I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 209 Song Yi’s Revenge

Seoul National University has temporarily raised the security level, and photos of the Seoul mass shooting scene on inschool have been locked to avoid causing social panic. South Korea is a country that bans guns. A shooting occurred at South Korea's highest university. This case is obviously extraordinary.

South Korea's three major newspapers, Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo, all reported the mass shooting in Seoul the next day.

Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo identified the murderer in news reports as Baek Ji-young’s former manager Kim Si-won. In order to take revenge on Song Yi, he sneaked into the Seoul Grand B1 Auditorium to commit the murder. In the end, an unfortunate old man was among them. He died later. The identity of this old man was a pet shop owner in Seoul City and a member of the Love Song Society.

Song Yi was dealing with Park Minzhen's funeral in the mourning hall of Seoul National University Medical College. He was already in a bad mood, and he felt even worse after reading these reports.

Kim Hee-won has flown back from the UK, and she is accompanying her sister Kim Tae-hee in the Seongbuk-dong villa. Kim Tae Hee also fell asleep very late last night, and her sleep quality was not good. She often woke up in the middle of the night. Apparently she had nightmares at night.

Only then did Kim Yu-moon and Kim Hyung-soo know that Kim Hee-won was pregnant. Not only that, Kim Hee-won had already obtained the pregnancy certificate with someone in the UK.

Jin Hyung-soo felt that the eldest sister was really fierce and dared to get married without notifying her parents. When Jin Yuwen tried to criticize the disobedient Jin Xiyuan, Jin's mother impatiently stopped him: "Don't you see that the family is in a mess now? You should stop adding to the chaos. If you want to train your daughter, you can go to England to train her. "

"Taixi almost died yesterday. Now you still have time to care about who your eldest daughter is married to? For me, a mother, as long as the children are safe, what's the big deal in finding a foreign son-in-law? Taixi knows him. At that time, wasn't Song Yi a foreigner?" Jin's mother said.

When Jin Yuwen heard what Jin's mother said, he immediately felt that it was not a big deal for his eldest daughter to get pregnant after a flash marriage.

He just felt a little strange that Jin Xiyuan went to work in the UK and suddenly got married and became pregnant. The New Asia Sports Consortium broke out another big news unexpectedly, acquiring the European giant Manchester United.

If female employees in other companies become pregnant, their work will definitely be adjusted. Kim Hee-won became pregnant and directly became the chairman of the board of directors of Manchester United. Some people thought that Song Yi bought Manchester United for Jin Xiyuan. Jin Yuwen asked Jin Xiyuan about her husband, but Jin Xiyuan was evasive, which aggravated Jin Yuwen's suspicion.

Liao Yu also learned about Song Yi's assassination. Although she knew that Song Yi and Taixi were safe, she still called Song Yi immediately.

"You don't know how to call me to talk about such a big thing. If something happens to you, what will happen to the child in Taixi's belly? I'll hide it from my dad for now, but this kind of news cannot be hidden. Mainland media Sooner or later, the report will come out. If your parents know that this gunman is targeting you, they will definitely let you and Taixi return to China to settle down." Liao Yu said.

"The matter is over. Let the old man hide it if he can. In fact, there is another murderer who has escaped. Now the Korean intelligence department and the police are working together to pursue it, but there are already clues. Taixi and I have stepped up security You have strength, don’t worry.”

"When the matter here is settled, please accompany me to Hong Kong Island. I plan to modify the beneficiary list of the family trust."

Through this major shooting in Seoul, Song Yi realized for the first time that he was so close to death. The Song Yi Family Trust Fund is the last guarantee left by Song Yi to his family. Even if all Xinya companies go bankrupt, it can maintain the Song family's wealth and prosperity for generations.

Liao Yu knew Song Yi's plan. She originally wanted to say that Song Yi was still young and didn't need to think about his funeral so early. However, considering the unborn child in Kim Tae Hee's belly, she did not dissuade him.

At this time, Song Yi also fully confessed to Liao Yu, saying that he was going to add Chen Fuzhen and his son, Jin Xiyuan and Kim Tae Hee to the list of beneficiaries.

The original list of beneficiaries of the Song Yi Family Trust Fund included Song Yi’s parents Song Mingzhe, Zhou Shulan, Liao Yu and niece Song Miao, as well as Song Yi himself. After Kim Hee-won and Kim Tae-hee's child is born, the child will be added to the beneficiary list.

