I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 240 Moon Geun-young’s Beautiful Neighbors

"Yingai, why did it take you so long to answer the phone?" Zheng Haoyong was a little surprised.

Li Ying'ai pretended to be calm, held down Song Yi's mischievous hand, and continued talking to her boyfriend, "Well, we were discussing the script just now, and my phone was, um, next to me, so I didn't receive the call."

Zheng Haoyong did not doubt that he was there, "Oh, have you received any new dramas? Is it a movie or a TV show?"

"It's a big-budget, um, movie. The script is very good, um. If I can win this role, um, I will definitely be a big hit." Lee Young-ae suppressed her breath.

"Really? Come on, then, where are you? I'll pick you up later. A new restaurant has opened in Cheongdam-dong. I heard from my friends that it tastes good. Let's go to dinner together tonight." Zheng Haoyong invited his girlfriend.

"Well, no need, I'm driving out. Well, I'll be busy here for a while. I'll call you when I'm done." Li Ying'ai hurriedly hung up the phone and threw it aside.

Song Yi looked at Li Yingai sitting on top of him with a smirk on his face, "Your boyfriend is so kind to you. He wanted to ask you out for dinner just after returning home."

Li Ying'ai smoothed her hair. She had untied the ponytail just now because Song Yi said that she preferred Li Ying'ai with long hair in the TV series.

"President, you are really bad. If Hao Yong finds out, how will I behave in the future? What if he breaks up with me?" Li Ying'ai said coquettishly.

"Miss Ying'ai, you are a professional actor. Of course I fully trust your acting skills. Don't worry, although you are not our SA artist, after today's audition, I will treat you as one of my own. If I have a good book in the future, I will definitely give it priority to you." Song Yi was very satisfied with Li Yingai's performance today.

Both sisters Kim Hee-won are pregnant, Son Ye-jin is expecting childbirth in Hong Kong Island, Jun Ji-hyun is promoting "Kung Fu Panda" in the United States, and Moon Geun-young has been busy starring in musicals recently. Lee Young-ae's appearance comes at the right time.

Li Yingai tried her best to please Song Yi, just because of Song Yi's promise. She actually wanted to get married to her boyfriend Zheng Haoyong as soon as possible, but Zheng Haoyong was worried about the negative impact, so he didn't agree to get the certificate and hold the wedding with her.

After all, Li Yingai debuted under the nickname of Xiao Shen Yinhe, but in the end, she took away Zheng Haoyong, who was in talks to marry Shen Yinhe.

Shim Yinhe was the Bai Yueguang and the national goddess in the hearts of Koreans in the 1990s. Lee Young-ae, who was the mistress, naturally did not have a very good reputation in the entertainment industry. It is normal for Zheng Haoyong to have concerns in this regard. He is also afraid that Korean netizens will turn over old scores, which may even affect Zheng Haoyong's company's business.

Since Zheng Haoyong was unreliable for a while, Li Yingai naturally had to find a strong backer for herself. In the entire Korean entertainment industry, there is no harder rock than Song Yi.

"President Song, I see that you are so tired that you are already sweating. Let's go to the bathroom in your office and take a bath together. I will massage your whole body to loosen your bones. I learned this while filming "Dae Jang Geum" There are a lot of health massage techniques, just for you to experience." Li Yingai suggested.

Song Yi became more and more satisfied when he saw Li Yingai being so polite. He looked at his watch and said, "It's getting late now. If we finish taking a bath, you might be late for dinner."

Li Ying'ai tied her hair into a ponytail again. She smiled flatteringly at Song Yi, "You can eat at any time. It's hard to come here today. I definitely hope that I can serve President Song well so that President Song can be like this next time." Good things happen to you, and you can think of me first."

Song Yi saw that Li Yingai was a bit of a glutton for food today, and planned to feed the little goblin thoroughly, "Let's go then, by the way, remember to bring your mobile phone with you. Don't leave your mobile phone beside you, otherwise he will give it to you later. You called and you didn't receive the call, President Zheng was so worried." Song Yi reminded kindly.

Li Ying'ai bit her lip and rolled her eyes at Song Yi in shame, but she still picked up the phone obediently, and then entered the bathroom with Song Yi.

At the end of September 2005, SA Films officially announced the starring cast of "The King's Man":

sidusHQ artist Jang Hyuk plays the actor Jang Sang in the movie, Lee Joon Ki plays the king's man Gong Gil, Jung Jin Young plays the role of Yeon Sangun, and Lee Young Ae plays the role of Yeon Sangun's concubine Jang Nok Sui.

