I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 232 Is SA going to hold the F1 Korean Grand Prix?

Chen Xinyu felt very happy when she found that she had finally found a way to get rid of her parents' control.

Lin Zhiling glanced at the bride Zhou Zhuyi at the wedding, and urged Chen Xinyu, "Xinyu, you see Zhou Zhuyi is one year younger than you, and she is also married now."

"You are already twenty-six this year, and you are still single. You have never even been in love, so hurry up." Lin Zhiling said.

When Chen Xinyu heard what her sister-in-law said, she felt very unconvinced, "Sister-in-law, you just said that our family does not have freedom of love."

"I don't even have the freedom to fall in love, so who should I fall in love with? Now my colleagues at SA Soft know my identity more or less, and they don't dare to be alone with me. They are afraid of becoming the second best to You Jae Sik. "Chen Xinyu protested.

When Chen Fuzhen heard what Chen Xinyu said, he raised his brows and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? You Zaizhi is in this situation today because of his own fault. It has nothing to do with our family. You should suggest that the company fire such gossipy colleagues." Lose."

If it weren't for Chen Xinyu, Chen Fuzhen would have almost completely forgotten You Zaizhi.

When Chen Fuzhen and You Zaizhi divorced, You Zaizhi obtained a settlement of 12 billion won from Chen Fuzhen. After receiving the money, You Zaizhi lived a life of debauchery and debauchery.

Later, You Zaizhi was no longer satisfied with spending money in Korea. He was encouraged by his friends to go to Southeast Asia to live life. He visited Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Macau. He became a VIP guest in various casinos in Asia.

No matter how rich you are, you can't afford to do this. You Zaizhi quickly lost all the more than one hundred won.

After he ran out of money, he came up with the idea of ​​blackmailing Samsung. He told the outside world that Chen Fuzhen had planned to divorce him, that Chen Fuzhen had cheated on him during the marriage, and that Chen Fuzhen's son was not his.

He knew that he could not do anything to Samsung, so he could only pour dirty water on Samsung and ask Samsung or Chen Fuzhen for hush money.

A gossip magazine in Hong Kong published this news. As a result, not long after the news was published, this long-established magazine, which had been in business for decades, declared bankruptcy.

At this time, the media in Southeast Asia knew that some big bosses were attacking gossip magazines and warning them not to continue interviewing You Zaizhi. Therefore, various TV stations, newspapers and magazines also avoided You Zaizhi like a snake or a scorpion.

At this time, You Zaizhi found that he could no longer profit from breaking the news about Chen Fuzhen, so he planned to return to South Korea and lie dormant for a while.

He still held a trace of unrealistic fantasy in his heart. He wanted to admit his mistake to Chen Fuzhen and visit Chen Yuanzhong first. He really regrets divorcing Chen Fuzhen. Chen Fuzhen's current personal net worth is over one trillion won. How could he give up this money tree for a mere 12 billion won?

However, when he tried to enter South Korea, his entry application was rejected due to suspicion of electronic fraud.

Desperate, You Zaizhi had no choice but to return to Southeast Asia and still hang out in the casino. Later, he was deceived into traveling to northern Myanmar. In the end, no news was heard from him, and his life or death is unknown.

At this time, the outside world believed that You Zaizhi poured dirty water on Chen Fuzhen and Samsung through the Hong Kong gossip magazine, which completely angered Chen Fuzhen, and that was why it ended up like this.

Chen Fuzhen chuckled in her heart. She really had no interest in paying attention to this loser You Zaizhi. It's just that Song Yi couldn't allow You Zaizhi to continue jumping around, so he eliminated this hidden danger directly.

She didn't ask You Zaizhi whether he was alive or dead. This was not something she should worry about. She and You Zaizhi had no relationship, but You Zaizhi's parents came to Chen Fuzhen and begged Chen Fuzhen to give You Zaizhi a way out.

Because You Zaizhi once called his parents when he was in Southeast Asia, and You Zaizhi on the phone had become crazy. He said that because he offended Chen Fuzhen, unknown people were chasing him.

He has no way to return to South Korea now, so he asked his parents to beg Chen Fuzhen or Chen Jianxi to ask Samsung to let him live. You Zaizhi probably didn't even know before his death that Chen Fuzhen didn't take action from the beginning to the end.

