I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 220 Poaching Chen Zai-rong’s corner

On April 28th, Song Tianhao celebrated his first birthday. Koreans don’t hold full-moon banquets, but they do hold first-year banquets.

Song Yi, who followed the local customs, held Song Tianhao's first-year banquet at the Shilla Hotel that day. Song Yi's parents, Kim Tae-hee's family, and Liao Yu's mother and daughter all attended the first-year banquet.

On the day of the banquet, the Shilla Hotel's security measures were very tight. Although reporters were invited to attend the anniversary banquet, guests on site were not allowed to record videos or take photos.

In addition to relatives and friends of both parties, there were many distinguished guests at the banquet, including South Korea's First Lady Jeon Sook-ryang, Seoul Mayor Park Dong-ho's wife, SK Group Chairman's wife Song So-young, Hyundai Group Chairman Zhou Mong-joon's family, SA Group Vice Chairman Jung Eun-sun's family, Minister of Justice Ha Mi-ae, Chief Prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Le Seok-yi and his wife Shin Min-kyung, etc. There were more than ten members of Congress alone, and even the Seoul City congressmen were a little unable to get on the stage.

The Samsung family also sent representatives to attend Song Tianhao's first birthday party, including sisters Chen Fuzhen and Chen Xinyu, as well as Samsung Crown Princess Lin Zhiling, who rarely appears in public.

There are relatively few representatives from the Korean entertainment industry, including directors Kwak Jae-yong, Bong Joon-ho, Ryu Seung-wan, and director Lee Byung-hun of the TV series "Dae Jang Geum."

In addition to these great directors, Cha Tae Hyun, Yoo Jae Suk, Sung Yuri, Ko Hyun Jung, and Kim Jong Kook also attended the banquet.

Yoo Jae Suk and Sung Yuri guest-hosted today's anniversary party. Cha Tae Hyun attended as a representative of the Year of the Dragon Club members, and Kim Jong Kook was responsible for singing at the anniversary party.

Chen Xinyu was a careless girl. It was rare for her to see Gao Xianzhen take the initiative to chat with her former cousin-in-law.

Chen Fuzhen stood with her cousin-in-law Cui Shanji. She looked at Sung Yuri who was hosting the first-year banquet. "Song Yi still knows how to avoid suspicion. None of Jun Ji-hyun, Son Ye-jin and Song Hye-kyo showed up, and they did not embarrass the hostess Kim Tae-hee." "

Cui Shanji glanced at Chen Fuzhen. After the divorce, Chen Fuzhen's figure became plumper. It seemed that she was nourished by Song Yi.

"He didn't embarrass Kim Tae Hee today, but he did embarrass Samsung. If you knew that Gao Xianzhen would also attend this banquet, you and Xinyu might not attend. This girl Xinyu is also quite heartless, la He kept chatting with Gao Xianzhen. Your sister-in-law Lin Zhiling did not dare to stand with Gao Xianzhen for fear that this scene would be written into the newspapers by reporters." Cui Shanji said.

Chen Fuzhen raised her eyebrows, and she was a little displeased, "Sister Shan Ji, you are also a member of our Samsung family. Why do I feel like you are gloating about others' misfortune?"

Cui Shanji was unhappy. Ever since she got married, her relationship with Chen Fuzhen had been average. If she hadn't known that Chen Fuzhen was also Song Yi's woman, she wouldn't have bothered to improve her relationship with her.

"Fuzhen, I can stand at this banquet today because I work for Song Yi and have nothing to do with the Samsung family. I have never received any benefits from Samsung, so there is no need to protect the reputation of the Samsung family."

"You see, your sister-in-law Lin Zhiling also went out of her way to curry favor with Song Yi for the Elephant Group's business. I know Song Yi very well, and he has always liked Lin Zhiling, a young lady with outstanding figure, appearance, and temperament. What if If he can really win the favor of your sister-in-law, kiss her and cuckold Jae Rong, I will definitely be happy to see it happen." Cui Shanji covered her mouth with joy.

