I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 231 Chen Xinyu wants to be neighbors with Song Yi?

Chen Xinyu noticed that Chen Fuzhen, Lin Zhiling and Cui Shanji walked out of the main hall of the art museum together. The three of them were talking and laughing, and their relationship was very harmonious.

She did not focus on them, but continued to stare at the exit of the art museum to see if Song Yi would come out of it. Although Chen Xinyu was the bridesmaid at the wedding, she always paid attention to Song Yi's movements.

Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen were hiding in the corner of the wedding chatting at first, but then the two disappeared from the wedding one after another.

Sister-in-law Lin Zhiling seemed to have noticed something, so she went to look for Chen Fuzhen. Then Cui Shanji went in again, but she seemed to go to the bathroom and came out after a while.

Sister-in-law Lin Chiling and eldest sister Chen Fuzhen stayed in the art museum for almost half an hour. Finally, Cui Shanhui entered the art museum again and walked out talking and laughing with Lin Chiling and Chen Fuzhen.

She always felt that important things happened in this half hour that she did not know, and Cui Shanji, Chen Fuzhen and Lin Zhiling were all participants, but this secret would not be disclosed to her.

If Song Yi walked out of the art gallery afterwards, it meant that Song Yi had nothing to do with this matter. If Song Yi suddenly disappeared from the wedding scene, he would appear again from nowhere. Then this matter must be related to Song Yi, who has a guilty conscience.

She was actually feeling confused now, because she didn't know whether she expected to see Song Yi at the exit of the main building or not. Because she was actually afraid that her worst suspicions would be confirmed.

Through these two years of work experience, Chen Xinyu has noticed that the relationship between Song Yi and her sister Chen Fuzhen is unusual.

The SA Group headquarters building is located in Shijung-gu, while the SA Soft office building is located in Cheongdam-dong. SA Soft only occupied three of the floors at first. Later, SA Music, SA Films, and SA Management moved to the headquarters one after another. SA Soft's staff size increased dramatically, and the 10-story SA Building was suddenly filled to the brim.

Chen Xinyu joined SA Soft at the end of June 2002 and has been working for three years now. Chen Xinyu remembers that her sister Chen Fuzhen accompanied her when she came to the SA Building for the first time to apply for employment.

At first, she felt that Chen Fu was really worried about her lack of work experience, so she came over to say hello to Song Yi and asked him to take care of her in the company. Chen Xinyu, who belatedly realized that Chen Fuzhen just wanted to find an excuse to meet Song Yi, now realized.

As Chairman of SA Group and President of SA Soft, Song Yi has been working in two places. There are Song Yi's dedicated offices on the top floor of the SA Group headquarters building and the SA Building.

Chen Fuzhen takes time to visit Chen Xinyu in the SA Building every month, and the two of them often have lunch in the canteen on the first floor of the company.

But whenever Chen Fuzhen comes to SA Soft, Song Yi happens to appear in SA Building. After Chen Fuzhen finishes visiting Chen Xinyu, she will definitely "disappear" for a while.

Chen Fuzhen and Chen Xinyu said that she would go back first, but Chen Fuzhen's car was still parked in the underground parking lot. The reason why Chen Xinyu knew this secret was because she left the company temporarily one afternoon because of something and found that Chen Fuzhen's car had not left.

She was a little curious at the time, so she called Chen Fuzhen and asked her if something happened. Chen Fuzhen said that she had left the SA Building. Because there was an official event in the afternoon, I asked the driver to pick me up, but the car did not go back.

Chen Xinyu didn't take this matter to heart. Later, Chen Fuzhen's car was almost nowhere to be seen in the underground parking lot of the SA Building.

As a result, she accidentally saw Chen Fuzhen taking Song Yi's dedicated elevator upstairs. Only then did she know that Chen Fuzhen secretly went to the top floor to see Song Yi.

The smart Chen Xinyu now knows that Chen Fuzhen actually lied last time. She was actually in an office in the SA Building, and she was most likely meeting Song Yi in private.

Chen Xinyu didn't understand why Chen Fuzhen wanted to meet Song Yi alone without telling her, whether it was to reach some business cooperation or to have an affair with Song Yi.

If Chen Fu is really Song Yi's lover, then Chen Xinyu really can't accept it. Because Chen Xinyu remembered that Chen Fuzhen was still thinking of bringing her and Song Yi together. Later, the relationship between Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee has been very stable, and their son Song Yuanhao was also born. Chen Fuzhen never mentioned this incident again.

Chen Xinyu's views on Song Yi, her boss, have been changing. Song Yi is definitely a very good boss. He is very generous to his employees and very good at listening to their opinions. No matter how busy he is, he always takes the time to reply to employees' emails, and he never puts it off until the next day.

