I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 222 South Korea’s fourth largest mobile communications provider: SA Telecom

On May 1, 2005, SA soft launched the blockbuster game "Audition" again after two years.

Different from the game "Kart Racing", this game adopts an operating model where China, Japan and South Korea are launched for internal testing at the same time.

Thanks to the popularity brought by games such as "Legend of Legend", "Legendary World", "Happy Farm" and "Kart Runner", "Audition" has been sought after by players in mainland China as soon as it was launched.

The game "Audition" has three classic modes, namely couple mode, PK mode and challenge mode.

The virtual game characters in the game will follow different music beats and tap the corresponding arrows displayed on the screen on the keyboard, and then the virtual game characters will complete different dance moves.

This game is free and uses a virtual gold coin system to sell the clothing, expressions and accessories of the game characters, and also provides some game function props. A small number of functional props can be completed through game tasks, but most game props still need to be purchased by purchasing game gold coins.

The game background music in China, Japan and South Korea is different. The Korean version of "Audition" all uses Korean songs. Chen Xinyu, the producer of SA soft company, said that musicians such as JYP, Yoon Jong Shin, Rain, Kim Jong Kook, and Baek Ji Young can obtain a steady stream of income from the game "Audition" by licensing song copyrights.

Jung Soo-yeon, Kim Hyo-yeon, Kwon Yoo-ri and Seo Joo-hyun are all crazy about this game and will take the time to play a few games whenever they have time.

In Seo Joo Hyun's words, she would rather see Girls' Generation's songs appear in the game "Audition" so that more and more people can know about Girls' Generation through this game.

Well-known Japanese game anchor Yui Aragaki also likes this simple and easy-to-play dance game. Many fans have encountered Yui Aragaki in the PK mode of Audition and then completed the challenge.

However, what is interesting is that many game fans want to form a gaming couple with Yui Aragaki. Yui Aragaki apologized for this, saying that she already has a crush on someone for a long time, so she cannot accept playing couple mode with others. This piece of news actually made it to the hot search list on Japanese game websites. Some male fans of Yui Aragaki lamented and felt tired.

Asian capital markets have noticed that the Internet giant SA soft has not started the listing process. SA soft has been registered for more than three years, and the company's revenue and profits are very impressive.

If SA soft completes its listing, Song Yi's personal assets can double again, but Song Yi doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

Penguin was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004. According to the prospectus disclosed by Penguin, everyone noticed that the Song Yi Family Trust Fund was actually Penguin's largest shareholder. Obviously, Song Yi is not short of money now, so SA soft is not in a hurry to make money in the stock market.

Jung Soo Jung discovered that SA Music had signed a new trainee named Park Ji Yeon. Park Ji-yeon and Jung Soo-jung are about the same age, and they quickly became familiar with each other. The four young girls born in the 90s from SA Music, Heo Minjin, Heo Minshan, Park Jiyeon and Jung Soojung quickly got to play together.

Because Li Jingshu often sent her daughter to the SA Group Building for training, she often met Park Ji-yeon's mother, Kim Hye-jin, and the two women quickly became familiar with each other.

When Li Jingshu saw Jin Huizhen, who was younger than her and had a better figure, she was a little worried that Jin Huizhen might threaten her position in Song Yi's heart, so she flattered Song Yi even more.

Song Yi touched the back of Li Jingshu's head and was very satisfied with this petite woman who had lowered her figure. "You don't have to do this for me. Krystal is Miaomiao's good friend after all. Although Park Zhiyan and Krystal are close in age, they are not in a competitive relationship."

Li Jingshu, who was squatting on the ground to clean up the mess, stood up and rolled her eyes at Song Yi, "You men say it's easy, but you are happy to take it easy. It's not us women who have to do the hard work."

"This Park Ji-yeon is not as good as Krystal in terms of appearance, figure, and temperament. But her nickname of "Little Kim Tae-hee" is enough to make me wary. Kim Hye-jin has made an appointment with Park Ji-yeon at the hospital and arranged for her to undergo minor plastic surgery. Her appearance is closer to your wife."

"Perhaps in a few years, when little Kim Tae Hee grows up, she will be able to enter President Song's sight. Kim Hye Jin is now the most charming age for women. I don't believe you can't do anything to her. Look at how sensible others are. , Kim Hye Jin sends Park Ji Yeon here for training every time, but Park’s father never shows up." Li Jingshu said jealously.

