I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 221 Kim Tae Hee’s Little Fan Girl Park Ji Yeon

"I was joking with Chen Fuzhen just now, but you are actually serious about it. Chen Jianxi only has one son, Chen Jae-yong. If you sleep with Lin Chiling, both Chen Jianxi and his son will not let you go." Cui Shanji reminded kindly.

Song Yi had a dark look on his face, "What are you talking about? I just want to prevent Chen Zaiyong from attacking the Elephant Group in the future. This is called acting bravely." Song Yi said that Sohan.com and the Elephant Group will carry out further cooperation. .

Cui Shanji glanced at Song Yi hesitantly. She knew the nature of the man next to her very well, "Really? How could I remember that this kind of behavior is called a hero saving a beauty?"

"Just like you couldn't stand Zhou Rongzhen bullying Gao Xianzhen at the beginning, but in the end you took care of Gao Xianzhen in bed. Are you now looking forward to Chen Zaiyong and Lin Zhiling's divorce?" Cui Shanji said jokingly.

"What you said, whether they get divorced or not, does it have anything to do with me. Lin Zhiling wants to ease the relationship between Samsung and SA. As a family member of the Samsung family, she has attended events organized by Tae Hee many times and tried to ease the relationship through her wife's diplomacy. Samsung and SA have tense relations."

"But her hard work is destined to be in vain. Luo Hongxi, Chen Fuzhen, and Chen Xinyu all support her approach. However, Chen Zaiyong opposes Lin Chiling's approach and feels that her approach is a bit embarrassing for the Samsung family." Song Yi said.

"Yes, Samsung has firmly established itself as the first family in South Korea in recent years, and only other people have always tried to please Samsung. How could they be willing to put down their arrogance and come to our SA to seek peace." Cui Shanji agreed.

Since Lee Guangwang was attacked and killed by a mental patient in Anyang Prison, the attitude of South Korea's political and business circles towards the SA Group has changed significantly. As the head of the New Asia Welfare Foundation, Cui Shanji will be more courteous to her when she attends some charity activities. This illustrates from the side what "one person attains enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven." Although the SA Group has only been rising for a few years, it has already overtaken many established consortiums in South Korea and has become a presence that it does not dare to mess with.

Cui Shanji blinked at Song Yi and lowered her voice, "If you really have thoughts about Lin Zhiling, remember to tell me and I can help her ask her out. In the entire Samsung family, I am the only one with her and Xin. Your relationship with Yu is better. With me covering you, you can also block a lot of suspicious looks."

"When the time comes for you two to have an affair, I can also be a lookout for you. If you are not having fun, I can also be a substitute for her, so that you can enjoy the joy of scoring goals." Cui Shanji said.

Song Yi coughed twice in embarrassment, and said angrily: "Why do I feel that you are more proactive than me? If such a day comes, I will definitely let you help."

Cui Shanji nodded with satisfaction, "Well, this is President Song in my impression. There is no woman in Korea that you dare not sleep with. Okay, I'm going to toast first, and we'll talk later." Cui Shanji held up the hem of her skirt, Shi Shiran left Song Yi.

Song Yi shook his head. None of the women around him were cheap. Everyone had eight hundred tricks.

Seeing Song Yi standing there alone, her mother Zhou Shulan wanted to come up and kick Song Yi who couldn't see.

"Taixi has been holding Yuan Hao for a long time, don't you know how to help me? Bring the child over, or put him in the stroller to rest for a while. You can't make enough money, so don't always hold him back. People talk business." Zhou Shulan criticized.

"Yes, yes, yes, Mom, I know, I'll be there right away." Song Yi didn't dare to reply. Ever since Zhou Shulan learned that Jin Xiyuan gave birth to a daughter for Song Yi, she saw that Song Yi's nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes.

Song Yi walked to Kim Tae Hee and took Song Yuan Hao from her arms. Kim Tae Hee looked a little tired.

Song Yi asked Jin Taixi, "Are you a little tired? Why don't you go to the room upstairs to relax for a while? Anyway, Yuan Hao's New Year's Eve ceremony hasn't started yet."

The first-year banquet held by Song Yi and his wife was Western-style and hosted by a specialized wedding company.

In addition to the main stage in the entire venue, there is also a display stand at the entrance with many thank-you gifts for guests to pick up.

The thank-you gift prepared by Song Yi is a mug with Song Yuanhao printed on it and a set of silver tableware, including chopsticks, spoons and knives and forks. The baby's name and blessings are also engraved on the packaging bag outside the tableware.

