I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 223 The Oolong Incident in Ashan Hotel

The main reason why Song Yi cares so much about SA Telecom's mobile communications license is because he is worried about the Prism Project.

Now looking back on the mass shooting in Seoul two years ago, Song Yi is still very grateful that the Americans did not end up at that time. At that time, the US military stationed in South Korea only provided intelligence assistance to Jin Shengyuan and Jin Shiyuan. If the US military stationed in South Korea sent snipers to attack Song Yi, whether Song Yi could get out of Seoul alive is another matter.

That was the moment when Song Yi was closest to a death threat, and it was also the only opportunity for Americans to take action.

If the Americans wanted to assassinate Song Yi now, they would have to send a special operations force to conduct an intensive fire attack in Seoul City, which would put Song Yi to death. In today's South Korea, this situation is no longer possible unless it is a wartime state.

The Prism Project started in 2007. After several years of promotion, the inschool website has hundreds of millions of users, and the number of users in Western Europe alone has exceeded 100 million. In addition to providing mobile phone services to Korean users in Gyeonggi Province and Gangwon Province, SA Telecom can also provide Internet services to Korean users in inschool.

After visiting the Kaicheng Industrial Park Phase II project site, Ding Pinghe said to Song Yi: "I admit that the average salary level of North Korean workers is lower than that of mainland factories, but if factors such as transportation conditions and tariffs are taken into account."

"If the sports shoes and sportswear produced by Anta in Kaicheng Industrial Park are bought in the mainland, there is actually not much cost advantage, and there are certain risks." Ding Pinghe told the truth.

The monthly salary of North Korean workers in the Kaicheng Industrial Park is 50 US dollars per month, and the annual salary increase must not be less than 5% of the minimum monthly salary of the previous year. It is now 2005, and the salary of ordinary production line workers in mainland factories is about 2,000 yuan. , so Ding Pinghe’s statement that there is no cost advantage is not a lie.

Song Yi knows that Anta founder Ding Pinghe is very influential in Jinjiang sporting goods companies. If Ding Pinghe can be persuaded to put Anta's new production line in Kaicheng Industrial Park, then these sports brands in Jinjiang may follow suit.

"Mr. Ding, of course you are right. But I think there are some issues that you may not have considered. First of all, the mainland's economy is in a period of rapid growth in recent years. If you include exchange rate factors, the annual GDP growth rate is close to 10 percentage points."

"If the mainland wants to maintain rapid economic development, it must transfer its industries from the previous labor-intensive industries to high-value-added high-tech industries. The current average salary of mainland workers is 2,000, but their wages will not continue It’s two thousand.”

"The Olympic Games will be held in Yanjing in 2008. This Olympic Games will greatly enhance the pride of the Chinese people and will also bring about a wave of sports and fitness fever. That will be the time for Anta to show its talents. Can Anta surpass Nike and Adidas has become the leading sports brand in the mainland market in one fell swoop.”

"Today's factories can recruit a lot of workers with a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan, but in five or ten years, many factories will be in labor shortage, and they will not be able to find young workers with a monthly salary of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan. Wait until the post-90s and post-95s generations start If they don't have jobs, they won't be willing to enter the factory to drill screws. Now is not the past. If there is no such thing as "I am a brick of the revolution, I can move it wherever it is needed."

"When the factory is not able to recruit enough people, it can only place its hopes on labor agencies or labor dispatch companies. The food in the factory cafeteria is not good and it cannot retain people. There are too few girls in the factory and they cannot find partners and cannot retain people. There is no wireless network in the dormitory. You can’t keep people online if you can’t use your mobile phone.”

"If we take a longer view, around 2010, the average monthly salary of mainland workers should be around 5,000 yuan. By then, the average monthly salary of North Korean workers in the Kaicheng Industrial Park should not exceed 60 US dollars. By comparison, Anta’s cost advantage is very prominent.”

