I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 225 Zheng Enxuan’s warning

Lin Zhiling's calm heart was rippled by Cui Shanji's words. Should she go to Cui Shanji's house to meet Song Yi?

Song Yi didn't think of her as Li Jingshu tonight, and the two of them had a confused relationship. If Song Yi knew that it was Lin Zhiling who was sleeping on Li Jingshu's bed, Song Yi might not dare to attack her, right? After they return to Korea, they can just remain acquaintances. Will they still have a chance to renew their relationship?

Lin Zhiling recalled that Song Yi's behavior in bed was really different from Chen Zaiyong. He was indeed a very gentle and perfect lover who could take care of women's emotions. Lin Zhiling was secretly asking herself, if she had the opportunity to have sex with Song Yi again in South Korea, would she really reject Song Yi?

At this time, she couldn't help but say, "Sister Shan Ji has actually been Song Yi's woman for a long time, otherwise she wouldn't be so enthusiastic about bringing me and Song Yi together. Is it because she has already cheated on her, so she also wants to drag me into the trap?" Is it really that good to have an affair with someone?"

Cui Shanhui did not deny it, "There is a kind of woman in Japan called Hirugao-wives. They are housewives who usually do housework carefully after sending their husbands to the company, but fall in love with other men during the day."

"Some women are obviously alive. Her husband has a glamorous job and her children are in prestigious schools, but her life is like a pool of stagnant water. Because your identity is a good daughter-in-law of your parents-in-law, a good wife of your husband, and a good mother of your children. There is no exclusive My own happy time as a woman.”

"A woman is like a flower that needs sunshine and watering all the time. Without the nourishment of love, no matter how beautiful the flower is, it will wither. For me, what I lack is not sex, but unreserved love. Even if it is A stolen moment of joy can also keep me blooming in the sun for a long time." Cui Shanji replied.

"With the nourishment of love, I can live younger and younger, and I can overcome all obstacles in my career. When I become better, Zaican loves me more than before. Because he can either accept me as I am now, or Completely lost me." Cui Shanji said about her and Chen Zaican's relationship as a couple.

Lin Zhiling understood Cui Shanji's words and was shocked in her heart. She had seen many wealthy couples maintaining a superficial marriage relationship. Both couples were looking for lovers outside, and each had their own way of doing things. Because this kind of couple is often a family marriage, if they get divorced, it will be more troublesome, and it will also involve the division of huge amounts of property, so everyone can only understand it tacitly.

Lin Zhiling's thoughts were a little confused at the moment. She thought of Song Yi for a while, Chen Zaiyong for a while, and the future of the Elephant Group for a while. Lin Zhiling was so confused that she had no intention of continuing the conversation, and finally fell asleep before dawn. .

The next morning, the Asan Hotel provided a buffet breakfast for the guests. In addition to the Korean breakfast, the hotel also thoughtfully prepared soy milk, fried dough sticks, steamed buns and porridge, so that the Chinese business delegation would not be used to it.

Lin Yuchang was holding a plate with cold noodles while looking at his daughter Lin Zhiling who kept yawning.

He looked a little ugly, "Did you commit a crime last night? Why are you yawning all the time? If others see it when we are talking about things in the morning, it will be said that my daughter, Lin Yuchang, does not understand etiquette."

Lin Zhiling looked apologetic and said, "I'm sorry, dad. Maybe I wasn't used to the hotel bed, so I didn't fall asleep. In the end, I was really sleepy, so I just squinted for two or three hours."

Li Jingshu woke up very early in the morning. After she woke up, she went upstairs to find Cui Shanji. At that time, Lin Zhiling was also woken up. Lin Zhiling quickly changed to the room with Li Jingshu and caught up on her sleep. If Lin Yuchang hadn't called her to get up for breakfast, she would have slept until noon.

Song Yi sat down next to Ding Pinghe with fried dough sticks and soy milk, "Mr. Ding, do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Ding Pinghe smiled, "When I got up, I saw that President Song had gone out for a run in the morning. If the company is as big as SA, President Song can still keep exercising. It is already rare for young people to have this kind of mentality. When my grandson is on vacation, he won’t get up until noon.”