In addition to these, each guest also received a number plate. After the banquet, there was a classification lottery game, similar to the annual meeting lottery. During the game session of the first-year banquet, the guests who are drawn may receive lucky gifts.

This first-year banquet was somewhat similar to a Western-style buffet. A variety of precious seafood was placed on the long dining table. These seafood were all flown in from Yeji City.

Of course, in addition to seafood, there is also the essential rice cake. Rice cake occupies a very important position in Korean recipes. Just like Chinese people eat dumplings during every new year and festival, the same is true for first-year banquets.

At the first-year banquet, two kinds of rice cakes, white steamed cake and red bean dumplings, are indispensable. The white steamed cake contains Song Yi and his wife's expectations for their child, hoping that he will live an innocent life. In Korean, "白" and "百" have the same pronunciation, which also represents the parents' hope that their child will live a long life and be healthy.

If white represents longevity, then red bean dumplings represent warding off evil spirits. Because red represents warding off evil spirits in the Confucian cultural circle, such as the firecrackers set off during the Spring Festival in China. Red bean dumplings can protect children from getting sick and growing up healthily. Korean parents will also prepare these two kinds of rice cakes for every birthday of their children until the child is ten years old.

Now that the guests are almost here, they have found Song Yi and his wife one after another, giving them gifts and blessings to the baby.

After all the guests are seated, hosts Yoo Jae Suk and Sung Yuri will lead Song Yi's family of three in front of the main stage to salute all the guests and thank everyone for coming.

The baby's growth history from birth to one year old will be played on the screen behind the main stage. After the short video is played, the meal begins, which takes about an hour and a half. After the meal is over, it will officially enter the New Year's Eve and game sessions.

The "Zhao Sui" at the first-year anniversary banquet in South Korea is actually the "Zhao Zhou" in China. By catching the year, one can predict the career that the child will have when he grows up. Various items to mark the year symbolize different meanings.

Most Korean parents hope that their children can earn cash and become a chaebol. After the New Year's Eve celebration is over, it's time to enter the exciting game with prizes.

Considering that the entire first-year banquet was relatively long, Song Yi booked a room at the Shilla Hotel so that Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee's parents could take some time to take a nap. Song Yi saw that Kim Tae Hee was a little tired and had no appetite, so he suggested that she go rest first. It will be fine if she comes down later when the New Year's Gratification Ceremony begins.

Kim Tae Hee shook her head. As the hostess of the banquet, of course she couldn't be absent. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee did not hold a wedding. The first-year banquet was the most important social occasion for Kim Tae Hee as the hostess of the SA consortium. How could she leave temporarily?

Jin Xiyuan also felt sorry for her sister and said to Song Yi: "You two go and greet the guests. Let me take care of the child. Just wait until Tae Hee comes to hold her. Yuan Hao is a child who is closer to me. If you let the grandparents or Grandpa and grandma come to take him away, and he’s going to cry again.”

As a mother, Kim Hee-won knows all too well the hard work of raising children. It's okay when I'm at home, after all, I have a nanny to help share the stress.

Jin Xiyuan clapped her hands and reached out to Song Yuanhao. Song Yuanhao turned her head and glanced at her father, then looked at Jin Xiyuan, then laughed, and happily moved into Jin Xiyuan's arms.

He handed Song Yuanhao to Jin Xiyuan, and he did not forget to pat his son's butt gently, "You heartless person, when my aunt said to hug you, she didn't even want my father."

Jin Xiyuan happily hugged Song Yuanhao and kissed Song Yuanhao on the cheek, making Song Yuanhao giggle. Song Yuanhao thought Jin Xiyuan was teasing him, so he kissed Jin Xiyuan back.

As soon as Kim Tae Hee was free, the wives of other consortium presidents pulled Kim Tae Hee to chat. Although Kim Tae Hee has passed away, as the director of T.H.E Art Museum, she is very influential in the circle of wealthy ladies in Seoul.

Jin Xiyuan looked at Chen Fuzhen, and then nuzzled at Taixi, "It was the first time that Taixi was so hostile to Chen Fuzhen. Lin Zhiling said that Yuan Hao and Chen Fuzhen's son Chen Yuanzhong looked similar, and she was relieved. Song Yi, no matter whether you have an illegitimate child outside or not, Taixi’s bottom line is that you cannot threaten Yuan Hao’s heir status.”