"Mr. Ding just mentioned the issue of transportation costs, and I don't deny that. But what you are considering is to transport the shoes and clothing produced from the Kaesong Industrial Park to Incheon Port, and then enter the mainland by sea or air. "

"But why don't you think about changing your mind? Wait for these produced shoes and clothing to be transported by rail from Kaicheng Industrial Park to Wenshan Station, and then directly enter the Korean market or Japanese market for sale?" Song Yi said.

Ding Pinghe reacted now, "SA Group is willing to take over our Anta's Korean distribution rights? However, Koreans still prefer local sports brands. In addition to the three major international brands of Nike, Adidas and Fila, other sports brands are It’s hard to survive in the Korean market.”

Song Yi smiled, "It depends on how Koreans define local brands."

"Let me give you an example, if Anta registers a new brand in South Korea, then produces it in Kaicheng Industrial Park, and then sells it in South Korea through the online sales channel of Sohan.com. Consumers actually care about whether they can buy good quality products at good prices. Do you still care that the parent company of this brand is a mainland company?"

"Take the mainland toothpaste industry as an example. If consumers don't go through popular science, who would know that Chinese toothpaste is a foreign brand and black toothpaste is a domestic brand?" Song Yi said.

Ding Pinghe smiled and said, "Although Chairman Song has been running companies in South Korea these years, he still knows the mainland market very well. I have seen the newly developed projects of Sheng'an Real Estate in Yanjing, Puhai City, Pengcheng City, and Rongcheng City. For real estate, Sheng'an Real Estate is also expanding rapidly in the mainland."

Since the merger of New Asia Group and Asan Group, New Asia Real Estate in the Mainland has been renamed Shengan Real Estate. Guo Wenxuan, general manager of Sheng'an Real Estate Puhai Branch, is very capable. In addition to taking root in Puhai City, he has frequently participated in land auctions in Pengcheng City and Rongcheng City, and has grown into a large and medium-sized real estate developer in the southern region.

Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan are also very satisfied with Guo Wenxuan's work. The reason why Song Yi set up the Yanjing Branch and Puhai Branch of Sheng'an Real Estate before was because he hoped that the two companies would manage the northern market and the southern market respectively. Song Yi is now ready to add Guo Wenxuan. He was promoted to the general manager of Sheng'an Real Estate in China and was fully responsible for Sheng'an Real Estate's mainland business.

Ding Pinghe thought carefully about Song Yi's proposal. He felt that it was feasible, but he still had to discuss it with the company executives. It is impossible for him to settle such an important matter in just one visit to Kaicheng Industrial Park. This also involves Anta's future internationalization strategy.

After the Chinese and South Korean business delegations finished their inspection, the North Korean side arranged a reception dinner at the Asan Hotel. North Korean representatives Huang Xuehai and Jin Dongshen, South Korean representatives Kim Jong-kyun, Zhou Mengxian, and Zheng Enxuan, Chinese company representatives Ding Pinghe, South Korean company representatives Lin Yuchang and Song Yi sat at the main table.

Song Yi noticed that the young man who had accompanied Huang Haixue before did not show up at the reception banquet. Apparently, the DPRK still wanted to keep his identity secret.

As the eldest daughter of the president of Daesang Group, Lin Zhiling sat at the second table, with Cui Shanji and Li Jingshu surrounding her on the left and right in the middle.

She originally thought that Song Yi would spend more time convincing Elephant Group to put the new condiment production line in the second phase of Kaicheng Industrial Park. Who knew that Song Yi ignored Lin Yuchang and Lin Zhiling throughout the afternoon and kept answering questions about Hua Guo Various issues for business delegations.

Feeling ignored, Lin Zhiling felt a little unhappy. She took the initiative to ask Cui Shanhui, "Sister Shanhui, President Song seems to attach great importance to this delegation of Chinese enterprises. However, considering that the Kaicheng Industrial Park is located on the dividing line between North and South Korea, Except for Korean companies like our Daesang Group, there shouldn’t be any foreign-funded companies opening factories in the Kaesong Industrial Park, right?”

Cui Shanji caught Lin Zhiling's little mood, "I'm not sure about this, but our president has always been good at creating business miracles. Maybe within a few years, the number of Chinese companies in the Kaicheng Industrial Park will surpass Korean companies."

