I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 241 Chen Xinyu’s compensation

Seeing that Wen Genying agreed, Chen Xinyu happily held Wen Genying's shoulders, "Thank you Genying, I know you are the best." After Chen Xinyu finished speaking, she did not forget to kiss Wen Genying's tender face.

Song Yi coughed and asked Chen Xinyu to restrain herself and not to rub off on Wen Genying. Chen Xinyu hugged her even tighter, a bit like demonstrating to Song Yi, "Genying, we are both girls, it's okay to hug each other."

"But you are not yet an adult, so you should try to have as little contact with mature men as possible, otherwise you will be easily tricked by them."

"When you are new to the world, I will take you to see the prosperity of the world; when you have experienced vicissitudes of life, I will take you to ride the merry-go-round."

"They use their best sweet words to weave an airtight love network, allowing you to indulge in a gentle trap, making you gradually lose yourself, no longer confident, and gradually become their vassal, or even just one of his many women. One person, sharing that little love." Chen Xinyu said.

Standing in the elevator, Jiang Xiuna almost laughed out loud. She really liked Chen Xinyu's character so much. Chen Xinyu said what she had always wanted to say but had not said. As a boyfriend, Song Yi was indeed impeccable, but it was absolutely impossible for her to willingly join Song Yi's harem!

Song Yi couldn't figure out why Chen Xinyu, who had always been good-tempered, was so hostile to him today. When Song Yi and Chen Xinyu worked together at Yahoo Korea, they had differences in work. Chen Xinyu always tried to persuade Song Yi with gentle words. Could it be that Chen Xinyu was complaining on behalf of her sister?

"Xinyu, you moved into The One Apartment. Did Fu Zhen come over to help you live in peace?" Song Yi planned to change the topic to avoid making the conversation so awkward.

Chen Xinyu was wearing high heels today. She looked straight at Song Yi, putting a lot of pressure on him, "Thank you, President, for your concern. My sister and sister-in-law Zhiling have come to help me warm up. Are you familiar with me, President? Otherwise, why would you call me Where is she Fuzhen?"

"If I had known that the president was a good friend of my sister, I would have invited the president to come over to help Wen Ju. I'm really sorry. I was rude." Chen Xinyu bent down slightly to express her apology.

As soon as Chen Xinyu finished speaking, Wen Genying and Jiang Xiuna looked at Song Yi with expressions of disgust. Song Yi now wants to slap himself in the face, make you talk bad, and make you mention Chen Fuzhen. It's okay now. When Chen Xinyu said this, even a fool would think that you and Chen Fuzhen have an ambiguous relationship.

Song Yi laughed, "President Fuzhen is an independent director hired by our SA, and we often interact with her at work. Once we get to know each other, there is no need to call her Shengwei. Just like I am used to calling Miss Xinyu Xinyu." "

Chen Xinyu sighed at Song Yi's shamelessness, "It turns out that the president treats my sister and I equally. I understand. I will tell my sister. Thank you for the president's love for me."

When Song Yi heard what Chen Xinyu said, he almost broke out in a cold sweat. What does it mean that I treat you two sisters equally? If you say this, Chen Fuzhen must have misunderstood. If Chen Fu really misunderstood what I did to you, she would probably fight me tooth and nail.

The eldest princess of Samsung has become Song Yi's secret lover. If the little princess of Samsung follows in Chen Fuzhen's footsteps, and if Chen Jianxi finds out, Song Yi will probably be killed with a gun.

When the elevator reached the 50th floor, Wen Genying opened the door and first brought a pair of men's slippers for Song Yi, and then two pairs of women's slippers for Chen Xinyu and Jiang Xiuna.

Chen Xinyu noticed Wen Genying's skillful movements and knew that this was not the first time that Song Yi came here, otherwise Wen Genying would not have specially prepared a pair of slippers for Song Yi. She was even more unhappy with Song Yi now.

Wen Genying entered the spacious Western-style kitchen. She glanced at Song Yi for help. She only knew how to cook some simple Korean dishes, which would be a bit difficult to use to entertain distinguished guests like Chen Xinyu.

Song Yi understood, got up and walked to the kitchen, "Genying, I'm already hungry, let me go and help you, so that everyone can eat early. Xiuna, you chat with Xinyu for a while, there is pure juice in the refrigerator , please help me get it."

Chen Xinyu waved her hand to Jiang Xiuna, "No, just bring me a bottle of water."

Jiang Xiuna opened the refrigerator and said, "Miss Xinyu, if there is no Sanduo water, can we only have Mount Kumgang mineral water?"

