I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 210 Digging a hole for Li Guangwang

Li Guangguang has had a bad premonition recently. He doesn't know how Song Yi is going to deal with him. It stands to reason that Kim Si-won's associates have been sent out of South Korea, and the National Intelligence Service and the Seoul police have not been able to find any substantial evidence that he participated in the Seoul mass shooting. However, he still feels that something is wrong. This is his political intuition for many years.

In early September, the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission approved New Asia Media Real Estate Group’s application to host a TVB.

South Korea's opposition Grand National Party and Lee Guangwang originally wanted to block the application of TVB. However, the performance of the ruling party and Song Woo-seok was very strong, and more than half of the members of Congress supported Song Woo-seok. In the end, the congressional proposal was successfully passed.

Zhou Mengkui, president of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, introduced the specific situation of this wireless TV station to the media.

The new wireless TV station is called Asia Broadcasting, its English name is Asia Broadcasting System, and its abbreviation is ABS.

ABS is the second private wireless TV station in South Korea after SBS. The viewing area of ​​ABS includes Seoul City, Incheon City, Gyeonggi Province, Gangwon Province, North Chungcheong Province, South Chungcheong Province, North Jeolla Province, South Jeolla Province and Gwangju City.

In the entire South Korea, except for the conservative stronghold of Yeongnam, ABS's viewing range can cover almost all of South Korea, covering almost 40 million people in South Korea.

ABS was founded on September 11, 2003, and the official launch time is expected to be September 29, 2004. The ABS TV station is headquartered in Bucheon City, Gyeonggi Province.

ABS TV has established an ABS TV station preparatory committee. Song Yi personally serves as the director of the preparatory committee, and Zhou Mengkui, president of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, and Li Bingkui, executive director of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, serve as deputy directors.

ABS TV station launched a prize-winning competition in inschool to collect a popular, easy-to-understand and easy-to-remember promotional slogan for ABS TV station.

The prize for this prize-winning collection activity is 100 million won. This activity also attracted Korean netizens to actively participate.

Whether they are Japanese or Korean netizens, they are always paying attention to the activities of the New Asia series. Because unlike other Internet companies, New Asia is really willing to give money and never does any gimmicks.

For example, the web game "Happy Farm" that became a hit in Japan last year. One year after the game was launched, "Happy Farm" also officially announced that Japanese netizen Naomi Yoshii, who ranked first in Japan, received a 20 million yen bonus.

Naomi Yoshii is a senior student from Hokkaido, Japan. She comes from a family of cooks. Her grandfather is a master of Japanese cuisine and opened the popular Chinese cuisine restaurant Yoshii Family.

After seeking Naomi Yoshii's opinion, Naomi Yoshii plans to inherit the family business and open a Happy Farm joint restaurant in Hokkaido. This restaurant has many plush toys of the same type as "Happy Farm", among which plush carrots are the most popular toys among Japanese girls. The game "Happy Farm" has also increased a lot of revenue for inschool Japan.

Li Guangwang’s second brother Li Shouyi was summoned by the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office and asked to cooperate in the investigation of the BKK investment fraud case. Although Li Shouyi was released by the prosecutor's office not long after, Li Guangguang knew that Song Yi's next move would definitely be more than that.

Not only that, Li Guangwang’s wife Yu Jinyu was also invited to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office for investigation. A South Korean businessman said that he paid 1.45 billion won in bribes to Yu Jinyu's son-in-law, and most of the funds were reported to have entered Yu Jinyu's pocket.

Yoo Jin-ok used her influence as a congressman's wife to help facilitate the businessman's appointment to the South Korean Financial Commission, and Yoo Jin-ok's son-in-law is a corporate executive at Samsung Electronics.

Just after the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office launched an aggressive investigation into Li Guangwang's relatives, Li Guangwang had to temporarily show weakness to Song Yi.

Samsung Electronics Chairman Chen Jianxi wanted to mediate the conflict between Song Yi and Li Guangwang. He held a banquet at his residence in Itaewon to entertain Song Yi. As a result, Song Yi went to Chen Jianxi's house for the first time. After discovering that the guest at the same table was Li Guangguang, Song Yi left the table angrily. The conflict between Song Yi and Li Guangxu suddenly came to light, and the two were in the same boat.

Li Guangguang knew that he had to fight Song Yi before ABS TV station started broadcasting, if ABS TV station started broadcasting. ABS TV station will definitely attack Li Guangwang around his corruption case. Li Guangwang's relatives are asking for bribes. The Korean people will not believe that Li Guangwang himself will keep clean. Moreover, the suspicion about the BKK investment case has not dissipated.

