I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 224: Capture Lin Zhiling

When Song Yi kissed Lin Zhiling's earlobe, Lin Zhiling's body suddenly softened. This place was like a switch, and her will to resist suddenly weakened a lot.

She was thinking in her heart that Song Yi was really gentle. No wonder so many women liked him. Kaicheng Industrial Park is Song Yi's territory. Even if she indulges occasionally, no one will know about it.

She remembered the time when she went to ride the roller coaster in Tokyo Disneyland when she was a child. Now this roller coaster only had three passengers, she and Song Yi, and Cui Shanji who fell asleep in the back row.

She and Song Yi held hands tightly. Perhaps because of her fear of heights, she did not dare to open her eyes the whole time. Song Yi took her through the entire roller coaster ride.

Song Yi obviously knew this well. He took passenger Lin Zhiling to climb to the top of the roller coaster, and then took Lin Zhiling to do a vertical landing. This difference in speed caused Lin Zhiling's adrenaline to surge sharply. She really wanted to enjoy the roller coaster. The game brought her pleasure, but she was also afraid that her scream would disturb Cui Shanji.

However, she deliberately suppressed her voice, which made her feel very itchy. This itching feeling was like an ant crawling on the sole of her foot, but she couldn't scratch it, which made her feel itchy all the time.

In order to distract her attention, she could only pinch Song Yi's back with her small hands while holding her arms around his back. Song Yi found it a little strange. Although "Li Jingshu" had a bit of a fierce personality, she had always been more restrained in bed and had never shown such wild behavior.

Song Yi felt that "Li Jingshu" might be a little nervous, after all, Cui Shanji was sleeping next to her. Although Cui Shanji already knows the relationship between Song Yi and Li Jingshu, it is normal to be a little shy.

However, "Li Jingshu" was not cooperative at all and was not even willing to pay attention to him anymore.

Song Yi was a little helpless. He thought "Li Jingshu" was still angry at his sudden attack. He said apologetically: "Sister Jingshu, I'm going back to the room first, and you can take a shower by yourself. There is a 24-hour hot water supply on this floor, so you can take a shower by yourself."

After Song Yi tiptoed out of the room with the hot water bottle, Lin Zhiling, who was under the quilt, could finally get out of the quilt to take a breath. She was completely confused now, looking at the wooden ceiling in the room.

She sighed quietly, she had now become an unfaithful woman. She felt guilty towards her husband Chen Zaiyong and their children, but she was more resentful towards Song Yi and Chen Zaiyong.

Since giving birth to his daughter Chen Yuanzhu, Chen Zaiyong has not been married to her. Although the two people did not sleep in separate rooms, they were already in the same bed. Lin Zhiling is only twenty-eight years old this year, which is the golden age of a woman. She also needs a man to love her, but due to her family education and face, she cannot take the initiative to seek love from Chen Zaiyong.

Of course, she also resented Song Yi and resented why Song Yi couldn't restrain herself for one night. He had to touch her on the bed when she and Li Jingshu were changing rooms, and then the two of them had sex inexplicably. She even resented Song Yi for finding her weakness so accurately, causing her to give up resistance and let Song Yi do whatever he wanted.

Of course she was blaming herself, and she didn't know why she came to Kaicheng Industrial Park with her father Lin Yuchang by some strange coincidence. If it were in South Korea, Song Yi would have no chance to attack her unless it was at Song Yi's residence or the SA Group building.

Since marrying into the Samsung family, Lin Zhiling has gradually learned about the nature of Chen Jianxi and Chen Jae-yong. Even though mother-in-law Luo Hongxi and father-in-law Chen Jianxi pretended to be a loving couple, father-in-law Chen Jianxi just didn't want to go out to have fun in order to avoid being criticized.

Chen Jianxi played more extravagantly. He would invite young and beautiful women to his home, and then give these women envelopes filled with cash every time. Before these women entered Chen Jianxi's residence, they would conduct a search to take away their mobile phones and ensure that no audio or video recording equipment was hidden on them.