Liao Yu had known about the relationship between Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi for a long time, and she also agreed with Jin Xiyuan to go to England to take charge of Manchester United. However, this was the first time she knew that Chen Fuzhen's son Chen Yuanzhong was Song Yi's illegitimate son.

"Xiao Yi, you are so awesome. You can even hook up with the three-star princess. I remember when Chen Fuzhen was pregnant, she hadn't divorced her bodyguard husband yet, right?" Liao Yu said with unclear meaning.

Even through the phone, Song Yi could still sense that Liao Yu's tone was unkind, "They were already separated at that time. It was You Zaizhi who wanted to extort more of the breakup fee, so he delayed the divorce."

"President Song, you are really blessed. You have the beautiful sisters Hee-won and Tae-hee, and now you are also dating the eldest princess of Samsung. Xinya has signed so many beautiful stars, like Song Hye-kyo and Jun Ji-hyun. , Son Ye-jin, Gao Xianzhen, Baek Ji-young, no wonder they would rather risk being shot than stay in Seoul. You are so happy that you don’t miss Shu." Liao Yu mocked angrily.

Song Yi knew that once Liao Yu called him President Song, it would be a sign that she was angry, so he quickly comforted her, "Sister Yu, if we just want to make money, the money we make now will not be spent in ten lifetimes, let alone a lifetime. If we are here, In the Mainland, no matter how hard I try, I still have to be at least 50 or 60 years old before I can have some say."

"There are more than two hundred countries and regions in the world. In these countries, either power is greater than money, or money is greater than power. Among so many capitalist countries, even if my personal wealth increases tenfold, I will not be able to squeeze into the Anglo-Saxon world. The circle of white and Jewish old money families.”

"I have never believed in the nonsense that all people are created equal. This is a pie created by the capitalists to appease the people at the bottom. They hope that the world can continue to operate according to the rules of the game they set."

"These people who occupy the highest level of discourse in the world filter people into three, six or nine grades. People at the top can enjoy the dual supply of material and spirituality to the greatest extent. As the social class decreases, people at the bottom of society have to The material supplies they have can only ensure that they do not starve to death, and their spiritual supplies are almost zero.”

"The reason why I spare no effort to promote the social networking site inschool and build a media group like New Asia Media is to gain the right to speak in the Internet industry. Because only by mastering this right to speak can I ensure that Yuan Zhong, Miaomiao, and Tai Xi and Xiyuan's children have always been masters when they grow up," Song Yi said.

Liao Yu was shocked by Song Yi's words, which were completely different from the educational philosophy she had received since childhood. She now understands why Song Yi is planning to separate the mainland's Xinya Network and South Korea's inschool business separately. The two companies will be listed separately, in order to avoid the regulatory risks that may be encountered after the listing.

She realized the difference in concepts between Song Yi and her. Song Yi hoped that all his family members could enter the upper class, while Liao Yu only hoped that Song Miao would be safe throughout her life. Perhaps Song Mingzhe saw the ambition in Song Yi, so he insisted that Song Miao retain Chinese nationality.

"I heard that an old woman blocked two shots for Taixi and unfortunately passed away. This old woman was also Taixi's good friend. How about I go to Seoul and attend the funeral of this old woman?" Liao Yu changed the subject.

"No, there is still a murderer who has not been found, and Seoul may not be safe. If you stay in Yanjing, I will feel more at ease."

"Now inschool is developing the Xinya Conference System, which can enable remote meetings and work from home. In the future, I will go back to China to live for a period of time during the summer or winter vacation, so you and Miaomiao don't have to travel back and forth." Song Yi decisively refused.

"President, Zheng Chaodong and his wife are here." At this time, secretary Jiang Xiuna came over to remind Song Yi.

After hearing this, Liao Yu said, "Okay, let's talk next time. Xiyuan suddenly returned to Seoul this time. Her mother may realize that something is wrong. Please call her later so that the elderly don't worry." Liao Yu reminded her carefully. .

In order to facilitate Song Yi to organize Park Minzhen's funeral, Seoul University temporarily opened two offices near the Seoul National University School of Medicine to facilitate Song Yi's work and reception.

When Zheng Chaodong found out that Song Yi's bodyguard was going to search him, he was a little annoyed, "Song Yi is too arrogant, isn't he? Does he really think of himself as the president of South Korea?"

