I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 230 Lin Chiling was dragged into the water by Chen Fuzhen

Song Yi did not deny it, "Oh, where did you see it?"

"If SA wants to surpass Samsung's top consortium, it will not be able to achieve it in the four businesses of media, real estate, Internet, and finance. It is only possible for SA Electronics to surpass Samsung in the field of mobile phone manufacturing."

"Samsung Electronics is the lifeblood of our family and maintains the glory of our family. If SA Electronics really enters the field of mobile phone manufacturing, SA and Samsung will inevitably become hostile. Can you bear to let brothers Yuan Zhong and Yuan Hao be in the business world in the future? Fighting?" Chen Fuzhen was a little sad.

Song Yi saw that some of the guests at the wedding had noticed his conversation with Chen Fuzhen, so he decided to change places to chat with Chen Fuzhen to avoid everyone's sight.

"I'm going to Taixi's director's office now. You can come and see me later. It's not convenient to talk about such important things here. Be careful, the walls have ears." Song Yi said.

Song Yi returned to his wife Kim Tae Hee, greeted her, and then entered the main hall of T.H.E. Not long after Song Yi entered, Chen Fuzhen entered the venue from another entrance. Because most of them were paying attention to the wedding, only a few people noticed the actions of Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen, including Lin Zhiling.

Lin Zhiling was curious about what Chen Fuzhen wanted to do with Song Yi. After she followed Chen Fuzhen into the venue, she was stopped by the turnstile in the museum.

A wedding is being held on the lawn outside the T.H.E Art Museum, so the main and auxiliary buildings of the T.H.E Art Museum, including the HugeDream Film Center next to it, are not open to the public.

The T.H.E Art Museum contains many art treasures, including 29 national-level collections, which coincides with Kim Tae Hee’s birthday date 29. The entire art museum is divided into three floors, with the first and second floors open to the public. You only need to make an appointment. You can visit and there is no admission fee.

Kim Tae Hee's curator's office is located on the third floor. There is also a private museum on the third floor, which contains a collection of art treasures purchased by Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee from various auction houses. This private museum is only open to important visitors.

Just when Lin Zhiling was at a loss, Cui Shanji entered the art museum to rescue her. "Zhiling, are you coming here to find Song Yi?"

Lin Zhiling originally wanted to say that she actually wanted to find Chen Fuzhen, but Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi were obviously together now, so Cui Shanji was right to say that she came to find Song Yi.

Cui Shanji secretly laughed in her heart. It turned out that Lin Zhiling was also a sultry woman, and she actually went to have a tryst with Song Yi on such an important occasion.

She swiped the door lock for Lin Zhiling, then entered an employee-only gate, and finally came to the elevator behind an exhibit area.

Cui Shanji introduced Lin Zhiling, "This elevator is not open to the public. The visitor elevator is in the exhibition area in front."

"Due to the major shooting in Seoul, Song Yi attaches great importance to the security work of T.H.E Art Museum. The entire security system monitors the entire art museum 24 hours a day. If someone tries to invade or steal the art museum's collection, the alarm will be activated immediately. Sounds, and then all entrances to the museum will be closed. All protective doors are blast-proof doors, and armored vehicles cannot break them open."

"Ordinary employees can only go to the B1 parking floor, floors 1 and 2. Currently, the elevator permissions on the third floor are only held by me, Taixi and Song Yi."

"After all, I used to be the chairman of the SA Welfare Foundation and was responsible for the charity activities of the entire SA Group. Now that Yuanhao has been weaned, I will gradually hand over the work of the SA Welfare Foundation to Taixi. She is the SA Group's Mistress, it is more legitimate to do this." Cui Shanji proudly introduced.

Lin Zhiling sighed, "Song Yi really trusts you, which is very rare."

The preferential treatment Cui Shanji received in the SA Group always showed that she was Song Yi's lover, so she was able to gain Song Yi's high trust.

I don’t know if Kim Tae Hee knows about the relationship between Song Yi and Cui Shan Hui. She must know it, but the smart Kim Tae Hee did not choose to expose it, but coexisted peacefully with Cui Shan Hui.