When the starring lineup was announced, it aroused a lot of suspicion in the Korean entertainment industry. Because except for actor Lee Jun-ki, who was just signed by SA agency this year, the other three leading actors are not from SA agency.

There are more female than male artists in SA company, so as long as it is a film and television drama produced by SA Pictures, the position of the female lead is usually reserved for SA female artists. Jun Ji-hyun in "My Naughty Girlfriend", Son Ye-jin in "If Love Is Divine", Kim Tae-hee in "Dae Jang Geum", Ko Hyun-jung in "Queen Seondeok", without exception, and Lee Young-ae's role as Jang Nok-su broke the This convention.

At this time, the Korean media remembered the X-Files of the First Project, and felt that the reason why Lee Young-ae was able to play such an important role as Jang Ryok-su was probably because Song Yi was affected by the X-Files, so in order to avoid suspicion, he hired a female agent from another agency. artist.

Lee Jun-ki started out as a model, and his appearance has a feminine beauty, which is indeed particularly suitable for the role of Kong Ji.

He debuted as an advertising model in 2001 and entered the entertainment industry. However, the young man is still very ambitious. He did not rush to star in movies and TV series to make money. Instead, he was admitted to the film department of Seoul University of the Arts and concentrated on studying acting.

"The King's Man" is Lee Jun-ki's first film and television drama. Song Yi is very optimistic about him. He will also arrange a heavyweight TV series "My Love from the Star" for him next year. Lee Jun-ki will star in the male lead Professor Do. Playing with SA's first sister Jun Ji-hyun.

After Jun Ji-hyun filmed "Kung Fu Panda", her thoughts became wild. She looked down on the Korean film industry and always wanted to make a name for herself in Hollywood, but unfortunately she never achieved any results.

Song Yi advised Quan Zhixian not to be so anxious. After all, Blue Ocean Capital Fund has been busy recently promoting the merger of Artisan Entertainment and Marvel Studios.

After the merger is completed, Blue Ocean Capital and SA Pictures will become the major shareholders of Marvel Studios. After the Marvel Universe opens, it won't be a problem for Marvel Studios to make a solo movie for a superheroine for Jun Ji-hyun, such as Jun Ji-hyun's version of "Black Widow." Scarlett Johansson's version of Black Widow is certainly beautiful, but Jun Ji-hyun in a leather jacket is equally as beautiful as her widowed sister.

Thinking of the ambitious Jun Ji-hyun, Song Yi, who was sitting in the office, suddenly thought of the obedient Moon Geun-ying. He seemed to have not seen her for a month.

"Xiuna, please help me check Genying's itinerary. I will pick her up from get off work and then have dinner together in the evening." Song Yi ordered Jiang Xiuna.

Jiang Xiuna sighed. As a female secretary, she now not only has to control Song Yi's work schedule, but also the whereabouts of the women around Song Yi. She even knows their menstrual holidays very well.

Song Yi's first wife, Kim Tae Hee, may not know which woman's house Song Yi spent the night at last night, but Jiang Xiuna, as her secretary, knows all about it.

"Ms. Moon Geun-young is rehearsing the play "Romeo and Juliet" at the Yangjae-dong Art Center in Seocho-gu this afternoon. Do you want me to contact her agent in advance?"

Song Yi waved his hand, "No, let's go directly. I'll wait for her in the parking lot and won't show up. You can buy a bouquet of flowers on the road later and give it to her for me."

"President, do you need me to book a restaurant for you?" Jiang Xiuna asked.

Song Yi thought for a moment. If he ate in a restaurant in Seoul, it would be troublesome to be photographed by the paparazzi. If the two of them took a plane to Japan to dine, it would be a bit of a stir.

"Forget it, let's go back to The One Apartment to cook for ourselves in the evening. There are all the ingredients in the refrigerator. The X-Files limelight hasn't passed yet, so we should try to be as low-key as possible." Song Yi shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Xiuna muttered in her heart, if she was really afraid of bad influence, she shouldn't date Moon Geun Young.

Wen Geunying has a very good tutor, and senior actors have very positive comments about her. Since joining the industry, I have donated part of my money to charity every year, regardless of fame or fortune. That's why her image as the national sister is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

That's why the Korean public was so angry when the X-Files exposed Song Yi's unspoken relationship with the eighteen-year-old Moon Geun-young. They would rather Moon Genying fall in love with the playboy Jin Laiyuan than accept Song Yi sleeping with Moon Genying.