Of course, Li Guangxi didn't fight back. The Financial Commission of South Korea has begun investigating the loans applied by the New Asia Department and Song Yi himself, including the loans that Song Yi applied to the Korea Exchange Bank in his own name starting in 2000, and the loans that New Asia Department's companies applied to major Korean banks. There is no place for illegal operations.

The National Tax Service of South Korea also received reports that during the acquisition of SM Entertainment by New Asia Media Real Estate Group, SM Entertainment avoided taxes by cutting financial expenditures.

SM Entertainment’s real profit level is far higher than the financial report, after Lee Soo Man’s Like project was cancelled. The labor fees originally paid by SM Entertainment to Like Project should be reflected in SM Entertainment's corporate profits in its financial reports.

But in fact, in the entire acquisition case, the acquirer New Asia Media Real Estate Group and the acquiree SM Entertainment deliberately ignored this issue, and the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers who participated in the audit did not raise any questions.

This resulted in New Asia Media Real Estate Group purchasing shares of SM Entertainment from Lee Soo Man at a lower purchase price, after the acquisition transaction was completed. SM Entertainment only disclosed relevant issues in its second quarter financial report, which caused SM Entertainment's stock price to skyrocket in that quarter. New Asia Media Real Estate Group and SM Entertainment's major shareholders both made profits by manipulating SM Entertainment's stock price, which involved New Asia Media Real Estate Group. Tax evasion. Tax evasion.

Obviously, while Song Yi was staring at Li Guangguang, someone was also keeping their eyes on the proud Song Yi. South Korean politicians want to deal with the heads of large consortiums, and economic issues are the best entry point.

This is like listed company A preparing to buy listed company B. Listed company B discovered before the transaction that there was an undeveloped mine under its name, and there was coal underneath the mine.

If Company B discloses it in advance, the price for Company A to acquire Company B will definitely be much higher. So Company A and Company B discussed and continued to complete the acquisition at the originally agreed price.

After Company B became a subsidiary of Company A, Company B announced six months later that a coal mine had been discovered under the previously undeveloped mountain. Company B's revenue and profits have both skyrocketed, so the stock prices of parent company A and subsidiary B have been booming. The shareholders of Company A and Company B both profited from this news, and it was the interests of ordinary shareholders that were harmed.

The higher the purchase price, the more taxes the Korean National Tax Service will impose, so New Asia Media Real Estate Group is suspected of tax evasion. As a result, the Korean National Tax Service launched an investigation into the personal tax issues of New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Song Yi.

Now it remains to be seen whether the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office will get Lee Guangwang’s corruption evidence first, or whether the National Tax Service will get Song Yi’s tax evasion record first. Only one of Song Yi and Li Guang goes in first, and this power struggle will subside.

In mid-September, a credit card crisis broke out at the Korea Exchange Bank, and the Korea Exchange Bank, the fifth largest bank in Korea, was on the verge of bankruptcy. South Korea's three major TV stations and three major newspapers generally believe that there is a great risk for any financial institution in South Korea to take over the Korea Exchange Bank, and that foreign capital taking over the Korea Exchange Bank is the best way out.

In this regard, Li Yiji of New Asia Capital Fund expressed a different view on this. Why must the Bank of Korea be sold to foreign capital?

Lee Kang-yun, president of the Korea Exchange Bank, said that the Korea Exchange Bank is currently operating poorly, with losses amounting to hundreds of billions of won.

New Asia Capital Fund has participated in the debt restructuring of LG Credit Card, the largest credit card company in South Korea, and has rich experience in asset restructuring. When LG Credit Card Company encountered a debt crisis, the company's losses were less than one trillion won.

President Li Jiangyun said that the Korea Exchange Bank is currently suffering serious losses. Is it suspected that he deliberately exaggerated the poor management situation and failed to perform his duties and obligations to ensure normal prices, thereby facilitating foreign capital to acquire the Korea Exchange Bank at a low price?

Ellis Short, vice president of Lone Star Fund, was very dissatisfied with Li Yiji's speech, "There are still people in South Korea who are so ignorant of current affairs? Does New Asia Capital Fund also have ideas about Korea Exchange Bank?"

Liu Huiyuan, the representative director of Lone Star Fund Korea, hesitated, "It's hard to say, but as far as we know. Korea Exchange Bank President Li Jiangyun and Song Yi had old grievances before."

“And South Korea’s banking industry has the ‘Law on the Separation of Industry and Finance’. This bill separates the banking industry from financial non-main industry capital.”

"This bill strictly restricts industrial capital from privatizing banks and stipulates that financial non-main industry capital can hold up to 4% of the bank's shares. Even if the amount they invest exceeds 4%, they can only have 4% of the voting rights."