The elevator door opened, and Cui Shanji took Lin Zhiling through a security door, then through a turnstile, and finally arrived at Kim Tae-hee's director's office. Lin Zhiling was secretly stunned. Without Cui Shanji leading the way, she would never have been able to find Chen Fuzhen.

Kim Tae Hee's office is divided into an inner room and an outer room. The outer room is a tea room for reception, and the inner room is Kim Tae Hee's director's office. The office has a bathroom, shower room, fitness room, study room and cloakroom. It is simply like a five-star hotel. presidential suite.

It was also the first time that Chen Fuzhen came to Kim Tae Hee's director's office. "You feel sorry for me, decorating Tae Hee's office so well. In comparison, my office in the Shilla Hotel is really shabby."

Song Yi didn't expect that the arrogant Chen Fuzhen would be so jealous. He hugged Chen Fuzhen into his arms and said, "I have never seen you jealous before, but suddenly seeing you jealous for other women makes me feel a little cute."

The petite Chen Fuzhen sat on Song Yi's lap. She slapped Song Yi coquettishly, "Be gentle, I knew I shouldn't come to the office with you. I wanted to take advantage of the fact that no one would bully me, right?"

"That's right, even if there is someone, I still want to bully you. I remember that time I went to the Shilla Hotel with Sister Suying to find you. At that time, the two of us sat on the toilet seat in your office. Although the time was It's not long, but I feel that you are also very excited. Is it because of the special environment of the office? Or is it because Sister Suying is eavesdropping outside?" Song Yi teased Chen Fuzhen.

Of course Chen Fuzhen couldn't admit that it was Song Suying who helped her get into the state faster. She hit Song Yi a few times, "Why are you so shameless?"

"Did you do it on purpose, and then you made Suying feel passionate about it, and finally you seduced her at Elysian Ski Resort?"

"SA obtained the telecommunications license and rushed to acquire Yahoo Korea before SK Telecom. This guy Cui Anyuan hates you so much now. Sister Suying is sandwiched between you and Cui Anyuan. It must be difficult, right?" Chen Fuzhen and Song Suying have always had a good relationship. Better, put yourself in Song Suying's shoes.

"What's so difficult about this? Sister Suying now knows that Cui Anyuan has raised a little boy outside. Cui Anyuan is now eager to divorce Sister Suying, and then support the mistress to rise to power. The adultery law has not been abolished in South Korea. If Sister Suying is better Qizhen, we can send Cui Anyuan in." Song Yi said.

Chen Fuzhen glanced at Song Yi with a half-smile, "Cui Anyuan only had a mistress, but Song Yi had hooked up with many married women. If Cui Anyuan was imprisoned for adultery, then Song Yi would have to be sentenced to at least life imprisonment."

Song Yi understood Chen Fuzhen's expression and blushed. There was still a wedding going on outside. He and Chen Fuzhen really didn't have much time. He had to hurry up and end the fight with Chen Fuzhen as soon as possible.

Chen Fuzhen was upset. She was obviously here to discuss business with Song Yi, but while they were talking, Song Yi pulled off her clothes one by one. Chen Fuzhen, who was confused and infatuated, was a little nervous, "Hubby, no one will break in today, right?"

It was a coincidence that at the critical moment when Song Yi and Chen Fu were really in love, Cui Shanji happened to bring Lin Zhiling into Kim Taehee's office.

"The president is in the office, I'll go back first. If anything happens later, you can call me directly." Cui Shanji did not want to ruin the good things of Song Yi and Lin Zhiling, so she left the office early.

Lin Zhiling actually didn't dare to be alone with Song Yi. She was at the door of the office and didn't move for a long time. She had been doing psychological construction work in her heart. She put her ear close to the office door, but she couldn't hear anything. Kim Tae Hee's office was well soundproofed.

She had already made a guess in her mind. She put her hand on the door handle, then twisted it, and the door opened suddenly.

As soon as Lin Zhiling opened the door, she directly saw the disheveled Chen Fuzhen sitting on Song Yi. Chen Fuzhen's face exuded a rare charm.

Lin Zhiling and Chen Fuzhen looked at each other. Chen Fuzhen was confused for a moment, but Song Yi didn't notice the intrusion of an outsider and still worked hard.