"Although our SA Group focuses on South Korea, we have always attached great importance to the mainland market with huge potential. New Asia Advertising and New Asia Network in the mainland market have very large independent operating rights."

"New Asia Advertising has formed a very good cooperative relationship with many sports brands in Jinjiang. For example, it was our president who persuaded Anta to sign Liu Fei as a brand spokesperson for the Athens Olympics. This fully proves our president's excellent investment vision. ." Cui Shanji said.

Although she doesn't pay much attention to sports news, Lin Zhiling still knows Liu Fei. After Liu Fei won the gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles at the Athens Olympics, South Korea's three major TV stations KBS, SBS and MBC all broadcast this important sports news. A history professor at a South Korean university even conducted research and said that Liu Fei's ancestor should have been Korean.

When Lin Zhiling learned that New Asia Advertising had won Liu Fei's exclusive advertising cooperation rights, she was envious of New Asia Advertising. Anyone with a discerning eye could see Liu Fei's huge advertising value.

If the Elephant Group is preparing to enter the mainland condiment market, then asking a sports superstar like Liu Fei to endorse it will undoubtedly be a shortcut. As long as Elephant Seasoning becomes famous in the mainland market, it will have no worries about sales.

Of course, Lin Zhiling did not deny Song Yi's business talent, but she also couldn't stand Cui Shanji's high regard for Song Yi. "It can be seen that Sister Shan Ji really admires President Song. But by always talking about President Song, are you really not afraid of making Brother Can jealous?"

Cui Shanji didn't care about Lin Zhiling's language trap, "Jae Chan often praises the president in front of me. What's the point? Every employee of our SA Group admires the president very much. How can we, an old couple, be jealous of such a small thing? , this level of trust is still there.”

"On the contrary, it's Zhiling. Your daughter Yuanzhu is so young, so you left her at home and accompanied President Lin Yuchang to the Kaicheng Industrial Park for inspection. I'm afraid Zhiling, your mother-in-law and Zai Rong will not be very happy, right?" Cui Shanji Fight back.

Li Jingshu noticed the verbal exchange between Cui Shanji and Lin Zhiling. When she saw Cui Shanji hit back at Lin Zhiling softly and hard, she felt happy in her heart.

Lin Chiling's father Lin Yuchang is one of the top ten richest men in South Korea, and her mother is the daughter of the founder of Kumho Asiana Group. Lin Chiling is truly a proud daughter born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

The arrogant Lin Zhiling naturally couldn't tolerate Song Yi's neglect of the Elephant Group and her, so she couldn't help but criticize her in her words. And Cui Shanji did not coddle Lin Chiling and directly started to fight.

In fact, according to Li Jingshu's status, she is not actually qualified to sit at the second table. After all, she joined the inspection team this time in the name of SA Welfare Foundation consultant and Cui Shanji's assistant. However, before the banquet started, Song Yi greeted the North Korean organizer and placed Li Jingshu at the second table, sitting next to Lin Zhiling.

Although Li Jingshu has a good family background, she is certainly not comparable to Lin Chiling. Song Yi introduced that Li Jingshu was a member of the Korean gymnastics national team, but Lin Zhiling did not take Li Jingshu seriously. Li Jingshu, who was despised by Lin Zhiling, was naturally relieved to see Lin Zhiling deflated.

Song Yi didn't notice the intrigue between the three women at the second table. He frequently raised his glass at the wine table and drank to his heart's content with the guests at the main table.

There are no entertainment venues in the Kaicheng Industrial Park, and Song Yi couldn't find one even if he wanted to take a foot bath. Since there is no place to relax, Song Yi might as well take a nap after drinking and continue talking about business when he wakes up the next day. In a sense, Song Yi is safer staying in Kaicheng Industrial Park than in Seoul.

After the reception banquet, the Chinese and Korean business delegations all stayed at the Ashan Hotel. Song Yi reminded the Chinese and Korean business delegations not to go out privately except for activities in the hotel and the square in front of the hotel at night. If you need to go out, be sure to inform the hotel in advance. It would not be good if North Korea misunderstood.