Chen Fuzhen couldn't help but feel jealous when she saw Lin Zhiling and Song Yi chatting and laughing, but she refused to give in, "Sister-in-law comes from a well-known family and has a good upbringing. I believe she will not do such a scandal that degrading the family tradition. It’s not like some people who, just to be greedy for wealth, would take the initiative to send their wives to the bed of an adulterer.”

Cui Shanji used to be afraid of Chen Fuzhen, but now she won't let her, "Really? Some people hook up with men who have girlfriends before they get divorced. Could it be that this is also a family inheritance. Rich people have more fun than ordinary people." Renhua, for this kind of thing that you and I are willing to do, there is no need to laugh at the fifty steps and laugh at the hundred steps, right?"

"You -" Chen Fuzhen rolled his eyes at Cui Shanji angrily. She didn't know how much Cui Shanji knew about the affairs between her and Song Yi, so she felt guilty all of a sudden and didn't have time to worry about Lin Zhiling's affairs.

Over there, Lin Zhiling held up a wine glass and walked up to Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee gracefully, praising the baby for being cute and handsome, and perfectly inheriting the looks of his parents.

Song Yuanhao looked at Lin Zhiling in front of him curiously, and tried his best to reach out his hand. After he missed Lin Zhiling several times, he retracted his chubby hand in embarrassment, showing an innocent smile.

Lin Zhiling has a son and a daughter. Her daughter Chen Yuanzhu was born not long ago. She also likes children.

She was infected by the baby's smile, and a smile appeared on her face, "Not to mention, President Song and Director Jin's children look quite like Fuzhen's son Yuan Zhong, especially the way they smile, their eyebrows... One piece is particularly similar.”

Kim Tae Hee was heartbroken. She had met Chen Fuzhen with her children many times before. She recalled the appearance of Chen Fuzhen's son, Chen Yuanzhong, and knew that Lin Zhiling was right.

Moreover, Song Yi's niece Song Miao also met Chen Yuanzhong at that time. Chen Yuanzhong, who was still in the stroller at the time, showed great enthusiasm for Song Miao. Those who didn't know it thought they were siblings.

As for the siblings Song Yuanying and Song Yuanhao, they have been very close to their cousin Song Miao since they were born. Isn't this proof of the power of blood?

If Song Yuanhao and Chen Fuzhen's son Chen Yuanzhong look alike, could Chen Yuanzhong be the child of Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen? After all, Chen Fuzhen divorced You Zaizhi in a hurry at that time, and she has not seen any plans to remarry in these years.

Although there was some speculation in his heart, Kim Tae Hee's expression did not change much. She responded with a smile: "Actually, the children all look similar. Last time I saw Guang Mo and Zhi Yi's daughter, and my sister's child Yuanying." They look quite similar. Once their outlines are spread out, you can see the difference."

When Song Yi heard Kim Tae Hee's answer, he scolded Lin Zhiling ten thousand times in his heart. He didn't know whether Lin Zhiling really saw something, or just casually mentioned that Chen Yuanzhong and Song Yuanhao were half-brothers, so there was nothing strange about them looking alike.

He would never underestimate his wife Kim Tae Hee's IQ. Maybe Kim Tae Hee has become suspicious now. She should ask her sister Jin Xiyuan for help and find a way to verify her suspicion.

Jin Taixi saw that Lin Zhiling seemed to have something to talk to Song Yi, so she took the baby and went to find her sister Jin Xiyuan.

Song Yi was a little anxious. If Jin Xiyuan and Kim Taexi were to get together, things would be very difficult today, but he couldn't get rid of Lin Zhiling directly now.

"President Song, I heard that you suggested that my father move the Elephant Group's production lines to Kaicheng Industrial Park. This can help our Elephant Group's seasonings gain a production cost advantage to resist foreign food seasoning giants. "

"However, from the establishment of the Kaesong Industrial Park to the present, the production conditions have been good and bad, and sometimes there will be water and power outages. Although the relationship between South Korea and North Korea has entered a honeymoon period, the Wenshan Station of the South Korea-North Korea Railway and Kaesong The station is also open to traffic.”