Li Jingshu can understand, special treatment in special times. She said, "Okay, if you think it's troublesome for others at this time, why don't you feel troublesome when Song Yi helps you recover the more than one million US dollars you were defrauded from Jin Fengying? Don't pick up the bowl to eat, put down the bowl and curse!" "

Fortunately, Song Yi's attitude towards Zheng Chaodong was as polite as ever, which made Zheng Chaodong feel much more comfortable.

Song Yi shook hands with Zheng Chaodong and Li Jingshu one by one, "Sorry, please forgive me, because the mass shooting in Seoul has not been solved yet, so the security check of the security team around me is stricter. Xiuna, pour two glasses for Brother Chaodong and Sister Jingshu coffee."

When Jiang Xiuna saw Li Jingshu, she suddenly remembered the scene when Li Jingshu and Song Yi were fooling around in the bedroom of the private jet. Her face turned slightly red and she quickly left the office, "Okay, President."

Zheng Chaodong obviously didn't know that Song Yi in front of him had already put on more than one hat for him. Li Jingshu often took advantage of the opportunity of sending her daughter Zheng Xiujing to the New Asia Group Building to practice and went to the top floor to have a tryst with Song Yi. Jiang Xiuna was responsible for picking up and dropping off each time.

"President Song, haven't you already helped me recover my defrauded funds from BKK Investment Company? Is there anything you need my help with?" Zheng Chaodong asked.

Song Yi explained: "Brother Chaodong, although your funds have been recovered, the losses of other investors have not yet been recovered. Now the Seoul police have discovered that Li Guangguang is the instigator of the BKK investment fraud case, but Jin Fengying refused. The scapegoat that came out.”

"Didn't you say last time that you met Li Guangguang's second brother Li Shouyi at BKK Investment Company? Li Shouyi is also an investor in BKK Investment. Li Shouyi personally hinted to you that with Li Guangxi acting as a platform for BKK Investment, BKK Investment can know in advance what the parliament has approved. decision, thereby profiting from buying and selling stocks in advance.”

"Now the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office is going to record a confession for defrauded investors like you, and then summon Li Guangzhi's second brother Li Shouyi to lock in the criminal evidence of Li Guangzhi. Li Guangzhi personally admitted BKK when he gave a speech at a Japanese high school a few years ago. Investment was founded by him," Song Yi said.

Zheng Chaodong was a little reluctant when he heard what Song Yi said. If Song Yi did this, wouldn't it mean that he would directly testify against a current member of Congress? Moreover, Li Guangwang is not an ordinary member of Congress. He has considerable influence in South Korea's opposition parties.

You Song Yi wants to deal with Li Guangxi. Even if the impeachment of Li Guangxi fails, Li Guangxi can't do anything to you Song Yi. But what if the gods fight and the fish in the pond are affected? If Li Guangzhi fails to step down or be sentenced in the end, how will he deal with Li Guangzhi's revenge?

Moreover, Song Yi has come forward to help him recover the more than one million US dollars he was defrauded. Zheng Chaodong actually no longer wants to deal with BKK Investment Company. Even if he comes forward to testify against Lee Guangwang and helps other investors recover the hundreds of billions of won they were defrauded, he won't get a penny, so why should he bother to be this good guy?

"President Song, although I have met Li Shouyi at BKK Investment Company, I am not sure that Li Shouyi is also an investor in BKK Investment Company. It is possible that Li Shouyi deliberately exaggerated the government background of BKK Investment in order to attract us to invest. After all, he When an investor joins the company, he can get a high commission." Zheng Chaodong shied away.

Song Yi felt a little tired when he heard what Zheng Chaodong said. Since I worked so hard to help you recover the more than one million US dollars you were defrauded, it's okay if you don't thank me. After all, I have slept with your wife a few times.

But now I ask you to come forward as a witness, and you refuse even if I summon Li Guangguang's second brother Li Shouyi. You are afraid of offending Li Guangwang, aren't you afraid of offending me, Song Yi?

"It doesn't matter. Since Brother Chao Dong said this, it may be that the prosecutor's office made a wrong investigation direction. Because I have to be busy organizing the funeral for Aunt Park Minzhen these two days, and there are many things, so I won't leave you here. Wait for me After we finish all these bad things, we can get together again when we have time." Song Yi said with a smile on his face.

