I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 244 The new president of ABS TV station

Cui Shanji rolled her eyes at Song Yi, "Can Jae-chan and Yan Zhengxun be the same thing? You and I are dating. Jae-chan is not jealous, but is a little happy to see it happen."

"Yeon Jung-hoon is very precious to his beautiful wife. Ever since he pursued Han Ga-in, he has never been willing to let his wife go out to film. Last time, ABS TV station handed over the script of "Witch Yoo-hee" to Han Ga-in, and Yan Zheng-hoon didn't agree with Han Ga-in. I came out to film just to prevent you, a big pervert, from attacking Han Jiaren."

"Now that Xiyuan has invited Yan Zhengxun and his wife to your birthday party together in the name of SA Pictures, Yan Zhengxun can no longer find any excuse to refuse. Don't worry, when Han Jiaren comes to the island, she will definitely stay with Han Jiaren. , I won’t give you a chance to take action." Cui Shanji said.

"If I really have a crush on Han Jiaren, I can always find a way to create an opportunity to be alone with her. For this birthday party, both Taixi and Xiyuan will be on the island. Do you think I have a chance to eat secretly?" Song Yi asked back.

Cui Shanji thought about it. Kim Taehee invited so many people to Song Yi's birthday party this time. With so many eyes staring at her on the island, Song Yi really had no chance to attack Han Jiaren.

"I heard that Tae Hee is pregnant. If you get too depressed on the island then, you can call me to the yacht to talk about work and heart. By the way, in order to hide it from others, you have to call me on Zai Chan. "Cui Shanji teased Song Yi.

"Sister Shan Ji, you are really keeping Brother Zai Can under control now. You and I went on a date on the yacht, and you also asked Brother Zai Can to show us off. Isn't this a bit too much?" Song Song Yi was a little embarrassed, after all, Chen Zaican had been kind to him.

Cui Shanji walked to the door of the office and told Jiang Xiuna in the secretary's office, "Xiuna, the president and I have an emergency meeting to hold. It will take about half an hour. If someone comes to see you later, please ask them to wait."

Jiang Xiuna's face turned red when she heard this, "Okay, Director Cui." She didn't understand why Cui Shanji was so keen on dating Song Yi in the office. Could it be for the pursuit of excitement?

Cui Shanji walked to Song Yi on a catwalk, and then sat face to face on Song Yi. She deftly unbuttoned Song Yi's shirt, "I just like the way you act serious in front of me. You guy, you can't wait to sleep." Other people’s wives still want Zai-chan to be grateful to you, right?”

Song Yi said calmly, "That's not what I meant. I always feel that Brother Zaican was led astray by the two of us. If he had stopped me from the beginning, things would not have developed to this point."

Cui Shanji looked disapproving, "Compared with Zaichan's little lover, I'm certainly not as attractive as that little goblin. But your favor for me makes him feel in danger of losing me at any time. Maybe it's the difference between you two. You fight against me, but it makes him discover my charm."

"In his words, every time after I go on a date with you, he will come to my bedroom to spend the night. He is now addicted to this game. If you ask him to quit now, it will be even worse than killing him."

"Last time you spent the night in our apartment, even though all the lights in the bedroom were turned off, I could still feel Jaechan's presence. His peeking in the dark made me excited very quickly. Since this game can Why don't you continue to bring happiness to me, you and Zai Chan? Do you think you are tired of me?" Cui Shanji asked Song Yi worriedly.

"How is it possible? You are so considerate, and you are at the age when women are the most charming. How could I get tired of you? If Brother Zai Chan wants to go on a yacht, let him. But I still hope that you can return to the family. After all, Your daughter is not young now. If she knows that her parents maintain an open marriage, it may affect her views on mate selection," Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji slowly sat up and held Song Yi's neck with both hands, "We have also considered the issue you mentioned. Are you planning to take action against Zhou Dongyong recently? If Zhou Dongyong no longer serves as the president of ABS, you Just transfer me to ABS to replace him. By then you will be in Seoul and I will be in Bucheon City, and we will not have so many opportunities to have an affair."

Song Yi didn't expect Cui Shanji to be able to do two things at this time, "How did you see it? Zhou Dongyong obviously did a good job at ABS."

Cui Shanji kissed Song Yi and said, "You, you, there is not a word of truth in your mouth. You poached Son Seok-hee from MBC TV station, appointed him as the head of the news department of ABS TV station, and planned a "News Room" for him."