"However, if affected by the international situation, once North Korea closes the Kaesong Industrial Park again, it will bring irreparable losses to our Elephant Group. As the owner of the Kaicheng Industrial Park, SA Group can ensure that the interests of our Elephant Group are not Did you suffer a loss?" Lin Zhiling asked somewhat aggressively.

Song Yi explained patiently, "Now the Kaicheng Industrial Park is about to launch the second phase project. In the second phase project, in addition to Korean companies, there are also garment companies from mainland China settling in the industrial park. The clothing brand THK founded by Taixi also We will build a factory in Kaicheng Industrial Park and prepare to expand production scale."

"Not only that, in order to solve the worries of enterprises entering the park, our park is ready to unite with each enterprise to purchase insurance for the enterprises entering the park. If there is a water or power outage in the park, the insurance will pay claims, which also solves everyone's worries. No worries. Of course, the sooner companies settle in, the sooner they can enjoy discounts on insurance costs." Song Yi said.

Lin Zhiling thought about it for a few seconds, "If this is the case, I will persuade my father to put our Elephant Group's new production line in the Kaicheng Industrial Park. If my father takes people to the Kaicheng Industrial Park for on-site inspection, please President Song arrange for someone to help. Let’s connect.”

Song Yi reminded, "Mrs. Chen always keeps saying 'our elephant group'. If Brother Zai Rong hears it, it will inevitably make him think too much."

Lin Zhiling glanced at Song Yi in surprise. She was only invited by Kim Tae Hee to attend the opening ceremony of T.H.E Art Museum, and she had frequent contacts with Song Yi and his wife. Strictly speaking, she and Song Yi were not even friends. , Song Yi’s reminder was not in line with social etiquette.

She answered, "My father only has two daughters, my sister and me, and there is no male in the family who can inherit the family business. As the eldest daughter, I will inevitably think more about the future of the Elephant Group."

"In our Samsung family, women are not allowed to participate in company management, so it is not our turn to consider the affairs of Samsung Group. Fuzhen is a special case after all. It is said that Xinyu is the president's most beloved daughter. In fact, according to me Look, Fuzhen is the president's most beloved daughter." Lin Zhiling glanced in the direction of Chen Fuzhen, her eyes full of envy.

"Really? According to what you said, when Chairman Lin Yuchang loses energy and you and your sister are unable to return to the Elephant Group to take over the company's business, will Chen Zaiyong acquiesce that he should inherit the Elephant Group and will Elephant Group becomes a subsidiary of Samsung Group?" Song Yi did not forget to provoke the relationship between Song Yi and Chen Zaiyong at this time.

Song Yi's words obviously touched Lin Zhiling's pain point. The expression on her face immediately changed and she turned cold, "This is my family matter, so I don't need to worry about President Song. I know that before Rong Rong and President Song There have been many misunderstandings, and I also wanted to ease the relationship between Samsung and SA, so I attended T.H.E Art Museum and Mr. Ling’s first-year banquet. It seems that President Song still has a deep grudge against Zai Rong."

When Lin Zhiling said this, she was already insinuating that Song Yi was narrow-minded. At this time, she did not forget to instigate the relationship between her and Chen Zaiyong.

Song Yi looked sincere, "Mrs. Chen, if you say that, you have really misunderstood me. Although I have dealt with Zai Rong several times, and although he has tried to break up with me again and again, I think President Jianxi I don’t even care about my face.”

"Just like two years ago, when I went to Zai Can's house to talk about things, Brother Zai Rong tried to catch the rumors and insisted on saying that I had an affair with Sister Shan Ji, and then took Brother Zai Can home to catch him. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was resolved in the end, otherwise I would have lost Zai Rong. Such a good partner."