"Okay. Is Mount Kumgang mineral water produced in the north?" Chen Xinyu opened the bottle cap and took a sip. She felt that this mineral water had a sweet and refreshing taste, which was obviously different from the Sanduoshui sold on the market.

Jiang Xiuna nodded, "Yes, this Mount Kumgang mineral water is a high-end mineral water brand jointly produced by our SA Group and Jeju Development Corporation. It is currently only produced in small quantities and is mainly sold to Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone and Kaesong Industrial Park. . The Jeju Development Corporation sent thousands of pieces of mineral water to our group.”

When Chen Xinyu heard what Jiang Xiuna said, she felt even more dissatisfied with Song Yi. Song Yi was not favoring one over the other. My sister Chen Fuzhen didn't get anything, and my new love Moon Geunying's refrigerator was immediately filled with mineral water from Mount Kumgang.

Jiang Xiuna had a rare opportunity to sit alone with Chen Xinyu, and she was also very curious about the daily life of the little Samsung princess. Chen Xinyu is very popular on the Korean inschool website. Every time Chen Xinyu posts a photo on the inschool homepage, many fans will come and like it.

"Miss Xinyu, have you moved out of home now?" Jiang Xiuna asked curiously.

Chen Xinyu smiled bitterly, "It's not that easy. Although I have passed my twenty-sixth birthday, I am still the same as a child in the eyes of my parents. I occasionally live here for a few days during the week, and I must go home on the weekends. Accompanying mom and dad."

Jiang Xiuna started working right after graduating from university. In order to save rent, she lived in the examination room next to the university. It was a small single room of three or four square meters. Even to cook instant noodles, she had to go to the public kitchen outside.

Occasionally, a drunken man would knock on the door in the middle of the night, scaring her so much that she dared not sleep for half the night. She always had her mobile phone in her hand, ready to call the police at any time.

"Take your time. After all, you have lived at home before, and you have to give your parents a gradual adaptation process. In fact, you can go home to have dinner with your parents first, and then return to The One Apartment to spend the night. But this requires It will be harder if you run in both directions." Jiang Xiuna said.

"It doesn't matter if it's hard work. The main thing is that I have a tabby cat in the apartment. If I don't come back, I have to ask my sister-in-law or sister to help me feed it when I pass by the apartment. It's not good to bother them all the time." Chen Xinyu said. He picked up the carrot pillow on the sofa and held it in his arms.

"Civet cat?" Jiang Xiuna asked.

"It's the Chinese Garden Cat, the king of fighting power among cats. My general asked someone to find it. It also has a tiger-like king pattern on its forehead." Chen Xinyu suddenly became interested and proudly introduced her pet cat.

Jiang Xiuna looked at Chen Xinyu holding a pillow, and suddenly understood why Chen Jianxi did not agree with her youngest daughter to move out. Chen Xinyu's current image is exactly like that of a female college student who has not yet graduated, with a clear sense of stupidity in her eyes.

She is super fair and rich, with a net worth of over 100 million US dollars, but she still maintains her childlike innocence. If she is deceived, or is even carried away by love, she will follow Chen Fuzhen's example and break up with her parents. Then it will be too late for Chen Jianxi and the others to regret it. .

"I also have this pillow at home. When "Happy Farm" released plush toy peripherals, I bought a carrot pillow and a half-human tall white long-haired rabbit." Jiang Xiuna said.

"I heard that these plush toys are also the idea of ​​our president? How many times must he have been in love before he can grasp the psychology of girls so accurately." Chen Xinyu sighed, Song Yi is indeed a playboy!

Song Yi, who was serving steak outside, almost lost his balance when he heard Chen Xinyu's complaints. Wen Genying was so frightened that she quickly came to help him, "Oppa, aren't you burned?"

Song Yi put the steak on the dining table and glanced at Chen Xinyu expressionlessly, "Miss Xinyu, I have nothing to say to others. I worked hard in the kitchen to fry the steak for you, but you secretly said bad things about me behind my back. Isn’t it not good?”

Chen Xinyu was originally worried that Song Yi would be burned, but when she saw that Song Yi was fine, she refused to give in and said, "President, I didn't secretly say bad things about you behind your back. I said it in person, and was it true that what I said was Isn’t that true?”

Song Yi didn't expect that Chen Xinyu would contradict him in person. He couldn't get off the stage for a while, "I think you've just been too busy recently. Didn't you say last time that you suggested that Yahoo Korea's homepage should be revamped and prepare to learn from Baidu?"

"I think your suggestion is very good. I hope you can prepare a first draft at night, and then we will have a meeting to discuss it tomorrow morning." Song Yi said.

