I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 212 Song Yi’s Eldest Princess

The arrest of Li Guangzhou alarmed the Korean government and the public, and also brought about a series of continuous reactions.

The South Korean Congress passed a temporary proposal to remove Lee Guangwang from his membership of parliament, and the meeting voted to approve Li Guangwang’s detention consent case.

Li Guangwang's wife Yu Jinyu, secretary Jin Zhongxi, second brother Li Shouyi, son-in-law Li Zhouxiang and many others were invited to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office for investigation.

In addition to people close to Li Guangwang, BKK Investment Company President Kim Bong-young, NYK Advertising Company Representative Director Kim Nam-yong, Korea Exchange Bank President Lee Kang-woon, Lone Star Fund Vice President Elliot Short and Lone Star Fund Korea Representative Director Liu Huiyuan was invited to investigate by the Central Investigation Department of the South Korean Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

Among them, Lee Kang-woon, the president of Korea Exchange Bank, was arrested in his apartment in Seoul on November 7. The U.S. Ambassador to South Korea expressed concern about the arrest of Elliot Short, and asked the South Korean government to protect Elliot Short’s legal rights and interests as an American citizen and not hinder Elliot Short’s family and Attorney's visitation rights to him.

MBC TV station was the first to reveal the inside story of the Lone Star case. The Lone Star Fund paid 96 billion won in bribes to Lee Kang-woon, the president of Korea Exchange Bank, and 1.45 billion won in bribes to former member of parliament Lee Gwang-woon. Li Jiangyun and Li Guangguang facilitated the acquisition of Korea Exchange Bank by Lone Star Fund.

After Chen Jianxi saw the MBC TV report, he warned his daughter Chen Fuzhen: "Song Yi is a very scheming person. The reason why he agreed to come to the house for dinner last time was to paralyze Li Guangxi."

"He just wanted to show that he was incompatible with Li Guangxu and show his impulsive and irritable young side, so he deliberately walked away. In fact, he also used me to make Li Guangzhuang fooled. Otherwise, Li Guangxu is such a shrewd person. How can people be easily fooled?" Chen Jianxi sighed.

When Li Guangxi negotiated with him to join forces with Hyundai Motor, SK Group, and Lotte Group to carve up the Korean assets of New Asia, Chen Jianxi had no objection.

If Li Guangzhi can really bring down Song Yi, no matter which consortium falls, as long as it involves the division of spoils, the Samsung Group cannot be bypassed. Like Daewoo Group's bankruptcy in the late 1990s, Samsung Heavy Industries also took over part of Daewoo Shipbuilding's industry.

Not only that, the Korean government at that time was trying to save Daewoo Group, which was in a huge debt crisis. The Korean government has promoted some industrial exchanges between Samsung Group and Daewoo Group. Samsung Group will hand over the automobile industry to Daewoo Group, and Daewoo Group will transfer the electronics industry to Samsung Group.

After Zhong Xiaotong was elected president in 1998, he has been urging large Korean consortiums to adjust their industries. Each group only needs to concentrate on three or four main core industries, and transfer the remaining industries to other companies or separate them from the parent company to enhance the company's competitiveness. Survival and competitiveness to withstand future financial crises.

Against this background, Samsung separated Shinsegae Department Store, Hansol Group, and JoongAng Ilbo and handed them over to Chen Myung-hee, Chen In-hee, and Na Seok-hyun to operate independently.

Chen Jianxi saw at that time that Daewoo Group was on the verge of bankruptcy, and Daewoo Group founder Kim Jong-woo could not afford the mess that Daewoo Group was. Therefore, Chen Jianxi, who has a vicious vision, kept delaying. After the Daewoo Group went bankrupt, Samsung still took over the electronics industry of the Daewoo Group, but Daewoo Motors did not take over Samsung's automobile business.

With the addition of Daewoo Group's electronics business, South Korea's electronics industry has formed a two-strong structure of Samsung and LG, but the Korean automobile industry has not formed a two-strong structure of Hyundai Motor and Daewoo Motors. After General Motors acquired Daewoo Motors, the Korean automobile industry has since let Hyundai Motors One family is so powerful that no one can control it.