"The main reason is that young people in the Mainland are too tired and have no time to exercise. The main reason why I am willing to get up early and run is to clear my mind and listen to soothing music, so that I can get into a working posture more efficiently." Song Yi explained.

"Is President Song thinking about how to convince me to keep Anta's new factory in Kaicheng Industrial Park?" Ding Pinghe suddenly asked.

"Mr. Ding is really keen-eyed. In fact, in addition to Jinjiang, Putian's shoemaking industry chain is also very developed. A pair of genuine AJ Air Force One may cost thousands of yuan, but Putian products only cost one or two hundred yuan. Nike, Ali , FILA, Converse, Reebok, these brands cannot avoid the impact of Putian products, and many sports shoe stores in the mainland sell genuine and fake products."

"If Anta maintains its current pricing strategy, there is no need to worry about Putian products for the time being, because the profit margin for imitation of a pair of Anta shoes is not large, and Putian is not far from Jinjiang, so these small shoe factories are afraid of getting into trouble."

"But if Anta takes the international route and uses imported fabrics and air cushion shock absorption methods, the pricing of Anta's high-end series will definitely tie up with Nike and Adidas. Does Mr. Ding have any way to prevent Putian products?" Song Yi took the initiative. ask.

Ding Pinghe grasped one point, "Are you saying that Kaicheng Industrial Park can effectively prevent leaks?"

Song Yi nodded, "Mr. Ding is a smart man who knows everything. In a sense, North Korea is the most closed country in the world. If Anta adopts new fabrics, new processes and new shock-absorbing technology patents, then Putting Anta's high-end brands in Kaicheng Industrial Park is undoubtedly a good choice."

"Mr. Ding, I heard that Belle Shoes intends to sell the trademark use rights and franchise rights of the FILA brand in mainland China."

"Because Belle International has always used the traditional thinking of selling women's shoes to operate sports fashion, this has led to FILA's brand influence and high-end image in China becoming increasingly marginalized. Now FILA's Chinese business can only maintain a weak profit, and they also I want to reverse the current situation.”

"In fact, I suggest that Anta buy FILA's business in China, and then maintain the dual-brand operation strategy of Anta and FILA. FILA is positioned as a high-end brand, and Anta is a national brand. FILA can not only make sports shoes, but also enter sports fashion, down jackets, and children's clothing. etc."

"Although the average income of Chinese people is not high, China also has a middle class of about 100 million yuan, and their consumption potential is huge. They are willing to spend seven to eight hundred yuan to buy a pair of Nike shoes, and naturally they are also willing to spend thousands of yuan to buy a pair of FILA shoes. Down jacket." Song Yi said.

When Ding Pinghe heard what Song Yi said, his eyes flashed, "Since Mr. Song sees the opportunity, why doesn't New Asia Advertising buy FILA's China business?"

Song Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Ding, there is endless money in the world. If SA Group sees a profitable business and rushes in to make money, it will inevitably end up biting off more than it can chew."

"As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry. Anta's acquisition of FILA Huaguo may give Anta's business a chance to take off again. However, New Asia Advertising's acquisition of FILA Huaguo may revitalize FILA Huaguo's business. It may also be due to Unable to adapt to the local environment, I finally sold FILA’s Chinese business again.”

“Our SA Group will not be involved in all businesses like Samsung, Lotte, and Hyundai. Our SA Group wants to create a healthy ecological industry chain to help SA Group’s business partners grow smoothly and provide resources for cooperative brands like Anta. Support, risk sharing and profit sharing." Song Yi explained.

Ding Pinghe heard Song Yi's answer and thought for a while, "President Song's way of thinking is to operate SA Group as an investment company. I forgot that SA Group has multiple venture capital funds. Song The chairman’s family trust is Penguin’s largest shareholder.”

"Everyone in the Hong Kong investment circle now says that Chairman Song's purchase of 20% of Penguin's equity from Li Zekai was a good deal, especially after Penguin's successful listing last year." Ding Pinghe praised.

"Really? Li Chaoren has an investment rule, never make the last copper. Li Zekai still has the demeanor of Superman. Li Zekai may not make as much as me, but he will never lose money."