Of course, Chen Fuzhen rejected You Zaizhi's parents' request. She didn't want to be thankless and end up in trouble. Chen Fuzhen suggested that You Zaizhi's parents go directly to Southeast Asia to find their son. You Zaizhi's parents looked embarrassed, and in the end the matter was dropped. You Zaizhi also completely disappeared from public view, as if this person had never appeared.

Seeing the expression of extreme disgust on Chen Fuzhen's face, Chen Xinyu obviously didn't want to mention the name You Zaizhi again.

She didn't understand. Isn't You Zaizhi Chen Yuanzhong's biological father? Why did Chen Fuzhen regard him as an enemy?

Chen Xinyu thought of Song Yi at this moment, and suddenly felt blessed. If Yuan Zhong was not You Zaizhi's son, then this matter would make sense.

If Yuan Zhong is not the son of You Zaizhi, then Yuan Zhong must be the son of his sisters Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi. It turns out that Song Yuanhao is not Song Yi's eldest son, but Chen Yuanzhong is Song Yi's eldest son.

Chen Xinyu admires her sister Chen Fuzhen's courage. Before the divorce, she dared to secretly give birth to a son with her lover Song Yi, and then divorced You Zaizhi on the grounds of emotional discord. No wonder she felt a little familiar when she looked at Chen Yuanzhong every day. It turned out that her nephew Yuan Zhong looked a bit like Song Yi between his eyebrows.

It's not surprising that Chen Yuanzhong is so smart. After all, he inherited the two best genes of Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen.

Lin Zhiling also thought of what Chen Xinyu thought of. She gave birth to a son and a daughter for Chen Jae-yong, but her daughter Yuanzhu was obviously smarter than her son Zhihao. In the Samsung family, women cannot inherit the family business.

Because Chen Yuanzhong has lived with his mother Chen Fuzhen since he was a child, and his surname is Chen, his father-in-law and mother-in-law also love Chen Yuanzhong as a grandson.

On the surface, her son Chen Zhihao is the undoubted fourth-generation heir of Samsung Group, but what if his son Chen Zhihao fails to live up to his expectations when he grows up?

If sister-in-law Chen Fuzhen and her husband Chen Zaiyong lose in the battle for the third generation successor of Samsung Group, if Chen Yuanzhong crushes Chen Zhihao in all aspects of IQ, EQ, and IQ as an adult, will it be possible for Samsung to be handed over to Chen Yuanzhong in the future? superior?

Lin Zhiling remembered that she attended the first-year banquet of Song Yi's son Song Yuanhao this year. At that time, she accidentally said that Song Yuanhao looked like her eldest sister-in-law Chen Fuzhen's son Chen Yuanzhong. Kim Tae Hee's face changed later.

Later, Song Yi found a little girl who looked very much like Kim Tae Hee out of nowhere, and Kim Tae Hee's doubts were eliminated.

Lin Chiling now has doubts about whether her son Chen Zhihao can inherit Samsung in the future. To be on the safe side, she should give birth to a son for the Samsung family as soon as possible.

But Chen Zaiyong is not very interested in her now. He seems to have a woman outside. The two of them have sex once or twice a month. She can't give birth to a son on her own, right?

She glanced at Chen Fuzhen. In order to give birth to the best heir, her eldest sister-in-law Chen Fuzhen did not hesitate to borrow seeds from Song Yi. Then should she learn from Chen Fuzhen? Maybe her union with Song Yi could give birth to a son who is better than Yuan Zhong?

Lin Zhiling just had this thought in her mind, and she couldn't help but scold herself for being shameless. Not only did she not end her underground romance with Song Yi, she even planned to give birth to a son for Song Yi. Not only does she want to marry Chen Jae-yong, but she also wants to work with Chen Fuzhen to completely break the foundation of Samsung and let Samsung fall into the hands of outsiders?

When Lin Zhiling thought of Song Yi, she noticed Song Yi's figure as if telepathically. Song Yi and mother and daughter Seo Meijing of Lotte Group were chatting happily.

She glanced at Chen Fuzhen and motioned for her to see Song Yi, "Didn't we say that Jin Gehao and his son from Lotte Group were involved in the Li Enzhu case? Lotte Group felt that Song Yi had lost face, and they were already at odds with the SA Group, and the two families were basically They don’t interact with each other. Why is this guy Song Yi talking and laughing with Xu Meijing? "

Jin Gehao's second wife is Japanese and is still alive. The two heirs of Lotte Group, Kim Dong-joo and Kim Dong-bin, were both born to her.