Lin Zhiling was also confused now. She stood blankly at the door, still holding the door handle in her hand, unable to advance or retreat. Her sister-in-law Chen Fuzhen was having an affair with Song Yi, the chairman of SA Group, in the office, and she had also had a relationship with Song Yi, so she was completely short-circuited now and didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

Chen Fuzhen couldn't help being stared at by Lin Zhiling. He immediately collapsed and hugged Song Yi, motionless.

Lin Zhiling woke up at this time and hurriedly prepared to leave. Maybe there was too much noise, and then Song Yi noticed Lin Zhiling peeking at the door. He was very surprised, "Mrs. Chen, when did you come here?"

Lin Chiling was very embarrassed. She couldn't say that she had been in the room for a while, but the two of you were so focused that you didn't notice her as an audience member.

She waved quickly, "Sorry, I didn't see anything. I'm leaving right now." Lin Zhiling left in a hurry and didn't choose the way. She almost tripped over the trash can outside and looked very embarrassed.

Chen Fuzhen was anxious, and she said to Song Yi: "We can't let her leave like this." Song Yi understood Chen Fuzhen's thoughts, and the key now was to let Lin Zhiling keep this secret.

If Lin Zhiling inadvertently leaks the relationship between Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen, Chen Fuzhen's son Chen Yuanzhong may also be questioned. The angry Chen Jianxi and Luo Hongxi probably expelled Chen Fuzhen from the Samsung family in a fit of anger.

Song Yi hooked up with Chen Fuzhen, who was not yet divorced at the time, and asked Chen Fuzhen to give birth to his son. Moreover, this child may inherit the shares of Samsung Group in the future. If Chen Jianxi knew the inside story, he would probably want to kill Song Yi.

Song Yi pulled up his pants, hurriedly caught up with Lin Zhiling, and then held her hand to prevent her from leaving.

Lin Zhiling didn't expect Song Yi to come like this. When Song Yi held her hand, Lin Zhiling felt a little miserable.

She was now sure that Song Yi really didn't recognize her that night in Kaicheng. If he knew that the woman in the same room as Cui Shanji was her, then Song Yi should know that she would never betray his relationship with Chen Fuzhen. Because this means killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred to oneself, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Lin Chiling wore a black strapless dress today and a Bulgari necklace around her neck. Her hair was tied up, looking noble and elegant.

She turned to look at Song Yi and begged Song Yi for mercy, "Song Yi, I really didn't see anything. I will definitely keep you and Fuzhen's secret and keep this matter in my stomach. I swear to God .”

Chen Fuzhen had already put on her clothes. She walked outside and walked up to Lin Zhiling in high heels. Every time her heels hit the ground, Lin Zhiling's heart skipped a beat.

She walked up to Lin Zhiling and looked at Lin Zhiling condescendingly, looking at Lin Zhiling with a joking expression. "Isn't this my dearest sister-in-law? Did you come here specifically to find me? Now that you have found her, why did you leave in such a hurry?"

Lin Zhiling was a little desperate. She had always been afraid of Chen Fuzhen, the sister-in-law. The two brothers Chen Fuzhen and Chen Jae-yong have been fighting against each other for so many years, but Chen Fuzhen can still firmly hold on to the Shilla Hotel industry and become the only female president of a Samsung subsidiary. This is evident from the strength of Chen Fuzhen.

"Fuzhen, please talk to Song Yi and let me leave first. Don't worry, I will completely forget what happened in the room just now as soon as I leave." Lin Zhiling looked at Chen Fuzhen flatteringly, hoping that she would show mercy. .

Chen Fuzhen bent down and pressed Lin Chiling's chin with his thumb, "She is indeed a great beauty. No wonder she was able to charm my brother so much in the first place."

"You said you forgot just now? No, I want to help you recall. I just sat on Song Yi without clothes, and then did what lovers love to do. This scene is no less exciting than a certain Japanese girl Some movies.”

"You said you can forget it when you go out, but I don't believe it. Because I believe you may think of the scene you saw today countless times in the future."

"Song Yi said before that if he wants people to keep secrets, there are only two ways, one is to become a dead person, and the other is to become one of his own."

"Zhihao and Yuanzhu are so young. As an aunt, how can I bear to let them lose their mother at such a young age."

