I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 242 Lin Chiling’s Apology

After Lin Zhiling saw Song Yi clearly, she quickly stepped forward to support Song Yi, "I'm sorry, President Song, I thought someone was bullying Xinyu. But why did you two--"

When Chen Xinyu heard Lin Zhiling's soul question, she was suddenly stuck and didn't know how to answer. She couldn't tell Lin Zhiling that she actually just wanted to make up for Song Yi. Who knew that Song Yi was getting worse and even coveted her good figure? This guy was really not a good person.

Song Yi coughed. The situation was indeed a bit embarrassing at the moment, "Xinyu, since your sister-in-law is here, I will go back. If you need anything, call her."

Chen Xinyu burst into laughter after watching Song Yi enter the elevator with her head covered. Song Yi looked pitiful and funny while covering her head. Who would have thought that Song Yi, the dignified president of one of the top ten financial groups, would be hit on the head with a bag.

Lin Zhiling shook her head. Chen Xinyu could still laugh now, but this girl was so heartless. She said to Chen Xinyu: "I have been standing for so long, and you are going to make me stand at the door."

Chen Xinyu's face turned red and she quickly opened the door, "Sister-in-law, why are you free to come and see me today?"

"I came here today to help Xiang Yu clean up the house, and then take a look at you. You, you, Song Yi has a wife, how can you fall in love with him?" Lin Zhiling said helplessly.

Chen Xinyu blushed and explained, "Sister-in-law, I don't like Song Yi." Chen Xinyu said that she just wanted to kiss Song Yi as compensation, to thank him for fulfilling her F1 dream, and to make up for the loss caused by the first plan to smear him.

When Lin Zhiling heard what Chen Xinyu said, she opened her mouth in surprise. But thinking about it carefully, this seems to be something Chen Xinyu can do. Her sister-in-law is a simple person, so her brain circuit is also different.

"You went to an all-girls school in college and worked at SA Soft after graduation. You haven't had any friends in so many years, so you gave your first kiss in such a daze. If you are with someone in the future, will you regret it?" Lin Zhiling asked.

Chen Xinyu shook her head, "Sister-in-law, what era are we in now? Seoul is full of unmarried couples living together. Maybe my future boyfriend will have two or three girlfriends before he met me, but I have always been guarded by him. How can I Isn’t it a huge loss?”

Lin Zhiling sighed inwardly. Although Chen Xinyu had always denied that she had a crush on Song Yi, Lin Zhiling could see that Chen Xinyu was actually deceiving herself. Although she couldn't see Chen Xinyu's expression, she could tell from Chen Xinyu's ambiguous behavior of holding Song Yi's back that she actually enjoyed the long kiss.

She is actually quite annoyed now. This guy Song Yi already has Chen Fuzhen and slept with her, and now he wants to attack Chen Xinyu. With you, you specifically picked out the woman from the Samsung family, right?

"Xinyu, why don't you resign from SA Soft. Now that you get along with Song Yi day and night every day, I'm worried that you will like Song Yi sooner or later." Lin Zhiling advised tactfully.

"Hmph! This guy is just a playboy, how could I possibly fall in love with him?" Chen Xinyu said with certainty.

"Xinyu, you have to know that when Song Yi transferred you from SA Soft to work at Yahoo Korea, the president always disagreed."

"As you said, the SA Group just won the right to host the F1 race, and Song Yi was crazily smeared by the First Project. You have been staying next to Song Yi, and the two of you have been in love for a long time, and something will happen to you sooner or later."

"If your affairs are known to the president, there are only two choices in order to preserve Samsung's reputation."

"First, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee divorce, and you marry Song Yi and become his stepwife. Second, the president will use all the resources of Samsung to suppress SA and make SA bankrupt. Several major consortiums will jointly divide SA's assets. At that time, the best outcome for Song Yi will be like your uncle, retiring in Yanjing and unable to return to South Korea for the rest of his life." Lin Zhiling said.

After Chen Mengxi and Chen Jianxi failed in their fight for the inheritance of Samsung, they were imprisoned by their father Chen Bingzhe. Now they live alone in Yanjing for a long time. Chen Mengxi's wife Fu Nansun, son Chen Zaixian, and daughter Chen Meijing have all cut off contact with him.