"The Korean government passed this bill at that time. In fact, it was mainly to prevent Korean industrial capital represented by large consortiums such as Samsung, Daewoo, Hyundai, LG, Lotte, and SK from interfering too much in the financial industry, and to prevent the instability of industrial capital from affecting the financial market. Stabilize South Korea’s financial system.”

"New Asia Capital Fund is still an investment fund under the New Asia Group. If New Asia Capital Fund wants to acquire Korea Exchange Bank, it cannot circumvent the restrictions of the Separation of Assets and Finance Act. And as long as Li Jiangyun continues to serve as the president of Korea Exchange Bank , it is impossible for New Asia Capital Fund to acquire Korea Exchange Bank." Liu Huiyuan gave Ellis Short a reassurance.

"If no one questions it, we, Lone Star Fund, can just quietly buy the Korea Exchange Bank. Now that Li Yiji has expressed objections, we will not be able to complete the acquisition target according to the planned plan. I suspect that the New Asia Capital Foundation will cooperate with foreign countries capital institutions, to jointly bid for the Korea Exchange Bank, so as not to violate the Separation of Industry and Finance Act, while maintaining sufficient influence on the Korea Exchange Bank."

"You should hurry up and increase the offer appropriately. There is no problem. You can also contact New Asia Capital Fund. As long as they are willing not to comment on the acquisition of Exchange Bank, Goldman Sachs Group is willing to serve as the sponsor for New Asia IT's listing next year."

Ellis Short was a little impatient. Newbridge Capital bought the equity of Korea First Bank so smoothly, but why did something go wrong when it came to Lone Star Fund? It seems that these Koreans are already a little disobedient. .

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if New Asia IT goes public, the company's market value is likely to exceed that of New Asia Media Real Estate Group. New Asia IT's subsidiaries include inschool, a social networking site ranked by the number of users, South Korea's largest electronic shopping website Sohan.com, and the largest online game company in the mainland market.

If there is a sponsorship from Goldman Sachs Group, it will reduce the difficulty for New Asia IT to be listed on the US stock market. Goldman Sachs will convince US investors and regulators that New Asia IT can also obtain a higher valuation before listing. It is rumored that Lone Star Fund has a close relationship with Goldman Sachs Group, which is indeed not groundless.

Throughout September, Yoo Hui-won frequently visited senior officials of the Korean Financial Supervisory Commission, and successively visited the leader of the Grand National Party and Lee Guangwang.

When Li Guangguang learned that New Asia Group might acquire the Korea Exchange Bank, he vowed not to let Song Yi take over the Korea Exchange Bank.

After Lee Jae-yong, the former vice president of Korea Exchange Bank, learned about this incident, he couldn't help but feel a little resentful towards Song Yi.

When Song Yi obtained a loan of US$10 million from the Korea Exchange Bank, Lee Jae-yong provided a lot of help.

In the entire Korea Exchange Bank, Lee Jae-yong's vice president ranking is actually higher than Lee Kang-yun. If the president of Korea Exchange Bank is replaced, Lee Jae-yong is undoubtedly more likely to take over than Lee Kang-woon.

If Song Yi really planned to acquire the Korea Exchange Bank, why didn't you support him to become the president of the Korea Exchange Bank?

In late September, Li Guangxi discovered that his secretary Kim Jong-hee was missing. Li Guangxi asked Yu Jinyu angrily in the villa, "What do you mean missing? Can a living person as big as Jin Zhongxi still be able to fly?"

Yu Jinyu was not angry, "Can you please stop yelling at me? Maybe Zhong Xi went out for something and will be back soon?"

Li Guangguang was a little speechless. He had married Yu Jinyu, a rich girl, for the sake of marriage. It turns out that this woman, Yu Jinyu, has no brains at all and keeps causing trouble for him.

"Are you out of your mind! Jin Zhongxi is my secretary, and he knows almost everything about me. If Song Yi and the others control him, if Zhongxi cannot withstand the pressure and reveals what we have done, we will Both of them have to go in!" Li Guangguang was a little crazy.

Yu Jinyu is a little scared now. She knows that her prosperity and wealth are all dependent on Li Guangxu's power. If Li Guangxu falls, she will be finished.

"Could he be summoned by the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office for investigation?" Yu Jinyu guessed that after all, Le Xiyi, the chief prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, is Song Yi's person.

"How is it possible? Kim Jong-hee is my secretary. If the prosecutor's office wants to summon him, he must give me a greeting. I don't agree. It is impossible for them to arrest people privately. Le Xiyi is an old prosecutor and will not commit such low-level crimes. mistake."

