I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 211 The situation is over for Li Guangxi

"What? Song Yi returned to Seoul by helicopter?" Li Guangguang couldn't sit still after hearing the news.

"This guy is still smart. After committing a murder on the ship, he ran away in advance to create an alibi. Unfortunately, we already have his criminal evidence."

"I will contact the Yeongdeungpo District Police Station first and invite him to the police station for interrogation. Once the witnesses and physical evidence are in hand, we can prosecute him. He will be unable to fly this time." Li Guangguang said fiercely.

Yu Jinyu is actually quite satisfied with Li Guangxi's secretary Jin Zhongxi. The young man is loyal, alert and very capable. After Li Guang was elected as a member of parliament, he had several secretaries. Kim Jong Hee was the secretary who stayed with Li Guang the longest.

In order to win over Kim Jong-hee, she specially introduced her natal niece who works in Seoul City to Kim Jong-hee as his wife.

"Optics, I think you should go to the Yeongdeungpo Police Station in person. If you don't come forward, the police station may not have the courage to detain Song Yi. After all, everyone knows that Song Yi is a famous person in front of Song Yuxi." Yu Jinyu Very thoughtful.

Li Guangguang was a little disdainful, "Haha, for someone like Song Yuxi, he is eager to draw a clear line with Song Yi now. If he insists on covering up Song Yi, his position as president will not be stable, and then the presidential election will be held in advance. In the general election, maybe I still have a chance!" There was unconcealable ambition in Li Guangguang's eyes.

Yu Jinyu felt sorry for her niece Yu Yunzhen, a very beautiful girl who was going to be a widow at such a young age. When Yu Yunzhen approached Li Guangzhen and his wife, she hoped that Li Guangzhen would arrange a suitable job for her. Yu Jinyu felt that Yu Yunzhen's appearance was outstanding and she could debut as a member of a girl group. She was unwilling to leave Yu Yunzhen to work in Li Guangzhen's office. Finally, she was recommended to work in Korea Exchange Bank.

However, Yu Yunzhen's niece is very sensible. She always visits Li Guangguang's house with gifts during holidays, thanking Yu Jinyu for his help. Later, Yu Jinyu felt that Li Guangguang's secretary Jin Zhongxi was a good person, so he arranged for them to get married two years ago and had not yet had time to have children.

"Okay, I'll call Yunzhen home. Zhong Xi has been missing for the past two days, and she has no intention of going to work. I will accompany her and untie her," Yu Jinyu said.

Li Guangguang had a strange look in his eyes when he heard the name Yu Yunzhen. He nodded, "Okay. Then I'll go to Yeongdeungpo Police Station and resolve this matter as soon as possible. If Song Yi is sure that he can't come out, I'll still I need to visit these large financial groups to discuss how to dispose of the assets of the New Asia Department."

To Li Guangwang's surprise, the Yeongdeungpo District Police Department didn't even enter Song Yi's house. The reason for Song Yi's refusal was very good. Even if Song Yi was personally involved in any criminal case, Song Yi's home address was No. 330, Seongbuk-dong.

According to the principle of jurisdiction, the Seongbuk District Police Department should be the one to investigate the case. What does it have to do with the Yeongdeungpo District Police Department?

If it had been any other suspect, the police station would have put the suspect in a police car. But this is the most famous wealthy area in Seoul. Every household head in Seongbuk-dong is a big shot who is either rich or noble. They really don't dare to make trouble here.

Li Guangwang feels that the Yeongdeungpo District Police Department is a bunch of trash. The Korean National Assembly is in Yeongdeungpo District. You even dare to take away the congressmen who committed crimes for investigation. Song Yi is just a businessman, but he can't even get through the door of Song Yi's house?

The police officer leading the team complained to Li Guang, "Member Li, it's not that we didn't dare to go in. It was mainly because Song Yi had guests at home today that we didn't act rashly."

"Is there a guest? What kind of guest has such a big reputation? Is it Song Yuxi himself who is a guest at Song Yi's house?" Li Guangguang called Song Yuxi by his first name without politeness. Now that he has broken up with Song Yi and the others, there is no need to pretend to be the commander-in-chief.

