I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 213 Ranked among the top ten financial groups in South Korea!

On April 28, Kim Tae Hee gave birth to a son at Asan Hospital, named Song Yuanhao by Song Yi.

Although Chen Yuanzhong is Song Yi's eldest son, Song Yuanhao is Song Yi's first son.

Song Yi's parents, Kim Tae Hee's parents, Kim Tae Hee's younger brother Kim Hyung Soo, Liao Yu and Song Miao all came to the hospital to visit Kim Tae Hee's mother and son.

Song Mingzhe looked at the infant Song Yuanhao, his old face beaming with joy. Song Miao looked at Song Yuanhao, who had been sleeping, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Why is my brother sleeping all the time? Don't babies usually cry often?"

As soon as Song Miao finished speaking, Song Yuanhao seemed to hear something. He opened his eyes and looked at everyone curiously. Then he found so many unfamiliar faces that he burst into tears.

When Song Yuanhao cried, everyone in the delivery room burst into laughter. Liao Yu said to Song Miao: "Look, if you insist on teasing your brother, he will be made to cry by you."

Song Yi knew that Song Yuanhao was hungry, so he held his son and asked Kim Tae Hee to help him breastfeed. Everyone else in the delivery room exited and chatted outside the delivery room.

Song Mingzhe looked at Zhou Shulan and Liao Yu, "Did Taixi have a conflict with Song Yi? What we said before was to hold a wedding after graduating from college. Now that his son has been born, Taixi has no intention of holding a wedding. If this is postponed In our hometown, we are going to be laughed at.”

In the eyes of the older generation, marriage registration does not mean marriage. Marriage only counts after a banquet is held, relatives and friends of both parties are entertained, and everyone witnesses it.

Seeing that there was no one around, Liao Yu said to Song Mingzhe: "Dad, it's actually Taixi who doesn't want to hold a wedding. She felt that she and Song Yi had already registered their wedding in California and held their wedding in the church, so there was no need to hold it again in Seoul. And Tae Hee doesn’t like to appear in crowded public places now.”

"Last year, after Tae Hee's university graduation ceremony, a fashion show was held at Seoul Grand B1 Auditorium. The murderer pointed a gun at Tae Hee. If Tae Hee's Aunt Park hadn't blocked Tae Hee's gun, both Tae Hee and Won Ho would have Can’t keep it.”

"Later, Tae Hee learned that the murderer Kim Si Won saw the news of Tae Hee's fashion show on the inschool website. It also had the location of the B1 auditorium, and followed the location to find Tae Hee. Tae Hee blamed herself. If She didn't post that news on inschool, maybe Aunt Park wouldn't have died," Liao Yu said.

Song Mingzhe sighed, "Taixi is really a kind and good boy, but there is no need to punish himself with other people's mistakes."

"But Song Yi and Tae Hee don't have a wedding in Seoul. Don't Tae Hee's parents have any objections? Korean chaebols also pay attention to these etiquettes. Last year, Gu Guangmo and Zhou Zhiyi held a wedding. All the celebrities in South Korea's political and business circles attended. President Zhong Xiaotong came to be their witness."

"Taixi's father is also in business. The business of Express Logistics has been getting bigger and bigger in the past two years. He also needs a wedding to maintain his business friends in Ulsan. Why don't Taixi's parents urge Song Yi? Them?" Song Mingzhe was a little confused.

Zhou Shulan and Liao Yu looked at each other, and Liao Yu wanted to laugh. Jin Yuwen originally wanted to hold a wedding, but Jin Xiyuan returned to China with her daughter a few days ago, which completely shattered Jin Yuwen's ideas.

Jin Yuwen then learned that his eldest daughter Jin Xiyuan had been Song Yi's lover for a long time. She also gave birth to Song Yi's daughter Song Yuanying in the UK. In addition to having an extra grandson, he now also suddenly had a granddaughter.

If Song Yi holds a wedding with Kim Tae Hee, then Kim Tae Hee's sister Kim Hee Won will definitely attend. Then will Song Yuanying make an appearance at the wedding? If outsiders knew that Song Yi had married his two daughters all at once, wouldn't he be laughed to death?

Jin Hyung-soo accepted this easily. In his words, no matter whether Song Yi married Jin Xiyuan or Kim Tae-hee, he would have to call Song Yi brother-in-law. Regardless of whether it was Song Yuanying or Song Yuanhao, they both had to call him uncle, so for him, there really wasn't much difference.