Moon Geun Young's response was simple. The so-called hidden rules were false and she was not in a relationship with Kim Rae Won. If they are really in a relationship, they will definitely announce it to the fans and will not hide it. Of course Moon Geun Young's fans believed her statement, and in the end the scandal faded away.

In order to avoid being noticed, Song Yi took a Toyota Alfa to the Yangjae-dong Art Center. Jiang Xiuna got out of the car to pick up Wen Genying, and Song Yi was waiting for them in the car.

Kang Soo Na was very efficient and quickly received Moon Geun Young. Moon Geun Young had obviously just finished rehearsals and was probably in a hurry to see Song Yi, so he didn't even take off the makeup on his face.

As soon as Wen Genying got in the car, she saw Song Yi sitting in the back seat. She suddenly became very happy, "Oppa, just now Sister Xiuna said you would come to pick me up from get off work. I thought she was teasing me. ."

Song Yi also likes this lively little girl. When he is with her, he doesn't have to worry about the company's affairs, and there is no jealousy or intrigue among other actresses. He feels very relaxed.

"I'm going back to the mainland in early October. New Asia Advertising is going to be listed on the Hong Kong stock market. I have to go and take a look. Because I don't know when I will come back, I want to see you first." Song Yi said.

"Is Oppa's another company about to be listed? It's really amazing. Does Oppa's personal assets have multiple zeros and a lot of money?" Wen Genying and Song Yi joked.

Song Yi was amused by Wen Genying. He hugged Wen Genying from behind and said, "Little money lover, are you short of money? You call me daddy, and I will give you 100 million won in pocket money."

Jiang Xiuna, who was driving, was almost holding her forehead. Song Yi was really becoming less and less shy about her, and actually flirted with her lover Moon Geunying in front of her in the car.

"President, I'm still in the car. Do you want to restrain yourself a little and stop teasing Genying in front of me?" Jiang Xiuna reminded.

Wen Geunying's face heated up, and she immediately pulled Jiang Souna into the water, "Sister Souna, the president personally promised that daddy will receive 100 million won in pocket money. How about we each scream ten times and earn a billion won in pocket money first? You see How about it?"

Jiang Xiuna noticed that Song Yi had raised her head and looked at her expectantly. Apparently Song Yi was also expecting Jiang Xiuna to call him daddy.

Jiang Xiuna now feels that she is so stupid, why did she get involved in Song Yi and Wen Geunying's affairs. Song Yi and Li Jingshu were messing around in the bedroom of the Tae Hee aircraft. Her screams reached the ears of Cui Shanji and Jiang Xiuna, but Cui Shanji could still chat with her without changing her expression.

While driving, she joked with Song Yi and the others, "My parents are pretty close to each other. If I call the president dad and my mother hears her, and she takes it seriously and insists on divorcing my dad and marrying the president, then I Aren’t you a sinner?”

When Song Yi heard what Jiang Xiuna said, he was too embarrassed to continue teasing her. He said to Wen Geunying seriously: "Genying, Xiuna is different from you. It may take you ten days and a half to see me, but Xiuna can see me almost every day."

"If Xiuna really takes it seriously and doesn't do any work every day and just calls me daddy in the office all day long, I will go bankrupt sooner or later." Song Yi and Moon Geunying joked.

Wen Genying didn't expect that Song Yi would actually say that. She burst out laughing and couldn't sit still. She lay on Song Yi's lap and laughed non-stop.

Jiang Xiuna's face turned red at Song Yi's teasing words. Who calls you daddy in the office all day long? You have a pretty good idea.

A picture had emerged in her mind. She called Song Yi daddy every day. Song Yi's personal assets were shrinking at an alarming rate. She was waiting for the day when Song Yi went bankrupt, and when she was desperate, she would appear in front of Song Yi with money and hand him a check, "Call mom overnight, and this check will be yours."

When Alpha was about to drive into The One apartment complex, Jiang Xiuna said to Song Yi: "President, look at the yellow Porsche 911 Turbo in front of you. Is it Miss Xinyu's car?"

Song Yi looked forward and took a look at the license plate, "It is indeed her car. Why is Xinyu coming to this community?"

Wen Genying gave Song Yi a strange look, "Oppa, don't you know that Miss Xinyu bought the 340-square-meter apartment below me? I met her in the underground parking lot last time, and she was very Greet me happily, don’t you know?”

"Xinyu bought that large flat on the 49th floor? Then she didn't tell me. If she had known that she was buying a house in our company community, we would have given her a discount, and she could have advertised for us. ." Song Yi said.