Li Jingshu has been with Song Yi for so long and knows Song Yi's temperament very well. The angrier Song Yi is, the more sincere the smile on his face becomes. If Zheng Chaodong and her left like this, what would happen to the future of sisters Zheng Xiuyan and Zheng Xiujing?

Li Jingyan kicked Zheng Chaodong. She reminded Zheng Chaodong, who was pretending to be stupid, "Chaodong, since the prosecutor's office has intervened, it is obvious that the Blue House has found substantial evidence of Li Guangguang's economic crimes. It won't take you much time to record a confession. There are so many Victim, the prosecutor is not sure that he will not summon Li Shouyi easily. President Song has helped us so much, why are you not willing to help with such a small matter?"

When Zheng Chaodong heard what Li Jingshu said, he suddenly understood. If he refuses Song Yi's request today, Song Yi will completely distance himself from their family, and Jessica and Krystal will not be able to get any preferential treatment from SM Entertainment and New Asia Management.

He also understood that it was not just Song Yi who wanted to deal with Li Guangxi, but Qingwatai was also involved. So looking at it this way, Song Yi's assassination was not an accidental incident. Maybe it also involved the political struggle between the ruling party and the opposition party?

Zheng Chaodong understood that he had no right to refuse, so he quickly changed his attitude, "Maybe I remembered it wrong. Li Shouyi did mention Li Guangzhou, the younger brother of the congressman, more than once in BKK Investment Company."

Song Yi smiled and said, "I believe in friendship and am willing to express my friendship first. My friends from the prosecutor's office are at Seoul University. I will ask someone to take you there. Sister Jingshu will stay here to drink some coffee and accompany me. Let’s chat with Xiuna for a while.”

Zheng Chaodong looked at Li Jingshu, "Then wait here for a moment, I'll be back soon."

Li Jingshu knew why Song Yi specifically kept her, and her face turned red, "Well, okay, I'll wait for you."

After Zheng Chaodong left the office, Jiang Xiuna looked at the office door. "President, please tell me if you have something." Jiang Xiuna said, as if Li Jingyan did not exist.

Li Jingyan wore a white short-sleeved dress today. The overall design of this dress is simple and highlights the temperament of a young woman. The special hollow design on the waist is a little sexy, making it look much younger.

Li Jingyan sat astride Song Yi. She hugged Song Yi's neck, "President Song, you are so domineering. Your husband has just left, and you are going to bully his wife?"

Song Yi was really annoyed by Zheng Chaodong's lack of appreciation just now, "Really? I clearly informed your husband to come over to talk about things. Why did you come over? Don't you just want to see me, my lover?"

"You goblin, when you shook hands with me just now, you deliberately scratched my palm with your fingers to seduce me. Aren't you throwing yourself into a trap?" Song Yi hugged Li Jingshu, his anger subsided slightly.

"I'm not throwing myself into a trap. I'm afraid that Chaodong is sometimes ignorant. If I hadn't come with him today, he would have offended you without knowing it. Well, my President Song, don't be angry. As much anger as you have towards Zheng Chaodong, just take it out on me." Li Jingshu said pitifully.

"The fate of a person who can clearly see the essence of something in one second and a person who spends half a lifetime unable to see the essence of a thing is naturally different. Only smart people like you can survive to the end. This is a law that has not changed for centuries. You If you are smart enough and decisive enough, you will definitely be able to live the life you want with Jessica and Krystal. The luckiest thing for Zheng Chaodong is to marry such a smart wife like you." Song Yi sighed.

Li Jingyan held Song Yi's hand, "Don't take off my skirt. This is a school. People come and go. It's not good if you are bumped into. Just sit like this. You are the master and I am the maid. I will do it." Serve you."

"President Song, for a big shot like you, is it an offense to you if someone else refuses your request?" Li Jingshu asked cautiously.

Song Yi thought for a moment, "You have never had power, at least not too much power, so you don't understand the essence of power. The essence of power lies in the extent to which you can control others and how many people you can control. It means how much power you have.”

"So there have been so many presidents in South Korea, and the most powerful presidents are only the two military junta presidents Zheng Puxi and Quan Zhanfa. Even Samsung's Chen Byung-cheol can only act like a grandson in front of them."

"I thought Zheng Chaodong would not refuse my request, but something almost went wrong. It seems that I overestimated the power I control. They will be afraid of Samsung's Chen Bingzhe and Hyundai Motor's Zhou Mengjiu, but they will not be afraid of me."