Ding Pinghe agreed with Song Yi's view. The four major families have been rooted in Hong Kong Island for decades. No matter how the international situation changes, they still stand firm. They naturally have their own uniqueness.

"Actually, I originally wanted to complete the listing of Anta first, and then launch Anta's international strategy. After hearing what President Song said, I felt that these two steps can be carried out at the same time. After Anta acquires FILA Huaguo and goes public, I will I can safely hand over the business to my son Chengshi."

"If Anta acquires FILA's business in China, will Shining Investment Partners be willing to participate?" Ding Pinghe asked Song Yi.

Song Yi understood what Ding Pinghe meant. Anta needed Shining Investment Partnership to share the financial risks. In return, Anta is willing to transfer some of its original shares to the Yishenghui Investment Partnership before going public, so that the Yishenghui Investment Partnership can profit from Anta's listing.

There are only three partners in Yiyingshenghui Investment Partnership: Song Yi, Liao Yu and Zhou Shulan. This investment institution is equivalent to Song Yi's pocketbook in the mainland. That’s why Ding Pinghe specifically mentioned the Yishenghui Limited Partnership, not the Mainland New Asia Investment or the Song Yi Family Trust Fund.

"Ding is always a cheerful person. If Mr. Ding or Anta needs to shine, Shining will always be there." Song Yi and Ding Pinghe shook hands and confirmed their cooperation.

It will take several months for Anta to acquire FILA's Huaguo business, and it will also take some time for Anta to lay out FILA's production line in Kaicheng Industrial Park.

Ding Pinghe stood up, "I will leave the matter of coming to Kaicheng Industrial Park to Chengshi from now on. From now on, SA can just contact Chengshi. I am old and can't take such a long flight. Among you young people, You can have more contacts. Chairman Song has an excellent international vision, and it is amazing to lead the SA Group into the top ten consortiums in the fiercely competitive Korean market. Although Chengshi is older than you, I still hope you can give me more advice if you have the opportunity. Hit him."

Song Yi said with a smile: "I have dealt with Mr. Xiao Ding for a long time. I have always been convinced of his personal ability. Mr. Ding has someone to succeed him. I believe that with Mr. Ding's ability, Anta will definitely become a well-known trademark in China." , operate into a global sports brand, competing with Nike and Adidas."

Ding Pinghe knew that Song Yi had a very good eye for people and never misjudged him, so he happily accepted Song Yi's praise of Ding Chengshi.

Before returning to South Korea, Song Yi left the industrial park with business delegations from China and South Korea and visited Kaesong Special City accompanied by a North Korean tour guide. The Korean ginseng in the suburbs of Kaicheng is the highest grade Korean ginseng, and Song Yi is also planning to purchase a batch to give as gifts.

Song Yi specifically told Cui Shanji and Li Jingshu, "You two don't need to buy it. This time our company's employees have one share. Didn't you see that Uncle Mengxian and Aunt Eunxuan are empty-handed."

Cui Shanji noticed that Lin Zhiling planned to buy some Korean ginseng, and quickly grabbed Lin Zhiling, "Zhiling, you can't buy the best quality Kaicheng Korean ginseng in the store. Wait a minute, I will take you to Song Yi and ask him to give it to you." You keep one."

Before Lin Zhiling could shirk, Cui Shanji found Song Yi. Song Yi glanced in Lin Zhiling's direction, then nodded.

Cui Shanji happily came back to claim credit for Lin Zhiling, "Okay, Song Yi has already done it for you. When you get off the train from Wenshan Station later, a conductor will deliver the packaged special-grade Korean ginseng to your seat. This kind of High-grade ginseng used to be sent directly to Pingjing. How about it? Song Yi is pretty reliable, right?"

Lin Zhiling glanced in the direction of Song Yi again. She found that Song Yi suddenly looked at her. The two people's eyes met. Her face turned red. She did not dare to look at Song Yi, so she inadvertently looked away from Song Yi. Move away from your body.

Song Yi was chatting with Zheng Enxuan at this time. Zheng Enxuan's second daughter Zhou Zhuyi and Song Yuxi's son Song Jianhao will get married next month. Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi are discussing some wedding details, most importantly the guest list.