"At that time, it was a critical period for Shinhan Media to go public. The reason why Chen Jae-yong did this was not to make me and Jae-chan have a falling out, and then block Shinhan Media's road to listing."

"Mrs. Chen, although you have a harmonious relationship with Chen Zai Rong now, and you have given birth to a son and a daughter to the Chen family, if one day you and Chen Zai Rong fall out, then Chen Zai Rong will not care. Swallow the elephant group without mercy."

"Gao Xianzhen also gave birth to a son and a daughter for Zhou Rongzhen. She was kicked out of the house by Chen Mingxi. If I hadn't come forward to help, she wouldn't even have a chance to visit her children. In a real wealthy family, where is the so-called blood relationship? .”

"Chen Jae-chan went bankrupt and asked for help from his uncle, Chairman Kun-hee. As a result, Chen Jae-yong wanted to team up with Kim Nam-yong to take over New Korea Media. Mrs. Chen, do you think what I said is really impossible to happen in the future?"

"As the saying goes, if you don't worry about the long term, you will have immediate worries. The Elephant Group is also a very important business partner of our Sohan.com. We naturally hope that the Elephant Group can continue to operate in a long-term and stable manner, which will be beneficial to our Sohan.com. From this perspective, I should be Mrs. Chen’s potential ally.”

"If one day you and Chen Zai-yong are at odds with each other and reach the point where they can no longer live together. If Chen Zai-yong really wants to pursue the Elephant Group's industry, Mrs. Chen is welcome to contact me at any time, and I can lend a helping hand." Song Song Yi said.

Lin Zhiling was a little confused, "President Song, including the four years you studied at Yonsei University, you have only been in South Korea for ten years. Why do you feel that you have deep hostility towards our Samsung Group?"

Song Yi denied with a smile, "Mrs. Chen, it's unfair for you to say that. First, I have no hostility towards Samsung Group. On the contrary, I respect Chairman Jianxi very much. I have three business leaders who I respect very much among Asian companies. They are Chairman Akio Morita of Sony and Chairman Chen Jianxi of Samsung, both of whom are known as the management gods of Japanese and Korean entrepreneurs."

"Our SA Group has also cooperated with Samsung. For example, Samsung Everland participated in the backdoor listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate Group. Now Samsung Everland is also an important shareholder of our SA Group."

"In addition to this, your sister-in-law Chen Xinyu is also the vice president of the game research and development department of our SA soft company. The new game that our SA soft will launch in June is also led by her."

"If you include Chairman Chen Jae-hyun of CJ Group, Chairman Chen Meijing of CJ Entertainment, and President Chen Jae-chan of SA Planning. I have a pretty good relationship with most members of your Samsung family. How can you wrongly accuse me of treating you Samsung? Is the group hostile?" Song Yi retorted.

Lin Zhiling was blocked by Song Yi's words. Song Yi seemed to have a good relationship with the side branches of the Samsung family, and had an average relationship with the direct line of the Samsung family, except for some female family members.

"The reason why you intervened in the custody case between Zhou Rongzhen and Gao Xianzhen was not to get Gao Xianzhen."

"Newspapers have long reported that you are a fan of Gao Xianzhen's drama. Not long after you came to Korea, you followed Korean dramas to learn Korean. It was at that time that you fell in love with Gao Xianzhen. Finally, after Gao Xianzhen got married and retired, you still bought wine and got drunk. It took a long time, but I didn’t expect that your long-cherished wish would finally come true." Lin Zhiling said unconvinced.

Song Yi was speechless. Nowadays, some unscrupulous media in South Korea really have no lower limit and fabricate all kinds of fake news.

"My mother is Korean, and our Bianzhou city has the largest number of Koreans in China. Growing up in this environment, do I really need to learn Korean through Korean dramas? Some websites also say that I slept with the SA group I numbered all the female artists under my banner, and then summoned them to sleep with them according to the date. Why don’t you believe this report?" Song Yi felt angry and funny.