Song Yi suddenly felt something in his heart. He wanted to change the topic, but then he saw Liu Huiying who was alone. "Sister Huiying, why are you here alone? Where did Xiaoxian go?"

Seeing that Song Yi did not answer directly, Jin Xiyuan sighed and did not continue to push him.

"Xiaoxian just washed his hands and should be back soon. I'll go over and take a look." Liu Huiying said. There is a restroom in the banquet hall, but there were guests using it, so Xu Zhuxian ran to the public restroom on the same floor.

Jin Xiyuan had sharp eyes. She said to Liu Huiying: "Hey, isn't Xiaoxian back? It's right at the entrance, but what's the matter with a little girl following her? Has she met her classmates?"

Song Yi shook his head, "It doesn't look like it. I'll go over and see what's going on. The little girl seems to want to come in, but the security doesn't agree."

Song Yi and Liu Huiying walked to the entrance of the banquet hall together. Xu Zhuxian quickly said hello, "Uncle Song, oh mom, you are here."

Song Yi looked at the little girl who was following Song Yi and felt that she looked familiar. He asked nonchalantly: "Xiaoxian, why didn't you go in? Is this your classmate?"

Xu Zhuxian shook his head, "No, we just met in the bathroom. She is a fan of Aunt Tae Hee and wanted to see Aunt Tae Hee at the door. After all, Aunt Tae Hee has rarely been in public since she finished filming "Dae Jang Geum" He rarely appears on occasions and rarely updates his status on inschool.”

Song Yi was a little surprised. Does Taixi still have such young fans? Song Yi's attitude was very gentle, "What's your name? Are your parents here?"

The little girl looked a little reserved, and she recognized Song Yi at a glance. She bent down and saluted Song Yi, "Hello, President Song, my name is Park Ji-yeon, and my parents are eating in the restaurant on the second floor."

Song Yi was even more surprised. He seemed to be a big fan of Kim Tae Hee and actually knew him. Liu Huiying glanced at Park Jiyeon and said to Song Yi: "Song Yi, no wonder she is a fan of Tae Hee. Look, her face looks like a smaller version of Tae Hee, but she has a little baby fat. If she is thinner, she will be really super. Looks like Tae Hee.”

Because of Seo Joo Hyun, Ryu Hye Young likes little girls very much and is very enthusiastic about Seo Joo Hyun's classmates. She asked Park Ji-yeon patiently, "Park Ji-yeon, right? Have your classmates ever called you little Kim Tae-hee?"

Park Ji-yeon nodded, and Song Yi glanced at Park Ji-yeon again. Although the faces of Park Ji-yeon and Kim Tae-hee were somewhat similar, there were still many differences. Could it be that this little girl is Park Ji-yeon, the youngest member of the group Tara?

However, the pronunciation of Korean names is almost the same, and it cannot be confirmed without writing it in Chinese. After all, the Seoul metropolitan area has a population of 20 million, so it is normal to meet several people with the same name and the same pronunciation.

Liu Huiying's attitude became more kind, "You look younger than our Xiaoxian. Our Xiaoxian was born in 1991. Park Jiyeon, how old are you?"

Park Ji-yeon replied, "I am 12 years old this year."

As the principal of the piano school, Liu Huiying is really good at communicating with little girls. She smiled and said: "Oh, it turns out that the new friend Xiaoxian really met is a sister."

Song Yi saw that they were of the right age, so he was somewhat confirmed. Song Yi thought it was a bit of a coincidence. He had just gathered the nine members of Girls' Generation, and Tara's youngest member Park Ji Yeon appeared at Song Won Ho's first birthday party.

He thought that Kim Tae Hee had just struggled with the similarity between brothers Chen Yuan Zhong and Song Yuan Hao, and he had an idea in his mind. He patiently said to Park Ji Yan: "Classmate Park Ji Yan, Sister Tae Hee is inside, busy greeting guests, she may not be free to come out to see you now. you."

"In this way, you go back to the restaurant first, say hello to your parents, and get their permission before you come back. Then I will ask Xiaoxian to pick you up. Then you can meet Taixi, and we can also give him You give me a gift in return for the first-year banquet. The gift is signed by Taixi and I. Do you think this arrangement is okay?" Song Yi said.

When Pu Zhiyan heard what Song Yi said, she suddenly became excited. She bent down and thanked Song Yi, "Thank you, President Song, thank you, auntie. I'll go up and tell my parents now and I'll be back soon."