He noticed someone looking at him with eyes. When Song Yi, who seemed to be interested, raised his head, he suddenly saw Lin Zhiling looking at him. He didn't understand why Lin Zhiling didn't dare to look at him, but instead showed a little bit of shyness like a young woman. He thought it was interesting and couldn't help but smile.

Zheng Enxuan glanced in the direction of Song Yi's gaze and reminded Song Yi, "The three people over there are all married women. Who are you looking at for fun?"

Song Yi said nonchalantly, "Aunt Enxuan, I'm not pointing at anyone, I'm just enjoying myself."

Zheng Enxuan warned Song Yi in a tone of hatred, "Xiao Yi, you have been married for two years now and have a son. Focus more on your wife and children and less on philandering outside. One day you will It’s a big loss for women.”

Seeing that her husband Zhou Mengxian was not around and no one was eavesdropping on her conversation with Song Yi, Zheng Eunxuan complained softly: "You are now worth several trillion won. Even if you play with all the good-looking female stars in the entertainment industry, none of them will be the same every day. , as long as you can appease them, no one will say anything to you. Anyway, this is the circle, if you don’t play, others will."

"But you shouldn't set your sights on such a wealthy lady. For example, if your relationship with Song Suying, Chen Fuzhen, and Cui Shanji can be hidden from others, can you hide it from me?" Zheng Enxuan blamed Song Yi.

Not long after her father-in-law Zhou Zhengyong passed away and her husband Zhou Mengxian was still in prison, Song Yi dared to hook up with her. This shows how courageous this guy is. And this guy Song Yi has no resistance to the kind of rich and famous ladies with outstanding temperament and good figure.

What Song Yi did was actually walking a tightrope. If he was not careful, his reputation would be ruined.

She actually understood and supported Song Yi's previous actions. At that time, the new Asian team was weak. Song Yi had no resources to exchange, so it was helpless to use the love between men and women to maintain alliances. Both Song Suying and Chen Fuzhen, including Zheng Enxuan himself, have provided important help for the rise of the New Asia Department.

When Zheng Enxuan needed Song Yi's help to stabilize the Ashan Group after the separation, Song Yi had already obtained a bank loan with the help of the Ashan Group's resources and gained Song Yuxi's trust. The existence of Song Suying and Chen Fuzhen also blocked Song Yi from many hostile looks from Samsung and SK.

Among the five major consortiums of Samsung, Hyundai, LG, SK and Lotte, SA has a good relationship with Hyundai and LG, often cooperates on commercial projects, maintains a superficial peace with Samsung and SK, and really does not deal with Lotte.

When the Li Enzhu case broke out, the Lotte family approached Song Yi and asked Song Yi to be more tolerant to Jin Gehao and his son. As a result, although the case was heard in public, Jin Gehao and his son, as the perpetrators of Lee Eun-joo's infringement, were reported mercilessly by the online media, leaving Jin Gehao and his son very passive.

After the launch of Sohan.com, the five major consortiums' brands Samsung, SK, LG and Hyundai all opened exclusive stores on Sohan.com, but Lotte Group has been unilaterally blocking Sohan.com, and none of Lotte's food products have appeared. Search Korea.com. Not only that, Lotte is also preparing to launch their group’s e-commerce website to compete with Sohan.com.

"Aunt Enxuan, Chen Fuzhen has been divorced. She is single now and she is free to date whomever she wants. Even if Chen Jianxi knew that Chen Fuzhen was dating me, the most he could do was warn Chen Fuzhen to cut off contact with me. Samsung would not be able to retaliate against SA. .”

"As for Sister Suying, we SA and SK are our most direct competitors, and our two companies have too many overlapping businesses. Before Cui Anyuan was imprisoned, we reached some cooperation through Sister Soying and maintained a superficial harmony. In fact, this guy Cui Anyuan has long hated me so much that he will not let go of targeting SA regardless of whether I sleep with his wife or not."

"Among the three major mobile communication providers, SK Telecom has the largest number of users and a market share of almost 50%. This time I used the telecommunications projects in the Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang Tourist Area to obtain this precious 3G license."