It seems that Chen Zaiyong is more restrained, and he seems to be more restrained when it comes to women. But if you include Lin Chiling’s pregnancy and postpartum time, Chen Zaiyong has not touched Lin Chiling for nearly two years. She would not believe that Chen Zai-yong would be an ascetic who was not close to women. She could only say that Chen Zai-yong's method of dating women might be more clever than Chen Jianxi's.

When the eldest sister-in-law Chen Fuzhen divorced You Zaizhi, Chen Jianxi and Luo Hongxi actually did not agree with Chen Fuzhen's direct divorce, thinking that this approach would lose the face of the Samsung family.

According to Luo Hongxi, it is normal for men to have fun outside, and there is no Korean man who has not gone to a nightclub. Later, after You Zaizhi exposed many scandals such as domestic violence, cheating, and gambling, Chen Jianxi and his wife agreed to divorce their eldest daughter Chen Fuzhen and You Zaizhi.

Lin Zhiling got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Cui Shanji was awakened by the movement in Lin Zhiling's bathroom. She looked at the light in the bathroom and cursed in her heart, "Lin Zhiling is such a troublesome woman. How can she get up to take a shower in the middle of the night and not let anyone sleep?"

"No, didn't she take a shower before going to bed? Why did she have to take a shower in the middle of the night? Could it be that the air conditioning in the hotel is not effective enough and she can't sleep without taking a shower?" Cui Shanji secretly guessed.

At this moment, Cui Shanji thought of Song Yi in the next room. She suddenly broke into a cold sweat. After dinner, she handed the room card to Song Yi. Could it be that Song Yi walked into the room in the middle of the night and slept with Lin Chiling? Otherwise, why would Lin Zhiling take a shower in the middle of the night? Otherwise, it doesn't make sense.

However, Cui Shanji immediately overturned her guess. She knew Lin Chiling relatively well. If Song Yi really entered the room, Lin Zhiling would definitely not be able to let Song Yi bully her obediently. The movement on the bed between the two would definitely wake her up. It was impossible for the two of them to be in love in bed, and she was still sleeping so peacefully in the bed next to her.

Cui Shanji couldn't suppress her curiosity. She didn't know if Song Yi sneaked into their room at night, and she wanted to know if Song Yi had a relationship with Lin Zhiling, the three-star princess.

Although Cui Shanji knew that Song Yi had slept with Samsung's eldest princess Chen Fuzhen and another Samsung Crown Princess Gao Xianzhen, Lin Chiling was the wife of Samsung's sole heir Chen Jae-yong, and the two were not divorced. If this affair scandal was exposed, it would probably be Headlines in newspapers around the world.

She secretly put the quilt aside, and then reached into Lin Zhiling's quilt. She felt that the quilt was still hot. It was obvious that someone had slept there just now. The sheets were a little messy and there were some water stains in the middle of the bed.

Cui Shanji's heart was pounding, my dear, Song Yi is really brave, he actually slept with Lin Chiling in his hotel.

She remembered that Song Yi said at Song Yuanhao's first birthday party that he wanted to poach Chen Zai Rong, but she never expected that Song Yi would get his long-cherished wish within two months.

Cui Shanji remembered that it was Lin Zhiling who took the initiative to change rooms with Li Jingshu last night. Not long after changing rooms, Song Yi came over to have a private meeting with Lin Chiling. Could this guy have a tacit understanding with Lin Chiling? Otherwise, why would Lin Zhiling, who rarely attends public events, join the corporate delegation visiting North Korea this time?

After she confirmed it, she tiptoed and prepared to get back into bed. As a result, Lin Zhiling had already taken a shower and wiped her hair with a towel. When she saw Cui Shanji's actions, she was stunned. Cui Shanji actually woke up? So when did she wake up? Did she hear anything just now?

But Lin Zhiling is very clever, even if Cui Shanji knows, it won't matter. Cui Shanji is Song Yi's secret lover, and it is impossible for her to tell Chen Zaiyong. And Cui Shanji has no substantial evidence. After all, Song Yi has returned to his room now.