Chen Xinyu felt aggrieved, "How can anyone assign such a heavy workload after get off work? Why didn't you assign it when you were at the company yesterday? You are taking personal revenge and it's unfair!"

Song Yi sneered, "It's not fair! There is no fairness in this world! It is a naked lie that everyone is born equal."

"When you turned 20 and came of age, President Chen Jianxi gave you stocks worth US$190 million as an adult gift. When Souna turned 20, she was already working at a summer job to earn tuition while studying at Seoul National University."

"She was wearing a doll costume and standing on the streets of Myeongdong handing out leaflets, but someone hit her on the head as a prank. The pain was so painful that she almost fainted."

"Isn't she working hard? In order to reduce the burden on her parents, she can wear a doll suit and hand out leaflets despite the high temperature of more than 30 degrees. Isn't she excellent? Being able to defeat 99.99% of students in South Korea and get into Seoul National University has proved her Ability."

"When you were working, you lived in a super mansion with thousands of square meters at home. In order to save money, Xiuna would rather squeeze into the examination room with a few square meters. If a drunk man hadn't knocked on her door in the middle of the night, she wouldn't have asked me Ask for help and let me help her find a house and move."

"Ms. Chen Xinyu, we are not playing the game "The Sims". For ordinary people living at the bottom of South Korea, it is so difficult to continue to live. Therefore, South Korea's annual suicide rate ranks among the top among major countries in the world. ." Song Yi said.

Wen Genying didn't expect that the atmosphere of the chat suddenly became so serious. She pulled Song Yi's arm and signaled him to stop talking. This is not a company, so there is no need to act like a boss.

Jiang Xiuna also spoke, "President, I didn't have a good time in college because I was born in an ordinary rural family. My parents' meager income could hardly support my college expenses. Of course I had to work for them. Reduce the burden on."

"Of course I envy Miss Xinyu for having such a rich father, but being rich is not a sin. For my parents, they did their best to send me to Seoul University to study. They may not have that much money. , but the love you give me will not be less." Jiang Xiuna said.

When Chen Xinyu heard Jiang Xiuna say, "It's not a sin to be rich," she suddenly felt the urge to cry.

When she was playing CYworld, she posted a lot of pictures of her daily eating, drinking and having fun online, but she was criticized overwhelmingly by Korean netizens.

These netizens were extremely violent, saying that she showed off her wealth and that she was a parasite. Without Chen Jianxi, she would be nothing. You have made no contribution, why are you living such a luxurious life? When she heard from her peer Jiang Xiuna that "being rich is not a sin", it gave her a completely different feeling.

Because she entered SA Soft with the aura of a Samsung little princess, she actually works harder than other colleagues in the same department.

Later, she relied on her own efforts and achieved results step by step, gaining recognition from her colleagues in the company.

When Song Yi originally arranged for Chen Xinyu to join the game development team of "Kart Racing", other colleagues did not welcome her air landing, but she still used her hard work to break the rumors about her relationship.

After she took over the research and development work of "Audition", SA Soft suddenly had less doubts about her.

When "Audition" became popular in China, Japan and South Korea after its listing, Song Yi appointed her as the vice president of Yahoo Korea. The SA Soft board of directors unanimously believed that there was currently no more suitable candidate than her.

Unlike a few years ago, Chen Xinyu's reputation in inschool has completely turned around. This year, she and Wemade's Kim Hye-jin were selected as the top ten game producers in Korea selected by the Korean Game Industry Association.

At this time, she posted some photos of traveling abroad or dining in high-end restaurants, and there were not so many bad words. After all, the salary she received at SA Soft was enough to support her current living expenses. It used to be envy, jealousy, and hate, but now it's mainly envy, a small amount of jealousy, and no hatred.

Song Yi saw that both Wen Genying and Jiang Xiuna were speaking good words for Chen Xinyu in disguise, and he felt that there was really no need for him to argue with this little girl Chen Xinyu.

"Xinyu, I sounded a little harsh just now. I'm sorry, but I wasn't targeting you. We at SA Soft have never advocated overtime culture. I was joking with you just now. You can just hand over the Yahoo Korea homepage revision plan to us in two days. , let's eat first." Seeing that Chen Xinyu's eyes were red, Song Yi was afraid that Chen Xinyu would sue Chen Fuzhen, so he quickly spoke softly.

Seeing that Song Yi's attitude had relaxed, Wen Genying hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, "That's right, let's eat first. I fried the tomahawk steak by myself today, so hurry up and help me taste my cooking skills."

After dinner, Chen Xinyu actually walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes, but Wen Genying quickly stopped her. Just kidding, if Chen Xinyu bumped or cut her hand at her home, she would be worried that the insurance company would seek compensation from her.