Although the Kaesong Industrial Park is located in North Korea, North Korea has pulled a barbed wire fence in the Kaesong Industrial Park to surround the industrial park to prevent North Korean defectors.

Councilor Huang Xuehai invited Song Yi to accompany him for a walk in the Kaicheng Industrial Park. Kim Dongshen accompanied him, and Song Yi's bodyguard Park Tae-sik followed behind, keeping a distance so as not to hear the conversation between Song Yi and Huang Xuehai.

"President Song——" As soon as Huang Xuehai started speaking, Song Yi interrupted Huang Xuehai, "Congressman Huang, you are an elder. If you call me President Song, it would be a bit embarrassing for me. Just call me Song Yi. "

Huang Xuehai laughed when he heard what Song Yi said, "Since you said that, don't call me Councilor Huang. I'm older than Professor Song. If you don't mind, just call me Uncle Huang."

Huang Xuehai and Song Mingzhe share the same zodiac sign, and he happens to be twelve years older than Song Mingzhe.

Song Yi followed his kindness and said, "Uncle Huang." Huang Xuehai readily agreed, and the relationship between the two seemed to have become a little closer.

"Last year, according to the instructions, I made an undisclosed visit to Bienzhou. Accompanied by your father, I also visited Bienzhou University and met Korean students studying at Bienzhou University."

"Bianzhou has developed very strongly in recent years. Its GDP growth rate in recent years has been ranked first among all regions in Liaozhong Province. Offshore City's strategy of borrowing ports to go to sea has also been very successful. It receives many Korean tourists on cruise ships every year. .”

"The economic development of Bianzhou is inseparable from the strong support of SA Group. It is precisely after seeing this successful example of Bianzhou that we have greater expectations for the Kaicheng Industrial Park. We are also considering giving your park more independent operations. right."

"Last time you mentioned that you hoped to be able to broadcast ABS TV programs in the Asan Hotel in the Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, allow foreign tourists to wear jeans, and also allow foreign drinks such as Coca-Cola to enter the park for sale. After our long-term discussion After discussion, we decided to agree.”

"But there are two points. First, only foreign tourists are allowed to wear jeans. North Korean employees in the Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone are not allowed to wear jeans and other inappropriate clothing. If they want to travel to other scenic spots in our country, You must change into appropriate clothing in advance.”

"Secondly, although we agree that foreign beverages such as Coca-Cola can enter the Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, this kind of beverage is only sold to foreign tourists. The purchase method currently only supports cash payment in US dollars, euros or RMB, and does not support bank cards. Transaction. Currently we price a 330 ml can of Coca-Cola at US$3 and a 550 ml bottle of Coca-Cola at US$5," said Huang Xuehai.

"That's no problem. We are planning to open a Coca-Cola franchised retail store in the Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone. We will collect 37.5% of the management fee from the licensed retail store every year, and the remaining income will be returned in the form of rent. Give it to the DPRK," Song Yi said.

Huang Xuehai nodded. Song Yi was indeed a smart man and it was easy to deal with him. The reason why North Korea allows the sale of foreign beverages such as Coca-Cola in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone and Kaesong Industrial Park is to create more foreign exchange earnings.

"In addition to this, you mentioned last time that South Korea's mineral water brand Samdo Water wants to set up a water source in Mount Kumgang to specialize in producing a high-end mineral water. As far as I know, a 500 ml bottle of Samdo Water is available in the search engine The retail price on the Korean Internet is almost 5 yuan, which is not cheap anymore.”

"Sanduoshui also plans to produce a higher-end mineral water, so wouldn't the price of this mineral water be as high as 15 yuan to 20 yuan?" Huang Xuehai was a little worried about the sales of this mineral water.

"Uncle Huang, as the saying goes, rare things are valuable. Mount Kumgang has beautiful scenery and has maintained its natural style for thousands of years. The quality of the mineral water produced from the underground water of Mount Kumgang is naturally better than the quality of Samduo water extracted from the underground volcanic rocks of Jeju Island. .”