SA Soft's employee benefits are even more famous. Even foreign companies such as Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google cannot compare with them. So far, SA Soft has been working for four and a half days. Moreover, SA Soft's year-end bonus has always been far ahead among Korean Internet companies. On recruitment websites, SA Soft has always been the company that graduates from major universities in South Korea want to work for, with Samsung ranking second.

Moreover, after Song Yi sets strategic goals, he will fully delegate power to his subordinates and stimulate their potential. SA Soft companies are usually divided into several different project groups, which are like small companies that undertake SA Soft development projects through bidding. The company will provide financial and manpower support to project teams that pass the bidding.

The project team leader will become the specific person in charge of the project, just like the game "Audition". At that time, Chen Xinyu's project team competed with two other projects of the company, and she finally won. It is precisely because of her outstanding performance in "Audition" that her appointment as the vice president of Yahoo Korea did not arouse doubts, because in SA Soft, this company does not need to be ranked by seniority like other large consortiums, and middle management born in the 1980s They abound.

Chen Xinyu also met Kim Tae Hee in the company. Kim Tae Hee always had a happy smile on her face as long as she was with Song Yi. The eldest brother Chen Jae-yong and his sister-in-law Lin Chi-ryong stand together, giving her a feeling of being inseparable. The smile on Lin Chi-ling's face looks very different from Kim Tae-hee's smile. A woman is like a flower. A woman who is often watered by love will become more and more beautiful.

Thinking of Kim Tae Hee, Chen Xinyu also thought of Chen Fuzhen. Others say that after the divorce, Chen Fuzhen became more radiant and balanced his career and family well. Is this also Song Yi's contribution? But her sister Chen Fuzhen clearly stole the happiness that belonged to Kim Tae Hee.

She didn't understand that Chen Fuzhen, as the eldest princess of Samsung, was such a proud woman and had been the object of Chen Xinyu's imitation and admiration since she was a child. How could she tolerate sharing a man's love with other women?

Chen Fuzhen and Lin Chiling walked towards Chen Xinyu together. Chen Fuzhen noticed that Chen Xinyu was a little sad.

"Xinyu, are you a little tired after standing for too long?" Chen Fuzhen felt sorry for his sister.

Of course, Chen Xinyu couldn't tell the truth, saying that she guessed that Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi took advantage of the crowd to go on a date inside the art museum. She smiled slightly, "No, I just miss Yuan Zhong a little."

Chen Xinyu prefers her nephew Chen Yuanzhong to her nephew Chen Zhihao. Chen Yuanzhong is obviously younger than Chen Yuanhao, but he is very smart. He has a tiger-like head and a very sweet mouth, and he is very good at coaxing people. Chen Xinyu especially likes to play with him during the holidays. Chen Yuanzhong also calls his aunt and aunt non-stop, which makes her heart melt.

When Lin Zhiling heard what Chen Xinyu said, she felt sad. Zhihao is also your nephew, and you didn't even mention it.

Seeing Lin Zhiling's expression, Chen Xinyu knew that she had said the wrong thing. She stuck out her tongue, took Lin Zhiling's arm affectionately, and said coquettishly to her, "Sister-in-law, what were you doing just now? Why haven't I seen you for a long time?" ?”

Lin Zhiling felt a sudden thought, and Chen Fuzhen had already answered, "We heard that the T.H.E Art Museum has received a piece of "Huiyuan Chuan Shen Tie: Lovers Under the Moon", which has not been exhibited to the outside world, so we asked Sister Shan Ji to take us to see it in advance."

Shin Yoon-bok is a Korean national treasure painter and the most outstanding master of genre painting during the Jeongjo era of the Joseon Dynasty. He served as a painter in the Joseon Painting Agency. Shen Runfu's surname is Shen, his given name is Runfu, his courtesy name is Lifu, and his nickname is Huiyuan. "Huiyuan Custom Pictures" depicts the love behaviors or hedonistic life between men and women at that time. The Korean TV drama "Lee Zou" once told the story of this famous custom painter.

Lin Zhiling nodded repeatedly after hearing this, "Not to mention, this painting is very vivid, a pair of lovers having a tryst in the corner."

"The woman looked like she had not made up her mind and lowered her head, with a shy expression on her face. However, her feet were already facing her lover, and her attitude of refusing to welcome him made people feel her coquettishness. When the moon rises above the willow branches and people meet at dusk, people can feel the beauty of love." Lin Zhiling said.

Lin Zhiling secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she and Kim Tae Hee talked about this painting last time, otherwise this lie would not be able to be fulfilled.

Chen Fuzhen glanced at Lin Chiling in surprise. She just made up a lie casually. Unexpectedly, Lin Chiling fell in love immediately.

Chen Xinyu was doubtful. This excuse made sense, but it was also very doubtful. This painting can’t run away. When can’t you see it? Do you have to choose it during a wedding?