From Chen Jianxi's perspective, Song Yi's layout in the Internet industry is a bit like Hyundai Motor's. New Asia IT has vaguely become the largest Internet giant in South Korea. Internet companies such as Naver, Duam, and Yahoo Korea are facing New Asia IT. There was no way to fight back.

The number of Korean users of inschool has exceeded 25 million, covering more than 50% of the Korean population. The transaction volume of Xinya IT's electronic shopping website Sohan.com in the first half of the year has exceeded 200 billion won. The number of online shopping users on Sohan.com has exceeded 2 million, which means that each user has spent at least 100,000 won on Sohan.com.

Samsung Network executives are obviously optimistic about the development prospects of Sohan.com and are preparing to launch another e-commerce website similar to Sohan.com.

However, the most powerful thing about Sohan.com is actually their logistics system. No matter which city users of Sohan.com place orders, express delivery can be achieved in three days. If it is Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do or Busan, it can even be achieved. Next day delivery. Place an order online on the first day and it will be delivered to the customer the next day.

Chen Jianxi certainly knows how much money Xinya IT spends on logistics. He is not optimistic that Sohan.com's model can continue because it requires Xinhan IT to continue to burn money in logistics every year. Unless New Asia IT's game business can continuously bring high revenue and high profits to the company.

He originally planned to let Chen Xinyu study in the United States after interning at New Asia IT. Unexpectedly, this summer, Chen Xinyu made it clear that she did not agree to study in the United States. If Chen Jianxi forced her, she would move out of her home and start her own business. She would not give in even if Chen Jianxi took back the US$200 million worth of stocks he gave to Chen Xinyu.

Luo Hong was delighted to see that his daughter Chen Xinyu was so stubborn. He thought that Chen Xinyu had met someone she liked in the company Xinya IT, and when he was about to fight with her, he found out that Chen Xinyu was simply unwilling to give up her job at Xinya IT.

After the launch of "Kart Racing", Chen Xinyu, as the representative of the game's production team, also received a lot of praise.

In October 2003, the Korean region of "Kart Racer" officially held the first team competition. Dozens of professional teams have appeared in "Kart Racer". Chen Xinyu herself also sponsored a professional team to participate in the official team competition held by the game.

Now Chen Xinyu is involved in the research and development of another online game. When Chen Jianxi asked Chen Xinyu what game he wanted to make, Chen Xinyu just smiled and said it was confidential, which made Chen Jianxi half angry.

Because New Asia IT purchased the copyright of popular KPOP songs from Mnet Media, JYP Entertainment, YG Entertainment and other companies, Chen Jianxi deduced that New Asia IT was planning to launch a music or dance online game.

From "Legend of Blood", "Happy Farm" to "Kart Racing", Chen Jianxi has realized that New Asia IT has gradually grown into the largest online game company in South Korea.

The troika of social networking website inschool, e-commerce website Sohan.com and online games has built a high enough moat for New Asia IT. Over time, New Asia IT will definitely become a giant in the Asian Internet industry.

Chen Fuzhen didn't know that Chen Jianxi's attitude towards Song Yi had also changed, from disgust at the beginning to a bit of appreciation now. Chen Jianxi does not hate arrogant young people. Only you have the arrogant capital and strength.

"Didn't it say that the Americans have taken photos of Song Yi executing Jin Zhongxi on the Golden Ray? How did Jin Zhongxi come back from the dead?" Chen Fuzhen was a little curious.

Chen Jianxi knew some inside information, "Actually, Kim Jong-hee did not leave Seoul at all and was always in Seoul."

"Since Kim Jong Hee followed Li Guangxi, he has a lot of people around him who want to please him. Although casinos are prohibited in South Korea, underground casinos are still very common."