"And this also involves a pricing strategy issue. A 550 ml bottle of Coca-Cola sells for US$5 in the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, and a bottle of Mount Kumgang mineral water sells for 20 yuan. If you are a tourist, you Would you rather buy Coca-Cola or Mount Kumgang mineral water?"

"A few years ago, I shot the mainland version of the advertising video for Sanduoshui. The filming location was in southern Anhui. I visited Huangshan accompanied by Song Xiaocheng, the director of Huizhou Municipal Tourism. The Huangshan Scenic Area also launched the Huangshan brand mineral water. This Mineral water is placed in major hotels on the mountain in Huangshan Scenic Area, and sales have been good."

"You can buy Coca-Cola everywhere, but if you want to buy a bottle of Mount Kumgang mineral water as a souvenir, the most convenient way is to buy it at Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone."

"Actually, I am quite optimistic about the Mount Kumgang mineral water project. Mount Kumgang mineral water can also become your government's designated drinking water and can be used to entertain visiting foreign guests. We can adopt a tripartite cooperation method to produce Mount Kumgang mineral water. Sanduo For water-based technology, our SA Group will provide funds, and you can provide workers and production sites." Song Yi said his plan.

Maybe it was Song Yi's words about government-designated drinking water that moved Huang Xuehai, "I know what you're talking about. I'll go back to Pingjing and report it first. If it can be confirmed, we will send a letter to invite the Jeju Development Commune." I’ll take another trip to Mount Kumgang with you, and then confirm the specific cooperation matters. You’ve even chosen a name for the mineral water from Mount Kumgang,” Huang Xuehai said.

"By the way, the members of the Chinese enterprise delegation this time obviously value Ding Pinghe's opinions, and Ding Pinghe attaches great importance to his opinions. You should pay more attention this time and keep them. Don't worry, as long as I don't Retirement can maintain the normal operation of the Kaicheng Industrial Park." Huang Xuehai rarely achieved the second lowest result.

"Uncle Huang, don't worry, I will definitely try my best." Song Yi already had a plan in mind to persuade Ding Pinghe, but there was no need to say it out now.

Huang Xuehai looked at his watch and said apologetically to Song Yi: "It's getting late now. You should go back to the hotel and rest first. Dongshen and I will take the train back to Pingjing in the evening. I won't accompany you tomorrow. I'm in Pingjing." Jing is waiting for your good news. I can rest assured that you will do the work."

Song Yi and Park Tae-sik returned to the hotel together. Unlike the Chinese and Korean corporate delegation, the members of the SA Group delegation lived on a separate floor. After all, Asan Hotel is SA Group's own property, so the hotel's top executives, Song Yi, Zheng Eunxuan, and Cui Shanji, must have a good rest.

Zhou Mengxian and Zheng Eunxuan slept in the same room, Cui Shanji and Li Jingshu shared a double room, and Song Yi stayed in a luxurious suite by himself.

When Song Yi returned to the room, he had woken up from the wine and lost his sleepiness. He turned on the TV, watched the news and then turned it off.

Song Yi thought of Cui Shanji and Li Jingshu who lived next door, and suddenly couldn't sleep. Just after the reception banquet was over, Cui Shanji secretly left the key card of her room to Song Yi, hinting that Song Yi could go to her and Li Jingshu in the evening.

He checked the time. It was now past ten o'clock. He didn't know if Cui Shanji and Li Jingshu were asleep. He had to be quieter. It would be a bit embarrassing if he alerted Zhou Mengxian and his wife on the same floor and heard something.

Song Yi coughed and walked out of the room with a hot water bottle in his hand. If you are hit by someone, just say that the hot water in the room is broken and prepare to find a room to borrow some hot water to wash up.

He used the room card to open Cui Shanji's door, and then turned on the night light in the room. Song Yi noticed that both Cui Shanji and Li Jingshu were asleep. Cui Shanji was lying on her side, showing her fair face, her long hair hanging behind her head, and she was sleeping very deeply.