"That's not true, but it's almost the same for us. Minister of Justice Xia Meiai is a guest at Song Yi's house. She just came out and said that our detention procedures were not in compliance with the regulations. She asked us to go back or ask the Seoul City Police Department to come forward." The police officer explained.

Li Guang understood that the Minister of Justice was the immediate superior of the police department, so it was normal for the Yeongdeungpo District Police Department not to prosecute.

In the Chengbeidong villa, Song Yi and Xia Meiai were drinking tea leisurely. Xia Meiai has great faith in Song Yi's ability, "Are you so sure that Li Guang will show up? This old guy always likes to hide behind his back and rarely shows up in person."

"Sister Qiu Ai, you have to know that all this evidence is in Li Guang's hands. If he doesn't come forward, who will come forward? Let the Americans come forward? Americans have no power to arrest people in South Korea. This is the most basic national justice. sovereignty."

"Li Guangguang maintains good personal relationships with presidents such as Chen Jianxi, Zhou Mengjiu, Cui Anyuan, and Sing Hao. After all, he was the president of Hyundai Construction before."

"If he overthrows me, he will have the opportunity to carve up the assets of the New Asia Department with these presidents. If he, Li Guangwang, is still commanding from behind the scenes, then why should he, who has not made any achievements, share in this wealth feast? Big Head, just because he is an American dog?" Song Yi sounded very disdainful.

Xia Meiai sighed, some people are born with such a deep understanding of human nature. Song Yi is planning to overthrow Li Guangxi, and Xia Meiai is Song Yi's ally. She recalled the day when Song Yi went to her house for tea. At that time, she took the initiative to invite Song Yi to be a guest. Maybe this was also part of Song Yi's plan?

At this time Park Tae-sik walked in and said to Song Yi: "President, Congressman Li Guangwang is here."

Song Yi didn't take it seriously, "Really? Then please invite Representative Li in. I guess he must have something important to talk to me about."

Xia Meiai asked Song Yi, "Do you need me to hide for a while so that you can talk about things?"

"No, since Li Guang is here, I just want you not to interfere. Just give him face later and go back first. Otherwise, with you as the Minister of Justice here, which police station would dare to come and summon me?" Song Song Yi's expression was very relaxed. Now that it was in the final stage, Song Yi was ready to catch all his opponents this time.

Li Guang was a little angry. He came to visit as a member of Congress, but Song Yi actually dared to sit at home and wait for him to come. Who gave him such arrogant capital? If God makes you mad, he will surely kill you.

After Li Guangguang came to Song Yi's living room, he looked at the splendid hall of Song Yi's home with envy. Although Song Yi's mansion is not as large as Chen Jianxi's Itaewon villa, the interior decoration is even more luxurious.

If Song Yi goes in, he will take No. 330, Chengbeidong, as his trophy and wait for him to live in it after he retires. If Song Yi knew that his mortal enemy would finally live in his tens of billions of won mansion to live out his old age, I wonder what Song Yi's expression would be like then?

Song Yi saw Li Guangguang and stood up politely, "I'm sorry, Congressman Li, I just had something important to discuss with Minister Xia, so I couldn't go to the door to greet you. By the way, Congressman Li, you never came When you pass my house, as the saying goes, you don't have to go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. What do you want to find me, Mr. Song?"

Li Guangxu glanced at Song Yi coldly, "Song Yi, you don't have to pretend to me. I believe you know why I came here. If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself."

"You hijacked my secretary, Kim Jong-hee, aboard the freighter Golden Ray. On the high seas off the east coast of North Korea, you put Kim Jong-hee into an oil drum, then poured the oil drum with cement, and finally threw it into the sea and brutally murdered her."

"Fortunately, there were crew members on board the Golden Ray who called the police. The Yeongdeungpo District Police Department is here to investigate this murder case. Now the Yeongdeungpo District Police Department is detaining you with an arrest warrant issued by the Seoul Police Agency. Please cooperate. Police investigation.”

After Li Guangxi finished speaking, he said to Xia Meiai with a sad expression: "Minister Xia, I know that you and Song Yi have a very good personal relationship. But Jin Zhongxi is my personal secretary, and Jin Yu and I have always regarded him as our own child. Same."