Since we were going to see paintings together, why didn’t my sister Chen Fuzhen and my sister-in-law Lin Chiling go there together instead of entering the art museum one after the other?

Could it be that Chen Fuzhen went on a date with Song Yi first, and Song Yi noticed through surveillance that Lin Zhiling was following Chen Fuzhen, and finally had no choice but to arrange for Cui Shanji to take them both to see the painting?

Didn't sister-in-law Lin Zhiling also suspect the relationship between her sister Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi, so she followed Chen Fuzhen into the art museum? Chen Xinyu was a little worried. She knew that the relationship between her brother Chen Zaiyong and her eldest sister Chen Fuzhen was somewhat tense.

If Lin Zhiling found evidence of Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen's affair and told her father Chen Jianxi, then her angry father would definitely drive her sister Chen Fuzhen out of the Samsung family and deprive her of her inheritance rights, right?

If sister Chen Fuzhen really leaves Samsung, will Song Yi accept her and let her join SA? Will Song Yi fight against the rising Samsung Group for her sister Chen Fuzhen?

If Song Yi is willing to fight against Samsung for Chen Fuzhen, does it mean that Song Yi may also offend Samsung in the future for her, a capable subordinate?

The reason why Chen Xinyu is willing to stay and work at SA Soft is that in addition to the relaxed working atmosphere, she also sees another possibility in her life.

Now, although Chen Jianxi and Luo Hongxi will introduce blind dates to her, she can already refuse them without hesitation. She can control her own life to a certain extent and does not need to be influenced by her parents.

If one day she and her parents break up due to marital problems, then this job at SA Soft will be her confidence.

Her annual salary plus project bonus at SA Soft is almost 1 billion won. Even if she leaves home, she can still buy a luxury apartment in Seoul and live a comfortable life.

Even if her father, Chen Jianxi, threatens her to leave SA Soft by withdrawing the US$200 million worth of Samsung shares he gave her before, she will not compromise.

Regular employees of SA Soft have an equity incentive plan every year, and she has now received a lot of SA Soft shares. She is convinced that the future market value of the SA Soft shares she holds will definitely exceed US$200 million.

She has actually fallen in love with a 320-square-meter luxury apartment in The One Apartments and is about to buy it. When the deal is completed, she will prepare for a formal showdown with her parents, move out of the Chen family mansion, and then enjoy living alone.

She heard that Song Yi had reserved a penthouse duplex for herself in The One Apartment, and she had originally considered buying one. But she really didn't want to be neighbors with Song Yi, so she gave up the idea. If she lived alone, 320 square meters would definitely be enough.

"Sister-in-law, sister, I have taken a fancy to an apartment and am going to buy it. After I buy it, I will move out. Mom and dad may not agree to it, so please help me put in a good word. ?" Chen Xinyu said flatteringly.

Lin Zhiling was a little surprised when she heard what Chen Xinyu said, "Why does Xinyu suddenly want to move out? Are you talking about being friends? If you are dating someone, you should tell your parents-in-law first and let them help you check. In a family like ours, you can't The idea of ​​freedom of love is popular.”

Chen Fuzhen asked: "Which property have you chosen? Do you want me to ask the developer to say hello and get a discount?"

Chen Xinyu waved her hand, "No, no, it's actually a property developed by our company. The One apartment has a large flat floor of 320 square meters. The floors, lighting, and orientation are very good. Moreover, our SA Group managers can enjoy the internal price of the group employees when purchasing. , much cheaper than on the market.”

After Chen Fuzhen heard about The One Apartment, he looked embarrassed, "Xinyu, if you buy other properties, I can help you find a way. If you buy The One Apartment, your parents will definitely not allow you to move out."

"Song Yi has reserved a duplex for himself in The One Apartment, and he occasionally lives there. If you want to be neighbors with Song Yi, your parents will definitely not agree." Chen Fuzhen said.

Chen Xinyu found it ridiculous, "The reason why I didn't buy a penthouse duplex was so that I wouldn't be neighbors with Song Yi. There are hundreds of apartments in The One. Why did you only mention that I wanted to be neighbors with Song Yi?"

"Song Yi is my boss, and we see each other every day in the company. According to what you said, do I have to quit my job, and then stay at home without leaving the door, without stepping outside, and without contact with any men. Now I have It’s 2005, and the Joseon Dynasty has been destroyed for 95 years!” Chen Xinyu said fiercely.

Lin Zhiling quickly comforted Chen Xinyu, "That's not what your sister meant. Everyone is worried about your safety. After all, you are a girl, and it is always a bit unsafe to be alone."

Chen Xinyu obviously did not agree with Lin Zhiling's statement, "The One Apartment is currently the most expensive apartment in Seoul. The public areas are equipped with surveillance cameras. Each floor has security personnel patrolling 24 hours a day. The apartment is equipped with one-to-one butler service. , what are the safety issues with this kind of apartment?”