Liu Huiying looked at Park Ji-yeon's arrogant look and shook her head, "Nowadays, little girls are so good at chasing stars? Fortunately, our Xiaoxian is not so naughty." Liu Huiying hugged her daughter Xu Zhuxian with satisfaction.

Park Ji-yeon moved quickly and returned to the banquet hall in a short time. In addition to her, Park Ji-yeon's parents also came over. Obviously, they were also worried that the young Park Ji-yeon had been deceived and wanted to confirm the authenticity of the matter.

Xu Zhuxian saw that Pu Jiyan did not come alone and could not make the decision, so he called Song Yi over.

Song Yi met Park Ji-yeon's parents and greeted them warmly. It can be seen that Park Ji-yeon's father is tall, has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and long legs, and his appearance is not inferior to that of popular idols.

Park Ji-yeon's mother has a currently popular half-crown hair, wears a spotted skirt, is fashionable, has a high nose, and is also a beauty.

"Hello, Ji-yeon's parents, I am Song Yi from SA. I just met Park Ji-yeon at the door. She is a fan of Tae-hee and wants to meet Tae-hee. So I asked her to come up and say hello to you, excuse me. I'm very sorry that it's your dinner time." Song Yi had a very good attitude.

Pu Zhiyan's father waved his hands quickly, "We are the ones disturbing you. Because you were a little worried, we chased you over to see what was going on."

When Pu Zhiyan's father saw that the guests at the banquet were all rich and noble, he didn't even think about joining in. There was no need to force his way in if he didn't belong to his circle.

"Zhiyan, you go in first, and my mother and I will wait for you outside for a while. After you get the signature, we will go back, okay?" Park's father said.

Song Yi wanted to leave a good impression on Park Ji-yeon's parents so that he could sign the entire Tara group in the future.

Now that Tara has two members, Park So Yeon and Park Ji Yeon, will the remaining Ham Eun Jung, Lee Ju Ri, Park Hyo Min and Jeon Bo Ram be far behind?

"We Chinese people believe that visitors are guests. Since you are already here, why not come together to attend my son's first-year banquet. There will be a game draw later, and maybe with Zhiyan's good luck, you can win a big prize. "Song Yi sincerely invites.

Mother Park glanced at her husband and felt a little moved, but she was too shy to speak.

Song Yi added at this time, "The new friend Park Ji-yeon met just now, Xu Zhuxian, is a trainee of SM Entertainment. I think Park Ji-yeon's appearance is not bad, and she might be able to debut as a trainee in the future. Even if she has no plans to enter the entertainment industry, she will It doesn’t hurt to have a friend.”

When Pu Zhiyan's parents heard what Song Yi said, they were immediately moved. They thanked her again, "Then I'm sorry to bother you."

Park Ji-yeon's parents registered their information at the entrance, and then took out all the cash in their wallets as gifts. Liu Huiying nodded after seeing it. This family is also very particular.

Considering that Park Ji-yeon's family was not familiar with the guests, Liu Huiying and her daughter took the initiative to accompany Park Ji-yeon's family to prevent them from getting used to it.

Taking advantage of the break in the banquet, Song Yi brought Park Ji-yeon to the side of Kim Tae-hee and said to Kim Tae-hee: "Tae-hee, this is Park Ji-yeon, Xiaoxian's new friend who just met. She is 12 years old this year. She is your die-hard fan and has been My classmates call me little Kim Tae Hee. Do you think she looks a little like you?"

Kim Tae Hee has always had a good attitude towards fans. She looked at the timid Park Ji Yeon and took the initiative to shake hands with her, "Hello, Park Ji Yeon, I am the actor Kim Tae Hee. Nice to meet you."

When Park Ji-yeon saw her idol shaking hands with her, her little face flushed with excitement, "Hello, I'm Park Ji-yeon. Taehyon, you are so beautiful. You are much prettier in person than in the photos online!"

Song Yi teased from the side, "Really? Are you trying to say that Taixi's online photos are not good-looking?"

Pu Zhiyan was so teased by Song Yi that she was sweating profusely. She waved her hands quickly, "No. Tahioni's photos on the Internet are already very good-looking, but she is even more photogenic than the photos. No wonder everyone praises Taichioni. She is the most beautiful woman in Korea."

Kim Tae Hee was so happy when she was praised by Park Ji Yeon, "Thank you Ji Yeon, you are also very beautiful. Just like our Xiaoxian, you are a little beauty. When you grow up, you will also become a big beauty."