"Now the Yeongdeungpo District Police Department has obtained the scene photos of Song Yi's murder of Kim Jong-hee. After the Golden Ray docks, this crew member can be used as a witness to accuse Song Yi of the crime. Minister Xia, you still have to come forward now. Protect the criminal suspect Song Yi?" Li Guangguang said angrily.

Xia Meiai hesitated for a moment and then said: "Congressman Li, I also heard that your secretary Kim Jong-hee has disappeared. However, whether Kim Jong-hee was really murdered remains to be investigated. It may be a misunderstanding."

Li Guangguang smiled coldly, "Minister Xia, now that the witnesses and physical evidence are here, you still want to tell me that it was a misunderstanding. If you must prevent the Yongdeungpu District Police Department from taking away Song Yi today, then I will do it tomorrow." We will join forces with members of other parties to impeach you and accuse you of abusing your power and interfering in judicial cases."

Xia Meiai saw Li Guangwang's resolute attitude. Song Yi told her that the task she had completed had been successfully completed, and there was no need for her to stay.

"This is a private matter between you and Song Yi. There is no need for me to get involved. Song Yi, I will go back first. If you are treated unfairly at the police station, ask your lawyer to contact me. I guarantee that justice will be done in the case of Kim Jong Hee's disappearance. , fair and open trial." Xia Meiai gave Song Yi reassurance.

Li Guangguang heard the threat in Xia Meiai's voice. If you, Li Guangwang, can't provide strong evidence, don't even think about pouring dirty water on Song Yi. No one will do it.

After Xia Meiai left the villa, Li Guangguang was too lazy to be polite to Song Yi. He stretched out his hand, "President Song, the officers from the Yongdeungpo District Police Department are waiting for you outside the villa. Please!"

Song Yi sat down lazily and crossed his legs, "Li Guangxi, I admire you very much. Where did you get the photo of me murdering Jin Zhongxi on the boat?"

"I guess, it's definitely impossible on the ship. Because the crew of the Golden Ray went through detailed inspections before boarding, and they are not allowed to bring cameras and other shooting tools. I guess, did you find the Americans and pass the station The South Korean and US military used the US military’s high-definition spy satellite to capture real-time footage from the Golden Ray?”

"After all, the United States has been keeping an eye on North Korea's activities. North Korea's missiles are often launched into the Sea of ​​Japan, so the US military's high-definition spy satellites have been keeping an eye on the activities in the Sea of ​​Japan." Song Yi continued.

Li Guangguang heard Song Yi say, "It seems you are not too stupid. This is called Baimi Yishu."

"Don't you want to get evidence of my corruption from Jin Zhongxi? Zhongxi is indeed a good boy. He would rather die than speak, which shows his loyalty to me. I will definitely send a professional salvage team to remove his body from Dig it out in the Sea of ​​Japan and bury him properly, taking good care of his family." Li Guangguang sighed.

"Oh, how to take care of her? I heard that Jin Zhongxi's wife Yu Yunzhen is a great beauty. Now that her husband is dead, I feel pity for this kind of widow. Do you want to take good care of her in bed?" Song Yi teased.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You think I'm like you, not even sparing the wives of people around me." Li Guangguang refuted.

"Li Guangming, you have to understand that I am not in politics. No matter how many women I play with, as long as I don't force the other party, the other party is not underage. You and I are willing to do it, and no one can cause trouble for me."

"But you are different. Yu Yunzhen is still your wife Yu Jinyu's niece. If outsiders know that you are having an affair with your wife's niece, how can you have the dignity to continue to be a member of Congress?"

"You know, you knew Yu Yunzhen earlier than Kim Jong Hee. Yu Yunzhen asked you to help her find a good job, and you wanted to keep her by your side."

"It's a pity that your wife Yu Jinyu is a tigress. You were afraid that she would be jealous, so you arranged for her to work at the Foreign Exchange Bank."

"For Yu Yunzhen, you made profits through BKK Investment Company and misappropriated the public funds of BKK Investment Company to buy her brand-name bags and jewelry."

"Later, in order to cover up your affair with Yu Yunzhen, Yu Jinyu introduced his niece Yu Yunzhen to Kim Jong Hee as his wife, and you immediately agreed. In order to facilitate a tryst with Yu Yunzhen, you would deliberately assign work to Kim Jong Hee and let him stay in the office Work overtime, and then you take the time to have an affair with Yu Yunzhen."