"I am about to celebrate my 26th birthday. In the whole of Seoul, except for young people whose financial conditions do not allow it. Have you seen any young people who have graduated three years ago and are still living with their parents? I also need myself I don’t want to keep a cat or dog in my room, and I have to ask my parents for their opinions,” Chen Xinyu said.

"Last time I went to Song Yi and told him that my father didn't want you to continue working at SA Soft, but Song Yi pushed me back. This incident has already made my father very unhappy."

"If you insist on moving to The One Apartment, your father may think that it is Song Yi's support that makes you continue to act against your parents."

"You know that my father has his own way of doing things. If you insist on doing this, then he is likely to suppress SA and Song Yi. Is this what you want to see? Maybe you will be able to take over SA Soft's job by then. I can't even keep my job." Chen Fuzhen reminded Chen Xinyu.

Lin Zhiling is considering the pros and cons of Chen Xinyu moving out of the Chen family mansion. For her, the more Chen Xinyu goes against Chen Jianxi, the less likely she is to inherit Samsung.

Chen Zai-yong already has such a powerful opponent as Chen Fuzhen, and Chen Xinyu cannot be allowed to return to Samsung to challenge Chen Zai-yong's inheritance rights.

Although his father-in-law Chen Jianxi was dissatisfied with Chen Xinyu's work at SA Soft, he privately praised Chen Xinyu many times as a tiger father and a dogless daughter. If Xinyu had stayed at Samsung from the beginning, her achievements might not be inferior to those of Fuzhen.

Some time ago, Chen Jianxi considered letting Chen Xinyu return to Samsung to serve as the executive director of Samsung's online game planning team, specifically responsible for the research and development of online games.

After Lin Zhiling was slapped on the wall by Song Yi domineeringly in the office just now, she already knew that she could not draw a clear line between herself and Song Yi. Like her eldest sister-in-law Chen Fuzhen, she will fall into Song Yi's gentle hometown sooner or later and become Song Yi's underground lover.

If she were in an absolutely safe environment, it would be difficult for her to refuse a fierce battle with Song Yi. So it is actually a good thing that Chen Xinyu moved to The One Apartment. Maybe when she went to visit Chen Xinyu, she happened to have a romantic encounter with Song Yi in The One Apartment.

"Song Yi lives in Seongbuk-dong all year round. The penthouse duplex in The One apartment is used more as an investment. He can only live there a few days a year. What Xinyu said actually makes sense. There are hundreds of residents in the entire community. Xinyu As long as Yu doesn't buy Song Yi's unit, the two of them won't bump into each other once a year in the community, so there's no need to worry about it."

Chen Xinyu did not expect that her sister-in-law Lin Zhiling would actually support her moving into The One Apartment, but her sister Chen Fuzhen, who had always loved her, expressed opposition.

"Sister-in-law, you are absolutely right. You go back today and do my brother's work first. If my brother agrees, then you and the eldest sister will help play the drums, and I will show off to my mother. This matter will be settled. It’s more than half." Chen Xinyu said.

Chen Fuzhen glanced at Lin Zhiling. She didn't expect that Lin Zhiling actually supported Chen Xinyu and Song Yi as neighbors. Don’t you understand this guy Song Yi? Now that our sisters-in-law have boarded Song Yi's pirate ship, do you still want Xinyu to follow in our footsteps?

If you include Gao Xianzhen, who divorced Zhou Rongzhen, and Chen Zaican's wife Cui Shanji, Song Yi has simply ruined the beautiful women of the Samsung family.

Chen Fuzhen looked at Chen Xinyu's pitiful expression, his heart softened, and he sighed, "You need to complete this matter in two steps. Moving directly will definitely not work."

"You can buy the apartment first, and then tell your parents that it is for investment. After all, The One apartment is very popular. If you buy it at the group's internal price, you can make more than one billion won by selling it."

"After you buy it, you can occasionally spend the night in the apartment in the name of overtime or other reasons, so that they will gradually accept that you will not come back to live. When you spend the night outside more often, you will subconsciously realize the idea of ​​moving. ." Chen Fuzhen came up with an idea.

Chen Xinyu was very excited when she heard what Chen Fuzhen said, "Sister, you are so amazing, you are like a girl among girls. After I buy an apartment, I will first raise a ragdoll cat and put it in the apartment, and then go over to take care of it from time to time. .I have long wanted to raise a ragdoll cat to accompany me."

Chen Fuzhen and Lin Zhiling looked at each other, both feeling helpless. They were already married when they were twenty-six years old, but Chen Xinyu only wanted to keep a cat to accompany her. Could it be that Chen Xinyu is really that slow when it comes to relationships between men and women?

Chen Xinyu is already twenty-six. If she doesn't push her down, the little girl will be old and it's time for her to grow up.

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