I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 219 You and Li Guangxi can only live together!

On December 12, 2004, the South Korean Congress passed the impeachment case against Song Woo-seok, and South Korean Prime Minister Gosuk replaced Song Woo-seok as acting president.

It is worth noting that some members of the ruling New Millennium Democratic Party also voted in favor of Song Woo-seok's impeachment case, but Zhou Mongjun, who is outside the party, voted against it.

There were differences of opinion among the leaders of the New Millennium Democratic Party. Minister of Justice Ha Mi-ae and Seoul Mayor Park Dong-ho voted against it. Party leader Han Jinli voted in favor and Gao Shek voted in favor.

Song Yuxi did not expect Gao She to vote in favor. Gao She can be said to be a veteran of seven dynasties in Korean politics and a political roly-poly. No matter which president has taken him seriously, he has also served as a department chief in the Korean cabinet for a long time.

During Zheng Puxi's administration, Goshe was the governor of South Jeolla Province and the youngest provincial governor in Korean history. After Cui Yanqiu came to power, Gao She was the Minister of Transportation and entered the cabinet for the first time.

Quan Zhanfa was the president, and Gao She was the Minister of the Interior. During the Songshan government, Gao She was nominated as the mayor of Seoul, and together with Zhou Zhengyong, he bid for the Olympic Games.

By the time the progressive Chung Man-yu was elected president, Koshe was elected Prime Minister of South Korea for the first time. In the Zhong Xiaotong government, Gao She was elected mayor of Seoul again. This is also the second time that Goshe has become the mayor of Seoul. This time he is responsible for the construction of World Cup venues in Japan and South Korea.

The Sangam Stadium, the venue for the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Japan and South Korea, is his masterpiece. Transforming the original landfill into a modern multi-functional stadium is also in line with environmental protection concepts.

As a veteran of seven dynasties, Gao She's position has always been relatively vague. Although he belongs to the ruling New Millennium Democratic Party, he has good relations with many conservative bosses.

Song Yi and Li Guangguang both wanted to get the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project. As a result, the sophisticated Gao She included the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project in the 2002 municipal government budget, but did not invite bids and left it to the next mayor.

In this way, after the results of the Seoul mayoral election in 2002 come out, whether Song Yi supported by Park Donghao or Kim Namyong supported by Lee Guangwang get the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction project, they will have to accept his favor.

According to the law, once the president is unable to perform his duties, the Prime Minister of South Korea will become the acting president, and then hold a new congressional election to decide whether to hold a new presidential election.

Song Yi said to Song Yuxi: "Uncle Song, although he is the acting president, he is still the president. This is the closest Gao She has been to the presidential throne."

"If there is a re-election of the National Assembly and the National Assembly demands a new presidential election, then as long as Gao Shek can win the election, he can realize his dream of Cheong Wa Dae."

"If he succeeds, he will have great power. Even if he fails, he can bid farewell to politics. Hasn't he already stated his position? He will retire before the next presidential election." Song Yi analyzed.

Song Yuxi shook his head. He felt that Gao She was not wise enough. "If the presidential election is really held again, Gao She and I's votes will inevitably be scattered. At that time, it will be nothing more than an advantage to Zheng Jinhui. How can a smart person like him not even see this?" come out?"

Song Yi replied: "He is just betting that the voters will not choose Zheng Jinhui. Although Zheng Jinhui has been around Zheng Puxi since he was a child and has learned a lot of tactics, he has little experience in governance. Zheng Puxi can create a miracle on the Han River, but Zheng Jinhui cannot It is impossible to replicate the myth of South Korea’s economic take-off.”

"If you cannot resume your position, then the mature and steady Gao She will become the most suitable successor. Gao She is a man of action, but he lacks prestige. This is his inherent disadvantage, so he cannot become the presidential candidate of a major political party. This time is also his last move."

Xia Miai came to persuade Song Yuxi this time, "President, you should make your attitude clear at this time. People who support you have formed the Open National Conference, and we need you to stand up and lead us to win the congressional reelection. Only in this way can we help you resume your duties. "

Song Woo-seok has some concerns, "If I now call on members of the New Millennium Democratic Party to rejoin the Open National Convention, I may be criticized."