Lin Zhiling said apologetically, "Sister Shan Ji, did I wake you up? I'm sorry, it's mainly because it's a bit hot and stuffy tonight, I couldn't sleep, and I didn't dare to go out for some fresh air at this point, so I got up and took a shower. , people are also more relaxed.”

Cui Shanji saw Lin Zhiling's calm look and secretly admired her, "It's okay, it's okay. I was a little thirsty. I wanted to drink some water. You didn't wake me up. By the way, did you sleep well today?"

When Lin Zhiling heard Cui Shanji's double-entendre question, her expression remained unchanged, "I slept well, thank you for your concern. Although the decoration of this hotel is not luxurious, the hardware conditions are not bad. The bedding should be from South Korea." It was delivered after purchase.”

"And the hotel staff will clean the room every day, changing sheets, quilt covers, towels and slippers. No matter where in the room, there is no dust." Lin Zhiling sighed.

Cui Shanji was no longer sleepy now. She sat up holding the quilt, "I remember our president said that he went to Pingjing two years ago to attend the opening ceremony of Zhou Zhengyong Stadium. In Pingjing, no matter which street you go to There is no dust to be seen. Song Yi said that he doubted that Pingjing is the city with the best sanitation in the world, bar none."

Tonight was also an experience Lin Zhiling had never experienced before, and she was no longer sleepy now. She suddenly became more interested in Song Yi, a mysterious man, and wanted to know more about Song Yi. After all, in a sense, she now had an additional relationship with Song Yi.

"Sister Shan Ji, did you know Song Yi when he worked at Shinhan Media?" Lin Zhiling asked.

Cui Shanji secretly smiled. A woman's curiosity about a man is actually a sign that the woman has a good impression of the man.

"At that time, Zai Can was in charge of New Korea Media alone. Song Yi and I didn't know each other at first. Didn't Song Yi later win the Sanduoshui advertising case? To express his gratitude, Zai Can invited Song Yi to his home for dinner. "

"Song Yi and Taixi had just fallen in love at that time. He had not yet gone to Taixi's home to meet his parents, so he asked me what gifts I wanted to prepare for Taixi's family. Later, we became familiar with each other." Cui Shanji replied.

"That time Jae Rong went to New Korea Media to drag Brother Jae Chan home to catch you and Song Yi -" Lin Zhiling was a little embarrassed to say.

Cui Shanji didn't care, "Go catch me and Song Yi having an affair. What happened?"

When Lin Zhiling heard Cui Shanji say "I had an affair with Song Yi," her heart trembled. She was also having an affair with Song Yi now.

"Did you and Song Yi set up a trap that time, deliberately digging a hole for Zai Rong to drill into? Anyway, after the incident of catching an adulterer, brothers Zai Can and Zai Rong have become the same enemy." Lin Zhiling cautiously said ask.

Cui Shanji laughed and said, "The relationship between my husband and your husband was not good to begin with. When Shinhan Media was facing bankruptcy, Jaechan went to your father-in-law and your husband for help. Not only did they stand by and watch, they were also prepared to join forces with Kim Namyong to swallow up Jaechan. Chan’s only industry.”

"Later, Shinhan Media came back to life and successfully went public. Jae-chan and I became rich people with assets of over 100 billion won. Chen Jae-yong saw that we were valuable again, so he wanted to ease the relationship with us. This kind of cold-blooded It’s better to have no relatives than not." Cui Shanji said disdainfully.

Lin Chiling was silent. She knew that Cui Shanhui was right. She actually advised Chen Jae-yong not to ignore the new Korean media. As a result, Chen Zaiyong criticized her for being a woman, and just let her stay at home to take care of her husband and raise children. How can a woman interfere in the family business?

If she were to play the role of Cui Shanji, her husband's company would be on the verge of bankruptcy and she would not even have a place to live. She would have to take her children back to her parents' home to live under someone else's roof.

No matter her husband's or natal relatives were unwilling to lend a helping hand, she had already made plans to divorce her husband.

At this time, a capable subordinate suddenly appeared in her husband's company and rescued the company from bankruptcy. Not only that, this subordinate also helped the company go public, making the couple on the Korean rich list. She was also full of feelings for her husband, this subordinate. Feeling grateful?