"You introduced your lover to Kim Jong-hee as your wife and cheated on Kim Jong-hee countless times. As a scumbag like you, you just dared to pretend to treat Kim Jong-hee as your child? If you treat Kim Jong-hee as your son, then Yu Yunzhen is your daughter-in-law! Is this how you take care of Kim Jong Hee's family?" Song Yi said mockingly.

Li Guangxi didn't expect that his secret would be exposed by Song Yi all of a sudden. He became a little angry and said, "So what! Kim Jong-hee graduated from Seoul National University and passed the civil service examination. He only served as an insignificant third-class officer in the National Assembly. Clerk."

"If it weren't for my discerning eye, would he have a chance to jump from a third-class secretary to my assistant officer? When he becomes my secretary, Li Guangxi, he can buy a house and a car in Seoul and establish himself completely in Seoul. .”

"Without me, how could he get the money to buy a house in Seoul with just the meager annual salary of a third-class clerk? Now he has a house, a car, and a wife. What is he dissatisfied about?"

Li Guangxi didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. When Yu Jinyu was going to introduce Yu Yunzhen to Jin Zhongxi as his wife, Li Guangxi actually disagreed.

However, Jin Zhongxi, a child from an ordinary family, wanted to climb up the ladder. He saw that Yu Yunzhen was Yu Jinyu's niece, and he also wanted to become Li Guangguang's niece-in-law. In addition, Yu Yunzhen has a good job and outstanding appearance. Naturally, Kim Jong Hee felt that she had found a treasure and immediately agreed. After marriage, Kim Jong Hee took great care of Yu Yunzhen. Even if Yu Yunzhen did not want children in the past two years, Kim Jong Hee had no complaints.

Song Yi clapped his hands, "I found that I still underestimated the shamelessness of your politicians. I have never seen such a shameless person. With you sleeping with Jin Zhongxi's beautiful wife, Jin Zhongxi still wants to thank you? What if he knew something about it? , I guess the coffin boards can’t even hold it down, right?”

Li Guangguang didn't want to talk nonsense with Song Yi, "Song Yi, do you think you want me to let you go after you have caught me? Tell you, it's impossible!"

"So what if the matter between Yu Yunzhen and I is exposed by the media? The worst case scenario is that I won't be a member of Congress. When the time comes, I will divorce my yellow-faced woman and take Yunzhen to the United States to become a rich man."

"Don't worry, when you get in, I will take the money I received from New Asia to buy a farm in Texas, and then live a leisurely retirement life. When I enjoy life in the United States, I will definitely remember Living in these is a gift from President Song." Li Guang said.

"Li Guangxi, do you think you want to carve up Song Yi's property with the Americans? Are you too naive? Don't forget, I am a member of the Modern Family. The Modern Family will never agree to other consortiums carving up Xinya The assets of the department." Song Yi said calmly.

"President Song, you are right. The main assets of the New Asia Department are still taken over by the Hyundai family. The Americans only want to get control of inschool, and they are also happy to spend money to buy inschool. Now there is no way for you to interfere. With one move, Lone Star Fund can successfully buy the Exchange Bank."

"Oh, now I understand how you found out about Yunzhen and me. It turns out that you have been eyeing Korea Exchange Bank and wanted to acquire the equity of Korea Exchange Bank. That's why you paid attention to Yunzhen. After all, she first entered Korea Exchange Bank. Changing his job in a bank means losing Li Jiangyun's relationship." Li Guangguang suddenly realized.

"President Song," Li Guangguang clicked his tongue, "I really don't know if you are smart or stupid. I never would have thought that you would actually kill Kim Jong-hee on the high seas."

"Actually, there are countless ways to kill someone, and you don't have to do it on the high seas. When this mad dog Le Xiyi keeps biting me, I am actually worried that Jin Jongxi will become a breakthrough in your investigation."

"I was still worried about how to let this guy Jin Zhongxi disappear quietly from the world. Who knew that President Song would actually take the initiative to help me solve this serious problem. Song Yi, Song Yi, you are my Li Guangxi. My benefactor!" Li Guangzhi laughed wildly with pride.