Although Seo Mi-kyung has frequently appeared at gatherings of wealthy families in Seoul in the past two years, although everyone may call Seo Mi-kyung "Mrs. Kim" on the surface, in fact the wife of the chaebol family looks down upon her. Therefore, as the Crown Princess of Samsung, Lin Zhiling calls Seo Mi-kyung by her first name.

Chen Fuzhen heard the sourness in Lin Zhiling's voice. She was a little funny. Xin Yu was right next to her, so you weren't afraid of her noticing your concern for Song Yi. Song Yi is not your husband. Not to mention that Song Yi is just chatting with Xu Meijing. Even if Song Yi sleeps with Xu Meijing, what does it have to do with you? What kind of jealousy do you have?

She helped Song Yi explain, "I heard that Song Yi introduced the marriages of President Zheng Eunxuan's two daughters. The eldest daughter Zhou Zhiyi married Gu Guangmo of the LG family, and the second daughter Zhou Zhuyi married the president's son Song Jianhao. "

"Although Kim Yoo-mi is the daughter of Chairman Kim Gak-ho, Chairman Kim Gak-ho is quite old. Now the power of Lotte Korea is in the hands of Kim Dong-bin. Kim Dong-bin doesn't have much brother-sister affection for Kim Yoo-mi, his half-sister. As for Seo Mi-kyung, who was born as a concubine, she dreams of marrying her daughter Kim Yoo-mi into a chaebol family and becoming his wife."

"Nowadays, all the old money families in Seoul look down on Jin Youmei's background. With the successful example of the Zhou Zhiyi sisters, Xu Meijing naturally places her hope on Song Yi, hoping that her daughter can truly fly on the branches and become a phoenix." Chen Fuzhen said.

Chen Xinyu looked at Song Yi and Xu Meijing, who were chatting happily, and felt indescribable annoyance in her heart. She didn't understand why Song Yi paid attention to a woman like Xu Meijing who relied on her beauty to rise to the top.

Although she does not support Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen being together, Chen Fuzhen is the eldest princess of Sanxing after all. With a woman of Chen Fuzhen's status as your lover, the two of them can be considered a good match. But if Song Yi took the initiative to show favor to Seo Mi-kyung of Lotte Group in order to do business with Lotte Group, it would be a loss of status.

Chen Xinyu, who was in a irritable mood, rarely complained, "President Jin Gehao is old-fashioned now. Didn't it almost become public two years ago that the father and son played with actress Li Eun-joo together. In the end, they were fine except for a small fine and an apology. It's really annoying!" Chen Xinyu sympathized with Li Enzhu's experience.

When Chen Fuzhen heard Chen Xinyu complaining about Jin Gehao and his son, he sternly stopped him, "What nonsense are you talking about? Although the Lotte family doesn't have much contact with the other four major families, Jin Gehao is your elder after all. Can you comment on the rights and wrongs of your elders?" If other guests attending the wedding today hear it, they will say that our Samsung family has no tutor!"

Chen Xinyu didn't expect that Chen Fuzhen would accuse her mercilessly, and she had done nothing wrong. She almost cried out of grievance.

Lin Zhiling sighed. As a little Samsung princess, Chen Xinyu is very kind-hearted and has a simple view of right and wrong. As a woman, Lin Zhiling also sympathized with Li Enzhu's experience, but Chen Xinyu just talked about it privately. If she talks about it in public, it may cause bad relations between Samsung and Lotte.

The five major conglomerates in South Korea have always advanced and retreated together, and the presidents of each major consortium followed Chen Jianxi's lead. Only when the five major financial groups unite can they put pressure on every president and continue to seek the monopoly of the five major financial groups.

"Xinyu, you are not young anymore. You should learn from Song Yi's behavior."

"After Li Enzhu's case was exposed, Song Yi, as an outsider, has helped Li Enzhu get the best outcome for her."

"Believe it or not, if Song Yi had insisted on sending Jin Gehao and Jin Dongbin to prison, it would have led to a full-scale counterattack by several major consortiums. By then Song Yi would not even be able to save Li Enzhu, and Li Enzhu would probably be forced to Either commit suicide or admit to the public that she volunteered to serve these rich and powerful men for money."