It may be this reason that Cui Shanji, who is already financially free, would rather risk rumors and join the SA Group to help Song Yi. So when did Song Yi and Cui Shanji hook up? So does Chen Zaican know about the ambiguous relationship between his wife and Song Yi?

If Chen Zaican had already known that Song Yi and Cui Shanji were having an affair, then when Chen Zaiyong took Chen Zaican home to catch the adulterer, wasn't it because Chen Zaican, his wife and Song Yi teamed up to set it up?

"I really envy Sister Shan Ji, you have found a very open-minded husband. Brother Zai Can is so rich now, and he still agrees with Sister Shan Ji to do things. And Brother Zai Can is willing to give a beauty like Shan Ji to Song Yi Assistant, rather than staying in SA to help with planning." Lin Zhiling pointed out.

Cui Shanji heard Lin Zhiling's words and didn't mind at all, "I'm over thirty now, and my daughter is in middle school, so I can't be considered a beauty. Don't look at the fact that I maintain a pretty good figure. It's all made with money." "

"Besides, I don't want to work in the same company with my husband. If Zai Chan is flirting with his female secretary in the office, it wouldn't be good if I catch him. It's better to give each other some space and everyone will be happy." Cui Shanji joked.

Lin Zhiling's heart sank. She didn't know if Cui Shanji was making insinuations. Because Chen Zaiyong was a female college student who had just graduated, this female secretary often wore clothes that highlighted her figure when working. Lin Zhiling later mentioned it to Chen Zaiyong, and Chen Zaiyong transferred the secretary.

She was quite satisfied at that time and felt that Chen Zaiyong cared about her feelings. As a result, she went to Samsung Electronics again for business and found that the female secretary was still working in Chen Zaiyong's department, but she had just changed her position. She was very unhappy at the time and felt that Chen Zaiyong was perfunctory with her, but she did not want to quarrel with Chen Zaiyong over this matter, which would leave her parents-in-law with a jealous reputation.

"Sister Shan Ji, as Song Yi's assistant now, you are almost inseparable from Song Yi every day. This time you are on a business trip with Song Yi and have to spend the night in a hotel. Aren't you afraid that Brother Can will be jealous?" Lin Zhiling Keep asking.

"You want to ask me, does Zai Chan doubt the relationship between me and Song Yi?" Cui Shanji took the initiative. Lin Zhiling nodded sheepishly.

"How should I put it? When Song Yi asked me to be the public relations director of Xinya, I asked Zaican for his opinion. He didn't mind. Instead, he encouraged me to work next to Song Yi so that I could learn more. After all, I My father used to be the president of the Dong-A Ilbo, so I am relatively comfortable working in public opinion propaganda."

"Zaecan trusts Song Yi and me very much. In Zaecan's words, even if Song Yi and I book an executive suite when we are on a business trip, he will not doubt Song Yi and me. If one day he goes bankrupt again, he will leave me and Song Yi alone." Leave your daughter to Song Yi to take care of." Cui Shanji replied.

When Lin Zhiling heard what Cui Shanji said, she felt that she might have guessed wrong and was biased against Cui Shanji. However, if Song Yi could enter the room in the middle of the night, it must be one of Cui Shanji or Li Jingshu who gave the room card to Song Yi.

Cui Shanji means that they both fully trust Song Yi, and Song Yi will not avoid her in private matters? Lin Zhiling secretly scolded Song Yi and Cui Shanji for being shameless. One likes to listen to Qiang Gen, and the other likes to let others listen to Qian Gen. Maybe Cui Shanji's habit of listening to the root of the wall comes from Chen Zaican. Chen Zaican probably also likes to listen to the root of the wall of Song Yi and Cui Shanji. Lin Zhiling did not expect that her guess was infinitely close to the truth.

"Zhiling, Song Yi has a clear distinction between love and hate, but he is still very good to his own people. How to become his own people, either become his ally or become his woman. Unlike the cold-blooded Chen Jianxi and his son, he can Attack his own people. Song Yi will also provide generous rewards to those who show him kindness." Cui Shanji winked and hinted at Lin Chiling.