Li Guangguang knew that after his failure in running for mayor of Seoul, it would be impossible for him to run for president of South Korea again. Since he has no chance of becoming the president of South Korea, he just wants to join other financial groups and Americans to make a fortune in the New Asia Department before leaving office, and then take his lover to the United States to live happily.

Song Yi was extremely calm, "I now understand why another gunman ran away so quickly in the B1 auditorium of Seoul that day."

"Since you can contact the USFK and borrow US military spy satellites, you can naturally send Kim Si-won's associates out of South Korea through the USFK. Therefore, the National Intelligence Service and the Seoul police have been unable to catch another associate of Kim Si-won. "Song Yi analyzed.

Li Guangguang replied, "Song Yi, you don't need to trick me. Don't you just want to know that I am the one behind the Seoul mass shooting? Unfortunately, I won't tell you. After you go to jail, you will slowly Think about it!”

"In order to deal with me, an innocent old man died. Don't you feel pain in your heart?"

"Li Guangxu, you must know that you are from an ordinary family. You were so hungry that you couldn't eat, and your stomach was in trouble. If there is any conflict, you come at me, how can you hurt ordinary people?" Song Yi angrily scolded Li. Optics.

Li Guangguang couldn't suppress his anger when he heard what Song Yi said, "What qualifications do you have to say this in front of me! When I was so hungry that I couldn't eat enough, and I had no money and couldn't go to school? You rich and unkind plutocrats Where?"

"I was admitted to Korea University through my own hard work, and through my desperate overtime work, I became the president of Hyundai E\u0026C at the age of thirty-six."

"I didn't get married until I was thirty-nine. I used to put all my energy into my work. My achievements depended on myself, not on Hyundai Group."

"Zhou Zhengyong, an old man who ran for president in 1992, still expected me to be his deputy. I worked in Hyundai for 27 years and was his dog for 27 years. As a result, I ran for Congress. Even though he is a member of Parliament, he still expects me to be his dog.”

"In the end, I was in conflict due to political differences. This old man always said bad things about me, saying that I was a white-eyed wolf and ungrateful. Zhou Zhengyong was like this, and Zhou Mengjiu was like this. Every generation of the head of the Modern Family regarded me as a member of the Modern Family. Dog! He barks at me, and is polite when he needs me. When he doesn't need me, he comes and goes when he calls me."

"At that time, I understood that a man cannot lose power for a day. Do you know who I admire the most? I admire Zheng Puxi the most, so I am willing to join the Grand National Party. If I become the president of South Korea one day, Samsung Chen Kunxi, Hyundai Zhou Mongjiu , Lotte Singh Hao must treat me with all due respect."

"In short, everything I have today is a struggle for everything. If I don't fight for it, I will have nothing, nothing. Do you understand?" Li Guangguang said excitedly.

At this time, the police from Yeongdeungpo Police Station finally successfully entered Song Yi's villa. The leading police officer found Song Yi and said, "Song Yi, you are now suspected of a murder case that occurred in the Sea of ​​Japan. Now Yeongdeungpo District Police The Bureau wants you to return to the police station to assist in the investigation. This is our arrest warrant. You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say now will become evidence in court."

At this time, Song Yi's personal lawyer came forward. He received the arrest warrant and then asked the police officer, "Officer Park, you said that my client, Mr. Song Yi, is suspected of a murder case. What is the identity of the murdered suspect?"

Officer Park knew that the chaebol's lawyers were very difficult to deal with. "The victim is Mr. Kim Jong-hee, the secretary of Representative Lee Guang-hee. Our police have obtained evidence of Mr. Kim Jong-hee's murder. Please cooperate with the investigation."

Song Yi's lawyer seemed to have heard a big joke, "But as far as I know, Mr. Kim Jong-hee, the secretary of Representative Li Guangxi, is still alive and well. Did you, the police, make a mistake?"

Kim Jong Hee is still alive? When Li Guangguang heard what the lawyer said, his brain suddenly short-circuited.

The police became more cautious, "Since you said Mr. Kim Jong-hee is still alive, where is Kim Jong-hee now?"

Song Yi waved his hand, and Jin Zhongxi walked out of the room next to the living room. Jin Zhongxi looked at Li Guangxi with a look of hatred. Obviously, he just heard the conversation between Song Yi and Li Guangxi.