Song Yi was speechless. Others, Zheng Jinhui, were ready to kick you out of the Blue House, but you were still worried about your reputation. The aloof status of South Korea's president makes it difficult for him to express strong support for a political party in order to avoid affecting the election results.

Song Yi sighed, "Uncle Song, it doesn't matter if you don't express your position now. I can help you contact the congressmen who support you. If the Open National Conference becomes the largest party in Congress, then you must join the Open National Conference so that Open the National Assembly and become the ruling party. I don’t want to see another situation where the ruling party is small and the opposition is big.”

Song Yuxi readily agreed this time. Of course he believed in Song Yi's ability. Song Yi can put him on the throne of president, and he will naturally be able to help him survive the crisis of this impeachment case.

He was also a little embarrassed. After all, the impeachment case was caused by his brother Song Jianping's acceptance of bribes from Nanguo.

"Song Yi, it's not convenient for me to show up during this period, so I'd like you to contact me. Dong Hao and Mei Ai are both people I trust. The three of you can discuss it together." Song Yuxi ordered.

When Song Yi and Xia Meiai left the Blue House together, Intelligence Director Jin Chengguo retained Song Yi. Seeing that Jin Chengguo had something important to discuss with Song Yi, Xia Meiai made a phone call with Song Yi and left first.

"Dean Jin, what do you want from me?" Song Yi asked.

"President Song, the other killer of the August 26 shooting in Seoul last year has been caught by us."

"This killer is named Jin Shengyuan, a Korean-American who was once a member of the French Foreign Mercenary Corps. He has rich counter-reconnaissance experience. If Li Guangming hadn't been sentenced, he wouldn't have dared to show up. We caught him in a Southeast Asian casino. "Jin Chengguo introduced the killer's information.

"Kim Seung-won, Kim Si-won, those who don't know think that the two murderers of the shooting are brothers. Has Kim Seung-won confessed his connection with the US military stationed in South Korea and Li Guangguang? Did Li Guangguang order him to lurk in B1 Auditorium, give this guy Jin Shiyuan the finishing touches?" Song Yi continued to ask.

"No, he only admitted that he received a transfer from Jin Fengying, the president of BKK Investment Company. Jin Fengying remitted US$500,000 to his Swiss bank account in the UK, and then another US$500,000 after the transaction was completed." Jin Chengguo said.

Song Yi smiled sarcastically, "You want my life for a million dollars. My life is really worthless. If he contacts me, can't he make more?"

"Without the assistance of the US military stationed in South Korea, how could he have entered South Korea with weapons and then fled abroad again."

"There is basically no death penalty in South Korea. Even if someone commits murder, the heaviest penalty is life imprisonment. So is this guy Jin Shengyuan emboldened and thinks we can't do anything to him?" Song Yi said angrily.

Kim Sung-guk replied, "If he doesn't expose the Americans, he may still be able to save his life. If the Americans are involved, I'm afraid he will die accidentally in prison."

Song Yi smiled, "He didn't dare to offend the Americans, but he dared to offend me. Is he still waiting for Zheng Jinhui to pardon Li Guangxi after he is elected president, hoping that they will get him out of prison? In this way, you can arrange it, I'll take some time to meet this stubborn Jin Shengyuan and give him some color."

Jin Chengguo did not agree immediately. Song Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at Jin Chengguo like a hawk. "What? Dean Jin, does my request embarrass you?"

"Sorry, I forgot, Uncle Song is no longer the president, Gao She is the acting president. Do you want to report to President Gao to see if he agrees with me going to see Jin Shengyuan?" Song Yi said in a cold tone.

Jin Chengguo's face was stern, "President Song, where do you start with these words? Our National Intelligence Service has not yet handed over the suspect Jin Shengyuan to the Seoul police because some criminal evidence still needs to be fixed. So, I will take you Go see Jin Shengyuan.”