"Just like Song Yi helped Shinhan Media go public? But Jae Rong always said that Brother Zaichan sent you to Song Yi's bed in exchange for the chance of Shinhan Media going public." Lin Zhiling questioned unceremoniously.

Cui Shanji laughed sarcastically, "This guy Chen Jae-yong is just sour grapes when he can't eat them. He is the crown prince of Samsung. Of course he doesn't like this petty profit worth hundreds of billions of dollars. If Song Yi can give him If it brings you a billion or even tens of billions of dollars in return, maybe he will take the initiative to send you to Song Yi's bed."

Lin Zhiling felt guilty, "You're so serious about it, why are you dragging it on me?"

Cui Shanji smiled narrowly, "Why did I mention you? Because this guy Song Yi said more than once that he didn't envy anything else but Chen Zaiyong for marrying a beautiful, elegant and smart wife. But it's a pity. Chen Jae-yong doesn’t know how to cherish, and the two of them will part ways in two or three years."

Lin Zhiling felt a little disbelieving, "How could Song Yi praise me in front of you? Did you say this on purpose to please me? Tell me, what do you and Song Yi want from me?"

When Cui Shanji saw Lin Zhiling like this, she knew that Lin Zhiling had a lot of affection for Song Yi. She felt that Song Yi had to reward her tomorrow. How much credit was it for being able to instigate the Samsung Crown Princess?

Cui Shanji shook her head, "You are wrong about this. Song Yi only wants your friendship, Zhiling. If Chen Jianxi and his son plot to frame Song Yi in the future, you might as well contact me."

Lin Zhiling suddenly became happy, "My husband is the heir of Samsung, and my child is the fourth generation heir of Samsung. There is a conflict between Samsung and SA Group. How could I not help Samsung and report to SA?"

Cui Shanji did not refute, "Samsung is Samsung. Although Chen Jianxi has control of Samsung, it does not mean that he is equal to Samsung."

"Secondly, our SA Group is not hostile to Samsung, let alone threaten the future inheritance rights of your two children. What we are saying is that if Chen Jianxi and his son conspire to harm Song Yi personally, you can contact me."

"I believe you can also judge whether your information will harm Samsung or Chen Zaiyong. I am not asking you to betray your husband now. Believe me, your kindness to Song Yi will be given to your natal family. Bring huge returns." Cui Shanji said.

Lin Zhiling's heart trembled again. Yes, she had actually betrayed Chen Jae-yong both physically and mentally today. If Chen Zaiyong knew that she and Song Yi were having sex tonight, Chen Zaiyong would mercilessly drive her out of the Samsung family, and then attack the Elephant Group to take revenge on her. For the sake of her own and her parents' Elephant Group, she seemed to have no choice but to cooperate with Song Yi on intelligence.

She thought about it for a while, "Sister Sun Ji, in fact, there are many misunderstandings between Jae Rong and Jae Chan. We wives need to help them eliminate the misunderstandings. After we return to Korea, we can also have a good relationship with each other." Move around more, connect more.”

Cui Shanji was overjoyed when she heard what Lin Chiling said. It was obvious that Lin Chiling was successfully captured by her. Song Yi now has Chen Fuzhen and Lin Zhiling as two major hidden clues. Can every move of Chen Jianxi and his son escape Song Yi's grasp?

She responded enthusiastically, "That's right, I am your cousin-in-law, and we should have more contact with each other."

"Actually, there are many misunderstandings not only between Zai Can and Zai Rong, but also between Song Yi and Chen Zai Rong. Song Yi, I guess, often visits our home. If you have the opportunity, you can also Song Yi himself communicates more in person. This will also help alleviate the misunderstanding between Song Yi and Chen Zaiyong, what do you think?" Cui Shanji's words almost told Lin Zhiling openly that you can have a private meeting with Song Yi at my house. .

Thank you all for your monthly votes. I will wait for the first recommendation after it is put on the shelves. Thank you to editor Jiang Chada!

This book has really been running around naked, but now I have insisted on writing it to one million words. The end of this volume will definitely contribute a wonderful story!

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