Kim Tae Hee was about to give Park Ji Yeon a signed photo, and she motioned Park Ji Yeon to come over and take a photo with the two of them. At this time, Kim Tae Hee also noticed Seo Joo Hyun standing aside and motioned for her to come over. Then she hugged Seo Joo Hyun and Park Ji Yeon and completed a group photo of the three of them.

A few years later, after Tara debuted, photos of Kim Tae Hee, Seo Joo Hyun, and Park Ji Yeon appeared on inschool.

Tara fans praised maknae Park Ji-yeon's good popularity, "It turns out that our Tara maknae Park Ji-yeon has met Girls' Generation's maknae Seohyun so early. Is this the precious friendship between the maknae?"

When Jin Xiyuan saw "Little Kim Tae Hee" Park Ji Yeon, she also admired Song Yi.

"Just when Tae Hee doubted whether Yuan Hao and Chen Yuan Zhong were related by blood, you were able to find a little Kim Tae Hee from outside to dispel her doubts. Didn't you arrange this in advance?"

"I heard that SM Entertainment already has a little Song Hye Kyo, and now there is a little Kim Tae Hee. When will you get together the little Jeon Ji Hyun and the little Son Ye Jin?" Kim Hee Won asked Song Yi.

Song Yi called Qu, "It's really just a coincidence. Park Ji-yeon is a friend Xiaoxian just met and has nothing to do with me."

Next came Song Yuanhao's New Year's Grasping Ceremony. Song Yuanhao sat in the center, and then looked at various items without making a move.

Kim Tae Hee was a little anxious, "Baby, if you like what you like, just grab him." She gestured to her son to catch him.

Song Yuanhao seemed to understand. He first picked up a stack of hundred-dollar bills next to him, and then put them down again.

Grandpa Song Mingzhe and grandpa Jin Yuwen were watching Song Yuanhao's every move, and the two old men's hearts were almost in their throats. Jin Yuwen was just about to applaud, saying that Song Yuanhao would inherit his father's legacy and would become the president of the consortium in the future, but Song Yuanhao gave up again.

Song Yuanhao touched the pen again, picked it up, and put it down again. Grandpa Song Mingzhe had an ugly face. He originally thought that his grandson Song Yuanhao would become a university professor like him. Song Mingzhe is now the executive vice president of Bianzhou University. If President Kim retires next year, Song Mingzhe is expected to take over and become the president of Bienzhou University, and become a deputy ministerial leader before retirement.

Song Yuanhao climbed two steps, and he saw a Hetian jade seal with the four characters Song Yuanhao engraved in Chinese. He picked up the seal curiously, studied it in his hand, and never let go.

The two old men Song Mingzhe and Jin Yuwen breathed a sigh of relief. This meaning is not bad, indicating that Song Yuanhao is expected to be a high official in the future. Maybe he will become a member of the Korean Congress like Zhou Mongjun and Zhou Mongxian.

Jin Yuwen was wondering if Song Yuanhao became a civil servant in the future, would it mean that someone else would inherit the SA consortium? He felt that it was necessary to urge Taixi to have two children while he was young, and it would be better to give birth to a boy and a half girl for the Song family. , Only in this way can the status of the main wife be firmly maintained.

In addition to Kim Tae Hee, the eldest daughter Kim Hee Won also has to work hard. She only has one daughter, Song Yuanying, now. When the time comes, she will give birth to a son to Song Yi, and it will be perfect. After all, he has two daughters, and he has no problem with which daughter's child inherits the SA consortium in the end.

Cui Shanji came to Song Yi at this time and said to Song Yi: "I have left the contact information of Park Jiyeon's mother. She is indeed interested in making Jiyeon a trainee. I will ask her to come to the company to meet her tomorrow. How about you meet alone? Let’s talk to her? Like Li Jingshu, she is a very smart and sensible woman.”

Song Yi understood Cui Shanji's words, and he did not complain about Cui Shanji's self-assertion. After all, Cui Shanji didn't know that Song Yi was actually interested in the dragon cub Park Ji-yeon and was ready to cultivate her. However, Cui Shanji thought that Song Yi was interested in Park Ji-yeon's mother. After all, there was a precedent like Li Jingshu.

He was a little helpless. Could it be that in Cui Shanji's eyes, did he really intend to become the common father of the second-generation girl group?

The dragon cub appears, and Tara's complete body will have to wait until around 2009, not that soon. Thank you all for your monthly votes

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