"In ancient China, there was a saying that a doctor could not be punished. The same is true in South Korea. The major chaebols have been accustomed to using money to solve problems to evade or reduce their culpability. If Song Yi insists on doing this, he will undoubtedly join forces with the five major consortiums for Even if he is an enemy, modern families may not be able to tolerate him anymore."

"The boss and agent of Lee Eun-joo's agency have been punished by law, and the culprit has been punished. Lee Eun-joo also took the compensation, left the smoky entertainment industry, and lived a secluded life abroad, which is already very good."

"Last time I met Song Yi, we also talked about Li Enzhu. He said that Li Enzhu had married an outsider boyfriend and gave birth to a lovely baby. The family of three was very happy. She had lived a peaceful and peaceful life. Happy life, this tragic experience in South Korea has been gradually forgotten by her, I think this is a very satisfactory result. If she had not met Song Yi, a noble person, Li Enzhu's end would have been countless times more tragic." Lin Zhiling said.

Chen Fuzhen said "Oh" and glanced at Lin Zhiling meaningfully, "The relationship between my sister-in-law and Song Yi has eased a lot. He is even willing to tell you the latest news about Li Enzhu. Xinyu goes to work every day and stays with Song Yi, and she I do not know."

When Lin Zhiling heard what Chen Fuzhen said, she wanted to scratch her. It seemed that she was jealous of Song Yi just now, which aroused Chen Fuzhen's hostility.

She said nonchalantly: "There is some misunderstanding between your elder brother and Song Yi. Song Yi and I have always maintained a normal relationship between friends, otherwise I would not have participated in the Pingjing inspection group last time."

Xu Meijing over there didn't expect that Song Yi would take the initiative to find her, which surprised her. Song Yi is now a popular figure in front of the president, and he interacts with important figures such as members of Congress, prosecutor general, and chaebol chairman on a daily basis.

She knew that Jin Gehao and Song Yi had some quarrels before, but Jin Gehao, the old man, except for leaving some personal property to their mother and daughter, could not put any effort into Jin Youmei's marriage.

Among the five major conglomerates in South Korea, Lotte has the worst reputation. In order to establish a foothold in Japan, Jin Gehao abandoned his first wife whom he met in Korea, then married into the Shigemitsu family, and then founded Rakuten Japan.

Although Japan and South Korea are neighboring countries, after all, Japan has colonized South Korea for decades, and many Koreans still do not like the Lotte Group who returned to South Korea from Japan to make money. As a Korean, Jin Gehao usually communicates with his family at home mainly in Japanese, but he has forgotten Korean. Moreover, his private life is corrupt, and Koreans would be damned if they could treat him.

For money, Seo Mi-kyung committed herself to Jin Gehao, who was almost her grandfather when she was a teenager, just to live a life of glory and wealth. Now that Lotte is headed by Kim Dong Bin, if Jin Gehao gives up one day, she must prepare an escape route for the mother and daughter in advance. This is why she values ​​Jin Youmei's marriage so much. Compared with Jin Dongbin, the son-in-law she hand-picked is more reliable.

Song Yi and Xu Meijing held hands together, "Mrs. Jin, I was busy just now and didn't notice that you came to the wedding. Is this your daughter Youmei? She is as beautiful as you."

Seo Mi-kyung is a Miss Lotte. Today she is wearing a white knitted top and a black skirt. The design of the umbrella skirt highlights the advantages of her legs. The white pearl necklace makes the color of her top more shiny, and the black silk on her legs is the finishing touch.

Being praised by Song Yi, she felt a little elated and couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear with joy, "President Song is really good at complimenting people. No wonder he can marry the most beautiful woman in Korea."

Xu Meijing glanced at her daughter Jin Youmei with regret. It was a pity that Song Yi was married, otherwise Song Yi would be her ideal son-in-law. He has created a huge career at a young age, is eloquent, and handsome. He is simply the prince charming in the hearts of thousands of girls.

Song Yi was very modest, "No, this is actually the pursuit of the media. Female celebrities of the same age as Tae Hee are all beautiful. In her age group, there are Han Ga In, Son Ye Jin, and Song Hye Kyo competing with her for the title of the most beautiful woman. But Kim When Madam was young, she was a real beauty pageant champion."

Seeing that her mother Xu Meijing had not let go of Song Yi's hand, Jin Youmei felt a little embarrassed and coughed quickly.

Only then did Xu Meijing realize that she reluctantly let go of Song Yi's hand, and before letting go, she quietly scratched Song Yi's palm with her fingertips.