Kim Seong-won was detained in an office building in downtown Seoul. This office building ostensibly houses a software company, but is actually a secret base where the National Intelligence Service detains prisoners.

Jin Shengyuan's mental state was a little depressed. He was tied to the chair and could not move. Except for Jin Shengyuan, only Jin Chengguo, Song Yi and bodyguard Cha Taizhi were left in the whole room.

He opened his eyes and saw Song Yi, with a rebellious look on his face, "President Song, long time no see. You were lucky last year, and you escaped."

Song Yi said: "You are right, but you are unlucky. Haven't you already gone abroad? Why did you go round and round and fall into my hands again? This is called reincarnation in the way of heaven. God forgives you. Who else."

Jin Shengyuan was still stubborn, "We in our profession have long taken life and death lightly. If we are either killing people or being killed, you don't have to scare me. Do you want to ask something about the Americans? I'm sorry, I'll keep it a secret."

Song Yi said to Jin Chengguo: "Dean Jin, can you let me be alone with him for a while? Don't worry, with Tae-sik accompanying me, my safety can be guaranteed."

Jin Chengguo glanced at Jin Shengyuan. By doing this, Song Yi undoubtedly put him at risk. Although it was impossible for Song Yi to let Jin Shengyuan in, it would be a bit troublesome if Jin Shengyuan died in Seoul.

Song Yi saw Jin Chengguo's concerns, "Don't worry, I won't kill him here. This is too easy for this kid. I have to ask him to do something for me."

Jin Chengguo looked at his watch and said, "Okay, I'll go out for a smoke and be back in ten minutes. President Song, if you recommend me in front of the president, I'll accept your offer, but don't make it difficult for me."

Song Yi patted Jin Chengguo's shoulder. Jin Chengguo turned around, glanced at Jin Shengyuan, and left the room first.

"Jin Shengyuan, I'm not interested at all in the so-called intelligence about the US military stationed in South Korea that you have. That's not what I want to worry about."

"Park Min-jung, who took the bullet for my wife Kim Tae-hee that day, is a friend that we both respect very, very much. His son Kim Tae-yong was a victim of the Burim incident."

"She was a pet shop owner in Seoul City, a very caring and kind old man. At her funeral, I had sworn that no matter where the shooter went, I would definitely avenge her and let them also Try the pain of losing a loved one.”

"Are you trying to tell me that you are an orphan and don't have any relatives, so you are not afraid of anyone's revenge, is that right?"

"But Jin Shengyuan, do you really have no relatives? When you were a mercenary in France, you met a stripper from the Crazy Horse Show. She was a Thai. You think she is very beautiful, and you have had sex with her several times. relationship, and then she got unexpectedly pregnant."

"This stripper gave birth to a lovely daughter, and then she contacted you again. You transferred a child support payment to her through a Swiss bank account. Do you want me to tell them where the mother and daughter live in the UK now?"

"How about I take her over and train her? When your daughter grows up, I will send her to the Crazy Horse Show and become a popular striptease. We Chinese have an old saying, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes If you give birth to a phoenix, the son of a mouse can dig holes. His mother is a stripper, so it is normal for a daughter to inherit her mother's career, right?" Song Yi whispered in Jin Shengyuan's ear.

When Jin Shengyuan heard what Song Yi said, his expression was very angry, the veins on his arms were exposed, and he made the stool bang.

"Song Yi, if you dare to touch them, I will not let you go even if I die!" Jin Shengyuan's eyes have turned red and his face is extremely ugly.

Song Yi patted his suit disdainfully, "Labour and management are atheists. You can't make trouble while you're alive, and you expect to make trouble after you die!"

"I've seen photos of your daughter. She's mixed race like her mother. She's a beauty at first sight. If I sign her and train her as a trainee, then I'll be able to experience the different tastes of two generations of strippers at the same time. Yes, tsk tsk, tsk tsk, I am looking forward to this kind of thing." Song Yi continued.

Jin Chengguo calmed down and said, "You must be bluffing me. Swiss banks always keep user information confidential. How could you possibly find out my transfer records?"