"So, if you want to prove that you can keep secrets, it's very simple, just become Song Yi's woman like me." Chen Fuzhen gently patted Lin Zhiling's cheek with his hand and said coldly.

Song Yi couldn't bear it. Although he did not deny that he had coveted Lin Zhiling's beauty, he would never force a woman, let alone take advantage of others' danger.

Seeing that she couldn't hide, Lin Zhiling had to look at Song Yi with pleading eyes, "Song Yi, I promise you, I will never reveal your and Fuzhen's secrets."

Chen Fuzhen looked unbelieving, "How can you guarantee it? Guarantee with your mouth?"

Lin Zhiling stood up helplessly, "Song Yi, I have a secret to tell you. Once you know this secret, you will never doubt that I will betray you." Lin Zhiling looked at Chen Fuzhen and signaled that it was not convenient for Chen Fuzhen to know this secret. .

If Chen Fuzhen knew that his sister-in-law Lin Zhiling and Song Yi had been having an affair for a long time, what dignity would she have in the Chen family? The sister-in-law and sister-in-law were committed to the same man at the same time. If this were to spread, it would make them laugh out loud. Then does her parents' face and her own dignity still matter?

Chen Fuzhen snorted, "If you have any secrets, please don't let me know."

Song Yi comforted Chen Fuzhen and hugged her, "Fuzhen, in this case, your sister-in-law and I will chat alone for a while. I will definitely make sure that there is no risk of her leaking the secret before agreeing to her leaving."

"Now except me, Tae Hee and Sister Shan Ji, no one can take the elevator out of the art museum from the third floor. You can come to the office on the third floor. Sister Shan Ji should have sent you here just now, right?"

Lin Zhiling nodded. Although she was ready to tell Song Yi the truth, she still felt a little embarrassed and had an awkward look on her face.

Chen Fuzhen finally agreed to take a step back and signaled Song Yi and Lin Zhiling to enter the office for a secret discussion. She was waiting for Song Yi and Lin Zhiling outside.

Chen Fuzhen mistakenly thought that Lin Zhiling had agreed to be Song Yi's woman, but he was a little embarrassed in front of her, so he would rather stay alone with Song Yi.

Song Yi entered the office, and Lin Zhiling followed silently behind him, like a frustrated little daughter-in-law.

When Song Yi learned from Lin Zhiling that the woman he slept with in Kaicheng that night was actually her, not Li Jingshu, he had an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Are you saying that you and Li Jingshu changed rooms that night, and you and Sister Shan Ji slept in the same room, and it was actually you who had sex with me that night?"

Song Yi now felt that it made sense. No wonder he felt that "Li Jingshu" was a little wild that night. She pinched his back with bruises and bruises. After returning to Seoul, he didn't dare to sleep with Kim Tae Hee. Afraid of being caught by her.

He was a little annoyed, "Are you a dog? Not only did you pinch me, you also bit me. It took a long time for the marks on my back to disappear."

When Lin Zhiling heard what Song Yi said, she felt even more aggrieved, "Can you blame me? How did I know you would touch my room in the middle of the night, and why are you aggrieved when I sleep with you?"

Song Yi paused when he heard what Lin Zhiling said. It was true, no matter from which point of view, it was Song Yi who took advantage, and he really had no reason to complain.

"Then you recognized me, why didn't you remind me? Even if you said a word, there wouldn't be such a big misunderstanding." Song Yi said.

"If I sleep alone in the room, I will definitely remind you. But isn't Sister Shan Ji sleeping next to me? If I make more noise and wake her up, she will see us tugging on the bed. How can I explain it to her? People who don’t know, would think that you specially picked the opportunity for me to visit Kaesong to have a private meeting with me?" Lin Zhiling said pitifully.

"You, Sister Shanji or Li Jingshu can verify the matter of Jingshu and I changing rooms. There is no need for me to hide this from you."

"Well, since you have slept with me, you know that I can't betray you and Fuzhen. We are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If the matter is exposed, we will finish playing together. Then you can let me go now Are you leaving?" Lin Zhiling said helplessly.

For the sake of insurance, Song Yi still called Li Jingshu first. Li Jingshu confirmed Song Yi's statement, "President, is there anything you need me to do?"