During this time, Song Yi was also reflecting on why Li Guangwang would not attack the five major financial groups in South Korea, but dared to team up with others to try to kill him. The most fundamental reason was that Song Yi's attitude was too gentle.

Confucian culture has always advocated peace as the most important thing and virtue as a virtue. After experiencing Japanese colonial rule and the baptism of the US military stationed in Korea, Koreans have begun to accept the Anglo-Saxon martial spirit and pirate culture. They believe that the strong is king.

Song Yi used a trick to replace South Korea's director of national intelligence last time and supported Kim Sung-guk to take over. In the end, he treated Park Jin-hwan, the former director of national intelligence, with contempt, so Song Yi's opponents had no fear.

The normal process should be that Kim Sung-guk becomes the new director of national intelligence, launches an investigation into the malfeasance case of the former director Park Jin-hwan, and makes Park Jin-hwan serve several years in prison, or even suddenly commit suicide in prison. In this way, Song Yi's opponents could feel Song Yi's sharp fangs, like a sword of Damocles hanging on their foreheads, making them always wary of the existence of Song Yi and the New Asia series.

If Song Yi does not show sufficient self-protection ability, once Song Yuxi is impeached and steps down, Song Yi will be in a bad situation. As long as Song Yi's opponents offer sufficiently attractive bargaining chips, the political forces attached to Song Yuxi will not hesitate to abandon Song Yi and share the huge wealth of the New Asia Department together, just like the bankruptcy of Daewoo Group.

Li Jingshu touched Song Yi's chest and said to Song Yi: "The Godfather said that the best threat is to take no action. Once action is taken but has no effect, people will no longer be afraid of threats."

"But there is a premise for this, that is, you need to take an action to establish your prestige. For example, if you want to deal with Li Guangxi now, then you have to use all means to prevent him from turning around. When Li Guang loses Congress, With the talisman of the congressman, you can attack the consortium that supports Li Guangxu, whether it's through coercion or inducement, as long as you make them feel pain, then they will think more about it next time someone deals with you." Analysis by Li Jingyan.

Song Yili was happy, "Oh, I didn't expect that you are still a female middle school student. Then let me test you. Now the other murderer of the Seoul mass shooting has hidden in the Pyeongtaek base. How should I catch Li Guangguang conspiring with the murderer? evidence of?"

Li Jingyan thought seriously, "The National Intelligence Service has no way to enter the Pyeongtaek base and take away the murderer, but you can lure the snake out of the hole. You can ask the National Intelligence Service to go to the Pyeongtaek base to negotiate, and then pretend to catch the murderer and return to Seoul."

"When Li Guangzhi knows the news, he will definitely contact his internal intelligence at Pingtaek base in some way to confirm the murderer's safety. Whether he confirms by phone, telegram, Internet or letter, then Li Guangzhi will contact the base in private The fact that South Korea and the U.S. military are involved in the conflict is irrefutable. If it is confirmed that Lee Guangwang is a spy for the United States, then Li Guangwang is not suitable to continue to serve as a member of Congress!" Li Jingyan thought for a while and then suggested.

Song Yi thought about it carefully and felt that Li Jingyan's suggestion was 70% feasible. He had to call Jin Chengguo to discuss it together. After all, in 1997, the National Intelligence Agency erupted in a scandal involving monitoring high-level political and economic circles in South Korea. If you want to intercept the phone calls between Lee Guangwang and the US military stationed in South Korea, the assistance of Kim Sung-guk, an intelligence expert, is indispensable.

Song Yi patted Li Jingshu's butt and said, "Let's go to the window and enjoy the campus scenery of Seoul University. Don't worry, our office is on the top floor of the office building, and it's in the corner. No one will notice you. Give me If you come up with an idea, I will definitely reward you well."

Li Jingshu rolled her eyes at Song Yi and said, "I'm really a good person and I don't get rewarded. I gave you an idea, and you still want to 'reward' me like this. Last time I was in your office, you insisted that I call Chaodong. I almost couldn't That's right. I heard that your secretary Jiang Xiuna used to be your little crush, and she just got married. Why don't you reward your capable female secretary like this? "

Happy National Day. Alas, I won’t take time off during the National Day. I will type every day, but I have to spend time with my family, so updates may not be on time.

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