Song Yi looked at Jin Shengyuan pitifully, "This is an idea only for poor people like you. In a capitalist country, there is nothing that money can't buy. Jin Fengying bought me a life for 1 million U.S. dollars. What do you think I spent?" How much did you pay to buy the transaction records of your personal account?”

"Not much, just 10 million US dollars. For me, who has a net worth of several billion US dollars, it is really just a small amount of money. I am an orphan with no father, no mother, and no relatives. I have already washed my hands and am unwilling to continue. He was engaged in the killer business and ended up willing to come to South Korea alone to murder me for a reward of one million dollars."

"As soon as you received the five hundred thousand commission, you didn't hold back the money and couldn't wait to transfer it out. Of course I am curious about who you are transferring the money to, so that you are willing to work hard for them like this. Thanks to the developed Internet, I quickly I just have the personal information of your girlfriend and daughter.”

"As the father of your child, your next move will directly determine the fate of your daughter. Do you want her to live a life free from the world, or do you want her to return to her mother's old business of hosting thousands of people? Different men?" Song Yi continued to ask.

Jin Shengyuan now believed Song Yi's words, "Why should I believe you?"

Song Yi replied, "Because you have no choice, you can only bet that I keep my promise. To be honest, if you weren't still of some use value, I wouldn't be willing to disturb the lives of their mother and daughter. You have to be grateful that you are still alive, Otherwise, I would have sold them, mother and daughter, to pick up customers at nightclubs in Southeast Asia!"

Jin Shengyuan felt very painful. He also wanted to bargain with Song Yi, "If I tell you the information about the US military stationed in South Korea, can you let them live?"

Song Yi directly shattered Jin Shengyuan's fantasy, "I'm just telling you for the last time, I'm not from the National Intelligence Service, I'm not interested in your so-called intelligence, and you don't expect to find a rare commodity."

"Let me tell you about your next process. The National Intelligence Service will hand you over to the Seoul police, and then the Seoul court will conduct a closed trial. You will be sentenced to life imprisonment and then sent to Anyang Prison in Gyeonggi Province."

"In this prison, you will meet an old acquaintance, Councilor Li Guangguang, whom I have always cared about. You will meet him during prison breaks, and he will definitely recognize you."

"Although he is in prison, our Congressman Li still has many people coming to visit him. When the time comes, the news of your arrest will be spread to the ears of the Americans. Regardless of whether you have leaked the secrets or not, the Americans will not let it go. you."

"Jin Shengyuan, let me tell you bluntly now, you and Li Guangxu can only live one life. The question now is whether you die or Li Guangxu dies, you choose one, right?" Song Yi's tone became calmer.

Jin Shengyuan said: "Even if I kill Li Guangming, will you let me live? In order to keep the secret, you big guys will kill me in the end to silence me."

Song Yi shook his head, "You are wrong. Even if you tell the whole world that I ordered you to kill Li Guangming, no one will believe it."

"Because when Li Guang dies, you will be identified as a mental patient and sent to a mental hospital for treatment. In return, I can give you a few photos every year to let you know the latest situation of your daughter. This way you will know Do I, Song Yi, keep my word?" Song Yi said.

Jin Shengyuan said viciously, "You put it so nicely, but you still want to continue blackmailing me through my daughter and asking me to keep your secrets. If I am imprisoned in a mental hospital, I might as well die."

Song Yi's attitude was indifferent, "It's up to you. I don't care whether you are alive or dead. After all, although the mental hospital has strict protective measures, doctors and nurses cannot stop patients who are bent on seeking death."

Jin Shengyuan's expression kept changing, and he was obviously very confused. He finally figured it out and said to Song Yi, "Do you have any cigarettes? I want to take a cigarette and think about it."

At the end of ten minutes, Jin Chengguo came back. He was relieved to see that Jin Shengyuan was intact. He was really afraid that Song Yi would kill Jin Shengyuan here.

On February 3, 2005, the South Korean Congress held an election. The opposition party led by Zheng Jinhui did not win a majority of seats.