In order to accommodate Kim Hee-won and her daughter, Song Yi spent a lot of money to buy the villa next door to No. 330, Seongbuk-dong, and then opened the courtyard walls of the two villas so that he could visit Kim Hee-won and her daughter next door at any time.

Because the two villas are located on two different streets in Seongbuk-dong, and the gates of the two villas face different directions, it would be difficult to realize that the two villas can actually pass through unless someone is operating a drone to take pictures from high altitude. The backyard is connected. Apparently Song Yi bought this villa for Jin Yuwen and his family to live in.

Both parents came to Asan Hospital today to pick up Kim Tae Hee from the hospital. Although some entertainment reporters tried to take photos of Kim Tae Hee, mother and son, outside the hospital, the security team, who were on standby, did not give reporters a chance to take photos.

When the big family returned to Chengbeidong, Jin Xiyuan was waiting for Song Yi and the others at home. Jin Xiyuan saw the sleeping Song Yuanhao at a glance, quickly took the baby from the nanny's hands, and then refused to let go. Jin Xiyuan, who has more than two months of experience in raising babies, immediately made Song Yuanhao giggle.

Song Mingzhe was a little surprised when he saw Jin Xiyuan. Since Jin Xiyuan was in Seoul, why didn't they go to the hospital together to pick up Kim Tae Hee and her son?

"Sure enough, they are connected by blood. When Hyung-soo hugged Yuan Hao in the hospital just now, Yuan Hao didn't cry or make trouble, but he was well behaved." Zhou Shulan sighed with emotion.

Jin Xiyuan was very proud, hugged Song Yuanhao and said, "Of course, I am Yuanhao's aunt."

Song Miao quickly stretched out her hand, "There's me, there's me. I hugged my brother just now, and he didn't cry."

Jin Xiyuan returned the baby to the nanny and squatted down to chat with Song Miao. She scratched Song Miao's nose and said, "Oh, Miaomiao is so powerful. I believe Miaomiao is a good sister who can take good care of and protect her younger brother." .”

Unlike the Jin Xiyuan sisters, Song Yi may be a father for the first time, so he still hasn't learned how to get along with Song Yuanying and Song Yuanhao.

For Song Yi, the most important significance of the birth of the Song Yuanying siblings is that Xinya, a huge business empire, finally has a legal heir.

For example, Chen Mengxi, the eldest grandson of Samsung founder Chen Byung-cheol, was deposed from the inheritance. Chen Mengxi’s wife Fu Nansun was able to set up her own company with part of CheilJedang’s shares to establish CJ Group.

Song Yi is the third generation of the modern family, so Song Yuanhao is the fourth generation heir of the modern family.

If Song Yi was assassinated in Seoul last year, then the huge assets of the New Asia Department in South Korea cannot escape the joint calculations of several major consortiums and politicians. For example, Li Guangwang paid a special visit to Zhou Mengjiu and his son of Hyundai Motor for this purpose.

Because once Song Yi dies, the entire New Asia Department will become leaderless, and the business empire built by Song Yi will naturally fall apart. After all, although Kim Tae Hee was pregnant at that time, the child in her belly had not yet been born.

But Song Yuanhao's smooth birth was different, with Song Yuanhao as the legal heir. Even if something happens to Song Yi in the future, the Hyundai family and Kim Tae Hee's family can still help Kim Tae Hee support the New Asia series.

For example, Zhou Mengxian committed suicide by jumping off a building in his previous life, but Zhou Mengxian's son and two daughters are still alive. In the end, the Hyundai family still supported Jung Eun-sun to become the chairman of Hyundai Group. Although Zhou Sang-young's KCC Group and Zhou Mong-koo's Hyundai Motor both wanted to take action against Hyundai Group, they both failed in the end because they could not pass the public opinion test.

Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen was captured in the Tumubao Incident, and Yu Qian supported Zhu Qiyu to succeed to the throne. Why did Zhu Qiyu control the throne, but was still taken back by Zhu Qizhen? The most important reason is that Zhu Qiyu has no son. You have no son, and the ministers and generals have not followed you. Because sooner or later your throne will be passed on to someone else. So from this perspective, Song Yuanhao's birth is quite important.

Song Miao obviously liked Jin Xiyuan very much. She was coaxed to smile by Jin Xiyuan and kept talking about the interesting things about Song Yuanhao in the hospital. Jin Xiyuan was also very patient and listened with gusto.