When Lin Zhiling heard what Song Yi said, she felt that what Song Yi said made some sense. This is what gossip in the entertainment industry is like. The audience only wants to hear the version that everyone likes to hear. It doesn't matter whether this is the truth or not.

"Actually, I also think it was SA Group's business rivals who deliberately threw dirty water on President Song. In fact, I have known President Song for a long time, but President Song probably didn't know me at that time."

"In 1996, I was admitted to Yonsei University with the top score in the region. In 1998, I got married to Jae-yong under the introduction of my family. Later, Jae-yong went to Harvard to study, and I had to reluctantly give up my studies and go to the United States to take care of his food, clothing and daily life. .”

"I spent the happiest two years of my life at Yonsei University. When I went to the library to read, I noticed President Song who was in the library almost every day."

"At that time, President Song was a weirdo in the eyes of us girls because he had never dated girls during college and rarely socialized. He was the first to go to the library and the last to leave the library every day."

"There is a big gap between President Song's current image and his student days. When I talk to my classmates at Yonsei University now, they all regret that they missed President Song when they were studying. Otherwise, she would still be the wife of the chaebol president now. Yes." Lin Zhiling said.

Song Yi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lin Zhiling had crossed paths with him before and was his schoolgirl in college. However, it seemed that the two of them had never spoken during school.

The wedding of Chen Jae-yong and Lin Chi-ling was very grand. They held a grand wedding at Samsung Art Museum. The guests attending the wedding were three former Korean prime ministers, as well as the former president of Seoul National University, etc.

Song Yi had a sincere look on his face, "When I was in college, I basically had a short hair, slovenly appearance, and didn't like to dress up, and I came from a border state of China. In front of the girls at the same school, I was like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world. It’s normal for no girl to date me.”

"The reason why I spend all day in the library is that I am actually relatively poor. Although my father is a university professor and my mother is a bank employee. However, there is still a huge gap between the income of Chinese workers in the 1990s and South Korea. I can only spend time in the library. Only in the library can we reduce ineffective social interactions, save money on food and expenses, and not increase the financial burden on parents."

"So, it really can't be said that I missed it. If I had a girlfriend in college, I probably wouldn't have studied so deeply in advertising, let alone been promoted several times to become the planning team leader within two years after graduation. .”

"No pain, no gain. Without the platform of Shinhan Media, we would not be what we are today, SA Group, and what I am now."

"For example, if we go back to 1996 and you met me reading a book in the school library, would you be willing to write me a note, leave your contact information, and come to interact with me?" Song Yi Asked Lin Chiling.

Lin Zhiling didn't expect Song Yi to ask this, and her face turned slightly red, "You can't repeat your life, and there's no point in assuming. Even if I dated President Song at that time, I probably wouldn't have been able to graduate from college, because I couldn't pass the test of my parents. When choosing a son-in-law, they pay more attention to the other person’s family background and require him to be a good match.”

In fact, Lin Zhiling was asked similar questions by her college classmates, because Song Yi is much better than Chen Zai-yong in terms of height, appearance, wealth, and personal abilities. If Chen Zai-yong hadn't stood up to the Samsung Crown Prince Halo, Chen Zaiyong has completely defeated Song Yi.

"Mrs. Chen is right. At that time, I was still a poor boy who had not made a fortune. I should not be able to reach someone as rich and beautiful as you. In my impression, we didn't even talk to each other in college." Song Yi said.

Lin Zhiling was slightly stunned. She actually wanted to tell Song Yi that the two of them had a brief conversation, but she did not refute. She and Song Yi briefly chatted about work and then left.

Cui Shanji came over at this time and asked what Song Yi and Lin Zhiling were talking about. She felt that Lin Zhiling was very worried when she left.

"I'm poaching Chen Zai-rong, trying to stumbling upon Chen Zai-rong. A gentleman's revenge is never too late in three years. Chen Zai-rong has repeatedly provoked me. Do you really think I have no temper?" Song Yi replied.

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