Wen Genying usually asks a housekeeping company to come to her home to help with cleaning, but she does not hire a nanny. She started cleaning up in the kitchen, and Jiang Xiuna went to help.

When Song Yi saw that Chen Xinyu had no intention of going downstairs, he could only take the initiative and said, "Xiu Na, I'll take Miss Xinyu downstairs first. I'll wait for you in the parking lot and go back together."

Jiang Xiuna thought quickly. She knew that Song Yi planned to go down first and then take the elevator back. She made an OK gesture to Song Yi.

Seeing what Song Yi said, Chen Xinyu had no choice but to get up and leave. When the elevator stopped on the 49th floor, Chen Xinyu motioned to Song Yi to get out of the elevator. She had something to ask Song Yi.

Chen Xinyu was wearing a white suit today, with black pantyhose on her lower body, and her long black hair hanging down. She looked very charming and particularly feminine.

She raised her head and looked at Song Yi, bit her lip, looked at Song Yi with innocent eyes, and mustered up the courage to ask, "Song Yi, do you hate me very much?"

Song Yi was confused, "Xinyu, why do you think so? If I hate you so much, why do I insist on keeping you working at SA Soft, and why do I promote you to be the vice president of Yahoo Korea?"

Chen Xinyu disagreed with Song Yi's statement, "You promoted me to the vice president of Yahoo Korea because you recognized my work ability and believed that I can create corresponding value for the company. It has nothing to do with whether you like me or not."

"You are a person who distinguishes between public and private matters. You are a good boss at work and very easy to get along with. But every time we meet in life, you can't help but lecture me."

"I don't know why, but I always feel that you are quite hostile to our big conglomerates such as Samsung, SK, and Lotte. Since you feel that the chaebols have monopolized the Korean economy, deprived ordinary people of opportunities to get ahead, and formed a solidified class, then Why do you have to work so hard to lead SA Group to become one of the top ten financial groups? Could it be that the original dragon slayer will eventually become an evil dragon?" Chen Xinyu asked.

"Those who are successful will get more help, while those who are unjust will receive less help. South Korea's five major conglomerates are eager to have all the money-making industries in South Korea in their hands."

"Whenever they see a potential startup, they will try to force the founder to sell the company to them. If the founder doesn't agree, then they will use their monopoly position to suppress them, create a subsidiary in the same business, and then Use your financial advantage to squeeze others."

"For Samsung, a loss of tens of billions of won for a certain subsidiary or a certain business segment is just drizzle, but a start-up company will go bankrupt in minutes if it loses tens of billions of won. If the founder does not want to take on debt, then there are five major ways to sell the company. A consortium is the best option.”

"You have already made so much money, so don't just focus on those people who sell vegetables and earn three melons and two dates. The biggest difference between SA and Samsung is that we hope to support them through the two platforms of SA Bank and Sohan.com There are enough small and medium-sized enterprises to help these small and beautiful brands gain popularity," Song Yi said.

"SA Group acquired banks, founded the wireless TV station ABS, and obtained a telecommunications license. The rising SA is not copying the old paths of Samsung, SK and Rakuten."

"You may be able to stick to your original intention and help these small and medium-sized enterprises grow together. But if Sohan.com is the only one by then, and no e-commerce website can challenge Sohan.com's market position, you can really guarantee that you will not be responsible for these small and medium-sized businesses. Wielding a harvesting sickle?" Chen Xinyu raised her doubts.

"It is precisely because SA is expanding too fast. Last time you joined forces with Hyundai Motor, the Hyundai Group won the right to host the F1 Korean Grand Prix in one fell swoop, so the first planned X-file was leaked."

"I know that this X-file is definitely related to my elder brother and the others. He has always been very hostile to you. Here, I want to apologize to you on their behalf." Chen Xinyu bowed and apologized.

Song Yi waved his hand, Chen Zaiyong has not fully grown up yet, and he is not as sophisticated as Chen Jianxi. "Your brother is your brother, and you are you. There is no need to apologize for the mistakes made by others. Look, I don't blame your sister-in-law Lin Zhiling. She still cooperates with the Elephant Group, so how can I blame you?"

Chen Xinyu heard something strange. It sounded like Song Yi had a good relationship with her sister-in-law Lin Zhiling.

"To be honest, hosting the F1 Grand Prix in South Korea has been my dream since childhood. Now SA Group has helped me realize my dream, but it has attracted pressure from my elder brother and the others, which makes me very embarrassed."

"Just now I deliberately and shamelessly went to Wen Genying's house to have dinner, so that you couldn't stay at Wen Genying's house for the night, and ruined the good things between you and Wen Genying. Will you blame me?" Chen Xinyu asked Song Yi.