Li Guangguang thought for a while, and he felt that this matter still required help from the US military stationed in South Korea. After all, if a Korean goes missing in Seoul, the intelligence network of the US military stationed in South Korea will definitely be able to find him. Lone Star Fund now wants to acquire the Korea Exchange Bank, and the Americans are asking for help.

At this time, a Korean cargo ship was departing from Sokcho Port in South Korea and heading to Zarubino Sea Port along the Sea of ​​Japan. This batch of goods will enter the customs from the Port of Zarubino, arrive at the offshore city of China by land transportation, and then be transported to the three northeastern provinces through the offshore city.

This batch of goods is mainly clothing and toys. It is worth noting that Song Yi is also on this freighter.

At this time, a young man was being tied up on the deck of a freighter. There were also some oil drums filled with gasoline on the freighter.

"Secretary Jin, since I have a way to kidnap you from Seoul to the ship without anyone noticing, I also have a way to make you disappear."

"You know that Li Guangming and I are at odds. Now if you reveal the evidence of Li Guangxi's crime, I will give you a way out and let you go back to reunite with your wife and children. How about that?" Song Yi patted the young man's face with his hand. Face, sincerely advised.

"Bah! Congressman Li must have discovered that I have disappeared. If I disappear, his first suspected target will be you. I believe the South Korean navy has been dispatched and is ready to come to the ship to rescue me."

"President Song, if you let me go now, you will only be charged with illegal detention for a few years at most. But if the South Korean Navy comes forward, you will be the person in charge of the kidnapping case, and you will have to serve a few years in prison. I believe You know better than me, right?" the young man said disdainfully.

Song Yi laughed, "This is the Sea of ​​Japan, and to the west of us is North Korea. This is the area under the jurisdiction of the North Korean navy. Although North Korea does not have many surface ships, its submarines are still quite sufficient. Do you think the South Korean navy dares to come here to arrest Man, dream!”

"I don't like people threatening me the most. I will give you one last chance. If you tell the truth before twelve o'clock, then I will let you live. If not, prepare to sink to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!" Song Yi The voice was very cold.

The young man was a little desperate. He knew that what Song Yi said was true, and he was a little crazy. "Song Yi, have you watched too many movies? You really think you are not responsible for killing people on the high seas. Even if you kill me, you will not be responsible for killing people when you return to South Korea." Can’t run away!”

At this time, Song Yi's bodyguard Che Taizhi walked up to Song Yi and said, "President, you are ready."

Song Yi glanced at the young man with pity. He was really a tough guy. He was unwilling to betray Li Guangxi no matter how hard he was tortured. Maybe he was already determined to die for Li Guangxi.

Song Yi waved his hand, unwilling to continue talking nonsense, and signaled Park Taizhi to execute.

Park Tae-sik walked up to the young man, picked him up with another bodyguard, and put him into the oil drum.

The young man didn't expect Song Yi to be serious. He panicked, "Song Yi, what are you going to do? Are you crazy?"

Song Yi ignored the young man's shouts, and the young man's voice became weaker and weaker. Because Park Tae-sik had shoveled cement from the deck and poured it into the oil drum. Finally, the cement filled the entire oil drum. It was obvious that the young man in the oil drum had lost his life.

Park Tae-sik and other bodyguards tipped the oil drum down, pushed it to the edge of the deck, and threw it into the sea. The oil drum filled with cement fell into the deep sea and slowly sank.

Li Guangxi also learned about Jin Zhongxi's whereabouts at this time. He repeatedly confirmed with the US military in South Korea, "Kim Zhongxi was hijacked by Song Yi and put on a freighter, then put into an oil drum and thrown into the sea? Can you confirm this news?"

The person on the other side was obviously unhappy, "Congressman Li, we captured this through a military spy satellite, and there was also an internal agent from the National Intelligence Service on board this freighter. This internal agent was placed next to Song Yi by your Dean Park Jin-hwan before. He is very He wanted to rescue your secretary Kim Jong Hee, but in order not to expose himself, he could only watch this brave young man die. Congressman Lee, please forgive me."

When Li Guangguang heard what the US military stationed in South Korea said, he went crazy with joy. He couldn't figure out why Song Yi made such a bad move. With these photos and witnesses, Song Yi will definitely not be able to escape the murder charge.

In this way, as soon as Song Yi docks, he will face charges of murder. Moreover, when Li Guangxi faced the fierce pursuit of the prosecutors, he once thought of giving up on Kim Jong Hee. Song Yi now helped him solve his worries. He simply wanted to shake hands with Song Yi to express his gratitude.

Tomorrow will be the finale of this volume, and then there will be the last volume of Flying Dragon in the Sky.

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