Song Yi caught Xu Meijing's signal and smiled. Seeing Xu Meijing taking such initiative, he became more confident in the next transaction.

The reason why he found Seo Meijing was because he was interested in the land in Gyeongsangbuk-do held by Seo Meijing. Later, Lotte Group sold this land to the US military for the deployment of the THAAD system. He now wants to buy this land, develop it in advance, and use it for other purposes.

Originally, Song Yi planned to buy this land and develop it into a golf course. Later, he felt that this idea was not safe.

If SA Group buys this land, it will be turned into a golf course. Assuming that a conservative government comes to power and the government demands the expropriation and purchase of this land, it will be difficult for the SA Group to resist the dual pressures of Cheong Wa Dae and the United States at the same time.

This time Song Yi plans to develop the land in Xu Meijing's hands into a competition venue for the F1 Grand Prix Korea. He plans to build a permanent competition site in Seongju County.

And he plans to build a fan amusement park around the F1 Grand Prix Korean Station competition venue to create more tourism revenue for the local Seongju.

If the SA Group builds a multi-billion-dollar racing-related industry chain in Seongju County, then no matter who comes to power, it will be impossible to deploy THAAD in Seongju because the cost of demolition is too high, and the local Seongju None of the residents could possibly agree.

Once he and Seo Meijing finalize the land deal, he will make an appointment with F1 president Bernie. In fact, the Koreans took their own steps in F1 in 2006.

In October 2006, Bernie flew directly to South Korea after the Chinese Grand Prix and signed an F1 hosting agreement starting in 2010 and ending in 2016 for seven seasons. If both parties agree, the contract can be extended to 2021.

In order to win the right to host F1 events, the Koreans also spared no expense. They prepared 264 million U.S. dollars, all of which were transferred to the FOM account.

The World Cup, Olympic Games and F1 are known as the three major sports events in the world. Koreans have hosted the Olympic Games and World Cup successively, and the Koreans are also very eager to host F1 events.

In Asia, the first country to host F1 events was Japan, followed by Malaysia, which joined the F1 family in 1999, and China and Bahrain both in 2004.

South Korea is located between China and Japan, and China, Japan, and South Korea have a competitive relationship. Both China and Japan have hosted F1 events, so South Korea naturally refuses to lag behind in this regard.

Therefore, if the SA Group intends to win the right to host the F1 Grand Prix in South Korea, the Korean government, sports world, and automobile industry will all choose to support it.

Zhou Zhengyong, the first generation of the Hyundai family, helped South Korea win the right to host the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Zhou Mengzhun, the second generation, helped South Korea win the right to host the 2002 World Cup. Song Yi, as the third generation member of the Hyundai family, if SA Group helps South Korea has won the right to host the F1 race, which is also a good story.

South Korea itself is a country with a highly developed automobile industry. If SA Group applies for F1, Hyundai Motor’s Zhou Mengjiu will definitely not make a fuss. In order to increase Hyundai Motor’s international influence, Hyundai Motor will also invest in the Seongju Racing Industrial Park. construction work.

As the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea, Zhou Mengzhun must also have strong support. The F1 Korean Grand Prix is ​​the achievement of Song Woo-seok and Zhou Mong-jun.

Song Yi wants to finalize cooperation with F1 this year and start building the F1 international circuit, so that the F1 Korean Grand Prix can be officially held in late October 2006.

SA Electronics' first smartphone, the Galaxy S1, is expected to be released in the fourth quarter of 2006. As the main advertiser of the F1 Korean Grand Prix, the Galaxy S1 will also meet hundreds of millions of users around the world through the broadcast of the F1 event.

"Mrs. Jin, I won't beat around the bush with you. To be honest, I am interested in the land in North Gyeongsang Province that you have. I don't know when Mrs. Jin will be free. Let's sit down and talk in detail." Song Yi said directly Let’s get straight to the point.

Xu Meijing glanced at Song Yi. She didn't know whether Song Yi wanted to find an excuse to meet her in private, or whether he was really interested in the land.

"President Song is very well-informed. He actually knows that I have a piece of land in Xingzhou. But that land is 730,000 square meters. Does President Song want to eat it all?" Xu Meijing asked tentatively.