After admiring Cui Shanji's sleeping posture, Song Yi was ready to take a look at Li Jingshu's sleeping posture. When he saw Li Jingshu's sleeping posture, he almost laughed out loud. I saw that Li Jingshu actually hid her whole body under the quilt when she was sleeping, even covering her head tightly. However, through the outline of the quilt, he could still see that there was a petite woman hidden in the quilt.

Song Yi looked around, wondering who he would share the bed with. After much consideration, Song Yi decided to go to Li Jingshu's bed first. Song Yi got into Li Jingshu's bed from the end of the quilt. When he came into contact with Li Jingshu's smooth legs, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. It turned out that Li Jingshu had been prepared to wait for his favor, and she was naked.

Song Yi crawled forward, kissing her all the way, preparing to slowly wake up Li Jingshu.

In her sleep, Lin Zhiling felt as if she had had an erotic dream, in which a man treated her very tenderly. At first she thought the man was her husband Chen Zaiyong, but she gradually realized something was wrong because she was not in Seoul now.

She originally thought she was dreaming, but when she felt a man pressing on her, she was frightened and did not move for a long time. She never expected that a man would enter her room in the heavily guarded Ashan Hotel.

Song Yi noticed that "Li Jingshu"'s body was a little tense, and he quickly comforted her, "Sister Jingshu, I am Song Yi."

Only then did Lin Zhiling realize that the man who sneaked into the room was Song Yi. She was ashamed and angry now. What was shameful and angry was that she was almost naked now. What made her angry was that this guy Song Yi was so bold that he actually attacked a married female subordinate while he was out on inspection.

No wonder Song Yi added Li Jingshu to the list of the inspection team. Obviously Song Yi and Li Jingshu had been having an affair for a long time. The cousin-in-law Cui Shanji is obviously Song Yi's woman. Maybe the key card for this room was given to Song Yi by Cui Shanji.

Lin Zhiling's brain is short-circuited now, and she doesn't know what to do now. If she resisted, she might alert Cui Shanji or Zhou Mengxian and his wife on the same floor. If outsiders knew that she had a secret meeting with Song Yi in the middle of the night, would she lose her reputation as a Samsung Crown Princess?

But it’s even more impossible not to push Song Yi away. Song Yi obviously regards her as Li Jingshu now. What if Song Yi is going to make mistakes and then punish her?

Originally, Lin Zhiling and Lin Yuchang lived on the third floor as a Korean business delegation. Considering Lin Chiling's status as the Samsung Crown Princess, the hotel did not arrange a double room for Lin Chiling, but arranged a single room for her.

However, the hot water in Lin Zhiling's room happened to be broken, and Lin Zhiling was unable to take a bath. If she doesn't take a shower, she won't be able to sleep. Song Yi is not in the hotel, and the person she is most familiar with in the Ashan Hotel is her cousin Cui Shanji. So she ran to the fourth floor to find Cui Shanji. At this time, Li Jingshu and Cui Shanji had already taken a bath and were ready to go to bed.

After she explained her purpose, Cui Shanji enthusiastically allowed Lin Zhiling to take a bath in their room. Lin Zhiling felt a little scared because she lived alone in a large bed room, so she invited Cui Shanji to live with her downstairs.

As a result, Li Jingshu laughed and said that Lin Zhiling was so lucky that she didn't know how to enjoy it. Every floor of the Asan Hotel is equipped with surveillance cameras, and there are North Korean soldiers on duty outside the door. It is safer than the Cheong Wa Dae. Are you still worried that someone will come into your room and molest you?

Lin Zhiling was a little annoyed and quarreled with Li Jingshu, saying who wanted to live in the room on the third floor and who would live there, but she didn't want to live in it anyway. In the end, Cui Shanji became the peacemaker and persuaded Li Jingshu and Lin Zhiling to change rooms.

Perhaps because they were tired from the daytime inspection, Cui Shanji and Lin Zhiling chatted for a while before going to bed, and then they went to bed first. Cui Shanji felt that she had forgotten something before going to bed, so there was an incident where Song Yi touched Lin Zhiling's bed.

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