"The newly established SA Telecom is weak. If we want to grab users from the three major telecommunications providers, SK Telecom will suffer the most. As long as SA Telecom plans to develop new users in Gyeonggi Province and Gangwon Province, the relationship between us and SK The contradictions cannot be reconciled." Song Yi said.

SK Group has two pillar industries: energy and chemicals and information and communications. SK Telecom also owns many Internet companies, and has many overlapping businesses with SA Soft in online games, social networking sites, and Internet advertising.

Now the SA Group is preparing to establish SA Telecom. This is a naked attempt to dig into the foundation of the SK Group. Of course, Cui Anyuan is very dissatisfied with Song Yi. If it weren't for President Song Woo-seok's strong pressure, SA Group would never have become South Korea's fourth mobile communications provider.

Zheng Enxuan admitted that what Song Yi said had some truth. Regardless of whether Song Yi slept with Song Suying or not, the relationship between Cui Anyuan and Song Yi would be the same.

"What about Cui Shanji? No matter where you go now, you take her with you. Is Cui Shanji Chen Zaichan's wife or your wife? Aren't you afraid that Chen Zaican has other ideas?" Zheng Enxuan said.

Song Yi hesitated for a moment. He did not dare to tell Zheng Enxuan that his relationship with Cui Shanji was tacitly approved by Chen Zaican. The three people actually had a tacit understanding in this regard. Chen Zaican had previously invited Song Yi to spend the night at their home through Cui Shanji, but Song Yi refused because he respected Chen Zaican and his wife.

Zheng Enxuan noticed Song Yi's tangled expression and did not push him anymore, "Okay, since Chen Zaican didn't say anything, I, an outsider, have nothing to say. It's not me who wears the hat anyway."

"We in SA have now obtained two heavyweight licenses, namely banking and telecommunications. Next, we will continue to obtain multiple financial licenses for securities companies, trust companies, insurance companies, credit card companies, etc."

"SA's rapid expansion in the financial industry will definitely arouse the vigilance of other consortiums. The competition between us and SK is unavoidable, and there is also Lotte who is eyeing us. At this critical juncture, we can no longer make enemies. Therefore, I don’t care why you added Lin Chiling to the list of business delegations visiting North Korea this time. Remember, before Lin Chiling gets divorced, don’t take Lin Chiling’s idea and don’t take the initiative to draw Samsung’s anger to SA. Do you hear me? ?" Zheng Enxuan said earnestly.

Song Yi felt a little unjust, for God's sake, although he admired Lin Zhiling. However, this time it was indeed Lin Zhiling who took the initiative to join the corporate delegation visiting North Korea, and it was really not Song Yi who took the initiative. However, he could feel Zheng Enxuan's anxiety, so he did not refute, "Aunt Enxuan, don't worry, I won't do it."

Song Yi still doesn't know that it was Lin Zhiling who had sex with him last night, not Li Jingshu in his heart. Because he still doesn't know that Li Jingshu and Lin Zhiling changed rooms last night, and no one informed him.

Lin Zhiling and Li Jingshu are similar in height and body shape, and even their underwear sizes are similar. Song Yi turned off the night light before going to bed. The two of them were in a dark room, and Lin Zhiling didn't speak much the whole time. Coupled with Song Yi's inertia of thinking, it was normal for him to admit his mistake.

Cui Shanji thought that Song Yi had noticed it yesterday and was just pretending to be confused. After all, if people knew that the Crown Princess of Samsung was having an affair with Song Yi in the Asan Hotel, it would damage the reputation of the SA Group.

Later, when Song Yi and Lin Chiling renewed their relationship, he learned that the woman in bed that night was Lin Chiling. He regretted it endlessly, "If I had known that I had slept with you, why would I still pretend to be a gentleman in front of you? Are you watching a show?"

At that time, Lin Zhiling laughed so hard, "Yes, I have known about your lustful nature for a long time. I just wanted to see how long you could keep pretending in front of me. But in the end, you still snatched me away from me." Okay, are you satisfied?"

Thank you all for your monthly votes and tips, see you all tomorrow!

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