Just as the family was reunited, mother and daughter Zheng Enxuan and Zhou Zhiyi also rushed over after hearing the news. Zhou Zhiyi, who just got married last year, obviously also likes children, making faces with Song Yuanhao.

Song Yi saw this scene and said to Zhou Zhiyi: "Do you like children? Then you have to work hard with Guang Moduonu to have one by yourself. Don't always come to tease my son."

When Zhou Zhiyi heard what Song Yi said, his expression suddenly became serious, "Guang Mo and I have discussed it. We plan to focus on our career in the past two years and then have children in two years."

After the power struggle between Li Guangmo and Song Yi was decided, LG Group Chairman Gu Guangmo announced the promotion of Gu Guangmo as the head of LG Electronics China, which made it clear within the LG Group that Gu Guangmo was the fourth-generation successor. identity.

Song Yi shook his head and said to Zheng Enxuan: "Aunt, you have to persuade Zhiyi. Her age is the golden age for having children. In a few years, she will easily become an advanced maternal age, which is not good for her health."

Zhou Zhiyi was unconvinced, "President, at my age, what is not the golden age for anything? Even in terms of career, my age is the best age for doing business. Why is it said to be the golden age for having children?"

Zhou Shulan heard Zhou Zhiyi say this, "We're not in the company, so what do we call the president? It sounds so special. You can either call me cousin or brother Yi."

Zhou Zhiyi stuck out his tongue, hugged Zhou Shulan's sleeves, and said coquettishly, "I know, Aunt Shulan. But Brother Yi called us here today to discuss important matters in the company, so it's not wrong to call us the president. "

Zhou Shulan didn't expect that Song Yi would have to talk about work as soon as she got home, and she felt a little sorry for her son. "Since you have something to do, you should go and do your work first. Yuan Hao asked me and Taixi's mother to take care of her."

Jin Xiyuan knows something about the situation. Her current status is relatively aloof. Although the New Asia Sports Foundation still bears the name of New Asia, it has actually been semi-detached from the New Asia Group and has become an overseas asset jointly held by Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan.

"Now we have Song Yi, Chairman Eun Xuan, Sister Liao Yu, and we have to wait for Uncle Bingkui, Uncle Mengkui, Li Yiji and Li Zaiyong to come over. When everyone is here, we can start the meeting." Jin Xiyuan said.

In this New Asia system, the New Asia Financial Committee is the highest authority. Originally, there were five members of the New Asia Financial Committee, namely Song Yi, Liao Yu, Zheng Enxuan, Li Bingkui and Li Yizhi.

When Blue Ocean Capital Fund and New Asia Capital Fund jointly acquired Korea Exchange Bank, Lee Jae-yong succeeded Li Yiji as the new president of New Asia Capital Fund. Lee Jae-yong and New Asia Construction President Zhou Mengkui joined the New Asia Financial Committee, and the number of committee members was increased from the original 5 The number of people increased to 7.

In Zhou Zhiyi's words, the members of the New Asia Financial Committee either don't get together, but as long as they get together, it's a big deal. Even Zhou Zhiyi, general manager of New Asia Real Estate Puhai Branch, could only observe and record the meeting.

Li Bingkui and Li Yiji arrived together, while Zhou Mengkui met Li Zaiyong halfway. Li Zaiyong looked at Song Yi's spacious basement, which could accommodate more than a dozen cars, and was full of envy. He couldn't help but sigh, "Only by living in Seongbuk-dong can you enter the top wealthy circles in Seoul."

Unlike Li Zaiyong, Zhou Mengkui has lived in this kind of high-end mansion since he was born. He doesn't quite understand Li Zaiyong's obsession with living in Seongbuk-dong.

However, he still encouraged Li Zaiyong, "Jaeyong, work hard, Song Yi will not treat every staunch supporter badly. Believe me, in less than two years, your one-year salary plus bonus will be enough to buy a car in Seongbuk-dong." The next mansion is about the same size.”

Li Zaiyong parked the car. It was his first time to attend the meeting of the New Asia Financial Committee. He asked anxiously, "President Zhou, why do you think the president called us over for the meeting? The last time he acquired the Foreign Exchange Bank, it was such an important matter. They all contact us through remote video conferencing.”