Song Yi found it a bit funny, "You have all these random thoughts in your mind all day long. Speaking of others, I have never seen Brother Chaodong come to the company to pick up Krystal."

Li Jingshu acted coquettishly at Song Yi, "This is because I have taught you well, but I am afraid that he will ruin your elegance by coming to the company. Now I have given you the responsibility for the future of sisters Jessica and Krystal."

Song Yi looked at Li Jingshu with interest, "Children's future should be arranged by their parents. How can you place your hopes on outsiders?"

Li Jingshu was very calm, "You are now half the father of sisters Jessica and Krystal. If you are a believer like Taixi, I will let Jessica and Krystal recognize you as their godfather."

Song Yi felt a chill in her heart when she thought of the godfather of Dahua born in 1985. This godfather became a godfather when he entered the mainland. He doesn’t want to be the godfather of Girls’ Generation’s Jessica and members of f(x), and he might get eggs thrown at him by enthusiastic fans when he walks on the street.

Considering that Li Jingshu is more knowledgeable and knowledgeable, Song Yi also considered letting Li Jingshu serve as Cui Shanji's assistant to share the work of the New Asia Welfare Foundation.

"Sister Jingshu, I'm going to Kaicheng Industrial Park in two days to inspect work. At that time, mainland sports brand companies will come to discuss cooperation. You are a professional gymnast, and you can also give some suggestions. I will list you then. He is on the list of the inspection team and is a consultant of the SA Welfare Foundation."

"Why don't you say hello to Brother Chaodong, because you may not be able to go and return on the same day for this inspection, and you may have to stay one night at the Asan Hotel in Kaicheng Industrial Park. If you don't say hello in advance, I'm afraid you Go back to Seoul and quarrel with him." Song Yi said.

"De Xing, when you bullied me in the office, why weren't you afraid that I would quarrel with him? Now you are pretending that you are afraid of the negative impact. President Song, Kaicheng is within the territory of the DPRK. If you don't forget to take me with you at this time, you are not afraid. Being caught with a style problem?" Although Li Jingshu said she was a little disgusted, she was very surprised in her heart.

As a full-time wife, Li Jingshu feels that except for the passion that Song Yi can bring to her, ordinary life is really boring.

In this regard, she envied Cui Shanhui the most, and she also regarded Cui Shanhui as a role model for her to learn from. Cui Shanhui’s husband Chen Zaican is the president of SA Planning. The couple also holds a lot of SA Group stocks and has long achieved financial freedom.

But Cui Shanji didn't want to be a rich housewife, but came out to help Song Yi. Cui Shanji first served as the director of the public relations department of New Asia Media Real Estate Group. After the merger of New Asia Group and Asan Group, Cui Shanji gained Song Yi's trust and became the secretary of the board of directors of SA Group and a member of the board of directors of SA Group.

If Song Yi's two most trusted subordinates were selected from the entire SA Group, they would definitely be Cui Shanji and Jiang Xiuna. No matter which woman Song Yi dated privately, he rarely avoided them.

The reason why Li Jingshu always wanted Song Yi was because of this. With the rapid expansion of SA Group's business, Song Yi is increasingly short of manpower. Basically, everyone around him who can use it has used it, and Li Jingshu has actually been waiting for this opportunity.

"I have no problem, I will convince Chaodong. Will Sister Shan Ji go then? If she goes there, I will just follow her and be her assistant." Li Jingshu replied.

Song Yi hesitated for a moment, "Well, you often come to the SA Group Building or the Seongbukdong Villa. Has Brother Chaodong ever doubted our relationship?"

Li Jingshu didn't expect Song Yi to ask so straightforwardly, and her face turned slightly red, "You mean, does Chaodong know that I am your secret lover? He can more or less guess it, after all, he is not a blind man. Okay. Okay, let’s not talk about this today, after all, Chaodong and I still have to maintain the dignity of our parents in front of sisters Jessica and Krystal.”