Of course, Fu Nansun is a smart person. Only after she drew a clear line with Chen Mengxi and curried favor with her father-in-law Chen Bingzhe, could she obtain the shares of CheilJedang and Samsung Marine Fire Insurance. Finally, he exchanged the shares of Samsung Marine Fire Insurance with Chen Kunxi and obtained control of CheilJedang, which led to the creation of the current CJ Group.

"Sister-in-law, I don't know why you think so highly of Song Yi's personal charm and think I will have something with him. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee's relationship is quite stable. Kim Tae Hee even gave birth to a son for Song Yi. How could I possibly go there? Break up their marriage?"

"And sister-in-law, you don't work in SA, so you can't feel the power of SA. Even though Samsung's economic size and revenue scale far exceed that of SA, SA currently has four major sectors: media, real estate, IT and finance. In addition to Samsung's ability to In addition to the financial business and real estate business competing with SA, the media business and IT business have long been distanced by SA."

"Unlike the five major consortiums, although they attach great importance to the Chinese market, they have been unable to develop in the Chinese market because these business leaders always view China with arrogance, while the SA Group is deeply involved in the Chinese market. Over the years, the Chinese market will contribute more than 80% of SA Group's revenue in the future."

"Sister-in-law, it may not be feasible for the five major consortiums to join forces to squeeze out SA. The five major consortiums may be backed by Wall Street capital, but behind the SA Group is China, which is getting stronger." Chen Xinyu said.

"Since Song Yi chose to leave you to work in SA, he must have made preparations for this. Xinyu, I'll go back first. I will keep you confidential what happened at the door just now and will not tell the president or your elder brother. , but I still have to remind you in the end to keep your distance from Song Yi." Lin Zhiling couldn't help but remind you.

Chen Xinyu took Lin Zhiling's arm and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will do it. In this way, I promise you, except in the company, I will take a detour when I see Song Yi. Now you can rest assured, right?"

Lin Zhiling took the elevator downstairs. When the elevator door opened, she found Song Yi waiting for the elevator. She was a little surprised, "President Song still wants to go upstairs?"

Song Yi was always embarrassed to say that he would stay at Wen Genying's house for the night. He nodded, "I just left something at Genying's house. Now go up and get it."

Lin Zhiling glanced at Song Yi hesitantly. She mistakenly thought that Song Yi was going back to find Chen Xinyu. She didn't want Song Yi and Chen Xinyu to be alone together. She smiled sweetly, "Really? President Song said that. I suddenly remembered that I seemed to have left something at Xinyu's house. I have to go up there again. President Song Do you mind taking the same elevator with me?"

Lin Zhiling stood in the corner of the elevator, keeping a meter away from Song Yi. She put her backpack in front of her and put her hands on it. After all, there was surveillance in the elevator, and she didn't want others to see her and Song Yi being too close.

Song Yi immediately guessed that Lin Zhiling was afraid that he would pester Chen Xinyu again. He joked with Lin Zhiling, "I feel psychologically affected after being hit by Mrs. Chen for such a long time. Don't worry, I will definitely not go to other floors to mess around." Shopping."

When Lin Zhiling heard Song Yi complaining, she felt a little embarrassed. She explained in a soft voice: "President Song, I really didn't mean it just now. I really misunderstood just now, and I apologize to you."

Song Yi actually liked seeing Lin Zhiling's blushing and shy look, and continued to tease her, "Mrs. Chen's verbal apology is too insincere."

Lin Zhiling glanced at Song Yi with shame and anger, "You have slept with me before. If I beat you this time, I will charge you some interest. Otherwise, how do you want me to apologize?"

Song Yi thought of Lin Zhiling tipping him off last time, and he decided to return the favor, "Mrs. Chen, I heard that your sister bought the 44th floor of this unit. As a developer, we, SA Construction, will pay special attention to the first batch of super high-rise owners to move in. I will give you a batch of expensive furniture as a thank you gift. Isn’t it convenient for you to show me around her apartment now so that our company can customize this batch of furniture?"

Lin Zhiling understood Song Yi's hint. She didn't expect Song Yi to be so bold and actually request her for a private meeting through the elevator surveillance camera. She raised her head and signaled Song Yi to calm down. It would be troublesome if someone heard the conversation in the elevator.

Song Yi immediately understood Lin Zhiling's concerns, "Mrs. Chen, don't worry, the surveillance in the elevator will only record videos, not audio recordings. No one can hear our conversation."