"This program has always exposed the dark side of South Korea, whether it is negative news about the ruling party or the opposition party, and Zhou Dongyong is very dissatisfied with it. When Zhou Dongyong was a news anchor at MBC TV station, Son Seok-hee had just joined MBC TV station. As an old-timer, Zhou Dongyong naturally looks down on the younger generation, Sun Shixi."

"Before, you and Zhou Dongyong had a tacit understanding. Zhou Dongyong was in charge of the news department, and you were in charge of the variety show department. Now that you have made Sun Shixi the director of the news department, doesn't it mean that you have taken away Zhou Dongyong's power. So I guess you are ready. It’s time to replace Zhou Dongyong, thank you for being able to tolerate him for so long." Cui Shanji said.

"Since Zhou Dongyong became the president of ABS, he has actually made a lot of contributions to ABS TV station. However, he also has many shortcomings. ABS TV employees generally report that he likes to talk, has a domineering style, and cannot be listened to. Suggestions from employees.”

"If any employee disobeys his opinions, he will retaliate. Previously, a certain news anchor named Jin from the news department was assigned to the logistics department to manage the warehouse, which caused a lot of complaints at ABS TV station."

"Not only that, he also said hello to KBS, SBS and MBC TV stations, asking these three TV stations not to accept Kim Min-sik's job change. Do you think I can keep Zhou Dongyong to continue to harm ABS TV station?" Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji moved for a while and rested on Song Yi's shoulder, "That Kim Min-sik should be yours, right? I know that in addition to Li Xianzhen, you also have an informant at ABS TV station, and you are always aware of the latest developments in ABS TV station."

Song Yi said: "This Kim Min-sik is really not mine. Do you still remember the previous serial murder case in Huacheng?"

"How could such a major news be forgotten? Wasn't the murderer Li Chunzai executed?" Cui Shanji asked doubtfully.

"Speaking of which, Lee Chun-jae was able to be executed, in fact, thanks to Kim Min-sik. When the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office and the Hwaseong County Police Department held a joint press conference, Kim Min-sik participated in the press conference as an inschool representative."

"At the press conference, Kim Min-sik asked police officer Ha Seung-gyun, who was responsible for handling the Hwaseong serial murder case, whether Lee Chun-jae should be executed. After all, South Korea has never executed a criminal since 1997. "Song Yi said.

Cui Shanji suddenly remembered, "Yes, yes, I also saw his question in the live broadcast of the press conference. I thought it was you who asked you to ask this question. He is good at making decisions about feelings."

"Kim Min-sik is a tough person. He only talks about right and wrong, not his position. When he was at MBC TV station, he wanted to report negative reports on the Zhong Xiaotong government, but was rejected by the president of MBC. Later, he left MBC in anger and joined I thought that although he was a thorn in the side, he was indeed a talent, so I finally put him on the ABS TV station, but as expected, he had a conflict with Zhou Dongyong." Song Yi said.

"You are deliberately laying a trap for Zhou Dongyong, and Zhou Dongyong is used to being domineering, so he just bumped into you. Then what reason did you use to remove Zhou Dongyong from the post of president? , as you said, Zhou Dongyong has actually made some achievements in the past two years." Cui Shanji was a little confused.

Song Yi gave it a try and said, "Zhou Dongyong and Sun Shixi will also attend my birthday party. You will know then."

Cui Shanji rolled her eyes at Song Yi, "Dexing! Come up and move yourself, I'm tired."

November 28th is Song Yi's 29th birthday. Deyogi Island has been cleared, and the original fishermen on the island have also been arranged by Kim Tae-hee to take a shore vacation.

Artists from SA management and SM Entertainment were the first to arrive. Fin.K.L, S.E.S, Girls' Generation, SS501, Boa, Kim Jong Kook and others were going to sing at the birthday party.

A small stage was set up in the central flat area of ​​Deyogi Island, and a number of tents were set up next to the stage. Inside the tent was a separate lounge, where members of the group could also change into their stage costumes.

Cha Taehyun, Jang Hyuk and Kim Jong Kook from the Year of the Dragon Club were sitting together. They looked at the artists coming in and out with envy.

Zhang Hyuk said, "It's really worth it to be as good as Chairman Song. The splendor of his birthday party is no less than that of SM Entertainment's family concert."

Cha Tae-hyun said: "Which artist in the entertainment industry wouldn't want to attend the birthday party of South Korea's richest man? As long as you show up at the birthday party, it will be much easier for you to get along in the entertainment industry in the future."

"Now that I think about the time when I first met President Song four years ago, it feels like it was a lifetime ago. President Song was already very rich at that time, but no one could have imagined that he has now become the richest man in South Korea! Zhong Guo, you Can you imagine that we watched the World Cup with the richest man in South Korea? If we brag about this experience in a variety show, the ratings of this program will be at least 5 points higher!" Cha Tae-hyun said.