On May 4, 2005, a Korean business delegation officially visited Kaesong Industrial Park. The members of the delegation included Korean Unification Minister Kim Jong-kyun, Korean Congressman Zhou Mengxian, SA Group Chairman Song Yi, Vice Chairman Zheng Eunxuan, Daesang Group Chairman Lin Yuchang and eldest daughter Lin Zhiling, Sohan.com CEO Liu Yongjun, etc.

The people in charge of the North Korean reception were also old acquaintances, including Member of the Supreme People's Assembly Huang Xuehai and Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Peace Commission Kim Dong-shin. A young man in his early twenties appeared next to Huang Xuehai, and he was almost inseparable from Huang Haixue. Huang Xuehai and Jin Dongshen, two senior North Korean officials, both valued this young man's opinions.

In addition to the Korean business delegation, Jinjiang, Southeast China, also sent a business delegation, including a number of sportswear brands, including Anta, Xtep, Peak, 361 Degrees, Hongxing Erke, Guireniao, etc.

Anta founder Ding Pinghe met Song Yi for the first time. The old man shook hands with Song Yi enthusiastically, "Mr. Liao and Mr. Zheng of New Asia Advertising have always heard about President Song. This time I finally met President Song in person. It's true." Well-deserved reputation.”

Although Xinhan Media, a subsidiary of SA Group, was renamed SA Planning, Xinya Advertising in Mainland China did not change its name. Liao Yu and Zheng Yiping were still jointly responsible, one for the south and one for the north.

New Asia Advertising has signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with the Huaguo Track and Field Management Center a few years ago. New Asia Advertising has provided sponsorship fees of up to 50 million yuan to the Track and Field Management Center. New Asia Advertising has become the designated partner of the Track and Field Management Center and the flying man Liu Fei. Advertising partners.

Under the leadership of New Asia Advertising, Anta also signed Liu Fei, who became the spokesperson of the domestic brand Anta.

The Field Management Center originally thought that this contract was a profit, but who knew that Liu Fei actually won the 2004 Athens Olympics and tied the Olympic record. For a time, Liu Fei's personal net worth skyrocketed, and Xinya Advertising, which had signed an exclusive cooperation agreement in advance, was making a lot of money.

At this time, sports brands such as Nike and Adidas had already contacted the Tianjin Management Center, asking them to tear up the agreement signed with New Asia Advertising and then change sports brand sponsors.

However, New Asia Advertising is not a vegetarian. The lawsuit went to the General Administration of Sports, and finally ended with New Asia Advertising doubling the sponsorship fee of 50 million yuan to 100 million yuan. New Asia Advertising, Tianma Management Center and Liu Fei's team still share Liu Fei's advertising revenue. This cooperation will continue until the London Olympics in 2012.

After Liu Fei won the championship in Athens, Anta's brand value, company revenue and net profit all experienced a surge, becoming the number one domestic sports brand. Its annual revenue in the mainland market is second only to the two multinational giants Nike and Adidas. Anta is also preparing to start the process of listing on the Hong Kong stock market, and has invited its partner New Asia Advertising to invest in Anta, making the cooperation between the two companies more in-depth.

Ding Pinghe admired Song Yi's unique investment vision very much, so when SA Group invited Anta to inspect Kaicheng Industrial Park, Ding Pinghe led many sports brands in Jinjiang to come for an on-site inspection, which gave Song Yi enough face.

Accompanied by North Korean officials, members of the Chinese and Korean business delegations focused on inspecting the first phase of the Kaicheng Industrial Park project and the second phase project that is about to be completed.

The four-way connection and one leveling work for the second phase of the project have been completed, including water, electricity, access and communications, and the construction site has been leveled. SA Group has provided modern factories for various companies that are about to enter the market. As long as the production equipment and workers are in place, intensive production can begin.

Ding Pinghe nodded, "President Song, we have already looked at the hardware conditions of Kaicheng Industrial Park. I just heard that the communications of the second phase project of Kaicheng Industrial Park are now handled by Korean telecom operators?"

Song Yi did not hide anything from Ding Pinghe, "Mr. Ding, our SA Group has obtained a telecommunications license and will soon become the fourth mobile communications provider in South Korea."

"Not only the second phase of the Kaesong Industrial Park, but also the communication services of the entire Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone will be provided by SA Telecom."

"Of course, only foreign representatives of enterprises in China and South Korea can enjoy communication services. Local workers on the North Korean side cannot enjoy communication services, and they have no way to apply for phone cards."