Lin Zhiling felt relieved and declined politely, "President Song, my sister is not at home now. It is not convenient for me to take you to see the house by myself. How about we come to see the house at another time."

Song Yi refused to give up the rare opportunity to be alone with Lin Zhiling, "Zhiling, I will go down to the 44th floor via the fire stairs from the 50th floor later. The safety door next to the nanny's room in the apartment is the exit of the fire stairs. I will wait a moment I’ll call you when I get there, open the door for me and I can come in.”

Song Yi turned his back to the surveillance camera when speaking to prevent anyone from reading the conversation between Song Yi and Lin Zhiling through lip reading.

Lin Zhiling pursed her lips and did not say whether she agreed or disagreed. After the elevator reached the 44th floor, Lin Zhiling walked out with her bag.

After she walked into Lin Xiangyu's apartment, she felt very uneasy. If the relationship between her and Song Yi in the Ashan Hotel last time was an accident, then today she took the initiative to have a private meeting with her lover.

Song Yi was very fast. As soon as she opened the fire door, Song Yi impatiently hugged Lin Zhiling and pushed her against the wall. Lin Zhiling was a little anxious and said, "Close the door first." Although the fire stairs in this high-rise apartment are basically basic No one will walk up the stairs, but the community management will still arrange for a cleaning lady to clean the stairs. It would be bad if someone hits me.

Song Yi locked the door, then hugged Lin Zhiling and walked to the living room. Song Yi put Lin Zhiling on the sofa and pressed Lin Zhiling under him. He looked at Lin Zhiling with burning eyes, "Mrs. Chen, you know I How long have you been looking forward to this day?"

Lin Zhiling felt Song Yi's enthusiasm, "You bad guy, you still call me Mrs. Chen at this time. Does sleeping with other people's wives give you a sense of accomplishment? Chen Zaiyong has designed a plan against you, so you will take revenge by sleeping with his wife. he?"

Song Yi lowered his head and kissed Lin Zhiling, "You think too highly of Chen Zaiyong. My opponents are only old foxes like Chen Jianxi, Cui Anyuan or Jin Dongbin. Chen Zaiyong can only hide in the corner and play tricks. They still owe some money. But you are right, sleeping with other people’s wives is indeed more fulfilling.”

When Song Yi was about to take further action, Lin Zhiling covered her chest with her hands, "Tell me first, do you have any thoughts about Xinyu?"

"Xinyu has such a good figure and looks so beautiful. If you want to say that I don't have any thoughts about you, it would be a lie. But don't worry, I know I can't touch her. I still have some sense of propriety." Song Yi told the truth.

Lin Zhiling was relieved now. She really didn't want to see the two consortiums Samsung and SA go into conflict. Otherwise, as the daughter-in-law of Samsung, she would feel uncomfortable being caught between Samsung and SA.

She let go of her hand and hugged Song Yi's lower back, "Be honest, if you say you don't have any thoughts about Xinyu, I will think you have bad intentions. How could Xinyu be so stupid and not recognize you clearly? The true face of this big pervert, the little girl’s first kiss was deceived by you.”

Song Yi cried out, "Zhiling, you are wronging me by saying this. I really didn't lie to her. It was obviously her initiative. I also noticed that it was her first time kissing, and I wanted to give her a good experience, so - —”

"So you took advantage of her, you are such a bastard." Lin Zhiling pinched Song Yi's waist.

"I really didn't take advantage of her. After all, she took the initiative. You also know me. I never take the initiative or refuse. Just like that night at the Ashan Hotel, when you took the initiative to get into Li Jingshu's bed, of course I couldn't refuse you. It’s like asking for sex.” Song Yi teased Lin Chiling.

"You bastard, you obviously slept with me by mistake, and you actually said that I took the initiative to ask for sex. I will fight with you today." Lin Zhiling said in shame and anger.

Song Yi and Lin Zhiling rolled into a ball on the sofa. Song Yi went to scratch Lin Zhiling's squeaky nest. Lin Zhiling didn't expect that Song Yi would suddenly attack, and she collapsed all of a sudden. She had to give up resistance and let Song Yi do whatever he wanted to her.

At the beginning of this battle, Song Yi took the initiative and launched an attack on Lin Zhiling's weakness. Lin Zhiling was beaten to the point of losing her armor after a while.