Jiang Xiuna couldn't help laughing, "President, you haven't paid attention to The One apartment for a long time, right? The 41st to 49th floors of Miss Genying's unit have all been sold, and you know most of the owners there."

"The head of the household on the 49th floor is Ms. Chen Xinyu, the head of the household on the 48th floor is Ms. Gao Xianzhen, the owners on the 47th floor are President Chen Zaican and his wife, Director Cui Shanji. The 46th floor is Ms. Xu Zhuxian's mother, Ms. Liu Huiying."

"The heads of households on the 45th floor are Mr. Zheng Chaodong and his wife, Ms. Li Jingshu. The heads of households on the 44th floor are Miss Lin Sangyu, the second daughter of Chairman Lin of the Daesang Group. The head of the 43rd floor is Miss Sung Yuri. The head of the 42nd floor is Miss Kim Youmi, the daughter of Director Shin Min Kyung. The head of the household on the 41st floor is Director Song Suying." Jiang Xiuna was obviously very familiar with the owner information of The One Apartment, and she memorized all the owner information of the 10 households.

The first time Song Yi learned about this situation, he almost choked in the car. He never expected that his women would all live together.

In addition to the three households of Liu Huiying, Jin Yumei and Lin Xiangyu, there are seven remaining households. He can live in as many households as he wants.

Moreover, Song Suying has not divorced Cui Anyuan, so it is impossible for her to live outside. Could it be that she went to The One Apartment specifically to buy an apartment so that she could date him. The problem is that this is not like Song Suying's style of doing things?

Song Yi instantly realized that Song Suying's house was probably bought by Chen Fuzhen in Song Suying's name. After all, Samsung's little princess Chen Xinyu has already bought the 49th floor of this unit. If Chen Fuzhen comes forward to buy the 41st floor, then the outside world will probably speculate about the true relationship between Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi.

The One apartment has two apartment types: 340 square meters and 170 square meters. The 340-square-meter apartment has four staircases and one apartment, and the 170-square-meter apartment has three staircases and one apartment. Each head of household can only take the elevator to his floor.

In order to facilitate the owners on the 41st to 50th floors, each unit of The One Apartment has a dedicated elevator exclusively for the owners on the 41st to 50th floors. The owners on the 1st to 40th floors cannot use this elevator to go up and down the stairs, so the 41st floor - Apartments on the 50th floor are fully 30% more expensive than apartments of the same type on the 1st to 40th floors. However, super high-rise buildings above the 41st floor are the most sought-after.

When Alfa parked in the parking space on the 50th floor, Chen Xinyu, who had already gotten off the car, stopped. She wanted to say hello to Wen Genying.

Jiang Xiuna asked Song Yi, "President, Miss Xinyu seems to be waiting for Miss Genying, should we say hello to her?"

Song Yi understood Jiang Xiuna's subtext. If Wen Genying got off the car and took the elevator with Chen Xinyu, Song Yi's identity would not be exposed, and he could swipe his card later to go upstairs.

If Song Yi and Wen Genying got off the bus together and took the elevator to the 50th floor, then Chen Xinyu would probably guess the true relationship between Song Yi and Wen Genying. How can any female artist take her company boss back to her home alone?

Song Yi knew that Chen Xinyu was not the kind of person who was lax in speaking, and Song Yi would come over often in the future. The two of them would bump into each other sooner or later, so it was better to be more generous.

"Let's go down together and say hello to Xinyu. Xiuna, take us upstairs first. Then you can go downstairs and drive away later. Remember to drive over to pick me up and pick up Genying tomorrow morning." Song Yi ordered .

Seeing that Song Yi had made up her mind, Wen Genying opened the back door, got out of the car and greeted Chen Xinyu, "Hello, Miss Xinyu, we meet again."

Chen Xinyu took off her sunglasses from the bridge of her nose, revealing her beautiful face, "Genying, did you just get off work?"

Before Wen Genying could reply, Song Yi also got out of the car. Chen Xinyu was very surprised when she saw Song Yi behind Wen Genying, "President, isn't your house in the unit next door? Why did you come to our unit?"

Before Wen Genying had time to explain, Song Yi had already spoken, "I happened to go to Seocho District today to pick up Genying from get off work. Genying said that he would cook a big meal at home, and then treat Xiuna and me to dinner."

Chen Xinyu glanced at Wen Genying and then at Song Yi. She originally thought that the X-files on the first project were basically nonsense, but she didn't expect that the part about Wen Genying was actually true.