Zhou Mengkui could actually guess what Song Yi was thinking. The businesses of the New Asia Series and the Ashan Series now have more and more intersections. Song Yi obviously hopes that the New Asia Group and the Asan Group can be further integrated to establish a brand new group company, so that the new group can compete more flexibly with large consortiums such as Samsung, SK, and Lotte.

The main reason why he could guess Song Yi's thoughts was that the Korean Congress held a by-election for members at the beginning of the year.

Asan Group Honorary Chairman Zhou Mongxian was co-opted as a member of the South Korean Congress as a member of the New Millennium Democratic Party. Zhou Mongxian joined the Unification Foreign Affairs Committee of the South Korean Congress and was mainly responsible for foreign affairs with North Korea.

If the New Asia line and the Ashan lineage merge, the biggest external resistance actually comes from two sources. The first is the opposition within the modern family, such as Zhou Mengjiu and his son or Zhou Xiangyong. They will worry that Song Yi will quietly use it in the name of the merger. The earth swallowed up the Eshan system. In this way, the owner of the Eshan family will no longer have the surname Zhou.

The second resistance actually comes from Zhou Mengxian. Although Zhou Mengxian does not have any shares in the Ashan Group, whenever the Asan Group is mentioned, Zhou Mengxian's name cannot be avoided.

For example, Li Bingkui and Li Yizhi of the New Asia Financial Committee used to be Zhou Mengxian's subordinates and confidants.

Song Yi originally proposed to Zhou Zhengyong that Hyundai should be divided into three parts. Zhou Mengjiu would inherit Hyundai Motor, Zhou Mengzhun would inherit Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hyundai Group, and Zhou Mengxian would inherit Asan Group.

In the eyes of the modern family, although Zheng Enxuan has always been the chairman of the Asan Group, they have always believed that the Asan Group should belong to the Zhou Mengxian family, so the second major resistance actually comes from Zhou Mengxian.

As a core member of the modern family, Zhou Mengkui knew that neither Zheng Enxuan nor Zhou Zhiyi opposed the merger of the New Asia Series and the Ashan Series.

When LG Group was first established, the Goo family of LG and the Heo family of GS stood by each other and supported each other, creating a legend.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the New Asia System is in a period of vigorous and rapid development, while the Ashan System is more than capable of maintaining its status and not developing enough. If the New Asia line and the Ashan lineage can be merged, it will actually be a major benefit to the Zhou Mengxian family.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Zhou Mengxian's son Zhou Mengxuan is not like a business wizard. Zhou Mengxian and Zheng Eunxuan's business talents were all inherited to the capable eldest daughter Zhou Zhiyi.

Despite considerable resistance, Song Yi still has many supporters. For example, two of Zhou Mengxian's in-laws, current President Song Woo-seok and LG Chairman Goo Kwang-sung, both support the merger of the New Asia System and the Asan System.

Asan Construction and New Asia Real Estate are working together on the Wangjing Center office building project in Yanjing, Liubaiben Commercial Street and commercial housing in Changying area.

Asan Construction, New Asia Construction and Hyundai Industrial Development Group often work together to develop The One Apartment, Hyundai Ipark Apartment, and Cheonggyecheon Renovation Project in Seoul.

The semiconductor factory project of Asan Electronics, Xinya Optoelectronics and LG Electronics in Liangxi City, Suzhou Province is the largest cooperation project in terms of funding.

Asan Group and New Asia Culture and Tourism also jointly developed the Mount Jingang International Tourism Area and the Huangcun Ancient Town Scenic Area in Huizhou City.

In addition to project cooperation, the senior management teams of the New Asia Department and the Ashan Department also work for each other in the two group companies. In the eyes of outsiders, although the Ashan lineage is from a modern family, it is not closely related to the modern lineage. Instead, it is more closely related to the New Sublineage, a branch of the modern lineage.

If two large listed companies want to merge, in addition to obtaining the consent of the Korean Financial Supervisory Service, the most important thing is that the major shareholders of the two companies can reach an agreement.

In the entire New Asia family, apart from Song Yi, the shareholder with the largest number of shares is the Zhou Mengxian family, followed by the Zhou Mengkui family.

In the entire Ashan system, Song Yi has always been the second largest shareholder after Zheng Enxuan. Therefore, whether the New Asia Series and the Ashan Series can be merged, in fact, it only requires Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan to nod their approval. Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi are now as good as wearing a pair of pants. Will Zheng Enxuan really object to Song Yi's proposal?