Lin Zhiling raised the white flag, "President Lin, today you finally got your wish. I smashed it with my bag today, and now I have made an apology and compensation. You should be satisfied now, right?"

Song Yi pretended to complain: "Mrs. Chen, your physique is too sensitive today. I feel like I haven't exerted much strength yet. Why did you fall down? You are having fun now. I can't get up or down now." what to do?"

Lin Zhiling rolled her eyes at Song Yi, "Don't pretend to be stupid, I don't believe you went back to the 50th floor to get something. If you feel unhappy, go find your new love Wen Genying. Someone else's little girl is downstairs. I’m waiting for you to pamper me.”

Song Yi kissed Lin Zhiling, "What, are you jealous? How about you stay here for the night, and I will stay here with you for the night?"

"Are you crazy? How could I spend the night outside? If I can stay at my parents' house for one night, how could I spend the night elsewhere? This lie can be exposed easily. You really want me and Jae Rong to divorce early, and then You can occupy me alone, right?" Lin Zhiling said angrily.

"Nonsense, I obviously want to spend more time with you. While it's still early, let's do it again. To save effort, this time you kneel on the sofa and hold on to the backrest, so that you are not so tired." Song Yi suggested.

Lin Zhiling had recovered some of her strength at this time. It had been a long time since she and Song Yi had an appointment, so naturally she wanted to spend more time with Song Yi. She obediently knelt on the sofa, holding the back of the sofa with her hands, waiting for the second half of the game.

Song Yi rubbed Lin Zhiling's smooth back and couldn't put it down. Lin Zhiling and Li Jingshu were both charming women with very similar figures. They felt excellent and gave Song Yi a great experience.

Since the fairy Li Jingshu bought the 45th floor upstairs, she became neighbors with Lin Sangyu on the 44th floor. Then when Zheng Chaodong is not at home, he can make an appointment with the two ladies, Li Jingshu and Lin Zhiling, and then have a great time playing a three-person battle of landlords.

While Song Yi and Lin Zhiling were playing on the sofa, Lin Zhiling's phone suddenly rang, startling Lin Zhiling. Song Yi hugged Lin Zhiling and remained motionless. Lin Zhiling picked up the phone and saw that the caller was Chen Fuzhen. She immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Fuzhen, do you have anything to do with me?"

Song Yi felt relieved after hearing that it was Chen Fuzhen. Lin Zhiling felt the changes in Song Yi's body and patted Song Yi behind her to tell him not to move.

"Yes, yes, well, I came over to see Xinyu today. Well, I have also persuaded her, but she is really unwilling to leave SA Soft and return to work at Samsung. She doesn't know that Song Yi, well, this guy will give her What kind of ecstasy soup did you drink?" Lin Zhiling said.

"What? The president said that if Xinyu doesn't return to Samsung, he will take back the stocks donated to her and redistribute them to Zai Rong and you? But will this arouse Xinyu's rebellious psychology? Well, that's the president The less Xinyu is allowed to interact with SA, the more Xinyu will go to the dark side, just like when you were determined to marry You Zaizhi." Lin Zhiling said.

Song Yi felt a little angry and slapped Lin Zhiling on the buttocks. Chen Fuzhen on the phone heard it and felt strange, "Sister-in-law, where are you now? Why do I still hear the sound of the slap?"

Lin Zhiling was so shaken by Song Yi's slap that she wished she could put the phone aside and make love with her lover Song Yi. "It's nothing. Now a mosquito bites me. I swatted it to death." Lin Zhiling said with difficulty.

Chen Fuzhen was suspicious when he heard this. Where could mosquitoes come from in this season in Seoul? "Sister-in-law, are you with my elder brother now?"

"No, didn't Xiang Yu buy an apartment in The One? The developer said that the first batch of high-rise owners would be given luxury furniture. I'm here to help, check and accept it, um," Lin Zhiling struggled to explain.

When Chen Fuzhen heard about The One Apartment, he immediately guessed that Lin Zhiling was most likely having an affair with Song Yi at the moment.

Chen Fuzhen thought that she hadn't seen Song Yi for a long time, and said to Lin Zhiling: "Sister-in-law, that's just right. I'm nearby. I'll go find you now. I'll be there soon. By the way, don't hang up the phone in a hurry."

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow.

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