"I have always had a good appetite, so you don't have to worry about this. Xingzhou is a vast place with a sparse population. If there is no large consortium to develop it, the land's appreciation space will be limited. To be honest, I am also next to your land. A lot of land has been purchased one after another, and your land has been surrounded."

"For Mrs. Jin, there are nothing more than two options. The first is to sell the land to us, SA, and then make money to invest in other projects."

"Either you can keep the land for your own development, but this requires a large amount of money. Whether Lotte's board of directors is willing to support you remains to be seen. And for the sake of the income from the land project, you have to put in the effort to buy me out. Adjacent parcel held.”

"Otherwise, when you build a high-end apartment on the land, I will build a garbage disposal center next to the apartment. It will be quite annoying. Are you right, Mrs. Jin?" Song Yi said with a warm attitude.

Xu Meijing considered the pros and cons and admitted that what Song Yi said made sense. For her, selling the land to SA at a higher price seemed to be a more appropriate choice.

She actually wanted to ask what the SA Group was planning to do when it bought this piece of land. Since Song Yi quietly bought a number of pieces of land in Xingzhou and went to great lengths to surround her land, he must have a big plan. If they knew Song Yi's investment direction and took her to participate, then mother and daughter would have nothing to worry about in their lives.

Xu Meijing's heart was itching now, and she wanted to drag Song Yi to a closed place and ask questions.

She knew in her heart that Jin Gehao's ability to add Jin Youmei to the Lotte family's family tree was already Jin Gehao's limit. This piece of land in Xingzhou and the small amount of shares in Rakuten given to her by Jin Gehao were her reward for following Jin Gehao for twenty years without any name or share.

Although Jin Gehao and his son were at odds with Song Yi, she was determined to climb Song Yi's big tree. As the saying goes, it's better to dissolve enemies than to marry them.

"President Song, I am a weak woman. Please don't use your business tactics on me. I am weak and timid. I can't help but be scared. As long as you are sincere, I will give you this land in Xingzhou." It’s okay.” Xu Meijing said.

Song Yi glanced at Xu Meijing. This woman was really good at using her beauty to give him a strong desire to conquer, just like Noriko Sakai in a kimono.

Xu Meijing glanced at her daughter Jin Youmei inadvertently. Jin Youmei was going to get married. If she was allowed to seduce Song Yi, it would be difficult for Jin Youmei to marry into a wealthy family and become the first wife. If Jin Youmei is allowed to be Song Yi's younger brother, wouldn't that mean she's following her own path?

If Jin Youmei can't do it, then she will have to go into battle herself. She just doesn't know if a young man like Song Yi is interested in a married woman like her.

"President Song, this is not the place to talk. Let's leave each other's contact information first, and we can discuss it in detail in two days at a convenient time. Don't you want to buy my piece of land in Xingzhou? In fact, we might as well Go and conduct an on-site inspection so that everyone can negotiate a satisfactory transaction price, what do you think?" Xu Meijing suggested.

Song Yi understood what Xu Meijing meant. Although Seoul was a big city, Lotte Group had many eyes and ears. It would not be good if Xu Meijing and Song Yi met in private and Jin Gehao knew about it. If two people make an appointment to meet in Xingzhou, there will be no such worries. Isn't this the real-life version of "Huiyuan Custom Post: Lovers Under the Moon"?

"Mrs. Jin, I have more free time here and can attend appointments at any time. If you go to Xingzhou, I suggest you bring Miss Youmei with you. You are not worried about Miss Youmei's marriage now. I do have a good candidate. When the time comes, I will also call him, and the two young men will just take this opportunity to get to know each other." Song Yi said.

When Jin Youmei heard what Song Yi said, she looked at Song Yi with hopeful eyes. In the past two years, her mother Xu Meijing had taken her to various wealthy gatherings in Seoul. She was like a commodity, and her mother Xu Meijing spared no effort to sell her to the outside world. They The mother and daughter have almost become a joke among Seoul’s chaebol families.

As the illegitimate daughter of the Lotte family, her status is very embarrassing, and it is difficult to find a suitable marriage partner. Her family background is a bit weak, and the handsome young man she likes despises her as an illegitimate daughter. Sometimes she wished she could leave the Lotte family so that she wouldn't have to be humiliated again and again by the wives of other chaebol presidents.

Xu Meijing didn't expect that Song Yi was actually willing to contribute to Jin Youmei's marriage. She was pleasantly surprised and held Song Yi's hand again and thanked him repeatedly. "I can definitely trust President Song's vision. The boy you introduce is unmistakable in terms of appearance, character, and family background. As long as you have a beautiful marriage, I will be very grateful."