Zhou Mengkui thought as he took the elevator into the villa with Li Yizhi. Jin Xiyuan was walking back and forth at home with a baby in her arms. When Jin Xiyuan saw Zhou Mengkui, she nodded and said hello, "Uncle Mengkui, Mr. Li, and Song Yi are waiting for you in the conference room. Uncle Bingkui and the others have already arrived and are waiting for you."

Li Zaiyong is no stranger to Kim Hee-won. Song Yi originally applied for a loan from the Korea Exchange Bank. In order to review the qualifications of Song Yi's company, the Korea Exchange Bank went to the company to investigate. Li Zaiyong knew that Jin Xiyuan had always been Song Yi's right-hand man in work, and the New Asia Department employees respected her very much. New Asia employees have always said that Kim Tae Hee is the boss lady on the surface, while Kim Hee Won is the real boss lady.

Zhou Mengkui asked casually, "Won't Mr. Jin attend the meeting together?"

Jin Xiyuan was a little surprised, "I am now only responsible for the New Asia Sports Foundation and the Manchester United Club. I will not be involved in Korean corporate business. Over the years, I still want to spend more time with my daughter."

Zhou Mengkui was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Jin Xiyuan was holding Song Yi's son Song Yuanhao, but he didn't expect that Jin Xiyuan was holding her own daughter. But when did Kim Hee-won get married and suddenly had a child? Could this be the reason why Kim Hee-won gradually faded out of the New Asia series?

The conference room in Song Yi's house was very large, with a large LED display hanging on the wall. Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan sat together, facing the screen, and the other participants were divided into two rows, forming a U shape.

Song Yi looked up and saw Zhou Mengkui, stood up and greeted Zhou Mengkui, "Uncle Mengkui, sit on my left." Zhou Mengkui sat in the first seat on the left, and Li Zaiyong sat in the last seat on the left.

Liao Yu sat in the first position on the right, and Zhou Zhiyi, who was in charge of meeting minutes, sat in the last position on the right.

To a certain extent, the seating arrangement also represents your weight in the New Asia Financial Committee. As a newcomer to the committee, Lee Jae-yong will definitely sit at the end. And Zhou Mengkui sits in the first position on the left, which shows that Zhou Mengkui will definitely be more important.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Song Yi announced that the meeting had officially begun. Zhou Zhiyi distributed meeting materials to the participants, and the LED screen suddenly lit up.

Zheng Enxuan told Zhou Zhiyi, "Zhiyi, let them sign a confidentiality agreement first, and then we will have a meeting. The documents of today's meeting are the core business secrets of Xinya and Ashan."

After Li Zaiyong and others signed the confidentiality agreement, Song Yi said: "President Zheng was right just now. Everyone has been working in Xinya and Asan for so long, so they may not know much about the family background of Xinya and Asan. In order to help everyone better understand the two companies Xinya and Asan, Zhiyi, please show me the PPT!"

At this time, the screen began to scroll and play the situation of the New Asia Series and the Ashan Series:

"Summary of the assets and equity financial structure of New Asia Media Real Estate Group Corporation and its subsidiaries";

"New Asia IT";

"Xinya Optoelectronics.";

"New Asia Capital.";

"Blue Ocean Capital.";

"Xinya Advertising.";

"Summary of the assets and equity financial structure of Ashan Group Corporation and its subsidiaries";

The more Lee Jae-yong watched, the more frightened he became, even though he had long known that Blue Ocean Capital Fund and New Asia Capital Fund were closely related. After all, the two fund companies had cooperated many times in the financial market. It now appears that Blue Ocean Capital Fund was actually founded by Song Yi. The economic strength of the New Asia Group hidden under the water cannot be underestimated.

Liao Yu, on the other hand, looked proud. She never dreamed that the little brat who followed her when she got married had now built a business empire with tens of thousands of employees and assets of over 10 trillion won.

Zheng Enxuan knocked on the table, "I called everyone here today just to give you a brief introduction. I believe you have guessed that the New Asia Series and the Ashan Series need to be further integrated, so as to achieve the goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency."

“President Song and I’s initial plan is to first complete the merger of the two listed companies, New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Ashan Group.”

"After all, everyone can see from the reports that the development momentum of New Asia IT and New Asia Advertising is very good, and they will be listed this year. If the two companies are merged in advance, New Asia IT and New Asia Advertising will need to be given A high valuation will also result in the proportion of equity held by our Asan Group in the merger of the new company being too low, and Chairman Song is not willing to take advantage of me." Zheng Enxuan continued.