"However, we will also install a batch of card phone booths in the park so that they can contact their families through fixed phones. Each worker has 150 minutes of call time per month, which should be enough." Song Yi explain.

After Ding Pinghe heard that SA Telecom would become the fourth largest mobile communications provider in South Korea, he couldn't help but think highly of the strength of the SA Group.

Having been operating companies in the mainland for so long, Ding Pinghe certainly knows the value of mobile communications licenses. There are also three mobile communications providers in the mainland market, namely China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. All three companies are state-owned enterprises.

The three major mobile communication companies in South Korea are SK Telecom, KTF and LGT. SK Telecom is a subsidiary of SK Group, LGT is a subsidiary of LG Group, and KTF is the original Korea Telecom Company.

At present, South Korea has issued a total of 3 3G licenses. KTF and SKT each have a WCDMA license, while LGT has a CMDA2000 license.

Many multinational companies from Europe, the United States and Asia seek communication solutions from Korean telecom operators for actual company operations.

The SA Group was able to apply for the fourth telecommunications license also by chance. In the Kaicheng Industrial Park, companies stationed in the park need the park to provide communication services for the enterprises, whether it is mobile phone services or Internet services.

South Korea's three major telecom operators, SK Telecom, KTF and LGT, are unwilling to set up signal base stations and deploy network services in the Kaesong Industrial Park because they are worried that their initial investment will be in vain. After all, if one day North Korea turns its back and drives away the enterprises in the park, then the telecom company's equipment will really be equivalent to giving it to North Korea for free.

Due to limited technical conditions, North Korea has no way to provide communication technology support to enterprises in the park. North Korea’s previous plan to open the Sinuiju Special Economic Zone on the China-North Korea border failed to achieve expected economic benefits, so North Korea now attaches great importance to the Kaicheng Industrial Park, hoping to attract more companies to settle in and create more foreign exchange earnings for North Korea.

North Korea originally planned to introduce China Mobile, China Unicom or China Telecom to provide communication services for the Kaicheng Industrial Park. However, China's three major telecommunications companies declined, saying that the construction was too difficult. The main reason was that the economic benefits were average and the return on investment was low. Low.

South Korea also does not agree to introduce communication providers from other countries to provide communication services for the Kaicheng Industrial Park. After all, the largest developers of the Kaicheng Industrial Park are Korea Land Corporation and Asan Group.

In the end, Song Woo-seok came up with a way to ask SA Group to set up a mobile communications company to provide communications services specifically for the Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone. In order to alleviate North Korea's security concerns, SA Telecom will purchase a batch of telecommunications equipment from the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei in the future. After this batch of telecommunications equipment is admitted, it will be specially inspected by security experts from China, South Korea and North Korea.

SK Telecom, KTF and LGT are wary of the soon-to-be-established SA Telecom. They banded together to exclude SA Telecom and limited SA Telecom's Korean operating area to Gangwon Province and Gyeonggi Province, excluding Seoul City and Incheon City.

Gyeonggi Province and Gangwon Province are adjacent to the dividing line between North and South Korea, and on the other side of the border are the Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone. These two administrative areas are destined to fall into the hands of SA Telecom. Then Seoul City and Incheon City, which have large populations, cannot be snatched away by SA Telecom, otherwise they will be squeezed out of a lot of shares by then.

Song Yi didn't care about this because he was still holding back his ultimate move. When SA Electronics' smartphone Galaxy S1 is officially launched next year, this will be the time for SA Telecom to start making efforts.

In the 3G era, SA Telecom is destined to be unable to compete with the three giants SK Telecom, KTF and LGT. However, South Korea began to upgrade from 3G network to 4G network in 2011. SA Telecom can completely overtake in the 4G era like China Mobile.

In July 2011, South Korea's three major telecom operators began to deploy LTE networks nationwide. SKT and LGT began to provide users with 4G smartphones that support LTE networks in September 2011.

If SA Electronics can become the largest smartphone manufacturer in South Korea, then SA Telecom may become the telecommunications operator with the largest number of users in South Korea.

Everyone must know how difficult it is to obtain a telecommunications license, right? The emergence of SA Telecom has allowed the SA Group to continue to develop on the road to monopoly.

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