"No, by the way, no one should talk about this matter, it will rot in their stomachs, especially Chaodong." Song Yi explained.

Li Jingshu agreed repeatedly and then hung up the phone. Zheng Chaodong next to him was a little disgusted, "Such a warm attitude, Song Yi's phone call, right? If it were other men, you definitely wouldn't have this attitude."

Li Jingshu noticed that Zheng Chaodong had a bit of a yin and yang attitude, "Don't keep talking about Song Yi. When Song Yi calls you Chaodong brother, he really treats himself as a person. Song Yi is my boss now, and the SA Welfare Foundation pays you monthly I offered him a salary. You should be polite to him from now on!"

Zheng Chaodong felt even more depressed when he saw that Li Jingshu was protecting Song Yi wholeheartedly. He had actually guessed that his wife Li Jingshu was cheating on Song Yi, but there was no substantial evidence. The most desperate thing is that if he divorces Li Jingshu now, his two daughters Jessica and Krystal will definitely choose Li Jingshu without hesitation, and he will become completely alone.

After Song Yi received the confirmation from Li Jingshu, he apologized to Lin Zhiling in embarrassment, "I did something wrong indeed. I will say hello to Shan Ji later and ask her to come pick you and Fuzhen up. If I send you If you go downstairs, you may be misunderstood if you are seen. I will leave later."

Lin Zhiling felt that Song Yi had considered it more carefully, so she agreed. Only then did Song Yi have time to observe Lin Zhiling's outfit, and felt that Lin Zhiling looked particularly charming today.

"Mrs. Chen, although this question is rather shameless, I still want to ask. Although you bit me and pinched me that day, you actually enjoyed it, right?" Song Yi couldn't help but test it.

Lin Zhiling didn't expect Song Yi to be such a rogue and ask such a shameful question directly. She knew Song Yi's little thoughts. Song Yi wanted to know whether there was a possibility of the two people continuing their relationship.

"President Song, I find that I still underestimated your shamelessness. Let me tell you the truth, since Yuanzhu was born, Zai Rong and I have not had sex for nearly a year. And you haven't turned on the light. So I will treat you as Jae Rong’s stand-in.”

"Since this has happened, let bygones be bygones. We are all adults, so don't take this kind of thing to heart. President Song has so many beauties around him, why bother focusing on me, a married man?" On my wife?" Lin Zhiling reminded tactfully.

Song Yi felt a little disappointed when he heard Lin Zhiling's refusal. Like Li Jingshu, Lin Zhiling is the kind of charming woman who can bring great joy to men. A top-notch woman like the Samsung Crown Princess is already a blessing to be able to kiss her.

Lin Zhiling felt a little unbearable when she saw Song Yi's expression, but she knew that Song Yi was a man who pushed his limits and couldn't give him hope. Now she and Chen Zai Rong still maintain a superficial harmony, and she cannot fall out with Chen Zai Rong because of Song Yi.

Song Yi sent Lin Zhiling to the door. Just when Lin Zhiling was about to speak, Song Yi suddenly grabbed Lin Zhiling, pushed her against the door, and then kissed Lin Zhiling's cherry mouth hard. The kiss lasted long enough, and Lin Zhiling felt like she was almost out of breath. She originally thought that the bangs in Korean dramas were all a lie, but when she experienced it herself, she felt that her legs were so weak from being kissed by Song Yi that she almost Unable to stand still.

Lin Zhiling was a little resistant at first, but then she took the initiative to put her arms around Song Yi's back and enjoy Song Yi's caress.

In Lin Zhiling's words, if Song Yi had only sent her away, then she and Song Yi would have become friends at most. But after Song Yi showed his aggressiveness as a man, she and Song Yi maintained a bad relationship that was constantly being resolved and messed up.

When Chen Fuzhen saw Lin Zhiling's lips, she sneered. She thought Lin Zhiling could be so noble, but in the end she surrendered to Song Yi. However, it would be a good thing if Lin Chiling becomes Song Yi's woman. At least she and Chen Zaiyong's chances of winning in the competition for Samsung heir will increase a lot.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow. I have to treat relatives to dinner in the evening, so I go out early.

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