Kim Jong Kook shook his head, "Now our president is an out-and-out business legend and the most popular person in the Republic of Korea. If you mention his interesting stories in a variety show, he will be on the news headlines tomorrow. A news headline is only worth 5 Even though the ratings are small, you may not underestimate the appeal of our president."

At this time, Jang Hyuk noticed that the best actor Song Kanghao had arrived, and he quickly pulled Cha Taehyun over to say hello. Song Yi's birthday party is also a good opportunity for artists to get closer.

Song Yi was also busy receiving guest representatives from ABS TV station at this time, including ABS TV station president Zhou Dongyong, ABS News Department Director Sun Shixi, and "North-South Dialogue" host Li Xianzhen.

Song Yi shook hands with them one by one, "President Zhou, Director Sun, Xianzhen. I'm really sorry to bother you all to come all the way."

Zhou Dongyong responded with a smile, "The president's birthday banquet is more like our SA Group's celebration banquet. After the president's personal assets surpassed Chen Jianxi, our SA's stocks have risen a lot."

"When our ABS held a shareholders' meeting, many shareholders asked us when ABS TV station could be separated from SA and listed separately. After all, our ABS TV station's revenue this year is expected to equal SBS TV station."

Zhou Dongyong knew that someone had complained in front of Song Yi recently, but he didn't think Song Yi dared to replace him.

In Zhou Dongyong's view, although ABS TV station is a private wireless TV station under the SA Group, it is the media mouthpiece of the ruling party's Open National Assembly. In a sense, his ability to serve as ABS president actually represents the will of current president Song Woo-seok.

Zhou Dongyong was promoted from the position of chairman of the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission to president of ABS TV station. This just shows how much Song Woo-suk attaches importance to ABS TV station. If Song Yi removes him, wouldn't it be a slap in Song Yuxi's face?

However, Zhou Dongyong knew that his reputation at ABS TV station was average. In order to regain Song Yi's trust, he took credit in front of Song Yi and emphasized that ABS TV station's revenue this year has grown rapidly compared to last year.

Song Yi patted Zhou Dongyong on the shoulder and said, "President Zhou has worked hard, and ABS TV station owes a lot to your current achievements."

Zhou Dongyong's expression froze. Although Song Yi was praising him, he was treating him like a subordinate of the company, which made him very uncomfortable.

Li Xianzhen, who was standing aside, noticed Zhou Dongyong's subtle expression and sighed secretly. Zhou Dongyong can't see the situation clearly now and can't tell who is the big king.

The SA Group has been giving blood to ABS TV station, giving people and money. If there are no TV dramas and variety shows produced by SA Films, how can ABS compete with KBS, SBS and MBC?

Song Yi worked so hard to help you stabilize the situation, but you, Zhou Dongyong, have always claimed to be Song Yuxi's man, and only maintained superficial respect for Song Yi. Which boss can tolerate a subordinate like you?

Zhou Dongyong gave host Li Xianzhen a lot of help in the early days of the program "North-South Dialogue". Li Xianzhen knew that Zhou Dongyong helped her because of her father Li Xiangda's face, but she was still grateful for Zhou Dongyong's help. However, if Zhou Dongyong and Song Yi had a conflict, she would definitely side with Song Yi without hesitation.

At this time, Lee Hyun Jin’s brother Lee Won and Song Woo Seok’s daughter Song Jingyan also arrived. As soon as Song Jingyan saw Song Yi, she came up and gave him a warm hug, "Brother Yi, happy birthday! I wish you have this day every year, and this day every year!"

Song Yi shook his head helplessly, "You are about to get married soon, but you are still so unstable. Aren't you afraid that your fiancé will be jealous?"

Li Yuan and Song Jingyan are already engaged and will officially get married after the Spring Festival. After Song Jingyan's marriage was confirmed, Song Yi knew that the time was ripe to replace Zhou Dongyong.

Song Jingyan snorted, "My husband wouldn't be so stingy! Brother Yi, you have helped me so much, so a mere hug is nothing, right, Oppa?"

Li Yuan looked at Song Jingyan dotingly and touched her head, "Jingyan is right. She has always respected President Song as her own brother. How could I be so jealous." Although she said that, But when Song Yi hugged Song Jingyan just now, there was an inexplicable look in Li Yuan's eyes.

Li Yuan had experienced a failed marriage before, and his ex-wife had an affair during the marriage, so now he is actually more concerned about Song Jingyan's intimate interactions with other men.