On February 4, the Supreme Court of South Korea overturned the impeachment motion of Congress, and Song Woo-suk was allowed to resume his duties immediately.

On February 11, Song Woo-seok announced that he would join the Open National Assembly, and the Open National Assembly became the ruling party and the largest party in the National Assembly.

On February 14, a vicious case occurred in Anyang Prison in Gyeonggi Province. An inmate in the same prison, Jin, used a plastic bag to cover Li Guangguang, who was out for a walk. As a result, by the time the prison guards arrived, Li Guangzhou had already suffocated to death.

After investigation, Anyang Prison in Gyeonggi Province found that the prisoner Kim had schizophrenia and serious violent tendencies, so he sent Kim to a mental hospital for treatment. The patient died unexpectedly during treatment in the mental hospital.

After this report was released, public opinion in South Korea was in an uproar. They questioned why Anyang Prison housed a prisoner with schizophrenia and severe violent tendencies, and where the plastic bag that the criminal named Kim came from when he committed the crime. ?

Just as the Korean media was asking for details of the murder case of Lee Guangwang, the Supreme Court of South Korea announced that it would reopen the Hwaseong serial murder case and decided to sentence the criminal Li Chunzai to death.

The news that Lee Chun-jae was sentenced to death suddenly occupied the headlines of major news. The Korean judicial community was divided into two groups, arguing endlessly about whether Lee Chun-jae should be executed. If Lee Chun Jae is executed, Lee Chun Jae will be the first prisoner executed in South Korea since 1997.

Minister of Justice Ha Mi-ae was nominated by Song Woo-seok as the deputy leader of the Open National Assembly. South Korea generally believes that Ha Mi-ae is the presidential successor trained by Song Woo-seok.

On February 21, 2005, the South Korean Senior Public Officials Crime Investigation Division (Public Investigation Division) was formally established, with Lee Kwang-hyun as its first director. Obviously, in the power struggle between Justice Minister Ha Mi-ae and Prosecutor General Lee Sang-dae, Ha Mi-ae achieved the final success, and Ha Mi-ae also won the reputation of South Korea's "Iron Lady".

If Ha Mi-ae ran for president of South Korea on behalf of the ruling party Open National Assembly in 2007, Jung Jin-hye ran as a presidential candidate on behalf of the Grand National Party. Then for the first time in the history of South Korea, the presidential candidates of the two major parties will be women, which means that South Korea may usher in their first female president.

Song Yi was visiting Xia Meiai's house at this time. Xia Meiai took the newspaper and said to Song Yi: "In the past two days, I have often seen news reports that South Korea will have a female president. Are you adding fuel to the fire?"

"This is mainly campaigning by Zheng Jinhui's campaign team. I'm just amplifying this topic."

"Since Zheng Jinhui said that South Korea needs a female president, does this female president have to be her? Korean women only need a female president, and they don't care who is elected president in the end." Song Yi said with a smile.

"I haven't considered whether to participate in the presidential election next year. Many people are already testing my voice. It stands to reason that Mayor Park is older than me. He has also done many things in the past three years as mayor of Seoul. A lot of things have happened, even if we really have to select a candidate within the party to participate in the general election, his winning rate is much higher than mine." Xia Meiai said.

Song Yi is not sure who will play against Zheng Jinhui, Xia Meiai or Park Donghao. Regardless of whether it is Xia Miai or Park Donghao, their chances of winning against Zheng Jinhui are not high.

In the final analysis, neither Ha Mi-ae nor Park Dong-ho has the appeal that Song Woo-seok has. It is a pity that the South Korean president cannot be re-elected. Currently, only Song Woo-seok in the ruling party can win against Zheng Jinhui. Ha Mi-ae and Park Dong-ho are slightly inferior in personal prestige and qualifications.

"If Zheng Jinhui can become the first female president in Korean history, of course you can too. You were born in Daegu, so you will naturally win votes from the Yeongnam region and take away Zheng Jinhui's box office. If South Korea really welcomes a woman President, why can't it be you?" Song Yi asked.

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