Jin Youmei couldn't stand it anymore, "President Song, he lacks everything, so how can he still appreciate your deep gratitude? President Song, can you briefly tell me about the man's personal conditions?"

Song Yi saw that Xu Meijing and her daughter were looking at him eagerly, so he stopped pretending, "Actually, you should also know this person. My cousin Mengyu's third son is called Zhou Daxuan. He is studying at MIT. He will graduate and return to China this year. My family has also begun arranging a marriage for him."

Xu Meijing knew the situation of the five major consortium families very well. Zhou Zhengyong's eldest son Zhou Mengbi died in a car accident.

The fourth son, Zhou Mengyu, was dismissed from his position as president of Hyundai Aluminum by his father Zhou Zhengyong. Later, Zhou Mengyu, who was under great pressure, committed suicide by taking poison, leaving behind three sons.

The fourth-bedroom Zhou Mengyu family and the second-family Zhou Mengjiu family have a good relationship. Zhou Mengyu's eldest son Sunday Sun is the chairman of BNG Steel and an affiliated company of Hyundai Motor Group.

If Zhou Daxuan returns to South Korea, he will either choose to join BNG Steel to assist his elder brother Sunday Xuan, or he will start his own business and start his own business.

In fact, Zhou Dashan was very successful and later married KBS beauty anchor Lu Xianzhen, and was the founder of South Korea's IOT blockchain: Hyundai Chain.

Xu Meijing thought about it carefully. From the perspective of family background, Zhou Dashan's family background is obviously not as good as the second-bedroom Zhou Mengjiu family, the fifth-bedroom Zhou Mengxian family, and the six-bedroom Zhou Mengquan family.

She felt a little pity. She almost thought Song Yi was going to introduce Jin Youmei to Zhou Mengxian's son Zhou Mingxuan or Zhou Mengzhun's son Zhou Jixuan.

But she thought about it and knew that it was impossible. Zhou Mingxuan or Zhou Jixuan would definitely marry the legitimate daughter of the chaebol family in the future. How could they marry Jin Youmei, an illegitimate daughter.

Although Zhou Daxuan's family background was a bit weak, it still had advantages. After all, his father-in-law Zhou Mengyu had passed away long ago and he only had to serve his mother-in-law.

Moreover, Zhou Daxuan is Zhou Mengyu's third son, so he doesn't have to live with his mother-in-law. The main responsibility for taking care of her mother-in-law falls on the eldest son Sunday Xuan.

If Zhou Daxuan and Jin Youmei get married, the couple can close their doors and live their own lives. If she can no longer stay in the Lotte family, she can go to her daughter and son-in-law.

Although Zhou Daxuan's family background is a bit weaker, being weak also has its advantages. Since Zhou Daxuan is about to graduate from MIT, he is obviously a very ambitious kid.

Xu Meijing and her daughter have nothing but a little money. If Xu Meijing prepares a generous dowry for her daughter Jin Youmei, and then funds her husband Zhou Daxuan to start a business, as long as he is a good child who knows how to be grateful, the two of them will have endless good times in the future. What a day.

Xu Meijing looked at Song Yi with even more eager eyes, wishing that she could make this marriage happen today.

Thinking of this, she took Song Yi's hand again and patted the back of Song Yi's hand, "President Song, you must take this matter to heart. As long as this matter can be accomplished, I, Xu Mei, will be willing to do whatever you want." Here." Xu Meijing made it clear this time, and she gently scratched Song Yi's palm with her middle finger again.

Song Yi mainly wanted to get the land in Xu Meijing's hands, but he didn't mind if he could cuckold Jin Gehao by the way. The bastard Jin Gehao should have thought that this day would come when he harmed Li Enzhu.

Song Suying, who was far away, noticed that Xu Meijing was trying her best to fawn over Song Yi, and she was worried for Song Yi. She had always understood Song Yi's nature. He rarely refused the beautiful women who came to his door, and he was not afraid of getting into trouble.

Song Yi has now slept with Samsung's Chen Fuzhen, Hyundai's Jung Eun-seon, SK's Song Su-young, and if you count Lotte's Seo Mi-kyung. Could it be that Song Yi wants to bring disaster to all the ladies of the five major financial groups?

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