Li Yuan and Song Jingyan have already met their parents, and Li Yuan actually regards Song Yi as an imaginary enemy. Whether it is his father-in-law Song Yuxi or his mother-in-law Quan Shuliang, they are full of praise when they mention Song Yi. Those who don't know think that Song Yi is Song Yuxi's son-in-law.

When his brother-in-law Song Jianhao mentioned Song Yi, he also told him to have a good relationship with Song Yi and learn more from Song Yi. Only then did Li Yuan realize Song Yi's huge influence in the Song Yuxi family.

Li Yuan couldn't help but ask Song Jingyan before, "Jingyan, since your parents and eldest brother like Song Yi so much, why didn't they consider marrying you to Song Yi?"

Song Jingyan tilted her head and thought for a moment, "When Brother Song Yi first met my dad, my dad had not yet participated in the presidential election. But he was already in a relationship with Sister Tae Hee at that time. If he had been with Sister Tae Hee at that time, After we broke up, my dad might really introduce me to Brother Song Yi, but wouldn’t that mean nothing to you?”

When Li Yuan heard what Song Jingyan said, he felt a little uncomfortable. Have I become Song Yi's substitute?

He asked tentatively, "Then do you have a crush on Song Yi?"

Song Jingyan didn't notice Li Yuan's little thoughts and told the truth, "Song Yi is very handsome, very rich, and he can please girls. We are in constant contact, so we must have a good impression more or less. But my mother said, A man like Song Yi is more carefree and I can't control him, so he is really not a good match."

Once people have the seeds of suspicion, their perspective on things becomes different. For example, Song Yi and Song Jingyan really get along like brothers and sisters, but Li Yuan doesn't think so. He always felt that Song Jingyan had some unresolved feelings for Song Yi, so before he got married, he felt a little green on his head.

Song Yi didn't know what Li Yuan was thinking. He shook hands with Li Yuan and patted Song Jingyan on the back. "Okay, you guys find a seat first. The show will start soon. I'll pick up Xia first." minister."

Song Jingyan responded obediently, "Brother Yi, you get busy first. Oppa, let's go!"

After Li Yuan saw Song Yi patting Song Jingyan's back, his eyes became darker. He turned his attention back to Song Jingyan, "Oh, okay."

Justice Minister Xia Meiai is the most important guest at today's birthday party. Xia Meiai, who has completed the reform of the prosecutorial system, is now a popular figure in the ruling party.

Minister of Justice Ha Mi-ae and Seoul Mayor Park Dong-ho are considered to be the two candidates of the ruling party in the 2007 presidential election, and these two candidates have a close relationship with Song Yi.

There is now a saying from the outside world that after Song Woo-seok, Song Yi is likely to support a new president of South Korea. The question now is whether Song Yi supports Xia Miai or Park Dongho to participate in the 2007 presidential election.

For Song Yi, who has access to multiple media resources such as inschool, ABS TV, and Yahoo Korea, which candidate he prefers will have a higher probability of winning the intra-party election of the Open National Assembly. Therefore, the position of president of ABS TV station is very important. This is the reason why Xia Meiai came to Song Yi's birthday party.

After Xia Meiai met Song Yi, she immediately started talking about business. "The president sent me as a representative to persuade Dong Yong to resign. After all, we have just met each other, so don't make it so ugly."

"The president has said that ABS TV station is a private TV station. It is up to you to decide on the new president. He will not interfere. By the way, have you thought of a suitable candidate?" Xia Meiai asked.

Through Kim Min-sik, Song Yi already had evidence of corruption during Zhou Dongyong's tenure as the president of ABS. Zhou Dongyong bought a lot of expensive clothes and expensive red wine for him personally in the name of clothing and entertainment expenses. If Song Yi insists on pursuing the case, he can send Zhou Dongyong to prison for a few years.

When Song Woo-seok ran for president, Zhou Dongyong, Ha Mi-ae, Park Dong-ho and Song Yi were all members of Song Woo-seok's campaign team. Xia Meiai later became the Minister of Justice because of Song Yi's suggestion. Zhou Dongyong's appointment as chairman of the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission also provided key help for SA Group's bid to host a wireless TV station.

It is because of this friendship that Song Yi does not want to completely break up with Zhou Dongyong. So it is undoubtedly the most appropriate for Xia Meiai to serve as a lobbyist to persuade Zhou Dongyong to resign voluntarily. Because Ha Mi-ae's intervention means that President Song Woo-seok has given up on Zhou Dongyong.

I have something to deal with today, so the update is late. See you all tomorrow!

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