Li Bingkui nodded after hearing this. Zheng Eunxuan's words were correct. If New Asia IT was listed, its market value would be at least over two billion US dollars. The market value of New Asia IT is almost equal to that of the entire Ashan Group.

If the merger is based on New Asia IT's current valuation, Ashan Group will be equivalent to taking advantage of Song Yi, and the employees of New Asia IT will not agree.

Song Yi took the microphone, "President Zheng had already convened the board of directors of Ashan Group before the meeting, and also held a meeting with the executives of Ashan Group. The board of directors of Ashan Group and more than 2/3 of the executives agreed. New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Ashan Group completed their merger."

"Personally, I actually prefer to merge with Asan Group, so that we can merge similar business departments and concentrate manpower and funds on our advantageous projects."

"According to my estimate, if New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Asan Group merge, a large consortium with more than 70,000 employees, a company market value of more than 10 trillion won, and assets of more than 10 trillion won will be formed. This consortium will Whether ranked in terms of market capitalization or asset size, it will enter the top ten consortiums in South Korea."

"Our English name of Xinya is SHINA and Asan Group's English name is ASAN. If the two companies merge, we will take an initial from each of the two companies' English names to form a new group company."

"Personally, I am very grateful to Asan Group for its support and help to Xinya Media Real Estate Group. I am also an old man of Asan Group. I want to name the new group AS Group, and the Chinese name is AXA Group. What do you think? How about that?" Song Yi took the initiative to ask everyone.

Zhou Mengkui was a little dumbfounded. Although he knew that this meeting might be a formality, Song Yi, you have already thought of the name of the new company after the merger, so why do you still need to ask for our opinions?

Zheng Enxuan disagreed, "Our Ashan Group, in addition to having more employees than Xinya Media Real Estate Group, is not as good as Xinya in terms of company revenue, company assets or company market value. And I think AS Group is not smooth, either. It’s better to call it SA Group, the Chinese name is Sheng’an Group, it’s catchy and easy to remember, what do you think?”

Zhou Zhiyi repeated "Sheng'an Group" twice, and her eyes lit up, "Sheng'an, Sheng'an, is the abbreviation of Shengshi Ankang. Our SA Group is to provide Koreans with a prosperous and prosperous life. This has a very good meaning."

After Zhou Zhiyi finished speaking, Liao Yu and Li Yizhi also agreed. After voting, everyone unanimously agreed that the new company would be called SA Group, and its Chinese name would be Sheng'an Group.

Lee Jae-yong said: "The current SA Group is already among the top ten consortiums in South Korea. I believe that after five or ten years of development, the SA Consortium can surpass the SK Group and become the top three super consortiums in South Korea."

Song Yi thought of Cui Anyuan of SK Group, and he was a little disdainful. He made no secret of his ambition.

"Someone told me that Samsung Group is the largest group in South Korea. Koreans cannot live without Samsung in their lives. Only Samsung can represent South Korea. I disagree."

"SA Group's goal is definitely not SK Group. Our goal is always to kill Samsung!" Song Yi said.

On May 27, 2004, New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Ashan Group issued an announcement:

New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Ashan Group want to reallocate their company assets. Because this is directly related to the rights and interests of shareholders of both companies and is a major matter for the company, they have applied for a trading suspension.

The boards of directors of New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Asan Group Group have signed a merger agreement. New Asia Media Real Estate Group will acquire 100% of Asan Group's shares through shares + cash. At that time, Asan Group will be merged into a new company name.

The name of the new company is SA Group, and the stock name of KOSPI will be changed from the previous SHINA Group to SA Group.

The shareholders' meeting of New Asia Media Real Estate Group and the shareholders' meeting of Ashan Group have passed the majority of votes required to approve the merger at the previous special resolution of the shareholders' meeting. The merger of New Asia Media Real Estate Group and Asan Group requires the approval of the Korean Financial Supervisory Service and the Chinese Antitrust Department.

At the same time, New Asia Media Real Estate Group announced that it would be renamed SA Group. Huaguo’s New Asia Real Estate also changed its name to Sheng’an Real Estate.