Seeing that Chen Xinyu admitted it, Song Yi felt embarrassed to blame her, "I don't blame you, I know you are doing it for your sister's sake and fighting for her."

Chen Xinyu snorted, "My sister is obviously so kind to you, but you are still messing around outside!"

Song Yi said seriously to Chen Xinyu: "Xinyu, I know you have good intentions, but you underestimate your sister too much."

"Your sister is such a strong person. She cares most about her career, and secondly her children. I don't even know how much I rank in her heart. So do you think your sister would care about me sleeping at night?" Which woman is at home?"

"If she really has such a jealous personality, do you think I could have married Taixi so smoothly?" Song Yi asked back.

Chen Xinyu felt that what Song Yi said made sense, and she was very angry. Could it be that from now on she would just let Song Yi spend time drinking and picking up women outside?

Song Yi found it funny, "Okay, don't be angry, your sister doesn't mind, why do you, a sister-in-law, worry about your brother-in-law's private life?"

Chen Xinyu felt that Song Yi was really shameless, and he had the audacity to call himself brother-in-law. But compared to the domestically violent, cheating, and gambling You Zaizhi, she would rather accept the playboy Song Yi as her brother-in-law.

"Bah, shameless, you haven't even married my sister, how can you be so shameless and call yourself brother-in-law?" Chen Xinyu was unhappy.

Song Yi continued to tease Chen Xinyu, "It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. Anyway, your sister called me husband when we were together. I am determined to be your cheap brother-in-law."

"Okay, I'm going downstairs first. Although I'm just standing in front of your house chatting with you, it would be troublesome if your family bumped into me and I was alone with you." Song Yi said.

Chen Xinyu shook her head, "Probably not. Only my sister and sister-in-law have been to this apartment. If they want to bring other people over, they will definitely say hello to me in advance."

Although Chen Xinyu is very beautiful, this rose has thorns, which can be seen or not eaten. Song Yi has no intention of getting into trouble with her. "Then Miss Xinyu, take a rest early. I'm going downstairs first. Goodbye."

Chen Xinyu felt frustrated when she saw Song Yi was in a hurry to leave. Her appearance, height, and figure were far superior to Wen Genying's. Apart from Wen Genying being seven or eight years younger, was Song Yi so unwilling to stay with her for a while?

She made a crazy decision at this time, "Song Yi, you fulfilled my dream of holding an F1 race in South Korea. Brother, they deliberately discredited you. Today I messed up your date with Wen Genying. I deeply feel about this." I feel guilty and I am willing to make some compensation to you."

Song Yi was immediately amused, "Compensation? How do you compensate? There is no one richer than me in the whole of Korea. There is no way you can replace Wen Genying——"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinyu took the initiative to step forward, hugged Song Yi, stood on her toes, and then blocked Song Yi's next words with her lips.

Song Yi looked at Chen Xinyu's beautiful face and thought he was dreaming. He never expected that Chen Xinyu would take the initiative to kiss her.

He recalled the process of his first close contact with Chen Fuzhen. It turned out that the two sisters had the same personality and liked to take the initiative.

It can be seen that the little Samsung princess's kissing skills are very raw, and she only knows how to touch lips. When Song Yi saw Chen Xinyu taking the initiative, he was not polite. He hugged her waist, leaned against her door, and then attacked Chen Xinyu's mouth.

Chen Xinyu was a little panicked now. She just wanted to kiss Song Yi as compensation, but Song Yi's next move was beyond her expectation. After all, Chen Xinyu is now twenty-six years old, so she gradually began to respond to Song Yi's kisses.

When Song Yi put his hand on her chest, Chen Xinyu noticed that Song Yi was going to occupy the high ground. She could only hold Song Yi's hand tightly to prevent him from moving.

As a result, when they were kissing passionately, the elevator door suddenly opened. Lin Zhiling thought that a man was bullying Chen Xinyu, so she stepped out of the elevator and hit Song Yi on the back of the head with her backpack.

Song Yi let go of Chen Xinyu in pain. Only then did Chen Xinyu notice Lin Zhiling's arrival. She couldn't help but exclaimed, "Sister-in-law, why are you here?"

Song Yi felt that today was really a bad day. As expected, the little princess of Samsung was not easy to take advantage of. Before he could do anything, he was hit hard on the back of his head.

He rubbed the back of his head in annoyance, then looked at Lin Zhiling, "Mrs. Chen, do we have any deep hatred? Are you going to be so cruel to me?"

Thank you everyone for your monthly votes. Well, the little Samsung princess’s first kiss is gone, and the progress will slowly speed up.

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