"Jin Zhongxi was tricked by Song Yi into playing Texas Hold'em poker in an underground casino. As soon as Jin Zhongxi started playing cards, he got into trouble and played in this casino for several days and nights."

"Because the casino has blocked the signal to ensure safety. As long as you are in the casino, your mobile phone cannot receive calls or text messages. When Li Guangxi cannot contact Kim Jong Hee, he will naturally subconsciously know that Kim Jong Hee is missing."

"And Li Guangxu placed an agent next to Song Yi. When the agent saw a young man whose height, weight, and face shape were very similar to Kim Zhongxi's being tied to the Golden Ray, of course he secretly took this person Notify Li Guangxi of the news."

"After Li Guangxi learned that Song Yi had kidnapped Jin Zhongxi, he immediately contacted the US military stationed in South Korea and asked them to use US spy satellites to capture the situation on the Golden Ray cargo ship."

"There were many oil drums on the deck of the freighter at that time. After the young man who played Kim Jong Hee was stuffed into the oil drum, he hid in another adjacent oil drum."

"The entire process of pouring cement was also carried out by Song Yi's bodyguard himself, so the oil barrel looked like a person, but in fact it was just a prop mannequin. However, the spy satellite could only take photos, but it could not tell whether the oil barrel was a real person or a fake. After finally dumping the oil drum into the sea, Li Guangxi thought his secretary Kim Jong-hee had been killed, but in fact Kim Jong-hee was still living happily in a casino on the outskirts of Seoul." Chen Jianxi explained.

After listening to Chen Jianxi's story, Chen Fuzhen almost thought she had watched a movie. She shook her head, "Song Yi did not hesitate to do anything to deceive Li Guangxi."

Chen Jianxi hummed, "No, it's said that Song Yi specially arranged a prop master from the film company on the Golden Ray cargo ship in order to achieve the effect of making it look real."

"Actually, Li Guangguang has overlooked one point. How can people with such wealth as me and Song Yi personally kill people on the high seas? Even if we really want to kill someone, we will only let others do it and find a scapegoat. We They are all philanthropic entrepreneurs, how can they have blood on their hands?" Chen Jianxi said.

Chen Fuzhen remained silent. She knew that Chen Jianxi was right. But from what she knew about Song Yi, Song Yi was not such a cold-blooded person. He still had a reverence for the law and was fundamentally different from the lawless plutocrats. This was what attracted her most to Song Yi.

On November 19, 2003, the Seoul High Court sentenced Lee Guangwang to 17 years in prison and fined him 13 billion won.

On February 28, 2004, the Supreme Court of South Korea issued the final verdict on Lee Guangwang's suspected corruption and bribery case. It upheld the judgment of the Seoul High Court and sentenced Lee Guangwang to 17 years in prison, fined 13 billion won, and recovered 57.8 billion won to make up for it. Losses suffered by victims of the BKK investment case.

Li Guangxi's secretary Jin Zhongxi, his wife Yu Jinyu, and his second brother Li Shouyi also received prison sentences of different years. Among them, Kim Jong-hee was found by South Korean prosecutors to have performed major meritorious services and was eventually sentenced to three years in prison with a two-year suspended sentence.

When the final verdict of Li Guangzhi came down, Song Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Only by sending Li Guangzhi to prison, the huge stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Jin Xiyuan gave birth to a daughter at St. Mary's Hospital in London in February. Song Yi was in London to accompany Jin Xiyuan and her daughter. This daughter is also Song Yi's eldest daughter.

Song Yi named his daughter Song Yuanying, or Catherine Song in English. Zhou Shulan also flew over from Yanjing to take care of her daughter-in-law Jin Xiyuan during her confinement period.

Jin Xiyuan's complexion has recovered very well. She hugs her daughter every day and refuses to leave her daughter to her grandmother Zhou Shulan or a nurse to take care of her.

She also saw the report of Li Guangguang's sentencing from the newspaper. She asked Song Yi, "Husband, if Li Guangxu was arrested and sent to prison, your danger will be over. No one will arrange for someone to assassinate you again, right?" ?”