When he learned that his beloved wife Yu Yunzhen was Li Guangzhen's secret lover, and that Li Guangzhen personally admitted that he wanted to get rid of him to silence him, he was completely disappointed in Li Guangzhen.

Song Yi patted Jin Zhongxi on the shoulder, "Okay, don't be depressed. Although Li Guangxi slept with your wife, didn't you also sleep with his wife? After all, you didn't actually suffer."

Li Guangxi looked at the lively Jin Zhongxi in front of him, and his eyesight went dark. If this Jin Zhongxi is true, then who is the young man Song Yi "killed" on the high seas?

Jin Zhongxi felt even more depressed. His wife Yu Yunzhen was a workplace beauty in her twenties, and Li Guangxi's wife Yu Jinyu was an old woman in her fifties. Could they be the same thing?

At first, he thought that Yu Jinyu was really kind-hearted in introducing Yu Yunzhen to him as his wife, but who knew that Yu Jinyu, an old woman, would actually set her sights on him.

Yu Jinyu promised him that as long as Jin Zhongxi serves her well, Yu Jinyu will praise him more in front of Li Guangxi and let Li Guangxi promote him. Although she is not young, in order to make up for Kim Jong-hee's loss, she also specially introduced her niece Yu Yunzhen to Kim Jong-hee as his wife. Jin Zhongxi finally climbed into Yu Jinyu's bed for the sake of his own future.

Now it's fine, my wife is gone, and my future is gone. Kim Jong-hee, who now has nothing, just wants to take crazy revenge on Li Guangxi.

The police officers of Yeongdeungpo District Police Station are now in trouble. The suspect Kim Jong Hee who was originally murdered suddenly came back to life. Naturally, they have no reason to continue asking Song Yi to return to the police station for investigation. So wouldn't this arrest warrant become a joke?

At this time, Minister of Justice Xia Meiai and Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office Le Xiyi also came to Song Yi's home.

Le Xiyi looked at Li Guangzhi expressionlessly, "Li Guangzhi, you are now suspected of setting up a secret fund, misappropriating public funds from BKK Investment Company, collaborating with relatives to accept commercial bribes from others, and you are also suspected of the Seoul mass murder."

"Now we have applied for a special arrest warrant from the president. The South Korean Congress will vote later and temporarily propose to remove you from your position as a member of Congress. Congressman Lee Guangwang, please come with us!" Le Xiyi said.

Li Guang glanced at Song Yi. He didn't struggle and was taken away by the people from the prosecutor's office very cooperatively. He knew that if Song Yi did not obtain substantial evidence of his crime this time, Song Yi would not be able to let the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office arrest him.

Members of the South Korean Congress have judicial immunity, and prosecutors can arrest current members if they want to. The prosecutor needs to go to the court to issue an arrest warrant in advance, and the court will issue a document to Congress to initiate an arrest motion.

Only when more than half of the votes are passed can the prosecutors arrest the members involved in the case. Now that Ha Mi-ae has come forward, the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office has applied for a special arrest warrant for Song Woo-seok, which is unprecedented. This behavior is equivalent to getting on the bus first and paying for the ticket later.

Of course, as long as the Congress temporarily proposes a bill to remove Li Guangxu as a member of Congress, it will not be regarded as a procedural violation. However, if the Congress does not remove Li Guangzhi as a member of Congress, the prosecutor will release Li Guangzhi.

But generally speaking, if the prosecutor dares to issue an arrest warrant to a member of Congress, the charges must be certain.

When various political parties in South Korea's National Assembly make arrest motions against ordinary members of Congress, they will not block it regardless of whether the member is from their own party or not.

For example, although Li Guangwang cannot be arrested, he is likely to be found guilty by a Korean court. Once Lee Guangwang is found guilty, South Korean public opinion will exaggerate the Grand National Party's protection of Li Guangwang as "officials protecting each other and colluding."

Once the reputation of the Grand National Party is tarnished, the Grand National Party will not be able to retain its seats in the next parliamentary election and will basically be eliminated.

So when Le Xiyi appeared in front of Li Guangzhou, Li Guangzhou already knew that the situation was over.

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