nurses responsible for the rescue looked gloomy. They had seen too many separations between family members and patients in the hospital, but when they saw this situation, it still made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

Song Yi knew that she couldn't blame the doctor. Park Minzhen had two gunshot wounds, one of which was near the heart. She was able to persist for so long, and her willpower to survive was already very strong.

At this time, Zhou Yuncan, dean of Seoul National University School of Medicine and president of Seoul National University, walked over to the ICU ward. Accompanying them are South Korean President Song Woo-seok and Cheong Wa Dae Secretary General Shin Kyung-soo.

Zhou Yuncan walked to the ICU ward. When he saw that the surgeons had come out, he asked, "Is the operation over?"

The surgeon in charge had a sad look on his face, and Song Yuxi suddenly understood. He recognized Park Minzhen's lover Lao Jin and helped him up from the ground.

"Lao Jin, people cannot be resurrected, so you have to express your condolences. For Park Minzhen, she definitely hopes that you can live well. This is her biggest wish. Let's go to the ward, say goodbye to her, and let her leave with dignity. ?" Song Yuxi began to persuade.

Lao Jin regained some strength. He declined Song Yuxi's support and was the first to walk into the ward. Song Woo-seok, Shin Kyung-soo, Song Yi, Kim Tae-hee and others entered the ward one after another.

Zhou Yuncan stood at the door, hesitating whether to go in and visit the deceased Park Minzhen. He still remembers the way Park Minzhen fell to the ground, his chest covered with blood. He really didn't want to see Park Minzhen's face again, and he was a little worried that he would have nightmares at night.

While he was struggling, the door to the ward was closed. Zhou Yuncan breathed a sigh of relief. Although Park Minzhen seemed to have a very good personal relationship with Song Yuxi and Song Yi, he couldn't pretend to be in the ward just to curry favor with Song Yuxi. This kind of behavior was inconsistent with his identity. Zhou Yuncan made an excuse for himself.

Lao Jin stood in front of the hospital bed. Park Minzhen was wearing a blue hospital gown on the operating table. Her face was pale, but her expression was very peaceful, as if she was asleep. Looking at Park Minzhen's expression, Kim's mother and Kim Taehee almost cried again.

Lao Jin had already adjusted. He turned to Song Yi and Jin Taixi, "I know that you feel very uncomfortable. Taixi, Minzhen is standing in front of you. You may feel that Minzhen sacrificed for you. Please Don’t think so.”

"I know Minzhen. She has been living in self-blame. During the Busan incident, the Busan police came to arrest Taeyong at home. Minzhen felt that she did not protect Taeyong well, so she let Taeyong suffer in prison. The police beat me severely."

"Actually, the Busan police at that time had already contacted the families of the imprisoned college students. As long as we sent money, our children could suffer less torture in prison. Minzhen and I worked hard to collect the money and sent it to them through an intermediary. The police, in the end, only saved Taeyong’s life.”

"When Taeyong passed away due to illness, Minzhen kept blaming herself. She felt that we as parents were useless because we couldn't make money. We could obviously use money to save our children's lives, but in the end we only saved half of them. Life. In the end, Taeyong didn’t live more than a year after he was released from prison.”

"I am a big-hearted person. Although my only son has passed away, life must go on. However, it is different for Shengzhen. She always feels that she, as a mother, has not protected her children well."

"Taixi, you are really a good child. Every time Minzhen mentioned you, she was full of praise. She mentioned to me more than once that if she could have another child, she would definitely hope to have one. Such an outstanding daughter like Tae Hee." Lao Jin's words made Kim Tae Hee burst into tears.

"In fact, I believe that no matter whether the murderer aimed his gun at the student at Seoul National University today, Minzhen would not hesitate to come forward. For her, she saved not just a student, but also the life she once had. The son she wanted to save but failed to save. So after fulfilling her wish, she passed away particularly peacefully today," Lao Jin said.

Song Woo-seok was very moved when he heard Lao Jin's words, "Ms. Park Min-jung transformed her love for her son into a great love for Seoul university students. This noble character is respectable. I suggest that Seoul University should find a way to commemorate her." , such as erecting a statue for Ms. Park Minzhen in the school. By the way, where is Principal Zhou Yuncan?"