Zhou Shulan is obviously also concerned about this issue. She has already lost her eldest son Song Bo. If her younger son Song Yi also leaves, she really can't bear the blow.

After two lifetimes, Song Yi became a father for the first time, and he had no experience holding babies. After hugging him for a while, Zhou Shulan couldn't stand it any longer and pushed him aside, "Go, go, didn't you hug Miaomiao when she was a child before? How did you become a father and couldn't even hold your own daughter? If Taixi's child was born, would you be in such a hurry?"

Song Yi calmly handed her daughter to Zhou Shulan, "Mom, you can't blame me. Although Yuanying knows me, she is not close to me. I cry as soon as I hug her. When Miaomiao was a child, I couldn't hold her in my arms. Be good, don’t cry or make trouble.”

Jin Xiyuan frowned, "Other fathers have been with the baby before the baby was born, talking to the baby, and giving prenatal education to the baby. The baby is familiar with the father's voice, so after birth, he will naturally be close to the father. From my pregnancy to the birth of the baby, In a whole year, you have stayed in the UK for less than two months, so it is a big honor if the baby is willing to be held by you."

Song Yi didn't dare to mess with Jin Xiyuan. Women's tempers were not very good after giving birth, and some even suffered from postpartum depression. He now made sure that Jin Xiyuan was in a good mood.

"You're right, Xiyuan. In this way, after Tae Hee's child is born, you can take Yuanying back to South Korea to live. Xinya IT has now developed a remote conference system. You can remotely control the Manchester United Club from Seoul. , you don’t need to stay in Manchester all day long. You don’t have many friends here, and the climate is a bit cold, but living in Seoul is more comfortable." Song Yi said.

Zhou Shulan glared at Song Yi, "You make it easy for me, but although Taixi's mother has passed this test, how will Taixi's father pass that test? How will you explain to Taixi's father then?"

Song Yi said: "I'll tell you the truth. You can't hide this kind of thing for a lifetime. It's a knife to extend your head, and it's a knife to shrink your head. It's better to confess. This can also calm the father-in-law's anger."

Zhou Shulan chuckled and said, "You abducted two other people's daughters and gave birth to children for you, and you confess to others? If it were me, I would want to break both of your legs."

Jin Xiyuan is naturally willing to return to Seoul so that she can be closer to her sister Tae Hee and Song Yi. She has now resigned from New Asia Media Real Estate Group and has gradually faded out of the Korean entertainment industry this year. The Korean media no longer keeps an eye on her private life.

Moreover, St. Mary's Hospital is also a maternity hospital designated by the British royal family. Many wealthy celebrities in the UK have given birth in this hospital. Before Kim Hee-won chose this hospital to give birth to her daughter, she had signed a confidentiality agreement with the hospital. Even the most powerful gossip newspaper in the UK, The Sun, did not know that Kim Hee-won was admitted to this hospital. Of course, the cost of postpartum care at this hospital is sky-high.

On March 15, Blue Ocean Capital Fund and New Asia Capital Fund announced a joint acquisition of 51% of the shares of Korea Exchange Bank, with a purchase price of 2.08 trillion won.

Lone Star Fund’s previous offer to acquire 51% of the shares of Korea Exchange Bank was 1.38 trillion won. The acquisition price of Blue Ocean Capital Fund and New Asia Capital Fund was 700 billion won higher than that of Lone Star Fund. The Korean Financial Supervisory Commission approved the acquisition.

New Asia Department officially participated in the debt restructuring work of Korea Exchange Bank, and Li Yiji, President of New Asia Capital Fund, was officially nominated as the new president of Korea Exchange Bank.

Lee Jae-yong, the former vice president of the Korea Exchange Bank, succeeded Lee I-chi and became the new president of New Asia Capital Fund, officially joining the New Asia Group.

At the end of this volume, Song Yi's daughter is named Song Yuanying, and she and her son Chen Yuanzhong share the same character. Has anyone guessed the name of Kim Tae Hee's son?

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