Song Yi, this bastard, already has a sister and Kim Tae Hee, but he is still fooling around with women outside. His sister, Chen Bo Zhen, is the three-star eldest princess, and Kim Tae Hee is the most beautiful woman in South Korea. He has already enjoyed all the beauty, why would he attack the national sister Moon Geun Young?

Chen Xinyu is a super racing fan. After the SA Group won the right to host the F1 Korean Grand Prix, Chen Xinyu was so happy that she couldn't sleep for half the night.

Chen Xinyu specifically asked for leave from the company in order to watch F1 races, and then flew to China and Japan to watch F1 races. In two years' time, we will be able to watch the F1 race at our doorstep in South Korea. Of course, Chen Xinyu's excitement is palpable.

In fact, Chen Xinyu initially persuaded her father to introduce F1 racing, but Chen Jianxi refused at the time. Although Samsung also has an automobile business, the subsidiary Renault Samsung has been tepid. Even Renault Motors is in recession, let alone the joint venture brand Renault Samsung.

If Samsung introduces F1 competition, it will not bring much help to Renault Samsung's automobile business. Chen Jianxi will naturally lack interest.

Chen Xinyu originally thought that she might never see the F1 race come to South Korea in her life, but who knew that Song Yi, who did not follow the rules, actually realized Chen Xinyu's long-cherished wish.

In private, sister-in-law Lin Zhiling joked with Chen Xinyu that SA Group won the right to host the F1 Korean Grand Prix, and she felt that Xinyu was the happiest person. You said that this guy Song Yi is trying to please our Xinyu, so he went out of his way to apply for the F1 Korean Grand Prix?

Of course Chen Xinyu denied Lin Zhiling's speculation, but Chen Xinyu was still very happy inside. She knew that Song Yi could not apply for the right to host the F1 race to fulfill her wish, but she was still very happy that Song Yi could realize her wish. She had already made up her mind to work in SA until she retired. By the way, her target retirement age is thirty.

Later, the X-Files of the First Project leaked out, and there was a lot of black material on the Internet that smeared Song Yi and the SA Group. Chen Xinyu learned from her sister Chen Fuzhen that her eldest brother Chen Zaiyong concocted this X-file with all the loopholes in order to deal with Song Yi.

Song Yi won the right to host the F1 race, but Chen Zairong deliberately discredited Song Yi and poured dirty water on the SA Group.

As a member of the Samsung family, Chen Xinyu naturally felt a little guilty towards Song Yi. She originally wanted to find an opportunity to apologize for her eldest brother Chen Zaiyong and make up for Song Yi's injured heart.

But Song Yi's special trip to send Wen Genying home today made Chen Xinyu's guilt fly to the sky.

Chen Xinyu has now basically confirmed that her nephew Chen Yuanzhong is the child of her sisters Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi. Although Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen are not married, Chen Xinyu already regards Song Yi as her brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law" Song Yi went to Wen Genying's house to spend the night, and was bumped into by her sister-in-law. Can Chen Xinyu not be angry? She even wanted to call her sister Chen Fuzhen and tell her to come over and catch him, so that the two sisters could give Song Yi, this scumbag, a good beating.

Chen Xinyu ruined the good relationship between Song Yi and Wen Genying, and said to Wen Genying: "Genying, can you still cook? It's really amazing!"

"You know, I just moved here not long ago, and I can't cook. The nanny is not here today, so I can only cook ramen. If you don't mind, can I go to your house to have dinner with you? Although I can't cook anything. , but I can wash the dishes." Chen Xinyu looked at Wen Genying sincerely.

Wen Genying glanced at Song Yi in embarrassment. She actually wanted to enjoy the sweet time between the two of them like Song Yi, but with her innocent nature, she would not refuse Chen Xinyu's request.

Just when Song Yi was about to refuse, Chen Xinyu immediately added, "If Genying is entertaining other guests today, I will be embarrassed to interrupt."

"But I know the president and Secretary Jiang very well. We are all friends, so it won't be so awkward when chatting. Genying, after all, we are SA colleagues and good neighbors upstairs and downstairs. You shouldn't Can you bear to watch me starve?" Chen Xinyu said pitifully.

"If Miss Xinyu doesn't dislike my craftsmanship, then let's have a meal together." Wen Genying could only agree.

Song Yi guessed that Chen Xinyu probably deliberately wanted to ruin the good things between him and Wen Genying. Now he wanted to slap Chen Xinyu on the butt several times to make you ruin my good things!

Thank you all for your monthly votes. I am busy at work at the beginning of the month, so updates will be slower.

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