Zhou Zhiyi resigned as general manager of Sheng'an Real Estate Puhai Branch and was replaced by deputy general manager Guo Wenxuan. Guo Wenxuan is a native of Puhai City. He had previously worked at Hutchison Whampoa, a long-established real estate company in Hong Kong Island. He was later poached from Hutchison Whampoa by Zhou Zhiyi. He is also a mid-to-high-level elite talent that SA Group focuses on cultivating.

SA Group is chaired by Song Yi, Zheng Eunxuan as vice chairman, Zhou Mengkui as CEO and president of SA Group, Li Bingkui as executive director of SA Group, and Cui Shanji as secretary of the board of directors of SA Group.

New Asia Construction and Asan Construction merged to form SA Construction. The president of SA Construction is Zhou Xiuxian, the former president of Asan Construction, and Zhou Zhiyi serves as the vice president and financial director of SA Construction.

SA's companies have also changed their names, with Shinhan Media changing its name to SA Planning, with Chen Jae-chan still serving as president. New Asia Pictures also officially changed its name to SA Pictures, New Asia Music also changed its name to SA Music, and New Asia IT also changed its name to SA Soft.

Asan Electronics and Xinya Optoelectronics also officially merged to form SA Electronics. Song Yi personally served as the president of SA Electronics. The general manager of SA Electronics Huaguo Company was Wu Jingang.

New Asia Capital Fund also officially changed its name to SA Capital, and Korea Exchange Bank also officially changed its name to SA Bank, making Sheng'an Bank the sixth largest bank in South Korea.

After the merger of the New Asia Department and the Ashan Department is completed, the entire SA consortium currently has a total of 87,000 employees (excluding labor dispatch).

The financial market is obviously very optimistic about the merger of New Asia Group and Asan Group. SA Group's unlisted Internet business and advertising media business have also given investors enough room for imagination.

According to disclosures by listed companies, in the entire SA Group, the Song Yi family holds 20% of the shares, the Zheng Enxuan family holds 12%, and SA Capital and Blue Ocean Capital hold a combined shareholding of 8%. This is also the shareholding ratio of the SA Group. The top three major shareholders.

Of course, since the SA consortium has adopted a complex cross-shareholding model like Samsung, SK, LG, Lotte, and Hyundai Motor, the actual shareholding ratio of the Song Yi family may be more than the 20% stated on the surface.

On August 11, the action blockbuster "Thieves" carefully produced by SA Pictures was officially released, with a box office of more than 300,000 people on the first day of release.

On August 13, the third day of its release, the box office of "Thieves" exceeded 1 million.

On the fourth day, the box office exceeded 2 million, and on the sixth day, the box office exceeded 3 million.

On the 16th day, the box office of "Thieves" exceeded 8 million, and Jun Ji-hyun officially broke her own box office record of "My Naughty Girlfriend"

On September 1, the box office of "Thieves" officially exceeded 10 million, officially becoming South Korea's first super blockbuster with a box office of more than 10 million.

"Thieves" has continuously set various box office records in South Korea, and this booming box office myth has also been directly reflected in the stock price of SA Group.

SA Films is not only the production company of "Thieves", HugeDream Cinemas is also a subsidiary of SA Group, the largest cinema chain company in South Korea. In addition, Jun Ji-hyun, the star of "Thieves", is also a contracted artist of SA Group. With these three blessings, SA Group can achieve higher profits than other Korean film companies.

On September 9, SA Group's share price reached 63,000 won. After the merger, SA Group's total share capital was 300 million shares.

Calculated based on the closing price of the day, the total market value of SA Group is 18.9 trillion won, successfully surpassing Hanjin Group and Hyundai Group, ranking eighth in the Korean stock market.

According to statistics, SA Group's total assets are 12.6 trillion won, surpassing Hyundai Group and lagging behind Hanjin Group, ranking ninth in Korean company assets.

This is a landmark moment, which means that three consortiums, Hyundai Motor, Hyundai Group and SA Group, three companies under the Hyundai family, have entered the top ten consortiums in South Korea at the same time.

The third volume has officially ended, and the fourth volume will start tomorrow.

Daughter Song Yuanying, daughter was born in the UK, and son Song Tianhao. South Korea is a country in space, so it is normal to name him Won Hao. In fact, this name is also an Easter egg.

Song Yuanhao was born on April 28, the same day as a certain great man. After finishing this chapter, I will reveal the secret to you in the extra chapter. Why is it named like this, haha! Thanks to book friend Guo Wenxuan for his guest appearance.

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