Xin Qingzhu looked around the ward and said, "Commander, it seems that President Zhou didn't come in. Maybe there was something delayed. Just leave it to me to build the statue. Park Minzhen blocked the assailants for the students on the Seoul National University campus. Bullets, this great spirit of being brave and sacrificing oneself for others must be vigorously promoted."

Song Yuxi was a little unhappy, but he didn't show it on his face. Song Yi discovered that Xin Qingzhu was also a good person, a bit like Eunuch Gao Zhan in "Nirvana in Fire", who quietly sued Zhou Yuncan and made it impossible for anyone to find fault.

Zhou Yuncan, Zhou Yuncan, you definitely didn’t expect someone to give you eye drops in the ICU ward. It seems that you, the principal, are not favored by Xin Qingzhu either. Did you just put on your airs of being a well-known scholar and the president of Seoul National University in front of Shin Kyung-soo?

Song Yi glanced at Xin Qingshu and said, "I think it is inappropriate to place the statue of Aunt Park on campus. After all, the statues on the campus of Seoul National University are either anti-Japanese martyrs or world-renowned scholars."

"President Zhou Yuncan has always advocated that Seoul National University should maintain its independence. He does not like government departments to interfere too much in the decision-making of Seoul National University. Our New Asia Welfare Foundation can buy a piece of land on Gwanaksan Mountain and build a memorial statue for her. If Seoul National University "Students should pay homage to Aunt Park during Tomb Sweeping Day. They can bring flowers to visit the statue of Aunt Park. This will not interfere with the normal teaching activities of Seoul University and minimize the impact," Song Yi suggested.

Song Yuxi nodded and agreed with Song Yi's approach. Xin Qingzhu secretly laughed in his heart, Song Yuxi had long been dissatisfied with Zhou Yuncan's self-righteous demeanor. Xin Qingzhu took the initiative to apply eye drops to Zhou Yuncan after he figured it out.

Lao Jin said to Song Yuxi and Song Yi: "General, President Song. Minzhen's funeral is scheduled to be held at Seoul National University Medical College. If possible, after the funeral, I want to return to Busan with Minzhen's ashes." , bury her next to Taiyong. When I am a hundred years old, our family of three can be reunited in another world."

Song Yuxi immediately agreed, "It is human nature for a leaf to return to its roots after falling. Song Yi, I will go back to the Blue House later. You will be responsible for hosting Park Minzhen's funeral. I'm afraid that Lao Jin can't handle it alone. You can also help arrange it and send them to the funeral." All the relatives in Busan have come over. If you need my help with anything, please contact Qingshu directly."

Song Yi agreed that Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee would help Park Minzhen organize the funeral as Park Minzhen's immediate family members, so that she could be buried with dignity.

As for Lao Jin, if Lao Jin is willing to continue running Xinyi Pet Store, then Song Yi will continue to help take care of it. If Lao Jin doesn't want to work anymore, then Song Yi will help Lao Jin buy a high pension insurance at one time, so that Lao Jin can receive a large pension from the insurance company every month, ensuring that he will have no worries about food and clothing in his next life.

At this time, Park Taizhi received a call, and he walked to Song Yi, "Tonight, Congressman Li Guangzhi's special car departed from Seoul City and drove to Pyeongtaek base. Li Guangzhi was not in the car. The driver was Li Guangzhi's secretary. There was also an unidentified passenger. Because the car had a special pass for a member of Congress, the Seoul police let him go without blocking him."

Song Yi was not surprised. Li Guang went to the United States for two years before running for mayor of Seoul. It was precisely with the support of American politicians and Korean conservatives that Lee Guangwang was able to become a member of Congress again and then run for mayor of Seoul. It is no secret that Li Guangwang has close relations with the US intelligence agencies or the US military stationed in South Korea.

"It doesn't matter, there is no need for evidence for this kind of thing. Such a big living person enters the Pingtaek base, and he cannot disappear out of thin air. You contact Zheng Chaodong, we need to promote the BKK investment case. Only more and more victims like Zheng Chaodong Only when someone comes forward to testify against Li Guangzhi can Li Guangzhi be voted by Congress and removed from his position as a member of Congress. If he does not have the talisman of a member of Congress, then we will see the end of Li Guangxi."

Song Yi knew that the next step would be a life-and-death power struggle between him and Li Guangxi.

Hurry up and get the code out. Park Min Jung is really a tragic character. I wish you all a happy National Day again!

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